Turist ved Como søen

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1 Hvis du har nogle rejsetips, så send dem til: så vil de blive føjet ind i guiden med stort tak Guiden bliver løbende opdateret og forbedret 1

2 Indhold Hvordan kommer man derned... 6 Skal du flyve... 6 Billeje... 6 Lær italiensk online links... 6 Ved ulykker eller sygdom italienske ord... 6 Kort... 8 Helligdage i Italien Indkøbsmuligheder Iperal stort indkøbscenter Markeder Østsiden Vestsiden Bank - mangler Spisesteder nordlige Comosø La Brenta på vejen til Montemezzo Spluga i Sorico Per Bacco Colico Osteria Del Zep i Morbegno La Baya Locanda Castello - Domaso Gode hjemmesider om Como søen og omegn Færgefart på Comosøen Lombardiet Italienske vine» Lombardiet Valtellina vingårde mangler en rute The Franciacorta wine route (Vinrute) Ture vest for søen Sorico Montemezzo og omegn mangler Bugiallo Gera Lario Trezzone mangler Vercana mangler Domaso Gravedona Consiglio di Rumo mangler Dongo Musso Pianello del Lario Bel Monte - mangler Cremia San Siro mangler Sant Abbondlo mangler Lugano søen

3 Menaggio Bellagio en sejltur fra menaggio Griante - mangler Cadenabbia Tremezzo Mezzegra Lenno Isola Comacina en lille ø Ossuccio mangler Sala Comacina mangler Colonno - mangler Argegno Brienno - mangler Laglio Carate Urio mangler Montracio - mangler Cernobbio Ture øst for søen Colico Dorio Dervio Bellano Varenna Vezio Mandello del Lario Lecco Ture nord/nord-øst for søen Piuro Vertemate Franchi Palace Cranna Pianazzola and Dalò Uschione Chiavenna The Crotti Spisesteder: Mese et godt sted at spise på vejen hjem fra Chiavenna Mantello Sondrio og kløften mangler Chiuro Her kan der købes lokal vin: Morbegno Val Masino varme bade Val di Mello Livigno Bormio Ture syd for søen

4 Bergamo Como Er det godt nok til Cloony Milano Shopping Cathedral Castle Last Supper Teatro alla Scala San Siro Tour & Museum Særlige attraktioner Fyrværkeri på Comosøen Sagra de San Giovanni sidste weekend i juni i Como by Palio del Baradello august og september På havekig ved Comosøen Jungle raider park op i træerne! Civenna (Bellagio) Jungle raider park op i træerne! Borno (Sondrio-området) Adventureland og vandland udendørs (ved Milano) dag og aften Bungee Jumping - Val Verzasca Øvrige events kan ses på nettet se her: Sport Leje båd Vandski Ridning Golf Sondrio Madesimo Menaggio La Pinetina mellem Como og Milano Le Robinie mellem Como og Milano Monticello mellem Como og Milano Villa D Este Como Italiens største golfbane 12 km syd for Como Svømning: Badning i søen, swimningspools(indendørs, udendørs) Indendørs Udendørs vandland Bormio varme gamle bade, massage osv Windsurfing Kitesurfing Ski Madesimo Bormio St. Moritz Livigno Santa Caterina Aprica

5 Valmalenco Passo dello Stelvio - Glacier summerski Ortles summerski Lystfiskeri SPORT FISHING CIRCOLO LA GERETTA PESCASPORT CARPANEA LAGHI VERDI - PESCA SPORTIVA CIRA' G Tennis Klatring trekking Vandreture i området Pian di Spagna (ved Sorico) 10,3 km Anello Sorico/ San Miro 3,4 km Anello Sorico/Montemezzo 5 km Anello Sorico/Domaso/Vercana/Trezzone 8,5 km Mountainbiketure i området Sorico/Montemezzo/Monalto/Trezzone 21 km Specialiteter Polenta (på engelsk) Formaggi ost (på engelsk) Traditionel opskrift på fisk Risotto al pesce persico(på engelsk) Traditionel opskrift på fisk Agoni in carpione (på engelsk) Tooc Fester og helligdage i Italien Sagre de italienske folkefester Italienske højtider, der minder om vores skandinaviske højtider Særlige italienske mærke- og helligdage man kan køre fra Rom til Milano på 3 timer og 25 minutter? Jul i Italien Pas på! Julekrybben og juletræet Julen Juleferie La Befana Billige flyforbindelser Murano én stor glasbutik

