EU s rammeprogram FP7

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1 EU s rammeprogram FP7 Anders Bjerrum EU-konsulent 1 Disposition Modul 1: Oversigt over indholdet i FP7 Modul 2: Andre tilskudsmuligheder CIP og EU s strukturfonde (indgår ikke i dette kursus) Modul 3: Vælg et program under FP7, hvor projektidéen er relevant Modul 4: Projekttyper, regler for deltagelse og finansiering Modul 5: Bliv fortrolig med de relevante dokumenter: Arbejdsprogram, indkaldelse og vejledning for ansøgere Modul 1, 4 og 5 dækkes af EuroCenter 2 1

2 Disposition Modul 6: Fra projektidé til projektstruktur Modul 7: Sammensætning af konsortiet Modul 8: Part B: 1 Scientific quality Objectives and work plan Modul 9: Part B: 2 Implementation Management and resources Modul 10: Part B: 3 Impact Dissemination, exploitation and IPR Modul 11: Part B: 4 Ethical issues, 5 Gender issues 3 Disposition Modul 12: Part A: A1 Abstract, A2 Partner info, A3 Budget. Online indsendelse d med EPSS Modul 13: Budget og tabeller til Part A og Part B Modul 14: Evaluering af projektforslag Modul 15: Få tilskud til at udarbejde EU-ansøgningen Modul 15 dækkes af EuroCenter 4 2

3 Modul 3 Vælg et program under FP7, hvor projektidéen er relevant 5 Eksempel: Energiforskning DG TREN DG RTD COOPERATION IDEAS PEOPLE CAPACITIES 1 Sundhed 2 Fødevarer, landbrug og bioteknologi 3 Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi 4 Nanovidenskab, materialer og produktion 5 Energi 6 Miljø inklusiv klimaændringer 7 Transport inklusiv luftfart 8 Samfundsvidenskab og humaniora 9 Sikkerhed 10 Rumforskning Frontier research ERC grants Netværk for forskeruddannelse ( forskerskoler ) Individuelle stipendier til europæisk samarbejde ( livslang læring ) Samarbejde mellem offentlig og privat forskning Individuelle stipendier til internationalt samarbejde ( den internationale dimension ) Særlige foranstaltninger Ti tematiske programmer Fem tværgående programmer Programmer med frit valg af emne Forskningsinfrastruktur Forskning for SMV er Videnbaserede regioner Forskningspotentialet i konvergens- og yderregioner Videnskaben i Samfundet Samordnet udviklingen af forskningspolitik Internationalt samarbejde 6 3

4 Opslag (calls) FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 FP6 FP7 DG RTD DG TREN 1 HEALTH 2 KBBE 3 ICT 4 NMP 5 ENERGY Ramme- program Arbejdsprogram Area 5.2 Renewable electricity generation Call FP7-ENERGY Deep offshore multi-purpose platforms for wind/ocean energy conversion Emner og indkaldelser Call FP7-ENERGY-2008-TREN-1 Ocean: Demonstration of innovative full size systems 7 Eksempel på arbejdsprogram ENERGY WP 2009 (page 11) Topic ENERGY : Deep off-shore multi-purpose renewable energy conversion platforms for wind/ocean energy conversion Content/Scope: Deep offshore renewable electricity generation will raise new challenges in maritime planning and permitting in Europe and in the sustainable development of Europe's marine resources. Offshore renewable electricity generation has certain advantages, such as no competition for land use, higher and more predictable wind speeds, and higher ocean power levels. However, costs for deep offshore projects are understandably higher than for onshore or other developments, so research and economies of scale are needed to bring them down to a more competitive level. Research on multiple uses of the sea at the same location shall be carried out: in particular, deep off-shore floating multi-purpose renewable energy production platforms able to host wind/ocean energy converters shall be investigated. The project shall address, inter alia, new platform design, component engineering, risk assessment, spatial planning, platform-related grid connection and possible use of off-shore renewable energy conversion platforms also for nonenergy purposes such as environmental measurements. Funding scheme: Collaborative project Expected impact: Improve the cost/benefit ratio of the off-shore technologies through multiple use of the infrastructures. This will bring off-shore renewable energy applications closer to the market. Other Information: The effective involvement of industrial partners active in off-shore developments is essential to achieve the full impact of the project. This will be considered in the evaluation. Open in call: FP7-ENERGY MGT RTD Demo Other (dissemination and exploitation) 7% 70% 15% 8% Product development and marketing? 8 4

