D3.4 Documentation of Training no. 2 including input for D3.5 Evaluation Report DENMARK

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1 D3.4 Documentation of Training no. 2 including input for D3.5 Evaluation Report DENMARK

2 Transparense project This document has been conducted within the framework of project Transparense Increasing Transparency of Energy Service Markets supported by the EU program Intelligent Energy Europe Date 20. November 2014 Place Copenhagen, Denmark Authors Kaj Leonhart Petersen EC Network Denmark Disclaimer The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


4 Documentation of Training Description and evaluation of the training Country Denmark Training No. 2 Date 25. June 2014, Title Status på ESCO rettede energipolitiske initiativer i Danmark og EU / Status on ESCO initiatives in Denmark and EU Location Copenhagen, Denmark Organised by Dansh Confederation of Industries, EC Network Co-organised with DI ESCO Network (Transparense cooperation partner) Training duration (hours) 3 Target groups Clients, EPC providers, businesses interested in providing EPC services Number of participants 18 Minutes from the The training workshops focused on the following aspects training (few bullet points on the content o Status of current ESCO initiatives in Denmark and particularly in relation to building energy renovation projects and approach) o The relevance of EPC/ESCO projects in energy renovation projects, including benefits o Requirements to ESCO providers and clients for implementing successful EPC/ESCO projects o Opportunities for new actors (EPC providers, facilitators, subcontractors etc.) o Political framework for supporting ESCO initiatives (Denmark and EU) The presentations included: o Bjarke Fjeldsted from the Danish Confedration of Industries presented current national inititives towards promotin the EPC/ESCO market, and in realtion to e National Energy Agrement of o Kaj Leonhart Petersen from EC Network presented the Transparense project, the EPC concept and current EU initiatives to support hte EPC market o Henrik Andersen from the Danish Energy Authority presented current national energy saving initiatives, and the intended role of the ESCO/EPC conept in thsi contex. o Jesper Ole Jensen from the Danish Building Research Institute presented recent research on various approaches used by municipalities in connection with building energy renovation 1

5 Documentation of Trainings works, including a comparison between the ESCO/EPC model and models related to use of only internal resources o Lars Nielsem From Siemens Bulding Technology presented experiences fromn the EPC market and also focused on the future potential in the market The training was concluded by a debate, including questions to the presentations 1 Average ratings received from the participants 1 = Disagree Strongly 5 = Agree Strongly 5 The difficulty level was about right. 4 I can apply the information in my work on implementing EPC projects 4 The training met my professional educational needs. 3,5 The trainer actively involved me in the learning process. 4 As a result of this training, I feel more confident in my capacity to develop EPC projects **4 resp. Summary of the evaluation by participants and response by the partners, especially conclusion on how the future trainings should be improved a) Strengths of this training Summary of the opinions by the participants Interesting to learn about both international and national aspects Good and useful focus on aspects related to success factors in EPC projects, including the interaction between Clients and EPC providers Response by the partner The audience were highly interested in the topics and raised several questions The presentations supplemented each other very well in relation to the overall objectives and the questions raised. Good mix of EUrelated and national aspects. 2

6 Documentation of Trainings Need for more focus on how to further suppot the market development through coordination and framework conditions, and exploit its potential b) Weaknesses of this training Participants More time needed for interactive discussions, particularly in relation to how to develop the market further and involve new businesses. Response by the partner The programme was compressed, only half an hour left for debate, but difficult to keep the businesses involved for more time. It was not possible to answer all questions during the training, but many questions were covered on a bilateral basis afterwards inckuding follow-up meetings and events. c) Tips to improve the training Summary of the opinions by the participants More interactive approach (discussion, group work etc.) Response by the partner See comments above (b) d) Additional areas of training to be included Summary of the opinions by the participants General satisfaction with the areas covered, but need for more coordination in the market, including more promotion of the concept from the Danish Energy Authority Response by the partner According to some of the questions there is a need to cover some areas in more in-depth sessions such as e.g. contractual relations and risk management e) 3

7 Documentation of Trainings Benefits of the training for participants Summary of the opinions by the participants Participants gained a useful update on European aspects as well as barriers and success factors related with planning and implementation of EPC /ESCO projects in Denmark Response by the partner There was a general very positive feedback on the workshop. All presentation were found highly relevant by the participants and presented in a right manner and sequence e) Feedback to the Code of Conduct from the participants Summary of the opinions by the participants Response by the partner Even though the Dansh EPC/ESCO projects have been more or less successful, there is a need to develop a common framework/reference, including a standard model and contract that contribute to ensure quality and transparency in EPC contracts. This is currently being developed by the Danish Energy Authority in cooperation with the Danish Building Authority. The CoC could serve as an overall framework/reference for this, and form part of the EPC tender material and contract. However, the added value of the CoC in this set-up was questioned by some participants, particularly the Danish Confederation of Industries. At the same time most of the participants expressed a need for more support from the Danish Energy Authority to develop the market, including facilitating more coordination in the market. To cope with the need for a better coordination with the national authorities it was agreed to aim for a business facilitation seminar in November 2014 involving the Danish Energy Authority This seminar will also involve EU.ESCO to learn about the possibility to sign the CoC with this organisation. 4

