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2 READINGPROGRAM 1.PHONICS DAY1 Activity:Aphonemeisthesmalestunitofsound.Childrenwilbegiven alistofphonemesandmadetolistenindividualsoundbeingspoken. Theaim isforchildrentobeabletoseealeterandthensaythesoundit representsoutloud.thisinvolvesthinkingaboutwhatsoundaword startswith,sayingthesoundoutloudandthenrecognizinghow that soundisrepresentedbyaleter.thisiscaleddecoding. Homework:children wilform some words by learning the phonic soundsofleterss,a,t,n,i,pfirst.(forexample:sat,tip,pin,nip,tan,tin, sip,etc.). WRITEATLEAST20WORDS.

3 DAY2 Activity:Childrenthenneedtogofrom sayingtheindividualsoundsof eachleter,tobeingabletoblendthesoundsandsaythewholeword.. Whilechildrenarelearningtosaythesoundsofletersoutloud,theywil alsobegintolearntowritetheseleters(encoding).theywilbetaught wheretheyneedtostartwitheachleterandhowtheletersneedtobe formedinrelationtoeachother. Homework:

4 DAY3 Activity:Childrenarethenintroducedtovoweldigraphs.Adigraphistwo vowels thattogethermake one sound such as:/oa/,/oo/,/ee/, /ai/.theywilmoveontosoundingoutwordssuchasdeer,hair,boat, etc.andwilbetaughtaboutsplitdigraphs(or'magice').theywilalso starttoreadwordscombiningvoweldigraphswithconsonantclusters, suchas:train,groanandstool. Eg:- Homework:Theywilbegiventoform wordscombiningvoweldigraphs withconsonantclusters,suchas:train,groanandstool.

5 DAY4 Activity:Childrenwilalsolearntheconsonantdigraphs(twoconsonants thattogethermakeonesound)chandshandstartblendingthesewith othersoundstomakewords,suchas:chat,shop,chainandshout. Alongsidethisprocessoflearningtodecode(read)words,childrenwil needtocontinuetopractiseformingleterswhichthenneedstomove ontoencoding. Homework:

6 2.BLENDWORDS DAY5 Activity:childrenwilbeexplainedthat2consonantstogetherin1word makeupablend.theseblendstypicalymakeadistinctsound.wewil chooseseveral2leterblendstodemonstratewhatwearetalkingabout, andshow multipleexamplesforeachblend.wewilwriteoutseveral commonblendsandawordthatgoesalongwiththem.forexample, bl and blend, black, blink, or cr and crow, cry, and crab. Homework:

7 3.LISTENANDIDENTIFY DAY6-7 Childrenwilbemadetolistensomewords/sentencesonebyoneand theyneedtoidentifythespelingsofthesame. Homework:Openthelinkandlistentotheaudioandwrite. [htps://] DAY8 Activity:Onceourstudentsgrasp2leterblends,wewilusethesame approachfor3leterblends.thismaybeeasierforourstudentsto graspifwestartwiththesoundsinsteadoftheleters.

8 Someblendsdon tsoundlikethe2or3letersblendedtogether.for instance, ch doesn shelpfultoteach theseblendsusingdistinctivesounds. Forexample,you could demonstrate ch bypretend sneezing and makingan achoo noise.youcouldsay Shhh asin bequiet toteach the sh blend. Homework:Listoutsomesetof2and3blendedleters. 4.DIPHTHONGS DAY9 Activity:Adiphthongisthedoublevowelsoundthatcanoccurwhen therearetwovowelssidebyside,suchasin'foil'and'pout,'orinwords withasinglevowel,suchas'late'and'joy.'althoughadiphthonghastwo distinctvowelsounds,theyremainwithinthesamesylable,orunitof sound. Forexample: 'Join'maysoundasthoughithastwosylables,brokenuplikethis: jo-in However: Thedoublevowelsoundcreatedbytheletersoiisinfactpartof thesamesylable,so'join'isasinglesylableword. Homework:

9 DAY10 Activity:Childrenwillearntodetermineifawordhasadiphthongwith twovowelsounds,oramonophthongwithonlyonevowelsound,isto listentohow itsoundswhenyousayitoutloud.ifthevowelsound changeswithinthesamesylable,it'smostdefinitelyadiphthong.

