Rapport fra Økonomiudvalgets studietur til Hamborg, maj 2012

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1 Rapport fra Økonomiudvalgets studietur til Hamborg, maj

2 1. Indholdsfortegnelse Deltagerliste... 2 Referater... 3 Onsdag, d. 2. maj Besøg på HWWI - Hamburgische Welt Wirtschafts Institut... 3 Besøg på Hamburg University of Applied Science, CC4E Competence Center für Erneuerbare Energie und Energieffizienz... 4 Besøg på det danske generalkonsulat... 4 Hamburg Senatskanzlei... 5 Besøg på Handelskammer Hamburg... 6 Torsdag d. 3. maj Besøg hos IBA-Hamburg, herunder guidet cykeltur... 7 HafenCity en guidet gåtur fra gennem havnebyen fra NachhaltigskeitsPavillionen i øst til Elbphilharmonie i vest... 8 Besøg hos HWF - Hamburgerische Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung inkl. Cluster Erneuerbare Energien... 9 Regnskab for turen Bilag Deltagerliste Jan Ravn Christensen, formand for udvalget Eva Ryberg, medlem af udvalget Niels Christian Selchau-Mark, medlem af udvalget Niels Højberg, stadsdirektør Christian Mølgaard, juridisk chef og sekretær for udvalget Jan B. Schmidt-Sørensen, erhvervschef Peter Pedersen, økonomidirektør Christian Lausten Sørensen, specialkonsulent Borgmester Jacob Bundsgaard deltog i besøgene onsdag d. 2. maj hos generalkonsulen og senatoren. 2

3 3. Referater Onsdag, d. 2. maj 2012 Besøg på HWWI - Hamburgische Welt Wirtschafts Institut Oplæg ved professor Michael Bräuninger Tyskland har en målsætning om at omstille 75 % af sin energiforsyning fra a-kraft og kul til bæredygtig energi pga. beslutning om lukning af a- kraftværker og Kyoto-aftalen. Den magiske trekant er forsyningssikkerhed, miljøhensyn og økonomi. Tyskland er udfordret af stor energiefterspørgsel i syd og stor produktion i nord. Den samlede udfordring for Tyskland giver gode muligheder for innovation. Hamborg og Nordtyskland er godt i gang, f.eks. med intelligente opladere til bærbare computere, tv etc. Michael Bräuninger vurderede, at målsætningerne om 80 % vedvarende energi i 2050 er uopnåelig, men at der bliver talt om målene i offentligheden. I Hamborg arbejder man med kontrakter med virksomheder med henblik på at nedbringe CO2-udslippet. Prisforhøjelser/afgifter vil være eneste virkningsfulde middel til at sænke det private energiforbrug. Oplæg ved forskningsdirektør Silvia Stiller Hamborg er vækstmotor i Metropolregion Hamburg, som mangler sammenhængskraft. Samlet BNP og vækst er lavere end gennemsnit i hele Tyskland. Til gengæld er befolkningstilvækst og beskæftigelse højere i Metropolregionen end i resten af Tyskland. Metropolregionen har en udfordring, når det gælder innovation og forskning, sammenlignet med Sydtyskland. Videnbyer trækker udviklingen i Tyskland. Videnerhvervene er vigtigere for Hamborg end havnen, men Hamborg halter efter med hensyn til vidensandelen i produkter og ydelser. Senator Horch tog initiativ til at oprette klyngeorganisationer, som driver kontakterne til virksomheder, markedsføring og netværk. Der er fokus på kvalitativ vækst, ikke bare kvantitativ vækst. 3

4 Besøg på Hamburg University of Applied Science, CC4E Competence Center für Erneuerbare Energie und Energieffizienz Oplæg ved Hans Schäfers Der henvises til powerpointpræsentationen, som er vedlagt som bilag til denne rapport. Konklusionen på første del af indlægget var, at et energisystem baseret på vedvarende energi ikke blot forudsætter en tilstrækkelig kapacitet for energiproduktion, men også behøver et meget fleksibelt energisystem, der er kendetegnet ved i) flexible generation sites ii) flexible electric loads og iii) facilities for surplus energy storage. Anden del af indlægget præsenterede to udviklingsprojekter, nemlig E- Harbours og Smart Power Hamburg. Besøg på det danske generalkonsulat Oplæg ved generalkonsul Claus Hermansen Generalkonsul Claus Hermansen fortalte om Tysklands og Hamborgs store betydning for Danmark som vores største eksportmarked. Tyskland er verdens fjerdestørste økonomi. Genforeningen er stadig en væsentlig faktor i Tyskland, og der er fortsat stor forskel på købekraften i øst og vest. Arbejdsløsheden er faldende, og økonomien er i positiv udvikling. Hamborg er omdrejningspunktet i en nordeuropæisk region. Havnen er stadig central i byens udvikling. På sigt vil det ændre sig, fordi de store skibe har en dybdegang, som Elben ikke kan klare. Havnens betydning vil derfor blive mindre med tiden. Der er fortsat meget industri i Hamborgområdet, og blandt andet energisektoren og luftfart/flyfabrikation har stor volumen. 4

