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1 DUFS PARTNERKATALOG OVER UNGDOMSORGANISATIONER I RWANDA, UGANDA, TANZANIA OG ZIMBABWE Indhold 1 RWANDA ADAP (Anti Drugs Association Path a.s.b.l) AJPRODHO (AJPRODHO-JIJUKIRWA a.s.b.l) FIYO (Fight Illiteracy Youth Organisation) HDI (Health Development Initiative Rwanda) Kimisagara Youth Community Center MEMOS Learning from History (Youth Human Rights Association) Nibyiza Group Never Again - Rwanda - Peace Building Organisation PAJER (Parlement des Jeunes Rwandais) PLP - Peace and Love Proclaimers Youth for Change Association of the Scouts of Rwanda, ASR (alle spejdere) Association of Girls guides in Rwanda, AGR (pigespejdere) Studenterorganisationer Survivor Corps (for vulnerable people and handicapped) Tubibi Amahoro (Plant fred) URUNGANO Tuvindimwe UYAGI (Union of Youth to Abolish Genocide and its Ideology) Kaldes blot UYAGI 8 2 UGANDA Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda, AYDU Allied Youth Initiative Uganda, AYI African Youth Development Link, AYDL African Youth Initiative Network, AYINET - Uganda Chapter Breakdance Project Uganda Christian Youth Outreach Uganda Concerned Children and Youth Association (CCYA) Conflict Resolution by Youth Uganda, CRY Hope Revival Agency for Rural Development, HORARD International Institute for Youth in Governance, IIYOGO Kawempe Youth Development Association, KYDA KIFAD, Kiyita Family Alliance for Development Lucia Youth Development Foundation, LUYDEFO Mukono Multi-Purpose Youth Organisation, MUMYO Reach the Youth Uganda, RTY Uganda Girl Guides Association, UGGA Uganda Pioneers Association, UPA Uganda Scouts Association, USA Uganda Youth Development Link, UYDEL Uganda National Students Association, UNSA Youth Alive Uganda

2 2.21 YMCA Uganda YWCA Uganda NAYOU, Network Association of Youth Organisations in Uganda Uganda National Youth Council Uganda Youth Network, UYONET Youth Plus Policy Network Uganda, Y+PN TANZANIA Tanzania Disabled Persons Movement the Youth Wing Tanzania Youth Alliance (TAYOA) Tanga Youth Development Association (TAYODEA) Tanzanian Girl Guides Association (TGGA) TYCEN YITA Youth Initiatives Tanzania Youth Build Future YMCA YWCA Zanzibar Youth Forum Youth for Africa ZIMBABWE Action Youth Agenda Trust The Youth Climate Change Working Group Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition Youth Student Christian Movement Zimbabwe Women s Bureau YWCA ZIYON Zimbabwe Poets for Human Rights Partners for growth Renewal International Trust Youth Ahead Zimbabwe Girl Guides Association Zimbabwe Boy Scouts Zimbabwe Zinasu National Council of Disabled Persons Of Zimbabwe Students and Youth Working on reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT) Marvel Act Youth Organisation (MAYO) Youth Dialogue Zimbabwe Development Reality Institute Youth Forum Students Solidarity Trust Youth Development and AIDS Trust (YODAT) Lupane Youth Development Trust (LYDT) National Movement for Catholic Students (NMCS) Youth Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) Patsaka Institute Zimbabwe Young Women Network for Peace (ZYWNP) Nambiya Trust National Youth Development Trust (NYDT) Batanai HIV and AIDS Support Group Young Women Institute for Development Platform for Youth Development (PYD) Young Women Christian Association United Church of Christ Zimbabwe (UCCZ) Kadoma Youth for Human Rights Bulawayo Youth Integrated Survival Alternative (BUIYSAP) Young Voices Network (YVN) Campus Sustained Dialogue Zimbabwe (CSDN)

3 4.40 Young Women African Leaders Movement Epilepsy Support Foundation Zimbabwe Young Christian Students (ZYCS) Youth Alive Chitungwiza Youth Integrated Survival Alternative (CHIYSAP) Young Women Leaders Initiative (YOWLI) RWANDA 1.1 ADAP (Anti Drugs Association Path a.s.b.l) Holder til ved Maison des Jeunes Kimisagara, Kigali Omar RUGWIRO, Legal Representative, Tel: (250) omarrugwiro@yahoo.com eller antidrugpath@yahoo.com, Web: Fokusområder Stofmisbrug. De henvender sig både til den brede ungdom om farerne ved stoffer og til unge, der er på grænsen til at blive stofmisbrugere. De bruger teater og musik som midler til at nå de unge, og mange af musikerne og skuespillerne er selv tidligere stofmisbrugere. Om organisationen ADAP som er en lille organisation, blev oprettet i 2006 og har 15 medlemmer. Da det er en af de eneste organisationer der beskæftiger sig med stofmisbrug, arbejder de sammen med Senatets kommission for intern sikkerhed og udenrigspolitik og med det nationale politi. Politiet financierer blandt andet deres rejse- og opholdsudgifter, når de rejser rundt i landet for at undervise om stofmisbrug. Organisationen arbejder med ungdomsproblematikker. 1.2 AJPRODHO (AJPRODHO-JIJUKIRWA a.s.b.l) Youth Association for Human Rights Promotion and Development, P.O. BOX 6811 Kigali, Rwanda John MUDAKIKWA, Executive Secretary, Mobil: (+250) ajprodho_jijukirwa@yahoo.fr eller mudakikwa@yahoo.com Fokusområder Undervisning i menneskerettigheder, advocacy for unges rettigheder, indkomstgenererende aktiviteter, styrke civilsamfundsorganisering. Om organisationen AJPRODHO, som er en udpræget ungdomsorganisation, startede i 1997 af studerende på Butare Universitet, som ved deres studieafslutning forblev i og udviklede organisationen. I dag anses den for at være en af de mest professionelle og respekterede ungdomsorganisationer i Rwanda. Mest afgørende for denne status er, at AJPRODHO har opnået selvstændighed fra politisk indflydelse/kontrol samtidig med at de er på god fod med regeringen. 3

