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2 J ' ~ \ THE STATUTES OF l i ~ THE CENTRAL MSSON : ~ ' ~, '

3 THE ST A TUTES OF THE CENTRAL MSSON The Founder and Leader of the Central Mission, Bishop A Bast, does hereby institute the Central J\,lission as an independent and proprietorial corporarion within»the Methodist Episcopal Church of Denmark«; and does further prescribe - with the consent of the Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, an<l of the Congregation of the Church of Je1 usalem, Copenhagen, represented by the Local Conference - the following: ST AT UTE S.. The name an<l title of the nstitution is: The Central J\,lission. The nstitution is situated in Copenhagen. The nstitution is an independent corporation. All rights and privileges appertaining Jnd accruing to the nstitution belong to the nstitution as such alone, and all the obligations,rnd liabilities of the nstitution rest upon the nstitution as such alone. Legal claims :igainst the nstitution mar on its account, be instituted against the Leader of the J\,lission.

4 . The object of the Central J\lission is rhe undertdlking of missionary, charitable, and rescue work. The Central J\lission is to carry on the activities and institutions hithertost :irted and carried on by the Leader, under the strk of the Central J\!ission, as designated above.. The resources of the Central J\1ission may never, either partly or wholly, be employed for any other pur= pose than the promotion of the aforesaid objects. The said resources ;ire: L The Legacies Fund, to which all amounts and C<= pit;if specially bequeathed to be expended upon the various undertakings of the J\lission are to <1ccrue. Special accounts are to be kept stating these amounts and their expenditure. " Endowments bestowed upon the undertakings of the J\lission which ;ire to be employed or ellpended ;is particularly specified by the donor. Separate accounts are to be kept of all such grants. ). The ordinary resource<> of the \lission. These include the proceeds of the sale of the»spring=plower (thc ycarly public collection sane= tioned by the Government) and thc subscriptions from the associmion of Donors; and these incomes so= lely belong to the Central J\lission. V. Complete accounts are to he kept of all incomes and expenses. The fin.111c1.1l ye;ir 1s ft\>m April 1st. to 1\1.ll'rh 31st. The ye.irly b.1lance sheet is to be published in the annual report. 4 The ;rndir,,r.1ppoin1ed by the!30.1rd of Rqiresenta= rives is to audit all accounts, account=lmoks, vouchers and supplemental matter, <ind to ascertain that all balances <ire present. v. The Central Mission's Association of Donors is in: tended to provide the various undertakings and institu= lions carried on by the Ccntral J\lission, especi;illy those concerncd with children, with a firm fin;inci;if basis. The members of this association pay, either.i regu= far yearly contribution of Kr. 5., or make one contri= bution of at least Kr. 50. All members of the ass.:iciation receive a copy of the ycarly report of the!\<fission. VJ. The \lethodisc Episcopal Chureh and its agents and organizations lrnve no other amhority over the C en tr al ]\,fission than these Statutes, or such authority as any future lawfully adopted Statutes may assign. The Central i\1ission is to present a yearly report of its ac!ivities, accounts and balance=sheet, to the Annual Conference of the Danish i\lethodist Church and the fourth Local Conference of the Church of Jerusalem, Copenhagen Vil. The resident Bishop for the Copenhagen Area, appoin~ ted at any time by the General Conference of the J\le thodist Church, is Leader <ind Administrator hy inherent right of the Central tvlission and all its institutions and undertakings, as well as Chairman of the Board of Re= present.hives, the Directorate and the Management. n the event of the resident Bishop for the Copenh.iF(en Area not being a Danish citi::en, the resident Bishop ~half appoint <HJ Admm1strator who shall be nominated by the Annual Cl'nference. 5

5 The Leader, or Administrator, is unsafaried. The Leader may veto all decisions of the Directorate, and such veto rem.1ins in force until the Board of Re# presentative~, which is to be convened to settle the mat= ter in question as s0on as possible, decides same. The Le.icier is empowered to veto all decisions of the B0ard of Rrpre,entatives n'.-:ardini( the establishment of new undertakings or instituti0ns,. or the discontinuance of undertakings, activities.ind institutions already existing. or such fund,111;enthaf changes in the carrying on of same as shall cause the said undertakings etc, in the opinion of the Le.1dcr. 10 change their ch,iracter,. an<l such veto shall <'c'nt:nue in force, unless some other decision Le udc' the ne:-.t Annu.if C onfcrence 0f the J\letho<list Church hy a 2h majority of the votes of the members 0f the conference. The Board of Re= prcsentativcs shall place the matter before the confe= rence through the General Secretary. This p.iragraph shall not be altered or amended. VJ. The Leadl'r sh.ill 1epresent the Central J\lission and all its institutions in all <lcalings with the public. n his. 1bsencc the Gener.if Secret,iry sh.ill rcprt>scnt them. X. The supreme.wtht1nty w1tl11n the Central J\lission is vested in the Bo,1rd of Representatives composed of the foll0wing memhc1 s. 1. The Le.1Jer The General St>rretary whom 1he Le<1der..ippoint~. ). Cc111s;reg,llional Superintendent,,f the Church,,f Jerusalem. + The Supn imemlenr f,,r the C<'pt>nh<1gen d1mnct 0f the ~lethodi«t Episcop.11 Church The ministers appointed to the Church of Jerusa= fem and tht> c~ntraf J\fission by the Bishop. 6. The Pastors of the other Methodist Episcopal Churches in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. 7. Two trustees, elected by the Board of Trustees of the Jerusalem church. 8. Two laymen, preferably resident in Copenh;igcn, elected by the Laity Commission of the J\ethodist Episcopal Church,. and two conference members elected by the Annual Conference. The election shall hold good until the next Annual Conference. 9. Two laymen (or women) chosen by the Bish0p as representatives for the association of Donors, "C= sident in Copenhagen, and not necessarily J\1etho, dis ts. 10. The Medical Adviser appointed by the Bishop to the various undertakings of the ]\,fission. 11. The Legal Adviser appointed by the Bishop to the said undertakings 12. The Auditor appointed by the Bo,1rd of Represen= tatives. X. 1. No member of the Board of Represcntativ,.: sh.ill he recompensed for his position as such. 2. The Board of Representatives determine how the resources of the Legacies Fund arc to be expended. 3. No purch.1se, sale or mortgage of rc.11 property may be concluded without the sanction of the Board of Representatives. 4. No new undertakings m:iy be entered upon,,,r new institutions established, without the s<111ction of the Board of Represent.Hives. 5. l he Board of Representatives determine the w,,,, king regulations for all undertakings.rnd institutions 7

