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1 Jordan Hovedstad: Amman (Ca. 2 mio. indb.) Indbyggere: 6,2 mio. heraf ca. 98 % arabere, 1 % tjerkessere, 1 % armeniere Sprog: Arabisk Religion: Islam, 92 % af landets muslimer er sunitter. Resten er shiiter. 6 % kristne Valuta: Jordansk Dinar, 1 JOD=7,67 USD er også gangbare i landet. Klima: Ørkenklima, regnsæson i Vestjordan Areal: km2 Højeste bjerg: Jebel Rum (1754 m) Tidszone: Når klokken er i Danmark, er den i Jordan. Landekode: +962 Visum med 28 dages ophold kan købes i Amman lufthavn ved indrejse. Bemærk at passet skal være gyldigt i 6 måneder fra indrejse. Pris 11 dinarer svarende til ca. 15 USD. Valuta Jordans valuta hedder jordanske dinarer (JOD) JOD er ca. 820 DKK. Der kan benyttes Visa, Mastercard, American Express og Diners på hotellerne, i større restauranter og butikker. Vil du handle på markeder og i mindre butikker skal du have lokal valuta i kontanter. Du kan hæve penge i banker og hæveautomater i alle stører byer, og veksling af kontanter anbefaler vi, at Side 1

2 du ligeledes gør i banker eller på hotellerne. Du kan veksle alle valutaer i både Israel og Jordan, men som mange andre steder i mellemøsten er det fordelagtigt at medbringe USD eller EUR til at veksle. Åbningstider Butikker har åbent fra 9.00 til og fra til (lørdag-torsdag) Kontorer har åbent fra 9.00 til (lørdag, onsdag-torsdag), en del kontorer holder et par timers middagspause. Danske statsborgere med dansk pas kan købe visum ved indrejse, men det er sikrest at købe visum på forhånd. Det fås ved henvendelse til det jordanske konsulat i København. Mad og drikke Jordanerne nyder godt af det arabiske køkken med dets velkendte retter som falafel, shawarma og humus, samt de forskellige varianter heraf. En særlig jordansk ting hentet fra det beduinske mindretal i landet er den meget velsmagende mensaf. Mensaf er stærkt krydret lam, stegt og serveret med ris. Med til serveringen hører lammehovedet og øjnene til den heldigste. Den næstheldigste må tygge sig igennem tungen. Taxi Mellemøstens populære deletaxier er naturligvis også et hit i Jordan. De er hurtige, de kører ofte, de er billige og kan derfor sagtens matche busserne. De almindelige taxier finder man også i gadebilledet. Men som så mange andre steder i denne del af verden sidder landets største svindlere enten i fængsel eller bag rattet på en taxa. Så sørg for at taxameteret er slået til. Hvis chaufføren nægter så stig ud og find en anden bil. Over længere afstande, og for så vidt også over korte, kan man til tider med fordel aftale en pris. Det kan få chaufføren til at køre den korteste vej. En fristelse der ikke er nært foreliggende, så længe taxameteret tikker. Det Døde Hav ligger blot 55 km fra Amman. Vidste du Jordan er dobbelt så stor som Danmark. Knap 80 procent af landets areal er dog tør og gold ørken.... at Jordan er et mandsdomineret land. Alligevel er to af de mest populære personer kvinder. Det drejer sig om de to dronninger - Noor og Rania.... at Jerash er en af de bedst bevarede romerske ruinbyer i Mellemøsten.... at man som kvinde trygt kan rejse alene rundt i landet. Det er dog en god ide at dække arme og ben til. Historie Området, hvor Jordan ligger i dag, har været hjem for en af verdens ældste kulturer. Arkæologiske fund ved Jordan-flodens bred kan dateres helt tilbage til 9000 f. Kr. Siden da har området været beboet af talrige forskellige civilisationer nogle under så fremtrædende overhoveder som Abraham, Saul, Pontius Pilatus og andre bibelske hovedpersoner. Staten Jordans historie er til gengæld temmelig ung. Den begyndte først i 1946, hvor landet fik selvstændighed fra Storbritannien, som havde regeret i området, der dengang var kendt som Transjordanien, efter det Osmanniske Riges sammenbrud. Jordans første konge var Abdullah I, der havde fungeret som emir (det arabisk ord for fyrste eller hersker) under briternes herredømme. Abdullah blev myrdet og efterfulgt af Kong Hussein, der regerede fra 1953 til 1999 og med sin pragmatiske og vestvenlige ledelsesstil lagde grunden til den fredsommelighed, der præger dette mellemøstlige land. Hussein havde ellers problemer pressende på fra alle sider. USA, Storbritannien, Rusland, Israel, landets arabiske naboer og en stor palæstinensisk befolkningsgruppe havde alle en mening om, hvordan landet skulle styres, og småkrige og kupforsøg hørte til dagens orden. I seksdageskrigen i juni 1967 kæmpede Jordan sammen med Egypten, Syrien og Irak mod en overraskende stærk israelsk hær. Den korte krig endte med, at Jordan måtte afstå Vestbredden og Østjerusalem til Israel. Den nu afdøde Kong Hussein indgik siden en fredsaftale med Israel. Efter Hussein overtog sønnike, den nuværende Kong Abdullah II, tronen, og han har især koncentreret sig om befolkningens uddannelse, sundhed og økonomiske reformer samt indført en regel Side 2