5 Eksempel på arbejdsprogram ENERGY WP 2008 (page 26): Topic ENERGY Ocean: demonstration of innovative full size systems Content/scope: Full scale demonstration of innovative ocean energy technologies, including wave, ocean current, and tidal stream technologies for electricity generation, with a view to their market potential and commercial exploitation. The systems could be bottom fixed, floating or shoreline/land based. Priority will be given to concepts for which a small scale prototype has already been tested (the main results should be presented). The systems should be connected to the grid. The proposals should describe in detail in particular the innovative component of the project, the monitoring of the operation, the reporting and the dissemination activities foreseen. Funding scheme: Collaborative Project with a predominant demonstration component. Expected impact: Reduction of manufacturing and production costs, improved reliability and efficiency, lower O&M requirements; successful demonstration and quantification of the technical and economic performance, including improvements in these aspects, and effective dissemination of the results are expected to increase the visibility and to enhance the deployment of ocean energy technologies. Other information: In order to maximise industrial relevance and impact of the research effort, the active participation of SMEs represents an added value to this topic. This will be reflected in the evaluation. Open in call: FP7-ENERGY-2008-TREN-1 ENERGY WP 2008 (page 16): It is expected that a proposal with a predominant demonstration component has typically the following structure: about 70% of the budget for demonstration, including costs for tests and supportive measurements, up to about 20% for research and development activities, up to about 5% for the dissemination and promotion of project results, up to about 2% for training (optional) up to about 7% for management. MGT RTD Demo Other (dissemination and exploitation) 7% 15% 70% 8% 9 Eksempel på arbejdsprogram MGT RTD Demo Other (dissemination and exploitation + training) 7% 70% 15% 8% 10 5

6 Eksempel på arbejdsprogram Energy WP (page 54): Topic ENERGY : Novel materials for energy applications (Joint Call NMP) Technical content/scope: In most cases, real breakthroughs in the energy sector can only come from progress in basic materials science that underpins energy technologies. Research should focus on a wide spectrum of novel materials and nanomaterials for energy applications with an orientation towards long-term innovation. The research activities supported should go beyond conventional approaches, and be highly novel, very ambitious and of long term nature. The expected impact of these projects will be judged in the first instance on the radical upgrade in the properties of the materials, but this improved performance must be in areas where energy technology benefits are to be expected and, in this context, multidisciplinary approaches are of particular interest. Projects should contribute to the establishment of strong strategic positions for Europe in emerging materials science areas of technological relevance. Important fields of application for energy technology are energy conversion and storage, photon capture and CO2 capture and storage. Funding scheme: Collaborative projects. Special features: Joint Call with Theme 4 topic NMP , under activity This joint call is particularly well suited for cooperation with top class research groups from Third Countries in particular Emerging Economies and Industrialised Countries which can help ensure a wider impact. It is also encouraged to include in the projects activities related to benchmarking and validation (testing) of the new materials, which would have a positive effect on the industrial impact. Projects under this call shall have a maximum requested EC contribution of EUR 3 Million. This is an eligibility criterion. Expected impact: Exploration of radically new paths leading to highly innovative, high risk, long term research in the field of materials for energy applications and contribution to the establishment of strong strategic positions for European science and technology in emerging areas. The potential impact on the energy system has to be clearly demonstrated. Open in call: FP7-ENERGY-NMP Energy WP (page 42): The evaluation shall follow a two stages procedure. Projects under this call shall have a maximum requested EC contribution of EUR 3 million. 11 Vælg et program i FP7, hvor projektidéen er relevant Spørg PO hvorfor indkaldelsen er aktuel netop nu Spørg om EU s forventning til forholdet mellem RTD (research), Demo og Other (Dissemination and exploitation) Undersøg om indkaldelsen kommer fra DG RTD eller andre DG er Sammenhold expected impact med objectives Send et abstract (1 side) til PO og bed om telefonisk feedback Slut på Modul 3 12 6

7 Modul 6 Fra projektidé til projektstruktur 13 Gør projektidéen klar og enkel Vælg et dækkende titel og et mundret acronym Eksempler: Autonomous underwater vehicle for seabed inspections AUTOSUB Co-production on European Research targeted at young people FUTURE DETECTIVES Health alliance for prodent prescription, yield and use of anti-microbial drugs in the treatment of respiratory tract infections HAPPY AUDIT Find kernen i projektidéen Eksempler: Kortlægning af havbunden? Udvikling af prototype ubåd? Instrumenter og metoder til navigation under vandet? Skær det overflødige bort (nyt projekt) Eksempel: Kortlægning af mineralske ressourcer på havbunden (nodules, hard minerals) 14 7