6 8 to " hich regul.iti0ns the respective mandgements arc hotmd to conform. 6. The BoJrd 0f Representatives determine the budget for the year h.ising same upon the prop0sitions of the Directorate. 7. The<l,,f Representatives determine the sala= ries and wages of all regular employees, excepting the salaries of the lllembers of the Directorate which are detcrlllined by the Bishop. S. The General Secretary is Vice=Chairman of the Board of Representatives and functions in the ab= sence of the Le.idcr. The Board elects a Secretary from among ts members. q. All decisions of the Board are to be entered in the minutehook, which is to be signed by all mem= hers present. 10. The Leader and General Secretary together with the Secretary of the Board, have full powers to s1,.::n for the Board. 11. T \\ o ordin.1ry meetings of the Board arc to be cr,n\'ened yearly, rc spectivcly in ~lay vember. and No= l-:xtraordi1ury mcetmgs arc to be con\'cned by the Le,1dcr at the 1 equest of 'i members 0f the Board. The meetings 0f the Board arc convened by letter \X'ith S days' notice for l>rdinary and -f days' no= tice for extra,,rdin<1ry meetings. 2.' i of the melllhns of the Board constitute.i <Jllc'= rum. All res0luti0ns.mrl decisil"'ns are ad0ptcd by a simple majority 0f \'Otes of those present. Should.1 <JtWrum not artend, a new meeting is to be SOL' possible, and the lllattcr in question may then be decided by a simple maio rity 0f \'Ne,, irre~pecth e of the number 0f th0sc: Jlfl'Sl'nl. ' ~ \\, ~ ' " ' 1z. The BL'ard, or tl10se members of same elected to do so, have the right at all times to supervise all undertakings and institutions and to control all accounts, books, stocks and monies. The Board as such is not responsible for the various funds themselves. X. The Directorate consists of 7 members: The Leader the General Secretary, the congregational Superintendent of the Church of Jerusalem, and 4 members elected by the Boar<l of Representatives from among their number for a period of one year ut a time. The District Su= perintendent, the Legal Adviser and the Auditor m.iy not be elected to the Directorate. The General Secre# tary is Vice=C'hairman and functions in the Leader's absence. :\J. t. The Directorate is awhorized to conduct all the undertakmgs and institlllions of the ~lission within the limits of the regulations and the budget laid down by the Board of Represe111atives. ' The Directorate decides all matters not decreed by these Statutes to be decided by others. 3. The Directorate elects - where nothing otherwise is stipulated in these Statutes - \x orldng commit= tees for the v.1rious undertakings etc.,.ind likewise eng.iges - where nothing otherwise is stipul.ned in these St.llutes - the neces~ary functic,naires, and determines their wages. + Tlic Directorate lays down the derailed rules ac# cording to which the J\fan,1gement carries 011 the daily business, ;mrl for the acti\'ities of all c0111' mittc..:s, fun<.ti i1c~, e111plc1ycc~ and t'l>=work<:'r~. 5. The Drrectoratc constantly superintends <ill th(' 9

7 undertakings and institutions of the Mission, the arrangements of the :tvlanagement, and the tasks of all employees. The Directorate constantly criticm ally controls all accl'tlllts and checks all stoc!,s and cash bal,rnces at least 4 times a year. 6. The Directoraic presents the year's accounts with balance sheet at the L1test on P.Jay 1st, each year. 7. The Directorate presents reports to the Board of Representatives, and hands same budget propl>sitions. 8. The Journal of the Directorate must contain all decisions made, signed by the members present. 9. The Directorate holds at least one ordinary meeting a month. meetings are convened by the Leader, or at the request of 3 members. The meetings arc convened by letter with 3 days' notice for ordinary and 1 day's notice for extraordinary meetings. Decisions are made by simple majority of votes. The Leader's or in his absence, the Vice Chairm,rn 's vote is decisive in c,bes of equal voting. X. The management comprises the Leader, the Gener.ii Secretary and the Pastor cif the Church of Jerusalem. 10 XV. 1. The management has charge of the daily carrying on of all the institutions and underr.1kings of the!vlission, with executive authority within the limi1~ of the regul.itions ;rnd the budget l.iid dl)\x/11 hy the Board of Represent.Hives, and in C\)nform11y with the more closely defined,rnd rules set up by the Directorate. 2. The l\anagement <;upervises djil)'.iii t1ndcrr.1k111!;s and institmions of the t>.1ission and the \\'l'rk,,f all mittee~, ::.uperintendcnts, employees ;ind volunteer workers 3. The!vfana11ement must keep exact and substantia= ted accounts of all incomes and expenditures as directed respectively by the Board of Represent a: rives and the Directorate. 4. The t>.lanagement is responsible for the presence at all times of all stocks, funds and monies belonging ro the Central t>.1ission. 5. The management engages and appoints the cashier for the Centrnl!vlission, and takes up a guarantee insurance in respect of same for an amount fixed hy the Board of Rcpresematives. 6. The P.anagemenr submits propos;ifs to the Direc' toratc and attends to the preliminaries regarding the matters in question. XV. 1. The Gener.ii Secretary, as immediate representative for the Leader and according to the Leader's direc= tions, t;ikes charge of the d;iify carrying on of all the institutions and undertakings ranging within the charit,1hle and rescue work of the t>.lission, as well as ;ill administration and office work. 2. The General SecretJry is the immediate superior of all Superintendents, employees and voluntary worf,e1 s in the said concerns. All communications to ;ind from the Le.idcr regarding the said under t,1km,-:s etc., shall come through the General Sc= netary. ). The Gener.ii Secrcta1 y shall be a member of the Loc,11 Conference of the Jerusalem Church. -J. The P.i,t0r <'f the Jerns:ilem Church h0lds a c<.'r" responding P<)Siti,,n, with regard "' his W<'rk.ind relations t,, the Leader, to tliat of the Gener.ii Secretar:r as described above,. i. c., with re,-:,1rd to the carrring Oil of all the Ccnt1,1 :\lissk,n's Slum 11