4 1.3 FIYO (Fight Illiteracy Youth Organisation) P.O. BOX 6312 Kigali, Rwanda, 1 st Floor, Building next to Alpha Palace Hotel, Remera, Kigali Moses M. GAHIGI, Executive Director / Mob: (250) gahigi@fiyorwanda.org eller info@fiyorwanda.org eller gahigimo@hotmail.com Richard KANANGA, Programme coordinator / kanrich2000@yahoo.com Web: Fokusområder Bekæmpelse af analfabetisme i første omgang blandt unge, særligt forældreløse, men efter 2005 også fokus på voksne. Der er tre fokusområder: 1. Træning af skolelærere til undervisning af analfabeter og unge, der er droppet ud af skolen. 2. Oprettelse af biblioteker, community learning centres og bygning af skoler. 3. Peer education programme: Undervisning af unge i reproductive health, miljø, indkomstgenererende aktiviteter, landbrug, køns-lighed, fred og forsoning på lokale community learning centres. Udføres i samarbejde med studenterorganisationer. Om organisationen Oprettet i 2003 af et tidligere medlem af AJPRODHO og studerende ved det nationale universitet i Butare (NUR). FIYO har en General Assembly med 30 medlemmer og et Executive Board bestående af 7. 90% af organisationens medlemmer har universitetsgrader eller er universitets-studerende. FIYO arbejder hovedsageligt i den østlige region i de tre provinser Bugesera, Gatibo og Nyagatare, hvor det primære arbejde går ud på at finde egnede lærere og give dem 2 ugers undervisningstræningskurser. Lærerne arbejder derudfra på frivillig basis - en slags national service. FIYO får støtte i form af bøger og andet undervisningsmateriale af Rwandas undervisningsministerium. 1.4 HDI (Health Development Initiative Rwanda) P. O. BOX BP 3955, Kigali, Rwanda Dr. Aflodis KAGABA, Executive Director Edward (Eddie) RWAGASORE, Programme Manager / Mobil: (+250) Web: Fokusområder HDI kører fire programmer: 1. SHARE Sex And Reproductive Education/Reproductive Health for gymnasieelever. HIV/AIDS undervisning. 2. Landsby-baserede programmer for Twa-befolkningen for at skaffe tøj, bolig, adgang til rent vand samt forbedring af sanitære forhold. 3. Undervisning i lokalsamfundene i hygiejne, malaria, infektioner og diarré. Arbejder på at uddanne såkaldte community health workers. 4. Kapacitetsopbygning af sundhedspersonale/-arbejdere, hovedsageligt træning af sygeplejersker. Især landdistrikterne har brug for viden og udstyr. Om organisationen HDI blev oprettet i 2006 som en udbryder af AJPRODHO, fordi folkene bag savnede et større fokus på sundhed i arbejdet med menneskerettigheder. HDI arbejder fra græsrodsniveau fx. med Twabefolkningens rettigheder og kultur. Derudover er de meget aktive i at få oprettet og deltage i et forum for ungdomsorganisationer. HDI modtager den meste finansiering fra USA og enkelt donationer, og arbejder på også at få midler fra andre lande. F.eks. i form af læger, der kan sendes ud og identificere hovedproblemer og løsninger i de forskellige landdistrikters sundhedscentre. Organisationen har et board of Directors, board of Advisors, general assembly, executive secretariat, samt rwandiske og internationale frivillige. 4

5 1.5 Kimisagara Youth Community Center Kimisagara Youth Community Center, Kimisagara, Kigali Om organisationen Et ungdomscenter med IT faciliteter, sportsbaner, kontorlokaler mm. Det er beliggende i et af Kigalis fattigere kvarterer. 33 organisationer holder til her. Mange af dem er sportsrelaterede. Memos og ADAP har blandt andre kontor her. 1.6 MEMOS Learning from History (Youth Human Rights Association) Maison des Jeunes Kimisagara, Kimisagara Youth Community Centre, P.O. BOX 3975 Kigali, Rwanda Issa HIGIRO, Coordinator of Training and Networking higiroissa@yahoo.com eller memosrwanda@yahoo.com Tel: (250) / Mob: (250) Alain SONGA gashabizi@yahoo.fr Faustin Bismark MURANGWA, Programme Coordinator mfbismark@yahoo.fr eller mfbis2001@yahoo.fr Fokusområder Research-baseret undervisning i (kritisk) historie-bevidsthed, menneskerettigheder og manipulation af ungdom/folkedrabs-mentalitet, fokus på skoleelever. Om organisationen Memos startede i 2005 og fik officiel status i Memos har 25 aktive medlemmer og to ansatte. Memos forsøger gennem historiebevidsthed at undgå, at folkemord kan gentage sig. Midlet er at skabe debat blandt de unge i stedet for at belære dem. De støtter regeringens mål om enhed og forsoning, men har også haft samarbejdspartnere i nabolandene. Tidligere fik de en hel del donorstøtte fra hovedsageligt tyske NGO er, hvorigennem de kom på studietur til Tyskland og besøgte koncentrationslejre der og i Polen. Udover enkelte eksterne donorer har Memos også en god relation til regeringen, som gør brug af dem i forskellige undervisningsprojekter i forbindelse med mindebegivenheder og bekæmpelse af folkedrabsmentalitet. 1.7 Nibyiza Group Martin Ruvugabigwi, rvgbgw@yahoo.com Web: Fokusområder Hjemmeside med nyheder om kultur med fokus på unge. Undervise arbejdsløse unge i web-design mm. Web-platform for debat mellem unge. Støtte unge i jobsøgning. Om organisationen Startet i En lille organisation bestående af frivillige, der har fået to lokaler doneret af Kigali kommune. Mange af medlemmerne bor i Vesten (Tyskland, USA, UK, Kina) og støtter projektet gennem den viden, de har opnået der og ved at søge midler i værtslandet. Organisationen har fokus på entreprenørskab og brug af IT. 1.8 Never Again - Rwanda - Peace Building Organisation P.O. BOX 4432, Kigali, Rwanda Dr. Joseph NKURUNZIZA, Executive Chairperson / Tel: (250) / Mob: (250)