3 om mindst 20 % kvindelige kommunalpolitikere. Jordans befolkning har gennem århundreder levet som nomadiske beduiner, og den dag i dag fører en mindre del af de 6 millioner jordanere stadig en nomadisk eller halvnomadisk livsstil i ørken- og steppeegnene. Langt de fleste både beduiner og ikke-beduiner er sunni-muslimer, men der bor også nogle kristne af forskellige ortodokse retninger i landet. Arabisk er det officielle sprog, men rigtig mange forstår og taler engelsk, der i nogle kredse tilmed anses som Jordans andet sprog. Side 3

4 Vejret året rundt Måned Januar 6 timer 12 3 N/A 56% Februar 7 timer 14 4 N/A 52% Marts 7 timer 17 6 N/A 44% April 9 timer 23 9 N/A 34% Maj 11 timer N/A 28% Juni 12 timer N/A 28% Juli 13 timer N/A 30% August 12 timer N/A 30% September 10 timer N/A 31% Oktober 9 timer N/A 31% November 8 timer 20 9 N/A 40% December 6 timer 14 5 N/A 51% Side 4

5 Must See: The Citadel Towers above the city on the top of Jabal al Qala'a. This is an ancient site of Rabbath- Ammon, and includes many structures such as the Temple of Hercules, the Umayyad Palace and a Byzantine church. Must Do: Float on the Waters of the storied Dead Sea which is the lowest point on earth, more than 400 metres (1,312 feet) below sea level. This large lake has the highest salt concentration in the world and gives visitors a unique swimming experience. What's New: Kan ZamanThis renovated 19th-century fort once defended Jordan's famous Abu Jaber family. Don't Go Home Without: Visiting Darat Al Funnun whiah is the home for the arts and artists of Jordan. Darat Al Funnun reflects an enduring ancient legacy of urbanism, architecture and cultural identity, which is now being enriched by a modern flowering of the visual arts. Tips: Keep small change for taxi trips within Amman. Use sunscreen and a hat to cover your head when visiting tourist attractions during the extremely hot months of June, July and August. Side 5

