ZA5205. Flash Eurobarometer 262 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

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1 ZA5205 Flash Eurobarometer 262 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

2 Questionnaire FL262 DG INFSO Q1. Kan du fortælle mig, hvilket telefonnummer du ville ringe på i tilfælde af en nødsituation i Danmark; for eksempel hvis nogen har brug for akut lægehjælp eller i tilfælde af, at du har brug for at kontakte politiet eller brandvæsenet? [LÆS IKKE OP- FLERE SVAR] Nationalt nummer/nationale numre Andet nummer/andre numre...3 Q2. Kan du fortælle mig, hvilket telefonnummer der gør det muligt for dig at ringe til nødtjenester overalt i den Europæiske Union? [LÆS IKKE OP] Andet nummer/andre numre...2 Q er det alarmnummer, du kan bruges til at ringe til nødtjenester overalt i Den Europæiske Union. I de sidste 12 måneder har du da hørt eller set nogen information angående det europæiske alarmnummer 112? Og har du set eller hørt nogen information om det nationale alarmnummer/alarmnumre? - Ja, angående Ja, angående nationale alarmnumre Ja, angående begge Nej...4 HVIS SVARET ER 1 ELLER 3 TIL Q3 Q3A. Hvor så/hørte du information angående det europæiske alarmnummer 112? [LÆS OP FLERE SVAR] - Medier (fjernsyn, radio, aviser, Internet) Via din telefon operatør (mønttelefoner, telefonbøger, fakturaer) Andet...3

3 Q4. Fortæl mig venligst i hvilken grad, du er enig eller uenig i de følgende udsagn: [LÆS OP - ET SVAR PER LINJE] - Helt enig Temmelig enig Temmelig uenig Helt uenig [Ved ikke/intet svar]... 9 A. Det er meget nyttigt at have et europæisk alarmnummer, der er tilgængeligt i hele Den Europæiske Union B. I Danmark bliver folk tilstrækkeligt informeret om eksistensen af det europæiske alarmnummer C. Danmark burde gøre mere for at gøre det nemmere for handicappede brugere at kontakte nødtjenesterne via 112, som f.eks. ved at forsyne med tilpassede telefoner Q5. I de sidste fem år har du da ringet på det europæiske alarmnummer 112 eller et nationalt alarmnummer i Danmark eller i et andet EU-land i tilfælde af en nødssituation? - Ja, kun Ja, kun nationale alarmnumre Ja, både 112 og nationale alarmnumre [Andre numre] Nej, jeg har ikke ringet på noget alarmnummer...5 HVIS SVARET ER 4, 5 ELLER 9 I Q5, GÅ TIL D1 LANGT SPØRGESKEMA Q6. Tænk på den SIDSTE gang, du ringede til et alarmnummer. Blev dette opkald foretaget... - til 112 i Danmark til et nationalt alarmnummer i Danmark til 112 i et andet EU-land til et nationalt alarmnummer i et andet EU-land...4 2

4 Q7. Hvilken slags telefon brugte du? - Offentlig mønttelefon Fastnet telefon Mobiltelefon Via Internet (VoIP)...4 Q8. Var du ude for nogle tekniske problemer i oprettelsen eller fastholdelsen af opkaldet? - Nej, jeg var ikke ude for nogle tekniske vanskeligheder Jeg fik ikke nogen ringetone eller telefonen gik død Jeg fik en optaget tone eller telefonen ringede, men der var ingen, der svarede Andre tekniske problemer...4 [SPØRG Q8A, HVIS ALARMOPKALDET BLEV FORETAGET I ET ANDET EU- LAND (SVAR 3 ELLER 4 TIL Q6)] Q8a. Var du ude for nogle kommunikationsproblemer pga. det sprog, du anvendte? - Ja, vi havde et kommunikationsproblem pga. sprog Nej, vi kommunikerede på et sprog fra det land, vi besøgte Nej, vi kommunikerede på et sprog, der var forskelligt fra det/dem i det land, vi besøgte...3 Q9. Afgav du information om din geografiske placering til alarmnummeroperatøren? [LÆS OP - KUN ET SVAR] - Ja, jeg oplyste den nøjagtige adresse Ja, men jeg kunne ikke oplyse den nøjagtige adresse...2 3

