Fagpakker til HA linjerne i Kolding

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1 Fagpakker til HA linjerne i Kolding HA - Generel HA - International Business HA - Design & Forretningsudvikling HA - Entreprenørskab & Innovation Fagene der er præsenteret skal ses som eksempler og bruges som inspiration til planlægning af dit eget udlandsophold. Der vil kunne komme ændringer til de fag du får forhåndsgodkendt også efter du er taget afsted. Det hjælper vi dig selvfølgelig med at løse. Ved spørgsmål og vejledning om udlandsophold kan du kontakte din faglige vejleder, Line, på fvlstor13@sam.sdu.dk

2 INDHOLD Australien... 3 Deakin university... 3 Griffith University... 8 James Cook University Belgien Universiteit Hasselt Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Estland University of Tallin Finland Univeristy of Vaasa Frankrig Kedge Business School Holland University of Tilburg Storbritannien Southhampton Solent University... 35

3 AUSTRALIEN Har du mod på at studere på den anden side af kloden i et internationalt miljø og holde øje med kænguruer inden du krydser vejen? Så skal du tage på udveksling Downunder! Australien byder på nogle af de bedste universiteter, hvor der er fokus på de internationale studerende. Du vil derfor opleve at møde mange udvekslingsstuderende - ligesom dig selv. Uanset hvor i Australien du vælger at rejse hen møder du en lokalbefolkning der er meget afslappede og venlige. Og så har Australien nogle af de flotteste strande og naturparker, som bestemt et besøg værd. DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Deakin University ligger i Melbourne i den sydøstlige del af Australien. Deakin huser mere end studerende fordelt på 4 fakulteter og er dermed en smule større end Syddansk Universitet. Deres fakultet Faculty of Business and Law svarer til vores samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet, og her er der kurser inden for erhvervsøkonomi, ledelse og jura. Der er dermed rig mulighed for at finde fag der er spændende for netop dig. Deakin University deler deres akademiske år op i trimestre i stedet for semestre, som du er vant til herhjemme. Trimester 2 løber fra juli til oktober, og dette vil være et godt tidspunkt for dig at tage på udlandsophold. Vær opmærksom på at course betyder program (hele uddannelser) og unit betyder enkelte fag. Du kan selve søge efter fag ved at bruge deres unit search funktion som du finder her:

4 Keyword=&selLevel=Select&selSemester=3&selMode=Select&selLocation=Select&chkSortby=unit_title&bt nsubmit Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Deakin University Fagene er omregnet fra Deakin Credits, og du kan derfor se ECTS værdien for hvert enkelt fag. Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje. Branding Design 7,5 ECTS This unit will focus on the considerations of branding strategies in visual communication design. Branding theories and practices reflect on marketing, positioning, business practices, visual consistencies, stakeholders and design issues. These topic areas will be explored through a redesign program and the designing of a variety of applications to position and strengthen branding strategies. Public Relations Management 7,5 ECTS The unit covers a systems approach to public relations planning, the link between corporate marketing strategy and public relations issues, the role of research, budgeting and ethics in public relations management, managing the corporate identity and crisis management. Marketing Communication 7,5 ECTS This unit examines the theories and models of Integrated Marketing Communication and how they inform promotional activities to support strategic brand building, market positioning and customer-relationship management. Specifically students will learn how to conduct situation analyses, develop objectives, and identify target markets - and audiences and market positioning. Coaching and Counselling Groups for Behavior Change 7,5 ECTS The unit aims to enable students to develop an understanding of, and practice in, current approaches in evidence and non-evidencedbased coaching, facilitating and counselling for behaviour change practices from a group-work perspective. The unit is applicable to a range of disciplines and highly relevant for students wishing to develop skills as a coach, trainer/facilitator, supervisor, manager, tutor, presenter or group counsellor. International finance and investment 7,5 ECTS The unit aims to develop an understanding of the international monetary systems and international financial markets, institutions and instruments. The unit introduces students to the complexities involved in cross-border transactions and