5 Claus Hermansen fortalte om det samarbejde, der allerede er mellem Nordtyskland og Danmark omkring erhvervsudvikling og talte for, at der fokuseres på dette samarbejde, som bør udbygges i de kommende år. Hamburg Senatskanzlei møde med senator Horch Mødet med senator Horch handlede om de muligheder, der er i et samarbejde mellem Aarhus Kommune og Hamborg. Senatoren fortalte om de perspektiver, Hamborg ser i et samarbejde. På energiområdet er det særligt på områder som vind, der er fælles interesser, og hvor det er vigtigt at se hinanden som samarbejdspartnere og ikke konkurrenter. Man bør se Nordeuropa som en samlet region, der skal konkurrere med andre regioner rundt i verden. Vi skal se hinandens styrker og understøtte hinanden. Jacob Bundsgaard erklærede sig enig og sagde, at det er oplagt at samle interessenter (byer, regioner) ned gennem Nordeuropa med fokus på infrastruktur og vedvarende energi. Senator Horch foreslog konkret, at der afholdes en fælles konference med afsæt i vindenergi for at få afdækket de muligheder, der ligger i et samar- 5

6 bejde. Han så det også sådan, at der skal arbejdes sammen nord/syd, og at der kan udvikle sig en stærk akse. Aarhus har med sin havn et stærkt aktiv, fordi store skibe kan gå ind til havnen. Senatoren pointerede slutteligt, at man skal finde de konkrete områder, hvor det giver mening at samarbejde, og så handle på det. Besøg på Handelskammer Hamburg Oplæg ved Paul Elsholz Handelskammeret har gennem årene presset på, for at Hamborg skulle oprette forskerparker i tilknytning til universiteterne. Senator Horch har tidligere været præsident for Handelskammeret og har gjort forskerpark til en prioriteret opgave for regeringen. Planen er at udvikle Hamborg til den mest innovative by i Europa. Handelskammeret har fremlagt en plan for, hvor og hvordan disse forskerparker kan etableres over en længere tidshorisont. Hamborg insisterer på en udvælgelse af relevante klynger ( pick the winner ), så det ikke stritter i alle mulige retninger, frem for at lade det vokse op nedefra med fokus på indhold og innovationskraft. 6

7 Torsdag d. 3. maj 2012 Besøg hos IBA-Hamburg, herunder guidet cykeltur IBA står for Internationale Bauausstellung. Der var dog langtfra tale om en byggeudstilling i traditionel forstand, men om et meget stort by- og arealudviklingsprojekt på Elb Insel. Elb Insel er en ø i floden Elben, centralt beliggende i forhold til Hamborg, gennemskåret af store trafikanlæg, lavt beliggende med risiko for oversvømmelser, men beskyttet af diger, med en hel del nedslidt industri mm. og med forskellige nedslidte boligområder. Det samlede indbyggerantal er omkring , hvoraf langt de fleste er af anden etnisk herkomst den største befolkningsgruppe er tyrkere (32 %). Målet med projektet er at skabe en attraktiv bydel, meget tæt på det centrale Hamburg. Hamburgs delstatsregering har stillet 100 millioner euro til rådighed for den centrale planlægning/ koordinering af og centrale investeringer i omdannelsesprojektet. Herudover er der en række særskilt finansierede, konkrete projekter, der har fået IBA s stempel og således indgår i byggeudstillingen, som altså skal ses som et konkret byomdannelsesprojekt med en række konkrete demonstrationsprojekter. Udvalget blev indledningsvist præsenteret for en model af området, som gav et godt overblik. Efterfølgende cyklede man rundt og fik et førstehåndsindtryk af både udfordringer og løsningsmuligheder, bl.a.: 7