8 j ' and :1\lission work carric'd out in direct connection w1tl1 the cong1egational wot k of the }et usalem Church under the leadership of the Superintendent and a committee elected by the fourth Local Conference of the church, the said committee to again divide itself into such sub=committees as the vari0us tasks <for inst. 1'.1issi0n for Women, 1'.Jis= ~ion for Children, EY,mgelization 1'.leetings, Tern= perance Activity etc. etc.) require. The membns of the Annual Conference appointed to p0sitions within the Church and the Central 1\-lission are, ex officio, members of the said committee. The participation of the above committee members in the v;irious kinds of work is determined by the Leader on the recommendation of the Pastor of the Church. 5. The General Secret;iry and the Pastor under the direction of the Leader, act independently within the scope of their ;ictivities. XV. The.1ctivities regardin)'( the sale of the" Spring=Flow= er«and ilppert.iining collection ;ire directed by ;i speci;il committee which furthermore submits proposals to the Board of Representatives as to the opportioning of the v;irio11s undertakings in Copenh;igen ;ind the P1ovinces. The Committee consists of the Leader ;is Chairm;in (in his absence the Grncral Secrct;i1y) and 6 members,. ) of whom are elected by the Bc>,ird of RcpresentatiVl'S, an<l 3 by the ;innual r0nferenre, as representatives for provincial undertakings. XV. The Sli\"natures of two members of the.l'vlanagement in r0njunction are lcgal!y binding upon th..: c<'ll tal }.lission, exc, pt that the s.inct1011 of the Board of 12 Representatives is required in the event of purchase, sale or mortgage of real property. XV. Amendments to these statutes, with the exception of p;iragraph V, may be passed by a majority of 2 /3 of the total votes of the Annual Conference at the recom= mendation of the Board of Representatives. XX. The dissolution of the Central Mission may only take place upon a resolution to this effect being passed by a majority of 2 13 of the total of members of the Board of Representatives, and the said resolution being ratified by a 2 13 majority of the votes at the next Annual Con= ference, and that the Bishop sanctions the dissolution. n the event of such dissolution the Annual Conference shall decide as to the employment of all existing means and funds either upon the underrnkings previously carried on by the Central Mission or for simibr putposes. Cop<'11ha 1 Jf'lf, /st June, n th<' Naml? of J1?s11s Christ: (Signed) A Bast. 1)

9 T/j(' pr('s('llf statut('s bat'? /j('('ll p!acn bdqr(' and rat(/iucl b,v fb(' 41/j Quartt?rl;y Con.for('1tC(' o.f tb(' C/Jurc/j of Jerusak111. Copn1hagn1, 6th J11111? <Signed) S. N Gaarc/P, Pn>.sid~nt. / 111. P('ti?TS('Jt, Srcretar;y. 7jj(' prrse11t Statutes have been placed before a11d'!'at(/led by 1/jp A111111a! Co11.farP11c(' o.f r/jp MPtbodist Epi~copa! Cburcb iii DPn1nark: 'Frl'cf1?rilishav11, 16th J1111t', (Signed) A11to11 Bast, P1t'.,i.frnt. Chr. N1ul51?11, Srcrrf,ir,y.

10 - - THE CENTRAi., MSSON...J >. : Thl' }crns.1lem Church.1 phil.mthn,pic,,f thl' (\ '.\!1,,k,11. in C0pc11h.rgl'11 is till' l'ellln,,f.1crivit\ \x hich bt'.1rs tht' namt' '.ii Thi,.1cti\ ity i' 1111iq11c,,f its, ind in tht' Sc.111<li11,ivi.m c,,1mtrics. ;irstly hl'ca11o;c it hers.1ppt'.irc<l in tlw cc1111st',,f fih,11 '" vc.irs.,,.c,,11cllr H'l'<lll'<' t i11cl11dt s "'' m..i ny diffrn'lll l>r.inchc s. fr0111 \\.11 m sitting l'l'<'llls for hc'- mdcs' 111c11 f,,,1 b11rc.1t1 f,,r the.1d,,pti,,11,,f ''''f>h.111' Thnc.'<' :\ dt1frrc111 h1.inl'ht's \\ hich.trl' 111.iinr.1i11cd -;,1ich h\ \"<'hint.11')' ch.irit.ilik cf,,n.11i,,11,.ind.111 tht' th1c,1cf,.trl' in thl' h.111do;,,f c'lll' 111.tll.:'; 'lic nh'<ic 1 n lh'n"'llsl' \\ itl1 t'c'1111lll'<'' '' lh'l l,11c'\\ 11 in :r1t1, i11'ti1uric,11 :,,f "'"'tlll'rl1 O\'l' Tlwrc i' lh'ih111g '' h1l'h l'.111 '\"'\ ni.1kt..1 ll1l':-o' t":.1n.1tf<lir,1..., 1..\"'n1itt<'<' J,,,tlwr.,: J11 th1' l'.j<;<' it 1' th<' llldll \\ 1 0 <'0llllt' - tht' p<'l'''ll,lo hi\' - "the 111.m \\1th tht' 'PH,,,f,.; '" And.1fi1 1 him l \\ H'k 't.1tf 0f 'ld,,rdin.11<.l''''l.lll'' 1 hnt'.ire, 111 f.1ct. -1 tlii11_.::' \\hi, h.1l,'1'(' l\'11diti,,11 tit«t~'1111.rr1,,11,,f '"ch.111.1ctl\'ll\' d,. th<' H'l'l'"lf\' tht' v;irn1~ l,,.irtl'd '\ 111p.irl11:, 1,.111d l1111itid tl 11,t 111.\<". All.,