10 Homework:WritesomewordswithlongEtolongUr,longAtolongI. 5.PHONICTRANSCRIPTION DAY11-12 Homework:Childrenwilbegivensomesetofwordsandtheywilshow thephonetictranscriptionofeachword. Nowdothis. Hot. Pen Mother. Vow. Fan. Mat. 6.HOMOPHONES

11 DAY13-14 Ahomophoneisawordthathasthesamesoundasanotherwordbut diferentmeaningandspeling.thiscanbecomparedwithahomonym, whichhasthesamespelingandsoundsthesamebuthasadiferent meaning. Example Thewords'rain','reign'and'rein'arehomophones.'Set'isahomonym. Somemoreexamplesaregiventomakethem understandhomophones. Homework:


13 7.MONOSYLLABLEANDDISYLLABLES DAY15-16 Activity:Children are explained aboutsylables and its types with diferentkindofexamples. ExamplesofSylables: One-sylablewordsknownasmonosylabic: Cat,dog,car,sky. Two-sylablewordsknownasdisylabic: Ho-tel,Po-em,Chor-us. Three-sylablewordsknownastrisylabic: Beau-ti-ful,met-a-phor,po-e-try. Four-sylablewordsknownaspolysylabic: Ox-y-mor-on. Homework:

14 Note:-Youcantakethehelpfrom thegivenlinkbelow. [htps://] 8.SIGHTWORDS DAY17-18 Sightwordsisacommonterm inreadingthathasavarietyofmeanings. Whenitisappliedtoearlyreadinginstruction,ittypicalyreferstotheset ofabout100wordsthatkeepsreappearingonalmostanypageoftext. Who,the,he,were,does,their,me,be areafewexamples. Homework: Pointtoeachword.Circlethewordsyoucanreadbysight.

15 Note:Visitthelinkformoreinformation. [htps://] 9.COMPREHENSION DAY19-20 Activity: Studentsareinstructedtodoasilentreadingofthepassage theyareprovided. wilunderlinethedificultwordsandpuzzleoutthemeanings from thecontext. Theywilgiveasuitabletitletothepassage. Studentshavegivenvaluebasedsituationalquestionsbasedon application,analysis,evaluationandcreation. Homework: Readthepassageandanswerthefolowingquestionsinyourown words: ThePaintedDesert,locatedinArizona,covers93,500acresand

16 stretchesover160miles.itiscaled painted becauseofithascoloured rocksthatlookliketheywerepainted.thiscolourfuldeserthasclifs andhils.italsohastreesthatturnedtostonelongago.thesetreesare locatedinaplacecaled, thepetrifiedforest. ANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: a.whereisthepainteddesertlocated? b.whyisitcaled painted? c.howmanyacresoflanddoesitcover? d.doyouwanttovisitapainteddesert?howwilyoufeelthere?what wilyoudothere? e.giveasuitabletitletothepassage. f.writethesimilarmeaningofthefolowingfrom thestory: i.extend- WRITINGPROGRAM 1.GOODHANDWRITING DAY21-22 i.scarp- Activity:Childrenwilbeaskedtowritesomelinesorparagraphandthey needtowritethatingoodandneathandwriting. Homework:Theseshouldbedoneinregularbasis. 2.PICTURECOMPOSITION DAY23-24 Activity:Childrenwilbegivenapictureandtheyneedassimilatetheir ideasrelatedtothepictureandwritedownwhattheycanseeinthe picturewithasuitabletitle.someclueswilbementionedforbeter understanding. Pre-writing:gatheringyourthoughtsorresearch,brainstorming, andplanningthecomposition Writing:activelywritingyourcomposition.

17 Homework:Observethepictureandwriteaboutitwiththehelpofthe cluesgivenbelow. 3.PICTUREVISUALIZE DAY25-26 Activity:Childrenwilbegivenapassageandtheywilreadthepassage, draw thepictureand labelthem writing someimportantsentences whichshouldbeembeddedwithvalue.

18 Homework: 4.STORYCOMPLETION DAY27-28 Activity: Children wilbe given a worksheetofstorycontaining the

19 beginningofthestoryortheendofthestoryorthemissing links Childrenneedtoidentifythemissinglinksandcompletethe story Childrenshouldunderstandthattheauthorcreatedoradapted thestoryandmadedecisionsaboutwhatshouldhappeninit. Childrenaresupposedtomakepredictionsaboutwhatisgoing tohappennextandwhyheorshethinksso. Homework:Thinkandcreatetheendofthestorybyyourown.