8 hvordan der visse steder blev brudt hul i hegnet til de store diger og blev etableret løbe/ spadserestier, så digernes rekreative potentiale kunne udnyttes hvordan en gigantisk og meget grim beskyttelsesbunker fra 2. verdenskrig var under omdannelse til et stort biomasseanlæg, vandforsyning og solcelleanlæg. Anlægget ses som en del af bydelen Wilhelmsburgs identitet, og som symbol for renewable Wilhelmsburg. hvordan der blev etableret et nyt regeringskvarter med nye administrationsbygninger for Hamburgs Delstatsregering, flere eksempler på byomdannelse/nybyggeri med fokus på beboerinddragelse, bæredygtighed og minimalt energiforbrug. Det kan anbefales at se nærmere på hjemmesiden som både giver en god beskrivelse af de enkelte projekter, der arbejdes med, og det generelle koncept omkring IBA-Hamburg. Selvom Elb-Insel har en helt anden karakter, var der store dele af tankegangene, der kunne genkendes i forhold til Helhedsplanen for Gellerup. HafenCity en guidet gåtur fra gennem havnebyen fra NachhaltigskeitsPavillionen i øst til Elbphilharmonie i vest Udviklingsområdet HafenCity dækker 157 hektar, hvilket gør det til et af de mest prominente midtby/havneudviklingsprojekter i verden. Det vil frem mod 2025 udbygge Hamborg City med 40 %. Masterplanen blev udfærdiget i 2000 og revideret i Ifølge planen skal området skal rumme et mix af beboelse (6.000 nye hjem), servicevirksomheder, kultur- og fritidstilbud, turisme og handel (samlet ekstra jobs). 8

9 Udvalget hentede værdifuld inspiration til udviklingen af Aarhus bynære havnearealer, særligt med hensyn til Hamborgs fokus på at skabe liv i området. Læs mere om HafenCity på denne hjemmeside: Besøg hos HWF - Hamburgerische Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung inkl. Cluster Erneuerbare Energien Første del af besøget var en præsentation af Hamborg som lokaliseringssted for virksomheder, herunder en præsentation af Hamborgs erhvervsmæssige styrker. Anden del var en fokuseret præsentation af klyngeorganisationen for vedvarende energi. De to præsentationer er vedlagt som bilag. 9

10 4. Regnskab for turen Poster Bustransport til og fra Hamborg Hotel Konsulentbistand til turplanlægning Gaver Diæter Forplejning og taxakørsel under opholdet Total Udgift kr kr kr kr kr kr kr. Antal deltagere: 8 Gennemsnitspris pr. deltager: kr. 5. Bilag Præsentation fra Hamburg University Præsentation fra HWF, 1. del: Discover Hamburg Præsentation fra HWF, 2. del: Renewable Energy Hamburg 10

11 University of Applied Sciences Hamburg Research for Demand Side Integration Taking advantage of what is already there - 1 -

12 HAW, CC4E & C4DSI Why research DSI? Two Projects at C4DSI E-Harbours Smart Power Hamburg - 2 -

13 HAW, CC4E & C4DSI - 3 -

14 HAW Hamburg: University of Applied Sciences HAW Hamburg Technology and Informatics Life Sciences Economics & Social Sciences Design, Media, Information 2nd largest university in Hamburg 4 Departments, 19 Faculties, 63 degree programs 13,600 students, 370 Profs Assistant Profs.

15 CC4E Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz der HAW HAW Hamburg Technology and Informatics Life Sciences Economics & Social Sciences Pooling of research activities in renewable energy and energy efficiency at the Competence Center Erneuerbare Energien & Energieeffizienz Design, Media, Information Installation of a field of expertise in Northern Germany Activity Areas: Teaching, Research, Transfer Partnerships, Networking Cooperation with Universities, Copanies and other Institutions

16 CC4E Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz der HAW HAW Hamburg Technology and Informatics Life Sciences Economics & Social Sciences Design, Media, Information Research activities in Demand Side Integration at CC4E in the Center for Demand Side Integration Interdisciplinary research team with a strong focus on DSI in cities Current Public Projects: E-Harbours, Smart Power Hamburg Private R&D Projects New Partners welcome