5 - Nej, operatøren spurgte ikke efter den, selvom jeg kunne have givet denne oplysning Nej, jeg kunne ikke oplyse min geografiske placering...4 Q10. Hvillken opfølgning var der på dit opkald? [LÆS OP- KUN ET SVAR] - En beredskabstjeneste ankom til stedet En beredskabstjeneste blev sendt, men ankom ikke Jeg fik oplysninger via telefonen, om hvad jeg skulle gøre/hvor jeg skulle tage hen for at løse problemet Jeg fik at vide, at situationen ikke var en nødsituation, og at en opfølgning derfor ikke var nødvendig Andet...5 D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE - AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE] [ 1 ] Mand [ 2 ] Kvinde D2. Hvor gammel er du? [_][_] år gammel [ 0 0 ] [AFSLAG/INTET SVAR] D4. Hvad angår din nuværende beskæftigelse, vil du sige at du er selvstændig, lønmodtager eller arbejder, eller vil du sige, at du er uden erhvervsmæssig beskæftigelse? Betyder det, at du er... [HVIS DER GIVES ET SVAR PÅ HOVEDKATEGORIEN, LÆSES DE RESPEKTIVE UNDERKATEGORIER OP - ] - SELVSTÆNDIG i.e. : - landmand, forstmand, fisker butiksejer, håndværker udøver af et liberalt erhverv (advokat, læge, revisor, arkitekt...) leder af en virksomhed andet Lønmodtager i.e. : - udøver af et liberalt erhverv (ansat læge, advokat, revisor, arkitekt) daglig leder, direktør eller topleder mellemleder Embedsmand kontormedarbejder anden form for ansat (sælger, sygeplejerske osv...) andet

6 - Arbejder i.e. : - tilsynsførende / sjakformand (teamleder osv...) Arbejder ufaglært arbejder andet uden erhvervsmæssig beskæftigelse i.e. : - hjemmegående studerende (fuld tid) pensioneret jobsøgende andet [Afslag]...99 D6. Vil du sige du bor i? - storbyområde anden by/byområde landområde [Afslag]... 9 D10.. Har du noget som helst handicap, som har en væsentlig effekt på din evne til at udføre normale hverdags aktiviteter? - Bevægelses handicap synshandicap eller nedsat hørelse anden type af handicap intet handicap...4 5

ZA5465. Flash Eurobarometer 314 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 4) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5465. Flash Eurobarometer 314 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 4) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5465 Flash Eurobarometer 314 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 4) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark European emergency number 112 February 2011. Q1. Kan du fortælle mig, hvilket telefonnummer

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ZA5774. Flash Eurobarometer 339 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5774. Flash Eurobarometer 339 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA577 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (The European Emergency Number, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL9 - - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens køn

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ZA4812. Flash Eurobarometer 232 (Discrimination in the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4812. Flash Eurobarometer 232 (Discrimination in the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4812 Flash Eurobarometer 232 (Discrimination in the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH EUROBAROMETER 232 I de følgende spørgsmål vil du blive bedt om dine synspunkter på diskrimination.

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ZA5212. Flash Eurobarometer 272 (Space Activities of the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5212. Flash Eurobarometer 272 (Space Activities of the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5212 Flash Eurobarometer 272 (Space Activities of the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 272 SPACE SURVEY 2009 Q1. Mener du, at rumudforskning og andre aktiviteter i rummet

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ZA5445. Flash Eurobarometer 298 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5445. Flash Eurobarometer 298 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5445 Flash Eurobarometer 298 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 298 REGIONAL POLICY (2010) A. OVERORDNET BEVIDSTHED OG ACCEPT AF EU

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ZA4811. Flash Eurobarometer 227 (Expectations of European Citizens Regarding the Social Reality in 20 Years' Time)

ZA4811. Flash Eurobarometer 227 (Expectations of European Citizens Regarding the Social Reality in 20 Years' Time) ZA4811 Flash Eurobarometer 227 (Expectations of European Citizens Regarding the Social Reality in 20 Years' Time) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash Eurobarometer on The expectations and wishes

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ZA4984. Flash Eurobarometer 257 (Views on European Union enlargement) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4984. Flash Eurobarometer 257 (Views on European Union enlargement) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4984 Flash Eurobarometer 257 (Views on European Union enlargement) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 257 ENLARGEMENT I 1989 kollapsede de Central og Østeuropæiske regimer der var forbundet

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ZA4879. Flash Eurobarometer 236 (Citizens' perceptions of fraud and the fight against fraud in the EU27) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4879. Flash Eurobarometer 236 (Citizens' perceptions of fraud and the fight against fraud in the EU27) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4879 Flash Eurobarometer 236 (Citizens' perceptions of fraud and the fight against fraud in the EU27) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH EUROBAROMETER D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE - AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE]

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ZA4813. Flash Eurobarometer 233 (Young People and Drugs) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4813. Flash Eurobarometer 233 (Young People and Drugs) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4813 Flash Eurobarometer 233 (Young People and Drugs) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FL233 - Youth, attitudes and drugs D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE - AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE] - [1]...Mand - [2]...Kvinde

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ZA4980. Flash Eurobarometer 243 (Consumers views on switching service providers) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4980. Flash Eurobarometer 243 (Consumers views on switching service providers) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4980 Flash Eurobarometer 243 (Consumers views on switching service providers) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH EUROBAROMETER Questionnaire D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE - AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE] [ 1 ]