20 G D Goenka Public School, Purnea BASIC FOUNDATION PROGRAMME GRADE-4 (EVS) 1. KNOWING YOUR FAMILY Day 1 a) Relationships - Showing a video related to this activity and completing the activity sheet. (OAIC method) Write the members who are present in the family and the things that they do together. Make a word web on importance of family. H/w- Compare and contrast between joint and nuclear family. 2. PUBLIC PROPERTY Day 2 a) Importance and ownership- Students will be shown few images (scribbled walls of museums, littered parks and public properties etc) on the smart board and hence will be instructed to fill the activity sheets. (OAIC method) What did you observe common in these images? How can you help to change this situation? Write your opinion (conclusion). H/w- Write two slogans on safeguarding public property (for creating awareness in people) 3. PLANTS Day 3 a) Root and shoot systems- Students will be shown a potted plant and will be told to fill in the activity sheet. (OAIC method) What did you observe? What are the two major systems of plant? Why do you think roots are present inside the soil? H/w- Compare and contrast between root and shoot system. (2 points each) Day 4 b) Functions of plants parts- 1 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

21 G D Goenka Public School, Purnea Students will be shown a video on the same and will be asked to make a foldable on the parts of plant, specifying the function of each part. H/w- Draw a plant and label its parts. 4. FROM FIELD TO FARM Day 5 a) Growing crops- PPT on the whole journey of growing crops will be shown. (OAIC method) Important terns will be given with the help of visual aids and images. Sowing, harvesting, storing, insecticides etc. Make a flowchart with correct sequence of events. H/w- Describe the whole journey from flied to farm in your own words. Day 6 b) Storing and selling of food items- Students will be shown few videos and then they will be asked to pick (identify) and write the people who are involved in the marketing of food items. (OAIC method) Write down the role of each place where food is being kept and also the roles of the people who work for it. H/w- Differentiate between wholesalers and vendors/retailers. (Venn diagram) 5. OUR BODY Day 7 a) Sense organs- Students will be provided with few things which need to be classified on the basis of the usage of sense organs which are used to identifying it. Video will also be shown on the mechanism of working of sense organs. How the sense organs respond? Sense organs are controlled by which organ? H/w- Take some warm water. Put few drops of it on the following areas of your body- Cheek Palm of hand Sole of your foot Finger tip Where do you feel the heat least and most? Record your feelings. 2 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

22 G D Goenka Public School, Purnea Day 8 b) Teeth Students will be shown videos and model of teeth and they will write the features of the teeth through observing the pictures. Differentiate between temporary and permanent teeth. Make a concept map on permanent teeth. H/w- Find out all about wisdom teeth and also if they are important. (With reasons) 8. HOUSES THEN AND NOW Day 9 a) Types of houses- Students will be given two pictures to compare and contrast through Venn diagram and also fill the activity sheet. (OAIC method) What did you observe in these pictures? Write the conclusion. (About the changes that have been observed) H/w- Draw one katcha house and a pakka house and also write two merits and two demerits of each type of house. Day 10 b) Modern building materials Students will be shown a video on materials which are used to make a pakka house and afterwards they answer the following questions. What the type of building materials used now-a-days and why? Name some modern day building figures that are being used more now. H/w- Find out some special houses that are built by people. The regions where they are present and why? 9. ANIMALS Day 11 a) Habitat Students will be provided with some chits with the names of few animals and they will be asked to paste it in the correct column present on chart papers (to be prepared by the teacher). 3 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

23 G D Goenka Public School, Purnea Students will be called one by one for picking up the chits. Video will also be shown for better understanding. H/w- Draw the classification tree with important features. Day 12 b) Uses of animals Students will be given some things (animal products) on the table for observation and identification and hence completing the activity sheet. (OAIC method) What did you observe? What did you find common in all the things. Write the conclusion. H/w- Write down few uses of animals in the form of concept map. Day 13 c) Reproduction Students will be shown a video and hence they will be asked to fill in the worksheet given to them. How is egg laying animal different from mammals? Name five egg laying animal and five mammals. H/w- Draw a flow diagram on reproduction. 10. BIRDS Day 14 a) Parts of body of birds Students will be shown a video and then they will be asked to identify the different parts of birds with important features. Write the functions of- (2 each) Beak Claws Feathers What are the things that birds H/w- Read the chapter and make a Venn diagram on beaks and claws. 11. MATTER Day 15 and Day 16 a) Introduction to states of matter Students will be told to make a collage and will be asked few questions based upon the activity. (OAIC method) 4 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

24 G D Goenka Public School, Purnea Students will also be shown a video explaining the concept of matter and its state. What is this collage made of? Write your conclusion. H/w- Draw the diagram of states of matter and write its properties by reading the chapter. (Preferably foldable) 12.Evaporation Day 17 and Day 18 a) Evaporation Firstly Students will be shown a demonstration on evaporation- boiling of water on flame and hence they will be filling up the activity sheets. (OAIC method) What are the different observation and the conclusion? Write down the factors affecting evaporation. H/w- Soak three handkerchiefs in water and dry it as instructed- One in shade, one in sun and one near fan (wind) b) Condensation. Students will be shown the demonstration of condensation by putting a lid on the boiling water (in the same demonstration for evaporation) Students will be shown one more demonstration by putting some ice in a glass to show the condensed water vapour. And fill up the activity sheet. (OAIC method) What are the different observation and the conclusion? H/w- Make a foldable on different forms of condensation. Day 19 c) Water cycle Students will be taken to science lab for showing the equipment of water cycle and also they will be shown a video for better understanding. Make a flowchart on the sequence of water cycle. H/w- Draw a well labelled diagram of water cycle. 13. Knowing about our Universe Day 20 5 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