8 Seks nøglespørgsmål Hvorfor er der brug for ny viden (kan man ikke bare hyre et ingeniørfirma til at løse opgaven)? Hvad er kernen i det forventede forskningsmæssige gennembrud? Hvorfor er projektidéen relevant for EU netop nu (og ikke for 5 år siden) Hvorfor er det dig, der skal koordinere denne forskning for EU? Hvem er de umiddelbare aftagere af projektets resultater (IPR)? Hvad er det markedsmæssige potentiale ti og hvad er tidsperspektivet? t? 15 Oversigt over Part B 1. S/T quality 2. Implementation 3. Impact 1.1 Concept and objectives 1.2 Progress beyond state-of-the-art 1.3 S/T methodology and associated Work Plan 2.1 Management 2.2 Individual partners 2.3 Consortium as a whole 3.1 Expected impact 3.2 Dissemination 4. Ethical issues 5. Gender issues S/T Quality tæller kun 33%! Bedømmelsen af S/T quality smitter af på bedømmenlsen af implementation og Impact 16 8

9 Følg dispositionen men tilføj Introduction og LOR 1. S/T quality 2. Implementation 3. Impact Introduction 1.1 Concept and objectives 1.2 Progress beyond state-of-the-art 1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan 2.1 Management 2.2 Individual partners 2.3 Consortium as a whole 3.1 Expected impact 3.2 Dissemination 4. Ethical issues 5. Gender issues Eksempler på guldkorn : Professionel management Konsortium i verdensklasse Impact, der opfylder EU-mål /politikker Dissemination plan rettet mod projektets målgruppe(r) Letter of Recommendation 17 Introduction check list The project idea The current situation (state-of-the-art) The EU need ( the gab ) The main objectives (3-5 objectives) How the objectives will be achieved The competences of the consortium Main outcome (3-5 main results) Major risks and how they will be addressed Relevance Exploitation and Use ( next user ) Impact of the main results on the EU needs The likelihood of achieving the impact 18 9

10 Den røde tråd (1/2) 1. S/T quality 2. Implementation 3. Impact Idé Partner 1 Partner 2 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Partner 3 Partner 15 Work Package 1 Work Package 2 Work Package 3 Work Package 8 Competence 1 Competence 2 Competence 3 Competence 10 19 Den røde tråd (2/2) 1. S/T quality 2. Implementation 3. Impact Idé Expected result 1 Expected result 2 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Expected result 3 Expected result 15 Work Package 1 Work Package 2 Work Package 3 Work Package 8 Deliverable 1.1,... Deliverable 2.1,... Deliverable 3.1, Deliverable 8.1,... Success criteria 1 Success criteria 2 Success criteria 3 20 10

11 Fra idé til projektstruktur Vælg et godt aconym (brand) Sørg for at der er en rød tråd fra idé til impact Vær pædagogisk overfor evaluator Brug grafik, tabeller, statistik og illustrationer LOR s fra stakeholders / end-users sidst i Part B Slut på Modul 6 21 Modul 7 Sammensætning af et konsortium 22 11

12 Projekttyper (Funding schemes) FTU-projekter Ekspertisenetværk Støtteprojekter Forskning for SME er COOPERATION CP NOE CSA IDEAS Speciel PEOPLE Specielle CAPACITIES Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (CP+CSA) Speciel CP er CSA er Large Small CA er SA er 4-10 M 4-5 år partnere 1-3 M 2-3 år 5-10 partnere 0,5-1,2 M 1-2 år partnere 0,1-1 M 1-2 år 1-15 partnere 23 Typer af deltagere Deltagere Rolle Funding Forskere Universiteter Forskninginstitutioner SME er Større virksomheder Slutbrugere Virksomhed (branche 1) Virksomhed (branche 2)... Stakeholders Politikere / myndigheder Interesseorganisationer Partnere (beneficiaries) Partnere (beneficiaries) Partnere eller Advisory Board members MGT 100% RTD 75%* Demo 50% OTH 100% MGT 100% RTD 75%* Demo 50% OTH 100% Typisk kun rejsepenge Evt. serviceydere til rutinejobs Subcontractors 100% * Dog kun 50% for større virksomheder 24 12

13 Hvor finder man de bedste partnere? 1. Eget netværk fra tidligere EU-projekter 2. Danske partneres netværk 3. Igangværende NoEer eller IPer under FP6 4. Teknologiplatforme 5. Konferencer og Informationsmøder 6. Spørg EU-kommissionen 7. Spørg de nationale kontaktpersoner 8. Spørg EuroCenter 9. Spørg det danske kontor i Bruxelles 10.Søg i partnerdatabaser 25 Sammensætning af konsortiet Identificer de nødvendige kompetencer og vis at de dækkes af konsortiet (competance matrix) Ingen ansøgning uden SME er! Tænk på den geografiske spredning (Ø-V, N-S) Hvem er projektets Next-users Hvem er projektets End-users Hvem er projektets Stakeholders Slut på Modul 7 26 13