5 undertakes an analysis of foreign exchange markets, instruments and exchange rate systems. Business Internship A 7,5 ECTS This unit aims to provide students with the opportunity to undertake appropriate and relevant experiential learning. Students complete a work placement of hours with an approved host organization. Students will critically reflect on their placement, their graduate attributes and employability competencies through a continuous assessment process. Marketing Law 7,5 ECTS The unit is designed to introduce students to competition and consumer issues in complex industrial societies and the implications for sales and product promotion. Topics include: the law applying to advertising; product liability; distribution agreements; franchises and related pro-consumer()obligations. Business Tax Law - 7,5 ECTS This unit provides a detailed coverage of taxation law in relation to taxation planning, avoidance and evasion; capital gains tax and taxation implications of the use of different business structures and superannuation. Human Resource Development 7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget HRM på SDU Campus Kolding. This unit provides students with the theoretical framework and practical skills required of practitioners in the human resource development area of organizations. It identifies the functions of human resource development within the organization and considers current and future trends, including training and development, employee, and organizational development. Business Communications 7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget Interkulturel kommunikation, kultur og ledelse på SDU Campus Kolding. This unit aims to broaden students' understanding of the complex, sophisticated nature of communication and increase their awareness of the skills and strategies required for effective communication as a means of solving problems within a range of contemporary business contexts. Students become equipped with a suite of professional communication skills, which will assist them in gaining employment and further developing as responsible, global citizens throughout their careers. Industrial Relations 7, 5 ECTS The multi-disciplinary nature of the unit is stressed within an introductory systems framework. Various sociological, economic, legal and other theories of industrial relations are examined. The system of workplace governance under the Fair Work Act 2009 is considered, as

6 well as the role of trade unions, employer associations and collective bargaining processes. Change Management 7,5 ECTS This unit provides an advanced understanding of various change management models within a sustainability framework. The unit takes a critical approach to the drivers of organizational change and the process for managing change while ensuring business sustainability. Consumer Behaviour 7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget forbrugeradfærd på SDU Campus Kolding This unit looks at marketing from the perspective of the consumer. It covers consumer decision making, the psychology of the consumer and the social and economic environment in which the consumer operates. The unit shows how this understanding of consumers can be used to develop marketing strategies for both innovative and existing products and services. Service Marketing 7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget service marketing på SDU Campus Kolding The central theme of this unit is that services organizations differ from manufacturing firms in many important ways, and as a result, require a distinctive approach to marketing strategy. In this unit students will explore the conceptual and theoretical foundations of various frameworks and models within the services marketing arena. International Management 7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget International Marketing Management på SDU Campus Kolding The unit examines the factors that shape marketing strategy in a global setting. It develops a framework to identify the nature of marketing tactics in foreign markets. Content includes

7 developing business objectives for offshore markets, product design and development, promotional alternative, mechanisms of export trade and international marketing organization and control. International Business 7,5 ECTS This unit provides an understanding of how changes in the international business environment affect the conduct of businesses both domestically and across national boundaries. The unit starts by providing an overview of the main drivers of globalization and proceeds with an analysis of how businesses respond to the threats and opportunities presented by globalization. Global Citizenship 7,5 ECTS the student s awareness and knowledge of key drivers of change which are likely to impact business and society significantly. The unit focuses on the critical and objective evaluation of selected global issues facing mankind, their likely impacts and potential threats and opportunities at the local community level. Event Management 7,5 ECTS This unit develops students knowledge and skills in the design, planning, organization and operation of events. It examines the use of a range of management processes in the events industry including project management; operations and logistics; risk management; financial management; human resources and strategic marketing. This unit develops the capacity of the student to become a responsible global citizen by increasing

8 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY Griffith University ligger i millionbyen Brisbane på den Australske østkyst. Der er mere end studerende på universitetet og ca af dem er internationale studerende. Læser du på Griffith University vil du derfor befinde dig i et meget internationalt miljø og få studiekammerater fra hele verden. Griffith er især stærk på Business fagområdet og der vil derfor være mange fag du kan vælge imellem. Griffith University har semestre ligesom på Syddansk Universitet, men de er omvendt af vores. Når du rejser i et efterårssemester svarer det til deres semester 2 og det forløber fra juli til november. Griffith University er opdelt på 5 Campusser. Du skal derfor være opmærksom på at vælge fag på samme Campus, da der kan være langt imellem dem. Hovedcampus er Nathan der ligger i Brisbane. The Gold Coast Campus ligger ca. 1 times kørsel fra Brisbane. Du kan selv søge efter fag ved at bruge deres søgefunktion, som du finder her. ate&areaofstudycode=all&disciplineareacode=all&campuscodes=all&academicgroupcode=all&ext ernallyavailableonly=false&intakesemestercode=semester%202&academicschoolcode=all&search RequestType=CourseCatalogue&StudentTypeFilter=All&IsAvailableAtNight=False&IsPromotedElectiv e=false