11 these things arc pn.>sent in the Cent1al i'vlission - and where these factors an> found, such,1 charit;ibfe \\'Ork can be org;mized. But then all,,lilliputians«must he kept away, otherwise they \\'ill c'nly fall over their own legs and do harm hr their officiousness. fil!l There are :o,ooo pl'ople in Denmark \\ ho arc' so \\'ise and Sl' great hcartcd, that they have chosen Pastor Bast tc1 hdp, on their behalf, his who, <lcscr vedly or undeservt>dly, stand in the utmost net>d. And all honor and the hlessing of the Almighty follow these men and women for their good hearts and their good sense. ~ Among these :o,ooo \\'(' find the country's king and queen, the government, the authorities, the country's chief citizens and the simple lab0rcr. ~ And then comes the man - the founder. He has unqw1lified faith or, as Jesus Christ calls it "the faith that moves mountains'" The m0t111t;iins of difficulty,,,f envy, of narrcw<' min<lcclness and of \'!'iseacres" - 0ne of them must be nwn d - '>: c0nqmted. l'very Ancl lw \\'he' is h't "sutfic1cntir 1cdlcss in hin t.ic. tics \\'ill th'\ er be abk le' Sc'hT such.i problem. for here the gaml' is for in sc1uls,lljd hu111;111 life. Ol1Ctrincs. prejudices.rnd "\X'c'rthy need" must here be thrust,1sidc The tlfnwsr JH'l'd calls t,1 heaven from the suffrring children,,f fl'' hrl',id,ljld fc'r J>l'ill'e,,f s,1111. f = he :,,,non \Vere silent "the Sf,'lh'' \<',,uf<l l'f')' c'lll, 4

12 Tl!!--~ UTMOST NEED. ffilj n a great city like (\)pl'nhag.:n with its more th.rn ooc),oon soul>, there is alw,1ys a gre.h number c'f dcsti~ tutt' fellow bein,.::s, men.ind women. who wander.1l>out. 0 without friend or relation. miserable in body and soul, whom no p.n1prr=il1st1t11tion.ind no Poor Law can help. z (!.>.,,.. >' ""'...J => ~ "--' :;._, Sj -- ;o ~1 ". "' "",,_, ""' ~ z._, ~ '-' Q c <:> Eill :-;ome of them are c'r have heen criminals. Others 11,we never known the,iffrction,ltc touch of a motlwrs or fathers hand upon their heads. Some arc degenerate by inheritance,,r by \ice. sl)llle h,1\'l' seen bcttl'' days, hw kive fallen dccpi:r,rnd decpn inw pcwerty, until thl'y have not \\'lwre le' lay tlw1r hl.ids,,rnd s,, \\'ander.ibc'lll in rhe gre,ll ciry witho1jt.i "in,.::lc friend, and h.irdly ever a J..ind word. l'e >..fany of these pe0ple h,1n he..ird s.iy: ",,r B.1st, he's c'lll' frien<l.!e's.1 f.11her for.111 c'f 11s". l~ And now what 1s it wh!c'h makes him»our fril'nd< 7 The secrt' 1s <fllite simple he love>.ill these stepchil= dn:n of socictr and \\here he gc'l's fnth tc' meet them. he bt'ars the bible in c'h' han<l.ind.i b,1f of brea<l in thl',,thcr.!:: ) Pastor Rist 'ays "Tiu w.iy L' rlw1r ill'.1rt~ is,,ftl n thrc't1gh their q,)m.1ch" - \\: hen their Sh'm.1chs.ire s.ifr;. lied a11<l their lw;irt< ''J'L'H'd thl'\'.ire lh't b.1d as one thinb. But \\ h,l! c.rn be cxpn rl d,,f people wh,, pcrh.ips h.ivt H'\Tr lw.ird an atfrcric'n.lte \\'c'rd N <'\\ " e w.inr thl'm le' nsc f1\'1j1 the, (. 'hn~r m.iy sl11n.: fo, rh f,,r tlwm" <t

13 ~ That 1s rlw key which Pastor uses to open a little peep into the feelings of these our poor fellowmen. and the :u,ou<) stand in back of him.rnd ~ay: "Go on. Pastor Bast - we are standinr lwre 111 k of you. we'll hold up your hands. Go on, Pastt1r Bast". FOR\X'ARD MARCH! ~ t is not more than 6 years since Mr. Bast puti. fished his fi1 s1 yrarly report. At that timr the bud gt.>t showt.>d a sum of 1,JOLl crowns. Last year 11 was 175,000 crowns. On the 9 1 h of Dt.>Ct.>mlwr year. stood aj 10 o'~fock in the morning-. in the cashiers 0tfice when the postman came' with the' morning mail. He laid 583 mone"y orders on the table ran them quickly tfirough - they were from 1 to 100 cr0wns - altogether J,.!)fl,oo. t was the first mail that day. Latn on in the day there arrived two more deliveries to the same otfice. They were only the Christmas money toward th<? Christmas for the poor. "Bast's Poor". as the paper "Politiken«calls them. ~ Some days later was over at the church when the distribution at S o'clock in the morning tc'c'h place ft beg1m the day before. By half=past ei,>:ht 111 the ne= nin;;: there had been distributed Christmas pn:sents 10 1<'0<) families, who represented mouths. At ten mim1= res to <?ight a little flock of women.ind children ~Wc)d c 0 ~ -"" 'f -~.,.. "' ::: ~ "' ;::..c u E 2 u.. huddkd tol{ether in a corner of tfw church. Thev k)(i = 8