14 Modul 8 Part B Afsnit 1 Scientific and Technological quality (20 pages plus tables) 1.1 Concept and objectives 1.2 Progress beyond state of the art 1.3 S/T methodology and associated workplan Concept and objectives Project objectives Project structure Consortium Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 WP1 Project Management WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 P1 Coordinator Lead partner P2 Lead partner P3 Lead partner P4 Lead partner P5 Lead partner P6 28 14

15 Pert diagram for teknologiudvikling 29 Pert diagram for materialeforskning 30 15

16 Pert diagram for demonstration af vedvarende energi Progress beyond state of the art State of the art (referencer som fodnoter) Progress beyond Eksempel på grafik: Before and after scenarium Conventional Diesel Particulate Filter Diesel engine Filter Diesel engine Water Aided Microwave Filtration Microwaves Filter - Increased fuel consumption (up to 5%) - High filter cost - Frequent maintenance required - No fuel loss - Low filter cost - Long lifetime 32 16

17 1.3 S/T methodology and work plan Overall description of the work plan (Pert diagram) Time schedule and milestones (Gantt diagram) Tasks and deliverables WP table, WP-leaders and participants 33 Gantt diagrammer ID Task Name 1 1 WP Project process Project initiation Operational project management Project reporting 5 2 WP User requirement specifications State-of-the-art analysis and scenario Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec MS Project Defining trust and security requireme Workflow analysis and optimisation 9 3 WP Client side architecture Software architecture analysis and de OSGi Framework on gateways MS Excel New devices, ways of interaction, usa 13 4 WP Server side architecture Software architecture analysis and de Network intelligence pool and databas Application intelligence and web servi 17 5 WP Communication infrastructure Setting up fixed and mobile (UMTS) c Setting up TETRA communication netw 20 6 WP Socio-economic issues Business modelling European Awareness Scenario Worksh 23 7 WP System integration Integration of system components Technical testing of overall platform Demonstration and population of user Development of validation plan 28 8 WP Validation and uptake Validation of The European Service Ne Validation of Healthcare for tomorrow Preparation for exploitation and take WP Dissemination and exploitation Dissemination Exploitation 34 17

18 Eksempler på Pert Hele projektet WP-niveau Max 15 kasser! Ikke for mange pile! Ingen forkortelser uden forklaring! (WEC: Wave Energy Converter) (PTO: Power take off) 35 Risk and contingency plan Work Package Risk Contingency plan WP1 Project Management Delays due to disagreement between partners. Delays due to coordination problems. Open discussions, close communication and referring to the agreed work plan and deliverables. WP2 Systems engineering WP3 Prototyping and test of PTO modules Excluding potentially good solutions from the shortlist of solutions to be investigated. The risk is considered minimum due to consortium expertise. PTO modules will fail the lab tests and causing delays Including review during the project (Milestone M2), this may re-evaluate the technical path. Re-design of the modules and production of two additional prototypes. WP4 Optimisation of the PTO The implemented PTO system turns out control system to give less energy production. The implemented PTO system results in unexpected slamming on the mechanical PTO modules The existing controls system will still be implemented as a fall-back solution. The existing control system will be used while the control system will be redesigned. WP5 Demo of 500 kw WEC at Horns Reef PTO modules cracks during the operation Different types of PTO modules shall be sea tested before installation Hvad er plan B - hvis noget går galt? 36 18

19 WP-tables Fra Excel WP3 Prototyping and test of PTO modules Start 7 Activity type: DEMO Duration 10 WP-leader: P03 UNK End 16 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 Total WSE OO UNK F&J AAU CWMT Vattenfall DONG TTE WavEC EU-OEA Total WP3 5,0 9,4 42,0 36,0 0,0 16,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 108,4 37 WP-tables Fra Excel 38 19

20 Summary of staff effort Person months for end-user partnere skal med i skemaet, også selvom de ikke skal have tilskud. 39 Summary of S/T Quality Lav et gennemarbejdet Pert diagram Beskriv hver WP som tekst eller i WP-tabellerne Hver partner skal have en eller flere Deliverables Vis, at der et flow igennem projektet Pas på sidetallet flyt tekst til Impact Slut på Modul 8 40 20