9 Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Griffith University Fagene er omregnet fra Credits, og du kan derfor se ECTS værdien for hvert enkelt fag. Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje. Globalisation the Asia-Pacific and Australia 7,5 ECTS In an increasingly interconnected world, an understanding of Australian politics and economics and the business environment requires an appreciation of what is happening in the world outside Australia. The dual effects of globalisation and regionalisation profoundly affect Australia. Globalisation, the Asia-Pacific and Australia offers an introduction to globalisation, the political economy of the Asia- Pacific and their impact on Australia. Introduction to Public Relations 7,5 ECTS. This course introduces students to the theory and practice of public relations in the business, government and third sectors. It establishes an understanding of the industry as a whole and the importance of a knowledge base in the fields of research, writing, presentation, law and ethics. International Relations Theory 7,5 ECTS This course offers students an in-depth study of the competing theories and worldviews that shape international relations and also the opportunity to apply those theories to a set of case studies. Theories such as realism, liberal internationalism, social constructivism and critical theory are used as evaluative frameworks to assess the motives for armed interventions by major powers to restore order in troubled regions of the world. Advertising and Creative Strategies - 7,5 ECTS Marketing success is highly dependent on the effectiveness of marketing communication between your organization and the target customer, and these communications are achieved through various product, advertising and promotional strategies. This course will introduce you to the fascinating world of advertising and the strategic use of advertising to raise customer awareness and appreciation of your organization's products and services Business Logistics - 7,5 ECTS This course will provide students with a detailed understanding of the nature, process, coordination and management of business logistics in achieving sustainable business outcomes. Current issues considered include: warehousing and packaging, supply network designing and performance measurement.

10 and tactics, negotiation analysis and planning, negotiation outcome and barriers to success, managing negotiation complexity, etc. Negotiation and culture, foreign laws, foreign governments, foreign organisational behaviour and related matters are also considered. Franchising and Small Business - 7,5 ECTS This course provides basic legal, marketing, management and operational knowledge related Inter-Cultural Management - 7,5 ECTS Erstatter Interkulturel, kommunikation, kultur og ledelse på SDU Campus Kolding. This course aims to develop intercultural awareness and effectiveness in global business context, and the successful implementation of strategy, structure and systems in cross-cultural and multicultural management. It also examines corporate and personal ethical behaviour in a global economy. International Business Negotiation - 7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget forhandlings - og salgsteknik på SDU Campus Kolding This course prepares students for the challenges, risks and opportunities that occur in international business negotiations. Students study the fundamentals of negotiation including strategy to small business ownership. A common route to becoming a small business owner is to start your own business, or take over an existing small business, but many people prefer to buy into a franchise system. This course investigates these alternatives and has a practical emphasis, introducing you to real-life examples of successful small business models and strategies. Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management -7,5 ECTS This course examines risk management concepts and strategies, and disaster management frameworks within the context of the event and tourism industries. It firstly establishes a theoretical foundation which focuses on organisational and operational safeguards followed by consideration of a variety of risk management issues such as natural disasters, terrorism, public health and crowd control.

11 Event Business Development -7,5 ECTS This course introduces students to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and launching new ventures in the tourism and hospitality industry. The entrepreneur engages in several processes in conceptualising, developing and operating a new business venture. An understanding of these processes is essential to any budding entrepreneur who will be required to source finances for the venture, select a site location and plan for the successful operation of the new business. Risk and Crisis Communication -7,5 ECTS This course considers the role of risk and crisis communication within a business and public relations context. It aims to equip the students with the skills necessary to identify and manage issues facing an organisation, build a crisis response plan and team, and effectively manage communication during a crisis event.

12 JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY James Cook University er opdelt på to campuser i henholdsvis Cairns og Townswille. Begge byer ligger i Nord Queensland, og kun et par timer fra Great Barriere Reaf. Hovedcampus ligger i Townswille og her er der omkring studerende. På Campus i Cairns er der ca studerende, så det er kun lidt flere end det studiemiljø der er på Campus Kolding. Semester 2 svarer til dit efterårssemester og det forløber fra juli til december. Du kan selv finde fag på deres hjemmeside ved at følge linket her: p=tp2&mode=&table=&availabilities=yes&search.x=44&search.y=11 Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på James Cook University Fagene er omregnet fra Credits, og du kan derfor se ECTS værdien for hvert enkelt fag. Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje. Contemporary business communications 7,5 ECTS This subject focuses on the key role of communication as an essential business tool. It reviews key theoretical concepts as they apply to a range of communication activities, examining the factors that may influence the effects and effectiveness of different forms of communication with different stakeholder groups Business information systems 7,5 ECTS Erstatter fagene Virksomhedens