25 G D Goenka Public School, Purnea a) Heavenly bodies Introduction to various heavenly bodies with the help of a video. KWL chart on the heavenly bodies will be completed by the students. H/w- Make classification tree on different types of heavenly bodies. Day 21 b) Movements of Earth Students will be shown a video and also by having a demonstration on movements of Earth with the help of model of Earth. How do you think movements of Earth are important for us? Write down the time taken for each movement. H/w- Compare and contrast between rotation and revolution of Earth. Day 22 c) Imaginary lines of Earth Video related to the concept as well as teaching aid (chart paper) will be used and hence filling up the worksheet. Name the line that divides the Earth into two equal halves. Why do you think we have these imaginary lines? H/w- Day 23 and Day 24 A self evaluative test will be taken of the students and few remedial classes will be arranged for them. 6 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

26 GD GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL,PURNEA : SELF EVALUATION : BASIC OPERATION,DAY -01 [ ] Multiple choice Question 1. The Number that are added together are called i) Sum ii) Addends iii) Addition iv) None 2. Solve these i) ii) What is the sum of the Largest four and Three digit number? 4. Fill the missing words Story sum A gardener plants pea plants, tomatoes plants and Spinach plants in a kitchen garden. How many plants does he plant in all? 6.Albert s bike cost Rs 1,25,456 and Michael s car costs Rs 4,56,835 More than Albert s bike. How much does Michael s car cost? 1 Higher > stronger > Brighter

27 GD GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL,PURNEA : BASIC OPERATION : DAY 02 [ ] Multiple choice Question 1.The answer in a Subtraction Question is called the i) Subtract ii) Difference iii) Sum iv) None 2. Subtract i) ii) Largest 4-digit number from smallest 6-digit number. 3. find a number 8623 less than 56, what will be the difference if the sum of 4269 and is subtracted from 40000? 5. Story Sum The population of a city A is 9,65,999 and the population of city B is 6,38,740.How much less is the population of B Than the population of A? 6. Frame your own story sums for the following statement 5,63,478 1,77,532 = 3,85,946 2 Higher > stronger > Brighter

28 GD GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL,PURNEA : BASIC OPERATION : DAY -03 [ ] Multiple choice question 1. Multiplication is repeated by i) Addition ii) Subtraction iii) Multiplication iv) Division 2.Fill in the blanks i) 9 x 12 = ii) 18 x 9 = iii)17x6 = iv) x 5 = 90 3.Multiply i) 3267 x 72 ii) 8089 x 93 4.How many seconds are there in 245 minutes? 5.Story sum- There were 524 people in a public meeting. 12 such meetings were held from January to July. How many people attended the Public meetings? 6.HOTS- If cost of a watch in U.S.A $ 896. What will be cost of 10 Such watches in India. [ Take 1 $ = Rs 67 ] 3 Higher > stronger > Brighter

29 GD GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL,PURNEA : BASIC OPERATION : DAY 04 [ ] Multiple choice Question 1. Fill in the blanks i) = ii) = iii) = iv) = 2. Divide by repeated subtraction i) 45 5 ii) Divide and find the remainder and quotient i) ii) Divide and check your Answer i) ii) Story sum 1728 plants were planted by 36 students. How many plants Were planted by each student if they all planted an equal Number of plant? 6. A doll s make up kit costs Rs 128. Riya wants to buy 14 such kits to gift her friend.she has Rs Does she have enough money to buy 14 kits? 4 Higher > stronger > Brighter