21 Modul 9 Part B Afsnit 2 Implementation 2.1 Management structure and procedures (5 pages) 2.2 Individual participants (1 page per participant) 2.3 Consortium as a whole (no max length) 41 Opgaver under management Establish efficient communication procedures including intranet: Communication tools and procedures Support and Contract Administration team Website and intranet Set up Progress and Financial Monitoring System Ongoing coordination and project management activities: Project Management Concept Specification and Success Criteria Milestone Review Sessions Risk Management Coordination and Steering Committee Meetings Progress and Financial Reporting to EC Dissemination Management Balancing gender and offering equal opportunities Final report to EC 42 21

22 2.1 Management structure and procedures Describe the organisation Describe the decision procedures Describe data management Describe the plan for management meetings Management structure and procedures Organisationdiagram 44 22

23 2.2 Individual participants Vigtigt! P1: Roskilde University, Centre for Democratic Governance (RUC), DK General The Centre for Democratic Network Governance is located at the Department of Society and description Globalisation, Roskilde University, Denmark, which is a large interdisciplinary Department with more than 60 researchers. The Department has a large research school with two doctoral programmes: one on Welfare, Governance and Citizenship (15 PhD students) and one on International Development Studies (30 PhD students). The Department provides an international research environment and has experience with hosting large EU-projects (the FP6 CINEFOGO project). It has specialized in public administration, political sociology, and international development studies. Role Coordinator. WP-leader for WP4. Role Organisation of international conferences as required for the project. relevant Analysis of governmental strategies for participatory governance; SWOT-analysis (of competences document studies of public reports. relevance for WP2); In-depth knowledge of governmentality theory and has used this theory in Stocktaking of participation and network governance in the field of urban and regional development (Nordic Network on Democratic Network). Institutional forms of participation (of relevance for WP3), path-dependency on participation and governance and democratic participation at the local, regional, national and transnational levels (FP6 CONNEX). Leading position in the field of democratic network governance (of relevance for WP4). Case study of multi-level participation in the field of employment policy (of relevance for WP5). From comparative, multi-level research project on network governance of employment policy in Denmark, Britain and France; use of the CLEAR-instrument (of relevance for WP6). Survey on participation in and management of local and regional partnerships (Nordic Network on Democratic Network); action research from a recent study of a large-scale experiment with new forms of local democracy in Holbæk Municipality in Denmark. Design experiments in Collaborative innovation in the public sector. Key Peter Triantafillou, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Society and Globalisation, persons Roskilde University. Inspired by post-structuralist theories and methods, he is researching on the exercise of power and freedom inside and outside the public sector through various governing technologies that aims to enhance participation. His current focus is on employment policies in Europe and the role of benchmarking. Anders Esmark, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University. His main research areas are the transformation of governance, Europeanisation and political communication. He is also an expert on mediatized public deliberation. Karl Löfgren, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University. His research interests include the use of modern information- and communication technologies for democratic purposes (e-democracy), the network governance of ICT-policy, and finally, assessments of democratic processes in relation to collaborative planning. Previous EU FP6: CONNEX Network of excellence. research a European project financed by the ESRC conracts a European project financed by the ESF Consortium as a whole Typer af partnere i konsortiet, SMEernes rolle Historik, tidligere samarbejde Competancematrix 46 23

24 Afsnit 2 Implementation Grundig beskrivelse af project management Individual participants: En side per partner Grundig beskrivelse af konsortiet Husk at fremhæve SME erne Slut på Modul 9 47 Modul 10 Part B Afsnit 3 Impact (10 pages) 3.1 Expected impact listed in the work programme 3.2 Dissemination and exploitation of project results and IPR management 48 24

25 3.1 Expected impact Projektets betydning for EU s politik på området Projektets betydning for EU s konkurrencedygtighed Projektets betydning for de enkelte partnere Alle områder i Europakommissionen Eksempler på de 32 generaldirektorater i Europakommisionen: Transport og energi: DG TREN eu/dgs/energy transport/index en html Sundhed: DG HEALTH Miljø: DG ENVIRONMENT Erhvervsliv: DG ENTERPRISE Forskning: DG Research Dissemination and exploitation Identificér målgrupperne (Scientists, end-users, politicians, i reporters, general public) Ikke nok at skrive artikler og gå til konferencer! Uddannelsesaktiviteter (Training) beskrives Både faglig og samfundsmæssig dissemination Find en professionel medie partner! 50 25

26 Exploitation and Use The process of disseminating and exploiting the results of projects with a view to optimising their value, strengthening their impact, transferring them, integrating them in a sustainable way and using them actively in systems and practices at local, regional, national and European levels. The process of disseminating and piloting the most innovative practices, exploiting them, developing them in different contexts and gradually incorporating them into formal and informal systems of training, into the methods used by businesses and associations, and into the learning experience of every individual. Reference: DG Culture Dissemination and exploitation Lav en plan for exploitation aktiviteter efter projektet: t Fra prototype t til produktudvikling d Beskriv hver partners forventede resultater Beskriv strategien for udnyttelse af IPR (Intelectual Property Rights) 52 26