14 J., d L111mhcd.llld di,fl,.,,, d. 1'.1,h'l h "' '' 11 1 :\ 11. B.1,r, '"i",r.uhj "f>l"''.irlw, rill'!j,,rk. "l l.11<'r1,,11.\,'ffl'll hin~ ~" ":"~,, Si1 \\<' h,l\, 11 r.ll\ 11n1r.1t1<'11-l'.ird" "\\'ell. bur tfi,lf d,,l'\ll.1111.jtl<'r 1f \< <',,nf\ h.\ l' lll"l', \'''.ll' ill\ ill'd.. 111d,,,. u,11.ilk h.11«.i little,,.,,.,," Si,rn kn,«n here l\.'11h.'"' the rt "t'f \ t' r,, rhc b.isk< r,.jrl' 111,,n rh,111 tilkj. \\' \\,1:; it rhc\ 1<> <'<'l\'l'd 1 EH'J'\' f.11111!\ \\',l',\l\'<'ll -f.,\ hl.1«klirc.1d, : 1,1~. rvcbrc.1cf. 1..\ '11.;.11.\ \.11 i11l'. 1,1' r1<'l'. d,\. "''Jfc, l'tr.. '.\nd f111,dk. :\!r,. B.1,t,,f 11<'.1r rh, «hurrh~d,'c'r "rrh '"'c'l',h111i11~ ',,,\\ 11!*'< <'' i11.1 Jilll'll h.1~ 1:.1\ h ''ll' \\.1-.:,>;l\l'll. \!\'\\.' ill' ll<'llt ''llf. "" hl'r<' \l'.'.1,1~rc.1r,ft- 11,,f L 1 <'\\din\,jjd '' j,,, \\ l't't' JL'l prq>.ircd f,,, rhr' n11.1,lllll1n,\ 11 l'jll quickk B11r :\],, R.i'r,, h,1rp n "' """'1 <'l'l'<i rlwm.ind l'.lch c'lh' Jn L'i\ L'< hi, t'j c'\\ 11 J h«j'l' \\,J, <'lll' L 1dll' h.idn't (,,11,'"nl 111,,,d, 1. :\Jr, B.i,r d'"'''l'l<d hi111. "\\'.ut. 11<'1,,,J <"\\ ll f,,, \','i". J'JH ll.ll lilllh'if hi, h«.1d <lllil kh t''".11 d :. Jr,. ll.1,1 ''l><'1ll«111, i.ind 111 1d1id1 rhe1c l.11.1 'h111i11.-: '1.'11 11.ind o;.11d " Th.1111, \ ''" l. \ t.',1\\.""'tf 1.'llC,, ;_, J\,\ <'rt\'.llld hc'lll'~:1 <.111 \ n1 \\«i i>l' <,,111!>111, d "' l'll 111 rh1 utnh"i 11< 1«1 The :,, "'''' < 'llld <«t 111e11 ( '1111'1111.h J>"f'l'l :d,- 11.rh <'\" 1\.'''''' mc'urh, h.1d pkn;1 "r!"'""! c 111,,t1n.1' 1 1, Bk"'"l.l!«iii<' 111\ 1, 1f11 i.'1 rh,,ji.di,,i>t < 1, 1 ' JO ;'<;.~ -t '"'4,1f'i '""""

15 0.'J nl\' tir-;1 '"' 1:,'ll h.1' thl' f,,j,,,\ ll,,,,, ''"J!JJ.111< ""' '' hich.ll\' 1 'llti1111,1!!\ "11.111cf l\'h 11 1n.ll" <'.ll 1 ll'<i \'ll.l ;\f"l',lt l'fi,'\i1.."lls'"\\'1..' ~' ( 'h111rh S1 1\in -;. - S1111d,w Sch'''''' ;. ]\;, w~p.jh'f' -.rncl p.unplkt \\,,rl,. 4 1\ llll''l<'ll,,f llh'\'lllh;' f,'j.l 1111\L'd ph1j,ji1 \fv\'lllh~' f,,, '' ''llll'll f,,r llll'll.ind t"' r 1 hdclrl'n 'f!f f'.\sttlltj()\: l hl' llh'll ',,f rill' ( c' \11'''-'ll ' - "11i..,,,,,J ',ill llh'jl'\' '' llh'< \ '''".11cf, th<",,,,j" l lncll'r th" "' '"nd thl' \\ h,'j" "\ 111 ;, cf;,,!1.11 ''"'.ind.l',,11d i>d,,,., f 1-.. ll.ll\ ''ldt ij ii, \'''",,t ii\' l \'illl.d \J,,,,,,,J \'ll"" ""'"'d. \/1."''i11 ll, 1k - Ti. )J11m. \/,""i" fl f,11k,i/ p,., "' '-' 1, <'i 1 :.., 1r. ' 111 th h'\\ 1 \t