30 ज.ड.ग यनक पब ल क स क ल,प र ण य म ल आध र र क ष क य क रम क य पर क कक ष - च थ र नर द - बच, यह म ल आध र र क ष क र लए आपक यह र र दय ज रह ह, आपक इसस सम ब र धत क छ र र डय क र ल क भ भ ज ज रह ह, र जस र द ख और समझ कर उसस सम बब ल त प रश क आप अपन प ब ल क म स फ़- स फ़ और स न दर अक षर म र लखन ह - न च र लख प रश क ध य न प क पढ़कर उस प रत य क र र दन क अन स र अपन प ब ल क म स न दर अक षर म र लख, और र क क र लखत ह ए उसस सम ब र धत प रश क स फ़- स फ़ और स न दर अक षर म र लख प रत य क र क क ब र द र ख अ श य ख च पहल और र द सर र र दन- ण म ल ज ञ न और उसक ध वन क पहच न १.स वर-ख ल स थ न म सह ण भर - अ...इ...उ...ऋ...ऐ...औ...अ २.व य जन - ख ल स थ न म सह ण भर - क......ग,... ङ च...ज... ञ ट...ड... ण त... र द... न प...ब... म य... ल स... क ष... ज ञ ३.प र त र चन स एक ब द र लब लखए 1 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

31 ज.ड.ग यनक पब ल क स क ल,प र ण य अन स व र( )-... अन न र सक ( )... ४. र र दए गए ण स र द फ ल, र द फल, तथ र द र मठ इय क न म र लब लखए- (ल,र,च,न, फ,ज,ब,ग,म,ल,स,म ) ५. ण -र च र द र कर जए ( उर दह रण क अन स र) र न - र +अ+ न + ई, महल -..., र ज -..., र प-..., आम-... इमल -..., उल ल -..., प क-..., क ल -... त सर र र दन ण क स न और पहच न १. ण र कतन प रक र क ह त ह? २.स वर ण र कस कहत ह? यह र कतन प रक र क ह त ह? ३.व य जन ण र कस कहत ह? यह र कतन प रक र क ह त ह? च थ र र दन म ज ञ न १. ण पर म ए इस प रक र लग इए र क फ ल क न म बन ज ए - ग ल ब -... स र ज म ख -... २.र नम नर लब लखत म ओ स र द र द ब द बन ओ- आ क म क ब द-... ऊ क म क ब द-... ए क म क ब द-... ई क म क ब द-... ऊ क म क ब द Higher>Stronger>Brighter

32 ज.ड.ग यनक पब ल क स क ल,प र ण य ऐ क म क ब द-... ओ क म क ब द-... ओ क म क ब द-... प च र र दन र ह र द र गनत क पहच न १.न च र लख अ ग र ज क ब द क र ह र द क अ क म र लब लखए १२ २.न च र लख अ क क ब द म र लब लखए- ५... ९... ११... १२... १८... १४... १७... १९... २२... २७... ३२... ३५... ३९...४२...५०... छठ और स त र र दन- ब रह खड़ १.ख ल स थ न म सह ब द भर - क... र क... क... क... क... ख...ब लख...ख...ख...ख... ग...र ग...ग...ग...ग... च...र च...च...च...च... २. र नम न ब रह खड़ क प र कर 3 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

33 ज.ड.ग यनक पब ल क स क ल,प र ण य प... घ... च... ब... ३. न च र लख म क र द ख और र लख - आ, इ -..., ई..., उ -..., ऊ...,ऐ... ओ...औ... अ... अ... ४. र नम न उर दह रण क र द ख और ब क ब द र कस र कस ब द क म ल ह, र लख क क +अ, क क क ख ख ख आठ और न र र दन-र मर त ( स य क त क षर) ब द १. स य क त अक षर र कस कहत ह?... २.र नच र लख स य क त क षर स ब द बन इए क त... च ३. उर दह रण क र द ख स य क त क षर स ब द बन ओ- क + र + अ=क ष त +र + अ = ज +ञ + अ = +र +अ= 4 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

34 ज.ड.ग यनक पब ल क स क ल,प र ण य ४. उर दह रण र द ख और र द ज ड़ व य जन ल ब द र लख -- चक क ५. क ष,,ज ञ,, स बनन ल र द -र द ब द र लख - र दस और ग य रह र र दन पय य च ब द १. पय य च ब द र कस कहत ह? २. पय य च ब द क और र कस न म स ज नत ह? ३. न च र लख ब द क र द -र द पय य च ब द र लख - स बह -..., जल -..., ह -..., ब ग-..., र म -... घर -..., आ ख -...,धरत -...,र त -... जगत-... प न -... ज गल-... म त -... कमल-... ब रह र र दन और त रह र र दन क य स रचन १. क य र कस कहत ह? उर द हरण क स थ र लख २. क य क र कतन अ ग ह त ह? ३. क य र कस कहत ह? ४. रचन क आध र पर क य क र कतन भ र द ह त ह? न म र लख ५. र नम न ब द क क य बन ओ- प ठ ल - घर- म र- र हम लय- च र दह और पन द रह ब द र ल म ब द १. र ल म ब द र कस कहत ह? २. र ल म ब द क और र कस न म स ज न ज त ह? 5 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