6 Web: Fokusområder Visionen er at skabe en generation af unge, der kan tænke kritisk og tør sige deres mening. Arbejder med fattigdomsbekæmpelse, forsoning, menneskerettigheder, kapacitetsopbygning af og støtte til ungdom. Om organisationen Never Again blev startet i For at skabe en debat-kultur blandt unge bruger de teater, debatklubber, sange/digte, workshops om menneskerettigheder og konflikthåndtering. For nyligt er de begyndt at fokusere på fattigdomsbekæmpelse, da man ikke kan tale sammen på en tom mave. Princippet er, at nag og had lever videre, hvis man også oplever økonomisk modgang. De arbejder på nationalt niveau og har et godt netværk til andre organisationer - især Memos og AJPRODHO, som de samarbejder med om konkrete projekter - og gode kontakter til lokale myndigheder. Never Agains strategi er at oplyse myndighederne - deriblandt NYC - om deres aktiviteter og at arbejde indenfor de samme brede målsætninger om bekæmpelse af folkemord mm, for derved at få frihed til at anvende de metoder, de ønsker (heribland promovering af kritisk tænkning blandt de unge). 1.9 PAJER (Parlement des Jeunes Rwandais) Kimironko Avenue (opposite CNDP), P.O. BOX 3789 Kigali, Rwanda Patrick KARANGWA, executive Director / Tel: (250) / (250) pajer_rwa@yahoo.co.uk or pkarangwa2002@yahoo.fr Fokusområder Arbejder med fire programmer: 1) jobskabelse, 2) Miljø, 3)Børn og især pigers rettigheder, 4) God regeringsførelse. Vil derudover gerne tage teten i dannelsen af ungdomsorganisations-netværk. Om organisationen Etableret i PAJER gør meget ud af at skabe lokalt ejerskab gennem Community Based Organisations. De har udover hovedkontoret i Kigali også kontor i Gisenyi og planer om at oprette kontor i Eastern Province. PAJER har meget kontakt med internationale NGOer og universiteter og har udvekslingsprogrammer med disse. De er en meget ambitiøs og idealistisk organisation. Mindre medlemsorganisationer kunne med fordel samarbejde med PAJER om et mindre projekt i et lokalområde eller facilitere et samarbejde mellem PAJER og andre rwandiske ungdomsorganisationer PLP - Peace and Love Proclaimers Youth for Change peaceproclaimers@yahoo.fr Dadi (+250) , n.dadi27@yahoo.fr Marc (+250) , tiimyg@yahoo.com Fokusområder Hjælpe unge skolebørn med skolepenge, undervise i HIV/AIDS, enhed (unity), konflikthåndtering, indsamler tøj mm til børnehjem. Om organisationen Den blev oprettet i 2007 og i modsætning til andre rwandiske ungdomsorganisationer er medlemmerne meget unge (13-21 år), mens komiteens 9 medlemmer er omkring år. De får ingen midler udefra og finansierer deres aktiviteter af egen lomme samt donationer fra familier og venner Association of the Scouts of Rwanda, ASR (alle spejdere) 6

7 Léonce NSENGIMANA / Mobil: (250) / nsengleo@yahoo.fr Organisationen Spejderarbejdet I Rwanda startede I I 1966 stiftede de forskellige grene af spejderbevægelsen en fælles organisation, The Association des Scouts du Rwanda, som blev optaget i WOSM i Association of Girls guides in Rwanda, AGR (pigespejdere) Fokusområder Ifølge lederen af spejderbevægelsen skelnes der mellem to slags spejdere: skolespejdere og rural spejdere, som henviser til at de første bl.a. har fokus underholdning og de andre har mere fokus på udviklingsprojekter. Om organisationen Spejderbevægelsen er en af de få ungdsomsorganisationer fra før Den har 25-30,000 medlemmer i hele landet. Indtil 1994 havde de 40 centre for praktisk uddannelse/teknisk skole (vocational training), men er nu nede på 15. Generelt beklager ledelsen i bevægelsen, at de ikke har været i stand til at genetablere fortidens storhed efter folkemordet. De arbejder på at genopbygge community centres til samling og uddannelse af unge, men udviklingen af dette er gået langsomt. Spejderbevægelsen har et omfattende netværk og når ud til de mindste landsbyer i hele landet Studenterorganisationer Hovedkontor på National University of Rwanda (NUR), Butare Solange ZANINKA, Vice-president NURSU (National University of Rwanda Students Union) (fransk: AGNEUR) (Alle studenterorganisationer tilknyttet universitetet kan kontaktes gennem Solange) E- mail: szaninka@gmail.com / Mobil: (+250) Fokusområder Studenterorganisationer dækker bredt og kan deles op i fire kategorier: 1. Religiøse 2. Fag-specifikke 3. Regions-bestemte 4. Sociale (f.eks. handicap) Om organisationerne På universitet i Butare findes ca. 80 studenterorganisationer. De organiseres under AGNEUR. Alle organisationer skal have deres vedtægter godkendt af universitetsledelsen, hvorfra de også kan søge om økonomisk støtte. De religiøse foreninger beskæftiger sig hovedsageligt med prædiken og Bibel studier men besøger også syge på hospitaler og laver konferencer om forsoning og enhed. De fagbestemte foreninger laver projekter for lokalbefolkningen med udgangspunkt i deres fag: juridisk hjælp (jura), mentalt helbred (psykologi), familieplanlægning, farmakologi, osv. De regionsbestemte har hovedsageligt de samme slags projekter. De er blot defineret ud fra hjemstavn. Den sidste gruppe af studerende beskæftiger sig mest med særlige grupper af studerendes forhold på universitetet. Samlet set kan disse foreninger styrke de studerendes deltagelse i civilsamfundet Survivor Corps (for vulnerable people and handicapped) P.O. BOX 4431 Kigali, Rwanda Albert NZAMUKWEREKA, Country Program Coordinator / anzmukwereka@survivorcorps.org Tel: (250) Fokusområder Støtte til overlevende og til ofre. Advocacy for handicappedes rettigheder 7