6 Fra Amman: Amman Shopping Mall (0.3 KM / 0.19 MI ) Jordan Postal Museum (12 KM / 7.46 MI ) Royal cultural centre (15 KM / 9.32 MI ) King Hussein Park (2 KM / 1.24 MI ) Dead Sea: The lowest point on earth (40 KM / MI ) Darat Al Funnun is a home for the arts and artists (10 KM / 6.21 MI ) Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts (10 KM / 6.21 MI ) Citadel/Roman Amphitheatre (12 KM / 7.46 MI ) Aqaba (350 KM / MI ) Petra: The 2,000-year-old red sandstone city (230 KM / MI ) Jerash: A beautifully preserved Roman and Byzant (50 KM / MI ) Madaba: A city of breathtaking mosaics (35 KM / MI ) Mount Nebo, the final resting place of Moses (40 KM / MI ) Um Qais a dramaticaly situated of the Roman cities (130 KM / MI ) Qala at Ajlun: An ancient castle overlooking the (60 KM / MI ) Nightlife: Amman at night is beautiful, its streets dim with weak lights. It can be quiet; often the only sound is calls to prayer. Tourists might enjoy drinks and food at Bigfellows Irish Pub or a beer at the Old Irish, which is in the basement of the Dove Hotel (and in theory, is only open to couples), or at other hotel bars, such as Champions Bar inside the Marriott Hotel. There are also some nightclubs featuring trance dance and rave parties. Shopping: Shopping is becoming popular in Jordan, with mega malls popping up across Amman in the last five years: Mecca Mall, Abdoun Mall, Amman Mall, City Mall and Plaza Mall. All carry big label names that attract both tourists and locals. For local traditional shopping, visit the souq, a colorful traditional market, for pottery, bronze, baskets, wood inlay, straw goods, embroidery, glass, leather, Madaba rugs, spices and etchings. Bargain only in markets, not in fine shops. Dining: As a modern, cosmopolitan city, Amman features many types of dining: American, Asian, French, Indian, Italian, Latin American, Lebanese and more. With Jordan in the center of the Middle East, here in Amman you ll find food of the Levant an ancient word for the area bounded by the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian peninsula. It includes vegetables from Lebanon, falafels from Syria, juicy kebabs from Egypt and spicy meat dishes from Iraq. The fast food i.e., cheap, fast and greasy rises above that of most cities. The best is at Reem Cafeteria, a small wooden structure next to a traffic circle in Jabal Amman. It s open 24 hours a day and serves only warm lamb sandwiches, grilled lamb layered in a fresh pita with tomato, onion, salt and sumac. It s so good you ll have to wait in line awhile. Mansaf, a lamb shank served on a heap of yellow rice with chopped, blanched almonds and warm yogurt sauce, is the national dish of Jordan. Falafel (fried chickpea balls) is also popular. Mezze (appetizers) comes both cold and hot and can include grape leaves stuffed with rice and mint, creamy hummus, mashed eggplant, olives, crumbled goat cheese with tomato and various spices, tabbouleh, crispy fried slivers of hallum (goat cheese), and savory phyllo pastries of spinach and cheese. For an elegant Lebanese meal, try Fakhr el-din, a converted old house with starched tablecloths, glowing candles and speakers hidden in courtyard trees. A newer cuisine to the region is Iraqi, with dozens of Iraqi restaurants opening in Amman in the past few years. They serve Kurdish dishes such as shredded chicken or beef served with vegetables and rice, and an Iraqi favorite: shredded beef, raisins, onions, pine nuts, tomatoes, beet root and peppers stuffed between two cornmeal flatbreads. A popular Iraqi restaurant is Zad el-khair, where the ceiling is covered in colorful tapestries and delicate, fresh grilled fish is the house specialty. Other choices include Nai, an Oriental bar decorated in an Ottoman style; Argeelah, an elegant Lebanese restaurant famous for its food and live entertainment; Kan Zaman, an old 19th-century farmhouse converted to a restaurant; L Incontro, an elegant Italian restaurant located in the Grand Hyatt, or Rovers Return, a casual English pub famous for its fish and chips. A 10 percent service charge is usually included in hotel and restaurant bills; if service is very special, tip an extra amount. Side 6