35 ज.ड.ग यनक पब ल क स क ल,प र ण य ३. र नम न ब द क र ल म ब द र लख ऊपर-..., ल भ-...उठन -..., छ ट -... स फ़-... म ट -..., सफल-... घ ड -..., गरम-..., ख -... म र लक... आन... म ठ... एक... ४. क य म छप र ग न ब द क र ल म ब द र लखकर क य प र क र जए- (क) न म ब म ठ नह,बब ल...ह त ह (ख) स य प म र नकलत ह और...म र छप ज त ह (ग) च र द एक, त र... (घ) हम र नडर बन ग,...नह 6 Higher>Stronger>Brighter

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Engelsk. Niveau C. De Merkantile Erhvervsuddannelser September 2005. Casebaseret eksamen. og

Engelsk. Niveau C. De Merkantile Erhvervsuddannelser September 2005. Casebaseret eksamen. og 052430_EngelskC 08/09/05 13:29 Side 1 De Merkantile Erhvervsuddannelser September 2005 Side 1 af 4 sider Casebaseret eksamen Engelsk Niveau C og Indhold: Opgave 1 Presentation

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The X Factor. Målgruppe. Læringsmål. Introduktion til læreren klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen

The X Factor. Målgruppe. Læringsmål. Introduktion til læreren klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen The X Factor Målgruppe 7-10 klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen Læringsmål Eleven kan give sammenhængende fremstillinger på basis af indhentede informationer Eleven har viden om at søge og

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Pædagogisk vejledning

Pædagogisk vejledning Titel: Tema: Fag: Målgruppe: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days Growing up, Teenagers, Holidays, Relationships, USA Engelsk 6.-8.kl. Det er sommerferie og Greg Heffley aner problemer. Gregs far forbyder ham

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Vina Nguyen HSSP July 13, 2008

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Remember the Ship, Additional Work

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Basic statistics for experimental medical researchers

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Name: Week of April 15

Name: Week of April 15 Get a fidget spinner! Spin it. I needed to spin time(s) to finish. Spin again. Add. Complete each number bond. I needed to spin time(s) to finish. How many times do you need to spin? I needed to spin time(s)

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Brug sømbrættet til at lave sjove figurer. Lav fx: Få de andre til at gætte, hvad du har lavet. Use the nail board to make funny shapes.

Brug sømbrættet til at lave sjove figurer. Lav fx: Få de andre til at gætte, hvad du har lavet. Use the nail board to make funny shapes. Brug sømbrættet til at lave sjove figurer. Lav f: Et dannebrogsflag Et hus med tag, vinduer og dør En fugl En bil En blomst Få de andre til at gætte, hvad du har lavet. Use the nail board to make funn

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1 What is the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Russia? Write down three facts from his file.

1 What is the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Russia? Write down three facts from his file. Lee Harvey Oswald 1 Lee Harvey Oswald s profile Read Oswald s profile. Answer the questions. 1 What is the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Russia? Write down three facts from his file. 2 Oswald

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GUIDE TIL BREVSKRIVNING GUIDE TIL BREVSKRIVNING APPELBREVE Formålet med at skrive et appelbrev er at få modtageren til at overholde menneskerettighederne. Det er en god idé at lægge vægt på modtagerens forpligtelser over for

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Name: Week of April 1

Name: Week of April 1 Get a fidget spinner! Spin it. I needed to spin time(s) to finish. Find the GCF using the Birthday Cake method. 5 45 55 9 11 5 = 5 4 16 12 2 14 12 5 100 50 3 15 27 80 208 240 144 70 45 21 24 45 57 Spin

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Titel: Hungry - Fedtbjerget

Titel: Hungry - Fedtbjerget Titel: Hungry - Fedtbjerget Tema: fedme, kærlighed, relationer Fag: Engelsk Målgruppe: 8.-10.kl. Data om læremidlet: Tv-udsendelse: TV0000006275 25 min. DR Undervisning 29-01-2001 Denne pædagogiske vejledning

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LESSON NOTES Extensive Reading in Danish for Intermediate Learners #8 How to Interview

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To the reader: Information regarding this document

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Financial Literacy among 5-7 years old children

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Linear Programming ١ C H A P T E R 2

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Eksempel på eksamensspørgsmål til caseeksamen

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Name: Week of February 25

Name: Week of February 25 Help Robot find Rover. Color the boxes with even sums to make a path. 7 7 5 3 7 5 4 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 3 7 2 8 7 5 7 6 6 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 7 2 6 9 6 6 1 8 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 5 +

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The River Underground, Additional Work

The River Underground, Additional Work 39 (104) The River Underground, Additional Work The River Underground Crosswords Across 1 Another word for "hard to cope with", "unendurable", "insufferable" (10) 5 Another word for "think", "believe",

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2014

Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 (English version further down) Den ny havn i Tejn Havn Bornholms Regionskommune er gået i gang med at udvide Tejn Havn, og det er med til at gøre det muligt, at vi kan være

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Titel: Barry s Bespoke Bakery

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How Al-Anon Works - for Families & Friends of Alcoholics. Pris: kr. 130,00 Ikke på lager i øjeblikket Vare nr. 74 Produktkode: B-22.

