Undervisningsbeskrivelse for flerfaglige forløb

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1 Undervisningsbeskrivelse for flerfaglige forløb Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser Termin December 2013 Institution Varde Handelsskole og Handelsgymnasium Uddannelse Titel for flerfaglig forløb Fag i det flerfaglige forløb Lærer(e) adresse(r) Hhx Det Internationale Område (DIO) - GLOBALISERING Samtidshistorie A, International økonomi, Engelsk A, Spansk A, Dansk A Kirsten Gøtze kg@vardehs.dk, Jakob Gade jg@vardehs.dk, Tanja Thorbjørnsrød tt@vardehs.dk, Anella Juelsgaard aju@vardehs.dk Hold HHX3C13gb Side 1 af 25

2 Beskrivelse af det flerfaglige undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert fag) Retur til forside Titel Fag Indhold Det Internationale Område - Globalisering Dansk A Globaliseringen påtvinger os de samme skikke Uddrag af The Culture of Liberty, Mario Vargas Llosa, Foreign Policy, februar 2000 Globaliseringen åbner for kulturel udvikling Politiken sektion Side 13 UDDRAG Af: Anne M. Sørensen DYGTIGT SAT FÆLDE Jyllands-Posten JP_Århus Side 10 Af: Jesper Ib Fup og fakta om globalisering og Attac Mediernes ansvar Hofstedes Kulturdimensioner samt løgdiagrammet er gennemgået Der har i perioden op til DIO været fokuseret på mediehistorie, herunder globalisering af nyhedsmedierne Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter 6 lektioner At eleverne opnår bevidsthed om mediernes rolle i globaliseringsprocessen samt globaliseringens betydning og udfordringer i nyhedformidlingen Væsentligste arbejdsformer Gruppearbejde, klassegennemgang, Retur til forside Side 2 af 25

3 Beskrivelse af det flerfaglige undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert fag) Retur til forside Titel Fag Indhold Det Internationale Område - Globalisering Engelsk A -what is globalization The Economist, Mar 31st 2011 WASHINGTON, DC Minority Report Gloria Anzaldúa, "To live in the Borderlands means you" Aurora Levins Morales Child of the Americas Kipling: We and They Omfang 6 Særlige fokuspunkter Der har været fokus på globaliseringsbegrebet samt migration med fokus på immigration i USA, men også globalt Derudover har der været fokus på kulturmødet mellem immigrant og modtagerland samt på kulturmødet i imperietiden mellem kolonisator og de koloniserede Der er arbejdet med tekstforståelsesopgaver og analyseopgaver til såvel sagprosa som lyrik Der er arbejdet med den postkoloniale analysemetode, nykritisk metode, Hofstedes kulturteorier samt retorik, argumentation og kommunikationsanalyse Væsentligste arbejdsformer Retur til forside Der er arbejdet individuelt og i grupper samt på klassen Side 3 af 25

4 Beskrivelse af det flerfaglige undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert fag) Retur til forside Titel Det internationale område - Globalisering Fag Spansk A Indhold Ingrid Agostoni, Quri Palomino Janns - La Globalización Gyldendal kap. 1-2 Introducción a la globalización ASALTO AL SUEÑO Ulla Ringgard, Aase Kledal: Retratos latinos en California, Gyldendal - Kap 1. Introduktion - Kap 2. Latino -kultur i Californien ss Kap 4. UCLA og udokumenterede latino-studerende ss Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter 6 lektioner Udgangspunktet har været globalisering samt emigrationen til USA. Herudfra har undervisningen lagt vægt på årsager til emigrationen, integrationen, kulturmødet, etc. Derudover har undervisningen lagt op til analyse samt refleksion af anvendt materiale. Fagets metoder har været i fokus Væsentligste arbejdsformer Undervisningen har lagt vægt på pararbejde og gruppe arbejde, samt individuelt skriftligt arbejde. Retur til forside Side 4 af 25