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ZA4814. Flash Eurobarometer 235 (The Rights of the Child) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4814. Flash Eurobarometer 235 (The Rights of the Child) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4814 Flash Eurobarometer 235 (The Rights of the Child) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash 235 - Template Flash Eurobarometer The youth and their rights D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE - AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE]

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ZA4890. Flash Eurobarometer 261 (Flash eurobarometer on water) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4890. Flash Eurobarometer 261 (Flash eurobarometer on water) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4890 Flash Eurobarometer 261 (Flash eurobarometer on water) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 261 WATER Q1. Hvor informeret føler du dig om problemer med søer, floder og kystnære farvande

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ZA4735. Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Biodiversity) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4735. Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Biodiversity) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4735 Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Biodiversity) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash Eurobarometer on biodiversity Flash 219 questionnaire Q1. Kender du til ordet biodiversitet? [KUN ET SVAR MULIGT]

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ZA4736. Flash Eurobarometer 225 (Data Protection - General Public) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4736. Flash Eurobarometer 225 (Data Protection - General Public) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4736 Flash Eurobarometer 225 (Data Protection - General Public) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FL225 Data Protection, General Population Questionnaire Q1. Forskellige private og offentlige organisationer

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ZA5223. Flash Eurobarometer 290 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiversity, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5223. Flash Eurobarometer 290 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiversity, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5223 Flash Eurobarometer 290 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiversity, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 290 BIODIVERSITY Q1. Har du nogensinde hørt om biodiversitet?

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ZA4546. Flash Eurobarometer 206A Attitudes on issues related to EU Energy Policy. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4546. Flash Eurobarometer 206A Attitudes on issues related to EU Energy Policy. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4546 Flash Eurobarometer 206A Attitudes on issues related to EU Energy Policy Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH EUROBAROMETER ON ENERGY PACKAGE Q1. Er klimaændringer og global opvarmning et

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ZA4891. Flash Eurobarometer 266 (Women and European elections) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4891. Flash Eurobarometer 266 (Women and European elections) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4891 Flash Eurobarometer 266 (Women and European elections) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 266 WOMEN AND EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Demographics D1. Køn [1] Mand [2] Kvinde D2. Hvor gammel er

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ZA5222. Flash Eurobarometer 287 (Influenza H1N1) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5222. Flash Eurobarometer 287 (Influenza H1N1) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5222 Flash Eurobarometer 287 (Influenza H1N1) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 287 INFLUENZA Q1. Påtænker du at blive vacccineret mod årstidsbestemt influenza i år? Ja, jeg er allerede blevet

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ZA5224. Flash Eurobarometer 291 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2010) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5224. Flash Eurobarometer 291 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2010) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5224 Flash Eurobarometer 291 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2010) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 291 TOURISM (2010) Q1. I løbet af 2009, hvor mange gange har du

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ZA4880. Flash Eurobarometer 239 (Young people and science) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4880. Flash Eurobarometer 239 (Young people and science) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4880 Flash Eurobarometer 239 (Young people and science) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 239 YOUNG PEOPLE AND SCIENCE D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE - AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE] Mand...1 Kvinde...2 D2. Hvor

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ZA4884 Flash Eurobarometer 248 (Towards a safer use of the Internet for children in the EU a parents' perspective)

ZA4884 Flash Eurobarometer 248 (Towards a safer use of the Internet for children in the EU a parents' perspective) ZA4884 Flash Eurobarometer 248 (Towards a safer use of the Internet for children in the EU a parents' perspective) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark PARENTS OF CHILDREN BETWEEN 6 17 Q0. Hvor mange

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ZA5478. Flash Eurobarometer 328 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism in 2011) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5478. Flash Eurobarometer 328 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism in 2011) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5478 Flash Eurobarometer 328 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism in 2011) Country Questionnaire Denmark Questions for Eurobarometer FLASH-survey (February 2011) Q1. I løbet af 2010,

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ZA5884. Flash Eurobarometer 365 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5884. Flash Eurobarometer 365 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA88 Flash Eurobarometer 6 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH 6 - Citizenship - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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ZA4889. Flash Eurobarometer 258 (Attitudes of Europeans towards tourism) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4889. Flash Eurobarometer 258 (Attitudes of Europeans towards tourism) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4889 Flash Eurobarometer 258 (Attitudes of Europeans towards tourism) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Eurobarometer FLASH- 258 D2. Hvor gammel er du? [_][_] år gammel [ 9 9 ] [AFSLAG/INTET SVAR]

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ZA6649. Flash Eurobarometer 427 (Public Opinion in the EU Regions) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6649. Flash Eurobarometer 427 (Public Opinion in the EU Regions) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA669 Flash Eurobarometer 7 (Public Opinion in the EU Regions) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL7 - FLASH SURVEY IN NUTS I AND NUTS II REGIONS - nd wave DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER

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ZA5209. Flash Eurobarometer 269 (Intergenerational Solidarity) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5209. Flash Eurobarometer 269 (Intergenerational Solidarity) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5209 Flash Eurobarometer 269 (Intergenerational Solidarity) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 269 Jeg vil gerne stille dig nogle spørgsmål om forholdet mellem de forskellige generationer,

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ZA5473. Flash Eurobarometer 313 (User Language Preferences Online) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5473. Flash Eurobarometer 313 (User Language Preferences Online) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5473 Flash Eurobarometer 313 (User Language Preferences Online) Country Questionnaire Denmark Flash Eurobarometer User language preferences online S1. Hvor ofte har du i løbet af de sidste fire uger

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ZA6286. Flash Eurobarometer 416 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, wave 2) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6286. Flash Eurobarometer 416 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, wave 2) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA686 Flash Eurobaromer 6 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, wave ) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL6 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED

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ZA5897. Flash Eurobarometer 383 (Firearms in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5897. Flash Eurobarometer 383 (Firearms in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA897 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Firearms in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 8 Firearms - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens køn

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ZA4894. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4894. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4894 Flash Eurobarometer 212 (Attitudes towards the planned EU pilot project "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs" Young would-be and young existing entrepreneurs) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

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ZA5893. Flash Eurobarometer 375 (European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5893. Flash Eurobarometer 375 (European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA89 Flash Eurobarometer (European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL European Youth - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99')

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ZA4729. Flash Eurobarometer 199 (Audio Visual Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4729. Flash Eurobarometer 199 (Audio Visual Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4729 Flash Eurobarometer 199 (Audio Visual Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FL-199 Audio Visual Policy D2. Hvor gammel er du? [_][_] år gammel [00] [AFSLAG/INTET SVAR] [END INTERVIEW] D1.

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ZA6587. Flash Eurobarometer 423 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy, wave 4) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6587. Flash Eurobarometer 423 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy, wave 4) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA87 Flash Eurobarometer (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy, wave ) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL - Citizens' awareness and perception of EU regional policy DK D Hvad er din alder?

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ZA5474. Flash Eurobarometer 316 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards Resource Efficiency) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5474. Flash Eurobarometer 316 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards Resource Efficiency) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5474 Flash Eurobarometer 316 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards Resource Efficiency) Country Questionnaire Denmark Fl316 Waste Management, Prevention, Re use and Recycling Q0. Tror du, Europa kan blive

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ZA5439. Flash Eurobarometer 283 (Entrepreneurship in the EU and Beyond) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5439. Flash Eurobarometer 283 (Entrepreneurship in the EU and Beyond) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5439 Flash Eurobarometer 283 (Entrepreneurship in the EU and Beyond) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 283 ENTREPRENEURSHIP D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE] Mand... 1 Kvinde... 2 D2.

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ZA4727. Flash Eurobarometer 194 (Urban Audit Perception Survey) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4727. Flash Eurobarometer 194 (Urban Audit Perception Survey) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4727 Flash Eurobarometer 194 (Urban Audit Perception Survey) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 194 URBAN AUDIT IN PREDEFINED COUNTRIES, ASK Q0: Q1 Kan du sige mig om du generelt er meget tilfreds,

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ZA5776. Flash Eurobarometer 341 (Gender Inequalities in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5776. Flash Eurobarometer 341 (Gender Inequalities in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA77 Flash Eurobarometer (Gender Inequalities in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL - Women in the European Union - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE

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ZA4881. Flash Eurobarometer 241 (Information society as seen by EU citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4881. Flash Eurobarometer 241 (Information society as seen by EU citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4881 Flash Eurobarometer 241 (Information society as seen by EU citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 241 INFORMATION SOCIETY Q1. Jeg vil nu oplæse en liste over fritidsaktiviteter.

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ZA5899. Flash Eurobarometer 385 (Justice in the EU) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5899. Flash Eurobarometer 385 (Justice in the EU) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA899 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Justice in the EU) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 8 - Justice in the EU - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens køn

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ZA4542. Flash Eurobarometer 202 Young Europeans. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4542. Flash Eurobarometer 202 Young Europeans. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4542 Flash Eurobarometer 202 Young Europeans Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark QUESTIONNAIRE FL202 Goddag, mit navn er og jeg ringer fra Hermelin Nordic Research. Vi er i øjeblikket i gang med en

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ZA5563. Flash Eurobarometer 330 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5563. Flash Eurobarometer 330 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5563 Flash Eurobarometer 330 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Denmark EUROBAROMETER 2011 Youth attitudes on drugs D1. Køn [SPØRG IKKE AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE] Mand... 1 Kvinde... 2 D2. Hvor