8 Om organisationen De har base i USA og arbejder meget med de juridiske aspekter af handicappedes rettigheder Tubibi Amahoro (Plant fred) Pierre Celestin KABANO, Coordinator, Mobil: (250) / celekpco1@yahoo.fr Fokusområder 1. Vold mod kvinder (har 49 foreninger i tre distrikter, i alt 4000 medlemmer) 2. Støtte til unge, der ikke går i skole, med kooperativer og indkomstgenererende aktiviteter 3. Støttegrupper (clubs) for sårbare grupper så som forældreløse. Skal selv definere projekter. Om organisationen Oprettet i 2000, hovedsæde i Kibuye, Western Province, 200 medlemmer. De har en bestyrelse samt et mindre sekretariat. De støttes af Norsk Folkehjelp. Tubibi Amahoro arbejder seriøst og reflekteret med kønsspørgsmål. Organisationen er vel forankret i lokalmiljøet og Tubibi Amahoros ledelse bor selv i området. Medlemmerne kommer fra begge etniske grupper URUNGANO Kimisagara Youth Centre, Kigali, Rwanda Olivier Ndikumana, ndi.olivier@gmail.com Fokusområder Medier (film, radio, tidsskrift), kultur, fred og forsoning Om organisationen URUNGANO blev etableret i 2003 og har nu 26 medlemmer, som alle er meget unge. De mener, at den unge generation ikke er interesseret i politik men i kultur. Derfor fokuserer de også meget på populærkultur i deres programmer. De har lavet dokumentarfilm og deltager i planlægningen af regionale filmfestivaler. Endvidere laver de et radioprogram (Heza), som sendes ugentligt gennem VOA. Endelig udgiver de et månedligt tidsskrift. Fordelen ved at støtte denne organisation er, at dens medlemmer er meget unge, og at de ikke alle tilhører den engelsktalende tutsi-elite, blandt andet fordi den har base i et af Kigalis mere fattige kvarterer. Desuden synes de med deres formidling at nå de helt unge i øjenhøjde. Endelig opfatter mange udviklingen af en mediekultur som springbræt til udviklingen af en mere offentlig debatkultur i Rwanda. URUNGANO arbejder med de mere politisk sikre emner såsom national samling og forsoning Tuvindimwe UYAGI (Union of Youth to Abolish Genocide and its Ideology) Kaldes blot UYAGI P.O. BOX 94 Rwamagana (lille by ca 1 times kørsel øst for Kigali) Emmanuel (Emmy) RUKERA og Peter SAFARI Controller og revisor tuvinduyagi@yahoo.com Fokusområder Forsoning af gerningsmænd og ofre, særligt gerningsmænd tilbagevendt fra fængsel Om organisationen De 50 medlemmer kommer fra tre grupper - overlevende, gerningsmænd (som nu er løsladt efter afsonet straf) og familier til gerningsmænd. Formålet er at bringe unge fra disse tre grupper sammen gennem samtale men også gennem praktisk arbejde. Derfor bygger de huse sammen for svage grupper i lokalsamfundet også hjemvendte fra fængsler. De er meget opmærksomme på, at alle tre grupper får glæde af disse bygge-projekter, ligesom de er opmærksomme på den etniske sammensætning både i UYAGIs ledelse og i dens målgruppe. UYAGI har også stået for 14 seminarer i 8

9 fængsler, hvor løsladte gerningsmænd fortæller om deres succes med reintegration i lokalsamfundet efter afsonet straf. Disse seminarer laves i samarbejde med NURC. Dette er en organisation, der er så lille, at støtte fra DUFs medlemsorganisationer vil gøre en stor forskel. Fordelen ved UYAGI er dens bevidsthed om etnisk sammensætning og dens forankring i lokalsamfundet. UYAGIs medlemmer bor selv i lokalsamfundet. 2 UGANDA 2.1 Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda, AYDU P.O.Box 5018, Kampala, Tel: +256 (0) , info@aydu.org Aggrey Olweny, coordinator, aggreykenny@yahoo.com Rights of youth with disability, advocacy for employment possibilities, education and recreation, HIV&AIDS prevention. AYDU was founded in 2007 in connection with a disability conference held in Uganda with the aim of promoting the rights of youth with disabilities, who according to the organisation have lacked attention in the adult disability organisations. The organisation is registered as an NGO. AYDU seems to still be in the initiation phase, mobilising members and searching for donors to fund activities. The aim is to set up district Youth with Disabilities Associations and to carry out various advocacy activities. 2.2 Allied Youth Initiative Uganda, AYI P.O Box 2061, Mbale, Tel: ayiuganda@aol.com / alliedyouthinitiative@yahoo.com Martin Wanzala, Programs Coordinator, Tel: +256 (0) , weamarting@gmail.com Youth advocacy, gender awareness raising, reproductive health and youth empowerment in relation to economic development. AYI started up as a youth association in 2006 and later on registered as a CBO in Mbale in Eastern Uganda. Currently the organisation is in the process of registering as NGO to be able to work out of the district. The organisation has 5 staff and a number of volunteers. AYI is working in partnership with Bubulu Youth Development Association on poverty eradication through micro enterprise development, but mainly the organisation is focusing on awareness raising, training, and debates related to youth participation in political decisions. 2.3 African Youth Development Link, AYDL P.O. box Kampala, Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road, Tel: +256 (0) africanyouthdevelopmentlink@yahoo.com Ahmed Hadji, executive coordinator / Tel: +256 (0)

10 HIV&AIDS, human rights and good governance, gender, child abuse, policy research, poverty, peace and conflict resolution. AYDL was founded in 2008 by a group of young professionals in Kampala. It works through policy research, information, education and communication, capacity building and policy lobbying and advocacy. The organisation is based in Kampala, but is working through other youth groups, university forums and religious youth groups in all regions. There are 4 staff and a number of volunteers. 2.4 African Youth Initiative Network, AYINET - Uganda Chapter Plot 12, Otim Tom Road, Lira Municipal Council, P.O.Box. 981, Lira, Tel: +256 (0) / +256 (0) / ayinet-uganda@infocom.co.ug, Website: Victor Ochen, co-director / victorochen@yahoo.com, Chris Ongom, co-director / E- mail:onchri@yahoo.com Youth leadership development, health and psycho-social rehabilitation, peace and reconciliation, human rights. AYINET is a youth-initiated and led organisation founded in 2005 by two young men (the two codirectors) who had been trained by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) s Africa Initiatives Program. The organisation is registered as NGO and is working in Northern Uganda, conducting peace and reconciliation and youth programmes. It currently has 10 employees and a number of local and international volunteers. AYINET is member of several of human rights and peace networks and seems to be experienced in networking and advocacy work. It has received funds from several international donors. The organisation is very interested in cooperating with Danish youth organisations especially in relation to advocacy and capacity development. 2.5 Breakdance Project Uganda Sharing Youth Centre, Nsambya, Kampala (classes Monday and Wednesday from 5:00-8:30 pm) Abramz Tekya, founder and director / Tel: +256 (0) / +256 (0) breakdanceuganda@yahoo.com / tekyabra@yahoo.com Websites: / Empowerment and inspiration of children and youth through breakdance and other elements of hiphop. The Breakdance Project was started in 2006 as an informal youth-teaching-youth programme by a few youth involved in hip-hop, with Abramz Tekya as the driver. Since then the group has grown immensely in terms of numbers. Several hundreds of youth meet every Monday and Wednesday in a youth centre in Kampala, and a branch of the project is working from Gulu youth centre in Northen Uganda. Further, the group has trained youth groups all over the country. The Breakdance Project is not yet a registered organisation but is in the process of developing a constitution through, it seems, a very participatory and discussion based process. When the constitution has been finalised, the group will register as NGO. People within the organisation is elected to be in charge of different relevant areas. The group is interested in cooperating with other youth groups and dance projects, emphasising that the interest is mutual learning. 10