17 Why research DSI? - 7 -

18 The political aims concerning the energy turnaround: Europe aims at realizing an ambitious agenda 20% less energy consumption < 20% 20% less CO2 20% demand coverage by renewable energies Some European countries go further than that: Germany aims at an share of 35% electricity from renewables by 2020, 50% by 2030 and 80% by

19 The generation/consumption balance and the electricity grid setpoint Setpoint 50 Hz Use of reserve power Load Generation Deviation from load prognosis Large load noise Drop out of larger loads Reasons for larger deviations: Deviation from generation prognosis (esp. wind) Drop out of generation units - 9 -

20 - 10 -

21 - 11 -

22 Energie-Campus HAW: Forschungs-/Innovationsprojekte Demand Side Integration Problem: A rising share of renewables leads to higher fluctuations in power generation. Base load as a concept vanishes. Simulation of a share of 47% REG (Weather data of 2007). Source: Fraunhofer IWES

23 Power in GW Resulting residual load (RE generation minus load) expected for 2020 in Germany

24 Power in GW Resulting residual load (RE generation minus load) expected for 2020 in Germany Plus generation from existing (!) base load PP

25 Energie-Campus HAW: Forschungs-/Innovationsprojekte Demand Side Integration Indespensable part of the solution: Smoothing fluctuations via Integration of the Demand Side (Demand Response) and storage of surplus generation (e. g. Power to Gas) Influence of DR and PS (Potential of 2006) at 47% REG (Weather Data 2007). Quelle: Fraunhofer IWES

26 Conclusion For a renewable energy system we do not only need the renewable generation capacity but also a very flexible (new) energy system which contains flexible generation sites (no base load generation needed) flexible electric loads facilities for surplus energy storage The C4DSI focuses its research on identifying and integrating flexible loads and storage facilities on the electrical and thermal demand side

27 Two Public R&D Projects at C4DSI 1. E-Harbours 2. Smart Power Hamburg

28 Two Public R&D Projects at C4DSI 1. E-Harbours

29 E- harbours: Supported by: EU Interreg North Sea Regions Programme Duration: 01/09/ /08/2013 Total Eligible Budget: 4,820,120; ERDF Grant: 2,410,060. Lead Beneficiary: Municipality of Zaanstad Partners: Municipality of Amsterdam, NL Port of Antwerp, BE City of Malmö, SE Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, GE Pure Energy Centre, UK Robert Gordon University, UK Uddevalla Energy, SE VITO, BE

30 The objectives of e-harbours: The challenge is to create a more sustainable energy model in harbour regions on the basis of innovative intelligent energy networks (smart grids). e-harbours focuses 3 objectives in 7 show cases: 1) Increase the use of renewable energies and flexible loads in harbours regions 2) Increase the use of smart energy grids to atune energy demand and supply 3) Increase the use of electric tranport in harbours

31 Show Case 1 and 2 Hamburg and Antwerp Aim: Find flexible loads in harbour companies Connect them to virtual power plants Apply/develop necessary business models

32 Survey in Hamburg Land use and identified/analysed companies in the port of Hamburg

33 So far: Closer Examination of 3 cold storage facilities K1: 600 kw (440 kw) cooling power K3: 132kW (100 kw) cooling power K4: 200 kw (180 kw) cooling power Examination of financial potential regarding structured purchase untypical grid usage (low during peak, high during offpeak) selling reserve capacity combination of the above


35 Two Public R&D Projects at C4DSI 2. Smart Power Hamburg

36 SMART POWER HAMBURG Smart Power Hamburg A joint research project Lead Partner: HAMBURG ENERGIE GEFÖRDERT DURCH: Scientific Research by two universities: RWTH Aachen and HAW Hamburg Funded by BMWi as part of the funding initiative EnEff:Wärme FÖRDERPROGRAMM: Running time until end of 2014 SMART POWER HAMBURG Konsortialführer Wissenschaftliche Begleitung Gefördert durch: aufgrund eines Beschlusses des deutschen Bundestages

37 GENERATION Combined Heat and Power Production Flexible Power Generation SMART POWER HAMBURG STORAGE Flexibility of CHP via heat stroage IN URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE - Bunker - Swimming Pools - Heat distr. grids DEMAND Smart Metering Demand Response HVAC in public properties MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AS OPEN PLATTFROM CONCEPT OPERATED HAMBURG ENERGY Energy Efficiency of properties in the Pool Energy services for CHP and property owners Services to the energy system (DSO &TSO) Gefördert durch: aufgrund eines Beschlusses des deutschen Bundestages