6 Hvordan kommer man derned Skal du flyve Billeje Lær italiensk online links - hør tekster - lær en masse nye ord - alt muligt om det italienske sprog Ved ulykker eller sygdom italienske ord Numeri di emergenza: Alarmnumre Der findes tre typer politi i Italien: Arma dei Carabinieri - militært struktureret politi, hvor man indtil 2004 også kunne aftjene sin værnepligt. Carabinieri er også dem der efterforsker Mafia- og terrorkriminalitet. Guardia di Finanza - økonomisk kriminalitet, korruption og told. Det er også dem, der kan finde på at bede om at se bon, når man har forladt en forretning så husk altid at tage bon en med dig! Polizia di Stato - det statslige politikorps, der varetager almindelige politiopgaver. Har man behov for hurtig hjælp fra politiet, ringer man enten 112 eller 113 til henholdsvis Carabinieri og Polizia di Stato. På forsøgsbasis er nu også indført 112 Nue (Numero unico emergenze). Chiamare (il) 112: Ringe 112 Chiamare (il) 118: Ringe 118 (ambulance) Chiamare (il) 115: Ringe 115 (I vigili del fuoco: Brandvæsenet) Hvad bliver man spurgt om når man ringer til alarmnummer: Il nome e il numero di telefono di chi chiama chi sei/come ti chiami/come si chiama? Il luogo dove è successo il fatto per cui si chiama (indirizzo preciso) Dove è successo - cosa è successo (incidente o malore)? Il numero e le condizioni delle persone coinvolte Ospedale: Hospital Pronto soccorso: Skadestue Dentista: Tandlæge Medico di famiglia: Egen læge 6

7 Pediatra: Børnelæge Farmacia: Apotek Dolori: Smerter Mal di testa: Hovedpine Mal di stomaco: Mavepine Mal di schiena: Ondt i ryggen Mal di gola: Ondt i halsen Mal di denti: Ondt i tænderne Mal d auto: Køresyg Febbre: Feber Puntura di zanzare: Myggestik Scottatura da sole: Solforbrændt Raffreddore: Forkølelse Tosse: Hoste Ricetta: Recept Incidente automobilistico: Bilulykke 7

8 Kort 8

9 Nord for søen Mod vest 9

10 10

11 Helligdage i Italien Nationale helligdage Nytår: 1. januar (Capodanno) Hellige tre konger: 6. januar (Epifania) Påske: skifter i henhold til kalenderne (Pasqua) Skærtorsdag og Langfredag: er ikke nogen helligdag i Italien Befrielsen 1945: 25. april (Festa della liberazione) Arbejderne dag: 1. mai (Festa del lavoro) Republikkens dag: (2. juni) Maria himmelfart: 15. august (Ascensione - Ferragosto) Alle helgener: 1. november (Ognissanti) Maria Bebudelsesdag: 8. december (Immacolata Concezione) Juleaften: 25. og 26. december (Natale) Helligdage til ære for de mest betydningsfulde byers skytshelgener Rom: 29. juni San Pietro Torino: 24. juni San Giovanni Venedig: 25. april San Marco Bari: 06. december (St. Nikolaus) Siena: 2. juli und 16. august (Palio-Pferderennen) Trieste: 03. november (S. Giusto) Bologna: 04. oktober San Petronio Firenze: 24. juni San Giovanni Genua: 24. juni San Giovanni Milano: 07. december Sant'Ambrogio Napoli: 19. september San Gennaro Palermo: 11. juli Santa Rosalina 11