11 2.6 Christian Youth Outreach Uganda Wamala, Nansana Town Council, Wakiso District P.O. Box 25541, Kampala Web-site: Johnson Ssekate, founding member / Tel:+256 (0) Alex Kakooza, founding member / Tel: +254 (0) Exploring young people s talents in different areas, e.g. music and drama, and community development. Christian Youth Outreach started in 2008 as a group of young people wanting to do something for themselves and their community. 50 youth from Wamala village are involved in the activities of the group, which include music and dance performances and construction of a youth community centre (including a music studio). All funds come from local resource mobilisation and contributions by members. The group have a lot of enthusiasm and energy, and might benefit a great deal from a partnership with a Danish youth organisation with. 2.7 Concerned Children and Youth Association (CCYA) P.O. box 795, Lira, ccyauganda@gmail.com Can Caxson Ray, Programme Coordinator / Tel: +256 (0) / +256 (0) Reproductive health, HIV&AIDS, advocacy for human rights, peaceful resolution of conflicts, rights of children and youth with disabilities, access to education and psycho-social well being of marginalised children and youth, economic empowerment, release of the children and youth abducted by the Lords Resistance Army. CCYA was founded in 2001 as a youth group in Lira Municipality responding to the crisis of mass abductions in the area, and later registered as an NGO with operations in Lira district in Northern Uganda. The organisation is youth led, and both board and secretariat comprises of young people and has women in key positions. CCYA currently focuses its work on encouraging youth involvement in advocacy and peace-building and advocating for children and youth with disabilities. Activities include training youth support groups on peace building, conflict resolution and environmental protection and conservation, and most work is done by volunteers. 2.8 Conflict Resolution by Youth Uganda, CRY Najjanakumbi (off Entebbe Highway), Kampala P.O. Box 11612, Kampala Tel: +256 (0) / +256 (0) office@cryuganda.org / cryuganda@yahoo.com, Website: Peace building, conflict resolution, gender equality and empowerment of women, youth development and participation. CRY Uganda was founded in 1999 by a small group of young women who reacted to the many violent strikes organised in schools at the time. The organisation later on registered as an NGO and as a private company. CRY works in Northern Uganda, Eastern Uganda and in Karamoja, and has a programme office in Lira. The organisation is mobilising and organising youth in peace clubs and in 11

12 peace camps, trainings, debate forums, and drama groups (forum theatre). Most people involved in the organisation as members, secretariat staff and volunteers are youth. The organisation is well networked with different peace initiatives as well as other youth organisations. The organisation is very interested in external partnerships with youth organisations and would in particular like to work on strengthening youth participation in the rehabilitation programs in Northern Uganda. 2.9 Hope Revival Agency for Rural Development, HORARD Lira Town Isaac Olua, director, Tel: +256 (0) / jokisa2001@yahoo.com Education for vulnerable groups, income generating activities, HIV prevention, environmental protection and gender. HORAD was initiated in 2005, and later registered as and NGO and a private company. The organisation is serving youth, but the leadership consists of mostly adults. Income generation projects are implemented through local youth groups. The organisation has been implementing activities with donor funds on projects managed by larger organisations. There are 3 staff members International Institute for Youth in Governance, IIYOGO Werikhe Gerald Wanzala, Executive Director / Tel: +256 (0) iiyogo.iiyogo.internationalins@gmail.com / werikeg@yahoo.com Good governance, drug abuse, youth empowerment, child rights, HIV&AIDS, peace building, environmental protection. IIYOGO was founded in 2006 as a voluntary association by a group of university students engaged in political activism. In 2009 it registered as a company. The organisation has been involved in anti corruption awareness campaigns, training for young leaders in politics, civic education, tree planting and activities on young women in leadership. Most work seems to be done through networking with other organisations Kawempe Youth Development Association, KYDA At St. Benard Royal Primary School Kawempe, 5,5 Miles Bombo Road, Kawempe P.O. box 71976, Clock Tower, Kampala Mobile: +256 (0) , +256 (0) / otal_kawempeyouth2006@yahoo.com McBenard Otal Ssewava, Coordinator / Mobile: +256 (0) Reproductive health, environment, drugs and substance abuse, vocational skills training, and local advocacy for child rights. The organisation was formed in 2001 as an informal group by youth who had finished university. In 2005 KYDA was registered as CBO, and in 2007 as NGO. The organisation has around 300 members, and a secretariat of 20 people, most of them volunteers. Vocational training is carried out at the office, including vocational training targeted young mothers who have dropped out of school. Volunteers are further carrying out out-reach awareness activities in the surrounding community. 12