8 Documentation of Trainings Annex 1-2 Invitation and Agenda 5

9 ESCO-netværksmøde Status på ESCO-rettede energipolitiske initiativer i Danmark og EU

10 Program Velkomst Branchedirektør Hans Peter Slente, DI Energi ESCO-initiativer i Strategi for energirenovering af bygninger Konsulent Bjarke Fjeldsted, DI Byg Status på Energistyrelsens arbejde med at fremme ESCO og energiselskabernes energispareindsats Kontorchef Henrik Andersen, Energistyrelsen ESCO i danske kommuner motivation og barriere for at benytte ESCOprojekter Seniorforsker Jesper Ole Jensen, SBi - Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut ESCO-markedet - erfaringer og potentiale Salgsdirektør Lars Nielsen, Siemens Building Technology ESCO-initiativer i EU Partner Kaj Leonhart Petersen, EC Network Afrunding Branchedirektør Hans Peter Slente, DI Energi Networking 2

11 Documentation of Trainings Annex 3 List of participants 6

12 Deltagerliste Peter Hedegaard, Saint-Gobain ISOVER A/S Thorkild Thomsen, Seas-nve Thomas Kähler, ROCKWOOL A/S Ove Mørck, CENERGIA Mette Bruun, DanSolar John Sommer, MT Højgaard Palle Yde Poulsen, Dong Energy Casper Højgaard, Schneider Electric Boje Friis, Schneider Electric Conni Nis-Hansen, Guldborgsund Kommune Nils Daugaard, EC Network Henrik Andersen, Energistyrelsen Jesper Ole Jensen, SBi Lars Nielsen, Siemens Kaj Leonhart Petersen, EC Network Hans Peter Slente, DI Energi Bjarke Fjeldsted, DI Byg Anne Lund Andersen DI Energi

13 Documentation of Trainings Annex 4 Presentations 7

14 ESCO-initiativer i Strategi for energirenovering af bygninger Konsulent Bjarke Fjeldsted, DI Byg 4

15 Strategi for Energirenovering Konsulent Bjarke Fjeldsted, DI Byg

16 Om strategien Udløber af Energiaftalen fra marts 2012 Offentliggjort den 5. maj 2014 Netværksarbejde med op mod 200 personers indsats Kommissorium for arbejdet: Det er ikke hensigten, at strategien skal munde ud i nye tiltag, der kræver direkte statslig finansiering eller garantistillelse Strategien indeholder 21 tiltag fordelt på Alle bygningssegmenter Enfamilieshuse Flerfamilies-, erhvervs- og offentlige bygninger Styrkelse af kompetencer og innovation Er drøftet i Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget og kan igangsættes med få lovændringer 6

17 Strategiens indhold 21 konkrete initiativer 7

18 Opgradere energikrav Komponentkrav: Klimaskærm, vinduer og installationer Problematisk for innovation, produktivitet og konkurrence Indførsel af energiklasse for eksisterende bygninger Opgradere energikrav til nye bygninger (Krav om 2015 og 2020 klasser) 8

19 ESCO og udbud med garanti Tiltag 3.1: Fremme energirenovering af større bygninger med garanti Formål: At minimere usikkerhed i renoveringsprojekter hos private aktører og almene boliger Målgruppe: Entreprenører og rådgivere Produkt: En model for garantistillelse af besparelse ved energirenovering. Dette kan være en standardkontrakt? Bevilling på 5 mio. kr. til konceptudvikling og afprøvning af model Forankret hos Bygningsstyrelsen i samarbejde med Energistyrelsen Forventes præsenteret ved årsskiftet 2014/2015 9

20 ESCO og udbud med garanti Tiltag 3.2: Fremme energirenovering af almene boliger Formål: At minimere usikkerhed i renoveringsprojekter i almene boliger via boligselskabernes dispositionsfonde som supplement til ESCO Målgruppe: Boligselskaber og ESCOs Produkt: En model for garantistillelse af besparelse via boligselskabers dispositionsfonde i tilknytning til ESCOs. Udarbejdelse af digital manual/værktøj til boligselskaber Forankret hos ministeriet for By, Bolig og Landdistrikter. Koordineres med Bygningsstyrelsen i samarbejde med Energistyrelsen Forventes præsenteret september

21 Status på Energistyrelsens arbejde med at fremme ESCO og energiselskabernes energispareindsats Kontorchef Henrik Andersen, Energistyrelsen

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38 ESCO i danske kommuner motivation og barriere for at benytte ESCO-projekter Seniorforsker Jesper Ole Jensen, SBi - Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut

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50 ESCO-markedet - erfaringer og potentiale Salgsdirektør Lars Nielsen, Siemens Building Technology

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66 ESCO-initiativer i EU Partner Kaj Leonhart Petersen, EC Network

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