13 informationssystemer og administrative systemer på SDU Campus Kolding The subject provides an overview of the concept of systems, information systems, and business information systems. It introduces the students to the types and roles of business information systems (BIS) such as Accounting Information Systems (AIS), Management Information Systems (MIS), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in organizations. The subject also introduces business processes and business transaction processing. Managing people -7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget HRM på SDU Campus Kolding Managing People provides students with a solid foundation for understanding and addressing core issues, perspectives and decision-making procedures relating to the management of people (Human Resources). A central aim is to provide a framework for designing, implementing and maintaining Human Resource Management (HRM) practices which are contemporary, relevant and capable of sustaining organizations in competitive environments. Integrated marketing communications -7,5 ECTS This subject explores various processes and techniques relevant to the effective utilization of the promotional mix and advocates the development of an integrated marketing communications (IMC) approach whereby the different communication tools available to the marketer are employed in a consistent and coordinated way to optimize their effectiveness. Economic Growth and sustainable development 7,5 ECTS Why are some countries richer than others? Why do the incomes of some regions grow rapidly while others stagnate? What can policy makers do to promote sustainable economic development? This subject uses economics to provide insights to these and other related questions. It does this by providing students with a set of analytical tools that allow them to (a) identify factors which influence economic growth - over time, and across 'space'; (b) consider some of the effects, and side effects, of economic growth; and (c) develop and evaluate polices that seek to promote regional development. Contemporary issues in Human Resource Management 7,5 ECTS Erstatter faget HRM på SDU Campus Kolding This subject encourages students to critically analyze a range of current Australian and global issues as they relate to contemporary HRM theory and practice, such as virtual workplaces, off-shoring/outsourcing, work-life balance,

14 organizational learning, and the psychological contract Strategic Entrepreneurship 7,5 ECTS Strategic entrepreneurship explores strategy and entrepreneurship presenting these integrated areas in a theoretical, applied and experiential manner based on key themes. These include mainstream and social entrepreneurship identifying commonalities and differences between each category. Moving between strategy and operations it illustrates the links between the two areas and explains how both are necessary for entrepreneurial success. Design thinking 7,5 ECTS This subject provides students with knowledge of the design process, interpretation, and ideation, and experimentation, evolution of design solutions, design formulation and design thinking. Students will develop essential design skills of creating, imaging, generating, communicating and consolidating. Collaboratively students will work together in teams to design, implement and validate computing solutions. Management and Leadership 7,5 ECTS This subject explores theory and practices, issues, emerging challenges and implications, and thinking of leadership and management in organizations in an increasingly dynamic and dispersed world with application to indigenous perspectives in the tropical and global world. The subject establishes a critical framework to study leadership and management in context in a range of contemporary organizational forms

15 BELGIEN Belgien er kendt som Europas hovedstad med byen Bruxelles, hvor EU parlamentet er lokaliseret. Belgien er også landet med pommes fritter, belgiske øl, chokolade og vafler. Der bor ca. 11 mio. i Belgien og landet har grænser til både Holland, Tyskland, Luxemburg og Frankrig. Landet er delt i tre i forhold til sprog, hvor de i den nordlige del taler hollandsk, i den sydlige taler de fransk, og i et lille område mod sydvest er hovedsproget tysk. Bruxelles er tosproget, og du vil her finde informationer på både hollandsk og fransk. UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT Universiteit Hasselt ligger 4 km fra byen Hasselt, som med sine ca indbyggere er lidt større end Kolding. Universitetet har ca fuldtidsstuderende fordelt på 3 fakulteter hvor det ene svarer til det samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet. Universitetet er ikke særlig stort, og derfor lærer man hurtigt hinanden at kende på kryds og tværs. En liste over tilgængelige fag for udvekslingsstuderende finder du i linket nedenfor. I langt de fleste fag vil du være på hold med belgiere så du lærer både udvekslingsstuderende og belgiske studerende at kende. Economics-Bachelor-(Erasmus-ao)-(with-reservation).html

16 Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Universiteit Hasselt Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje. Business Information Systems - 6 ECTS Erstatter virksomhedens informationssystemer på SDU Campus Kolding. This course studies the use of information systems in a business context. Which information systems are applied to perform with operational excellence and a high customer service? Also, how can information systems be implemented to improve knowledge management within a company and to take better decisions? We link these questions and information systems to the different layers within a company. Business Strategy - 6 ECTS This course will give you knowledge within business strategy. The topics you will be working with are the strategic environment and capabilities, culture and strategy, corporate strategy and diversification, international strategy and innovation and entrepreneurship. You will also learn how to implement and evaluate strategic processes and how to deal with organizing the strategic change process. Cross culture Belgium - 3 ECTS An interactive introduction course for foreign students, in order to improve their knowledge of guest country Belgium. Multidisciplinary topics: Geography, History & Institutions, Economy, Politics, Culture, Doing Business. Focus on the economic impact and the positioning of Belgium in the European Union and in the globalized world. E business strategy - 6 ECTS The purpose of the course is to introduce the systems knowledge, the technologies, the business models and the organizational context of business firms which have focused on setting up an electronic/digital channel of business operations at the core of their strategy. The course will tackle both product based and services operations, and will position this within the context of the evolving transformation of European economy from products to services. Economics and Business English 2-6 ECTS Students have an extensive vocabulary at their disposal (specific terms related to economics as well as general English). They can make effective use of dictionaries, search engines and other resources which will to understand texts thoroughly. Students will be able to read critically; will be able to understand selected articles on economic, political and general topics thoroughly.