12 Indkøbsmuligheder Iperal stort indkøbscenter TIP! Husk at butikkerne holder lukket mellem ca og i langt de fleste byer. Cafeer og restauranter er dog normalt åbne Markeder alle kendte markeder i Italien (på italiensk) Østsiden Chiavenna: hver lørdag kl 8-18 Morbegno : Hver lørdag formiddag 9-12 i (tøj, sko, fødevarer ) og den 2. lørdag i måneden kl 8-19 Colico: hver fredag formiddag kl 8-14, i juli og august søndag kl 8-13 Dervio: tirsdage kl 8-13 Bellano: Hver torsdag kl 8-14 Perledo: Den 1. søndag i måneden Varenna: onsdage kl 8-13 Mandello: hver mandag kl Lecco: Hver onsdag kl 8-14 og hver lørdag kl 8-16 vej: Via giovanni amendola Der er parkeringsplads lige ved siden af. Hver den 1. Søndag i måneden: Mercatino del Collezionismo d'antiquariato Vej: Venti Settembre (en piazza), kl Bellagio : Den 3. onsdag i måneden kl

13 Vestsiden Turist ved Como søen Gera Lario: 2. og 4. onsdag i måneden kl 8-13 Domaso: 1. og 3. tirsdag i måneden kl 8-17 Gravedona: om formiddagen den 1. eller 3. onsdag i måneden kl 8-13 Dongo: den 1. Søndag i måneden - FRUGA` NEL SPAZZACA`. Mercatino dell`antiquariato sul lungolago. Om formiddagen den 1. eller 3. torsdag i måneden kl 8-16 Menaggio: den 2. og 4. fredag i måneden kl 8-14 Porlezza: Hver onsdag, tutti i mercoledì sera, og hver lørdag kl 8-18 Tremezzo: Hver torsdag formiddag Mezzegra: Hver fredag kl 8-13 Lenno: den 1. Søndag i måneden - MERCATINO DELL`ANTIQUARIATO nel Golfo di Venere Hver tirsdag kl 8-13 Bellagio: Hver den 3. onsdag i måneden - sul Lungolago Marconi Colonno: fredage kl Argegno: hver uge mandag formiddag kl Moltrasio: hver fredag formiddag Cernobbio: Hver onsdag formiddag Hver den 1. søndag i måneden - In riva dalle alle håndværk Como: hver tirsdag formiddag, og her kan du også hurtigt bruge lang tid, da markedet er meget stort. Kl 8-16 Om torsdagen er der i Como også et kæmpe marked ved den gamle bymur. Kl 8-16 Hver søndag i højsæson fra kl Hver lørdag i: Piazza San Fedele Den 1. lørdag i måneden - Antikmarked i Como: Piazza San Fedele Den 2. Lørdag i måneden MERCATINO BIOLOGICO di via Muralto og piazza Peretta. Den 3. Lørdag i måneden håndværk - In piazza S. Fedele Den 3. Lørdag i måneden fødevarer - in piazza Volta Den 3. eller 4. lørdag i måneden MERCATO IN CORTESELLA. Mercatino dell`antiquariato organizzato dall`associazione Curtesela nel quartiere Cortesella. Den 1. Søndag i måneden CHI CERCA TROVA. Piazza S. Fedele og viale Mafalda di Savoia loppemarked?? Den 2. Eller 3. Søndag i måneden SAPORI DI TERRA E SAPORI DI LAGO. Dall`azienda agricola alla città. Mercatino organizzato dal Consorzio per la tutela dei prodotti tradizionali della provincia di Como in piazza Cavour. Find aktuelle markeder her (italiensk): Bergamo: Lille marked med antikvariater: piazza Vecchia e Lavatoio di via M. Lupo Mercantico. Hver måned, 3. Søndag i måneden fra ikke i august Bank - mangler Spisesteder nordlige Comosø Mange spisesteder lukker ned i oktober og holder ferie på dette tidpunkt, mange åbner så først igen til april/maj. Under de enkelte byer i denne bog vil man kunne se anbefalede spisesteder. 13