13 Most funding comes from local fund raising, some small activity grants from other Ugandan organisations, and the fees from international volunteers placed by Uganda Pioneers Association. KYDA is an active organisation in terms of activities, attracting many young people from the surrounding area KIFAD, Kiyita Family Alliance for Development P.O. box 33995, Kampala Nansana, Wakiso District (close to Kampala) Tel: +256 (0) / kifad_project@yahoo.com, Website: Richard Bob Bongole, programme manager / Mobile: +256 (0) / bob_zefad@yahoo.co.uk HIV&AIDS, food security and capacity building of families of people living with HIV&AIDS and of KIFAD as an organisation. KIFAD is not as such a youth organisation, but a big number of volunteers and beneficiaries are youth. The organisation was founded in 2000 as a self-help group for families affected by HIV&AIDS, and later registered first as a CBO and then as an NGO. It operates in 3 sub-counties through 3 staff members and a number of volunteers. The organisation further gets international volunteers through Uganda Pioneer s Association. Funding comes from local resource mobilisation and donor funds; currently KIFAD runs a project on support to orphans and vulnerable children funded by USAID Lucia Youth Development Foundation, LUYDEFO P.O. Box 27001, Kampala Nansana, off Hoima Road, Wakiso District (close to Kampala) luydefo@yahoo.co.ug Charles Kasozi, programmer manager ckasozi@gmail.com Richard Kiranda, project officer, Mobile: +256 (0) Reproductive health including HIV&AIDS, environmental education, and improving the socioeconomic status of women and youth through income generating activities. Staff members explain that the organisation has an integrated approach and would like to address any issues of priority to the community. LUYDEFO was started in 1999 by 15 adult professionals (teachers, counsellors, nurses etc.) from Nansana who saw the need for addressing young people s issues, especially in relation to reproductive health. The organisation is registered as an NGO, and is currently working in two subcounties in two districts. In each district there is a youth centre, but the organisation also does community outreach work. The governance system is mainly run by adults, but the organisation is in the process of ensuring youth participation at board level. Most staff and volunteers (apart from the manager who is one of the founding members) are young people, and many activities are done through youth-run youth clubs. LUYDEFO has earlier on run projects with donor funds, but is currently getting by with contributions from members, voluntary work by staff members, and contributions by international volunteers placed there by Uganda Pioneers Association. Staff and volunteers are involved in a number networking activities with other youth organisations. The organization is very interested in working with organisational development including improving youth participation in organisational governance. 13

14 2.14 Mukono Multi-Purpose Youth Organisation, MUMYO Nkima House, Naggalama, Mukono District. P.O. Box 7838, Kampala Website: Byansi Rolands, chair person to the board ( ) and coordinator / Tel: +256 (0) Health (HIV&AIDS, malaria, hygiene and sanitation), education and training (support to orphans education, adult literacy, education on child rights, basic skills training) and agriculture (training, small projects). MUMYO is an NGO founded in 1992 by 6 young people who wanted to work with income-generation through agriculture. Later on other issues were brought on board. The organisation has a number of youth activities, including a youth club whose chairperson is a member to the board. MUMYO has earlier on had funding for a number of projects and is currently running a HIV&AIDS counselling project with funds from an Irish organisation. Through funds from former international volunteers, the organisation support orphans education. Other funds come from income-generating activities, e.g. a computer place in the district town Reach the Youth Uganda, RTY Plot 78, Kanjokya Street P.O. BOX 24928, Kampala Tel: +256 (0) / +256 (0) / +256 (0) info@reachtheyouthsuganda.org / reach_ugandayouth@yahoo.com Website: Elibu Gabriel Okiror, Programme Manager / okiror_x@yahoo.com HIV&AIDS, life skills, economic livelihoods for young people, women and child rights. Reach the Youth is a youth-focused organisation founded in It has worked in 4 districts on projects supported by different donors, including in Kalangala District (Lake Victoria) where HIV rates are extremely high compared to the rest of the country. At implementation level, most staff members and volunteers are youth Uganda Girl Guides Association, UGGA Baden Powell House, Buganda Road, Kampala P.O. box 696 Tel: +256 (0) / uggaugandaguides@ymail.com / ugandaguides@yahoo.com Morine Wavamunno, Chief Commissioner / Mobile: +256 (0) morinewa@googl .com Eunice Kateshumbwa, International Commissioner / Mobile: +256 (0) eunnygamuts@gmail.com Antex Nakimera, Project Officer for HIV prevention project / Mobile:+256 (0) antex75@yahoo.com Girl guiding training (scouting skills), HIV prevention, alcohol abuse prevention UGGA was established by an Act of Parliament in 1922 and currently has a membership of about girl guides in about 80 districts. The first lady, Janet Museveni, is the patron. UGGA runs both 14

15 in-school and out-of-school programmes, and the organisation has an institutionalised structure for youth participation. UGGA is currently running a big USAID funded HIV prevention programme in alliance with other organisations, and a smaller project on alcohol prevention Uganda Pioneers Association, UPA P.O Box Kampala Ochieng Zone, Nasana, 8 Miles Hoima Road, Wakiso District (close to Kampala) Tel: +256 (0) / uganda_pioneers22@hotmail.com Web-site: Samuel Waddimba, Executive Secretary / Mobil: +256 (0) , +256 (0) waddimbasam@yahoo.co.uk Community based development, intercultural co-operation and youth participation through voluntary work. UPA was founded in 1989 by a group of 8 young people who wanted to work on youth issues. UPA started as work camp organisation, and still coordinates work camps and is member of international work camp network, but it now also offers possibilities for mid-term volunteers (1-6 months) and long-term volunteers (12 months). The organisation has more than 300 members, most of them youth, but some older people as well. The members are organised in branches (10 branches in 6 districts) which work rather independently on grass-root projects (e.g. on HIV, community development, agro-forestry etc.). The main funding of the organisation comes from fees from international volunteers and work camp participants. Local resource mobilisation at district level and membership fees also contribute to activities, and occasionally the organisation handles project funds from international donors. Staff members are interested in partnerships focusing on building capacity of staff and volunteers. Another possible focus area for a partnership could be capacity building of branches which comprise of volunteers Uganda Scouts Association, USA Baden Powell House, Buganda Road P.O. box 1294, Kampala, Tel: +256 (0) / scouts@scouts.or.ug, Website: Richard Okello, National Executive Commissioner / Tel: +256 (0) okelrich@yahoo.co.uk David Sekamatte, Programme Officer, Mobile: dmssekamatte@yahoo.com Apart from ordinary scouting activities, USA has been running projects on HIV prevention, food security, street children and environmental protection. Ideas for activities which haven t yet taken off at a large scale include prevention of drugs and substance abuse and entrepreneurship training. USA was established by an Act of Parliament in 1922 and currently has a membership of scouts (boys and girls) in at least 60 districts. President Yoweri Museveni is the patron, while the Chief Scout is Professor Maggie Kigozi. The organisation has an institutionalised structure for gender balanced youth participation from district level to the national scout council, board and working committee. USA runs both in-school and out-of-school scouting. USA does not receive funding from the Government of Uganda, but relies on membership fees and project funds. 15