7 Citadel: Overlooking the city and a pleasant place to visit at sunset, the Citadel hill of Amman, known as Jabal el Qala, has been inhabited for centuries and was important as a military and religious site. It dates back to Roman and Byzantine times, and parts were then constructed during the early Islamic era. Tombs and remains unearthed at its northern and eastern ends may date back to the Bronze Age, B.C. The Citadel also is home to the Temple of Hercules, thought to have been constructed under the Roman imperial ruler Marcus Aurelius, who reigned from A.D It boasts one of the largest Neolithic settlements (circa 6500 B.C.) ever discovered in the Middle East. Exhibition of Arab Heritage And Recent Discoveries: Opened in 1992 at the Department of Antiquities, this exhibition features Arab cultural heritage throughout the ages as well as recent archaeological discoveries, including precious artifacts, pottery, glass and weapons dating to the Bronze Age and Nabataen and Roman periods, as well as inscriptions, gold Islamic coins and a silver Ptolemaic hoard recently discovered at Iraq al-amir. The exhibition also has Byzantine and early Islamic mosaics from different regions of the kingdom on display and replicas of architectural elements from the temples of the Winged Lions and Qasr al-bint in Petra, and the limestone heads of the water nymphs discovered at the Nymphaeum in Amman. Exhibits are transferred to various Jordanian museums after the conclusion of their study and publication, so displays change annually. Jordan Folklore Museum: Located in downtown Amman within the western section of the Roman Theatre, the Jordan Folklore Museum was founded by the Department of Antiquities in It houses items from the 19th and early 20th centuries representing daily life in the Jordanian culture of the desert (Bedu), culture of the villages (Reef), and culture of the towns and cities (Madineh), such as costumes and utensils. Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts: Established in 1984 by the Royal Society for Fine Arts, the Gallery has greatly expanded from its original 50 works of art to nearly 2,000. The Gallery features works by more than 520 artists from 43 Arab and Islamic countries ranging from Brunei to Morocco to Turkey to Iran to Pakistan. Also, more than 50 exhibitions on loan have been drawn from major sources in Europe and America, such as the Center Pompidou in Paris, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Geneva Museum of History and Art and the Harvard Semitic Museum, and Turkish museums, the Museum of Modern Art in Cairo, and from other collections in the Arab world. Jordanian Museum of Popular Traditions: This museum, established in 1971, is located within the eastern section of the Roman Theatre. It collects Jordanian and Palestinian folk heritage from all over Jordan and protects and conserves it. The museum s five exhibition halls contain traditional costumes and jewelry of the East Bank and other regions, Palestinian costumes and heard-dresses, pottery and wooden cooking vessels, silver jewelry and bridal dresses from the West Bank, and, in a vault of the Roman Theatre, a collection of mosaics from Byzantine churches in Jerash and Madaba. King Hussein National Park: Located on the western outskirts of and overlooking the city, the park can be a serene place to while away a few hours. It features outstanding themed gardens and an auditorium where various events and festivals regularly take place. It also has a large sports training facility, as well as a children s playground, a children s museum, a medical clinic and restaurant. Within the Park is a Cultural Village that highlights Jordan s heritage through its handicrafts and culture. The Centre includes studios for Arabic calligraphy, stone inscriptions, natural dyes and various other traditional crafts. Mosques: Amman also is home to some of the grandest mosques in the Middle East. The newest of these is the enormous King Abdullah I Mosque, built between 1982 and It is capped by a magnificent blue mosaic dome and can host nearly 3,000 people. The city s most unusual mosque is the Abu Darweesh Mosque at the top of Jabal Ashrafieh (the highest point in the city), erected by a Circassian immigrant. It is covered with a striking black and white checkered pattern visible from a distance and features light colored walls and Persian carpets inside. Old City: Although the downtown area (known locally as the Balad) has been dwarfed by the sprawling urban areas that surround it, much of the area retains its old character. For those seeking Old City atmosphere, it is best to venture to the district east of Jabal Amman, where Side 7