5 Beskrivelse af det flerfaglige undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert fag) Retur til forside Titel Fag Indhold Det internationale område - Globalisering Samtidshistorie B Kinas miljø. dr. horisont kulturteorier: dias ligger i fronter under sam.hist fagrummet/to sæt Huntington: civilisationernes konflikt. let læs udgave i fagrum 7 faser i Kinas økonomiske politik fra revolutionen til idag. fagrum 5 nye trends i globaliseringen. fagrum dias: hvad er globalisering. fagrum temaartikler- viden. Jyllandsposten. om forskellige former for globalisering. fagrum dias: historisk metode. fagrum skema over dio fagenes metoder og teorier. fagrum Fukuyama: globaliseringen driver os mod hinanden på tværs af religion. nettet generelle problemer i ulandene. lægger dem i fronter- er udleveret/ gennemgået med henblik på Kina og Indien Omfang 16 Særlige fokuspunkter Der skal skabes kendskab til kulturteorier og disse skal kunne anvendes i analyser af kulturelle, samfundsmæssige og historiske kontekster Desuden har der været fokus på fagets metoder Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning - gruppearbejde - individuelt arbejde Retur til forside Side 5 af 25

6 Beskrivelse af det flerfaglige undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert fag) Retur til forside Titel Fag Indhold Det internationale område - globalisering International økonomi Følgende kilder gennemgået: temaet: når Kina vågner 3.Metodepapir ; generelt og IØ 4.Papir om hjælp til opslag i 3 databaser.(imf, World Bank, Globalis) 5. Kurreer: Lærebog i IØ(A), kap. 25 Globalisering 6.Youtube, videointerview med Jørgen Ørstrøm Møller om globalisering Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter Ca 12 lektioner Fokus på metodisk arbejde i faget IØ, flerfagligt fokus, altså hvilke snitflader har faget til øvrige fag der indgår i studieområde del 3. Arbejde med formulering af korrekt problemformulering Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning / projektarbejde Retur til forside Side 6 af 25

7 Retur til forside Program for Undervisning og ophold i Boston Deltagende elever fra Varde Handelsskole: Jonas Søndergaard Daniel Astrup Hansen Julie Sølbeck Sørensen Camilla Vang Møller Rebekka Søndergaard Nielsen Side 7 af 25

8 Study trip hhx 3 rd year Duration: Activities: Students: 2 or 4 weeks Studies on globalisation Excursions They are in their third and last year of the hhx course a higher commercial study programme which grants students access to university studies but prepares them especially for further/higher commercial education. Curriculum of HHX: Curriculum includes business economics, marketing, international economics, business law, English, a second modern language and contemporary history as obligatory subjects. In addition students are offered optional subjects like a third modern language (Spanish or French), media, export marketing, and psychology. In depth study of globalisation: In the third year of hhx there is a special in depth study of globalization which all students must do. They can choose to do it in Denmark exclusively or they can choose to do it partly in Denmark and partly on study trips to the United States, China, the UK (Scotland or England), Ireland, France or Spain. The study trips to the UK, Ireland, France and Spain are 2-week-trips, and the trips to the US and China are 4-week-trips. Aims of in depth study: The aims of the in depth study are: To challenge students creative and innovative capacities To improve students capacity to apply their knowledge of various subjects and the methods of these subjects to produce new knowledge about culture and practical/theoretical economic and societal issues To develop students ability to contrast knowledge and methods of various subjects To qualify students choice of further/higher education. To increase students` knowledge of national, European and global issues Course structure and course contents for study trips to China, the USA, Ireland, the UK, Spain or France: The structure of the in depth study of globalisation: Preparatory studies (in Denmark) Study trip to one of the above countries Comparative analysis (in Denmark) The in depth study of globalisation focuses on: Cultural issues Side 8 af 25

9 Economic issues Political issues Preparatory studies (in Denmark): Models for culture analysis: Geert Hofstede s culture dimensions: Power Distance, Individualism/collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance and Femininity and Masculinity Edward T. Hall s theory on Polychronic and Monochronic cultures, and Highand Low Context cultures Richard Lewis, theory on Reactive Cultures Economic, cultural, political, methodology issues: Socio-economic analysis: Economy and demography Economic globalisation Danish culture Globalisation history Political systems Synopsis as a product Criticism of the sources Study Trip to the USA, China, the UK, Ireland, Spain or France: Students are to collect data on aspects of the culture, politics and economy of the chosen culture, and in doing so they are to use the above-mentioned theories. On the basis of the collected data students are to make a conclusion as to the position of the country in question in a globalising world measured on: Cultural criteria (1) Political criteria (2) Economic criteria (3) Data are to be collected on the following cultural (1) issues ( 8 sessions): Society/Culture: Fundamental world conception * Basic values * Norms and rules * Religion * Data may be collected through lectures and/or visits to culture bearing institutions. Side 9 af 25