27 3.2 Dissemination and exploitation Følg op på objectives med succeskriterier WP Success criteria How to verify the success criteria WP1 Project completed within budget and time Management reports and deliverables are delivered in time and approved by the European Commission WP2 WP3 WP4 The formulation of a precise and future-oriented research agenda that reflects leading experts and policy makers assessments of the needs for and challenges to the enhancement of citizen participation in the multi-layered EU polity A mapping of the historical traditions and recent experiences of citizen participation in different countries and levels of government reveals the different points of departure for the future attempts to enhance participation and a preliminary conceptual taxonomy provides an initial overview of different institutional forms of participation The formulation of an integrated theoretical framework that brings together and develops different political and sociological theories and is capable of explaining the dynamics and scope conditions of the virtuous circle of democratic participation The members of the Advisory Board of Stakeholders approve the refined research agenda on the basis of an assessment of its precision and future relevance We presented stylized descriptions of the historical and more resent experiences with different institutional forms of participation at our international conference in which the path-dependency of these experiences is clearly discerned The members of the Academic Advisory Board approve the theoretical framework on the basis of an assessment of its stringency and explanatory capacity Slut på Modul 10 53 Modul 11 Part B Afsnit 4 Ethical issues Afsnit 5 Gender aspects (1 page) 54 27

28 Afsnit 4 Ethical issues Persondata, dyreforsøg, børn, stamcelleforskning 55 Afsnit 5 Gender aspects Koordinator er opmærksom på Kommissionens politik om ligeberettigelse l Koordinator vil rapportere gender statistik (projektdeltagernes køn) Etablér en strategi for lige rettigheder Flexible work conditions (barns første sygedag, barsel) Intensives (opfordring til kvinder om at søge jobs) Outreach activities (formidling til offentligheden) Må ikke fylde mindre end ½ side! Slut på Modul 11 56 28

29 Skriv en succesfuld ansøgning (1/3) 57 Skriv en succesfuld ansøgning (2/3) 58 29

30 Skriv en succesfuld ansøgning (3/3) Slut på Modul Modul 12 Part A A1 Abstract (offentliggøres) A2 Partner (1 side for hver partner) A3 Budget Udfyldes online i Electronic Proposal Submission i Service (EPSS) 60 30

31 Registrering af proposal i EPSS Vælg projekttype 61 Registrering af proposal i EPSS Koordinator registrerer ansøgningen 62 31

32 Registrering af proposal i EPSS Spar tid ved at bruge Participant Identification Code 63 Registrering af proposal i EPSS Universitet eller SME: Vælg Transition Flat Rate 60% Ingeniørfirma med høj overhead: Vælg Actual Indirect Costs Produktionsfirma med lav overhead: Vælg Standard Flat Rate 20% 64 32

33 Beregning af indirect cost Indirect costs = OVH * (direct cost subcontractors) Method OVH Who can use this method? Documentation 1 Flat rate 20% All Not required 2 Transition flat rate 60% SME's, universities 3 Actual indirect costs 4 Simplified method Actual (at project level) Actual (at entity level) All Organisation which do not agrregate their indirect costs at a detailed level Required 65 Registrering af proposal i EPSS Kopier ind fra et Worddokument (ca ½ side) 66 33

34 Registrering af proposal i EPSS Forskellige usernames for koordinator og partnere Ændres til f.eks.: Acronym2008 67 Opsætning af konsortiet i EPSS Kun for koordinator 68 34

35 Udfyldning af A1 (koordinator) Genfremsendelse? 69 Udfyldning af A2 (hver partner) 70 35

36 Form A3.1 Budget Kun for koordinator Slut på Modul Modul 13 Budget og tabeller til Part A og Part B Opret dig som bruger på Brugernavn: (din adresse) Password: eufp2007 72 36

37 73 Opsætning af konsortiet Type Name Short name P01 DK SME Wavestar Energy AS WSE P02 NO SME Dr Tech Olav Olsen AS OO P03 DE HES Kassel Universität UNK P04 DE SME Fehling & Jungmann F&J P05 DK HES Aalborg University AAU P06 DE RTD Fraunhofer-Center für Windenergie und Meerestechnik CWMT P07 SE IND Vattenfall AB Vattenfall P08 DK IND Dong Energy DONG P09 PT IND Tecneira Tecnologias Energiticas TTE P10 PT SME Wave Energy Centre WavEC P11 BE SME European Ocean Energy Association EU-OEA 74 37