14 La Brenta på vejen til Montemezzo Turist ved Como søen Rigtig god mad og med udsigt over Como søen sommer og vinter. Spluga i Sorico Per Bacco Colico Rigtig god mad åben vinter og sommer. Hyggelige rustikke lokaler, mest til indendørs og ingen udsigt Via Mazzini 8(10 Colico Tel Osteria Del Zep i Morbegno Super, historisk og hyggeligt spisested, og hvis man er rigtig heldig kan man komme ned og se de gamle kældre - en absolut favorit. La Baya Locanda Castello - Domaso Ristorante "Locanda Castello", via Gaggio Domaso CO tel cel Super hyggeligt spisested både sommer og vinter, de serverer kun fondue og deres helt specielle fondue-menu skal bestilles dagen før se deres hjemmeside her: Det går stejlt op ad bakke og man skal parkere et lille stykke derfra. 14

15 Gode hjemmesider om Como søen og omegn a490-c2e06c20310d vinproducenter check dem ud nyheder fra Italien på dansk hurtig miniguide til Comosøen interaktiv kort over comosøen Beskrivelser af byer sondrio området turistattraktioner om vinen super side med events meget aktuel tysk site denne side beskriver isola skal checkes ud! Færgefart på Comosøen Se tider (de skifter hen over året) og destinationer her: 15

16 Lombardiet Se Lombardiets turistportal: Lombardiet er nok mest kendt for byen Milano, men region byder også på talrige andre spændende kulturelle og naturmæssige oplevelser. At starte sin ferie i Lombardiet er et fantastisk udgangspunkt for dig, der ønsker at opleve nogle af Norditaliens spændende og måske lidt oversete byer. Den nordlige del af regionen er domineret af alperne og de store søer Como og Garda. Her får du skønne naturoplevelser både om sommeren og om vinteren. Comosøen har gennem flere århundrede været trækplaster for besøgende, der kommer for at vandre i bjergene eller sejle på søen. Fra søen er der en fantastisk udsigt mod alperne. Gardasøen, Italiens største og mest kendte sø beliggende i øst, er omgivet af tre forskellige regioner, hvoraf Lombardiet er på den vestlige side af søen. Milano er hovedbyen i regionen og er mest kendt som en af modeverdenens hovedbyer, dvs. for haute couture med navne som Valentino, Armani, Laura Biagiotti og Gucci samt for operaen La Scala. Milano er også Italiens finanscentrum, hvor bl.a. børsen er beliggende. Milano byder på mange shoppingmuligheder, travle mennesker og en høj puls. Landskabet i Lombardiet Store dele af Lombardiet er præget af den flade poslette. Men mod nord og nordøst er der mange bjerge, og de store søer som Como og Garda sørger for smukke naturoplevelser. Større byer i Lombardiet: Milano og Como Milano, Lombardiets hovedstad, er vel nok mest kendt for eksklusive forretninger, fodbold og selvfølgelig den berømte La Scala opera. Milano er også byen med de raffinerede cafeer, smarte og moderigtige mænd og kvinder. Byens centrum omkring domkirken er også Milano bys mest interessante område. Como, som er berømt for sin silkeproduktion, der hører til verdens bedste, er bestemt et besøg værd. Her vil du også finde en masse eksklusive butikker, restauranter og caféer. Butikkerne i Como centrum kender deres værdi, men man kan stadig købe smukke silkeslips, tørklæder og andet silketøj og stoffer til favorable priser i byen. Flere fabrikker har også fabriksudsalg. Langs Comosøen ligger de mest fantastiske villaer, som har lagt hus til flere berømte film og blandt andet ejes af hollywoodstjerner og modeskabere. Andre større byer i Lombardiet er Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Mantova, Pavia, Sondrio og Varese. Turistattraktioner i Lombardiet I Milano ligger det verdensberømte Leonarda da Vinci museum, som man bør bruge nogle timer på at besøge. Milanos domkirke er absolut et besøg værd. Byen er også en stor fodboldby med de to store og kendte fodboldhold, AC Milan og Inter(nazionale). Den bilinteresserede kan besøge Formel-1 banen Autodromo i Monza, blot 23 km nord for Milano. Sportsaktiviteter i Lombardiet Du kan også holde skiferie i Lombardiet, i Livigno og i andre bjergbyer. Om sommeren kan du surfe og dyrke sejlads og badeferie på søerne. Gastronomiske kendetegn for Lombardiet Det lombardiske køkken består af kraftige og bastante retter. Smør er en hyppig ingrediens, og frølår, snegle og gås, som mange normalt forbinder med Frankrig, er ofte repræsenteret på menukortet. Der spises også meget ferskvandsfisk i Lombardiet. Ål er ikke en sjælden ingrediens, og nogle steder kan du også få dejlige krebs. Holder du ferie i Lombardiet, skulle du tage at smage de fremragende mousserende vine, som regionen er kendt for. Vinene må ikke kaldes Champagne, så derfor er Spumante og efterhånden også Brut de italienske betegnelser for det samme produkt. Lombarderne er faktisk rigtig dygtige til at fremstille de dejlige bobler. Ellers er Lombardiet mest kendt for fremstillingen af hvidvine på internationale druesorter som Chardonnay. Klimaet i Lombardiet Middelhavstemperaturer. Den varmeste måned er juli med en gennemsnitlig temperatur på 29 grader. Det er selvfølgelig også dejligt at rejse i foråret og efteråret, hvor klimaet er mildt. Italienske vine» Lombardiet Vin fra Lombardiet er en sjældenhed på det danske marked men så meget mere grund til at smage på disse vine der byder på en ganske imponerende kvalitet. Vest for Gardasøen grænsende op til Schweiz ligger et af Italiens nordligste 16