17 ERP systems - 6 ECTS This course introduces and extends the knowledge of enterprise resource planning systems. The student obtains interrelation skills to efficiently partake in team work. In this course the student obtains insights into the methods and techniques of enterprise resource modelling. Special attention goes to how you can integrate ERP within an organization. European environmental law - 3 ECTS The students following this course will gain a better knowledge of the role of the institutions of the European Union in relation to environmental policy and a better knowledge of European environmental policy and law. The main subject of this course is the relation between companies and the environment. With regard to European environmental law, we will focus on a company's potential obligations and liabilities, as well as on different kinds of incentives to protect the environment. of importance for the project manager and understand and use inventory control models. Strategic Management - 3 ECTS Strategy is looked upon within its organizational, industrial and international context. Special attention is given to how people make and "do" strategy together. Which factors and conditions facilitate strategy making in practice? Diverse schools of thought on strategy formation are studied. Each has a unique perspective that focuses on one major aspect of the strategyformation process. Taken together these schools offer a rich and differentiated picture and understanding of the process of strategy formation. Introduction to operations research - 3 ECTS The goal of the course is to give students an opportunity to learn how to formulate a linear optimization model, understand computer-based solutions and interpret their output. Furthermore they will learn how to construct a project network diagram and identify measures

18 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Dette universitet ligger i studiebyen Leuven. Der er lidt over indbyggere, hvor af er studerende på Universitet i Leuven. Byen ligger kun en halv times kørsel fra Bruxelles og er dermed centralt placeret i Belgien. Universitetet har flere Campuser, hvor Syddansk Universitet samarbejder med Campus Leuven. Fagene der er tilgængelige på dette Campus er endnu ikke online. Men du kan kontakte din faglige vejleder, Line så kan hun hjælpe dig med at finde flere fag end de der er vidst nedenfor. Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje. Brand Management - 6 ECTS Brands are strategic assets that can provide firms with long-lasting competitive advantage. How to achieve this is the central theme of Brand Management. The students will be able to distinguish and explain how brand equity emerges, distinguish the different dimensions of brand equity and how these translate into brand relationships, and develop strategies to manage brand equity by means of marketing instruments such as advertising, promotion, and public relations. Business informations systems - 6 ECTS Erstatter virksomhedens informationssystemer på SDU Campus Kolding

19 This course teaches students to understand the relationship between business strategy, information strategy and the operationalization of the two in information systems. They will learn how to compare the information strategy and the business strategy and decide whether these are aligned, and focus will be on the role of information systems for internal and external control. Consumer behaviour - 6 ECTS Erstatter forbrugeradfærd på SDU Campus Kolding. The course introduces the basic concepts in consumer and managerial decision making: product knowledge and attitudes, choice processes, persuasion processes, and the affective, cognitive, and motivational processes underlying these aspects. Students will be able to distinguish the possible cognitive, affective, and motivational reactions by consumers and managers to marketing strategies and market influences. Industrial organization theory and applications - 6 ECTS The course will teach students how to translate a real-world situation into a formal framework and how to solve a formal model of firms' strategic interactions, with the use of game theory and mathematics. Furthermore they will develop capabilities within identifying and explaining firms' strategic behavior. Innovation Management and strategy - 6 ECTS The course consists of three themes; Technology and innovation dynamics/systems; Defining and implementing an innovation strategy; and Management of new product development processes. Each part provides the students with a grounded and scientific approach towards important aspects of the innovation process. International Business Strategy - 6 ECTS The course provides strategic analysis for understanding the behavior of the modern corporation in a rapidly changing technologybased global environment. The focus of the course is on conceptual models that are essential for understanding strategic management practice. Many of the concepts will be presented from a European perspective. International Marketing - 6 ECTS Erstatter International Marketing Management på SDU Campus Kolding The course aims at teaching the student to analyze the culture of a country and asses the impacts of culture on buying behavior. Furthermore you will be able to adapt the Marketing-mix to the specific buying behavior of a specific culture. You will gain these competences by working with themes such as