16 5. Temperance work. 6. Open air work. 7. Tent work. 8. Lecture meetings. 9. l\usical entertainment. 10. Christian and human lectures, readings etc. ~ r is quite sl'pertluous to go into detail as to each one of these sub.branches - it is sufficient to give their names so one can easily get an idea as to what they imply. Many of the conl'(regations members take part in the work withollt any rc11111rn:ratio11 whatsoever. T /;p sli1111 mi:~s1011 ~ co.nprises, as will easily be sl'cn. a very diverse activity. t is largely first aid in the utmost need which is given here. There are several different branches here of which shall name t hr most important. 1. Refuge for h<'nieless men. The poor man who comes to thl' homl' fer the first time is givl'n all the food he can t>at. a bed to sleep 111, and if necessary. cle<ln warm ck,tfll's instead of. ;is is often the casl', his own tilt hr rags. f he conws again the nt>xt day. he receives nothing free of chaq.~l', but is given work in the W0c'd where he earn enough for food and lodging at the refllgc from day to day, llntil he hds obtained s1e<1dy worh elsewlll'rc. Ca gc't loding here last year. 2. The feeding nf children. 14 Hun_l\ry children can l'at here every day ''"children l'<lt here d.1ily, in wintl'r time ; O<l hundn:d l ; i. Eating houses for the poor. -t Om: Ji~lt can be gotten here for 10 0rt'., coffet> for b 0re, and s;indwichrs for ) ore a piece. 1\5000 por= tions a year. Distribi1tion of food and help toward houserent. Ho= mes in which the utmost need has taken posession receive help toward house rent, food and fuel. The necessity has differed for different years, but there are years when ab,ittt 6000 homes have been helped in this way. 5. The samaritan. This institution has its period of <1ction mostly during the winter in the coldest season ;ind when work is scarcest, then C'ome the mothers and children ;md.ire given warm food every day. t is not meant for men, but when the culcl is very se\'cre and the want grl'at, Pastor Bast cannot be,1r to look at the hungry and frozen men, so he hreaks away from pr;nctple and lets the men get their food too. sel' that on Pel>. -t the Samaritan fed -160 children, 110 women,md 2 " men. The next day lists show -175 children, :oo men ;md 115 women. Ca. (Jooo a wn:k. (). fhe slum=mission outside the church. n order to he able ltl get ahol<l,,f tht> \l.'(lrst dregs of "darkest Copenhagen«- existences which pass the livelong day between crimes and drink - a slum mission has been 'i9 Borgergade, where a former e<11ing~hou~e h<i~ be'en C'h;in!:'E'd into mi~si0n rooms. The~e form the ct'tlter for the \\'t)f11;rns missic)n~. 15


18 tl mpcr,rnn' work c1 angelit'al missicrn for men, sun d.1y school work, rcstaurant-missic,n, visits t<' homes 0 in rhc neighborho,,d.ind an evcninr school. Pc3 As will easily be understood, this bnmch of rht' v;.,, h is very difficult dncl heavy and dem;inds men.ind \\'l'lll\'n with talents.ind the p.hiencc,)f.mgl'~ if thl'ir ll'<hk is Jh)f fl) he in 1.iin - And still th rs very br.rnch is the pet of the Cenrr,11 i\ lission - and Pastor Rast says that. for this work we very,,,ftt.'n stand 111 need of the po1\ er from ab,wt>. i 'l 8111 iu~t lwre in rlw <kepesr dcgr.1d,11i,1n, m.inr h.1\ l' f,,111h tlwrr Sa\'iour - mrruful shepherd 11 lll'sl' he.ur rs <'pen l'\'en f,1r rfh'sl' 11 ill' hayc f.rllen deepest. THE WORK Of R 1-<~SCllE. ~ l lndtt this br,mdi.111,lftempr is m.irk to help chi!~ drcn, men,rnd lhll1ll'n to.r better \\ ay of life, and t<' m.ike them go,1d and usl'ful members of rhe hum.rn fa, mily -,111d,11 the same rime t<' help tlw nld,rnd 11 e.rk.,rnd <' be of.1ssist,111cc in pr<)('urinr ks:.rl help for the ''PfH'<'Ssed and for thl»l' \x ho have probably sutfrred inj11stice. JS J Jc,mc for children. Thne are \O children here "" lw.ire uken <'<ll'l' of fr,1jl1 d.rr 1,1 d.1>" Thi~ lwmc nt<'11,.s,1111\' tlh'~l children whose mothers are ill. The children cdn be brougth to the home when the mother is taken ill and when she again recovers she must fetch the child. n 1915 there were H'5 children. 2. The kindergarten - recl'ives children during the day when the mother is at work. They dlt ft>tched l'vl'l')' evening and may bt> brougth back again the next morning. Thus the mother has the joy of having her chilcl with her at night. There are, on an average, 50 children daily. 1 fome for children at Esper,o;:a>rde. This is carried on as an ordinary childs home and is very beautifully situated about 10 miles from Co. pen hagen. There are ab0ut 20 children fr0m 2 - years of <i):(e. iilil ThtTe art> three more childrt"ns home"s in the coun try, vlw are supportt'd by the Central Mission, through Fora.1rsblomstc11 <The Sprin):(llower). -t Summer vac.ition colony <11 Espt>r):(ocrrle. About lllo children arc sent here,rnnually for.1 2 cir 3 vreeks summer vaciltion 111 ) Home for the a):(cd. <' Aged people dre here given c.ire 0 the country.,rnd ma11ltenance There are single Jnd double rooms,.i big sitting room, <lining-room dnd bath-room. The l.1borers h<'nh' gives tempcxary occup,hion tor those,,11t of 11 c)rk, ~.1wing 11: ood which is sold t,, honws in the city. About 200<' k):(. arc sold daily. q 19

19 '. Th" lllt'll.ib,, d,, lll<'''"ll~l' '',,rk,rncl h, lp \\ ith 111<'\'lll~ lnm.ill''.11, 1111dn th, tv111pt 1.111l'<' pll'd~".' 1,~11~.l, rlll'\' li\l'.ti rill' ht'llll'. "'' f'h, ( 'vntr.11 \l1s,i,,n ' ' 'i'''r.ll<., 11 ith "Sr,,rmh -. ' = ilw "''"" f,,,.1k,,h«i1'h \11,,f!n, h 'llh' h,, 1,,1h111""'1,,r, S~ ( '"'11d.. h.111d.111d 11~ \\ ( J,...!lh..,,,"\.1 \ 1/11~,"f -;;,,,