16 2.18 Uganda Youth Development Link, UYDEL Sir Apollo Kaggwa Rd, Bifro House opposite MBI P.O. Box 12659, Kampala Tel: +256 (0) / +256 (0) Web-site: Kasirye Rogers, Executive Director / Tel: +256 (0) / kasriryer@yahoo.com HIV&AIDS prevention and reproductive health, child rights, alcohol and drugs abuse, vocational training. UYDEL was founded in 1993 and has grown to be a big, professional organisation, currently with 41 staff members, working in 4 districts in Central Region. UYDEL receives quite a lot of donor funds, and seems to have a high capacity for project management. Youth are involved in implementation of the programmes, but there is no structure for youth participation in leadership. Staff members highlight that a strength of the organisation is that it is working directly with young people on the ground, while at the same time being big enough for doing effective advocacy work Uganda National Students Association, UNSA Offices at Ministry of Education, Development House, 1 st floor, Parliament Avenue P.O. box 9502, Kampala Tel: +256 (0) / unsa@education.go.ug / unsa_uganda@yahoo.com Stephen Aggrey Osinde, administrative officer / Tel: +256 (0) Career guidance, leadership and management training, civic education, democracy and good governance, reproductive health. UNSA was formed in 1988 as a national network of students from secondary and tertiary education institutions, and registered as NGO in The organisation is housed at the Ministry of Education and Sports. UNSA works through student councils or guilds elected at each educational institution by students. Representatives from the councils come together in a district council, which again elects representatives for the national council. UNSA has recently worked on a democracy and good governance project Youth Alive Uganda Plot 148b, Old Kira Rd, Kamwokya, Kampala P.O.Box Kampala Tel: +256 (0) / Mobile: +256 (0) / info@youthaliveuganda.org / youthaliveuganda@infocom.co.ug, Website: Sexual and reproductive health for young people. Youth Alive is a rather big Catholic NGO established in Kampala in 1993 by an Irish nun. Later on the organisation has spread to 17 African Countries. In Uganda, Youth Alive now works in more than 25 districts through regional offices. Much work is done by volunteers, but the organisation has 20 employed staff members. The membership involved in the Annual General Meeting comprises of current and former Youth Alive Club members, thus both youth and adults. 16

17 The organisation runs a Value for Life programme for youth in primary school, secondary schools and communities, and for young married couples. The approach is behaviour change (abstinence and being faithful), and the organisation does not encourage condom use. The funding comes partly from local religious institutions (primarily the Catholic Church, but also other churches and Muslim communities), partly from external donors. Youth Alive cooperates with a variety of faith-based organisations as well as NGOs and government. The organisation offers possibilities for working with youth in the rural areas of Uganda YMCA Uganda Plot 37/41 Buganda Road, Kampala, P.O. box 1702, Kampala, Tel: +256 (0) ugandaymca@ugandaymca.com, Website: Roselyne Birungi Ssebaleke, Deputy National Executive Director, Tel: +256 (0) roselynebirungi@rocketmail.com Vocational training, sports activities, leadership training, community development activities, HIV&AIDS prevention. YMCA is a Christian NGO founded in Uganda in The organisation has 6 branches in Central, Easter and Western Uganda and is hoping to soon open a branch in the North. In the beginning the organisation only addressed men, but in the 1980es women came on board as well. The organisation has a system for youth and women participation at all levels in the governance structure. YMCA receives some donor funds, but the main source of income are the fees from the vocational training activities, the main part taking place at the big YMCA head quarter in Kampala. In Uganda YWCA and YMCA are two different organisations, but recently YMCA and YWCA has been cooperating closely in the Uganda Youth Empowerment Alliance. The alliance is made up by the Red Cross, the Scouts, the Girl Guides, YWCA and YMCA and has been running a project on youth and reproductive health with funds for HIV prevention from USAID. According to the Deputy National Executive Director, the organisation would like to involve more in peace education and anti-corruption activities YWCA Uganda Plot 1 &3, George Street, P.O. box 2108, Kampala, Tel: +256 (0) , +256 (0) ywca@yahoo.com, ywca.ug@gmail.com Peace Deborah Mukayisire, National Youth Coordinator, pmukayisire@yahoo.com, Mobile: +256 (0) Women empowerment and participation through programs focusing on agriculture, health, environment, youth, functional adult literacy and vocational training. YWCA is a Christian NGO founded in Uganda in 1952 to promote women empowerment and participation. The organisation currently works in 30 districts. YWCA has a youth programme which works to organise youth in groups, focusing mainly on HIV prevention and income generation. Currently there are 70 community youth groups, and further groups are started up in schools. However, not all clubs are active due to lack of funding. There is an institutionalised system for youth participation from club to sub-county, district and national level which ensures 4 youth members of the national board. YWCA is a member of the Uganda Youth Empowerment Alliance and a number of other networks focusing on women and health issues. 17