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Engelsk 6. klasse årsplan 2018/2019

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Bemærk, der er tale om ældre versioner af softwaren, men fremgangsmåden er uændret.

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DK - Quick Text Translation. HEYYER Net Promoter System Magento extension

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Project Step 7. Behavioral modeling of a dual ported register set. 1/8/ L11 Project Step 5 Copyright Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU 1

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CHAPTER 8: USING OBJECTS Ruby: Philosophy & Implementation CHAPTER 8: USING OBJECTS Introduction to Computer Science Using Ruby Ruby is the latest in the family of Object Oriented Programming Languages As such, its designer studied

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Titel Stutterer. Data om læremidlet: Tv-udsendelse 1: Stutterer Kortfilm SVT 2, , 14 minutter

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Reventlow Lille Skole

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Our activities. Dry sales market. The assortment

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Portal Registration. Check Junk Mail for activation . 1 Click the hyperlink to take you back to the portal to confirm your registration

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Vores mange brugere på er rigtig gode til at komme med kvalificerede ønsker og behov.

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2015

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SKEMA TIL AFRAPPORTERING EVALUERINGSRAPPORT SKEMA TIL AFRAPPORTERING EVALUERINGSRAPPORT OBS! Excel-ark/oversigt over fagelementernes placering i A-, B- og C-kategorier skal vedlægges rapporten. - Følgende bedes udfyldt som del af den Offentliggjorte

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De tre høringssvar findes til sidst i dette dokument (Bilag 1, 2 og 3). I forlængelse af de indkomne kommentarer bemærkes følgende:

De tre høringssvar findes til sidst i dette dokument (Bilag 1, 2 og 3). I forlængelse af de indkomne kommentarer bemærkes følgende: NOTAT VEDR. HØRINGSSVAR København 2018.10.26 BAGGRUND: Kommunalbestyrelsen i Frederiksberg Kommune vedtog den 18. april 2016 at igangsætte processen omkring etablering af et fælles gårdanlæg i karré 41,

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Bilag. Resume. Side 1 af 12

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User Manual for LTC IGNOU

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Titel Found. Data om læremidlet: Pædagogisk vejledning Tema: Kærlighed Fag: Engelsk Målgruppe: kl.

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Danish Language Course for International University Students Copenhagen, 12 July 1 August Application form

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The complete construction for copying a segment, AB, is shown above. Describe each stage of the process.

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Black Jack --- Review. Spring 2012

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Reventlow Lille Skole

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Boligsøgning / Search for accommodation!

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Kalkulation: Hvordan fungerer tal? Jan Mouritsen, professor Institut for Produktion og Erhvervsøkonomi

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2013

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2013

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Terese B. Thomsen 1.semester Formidling, projektarbejde og webdesign ITU DMD d. 02/11-2012

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Internationalt uddannelsestilbud

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On the Catwalk. Workmate

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 3

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Titel. Data om læremidlet: Pædagogisk vejledning

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Udbud på engelsk i UCL. Skabelon til beskrivelse

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Kvant Eksamen December 2010 3 timer med hjælpemidler. 1 Hvad er en continuous variable? Giv 2 illustrationer.

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2012

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X M Y. What is mediation? Mediation analysis an introduction. Definition

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1 s01 - Jeg har generelt været tilfreds med praktikopholdet

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DENCON ARBEJDSBORDE DENCON DESKS DENCON ARBEJDSBORDE Mennesket i centrum betyder, at vi tager hensyn til kroppen og kroppens funktioner. Fordi vi ved, at det er vigtigt og sundt jævnligt at skifte stilling, når man arbejder. Bevægelse

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Engelsk 5. klasse årsplan 2018/2019

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Privat-, statslig- eller regional institution m.v. Andet Added Bekaempelsesudfoerende: string No Label: Bekæmpelsesudførende

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Engelsk B. Højere teknisk eksamen. 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler. Mandag den 19. december kl

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GIVE IT. SOME ENGlISH1. Hedwig Doth Ernst Jacobsen og Henriette BETH Brigham GIVE IT SOME ENGlISH1 Hedwig Give It Some English I 2014 Doth Ernst Jacobsen og Henriette Beth Brigham og Forlaget Hedwig Sat med Calibri og Futura Grafisk