20 segmentation, cross cultural research, entry modes and strategy. Social Media Marketing - 6 ECTS This course in social media marketing will provide you with the ability to identify the social and individual risks accompanying marketing and consumer behavior and to distinguish between the different ways in which the authorities can manage behavioral change. Finally you will be able to critically evaluate social marketing strategies proposed by companies and authorities based on scientific evidence. Supply Chain Management - 6 ECTS Supply chain management deal with the overall themes within this area. Forecasting methods, the design of the supply chain, optimization, safetystock and bullwhip effects. You will gain the competence to see Supply Chain Management as a competitive area in which your business can gain success. The foundations of entrepreneurship - 6 ECTS This course introduces you to the foundations of the academic field of entrepreneurship and new business venturing. You will review the implications of different answers that have been provided to three of the most fundamental questions in the field of entrepreneurship: [1] who becomes an entrepreneur, [2] Why do they become entrepreneurs, and [3] How do they do it. Characteristic to the field or entrepreneurship is that valuable answers have been provided by economists, sociologists and psychologists. In this course you will explore the merit of these disciplinary answers to an inherently interdisciplinary filed.

21 ESTLAND Estland er et af de tre baltiske lande og grænser til både Finland, Letland og Rusland. Der bor i alt kun 1,3 mio. i hele Estland og er dermed et af de lande i Europa der er mindst befolket. Danmark besatte den nordlige del af landet indtil år 1346 hvorefter Tyskland, Sverige og herefter Rusland erobrede landet. Estland er i dag medlem af EU og NATO, de snakker estisk, men lærer dog også ofte russisk eller finsk i folkeskolen. UNIVERSITY OF TALLIN Tallinn University ligger ved den nordlige kyst i byen Tallinn. Der bor i alt ca indbyggere i Tallinn. Universitet har ca studerende hvoraf ca. 500 er udvekslingsstuderende. Læser du her får du derfor chancen for at bo og studere med de lokale studerende, da du vil følge mange af fagene sammen med dem. Campus ligger inde i bymidten og de 6 hovedbygninger har de latinske navne: Terra, Nova, Mare, Silva, Ursa and Astra. Fagene der kan vælges kommer først online i oktober, men du kan kontakte din faglige vejleder, Line, som kan hjælpe dig med at finde andre fag end dem vi har vist her nedenfor. Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Tallinn University Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje.

22 Business Communications - 6 ECTS Erstatter Interkulturelkommunikation, kultur og ledelse og Forretningsengelsk på SDU Campus Kolding The student following this course will obtain a theoretical framework necessary for understanding business communication and develop business communication skills. The student is able to carry out persuasive presentations, has skills for commercial correspondence and understands the theoretical basis of business communication all in a cultural context. European Union Law- 6 ECTS The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the basic institutional law and constitutional principles of the EU. It is meant to prepare students for the study of the more specific topics of EU law as the issues covered underlie each and every area of Community competence. and will be able to apply the rules and norms of international economic law in solving problem situations. International conflict - 4 ECTS Students will receive an overview of the international conflicts, typologies of modern conflict and about the methods to regulate different kind of conflicts. They will also gain knowledge within international negotiations. International economics -4 ECTS This unit will give a thorough understanding of the theory and principles of international economics that are essential for understanding the international economic problems; develop necessary skills for reading and understanding conceptual and empirical issues in international economics. International Economic Law- 3 ECTS The goal of the course is to learn the main terminology, principles and regulation methods of international economic law. The student will be familiar with the main terminology and principles of international economic law; the student will have an overview of the different rules and norms of international economic law

23 International Marketing- 6 ECTS Erstatter International Marketing Management på SDU Campus Kolding This course focuses on learning international marketing and to analyze its opportunities and threats. The students will gain knowledge within international marketing terms, and will know how to operate and behave in an international market. International organization -3 ECTS This course will provide basic knowledge concerning the essence and history of diplomacy, international organizations, security policy, protocol, negotiations and the work of foreign ministries and embassies. Students gets basic knowledge of the principles and history of diplomacy and foreign service, the structure, functioning, membership of international organizations, diplomatic protocol, in the work of foreign ministries and embassies Qualitative research methods - 4 ECTS The unit will introduce the potential of qualitative methods to be applied in social sciences and related disciplines with an understanding of research logic as set within theoreticalmethodological perspectives. It will provide opportunities to practice selected qualitative techniques of research.

24 FINLAND Finland er en del af Skandinavien og grænser til både Norge, Sverige og Rusland. Der bor ca. 5,4 millioner i og hovedstanden er Helsinki. Finland er måske mest kendt som landet med Nokiatelefonen og netop IT industrien er en kernekompetence for Finland, der kun bliver slået af USA. Finland er også kendt for sin storslåede natur med store skov og søområder. Der er i alt 35 nationalparker i Finland, som bestemt er et besøg hver. UNIVERISTY OF VAASA Universitetet ligger på Finlands vestkyst. Universitetet arbejder tæt sammen med lokalsamfundet og virksomheder og de studerende lærer derfor om den virkelige verden mens de læser. Der går ca studerende på universitetet og det samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet er det største. På fakultet har de fag inden for marketing, økonomi, regnskab og ledelse. Der er derfor rig mulighed for at finde fag, der interesserer dig. Du kan finde fagene der er tilgængelige for dig på siden her: Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på University of Vaasa Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje

25 Survival Language Course for Exchange Students - 2 ECTS The course offer students some basic knowledge of the Finnish language needed in everyday life. in terms of their market potential and identify how multinational and local companies use these countries in their global strategies. Global Sourcing and Procurement - 5 ECTS Students will gain an understanding of Comparative Public Administration -5 ECTS During this course student learn to understand the diversity in public administration and management and gets an introduction to the study of diversity. The emphasis is on a comparative approach to national governments and their public administrations. Cross-Cultural Management - 5 ECTS Erstatter Interkulturel kommunikation, kultur og ledelse på SDU Campus Kolding The subjects covered on the course include the role of culture and its impact on individuals, organizations and management; cultural differences and dimensions of culture; crosscultural interaction; and the role of culture in leadership. Doing Business in Asia - 5 ECTS By the end of this course students should be able to recognize the cultural diversity, economic development and economic potential of selected Asian countries, evaluate selected Asian countries procurement s role in today s business environment, and be able to understand suppliers different roles in business network. Furthermore students will gain knowledge in how a supplier base is developed and student will reach basic knowledge of sourcing strategies and the strategic role of procurement in global and international business environment Government and Management - 10 ECTS Students learn to understand the interplay of politicians, public managers, citizens and different organizations at global, European and national levels of public governance. The course gives a comprehensive picture of ever more internationalized governments and their practices from a management perspective. Intellectual Property Law - 6 ECTS Content of the course is international intellectual property law which deals with international Copyright, Right to Patents, Integrated Circuits, Firm and Trademark Law, Selected parts of Model Law, Plant Breeding Law, Unfair Competition and Business Secrets.

26 International Trade and Finance Law - 6 ECTS Students will be familiar with the legal environment in international trade and international contracting. Students can manage and understand international sales, distribution and agency agreements. Students embrace the essential payment methods and financial guarantees in international trade as well as legal aspects of international finance. Students understand the regulation of different carriage modes in international trade. Introduction to Intercultural Communication- 5 ECTS Erstatter interkulturel kommunikation, kultur og ledelse på SDU Campus Kolding The students familiarize themselves with the most important concepts, issues, and traditions in the field of intercultural communication research. They are able to critically evaluate existing theories of intercultural communication as well as the methodologies used to do research on intercultural communication and multiculturalism. They learn to understand phenomena and processes of communication across cultural borders. Introduction to Production Management - 5 ECTS After completing this course the student can develop the chain of production control and is able to apply demand forecast methods, the student can also apply capacity planning, inventory control models, master production schedule and material requirements planning Legal Aspects of Electronic Business - 6 ECTS By the end of this course students shall be able to identify the different legal aspects of electronic business. Students shall also be able to use their knowledge in business practice. Market Law - 7 ECTS By the end of this course students have a comprehensive view of market law and its central elements. Students also have an understanding of the market law rules that concern business in practice. Sustainable Management - 5 ECTS By the end of this course, participants are expected to be able to define and distinguish the concept of sustainability from other related concepts and distinguish between sustainable business practices in various practical situations.

27 FRANKRIG Frankrig er et af Europas største lande med over 67 millioner indbyggere. Landet er både med i G8 og NATO og er dermed en central spiller på den europæiske scene. Hovedstaden er Paris, som ligger i den nordlige del af landet, men landet byder på mange andre spændende storbyer heriblandt Marseilles som du kan læse mere om her. KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL Kedge Business School er lokaliseret I Marseilles I Sydfrankrig. Der bor ca mennesker i byen og er dermed Frankrigs 2. største by. Der er seks afdelinger på universitetet og fagudbuddet dækker derfor både regnskab, ledelse, marketing, strategi, finansiering og produktionsstyring. Der er dermed rig mulighed for at finde fag der interesserer dig. Fagudbuddet er endnu ikke online, men kontakt din faglige vejleder, Line så kan hun hjælpe dig. Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Kedge Business School Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje.

