Google scholar: (June 2016: Total number of citations: 917, h-index: 15, i10-index: 23)

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1 CV - Nanna Mik-Meyer Google scholar: (June 2016: Total number of citations: 917, h-index: 15, i10-index: 23) SFI The Danish National Centre for Social Research Herluf Trolles Gade Copenhagen K Education Period Institution Department Degree CBS Learning Lab Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy 2004 Copenhagen University Department of Sociology PhD Teaching and Pedagogical Certificate Post. Doc Copenhagen University Department of Antropology Cand. Scient. Anth. Employment Periode Employment Position 2015 (August) (From August 2015: Leave of absence) The Danish National Centre for Social Research (SFI) Department of Organization, Department of Organization, Research Professor Professor (mso) Associate Professor, Director of Center for Health Management 2008 Rambøll Management Senior Consultant The Danish National Centre for Social Research (SFI) Researcher Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Assistant Professor 1

2 Macquarie University Honorary Associate The Danish National Centre for Social Research (SFI) Researcher Department of Sociology, Copenhagen University PhD scholar Jun-Aug 2003 University of British Columbia Visiting Scholar Sociological Analysis Researcher 1999 Ligestillingsrådet (Equal Opportunity Council) Brøndby municipality Evaluator Fuldmægtig (administrator) Publications International Publications (articles and book chapters) Othering, ableism and disability: A discursive analysis of co-workers construction of colleagues with visible impairments, Human Relations, 2016, 69(6): Disability and care : Managers, employees and colleagues with impairments negotiating the social order of disability, Work, Employment and Society, 2016, DOI: / Health initiatives conducted outside hospitals and other medical settings, Health Systems and Policy Research, 2016, 3(2):1-3. Gender and disability: Feminising male employees with visible impairments in Danish work organisations, Gender, Work & Organization, 2015, 22(6): Health in a risk perspective. In: Bengtson, Frederiksen & Larsen (eds.) The Danish Welfare State: A Sociological Investigation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, The social negotiation of illness: Doctors role as clinical or political in diagnosing patients with medically unexplained symptoms, Social Theory and Health, 2015, 13(1): Health promotion viewed in a critical perspective, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2014, 42(15): The imagined psychology of being overweight in a weight loss program. In: J. Gubrium & M. Järvinen (eds.) Turning Troubles into Problems. Policy and practice in Human Service. London: Routledge, The negotiation of the sick role: General practitioners classification of patients with medically unexplained symptoms, Sociology of Health & Illness, 2012, 34(7): (with A.R. Obling). On being credibly ill: class and gender in illness stories among welfare officers and clients with medically unexplained symptoms, Health Sociology Review, 2011, 20(1):

3 An Illness of one s own Power and the negotiation of identity among social workers, doctors and patients without bio-medical diagnosis. Journal of Power, 2010, 3(2): Putting the Right Face on a Wrong Body: an initial interpretation of fat identities in social work organizations, Qualitative Social Work, 2010, 9(3): Sociological Theory in Situated Practice - sociological categories in everyday discourse. In: G. Cooper, A. King & R. Rettie (eds.) Sociological Objects: reconfiguration of social theory. London: Ashgate, Managing Fat Bodies: Identity work between public and private domains. Outlines: Critical Practice Studies, 2008, 10(2): Interpersonal Relations or Jokes of Social Structures? Laughter in Social Work, Qualitative Social Work, 2007, 6(1): Identities and Organizations. Evaluating the Personality Traits of Clients in two Danish Rehabilitation Organizations. Outlines: Critical Practice Studies, 2006, 8(1): Book Reviews The Wellness Syndrome, Organization. Book review of Carl Cederström and André Spicer s book The Wellness Syndrome. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016 (in press). Doing Danishness identity as a three dimensional process, Journal of Political Power, 2012, 4(2): Book review of Richard Jenkins book Being Danish: Paradoxes of Identity in Everyday Life. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Publishers, Velfærdssamfund: Velfærdsstaters forsvarsform?, Tidsskriftet Antropologi (Kulturmøde), 2007, 56: (with K. L. Pedersen). Book review of Thomas Højrup & K. Bolving s book Velfærdssamfund: Velfærdsstaters forsvarsform? Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Publishers, Books (with academic publishers) Power and Welfare. Understanding Citizens Encounter with State Welfare. London: Routledge (with K. Villadsen), Qualitative methods in business and organizational studies. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with L. Justesen), Kvalitativa metoder fra vetenskapsteori til praktik. Lund: Studenterlitteratur (with L. Justesen), Kvalitative metoder i Buisness- og ledelsesstudier. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with L. Justesen), Magtfulde diagnoser og diffuse lidelser. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur (with M.B. Johansen), Magtens former. Sociologiske perspektiver på statens møde med borgeren. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with K. Villadsen), Dømt til personlig udvikling. Identitetsarbejde i revalidering. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers, Dømt til personlig udvikling. Identitetsarbejde i revalidering. PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Copenhagen University,