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Appendix 1: Interview guide Maria og Kristian Lundgaard-Karlshøj, Ausumgaard

Appendix 1: Interview guide Maria og Kristian Lundgaard-Karlshøj, Ausumgaard Appendix 1: Interview guide Maria og Kristian Lundgaard-Karlshøj, Ausumgaard Fortæl om Ausumgaard s historie Der er hele tiden snak om værdier, men hvad er det for nogle værdier? uddyb forklar definer

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Det er muligt at chekce følgende opg. i CodeJudge: og

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 8

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Engelsk B. Højere teknisk eksamen. 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler. kl. 9.00-14.00

Engelsk B. Højere teknisk eksamen. 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler. kl. 9.00-14.00 Engelsk B Højere teknisk eksamen 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler kl.9.00-10.00 htx111-eng/b-30052011 Mandag den 30. maj 2011 kl. 9.00-14.00 Side 1 af 7 sider Nedenstående rubrikker udfyldes. Efter prøven

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Anton the Ground Is Lava

Anton the Ground Is Lava Titel Anton the Ground Is Lava Tema: Fag: Målgruppe: Flygtninge, venskab, krig, kulturforståelse, skolestart, kultur og samfund. Engelsk 3.-5. klasse Data om læremidlet: Forfatter: Per Straarup Søndergaard

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PR day 7. Image+identity+profile=branding

PR day 7. Image+identity+profile=branding PR day 7 Image+identity+profile=branding A few definitions Public Relations is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and understanding between an organisation and it s public.

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Modtageklasser i Tønder Kommune

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Witt Hvidevarer A/S. Kontorchef Camilla Hesselby. 2. maj 2011

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HOW MANY? FORMÅL MATERIALER OPDELING AF ELEVER P HOW MANY? FORMÅL MATERIALER OPDELING AF ELEVER Samtale, træning af faste udtryk, spørgsmål og svar. Endvidere en lejlighed til at træne tallene. - Spørgsmålskort - Lærerark til hjælp ved oplæsning og

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Nanna Flindt Kreiner lektor i retorik og engelsk Rysensteen Gymnasium. Indsigt i egen læring og formativ feedback

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Developing a tool for searching and learning. - the potential of an enriched end user thesaurus

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Name: Week of April 15

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Help / Hjælp

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Agenda. The need to embrace our complex health care system and learning to do so. Christian von Plessen Contributors to healthcare services in Denmark

Agenda. The need to embrace our complex health care system and learning to do so. Christian von Plessen Contributors to healthcare services in Denmark Agenda The need to embrace our complex health care system and learning to do so. Christian von Plessen Contributors to healthcare services in Denmark Colitis and Crohn s association Denmark. Charlotte

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Læs mere Digtforløb Jeg plejer at lave et digtforløb i 7. klasse, hvor eleverne møder forskellige typer af digte som oplæg til egne digterier. Som afslutning på emnet skal de vælge et af deres digte og fremstille

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How Al-Anon Works - for Families & Friends of Alcoholics. Pris: kr. 130,00 Ikke på lager i øjeblikket Vare nr. 74 Produktkode: B-22.

How Al-Anon Works - for Families & Friends of Alcoholics. Pris: kr. 130,00 Ikke på lager i øjeblikket Vare nr. 74 Produktkode: B-22. Bøger på engelsk How Al-Anon Works - for Families & Friends of Alcoholics Al-Anons grundbog på engelsk, der indfører os i Al- Anon programmet. Om Al-Anons historie, om forståelse af os selv og alkoholismen.

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2014

Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 (English version further down) Populært med tidlig færgebooking Booking af færgebilletter til TMB 2014 er populært. Vi har fået en stribe mails fra teams, som har booket,

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Molio specifications, development and challenges. ICIS DA 2019 Portland, Kim Streuli, Molio,

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ATEX direktivet. Vedligeholdelse af ATEX certifikater mv. Steen Christensen www.atexdirektivet.

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Nyhedsmail, december 2013 (scroll down for English version)

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Fill in the missing sum.

Fill in the missing sum. 4 + 2 = 6 Fill in the missing sum. Skill: Addition with Pictures - Sums to 10 3 + 1 = 4 2 + 5 = 7 6 + 4 = 10 Mary has 5 pencils in her left hand. She has 4 pencils in her right hand. How many pencils does

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2014

Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 (English version further down) Ny præmie Trolling Master Bornholm fylder 10 år næste gang. Det betyder, at vi har fundet på en ny og ganske anderledes præmie. Den fisker,

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