38 Pre-Runner to SPH: E-Island Simulation of a balancing group of 120 public properties at MVL in a network of 120 Smart Meters and 20 Standard Load Management Devices (Matlab/Simulink). Dipl. Ing. (FH) Hans Schäfers Schaefers@sumbi.de

39 3 Bisherige Ergebnisse Mittwoch 2. Juli 2008 Szenario 1: Fahrplaneinhaltung

40 3 Bisherige Ergebnisse Mittwoch 2. Juli 2008 Modellbildung und Simulation des Szenario 2: Pos MRL -> Regler Min

41 3 Bisherige Ergebnisse Mittwoch 2. Juli 2008 Modellbildung und Simulation des Szenario 2: Neg. MRL -> Regler Max

42 Thank you for your attention

43 Introduction to Hamburg as a Business Location Stefan Matz, Director International Business HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation

44 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

45 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

46 HAMBURG Facts and Figures Hamburg in Germany Second largest city in Europe's largest domestic market Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is one 16 federal states Germany s economically strongest federal state Germany s most dynamic business region Germany s most international city Highest purchasing power in Germany

47 HAMBURG Facts and Figures Stable population growth Second highest increase of employees in Germany Second highest percentage of highly skilled personnel in Germany More managing directors than in any other federal state Hamburg Total Region Area 755 km² km² Population 1,77 Mio. 4,3 Mio. Employees subject to social insurance contribution 0,8 Mio. 1,4 Mio.

48 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

49 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

50 HAMBURG International Trade Metropolis Most International City in Germany 650 Asian companies 400 Nordic companies 120 US companies 250 companies from Eastern Europe and Russia

51 HAMBURG International Trade Metropolis Renowned International Enterprises In Hamburg

52 HAMBURG International Trade Metropolis Denmark and Hamburg: Volume of trade in 2011: approx. 1.4 bill. More than 250 Danish companies established in Hamburg HWF consulted more than 200 Danish companies Rich variety of Danish institutions: Consulate General of the Kingdom of Denmark, the German-Danish-Association, DBC - Dansk Business Club

53 HAMBURG International Trade Metropolis Denmark and Hamburg: More than 74,000 Danes visit Hamburg every year Very good traffic connections to and from Denmark: regular flights and direct trains to Copenhagen and Aarhus, travel times only 4 ½ hours Good cultural infrastructure, e.g. Den danske Sømandskirke and Scandinavian school and Kindergarten

54 HAMBURG International Trade Metropolis Renowned Danish companies in Hamburg

55 HAMBURG International Trade Metropolis Attractive Business Environment Business culture: more than 800 years of trading expertise Workforce: highest productivity in Germany Hamburg Harbor: second largest European seaport, No. 1 Gateway to Asia Traffic hub: centre for transportation via air, water and road in Northern Europe

56 HAMBURG International Trade Metropolis Economic structure: well balanced with more than 80% level services industry and strong small sized companies, most hidden champions in Germany Innovation: third most patents per inhabitants in Germany Exceptionally high living standard combined with comparably low living costs Economic growth of approx. 14 % until 2015 forecasted in 2009

57 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

58 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

59 HAMBURG A City Worth Living In World Class Cultural Offering The world s third most important city for musical productions (e.g. The Lion King, Tarzan) Three internationally renowned state theatres, incl. the Hamburg State Opera House with John Neumeier s ballet Exeptional array of first class restaurants (10 Guide Michelin Stars) The Reeperbahn, unique and famous in the world

60 HAMBURG A City Worth Living In HafenCity Hamburg Harbourcity The largest urban development project in Europe. Hamburg is growing downtown by around 40 percent or 157 hectares. By 2020, 40,000 people will be working and around 12,000 living here.