4 Kærlighed og opdragelse i socialaktivering. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, Kærlighed og opdragelse i aktiveringsarbejdet. Langtidsledighedskulturen. Master thesis, Institute of Anthropology, Copenhagen University, Edited Books (with academic publishers) At skabe en professionel. Ansvar og autonomi i velfærdsstaten. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. Interview, observationer og dokumenter. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), At skabe en klient. Institutionelle identiteter i socialt arbejde. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), Scandinavian Language Articles Indledning til særnummer (special issue), Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund, 2012, 17: 5-12 (with A.R. Obling). Troværdig syg: Klasse og køn i sygdomsfortællinger, Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund, 2012, 17: Lægens nye rolle i forhold til patienter med diffuse lidelser, Månedsskrift for almen praksis, 2012, 3: Diagnosers magt, Social Politik, 2011, 4: 5-9. Magtens former, Uden for Nummer, 2008, 16(9): 4-13 (with K. Villadsen). Dømt til personlig udvikling. Fokus på klienters psykosociale situation i danske revalideringscentre. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning, 2005, 83: Personlig udvikling - en frigørende proces eller social kontrol i danske revalideringscentre? Psyke&Logos (Dømt til autonomi), 2004, 25(2): Problemfastsættelse - en neutral eller kontekstafhængig proces? Vera (Institutionalisering), 2004, 27: Moderne management-teoris indmarch på socialområdet. Uden for nummer, 2001, 2 (2): Modsigelse og paradoks ved brugerinddragelse. Nordisk Sosialt Arbeid, 2001, 2(21): (with T.B. Jakobsen). Chapters in Books (Danish) Sundhed som metaværdi i samfundet. In: S. R. Petersen & B. M. Pedersen (ed.) Det kommunale sundhedsvæsen under forandring. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers, Magtrelationer i sundhed. In: G. Niklasson (ed.) Sundhed, menneske og samfund. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur,

5 Den forstående læge og evidenssøgende socialrådgiver: Rollebytte i dagens velfærdsstat. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (eds.) At skabe en professionel. Ansvar og autonomi i velfærdsstaten. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers, Indledning: At skabe en professionel. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (ed.) At skabe en professionel. Ansvar og autonomi i velfærdsstaten. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), Min helt egen sygdom. Forhandling af sygdomsidentitet blandt sagsbehandlere, læger og patienter med diffuse lidelser. In: S. Brinkmann (ed.) Det diagnosticerede liv - Sygdom uden grænser. Århus: Klim, Sundhedsstoffet: Risiko, ansvar og skyld. In: A. Brink Lund, I. Willig & M. Blach-Ørsten (eds.) Hvor kommer Nyhederne fra? Dan journalistiske fødekæde i Danmark før og nu. Forlaget Ajour, Sundhed i et sociologisk perspektiv: moralens indtog. In: J. Helder & A. Hagel (eds.) Sundhedsledelse. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers, Metodekombination. In: P. Darmer et al (eds.) Paradigmer i praksis. Frederiksberg: Handelshøjskolens Forlag, Dokumentanalyse. In: P. Darmer et al (eds.) Paradigmer i praksis. Frederiksberg: Handelshøjskolens Forlag (with L. Justesen), Ledelse i intimsfæren. In: C. Sløk & K. Villadsen (eds.) Velfærdsledelse: Ledelse og styring i den selvstyrede velfærdsstat. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers, Dokumentstuder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (eds.) Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. Interview, observationer og dokumenter. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers, Indledning. Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (eds.) Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. Interview, observationer og dokumenter. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), Observationer i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (eds.) Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. Interview, observationer og dokumenter. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), Fra person til papir. Diagnosticering af klienter på amtslige revalideringscenter. In: E. Christensen (ed.) Velfærd på vildspor. Copenhagen: Forlaget Frydenlund, Anne er sygdomsfikseret. Forhandling af en institutionel diagnose. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (ed.) At skabe en klient. Institutionelle identiteter i socialt arbejde. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers, Indledning, at skabe en klient. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (eds.) At skabe en klient. Institutionelle identiteter i socialt arbejde. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), Institutionelle Paradokser. In: M. Järvinen & N. Mik-Meyer (eds.) At skabe en klient. Institutionelle identiteter i socialt arbejde. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers (with M. Järvinen), Omsorgens Herredømme. In: M. Järvinen, J. E. Larsen & N. Mortensen (eds.) Det magtfulde møde mellem klient og system. Århus: Århus Universitets forlag, Vi har et tilbud, Esad. Om kommunal integration af bosniske flygtninge i Danmark. In: B. Berg (ed.) Kommet for å bli? Om integrasjon og tilbakevending blant bosniske flyktninger i Norden. Copenhagen: Nordisk Ministerråd (with G. Engholm),