38 Indtastning af WP/Task struktur 75 Indtastning af Person months WP1 Project Management WP2 Systems engineering WP3 Prototyping and test of PTO modules WP4 Optimising the PTO control system WP5 Demo of 500 kw WEC at Horns Reef Resp. P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 Total WP-leader Partner WSE OO UNK F&J AAU CWMT PM Task 1.1 Project management WSE 6,0 6,0 WSE Task 1.2 Consortium management WSE 6,0 6,0 Total WP1 12,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 12,0 Task 2.1 Specification of wave loads WSE 2,0 1,0 1,0 6,0 Task 2.2 Specification of mechanical PTO system WSE 3,0 3,0 1,0 1,0 8,0 WSE Task 2.3 Specification of control system AAU 1,0 3,0 4,0 Task 2.4 Specification of structural monitoring system CWMT 1,0 5,0 8,0 Total WP2 7,0 4,0 2,0 1,0 3,0 5,0 26,0 Task 3.1 Design of PTO modules OO 1,0 5,4 3,0 6,0 0,0 15,4 Task 3.2 Manufacturing of PTO modules for test F&J 1,0 1,0 3,0 12,0 0,0 17,0 UNK Task 3.3 Lab test of PTO modues UNK 1,0 1,0 12,0 6,0 0,0 20,0 Task 3.4 Sea test of four PTO modules at Hanstholm WSE 1,0 1,0 12,0 6,0 10,0 30,0 Task 3.5 Analysis of test results and fatique life time UNK 1,0 1,0 12,0 6,0 6,0 26,0 Total WP3 5,0 9,4 42,0 36,0 0,0 16,0 108,4 Task 4.1 Estimation of incoming waves in real time AAU 1,0 12,0 13,0 Task 4.2 Modelling multi-floats interaction AAU 1,0 6,0 7,0 AAU Task 4.3 Optimisation of the existing PTO control system AAU 1,0 6,0 7,0 Task 4.4 Modelling of optimised PTO control system AAU 6,0 6,0 Task 4.5 Implementation of new WS3 PLC system WSE 1,0 3,0 4,0 Total WP4 4,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 33,0 0,0 37,0 Task 5.1 Ordering and integration of PTO modules WSE 3,0 10,0 3,0 16,0 Task 5.2 Structural monitoring CWMT 3,0 12,0 16,0 WSE Task 5.3 Operational monitoring WSE 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 6,0 26,5 Task 5.4 System optimisation AAU 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 6,0 19,5 Task 5.5 Operational monitoring (second period) WSE 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 6,0 40,0 Total WP5 15,0 0,0 19,0 12,0 9,0 30,0 118,

39 Indtastning af rater P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 Total WSE OO UNK F&J AAU CWMT Vattenfall DONG TTE WavEC EU-OEA Overhead 60% 76% 60% 60% 60% 75% 103% 103% 20% 60% 60% Weight: Managers % Senior researchers % Researchers % Personal costs Subcontractors Consumables Equipment Travel Direct costs Indirect costs Total WP Funding 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% EU-contribution Personal costs Subcontractors Consumables Equipment Travel Direct costs Indirect costs Total WP Funding 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% EU-contribution 77 WP-tabel, oversigt Work Package Month Participants Activity Funding rate Lead pa artner Start End WSE OO UNK F&J AAU CWM MT Vatten fall DON G TTE WP1 Project Management MGT 100% P01 WSE 1 36 X WP2 Systems engineering P01 WSE 1 6 X X X X X X X X WP3 Prototyping and test of PTO modules P03 UNK 7 16 X X X X X WP4 Optimising the PTO control system Demo 50% P05 AAU 5 18 X X WP5 Demo of 500 kw WEC at Horns Reef P01 WSE X X X X X X X X WP6 Evaluation of the demo operation P07 Vattenfall X X X X X X X WP7 Potential for exploitation of cost- P08 reduced WEC's OTH 100% DONG X X X X X X X WP8 Dialogue with energy decision makers P11 EU-OEA 1 36 X X X X X X X X X X X EC WavE EA EU-OE 78 39