8 visitors can explore the city s greatest souqs, museums, ancient constructions, monuments and cultural sites. Roman Theatre: Amman resembles Rome, as it was situated on seven hills, and was a favorite place for Roman soldiers and officials. Behind the Roman forum stands a Roman theatre the largest theatre in Jordan with room for 6,000 spectators. Thought to have been built between 138 and 161 A.D. by the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius, it is constructed into the side of the mountain and is still used for sport displays, cultural events and other entertainment. The theatre has been restored and is a pleasant place to sit and people-watch. Royal Automobile Museum: This museum depicts the history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan from the early 1920s until today. Featured cars highlight the life of the late King Hussein and his reign, the era of King Abdullah I, the founder of the Kingdom, and the era of King Abdullah II. Exhibits recap the development of the Kingdom in pace with the automotive advancement in the country and its transformation since the Great Arab Revolt during World War I. Cars include King Hussein s 1952 Lincoln Capri that he used during his studies in England and his coronation in May 1953, a 1936 Cord 810 which was a wedding gift in 1955, and a sport 1955 Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing that the king used to race at Jordan s Rumman Hill-Climb. The museum includes rare photo archives and video footage as well as a multimedia room and library. University of Jordan Archaeological Museum and Anthropological Museum: Begun as a small museum in 1962, the Archeological Museum was later expanded and opened at its present location in The museum offers exhibition halls, research workshops, photography and drafting rooms, and a conservation laboratory. The Anthropological Museum houses collections of modern Jordanian heritage, such as agricultural tools, costumes, cosmetic items, furniture, drinking and eating vessels, tents and equipment for animals. Its objectives are to preserve modern Jordanian heritage as a testimony to the accomplishments of Jordanian society and to study the society during a specific period of its history. Because of the cooling effects of its location on a plateau, Amman enjoys four seasons of excellent weather. Summer temperatures range from degrees Celsius (82-95 F), with very low humidity and frequent breezes. Spring and fall temperatures are extremely pleasant and mild. The winter sees nighttime temperatures frequently near zero, and it actually does snow in Amman a couple of times per year. The yearly average number of days with rain is 5-45; with snow, 0-8. It typically does not rain from June to the beginning of September, with cloudy and blue skies prevailing. April can be very rainy. Amman Amman, the largest city and the capital of Jordan, is a bustling mix of both the historic and modern. Dating back to the Stone Age, today Amman is the administrative and commercial center of the country, with a population of about 2,125,400 almost half of Jordan s population. It is known as the cultural capital of the Middle East and is more cosmopolitan and westernized than many other capital cities in the Middle East. The city rests in a hilly area of northwestern Jordan. It originally was built on seven hills, but it now spans over an area of nineteen hills, or jabals ( mountains ). Amman s main areas take their names from the hill and mountain slopes on which they lie. Since all of Jordan s major highways cross in Amman, the city bustles with passing freight trucks, buses and cars. Although an ancient city, Amman today is being reshaped by rapid growth. The city serves as the regional and commercial hub of communications, transportation, medical tourism, education and investment, and most business dealings with Iraq also flow through it. Amman is a major tourist attraction because most foreign tourists arrive in Jordan through Amman. The city is enjoying a construction and real estate boom and its banking and finance sectors are reaping the results of this massive economic growth. Side 8

9 Old Amman, the crowded Jabal El-Qala, is filled with souqs (or bazaars), small shops, and single-family dwellings. West Amman Shmeisani, the main economic center and Abdoun, the upscale residential district is less crowded and more scenic, with green parks, wide boulevards, towering apartment and office buildings, several 5-star and 4-star hotels, and expensive villas and apartment complexes. Most of Amman s foreign business flows through here. Amman is home to diverse religious sects that make up the two primary religions of Jordan, Islam and Christianity. Numerous mosques and churches dot the capital. Because of its tolerance, the city has become somewhat of a refuge for those from other countries, such as Palestinians, Lebanese, Kuwaitis and Iraqis. By car, Amman has a very extensive highway system that links every part of the city a honeycomb of underpasses, overpasses and bypasses that locals and taxi drivers easily zip through. The city suffers considerable traffic congestion at peak hours, especially during summer months when affluent vacationers summer in Amman to take advantage of its mild weather. Tourists may wish to take a taxi instead of trying to navigate this themselves. Jordanian taxi drivers are generally honest and reliable and taxis are fairly inexpensive. Pedestrian tunnels bring pedestrians from one side of a highway to another. There is also an extensive, very cheap network of local and city buses. The two main bus and taxi stations are Abdali (near the King Abdullah Mosque, the Parliament and Palace of Justice) and Raghadan (near the Roman Theatre downtown). Side 9

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Timetable will be aviable after sep. 5. when the sing up ends. Provicius timetable on the next sites. English Information about the race. Practise Friday oct. 9 from 12.00 to 23.00 Saturday oct. 10. door open at 8.00 to breakfast/coffee Both days it will be possible to buy food and drinks in the racecenter.

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 3

Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 3 Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 3 English version further down Fremragende vejr og laks hele vejen rundt om øen Weekendens fremragende vejr (se selv de bare arme) lokkede mange bornholmske

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2014

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Experience. Knowledge. Business. Across media and regions.

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Appendix 1: Interview guide Maria og Kristian Lundgaard-Karlshøj, Ausumgaard

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2015

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1.3 How do you rate the coordination of this course to other (related) courses?

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 8

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2013

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 5

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Internationalt uddannelsestilbud

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Quality indicators for clinical pharmacy services

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Pasadena Business Parks

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