10 Company: Organizational structure * Power structure * The roles of managers and employees * Conflict solving * Person versus subject matter ** Appointments ** Motivation ** Innovation** Consensus ** Data may be collected through interviews at companies or lectures Family pattern ** Education * Data may be collected through interviews at schools/universities or lectures Data are to be collected on the following societal/political (2) issues ( 4 sessions): Recent political history: 1945 till today * Political Structure: Parliamentary System * Power structure ** Political parties ** Election behaviour ** Foreign policy: Proactive or reactive* Alliances * Interrelation of policies * Current and potential conflict areas * Interest groups ** The Press ** Data may be collected through visits to Parliament, political parties, interest group and/or regional centre and/or lectures. Side 10 af 25

11 Data are to be collected on the following societal/economic (3) issues ( 8 sessions): Recent economic history: 1945 till today * Economic structure: Macro-economic key figures: Economic objectives * Economic growth * Balance of payments * Inflation * Unemployment rate * Etc. Structure of trade and industry: Agriculture: Structure ** Production ** Competitive power** Industry: Types of enterprises ** Branches ** Competitive power ** Service industry: Branches ** Competitive power ** Foreign trade: Goods and services * Strengths * Relations to trade blocks/alliances * WTO * Demography including: Population ** Development in population ** Urbanization ** Centre periphery ** Ethnic groups ** Work force ** Emigration ** Immigration Data may be collected through lectures, by students or through visits to important financial institutions like the Central Bank, the Ministry for Finances, the Ministry for Trade or a bank. Side 11 af 25

12 Project: The conclusions of the students are to be presented in the form of a synopsis to members of the academic staff and the accompanying Danish lecturer, and as mentioned above. The synopsis is to be graded. Total amount of tuition is 30 of each 60 minutes: 20 sessions for data collection 7 sessions for the completion of synopsis assisted by academic staff 3 sessions for presentation of synopsis In addition 3 sessions should be scheduled for students self directed work with synopsis Explanation of symbols: * means that these subjects are obligatory on all destinations ** means that these subjects are obligatory, but that they should be weighted according to their importance for the country in question Comparative analysis (in Denmark): Comparative analysis of the chosen country and Denmark on the above issues Side 12 af 25

13 Title Contents (including applied litterature) U.S. Culture Seminar Identity, Culture and Life Experiences within the American Experience Understanding how identity, culture, and different life experiences impact how Americans of different ethnic, racial, cultural and linguistic backgrounds interact with one another and with others from different countries. In this course we explore how Americans see themselves as a collective and as individuals using historical and anthropological lenses. Intercultural Communication Identifying how different cultures communicate through verbal and non-verbal communication and understanding the patterns through various within and across cultures will be discussed and explored through theoretical readings, materials and thoughtful student participation and discussion. American Values, Attitudes and Beliefs Understanding the values, attitudes and beliefs throughout the continental U.S. and how they differ in region, geography and ethnic populations and ethnic pockets of subcultures through the country. We explore American values, attitudes and beliefs though an anthropological, sociological and anthropological lenses. Materials: Newcomer s Almanac; Language Shock (The Circle and the Field, Culture Blends); Culture and Communication The Namesake movie, 2006 Number of class hours Special focus on: 7.0 hours US Culture and Intercultural Communication Work forms Side 13 af 25

14 Title Contents (including applied literature) U.S. History This seminar covers the establishment of the Bristish colonies in North America, the Massachusetts colony, life in the colonies, Boston s role in uniting the colonies to rebel against the British Crown for the unfair taxes it impoesed on them to pay off the massive war debt it incurred during the French and Indian War, and events leading up to the American Revolution. The session also explored modern U.S. History as it relates to U.S. civil liberities and civil rights. Additionally, there was a optional movie viewing: Mississippi Burning where students are invited to participate in a dialogue after watching the film. Slidedecks: 1. The British Empire: The British Empire: Articles of Confederation: The First U.S. Government 4. The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights Materials: 1. One Document, Under Siege by Richard Stengel, TIME, July 4, The Constitution of the United States 3. U.S. Constitution Study Sheet: Structure and Functions 4. Civic Lessons Cartoon for Kids How a Bill Becomes a Law by School House Rock 5. "The We the People" US Consitution video by School House Rock 6. Mississippi Burning movie -- Two FBI agents investigating the murder of civil rights workers during the 60s seek to breach the conspiracy of silence in a small Southern town where segregation divides black and white. Number of class hours Special focus on: 8.5 hours lecture and 3.5 hours for movie and discussion. Events leading up tot he American Revolutionary and Boston s central role in it. Work forms Side 14 af 25