40 WP-tabeller WP1 Project Management Start 1 Activity type: MGT Duration 36 WP-leader: P01 WSE End 36 P01 P01 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 Total WSE OO UNK F&J AAU CWMT Vattenfall DONG TTE WavEC EU-OEA Task 1.1 6,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 6,0 Task 1.2 6,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 6,0 Total WP1 12,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 12,0 WP2 Systems engineering Start 1 Activity type: DEMO Duration 6 WP-leader: P01 WSE End 6 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 Total WSE OO UNK F&J AAU CWMT Vattenfall DONG TTE WavEC EU-OEA Task 2.1 2,0 1,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 6,0 Task 2.2 3,0 3,0 1,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 8,0 Task 2.3 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 3,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 4,0 Task 2.4 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 5,0 1,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 8,0 Total WP2 7,0 4,0 2,0 1,0 3,0 5,0 2,0 2,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 26,0 WP3 Prototyping and test of PTO modules Start 7 Activity type: DEMO Duration 10 WP-leader: P03 UNK End 16 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 Total WSE OO UNK F&J AAU CWMT Vattenfall DONG TTE WavEC EU-OEA Task 3.1 1,0 5,4 3,0 6,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 15,4 Task 3.2 1,0 1,0 3,0 12,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 17,0 Task 3.3 1,0 1,0 12,0 6,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 20,0 Task 3.4 1,0 1,0 12,0 6,0 0,0 10,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 30,0 Task 3.5 1,0 1,0 12,0 6,0 0,0 6,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 26,0 Total WP3 5,0 9,4 42,0 36,0 0,0 16,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 108,4 79 Fordeling af budget på WPer Requested contribution Total costs WP1 Project Management % % WP2 Systems engineering % % WP3 Prototyping and test of PTO modules % % WP4 Optimising the PTO control system % % WP5 Demo of 500 kw WEC at Horns Reef % % WP6 Evaluation of the demo operation % % WP7 Potential for exploitation of cost-reduced WEC's % % WP8 Dialogue with energy decision makers % % Total % % 80 40

41 Fordeling af budget på partnere Partner RTD DEM MGT OTH Total P01 WSE P02 OO P03 UNK P04 F&J P05 AAU P06 CWMT P07 Vattenfall P08 DONG P09 TTE P10 WavEC P11 EU-OEA Requested funding: 81 Indtastning af budget i EPSS (A3) P01 WSE RTD DEM MGT OTH Total Personnel costs (in ) Subcontracting (in ) Other direct costs (in ) Indirect costs (in ) Lump sum, flat rate or scale of unit (in ) Total budget (in ) Requested EC contribution (in ) Total Receipts (in ) Kontrol (skal være o) P02 OO RTD DEM MGT OTH Total Personnel costs (in ) Subcontracting (in ) Other direct costs (in ) Indirect costs (in ) Lump sum, flat rate or scale of unit (in ) Total budget (in ) Requested EC contribution (in ) Total Receipts (in ) Kontrol (skal være o) P03 UNK RTD DEM MGT OTH Total Personnel costs (in ) Subcontracting (in ) Other direct costs (in ) Indirect costs (in ) Lump sum, flat rate or scale of unit (in ) Total budget (in ) Requested EC contribution (in ) Total Receipts (in ) Slut på Modul 13 82 41

42 Modul 14 Evaluering af projektforslag 83 Evaluering Eligibility check (antal partnere, relevans i forhold til indkaldelsen) Remote evaluation (evaluatorerne får pdf-filen i farver!) Consensus meetings (3 evaluatorer læser dit proposal) Panel ranking Hearings (kun for IP og NOE) Selection of proposals Ethical review (hvis nødvendigt) Proposal 1 Proposal 2 Proposal 3 Proposal 4 Proposal 25 Proposal 50 Available budget Treshold 84 42

43 Karakterskala 5 - excellent 4 - very good 3 - good 2 - fair 1 - poor 0 - the proposal fails to address the issue under examination or can not be judged against the criterion due to missing or incomplete information 85 Evalueringskriterier 1-trins evaluering 2-trins evaluering Trin 1 Trin 2 Section 1: S/T quality Mindst 3 Mindst 4 Mindst 4 Section 2: Implementation Mindst 3 Mindst 3 Section 3: Impact Mindst 3 Mindst 3 Mindst 3 Sum Mindst 10 Mindst 8 Mindst 12 86 43

44 Hjælp til at skrive ansøgning: Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen: EU s politik: Ansøgning til FP7: 87 Modul 15 Få tilskud til at udarbejde en EU-ansøgning 88 44

45 Fem kontante forbedringer i FP7 Universiteter og mindre virksomheder: Overhead 60% uden dokumentation (20% i FP6) Universiteter: 75% tilskud til fastansatte projektdeltagere (0% i FP6) Mindre virksomheder og forskningsinstitutioner: 75% tilskud til forskning (50% i FP6) Alle: 50% til demo (35% i FP6) Alle: Intet loft over projektledelse (max 7% i FP6). Slut på Modul 15 89 45

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