6 Prizes FUHU s Research Dissemination Prize (DKK ) (2012) Pedagogical prize for the best teacher in Master in Public Administration (CBS) nominated by the students (DKK 5.000) (2010) Ung eliteforsker pris (prize for young talented scholars) awarded by The Danish Independent Research Council s Young Researcher s Award (DKK ) (2005) Grants Grant for a research stay at the monastery San Cataldo, Italy (June, 2013) Grant for research project: Physical handicaps and employment: An investigation of the body in work organizations (DKK granted by Elsass Foundation) (2013) Grant for research project Powerful diagnosis and diffuse suffering (DKK granted by Ministry of Employment National Directorate of Labour) (2008) Grant to a research stay at the monastery San Cataldo, Italy (June, 2006) Grant for post. doc. project Managing fat identities (DKK granted by The Danish Independent Research Council (2004) Current membership of boards/associations Member of The Danish Council for Independent Research (Det Frie Forskningsråd, FSE) ( ) Member of Evaluation Committee of Research in relation to Welfare, Workfare and Migration ( VAM - the largest distribution of funds in social science in Norway), The Research Council of Norway ( ) Former membership of boards/associations Member of Academic Counsel, CBS ( ) Member of Bibliometric Committee for Sociology ( ) Member of The National Committee of Scientific Ethics (DNVK) ( ) Member of Advisory Board on Employment (Copenhagen municipality) (2013) Member of Bibliometric Committee for Public Health ( ) Member of Think Thank Copenhagen as a knowledge city, nominated by the then Chief Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard ( ) Board member of Danish Anthropological Association (Antropologforeningen) ( ) Editorial member of the Danish Journal Uden for Nummer (Outside Number) targeted social workers in Denmark Reviewer Acta Sociologica Ephemera Gender, Work & Organization Health Sociology Review 6

7 International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education Journal of Power / Journal of Political Power International Journal of Human Resource Management Organization Organization Studies Scandinavian Journal of Management Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv Uden for Nummer Qualitative Studies PhD Supervision Stine Tankred Luckow (Department of Sociology, Copenhagen University / SFI) (presently) Anne Bitsch, (Center for Gender Research, University of Oslo) (presently) Maya Christiane Flensborg Jensen (Department of Organization, CBS) (presently) Ida Helene Asmussen (Faculty of Law, Copenhagen University) (completed in 2013) Kristian Fahnøe (Department of Society and Globalization, Roskilde University) (completed in 2013) Anette Lykke Hindhede (Danish School of Education, Aarhus University) (completed in 2010) PhD committees Tone Jørgensen, Fakultet for sammfundsvitenskab, Nord Universitet, Norge (presently) Ingeborg Grønning, Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskab, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU) (presently) Anita Oxaas Karlsen, Det Medicinske Fakultet, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU) (presently) Søren Skaarup, Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark (grad. 2016) Erik Eriksson, School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University (grad. 2015) Janne Solberg, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo (grad. 2014) Grit Niclasson, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University (grad. 2014) Gunhild Tøndel, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (grad. 2014) Jørgen Jeppesen, Health, Man and Society, University of Southern Denmark (grad. 2013) Claus Brygger Jacobi, The Department of Society and Globalization, Roskilde University (grad. 2013) Ninna Meier, Business and Social Science, Department of Business Administration, Aarhus University (grad. 2013) Kjetil G. Lundberg, Department of Sociology, Bergen University (grad. 2012) Anders Kruse Ljungdalh, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University (grad. 2011) Turid Rødne, Department of Sociology, University in Tromsø (grad. 2009) Marie Østergaard, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University (grad. 2009) Other assessments committees Senior Researcher, SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research 2016 (9 applicants) Head of Department, 2014 Head of Department, 2014 Research Assistant, 2013 (142 applicants) Associate Professorship, 2013 (5 applicants) 7