15 Title Contents (including applied literature) Macroeconomics Session Topics: Tools Of The Economists Measuring The Vital Signs Of The Economy Curing The Economy With The Flu Globalization: To Trade or Not to Trade Keeping The Economy Healthy Materials: Students were given instructor developed notes in each session. The notes outlined all of the topics and gave them a chance to conduct graphic analysis along with simple problems involving quantitative computation. Students were also asked to read 4 articles taken from periodical (NY Times, Economist, Wall Street Journal & a report by the Federal Reserve of Bank of St. Louis) and discussion on them were conducted. Students were also asked to complete an instructor-developed macroeconomic exercise that required them to consider whether them to do simple computation and obtain information from data found in the US Govt website (prior to the federal shut down). Number of class hours Special focus on: Work forms 15.5 hours lecture The first half of the sessions focused on application of macroeconomic theory to understand short-term fluctuations and gave students a critical appraisal of Keynesian macroeconomic model by introducing them to the ideas of F.A. Hayek and more recently, Robert Barro. The second half of the sessions focused on the problems around globalization. Students were introduced to the origin from the historical perspective, and then exmained the goals and problems of a global free market. Side 15 af 25

16 Title Contents (including applied literature) Neuromarketing This seminar covers the basic parts of the brain and their related functions. Brain terminology is also covered to help students understand how the terms are used in field research and industry. A variety of brain scanning methods are explored, including the popular Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fmri). Once the students have been introduced to neuro terminology and the scanning technologies employed in the field, they begin to learn about neuromarketing techniques. They learn that marketing science is essentially about understanding, explaining, and predicting individual, group, and organizational behavior relevant to markets. They ponder questions such as: Do consumers really know what they want? What are their subconscious desires? Can researchers really predict whether YOU prefer Pepsi or Coke more accurately than YOU can just by observing brain activity? Who decides what you buy? In other words, how do medi messages work to guide our perception of products? Are humans deeply irrational? Are neuromarketing methods immune to subjectivity and bias? Could technologies like fmri help marketers find the buy button in the brain, stripping away people s free will in product choice? Who should have access to data gained through neuromarketing techniques? Can neuromarketing bring about the next revolution in understanding consumer behavior? Is neuromarketing a step forward in understanding the human mid, or is it an intuitive and manipulative marketing ploy geared toward demolishing privacy and personal opinion? Materials: Brain Scam: The Hype of Neuroimaging Techniques as Marketing Tools Number of class hours Special focus on: 3.25 hours lecture Neuromarketing; consumer choice; technologies Side 16 af 25

17 Title Contents (including applied literature) Neuroscience and Individuality: Exploring How We Understand Ability, Creativity and Intelligence. Are our talents hardwired or trainable? Are we born with intellectual gifts, or do we cultivate them? What do tests tell us about intelligence? In this seminar, students will explore these questions by learning about neural plasticity (how we adapt and respond to change), neural networks (widespread interplay of regions throughout the brain), and brain connectivity (the vast number of connections made between neurons and between separate areas of the brain). Understanding these systems empowers people to recognize themselves as highly unique and individual, break away from the fatalistic nature vs. nurture debate, and think critically about consumer products promising to train their brains. If time allows, students may further apply these new perspectives to their own experiences around ability, creativity and intelligence as measured in schools, business and other areas of society by examining a test of these characteristics of their choosing (e.g., the SAT, a computer brain game, the IQ test, a spelling bee, and other forms of competition). To what extent are we able to measure ability, intelligence and creativity? What do averages on these measures tell us about individuals? What improvements to our current metrics might students imagine and propose? Key Takeaways: - What we mean by the terms ability, intelligence and creativity are often more complicated than we realize because our brains are as well! - Our brains adapt and change throughout our lives according to our various experiences what we spend time doing changes what we are able to do! - We measure ourselves against averages (through tests, competitions, expectations) when we need to think about ourselves as unique individuals no two brains are ever alike! Materials: RSA Animate: Changing Education Paradigms Number of class hours Special focus on: Application Exercises: 1- Architecture metals Manufacturing 2- Computer Systems Design & Related Technology Services 2.50 hours lecture Understanding Ability, Intelligence and Creativity Work forms Side 17 af 25