20 11. Home for youn,-: men frnm the pro\'111ces. Young m\'n \X'lh' c,,11h t,, the r.1ptt.1.ll'l',,ft\'n in,1 diffi, r11lt pc'siti,,n 1111ft-,s thcr h,n r friends <'',JC'qu.iint.incrs hl'rc in the city. n this home thclf' ncl'ds arl' ml'! under R'''"' cir, 11mst.incc'.rnd fo1.1''' 11.iblc prin'. There is a rest,i11r.111t.ind.1 lod,.;ing f,,r tr.i\'ellns. 1: Editing '"'f the wccklv papn - "Thr LiRhth011sc" This p.ipn i' Sc'lcl c)\'l'' the \\ hc"'le c,,11ntry for ll) 0f'l'. Po,,r men.ind w,,nwn receive 'i 0rc pr.,,,, J>}' f0r ->l'lling it. f,,1->1 yc.11' these i'''''" l'"''plc c.inwd c.l :1.),1.)1,,)i..) l'f1..'\\ 11~ 111 t h.1t \\".t)". S,")1111. \\ 1.. cks <11."'l 1 C'C'l1.1 c,1p1c',,f till L1gh1h,,11,, i.\ e been p11blhhcd. - N'"'' \\'di P"",,, n r,,.i glimpse,,f the life,rnd,lc'tcr,,f the who is thp k.idn of the C en t i\ i"il'n.,,, ntkllll'n g11,. tliv1r '.i,t-,,tl, l,,tl1111,.; t,, tl11, 'h'11 \ B111,,i11 f,,1 till.1 k'pt1, 1n,,f c hildrcn. hi',,ffic <' J>' '<lit'<'' ''''"' lh'llll'' f,,r < l11ld11 n 11 rth \"111 p.11\ 111-.: \'' \\'1th ll1..',\\""'d p.1r1. 11r... q l)tf1<,. f,,r fr,... kg.ii """1.111l 1'!\,,pit \\ h,1 J< l1n1 tl1, 111,, h,., ,!11 lll'.lf, d '.111 rn 1 11, ivr,d.1"1,t.111!, " ''" 11..' ~c1l>\.' l'\l ~1... f)t f\\t:l'll ""h'.111d tl1.."~' 1nl'11 h.1\v... d !..,""\' nh'lll ti J,'11.\h tiih,,t)i,,. d111 ill,\ thv i.1'1 \ 1, T!!E NAJ\. ~" t 1-> 11,,11.1lnh"t w Y<«lf'S -;inn ~.1w \r B.1,t f,,r the tj1,t til11<' k \\'.is.1 t.ill.,j.-nckr J,,,\ with thll',. fin-;th-, 1, lk,11 1'1; «.i p11pil.11 tlw 1h,,,l,',,1t.1 ~, h,,,,f 111 C,)pt<'n, 1h, 11 unckr th, d1rn 11,,n,1f the >tn-> f,;.11'1 Sl'il<'ll.111d. )J.. )fsl n.. md \r S l ldsc11 '.': Th''"' thtn', h.11-.1c1, 11stil J>l'l'S,,11,ilities h.l\,. d,,11bt 0 ''"' f.11,,r.1bk 1ntl11t'll<'l',111 the \' '1111R. llllj>l\'s''"

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BOG Report. September 26, 2007 BOG Report September 26, 2007 Updates Have requested information from VP Operations surrounding Book Store markup as per Senator Lecce s s request. Have requested information regarding costs for eliminating

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Project Step 7. Behavioral modeling of a dual ported register set. 1/8/ L11 Project Step 5 Copyright Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU 1

Project Step 7. Behavioral modeling of a dual ported register set. 1/8/ L11 Project Step 5 Copyright Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU 1 Project Step 7 Behavioral modeling of a dual ported register set. Copyright 2006 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU 1 The register set Register set specifications 16 dual ported registers each with 16- bit words

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Barnets navn: Børnehave: Kommune: Barnets modersmål (kan være mere end et)

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 7

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Basic statistics for experimental medical researchers

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 8

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The X Factor. Målgruppe. Læringsmål. Introduktion til læreren klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen

The X Factor. Målgruppe. Læringsmål. Introduktion til læreren klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen The X Factor Målgruppe 7-10 klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen Læringsmål Eleven kan give sammenhængende fremstillinger på basis af indhentede informationer Eleven har viden om at søge og

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Engelsk B. Højere teknisk eksamen. 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler. Mandag den 19. december kl

Engelsk B. Højere teknisk eksamen. 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler. Mandag den 19. december kl Engelsk B Højere teknisk eksamen 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler kl.9.00-10.00 Mandag den 19. december 2011 kl. 9.00-14.00 Side 1 af 7 sider Nedenstående rubrikker udfyldes. Efter prøven afrives siderne

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\J VI at E )ltt -o QJ'.3 -cl= fiu E CT; {-' ar, 4t o CL ffi:%- :--i & F -Ii +a.e u? Ett C v -J, t li Uu) o z H jj ts3r.:-i r I U \-/ lc)!u O-d u u ti

\J VI at E )ltt -o QJ'.3 -cl= fiu E CT; {-' ar, 4t o CL ffi:%- :--i & F -Ii +a.e u? Ett C v -J, t li Uu) o z H jj ts3r.:-i r I U \-/ lc)!u O-d u u ti \J V t )ltt - QJ'.3 -cl fiu CT; {-' r, 4t CL ffi:%- :--i & -i +. u? tt C v -J, t u) z jj ts3r.:-i r \-/ lc)! O-d u u ti 't? t d, iu -* u9.n lr ) '(J ) +ry.! j!! (-,9 D 5)d d" \) O u '- *dvn r/ - R, ';*r

Læs mere Tema: Pets Fag: Engelsk Målgruppe: 4. klasse Titel: Me and my pet Vejledning Lærer Tema: Pets Fag: Engelsk Målgruppe: 4. klasse Titel: Me and my pet Vejledning Lærer Me and my pet My dogs SVTV2, 2011, 5 min. Tekstet på engelsk Me and my pet er en svenskproduceret undervisningsserie til engelsk for børn i 4. klasse, som foregår på engelsk, i engelsktalende lande og

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4EKI b ;SVHW :MWMSR b.eryev] *IFVYEV] 3, 7 'S 'LEMVvW VITSVX GSRXMRYIH JVSQ TEKI certainly have a better understanding now of how and who and when than I did years ago. What if you notice a burned-out

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Vina Nguyen HSSP July 13, 2008

Vina Nguyen HSSP July 13, 2008 Vina Nguyen HSSP July 13, 2008 1 What does it mean if sets A, B, C are a partition of set D? 2 How do you calculate P(A B) using the formula for conditional probability? 3 What is the difference between

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E K S T R A O R D I N Æ R G E N E R A F O R S A M L I N G E X T R A O R D I N A R Y G E N E R A L M E E T I N G. Azanta A/S.