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ZA5435. Flash Eurobarometer 264 (EU Citizens Perceptions about Competition Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5435. Flash Eurobarometer 264 (EU Citizens Perceptions about Competition Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5435 Flash Eurobarometer 264 (EU Citizens Perceptions about Competition Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash Eurobarometer Competition Citizens draft questionnaire Formålet med denne

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ZA5947. Flash Eurobarometer 401 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5947. Flash Eurobarometer 401 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA97 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL0 - Youth Attitudes on Drugs - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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ZA5790. Flash Eurobarometer 355 (Space Activities) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5790. Flash Eurobarometer 355 (Space Activities) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA790 Flash Eurobarometer (Space Activities) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH - Space Activities - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens køn

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ZA4453. Flash Eurobarometer 189a White Paper on Communication - Public at large. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4453. Flash Eurobarometer 189a White Paper on Communication - Public at large. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4453 Flash Eurobarometer 189a White Paper on Communication - Public at large Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash EB 189 White Paper on Communication Questionnaire Public at large God morgen

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ZA4726. Flash Eurobarometer 192 (Entrepeneurship) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4726. Flash Eurobarometer 192 (Entrepeneurship) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4726 Flash Eurobarometer 192 (Entrepeneurship) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash Eurobarometer 192 Entrepreneurship Final Questionnaire DEMOGRAPHICS D1. Køn (SPØRG IKKE - AFMÆRK DET KORREKTE)

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ZA5466. Flash Eurobarometer 299 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5466. Flash Eurobarometer 299 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5466 Flash Eurobarometer 299 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 299 MAIN QUESTIONNAIRE Q1. Kan du fortælle mig, om du

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ZA4535. Flash Eurobarometer 188 Consular Protection and Family Law. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4535. Flash Eurobarometer 188 Consular Protection and Family Law. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4535 Flash Eurobarometer 188 Consular Protection and Family Law Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash 188 : Family law & Consular protection D(7599) DG JAI 2006, Draft Questionnaire v2.1 INTRO.

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ZA6647. Flash Eurobarometer 425 (Food Waste and Date Marking) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6647. Flash Eurobarometer 425 (Food Waste and Date Marking) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA667 Flash Eurobarometer (Food Waste and Date Marking) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL - Attitudes towards food waste DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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ZA5968. Flash Eurobarometer 408 (European Youth) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5968. Flash Eurobarometer 408 (European Youth) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA98 Flash Eurobarometer 08 (European Youth) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL08 European Youth DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens køn Mand Kvinde

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ZA5441 Flash Eurobarometer 289 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public Perceptions in the European Union, wave 4)

ZA5441 Flash Eurobarometer 289 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public Perceptions in the European Union, wave 4) ZA5441 Flash Eurobarometer 289 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public Perceptions in the European Union, wave 4) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash 289 FINANCIAL CRISIS D1. Køn [SPØRG

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ZA4883. Flash Eurobarometer 247 (Family life and the needs of an ageing population) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4883. Flash Eurobarometer 247 (Family life and the needs of an ageing population) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4883 Flash Eurobarometer 247 (Family life and the needs of an ageing population) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark 2008 EUROBAROMETER ON FAMILIES, AND ADAPTING TO THE NEEDS OF AN AGEING POPULATION

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ZA5898. Flash Eurobarometer 384 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy, wave 3) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5898. Flash Eurobarometer 384 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy, wave 3) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA898 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Citizens Awareness and Perceptions of EU Regional Policy, wave ) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 8 - Regional Policy - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE

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ZA3933. Flash EB 140 European Union Enlargement. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA3933. Flash EB 140 European Union Enlargement. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA3933 Flash EB 140 European Union Enlargement Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark D1. Køn [1] mand [2] kvinde D2. Præcis alder: [ ][ ] år gammel [00] [NÆGTER/INTET SVAR] D3. Alder ved afslutningen

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ZA5883. Flash Eurobarometer 364 (Electoral Rights) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5883. Flash Eurobarometer 364 (Electoral Rights) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA88 Flash Eurobarometer 6 (Electoral Rights) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH 6 - Electoral Rights - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens køn

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ZA3935. Flash EB 142 Convention on the Future of Europe. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA3935. Flash EB 142 Convention on the Future of Europe. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA9 Flash EB 1 Convention on the Future of Europe Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark 1. D.1 INT: NOTÉR KØN P 9 (19-JUN-0) MAND... KVINDE... 1: 1. D. HVAD ER DIN ALDER? INT.:HVIS RESPONDENTEN IKKE VIL

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ZA6584. Flash Eurobarometer 420 (Attitudes of Citizens towards Shale Gas in Selected European Regions) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6584. Flash Eurobarometer 420 (Attitudes of Citizens towards Shale Gas in Selected European Regions) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA68 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (Attitudes of Citizens towards Shale Gas in Selected European Regions) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL0 Attitudes of citizens towards shale gas in selected European regions