61 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

62 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

63 HWF HAMBURG connecting people and markets The HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation The central contact, consulting and service agency for companies from all industries One stop shop: supports businesses in implementing their expansion, restructuring and investment projects Service strictly confidential and free of charge

64 HWF HAMBURG connecting people and markets Competence with an International Perspective HWF International Business Service: Support for all international companies from start-up to transnational enterprise Providing comprehensive information on location and business environment Assistance in obtaining residence and work permits Approval procedure consultancy and acceleration Brokerage of suitable office/commercial space Putting companies in touch with experts and cooperation partners Bridging the culture gap between company and location

65 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

66 CONTENT Hamburg as a Business Location Hamburg Facts and Figures Hamburg International Trade Metropolis Hamburg A City Worth Living In HWF - Hamburg Business Development Corporation Introduction and Fields of Business Partnering Organisations: Cluster Initiatives Contactdetails

67 HWF HAMBURG connecting people and markets At the centre of thriving industries - HWF is partnering with the initiatives of Hamburg s successful clusters: Aviation Life Sciences Logistics Media, IT and Telecommunication Renewable Energies Shipbuilding, Habour and Seafaring

68 THANK YOU for your attention! HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation Habichtstraße Hamburg Germany Tel.: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0)

69 Foto: segovax / pixelio.de Hamburg Media Server Hamburg: International Hub for Renewable Energy Know-How and Services May 2012, Jan Rispens, Managing Director

70 Renewable Energy in Germany Key Facts Renewable Energy in the German electricity sector in 2010: Overview 2010 Production: 101 TWh Jobs: Investments: 27 Billion Electricity share: 17 % 1st Half Year 2011: > 20% German Gov. goal 2020 > 30% 2

71 Wind Energy in Germany Key Facts Number of installed wind turbines and capacity in Germany 2010: Overview 3

72 Offshore Wind Essential for Energy Supply 25,000 MW installed power government goal: Electricity production in 2030 of 100 TWh 15-20% of electricity demand in Germany Without alternative, while no other renewable energy: with comparable generation potential with comparative cost potential with full load hours per year 4

73 Challenge: Technology and Investments 25,000 MW by 2030: Approx. 5,000 turbines Turbines: tonnes Foundations: >1.000 tonnes Investments: Billion 30% investment for turbines 70% investment for foundations, installation, ships Track-Record 5

74 Offshore Status of development in Germany 21 GW project pipeline in Germany already around 8.5 GW consented about 1.7 GW secured through contracts Source: WAB Windenergie Agentur Bremen

75 Renewable Energy Framework in Hamburg Climate change and environmental targets demand focussed action: 20% renewable energy until 2020 as target from the Hamburg Climate Protection Plan % renewable energy in 2050 as a long term goal European Green Capital 2011 award is an incentive for the future development of Hamburg Hamburgs industrial policy is based on sustainable growth: Growth with foresight is the city s mission statement Focused cluster development in innovative industry sectors The renewable energy sector is a growth sector with a long term potential: Stability and growth despite worldwide economic downturn Increased business settlement by international companies recently Strategic support by Hamburg government 7

76 Renewable Energy in Hamburg - Overview 1,466 companies, 53.3 % in Hamburg City, active in the field of Wind, PV, Bioenergy in Hamburg Metropolitan region. Branch in Hamburg shows dynamic development of employment above average. 24,700 employees, 59 % in Hamburg City 1.4 % of the total MR-HH Windenergy Growth Renewables employment +56 % Solarenergy Biomass Utilities Non Renewable-branches +8,3 % Total employment MR-HH +4,6% Companies active in the field of Renewable Energy expect: Employment 2015 Turnover 2015 Renewables +40% Renewables +78% Non renewable-branches +15 % Non renewable-braches +37% 8

77 Experience on Cluster-Structure Critical Mass of acteurs (historical development) Comparatively Low level of value creation in the renewable business Many (decentral) SMEs and some large internatinal corporations Many services for all areas of renewable energy, e.g. law firms, engineering Hamburg as central hub offering value addition to surrounding regions Advantage of using renewable energy and know-how directly in/for Hamburg Geographic focus on Hamburg and the Hamburg Metropolitan Region Triple-Helix focus (business, institutes, government) Industry and services Universities and other research/education City of Hamburg government 9

78 Structure of Cluster-organization Share holders 51% Hamburg 49% EEHH Association Executive Board EEHH Association (e.v.) Members: Industry, Reserachinstitutes, Service providers Identification Know-how Networking Vision and Strategy of Cluster EEHH GmbH Implement Cluster strategy Project identification and partly -realization Workshops and -groups Events Project A Project B Project C Advisory Board Founded: September 29th, 2010 with 57 members Members: Chambers, unions, trusts Established: January 19th 2011 Members by now: 163 Consulting and Networking 10