28 Business to business marketing - 5 ECTS The answer to handling B to B market complexity lies in developing stability and continuity via the building of relationships with selected customers, and establishing a position in the firm s industrial network. This course aims at providing students with an overview of such business markets, and the potential means to analyze them and implement effective marketing strategy. Capital budgeting in developing countries - 5 ECTS After following this course, students should understand the financial and economic characteristics of emerging markets (and how they differ from developed markets), understand the limitations of classical financial theory in this context, and master a set of specific valuation techniques for the analysis of investment in the developing world. Corporate strategy - 5 ECTS The main aim is to allow the student to understand strategic phenomena at business and corporate levels. Beyond the content of the course and complementary readings students are invited to work collectively on case studies, using available data or collecting information on markets and organizations. Corporate sustainability assessment - 5 ECTS The primary objective of this course is two-fold: On the one hand the course will provide students with an understanding of the concept of sustainable development and its relevance for corporate decision making and strategizing. On the other hand, students will learn about the most important approaches to assess and manage corporate sustainability.. Creating and sustaining a successful enterprise - 5 ECTS In this course we will study the challenges of building and managing an enduring, successful company or renewing the vitality of an existing organization, from the point of view of the general manager. This course will prove valuable to young entrepreneurs, future general managers, as well as those who will consult for, or invest in, operating companies. Corporate social responsibility- 5 ECTS The role of companies in today s societies is changing dramatically and dynamically. This course aims to provide today s and tomorrow s managers with the necessary tools to understand current and anticipate future corporate social responsibility issues. European and international marketing- 5 ECTS Erstatter faget International Marketing Management på SDU Campus Kolding.

29 The aim of this course is to improve the knowledge of the participants regarding the existing differences between the European market and the other international markets. This course will allow the participant to discover how a market can be functional with its habits and cultural factors. Human Resource Management - 5 ECTS Erstatter faget HRM på SDU Campus Kolding This course covers the strategic role of HR within organizations. Particular attention will be given to aligning employee practices and HR policies with firm strategy and how best to implement these policies to achieve long term competitive advantage. International Brand Management - 5 ECTS The first part of the course will deal mainly with the key concepts of brand management and the main strategic options and instruments to build and maintain the brand value along the time. The second part of the course will go into the depth on the socio-cultural dimension of international branding, focusing on peculiar issues derived from the brand presence across different countries International business - 5 ECTS Erstatter International Virksomhedsanalyse på SDU Campus Kolding. The objective of the course is to provide students with a general understanding of international trade management, allowing them to select the ideal location and to define resources for a specific global business. Participants will be able to analyze international markets and environments and to identify opportunities and risks. International finance - 5 ECTS Within the finance discipline, this course addresses the problems caused by the existence and interaction of several economies. The description of the topics can be made by thinking about the tasks assigned to an international financial manager, who are responsible for investment decisions and, when

30 these are taken irresponsibly this may lead to a severe crisis. International trade - 5 ECTS Erstatter faget Global handel og produktion på SDU Campus Kolding The participant will develop familiarity with technical vocabulary of international affairs. The student will understand the international department of a company s functions, as well as its relationship with freight forwarders, banks, and customers Social entrepreneurship - 5 ECTS The objective of this course is firstly to give students an overview of the sector and of the ideas that underpin the concept of social entrepreneurship, including the institutional framing of the movement. Secondly, students will have the opportunity to work in teams on their own mission-driven non-profit project and follow each step of the course that is built as a toolkit for starting social ventures. Starting knowledge management - 5 ECTS The course focuses on the student s capacity to explicit, formalize and represent what he knows increasing the amount of information searched and acquired, first individually then in groups. At the same time, if the expression knowledge management itself is observed, it is curious to discover that it is difficult to find a clear definition. Strategic Design Management The Business side of Design - 5 ECTS Design management can be considered to be the business side of design. The aim of this module is to present and expand the awareness of the value of design when integrated within business management. Potential Design managers need to speak the language of business, but also the language of Design. Sustainable development - 5 ECTS This course deals with environmental economics & management and corporate social responsibility. It gives an introduction to the main concept of sustainable development, at the micro and macro level, and with a particular focus on environmental issues. Sustainability is therefore approached from the perspective of Society at large, organizations and firms, and individuals and consumers.

31 HOLLAND Holland er landet med træsko, vindmøller og tulipaner. De har byen Amsterdam med de flotte kanaler og menneskerettighedsdomstolen i Haag. Men Holland har også mange andre ting, heriblandt gode universiteter som du kan vælge at studere på i et halvt år. UNIVERSITY OF TILBURG Tilburg universitet ligger i byen Tilburg hvor der bor ca indbyggere. Universitetet har ca studerende fordelt på både bachelor og kandidatniveau. Herudover er der ca internationalestuderende fra omkring 90 forskellige lande så du vil ikke være den eneste udvekslingsstuderende hvis du vælger at læse her. Universitetet udbyder over 60 forskellige uddannelser, hvoraf 39 af dem er udbudt på engelsk. Du kan dermed sagtens finde fag der er spændende at følge. Du kan finde mere info om fag ved at følge linket her: Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Tilburg University Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle HA linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din HA linje.

Belgien- Universiteit Hasselt, Campus Diepenbeek HA studerende, Campus Kolding

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