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ZA4730. Flash Eurobarometer 206b (EU Transport Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4730. Flash Eurobarometer 206b (EU Transport Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4730 Flash Eurobarometer 206b (EU Transport Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH EUROBAROMETER ON TRANSPORT May 2007 QUESTIONNAIRE Q1. Hvilket af det følgende gælder for dig? [INDKOD

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ZA5793. Flash Eurobarometer 358 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 3) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5793. Flash Eurobarometer 358 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 3) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA79 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave ) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH 8 - Consumers - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS

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ZA5908. Flash Eurobarometer 395 (European Youth 2014) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5908. Flash Eurobarometer 395 (European Youth 2014) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA908 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (European Youth 0) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL9 European Youth - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens køn Mand Kvinde

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ZA5779. Flash Eurobarometer 344 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Water related Issues) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5779. Flash Eurobarometer 344 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Water related Issues) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA779 Flash Eurobarometer (Attitudes of Europeans towards Water related Issues) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH - Water - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99')

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ZA5214. Flash Eurobarometer 277 (Urban Audit Perception Survey 2009) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5214. Flash Eurobarometer 277 (Urban Audit Perception Survey 2009) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5214 Flash Eurobarometer 277 (Urban Audit Perception Survey 2009) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 277 URBAN AUDIT Q1. Overordnet set, kan du da fortælle mig, hvorvidt du er meget tilfreds,

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ZA5218. Flash Eurobarometer 282 (Attitudes towards Crossborder Sales and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5218. Flash Eurobarometer 282 (Attitudes towards Crossborder Sales and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5218 Flash Eurobarometer 282 (Attitudes towards Crossborder Sales and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash 282 CONSUMER PROTECTION IN THE INTERNAL MARKET CONSUMER SWITCHING

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ZA5948. Flash Eurobarometer 404 (European Citizens' Digital Health Literacy) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5948. Flash Eurobarometer 404 (European Citizens' Digital Health Literacy) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA98 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (European Citizens' Digital Health Literacy) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 0 - e-health Literacy - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99')

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ZA5887. Flash Eurobarometer 370 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5887. Flash Eurobarometer 370 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA887 Flash Eurobarometer 70 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 0) Country Questionnaire Denmark Tourism - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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ZA5909. Flash Eurobarometer 398 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5909. Flash Eurobarometer 398 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA909 Flash Eurobarometer 98 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 98 - Working Conditions - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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ZA5943. Flash Eurobarometer 397 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 4) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5943. Flash Eurobarometer 397 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 4) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA9 Flash Eurobarometer 97 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave ) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 97 - Consumers - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER

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ZA5789. Flash Eurobarometer 354 (Entrepreneurship in the EU and Beyond) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5789. Flash Eurobarometer 354 (Entrepreneurship in the EU and Beyond) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA89 Flash Eurobarometer (Entrepreneurship in the EU and Beyond) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH - Entrepreneurship - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99')

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ZA6588. Flash Eurobarometer 411 (Cross-border Access to Online Content) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6588. Flash Eurobarometer 411 (Cross-border Access to Online Content) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA688 Flash Eurobarometer 4 (Cross-border Access to Online Content) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL4 Cross border access to content online DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE"

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ZA5785. Flash Eurobarometer 350 (Safety of Services) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5785. Flash Eurobarometer 350 (Safety of Services) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA8 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (Safety of Services) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH 0 - Safety of Services - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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ZA5905. Flash Eurobarometer 392 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2014) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5905. Flash Eurobarometer 392 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2014) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA90 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 0) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 9 - Preferences of Europeans towards tourism - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER

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ZA5882. Flash Eurobarometer 363 (How Companies Influence Our Society: Citizens View) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5882. Flash Eurobarometer 363 (How Companies Influence Our Society: Citizens View) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA88 Flash Eurobarometer (How Companies Influence Our Society: Citizens View) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH - CSR - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99')

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ZA6285. Flash Eurobarometer 414 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2015) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6285. Flash Eurobarometer 414 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2015) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA68 Flash Eurobarometer (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 0) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL Tourism DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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ZA5476. Flash Eurobarometer 319A (Youth on the Move - Respondents Aged Participation) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5476. Flash Eurobarometer 319A (Youth on the Move - Respondents Aged Participation) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5476 Flash Eurobarometer 319A (Youth on the Move - Respondents Aged 15-30 - Participation) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL319A Flash Eurobarometer Youth on the Move January 2011 S0. Er der nogen i din

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ZA5896. Flash Eurobarometer 388 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Waste Management and Resource Efficiency) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5896. Flash Eurobarometer 388 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Waste Management and Resource Efficiency) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA896 Flash Eurobarometer 88 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Waste Management and Resource Efficiency) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL 88 - Waste and Resource Efficiency - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV

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ZA5795. Flash Eurobarometer 360 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Air Quality) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5795. Flash Eurobarometer 360 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Air Quality) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA79 Flash Eurobarometer 60 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Air Quality) Country Questionnaire Denmark EB FLASH 60 - Attitudes of European towards water related issues - DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV

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ZA4454. Flash Eurobarometer 189b White Paper on Communication - Decision Maker. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4454. Flash Eurobarometer 189b White Paper on Communication - Decision Maker. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4454 Flash Eurobarometer 189b White Paper on Communication - Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Flash EB 189 White Paper on Communication Questionnaire Godmorgen/godaften, mit navn er..., og jeg

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ZA4893. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4893. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4893 Flash Eurobarometer 212 (Attitudes towards the planned EU pilot project "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs" Trainers and counsellors of start-up organisations) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

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ZA5559. Flash Eurobarometer 321 (European Contract Law in Consumer Transactions) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5559. Flash Eurobarometer 321 (European Contract Law in Consumer Transactions) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5559 Flash Eurobarometer 321 (European Contract Law in Consumer Transactions) Country Questionnaire Denmark Fl321 FLASH EUROBAROMETER Business attitudes towards cross border business to consumer transactions

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ZA5615. Flash Eurobarometer 332 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 2) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5615. Flash Eurobarometer 332 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 2) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA6 Flash Eurobarometer (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave ) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL - DK Forbrugernes holdning til handel på tværs af grænser og forbrugerbeskyttelse

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ZA4737. Flash Eurobarometer 226 (Data Protection - Data Controllers Perceptions) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4737. Flash Eurobarometer 226 (Data Protection - Data Controllers Perceptions) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4737 Flash Eurobarometer 226 (Data Protection - Data Controllers Perceptions) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FL226 Data Protection, B2B Questionnaire Godmorgen, mit navn er [navn på interviewer],

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Udskydelse af dagpengereform

Udskydelse af dagpengereform Udskydelse af dagpengereform Køn Alder Geografi Kvinde Mand 18-29 år 30-39 år 40-49 år 50-59 år 60-70 år Storkøbenhavn Øvrige Sjælland og øerne Jylland Bør regeringen - set i lyset af finanskrisen - udskyde

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ZA5206. Flash Eurobarometer 263 (The Internal Market: Awareness - Perceptions - Impacts) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5206. Flash Eurobarometer 263 (The Internal Market: Awareness - Perceptions - Impacts) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5206 Flash Eurobarometer 263 (The Internal Market: Awareness - Perceptions - Impacts) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark SURVEY ON INTERNAL MARKET POLICY 1. GENERAL QUESTIONS Q1. Hvad tænker du,

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ZA5477. Flash Eurobarometer 319B (Youth on the Move - Respondents Aged Mobility in Education and Work) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5477. Flash Eurobarometer 319B (Youth on the Move - Respondents Aged Mobility in Education and Work) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5477 Flash Eurobarometer 319B (Youth on the Move - Respondents Aged 15-35 Mobility in Education and Work) Country Questionnaire Denmark Questions for the Flash Eurobarometer on Youth on the Move January

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ZA4986. Flash Eurobarometer 260 (Students and Higher Education Reform) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4986. Flash Eurobarometer 260 (Students and Higher Education Reform) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4986 Flash Eurobarometer 260 (Students and Higher Education Reform) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 260 STUDENTS AND HIGHER EDUCATION REFORM Dit lokale interviewer ID Bosættelse navn Respondent

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ZA4540. Flash Eurobarometer 198 Perceptions of Higher Education Reforms. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA4540. Flash Eurobarometer 198 Perceptions of Higher Education Reforms. Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA4540 Flash Eurobarometer 198 Perceptions of Higher Education Reforms Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark Eurobarometer / Flash Eurobarometer Flash on Higher Education Reform (DG EAC/A2) Final Questionnaire

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ZA6775. Flash Eurobarometer 437 (Internet Users Preferences for Accessing Content Online) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6775. Flash Eurobarometer 437 (Internet Users Preferences for Accessing Content Online) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA77 Flash Eurobarometer 7 (Internet Users Preferences for Accessing Content Online) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL7 DK D Hvad er din alder? (SKRIV NED - HVIS "ØNSKER IKKE AT SVARE" KODE '99') D Respondentens

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Undersøgelse af danske skolebørns viden om menneskerettigheder og børnekonventionen

Undersøgelse af danske skolebørns viden om menneskerettigheder og børnekonventionen Undersøgelse af danske skolebørns viden om menneskerettigheder og børnekonventionen . Indledning. Baggrund for undersøgelsen TNS Gallup har for UNICEF Danmark og Institut for Menneskerettigheder gennemført

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ZA6696. Eurobarometer 85.1OVR (April 2016) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA6696. Eurobarometer 85.1OVR (April 2016) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA6696 Eurobarometer 85.OVR (April 06) Country Questionnaire Denmark A Projektnummer EB8. A B Landekode EB8. B C Vores undersøgelsesnummer EB8. C D Interviewnummer EB8. D Q: HVIS 9 ER DEN ENESTE KODE,