18 Undervisningsbeskrivelse for program i Malaga: Deltagende Elever for Varde Handelsskole: Charlotte Majka Engdal Christensen Pernille Christensen Study trip hhx 3 rd year Duration: Activities: Students: 2 or 3 weeks Studies on globalisation Excursions They are in their third and last year of the hhx course a higher commercial study programme which grants students access to university studies but prepares them especially for further/higher commercial education. Curriculum of HHX: Curriculum includes business economics, marketing, international economics, business law, English, a second modern language and contemporary history as obligatory subjects. In addition students are offered optional subjects like a third modern language (Spanish), media, export marketing, and psychology. In depth study of globalisation: In the third year of hhx there is a special in depth study of globalization which all students must do. They can choose to do it in Denmark exclusively or they can choose to do it partly in Denmark and partly on study trips to Australia, the United States, China, the UK (Scotland or England), Ireland or Spain. The study trips to the UK, Ireland and Spain are 2 week-trips, and the trips to the US, China and Australia are 3 week-trips. Aims of in depth study: The aims of the in depth study are: To challenge students creative and innovative capacities To improve students capacity to apply their knowledge of various subjects and the methods of these subjects to produce new knowledge about culture and practical/theoretical economic and societal issues To develop students ability to contrast knowledge and methods of various subjects To qualify students choice of further/higher education. To increase students` knowledge of national, European and global issues Course structure and course contents for study trips to Australia, China, the USA, Ireland, the UK or Spain: The structure of the in depth study of globalisation: Preparatory studies (in Denmark) Study trip to one of the above countries Side 18 af 25

19 Comparative analysis (in Denmark) The in depth study of globalisation focuses on: Cultural issues Economic issues Political issues Preparatory studies (in Denmark): Models for culture analysis: Geert Hofstede s culture dimensions: Power Distance, Individualism/collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance and Femininity and Masculinity Edward T. Hall s theory on Polychronic and Monochronic cultures, and Highand Low Context cultures Richard Lewis, theory on Reactive Cultures Economic, cultural, political, methodology issues: Socio-economic analysis: Economy and demography Economic globalisation Danish culture Globalisation history Political systems Synopsis as a product Criticism of the sources Study Trip to Australia, the USA, China, the UK, Ireland or Spain: Students are to collect data on aspects of the culture, politics and economy of the chosen culture, and in doing so they are to use the above-mentioned theories. On the basis of the collected data students are to make a conclusion as to the position of the country in question in a globalising world measured on: Cultural criteria (1) Political criteria (2) Economic criteria (3) Data are to be collected on the following cultural (1) issues ( 8 sessions): Society/Culture: Fundamental world conception * Basic values * Norms and rules * Religion * Side 19 af 25

20 Data may be collected through lectures and/or visits to culture bearing institutions. Company: Organizational structure * Power structure * The roles of managers and employees * Conflict solving * Person versus subject matter ** Appointments ** Motivation ** Innovation** Consensus ** Data may be collected through interviews at companies or lectures Family pattern ** Education * Data may be collected through interviews at schools/universities or lectures Data are to be collected on the following societal/political (2) issues ( 4 sessions): Recent political history: 1945 till today * Political Structure: Parliamentary System * Power structure ** Political parties ** Election behaviour ** Foreign policy: Proactive or reactive* Alliances * Interrelation of policies * Current and potential conflict areas * Interest groups ** The Press ** Data may be collected through visits to Parliament, political parties, interest group and/or regional centre and/or lectures. Side 20 af 25