79 Cluster Profile > 30% Renewable Energy Target Increasing Renewable Energy Penetration Cluster EEHH Intelligent grid Transformation of Energy Transport Infrastructure Integrated Power Generation Solutions Transformation of Power Generation Landscape Integrated Building Solutions Transformation of Energy Demand Side (Buildings, Industry) Energy Sector Trends E-Mobility Connection between Mobility Sector and Power Generation Sector Connected to Department of City Development and Environment one-stop-shop Landmark projects (i.e. international building exhibition) Existing network and technology management for e-mobility and hydrogen/fuel cell technology 11

80 Cluster Profile The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Cluster Network since member companies 148 in Hamburg City Area Rest in Metropolitan Area Hamburg s central location in Europe Renewable Energy Cluster in Hamburg 12

81 The Value Chain Know-How and Services R&D Production Management, Engineering, Sales Services Regional, Nationwide Application Wind Energy Solar Energy Biomass Geothermics Building & Efficieny Technology available network for international business contacts Hamburg is not a production facility site for renewable energy products but a leading centre for management, engineering, sales, project development and other know-how -based services 13

82 Cluster Highlight - Management Northern Windcenter Hamburg is a stronghold of onshore and offshore wind power companies in Germany. Wind energy manufacturers have located their headquarters in Hamburg or operate important functions here e.g. management, engineering or sales and marketing as well as a broad array of services for the renewables sector. The business settlement by international companies increased strongly (selection 09-11): Dong Energy, Areva Wind, Gamesa, GE, Global Wind Power, Siemens Wind Power 14

83 Turbine Manufacturers in Hamburg International sales and project management offshore Offshore Office (2nd Quarter 2011) Research and development center offshore European supply Headquarter, product development, International sales Headquarter, product development, sales Headquarter, product development, sales International Wind Energy Headquarter Offshore project development (GER) / Offshore transformer stations (AC and HVDC) Offshore Product development, tower, drive train Sales / Service GER and central Europe 15

84 Dedicated Location in North Germany Dedicated infrastructure: Manufacturing close to sea with supportive Service - engineering, financing, certification - and Know-How center essential for geografic market advantages. Many synergies between maritime, aviation Industry and wind sector. Many synergies within Hamburg Metropolitan Area strong regional economic stimulus. Components, Base Harbour Shipbuilding Services, Engineering, Project Dev. 16

85 Current Dynamics since 2009 Expansion offshore project development Approx. 2,000 new jobs Expansion sales offshore turbines, project development, transformer stations New HQ, offshore turbine development Expansion wind certification Expansion offshore office New offshore R&D Centre German offshore office 17

86 Solar Energy Industry in Hamburg Many leading manufacturers are present in Hamburg with their headquarters or departments like Sales & Marketing Very active project development 18

87 Biomass Energy Industry in Hamburg Companies involved in: District heating with Biomass Feed in biogas into natural gas distribution system Biomass logistics Biofuels 19

88 Cluster Highlight - Services International Service Hub Hamburg develops and markets world-class services for all categories of renewables. Service companies for project management, engineering and supply chain solutions set up their core business in Hamburg. Big utility companies operate their renewables project development from Hamburg. Meteorological, certification, financing, insurance and legal services are conducted in Hamburg successfully and with international recognition. The service range has improved according to the demands of the renewable energy sector and now is available for new international partners. 20

89 Cluster Highlight - Services Hamburg is a key center of (selection) project development maritime engineering/logistics certification 21

90 Cluster Highlight - Services Hamburg is a key center of (selection) insurance finance sea law / renewables law 22

91 Cluster Highlight - Innovation Renewable Innovation Center Hamburg is a worldwide trendsetter for innovative products and services in selected areas of renewable energy research and development. Activities of associated universities, local research centers and R&D departments lead to high potential in the research and development area. In cooperation with other strong industry sectors such as the civil aviation industry and maritime engineering this provides a lot of know-how for future developments. 23

92 Research & Development for Renewables R&D Centre, Meteorology Hamburg University Meteorology, Materials University of Applied Science Aviation / Materials / Renewables IT Aviation R&D Centre Rotorblades materials / Composites / Carbon Fibre Electrical Engineering Mechatronics Helmholtz Society Fundamental Research Materials / Maritime Technical University Aviation / Maritime / Biomass R&D Centre Offshore Wind (2011) Wind Energy Research Suzlon/Repower Systems Aviation Research Environmental Science 24

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