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ZA 5798. Flash Eurobarometer 367 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA 5798. Flash Eurobarometer 367 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA 798 Flash Eurobarometer 7 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) Country Questionnaire Denmark Hjemmegående Studerende (fuld tid) Pensioneret Jobsøgende Andet/Ønsker

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Europa-Parlamentets Eurobarometer (EB79.5) EUROPÆERNE ET ÅR FØR VALGET TIL EUROPA-PARLAMENTET I 2014 Den Parlameter del SOCIODEMOGRAFISK BILAG Generaldirektoratet for Kommunikation ENHEDEN FOR ANALYSE AF DEN OFFENTLIGE OPINION Europa-Parlamentets Eurobarometer (EB79.5) Bruxelles, December 2013 EUROPÆERNE ET ÅR FØR VALGET TIL EUROPA-PARLAMENTET

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Eksternt spørgeskema. Vejledning i udfyldning af spørgeskemaet. 1. Baggrundsoplysninger

Eksternt spørgeskema. Vejledning i udfyldning af spørgeskemaet. 1. Baggrundsoplysninger Eksternt spørgeskema Vejledning i udfyldning af spørgeskemaet Dette spørgeskema handler om kommunens kommunikation med borgerne. Det er din personlige mening om kommunikationen, som spørgeskemaet handler

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Undersøgelse af danske skolebørns viden om menneskerettigheder og børnekonventionen

Undersøgelse af danske skolebørns viden om menneskerettigheder og børnekonventionen Undersøgelse af danske skolebørns viden om menneskerettigheder og børnekonventionen 1 Indledning Baggrund for undersøgelsen KANTAR Gallup har for UNICEF Danmark og Institut for Menneskerettigheder gennemført

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ZA5782. Flash Eurobarometer 347 (Business-to-business Alternative Dispute Resolution in the EU) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5782. Flash Eurobarometer 347 (Business-to-business Alternative Dispute Resolution in the EU) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5782 Flash Eurobarometer 347 (Business-to-business Alternative Dispute Resolution in the EU) Country Questionnaire Denmark FL347 - ADR - DK A Flashnummer FL343A B Landekode FL343B C Interviewnummer FL343C

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Indledning. Baggrund for undersøgelsen

Indledning. Baggrund for undersøgelsen Undersøgelse af danske skolebørns viden om menneskerettigheder og børnekonventionen 2019 1 Indledning Baggrund for undersøgelsen Kantar Gallup har for UNICEF Danmark og Institut for Menneskerettigheder

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ZA5558. Flash Eurobarometer 320 (European Contract Law in Business-to-Business Transactions) Country Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5558. Flash Eurobarometer 320 (European Contract Law in Business-to-Business Transactions) Country Questionnaire Denmark ZA5558 Flash Eurobarometer 320 (European Contract Law in Business-to-Business Transactions) Country Questionnaire Denmark Fl320 FLASH EUROBAROMETER Business attitudes towards cross border business to business

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Standard Eurobarometer 82. MENINGSMÅLING I EU Efterår 2014 NATIONAL RAPPORT DANMARK

Standard Eurobarometer 82. MENINGSMÅLING I EU Efterår 2014 NATIONAL RAPPORT DANMARK Standard Eurobarometer 82 MENINGSMÅLING I EU Efterår 2014 NATIONAL RAPPORT DANMARK Undersøgelsen er blevet bestilt og koordineret af den Europa Kommissionen, Generaldirektoratet for Kommunikation. Denne

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ZA5467. Flash Eurobarometer 300 (Retailers Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5467. Flash Eurobarometer 300 (Retailers Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5467 Flash Eurobarometer 300 (Retailers Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FLASH 300 CROSS BORDER 2010 DG SANCO SCREENERS B1. Sælger

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Eurobarometer Eurobarometer, Europa-Parlamentet (EB/EP 78.2)

Eurobarometer Eurobarometer, Europa-Parlamentet (EB/EP 78.2) Generaldirektoratet for Kommunikation ENHEDEN FOR ANALYSE AF DEN OFFENTLIGE OPINION Bruxelles, den 14. februar 2013 Eurobarometer Eurobarometer, Europa-Parlamentet (EB/EP 78.2) FOKUS PÅ BESKÆFTIGELSE Dette

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ZA5470. Flash Eurobarometer 315 (Attitudes of European Entrepreneurs Towards Eco-innovation) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark

ZA5470. Flash Eurobarometer 315 (Attitudes of European Entrepreneurs Towards Eco-innovation) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark ZA5470 Flash Eurobarometer 315 (Attitudes of European Entrepreneurs Towards Eco-innovation) Country Specific Questionnaire Denmark FL315 Attitudes of European entrepreneurs towards eco innovation Flash

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