21 Data are to be collected on the following societal/economic (3) issues ( 8 sessions): Recent economic history: 1945 till today * Economic structure: Macro-economic key figures: Economic objectives * Economic growth * Balance of payments * Inflation * Unemployment rate * Etc. Structure of trade and industry: Agriculture: Structure ** Production ** Competitive power** Industry: Types of enterprises ** Branches ** Competitive power ** Service industry: Branches ** Competitive power ** Foreign trade: Goods and services * Strengths * Relations to trade blocks/alliances * WTO * Demography including: Population ** Development in population ** Urbanization ** Centre periphery ** Ethnic groups ** Work force ** Emigration ** Immigration Data may be collected through lectures, by students or through visits to important financial institutions like the Central Bank, the Ministry for Finances, the Ministry for Trade or a bank. Side 21 af 25

22 Project: The conclusions of the students are to be presented in the form of a synopsis to members of the academic staff and the accompanying Danish lecturer, and as mentioned above. The synopsis is to be graded. Total amount of tuition is 30 of each 60 minutes: 20 sessions for data collection 7 sessions for the completion of synopsis assisted by academic staff 3 sessions for presentation of synopsis In addition 3 sessions should be scheduled for students self directed work with synopsis Explanation of symbols: * means that these subjects are obligatory on all destinations ** means that these subjects are obligatory, but that they should be weighted according to their importance for the country in question Comparative analysis (in Denmark): Comparative analysis of the chosen country and Denmark on the above issues (report) Else Krog Oktober 2011 Side 22 af 25

23 SKEMA SYNERGI MÁLAGA Søndag Mandag :00 2 timer på engelsk: Emne: Society / Culture Ankomst til Málaga 23:55 Transport til indkvartering 11:00 2 timer på spansk: Emne: Familien/uddannelse 13:00 Velkomsfest kl præsentation 15:00 Rundtur i Málaga Tirsdag Onsdag :00 4 timer på engelsk 08:30 Undervisning 1 time på spansk Emne: kultur Emne: Nyere politisk historie 3 timer på engelsk 13:00 Fritid Emne: Political structure (1 time) Emne: Foreign Policy (2 timer) 12:30 Besøg hos på handelskammeret 14:00 Sportsaktivitet: bordtennis Vi går direkte fra undervisningen 20:30 Barsafari, mødested ved Mc Donalds Side 23 af 25

24 Torsdag Fredag :00 3 timer på engelsk 09:15 Virksomhedsbesøg på avisen "El Sur" Mødested ved busstoppestedet nr. 17 Emne: Recent economic history (1 time) på "La Alameda Principal". Emne: Economic structure (2 timer) 1 times spanskundervisning 14:30 3 timer på engelsk Emne: Structure of trade and industry (2 timer) 13:00 Fritid Emne: Foreign trade (1 time) 17:30 Guidet besøg paa Picassomuseet 1 times spanskundervisning Mødested ved museets indgang 18:30 Fritid Lørdag :30 Udflugt til Córdoba (obligatorisk) Mødested ved Restaurant Mamma Mía Mandag Tirsdag Synopsis med underviseren (3 timer) 09:00 2 timer på spansk 09:00 Emne: Demografi Synopsis (1 time) 13:00 Fritid Synopsis uden underviser (1 time) 14:00 Fritid 2 timers spanskundervisning Side 24 af 25

25 Onsdag Torsdag :00 Synopsis med underviser (3 timer) 09:00 4 timers spanskundervisning Synopsis uden underviser (2 timer) 14:00 Fritid 13:00 Fritid Fredag Lørdag :00 Præsentation af synopsis (3 timer) Afskedsarrangement med paella på Debla Fritid 13:30 Afgang fra Málaga, 4 elever Mødested "Mamma-mía" Side 25 af 25

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Undervisningsbeskrivelse Undervisningsbeskrivelse Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser Termin maj-juni, 10/11 Institution Handelsskolen Silkeborg Uddannelse Fag og niveau Lærer(e) Hold hhx Engelsk A Bente

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Undervisningsbeskrivelse Undervisningsbeskrivelse Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser Termin Institution Uddannelse Fag og niveau Lærer(e) Hold Termin hvori undervisningen afsluttes: maj-juni 09/10 Silkeborg

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Undervisningsbeskrivelse Undervisningsbeskrivelse Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser Termin Maj/juni 2013 Institution Roskilde Handelsskole Uddannelse Fag og niveau Lærer(e) Hold HHX Engelsk A Trine

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