18 Network organisations 2.23 NAYOU, Network Association of Youth Organisations in Uganda Tel:+256 (0) Rachel Kyalimpa, chair person, Tel: +256 (0) Youth participation in democracy, youth advocacy on human rights, youth empowerment and poverty eradication. NAYOU is a network of 45 youth organisations registered as an NGO which was formed by young people from different organisations in The board consists of representatives of the member organisations, and the chair person, is a young woman of 28 years. NAYOU has a secretariat with 5 employees. The organisation works through advocacy, lobbying and awareness raising. NAYOU is a partner of LSU, the National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations and is currently involved in the UN DESA project Tackling Poverty Together on young people s involvement in poverty reduction strategies Uganda National Youth Council 5th Floor Simbamannyo House, George Street (Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development) P.O. Box 7136, Kampala, Tel: , nyc_uganda@hotmail.com, Website: Shaft Nasser Mukwaya, Executive Secretary, Tel: snmukwaya@hotmail.com 1) Reproductive healthy and HIV&AIDS, 2) education, training and development of youth structures, 3) public relations, advocacy and communication, 4) coordination, research and development, 5) poverty, unemployment and productivity and 6) democracy and good governance. The National Youth Council was established by an Act of Parliament in 1993 after a push from Uganda National Students Association (UNSA). In principle all Ugandan youth (18-30 years) are members of the youth council structures. At each administrative level (village, parish, sub county, district and national level) a committee is elected (11 members at national level, 9 on all others). Apart from the youth councils, 90 youth organisations are members of NYC. NYC presents itself as a non-partisan and non-discriminating body promoting the interests of all youth in Uganda, and as being independent of the Ugandan government. It is however working closely with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, and 50% of the funding of the organisation comes from government through a parliament decision, catering for staff salaries and administrative costs (the other 50% comes from big donor organisations). NYC has run several larger projects with support from among others GTZ (youth employment), Uganda Global Fund (HIV&AIDS) and Action Aid (female youth participation) 2.25 Uganda Youth Network, UYONET Plot 828 Bombo Road, Makarere-Kavule, (After Makerere University Primary School) P.O. Box Kampala, Uganda, Tel: +256 (0) , info@uyonet.or.ug Website: 18

19 Youth participation in development and governance processes. Uganda Youth Network was formed in order to provide a forum for youth consultation on policies. The organisation is registered as an NGO and currently has 9 members, most of them smaller organisations. UYONET works through advocacy and lobbying, capacity building of youth organisations, and civic education Youth Plus Policy Network Uganda, Y+PN P.O. Box Kampala, Block 86, Plot 24 Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road, Bifro House Suite 9, Tel: +256 (0) , info@youthplusuganda.org Website: Youth involvement in policy issues, young people s active citizenship, and human rights, especially in relation to HIV&AIDS, education, food security, governance, human security in conflict areas. Y+PN is a network organisation based in Kampala which was founded in 2005 by 12 young people who has participated in the Global Call to Action against Poverty organised by Action Aid Uganda. The organisation currently has 5 staff members and around 30 volunteers. It works in all regions of Uganda through regional links/member organisations, all together 21 of them, many of them university student guilds. Y+PN has among other initiatives carried out projects on young women in leadership (supported by the International Republican Institute), young active citizens (supported by Oxfam), climate change, food security and the MDGs, and links up with various UN campaigns and international networks. Y+PN explain that the organisation works through identifying young people s rights violations at the grassroots and bringing them forward through advocacy campaigns on both national and local level. 3 TANZANIA 3.1 Tanzania Disabled Persons Movement the Youth Wing Banduka Street, Plot No 347 Block HH Ndala area, P.O. BOX 1038, Shinyanga.Tanzania Tanzania_disabled@yahoo.com Tel: / Titus Sangija, Program Manager Edward, Youth Coordinator, Tel: Education, civic education, agriculture About the organization The Tanzanian Disabled Persons Movement s Youth Wing has existed since The main focus of the work is focusing on helping disabled children and youth get access to education. As pr. elections of 2010 youth between 15 and 29 are being given civic education so as to be able to vote. Currently they do not have a national coverage but have sustained to the local area where their office is located. 19

20 3.2 Tanzania Youth Alliance (TAYOA) Togo Tower # 422 Kinondoni Street, P.O Box 77874, Dar es Salaam Tel: Peter Masika, Director, Tel: , pmasika@tayoa.org HIV/AIDS helpline, leadership training. Tanzania Youth Alliance is a National registered Youth Organisation, using telecommunication hotline technology to address social challenges such as prevention of HIV/AIDS. TAYOA operates the national AIDS helpline services that counsel up to 1000 callers a day. The organisation has previously worked with leadership training aiming at identifying potential youth leaders and training them so they were able to get elected into parliament or be elected into local government. TAYOA is a large organisation which was started in The organisation is a trust and has a board of trustees. The trustees are elected by an election committee. All trustees are prominent members of civil society. Trustees are elected for life or until they resign by their own will. TAYOA annually has interns. 3.3 Tanga Youth Development Association (TAYODEA) P.O. BOX 5344, Tanga Tanzania, Tel: , Fax: tayodea@yahoo.com Website David J. Chanyeghea, Executive Director, Tel: , chanyeghea@yahoo.com Youth empowerment, incoming generation, governance, youth parliaments, health, disability. : The organisation was founded in 2000 by volunteers to create income generating activities. The organisation is registered as an NGO. The organisation has a board, a management structure, a financial system and 4 local branches in the Tanga area. The organisation does not have national coverage. Youth is not represented in the board but all employees and volunteers are young. All in all TAYODEA has 83 employees. This includes volunteers. Financially the organisation is not solely dependent on donor funds. Currently the organisation has 8 donors including ActionAid Tanzania. 3.4 Tanzanian Girl Guides Association (TGGA) Makao Makuu, Barbara Ya Kibalisa, Upanga Mashariki, tggadar@yahoo.com Tel: Mrs Neema Kabale, Chief Commissioner Focus Area Scouting, Alcohol reduction among youth, HIV/AIDS, life skills, reproductive health. The Tanzanian Girl Guides Association is a non-governmental and voluntary association founded in The organisation works with the advancement of girls and young women socially and economically by providing them with non-formal education programmes and training. Delivery of 20

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Projekter som modtog tilskud fra Aktive Unge i 2008 Projektnr. Aktivitetstype Titel Ansøger Kontaktoplysninger Tilskud i Projekter som modtog tilskud fra Aktive Unge i 2008 Projektnr. Aktivitetstype Titel Ansøger Kontaktoplysninger Tilskud i DK-11-1-2008-R1 Ungdomsudveksling COME (Communication in a Multicultural Europe)

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FN s Verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling og Danmarks opfølgning

FN s Verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling og Danmarks opfølgning FN s Verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling og Danmarks opfølgning Grøn Generation Fællesmøde for koordinatorer og Inspirationsgruppe 12. oktober 2016 Sune Kirkegaard Rotne Miljøstyrelsen FN s 17 verdensmål

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DONG Energy. Photobook

DONG Energy. Photobook DONG Energy Photobook DA Om Duba-B8 Duba-B8 A/S er blandt de førende i norden indenfor totalindretning af kontormiljøer. Vores indretningskoncepter er skræddersyede og bygger på rådgivning og analyse af

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