E K S T R A O R D I N Æ R G E N E R A F O R S A M L I N G E X T R A O R D I N A R Y G E N E R A L M E E T I N G. Azanta A/S. 210150001 E K S T R A O R D I N Æ R G E N E R A F O R S A M L I N G E X T R A O R D I N A R Y G E N E R A L M E E T I N G Azanta A/S Brinkmann Kronborg Henriksen Advokatpartnerselskab /// Amaliegade

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Titel: Hungry - Fedtbjerget

Titel: Hungry - Fedtbjerget Titel: Hungry - Fedtbjerget Tema: fedme, kærlighed, relationer Fag: Engelsk Målgruppe: 8.-10.kl. Data om læremidlet: Tv-udsendelse: TV0000006275 25 min. DR Undervisning 29-01-2001 Denne pædagogiske vejledning

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Remember the Ship, Additional Work

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Sport for the elderly

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 3

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Appendix 1: Interview guide Maria og Kristian Lundgaard-Karlshøj, Ausumgaard

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2013

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2015

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Business Opening. Very formal, recipient has a special title that must be used in place of their name

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Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

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Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

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Business Opening. Very formal, recipient has a special title that must be used in place of their name

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 5

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OXFORD. Botley Road. Key Details: Oxford has an extensive primary catchment of 494,000 people

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Central Statistical Agency.

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An expression of care Notification. Engelsk

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NOTIFICATION. - An expression of care

NOTIFICATION. - An expression of care NOTIFICATION - An expression of care Professionals who work with children and young people have a special responsibility to ensure that children who show signs of failure to thrive get the wright help.

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Engelsk B. Højere teknisk eksamen. 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler. kl. 9.00-14.00

Engelsk B. Højere teknisk eksamen. 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler. kl. 9.00-14.00 Engelsk B Højere teknisk eksamen 1. delprøve - uden hjælpemidler kl.9.00-10.00 htx111-eng/b-30052011 Mandag den 30. maj 2011 kl. 9.00-14.00 Side 1 af 7 sider Nedenstående rubrikker udfyldes. Efter prøven

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Titel Stutterer. Data om læremidlet: Tv-udsendelse 1: Stutterer Kortfilm SVT 2, , 14 minutter

Titel Stutterer. Data om læremidlet: Tv-udsendelse 1: Stutterer Kortfilm SVT 2, , 14 minutter Pædagogisk vejledning Titel Stutterer Tema: kærlighed Fag: Engelsk Målgruppe: 8.-10.kl. QR-koden fører til posten i mitcfu Data om læremidlet: Tv-udsendelse 1: Stutterer Kortfilm SVT 2, 11-09-2016, 14

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2014

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OplysVerden. JULEINITIATIVET november 25. december 2017

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Dårlig litteratur sælger - Trykkekultur i 1800-tallets Storbritannien og idag. Maria Damkjær Post.doc. i Engelsk Litteratur

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Asking whether there are commission fees when you withdraw money in a certain country

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3. Har du oplevet blackout, mens du har styret skibet? Have you ever been steering the vessel, when a blackout have happened?

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Engelsk G Opgaveark. Maj 2014. Dato Prøveafholdende institution Tilsynsførende

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Agenda. The need to embrace our complex health care system and learning to do so. Christian von Plessen Contributors to healthcare services in Denmark

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2013

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Titel Found. Data om læremidlet: Pædagogisk vejledning Tema: Kærlighed Fag: Engelsk Målgruppe: kl.

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Pædagogisk vejledning

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1 s01 - Jeg har generelt været tilfreds med praktikopholdet

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Name: Week of April 1

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Aktivering af Survey funktionalitet

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M A D E I N G E R M A N Y M A D E I N G E R M A N Y. a u f d e r g a n z e n W el t z u h a u s e... w ei ß

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2014?

Trolling Master Bornholm 2014? Trolling Master Bornholm 214? (English version further down) Trolling Master Bornholm 214? Den endelige beslutning er ikke taget endnu, men meget tyder på at vi kan gennemføre TMB i 214. Det ser nemlig

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Observation Processes:

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Titel. Data om læremidlet: Pædagogisk vejledning

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how to save excel as pdf

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Please report absence, also if you don t plan to participate in dinner to Birgit Møller Jensen Telephone: /

Please report absence, also if you don t plan to participate in dinner to Birgit Møller Jensen   Telephone: / Annex 01.01 Board Meeting - Draft Agenda Wednesday, 24 th April 2013 at 15.00-20.00 in the Meetery, AADK, Fælledvej 12, 2200 Copenhagen N Agenda Status Time (proposed) Annex Comments 1. Welcome and approval

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We hope you have enjoyed your holiday and that you are willing to help us improve our holiday support programme by completing this questionnaire.

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South Baileygate Retail Park Pontefract

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Generelt om faget: - Hvordan vurderer du dit samlede udbytte af dette fag?

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Richter 2013 Presentation Mentor: Professor Evans Philosophy Department Taylor Henderson May 31, 2013

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 6

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CS 4390/5387 SOFTWARE V&V LECTURE 5 BLACK-BOX TESTING - 2 1 CS 4390/5387 SOFTWARE V&V LECTURE 5 BLACK-BOX TESTING - 2 Outline 2 HW Solution Exercise (Equivalence Class Testing) Exercise (Decision Table Testing) Pairwise Testing Exercise (Pairwise Testing) 1 Homework

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ATEX direktivet. Vedligeholdelse af ATEX certifikater mv. Steen Christensen www.atexdirektivet.

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