8 Associate Professorship, Aarhus University, Denmark 2013 (1 applicant) Assistant Professorship, Aalborg University, Denmark 2013 (6 applicants) Associate Professorship, Aalborg University, Denmark 2012 (10 applicants) Assistant Professorship, Aarhus University, Denmark 2009 (3 applicants) Experience in research management and international co-operation Guest editor of special issue for Gender, Work & Organization (with senior lecturer Carol Wolkowitz and assistant professor Anne Roelsgaard Obling) (presently) Research and project manager of the research project Physical disabilities and employment (two research assistants and several students employed) ( ) Director of Center for Health Management ( ) Research and project manager of the research project Powerful diagnosis and diffuse suffering (two research assistants and several students employed) ( ) Guest editing a volume of the Journal Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund (Journal of Health and Society) (w. assistant professor A.R. Obling) (2012) Participating in an international book project, Sociological Objects: Reconfiguration of sociological theory with participants from the US, England, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, including conferences (2007) Honorary associate for six months at the Department of Critical and Cultural Studies, Macquarie University. Participated in all of the department s activities during my stay ( ) Managing three book projects entitled At skabe en klient, Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk Perspektiv and At skabe en professionel (To form client identities, Qualitative methods in an interactionist perspective and To form professional identities) (together with professor Margaretha Järvinen) that involve approx. 25 researchers. Including organization of workshops, conferences, review of chapters, etc. (2003, 2005 and 2011) Visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia for three months where I worked with professor Dorothy Smith (2003) Conference organization April 3-4, 2013: Body, public health and social theory. Keynotes: professor Bryan S Turner, professor Annemarie Mol, professor Richard Jenkins, professor Peter Taylor-Gooby, senior lecturer Simon Cohn, associate professor Katherine Frohlich, approximately 90 participants (organized with assistant professor M.H. Rod and assistant professor S.B. Waldorff) September 13-15, 2010: Health: A new religious awakening in western societies? Keynotes: senior lecturer Monica Greco, professor Alan Petersen, professor Paul Du Gay and associate professor Eric Mykhalovskiy, approximately 70 participants (organized with assistant professor A.R. Obling) I have organized two more conferences with professor Margaretha Järvinen with participation of professor Gale Miller, professor Jay Gubrium and professor Jonathan Potter and with participation of approx. 60/70 participants I have arranged single event lectures with professor Nikolas Rose and senior lecturer Mark Haugaard 8

9 Communication skills for the public Commentator In 2012 I won FUHU s Research Communication Prize. I have been a regularly commentator at both Weekendavisen ( ) and Dagbladet Information ( ; )(two Danish newspapers) and Socialrådgiveren (magazine for social workers) ( ) and Psykologi Nyt (magazine for psychologist) ( ). Interviews in media and lectures for the public In the last 15 years I have been giving many interviews in TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, and I have been given approx lectures yearly for different stakeholders. I have, for example, been lecturing for DI (Confederation of Danish Industry); LO; Danish political parties; Doctors yearly meeting (Arbejdsmediciners årsmøde); and for social workers and managers in many municipalities in Denmark and for students and teachers in Danish University colleges. 9

Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg Publication list - Nanna Mik-Meyer Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg Forthcoming publications in 2013 in press The imagined psychology

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Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg Publications - Nanna Mik-Meyer Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg Planned for publication in 2013 Mik-Meyer, N. (2013) Obesity and

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Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg. Period Institution Department Degree

Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg. Period Institution Department Degree CV - Nanna Mik-Meyer Google scholar: Nanna Mik-Meyer Department of Organization Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg Education Period Institution Department Degree 2008 2007 CBS Learning

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CV - Nanna Mik-Meyer Google scholar:

CV - Nanna Mik-Meyer Google scholar: CV - Nanna Mik-Meyer Google scholar: Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg

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Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg. Period Institution Department Degree

Department of Organization Copenhagen Business School Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4 th floor DK-2000 Frederiksberg. Period Institution Department Degree CV - Nanna Mik-Meyer Google scholar: (May 7 2015: Total number of citations: 696, h-index: 13, i10-index: 21) Department of Organization Copenhagen

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VIBEKE LEHMANN NIELSE N VIBEKE LEHMANN NIELSE N CV Fødselsår: 25. oktober, 1971 Ægteskabelig status: Samboende (to delebørn på hhv. 6 og 9) UDDANNELSE 2002 Ph.d. i offentlig forvaltning, Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus 1996

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Education: Dr. Merc. Copenhagen Business School 1996; PhD (Sociology): Copenhagen University 1983

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Curriculum. Publications

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Tal og tabeller Facts and Figures. University of Southern Denmark

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CURRICULUM VITAE. Language Passive Spoken Written Danish 5 5 5 English 5 5 5 German 5 3 2 French 2 1 0

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Tal og tabeller Facts and Figures. University of Southern Denmark

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At skabe en professionel ansvar og autonomi i velfærdsstaten Ved Nanna Mik-Meyer, professor (mso), Institut for Organisation, Copenhagen Business

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Tal og tabeller Facts and Figures

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( ) ( ) /11/3 : 1388/2/26 :

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Turister og vagabonder. Tekster i kulturforståelse og interkulturel kommunikation

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