17 vinområder, der er kendt for nogle meget store Spumanter og Fransiacorta. Det er også et område, der producerer ganske meget hvidvin, selvom den bedste vin fra dette område stadig er rødvin. Det bedste vinområde i Lombardiet hedder Valtellina, og er et dalområde der løber langs med den schweiziske grænse. Det betyder, at de bedste vine kan vokse opad sydvendte skråninger og på den måde nyde godt af solens livgivende stråler. Nebbiolo er den centrale drue i dette område, ligesom den er det i Piemontes Baroloer. Som udgangspunkt giver Nebbiolo druen relativt lyse vine med en markant garvesyre, men tilforskel fra Piemonte vine er gravesyren ikke så udpræget i Valtellina vine. Indenfor Valtellina området skelner man imellem en række forskellige vine. Der er den almindelige Valtellina, som er en behagelig og let dagligdagsvin. Det er den vin, der produceres mest af. Man har imidlertid også udvalgt fem områder, der igennem tiden har vist sig at producere vine af en særlig kvalitet. Det er områderne Sassella, Grumello, Inferno, Vagella og Maroggia. Disse vine er alle i den særlige italienske kvalitetskategori, der hedder DOCG. Af dem regnes Sassella ofte for den bedste, men i sidste ende er det en smagssag, hvilken en af vinene man foretrækker. Udover dette laver man også en ganske særlig vin, Sfurzato, som produceres på samme måde som Amarone, dvs. ved at vindruerne tørres så de får en større koncentration bardiet&spell=1 PROVINSER : Varese, Como, Sondrio, Milano, Bergamo, Brescia, Pavia, Cremona, Mantova, Lodi, Lecco LANDSKAB: Bjerglandskab: 40,5% / Bakkelandskab 12,4% / Fladland: 47,1% DOCG KLASSIFICERET RØDVIN : Valtellina Superiore DOC KLASSIFICERET RØDVIN : Botticino, Capriano del Colle, Cellatica, Garda, Garda Colli Mantovani, Oltrepo Pavese, Riviera del Garda Bresciano, San Colombano al Lambro, Terre di Franciacorta, Valcalepio, Valtellina PRIMÆRE DRUER Italienske druer: Barbera, Croatina, Bonarda, Pinot Nero, Nebbiolo (Chiavennasca) Franske druer : Cabernet Sauvignon DE MEST KENDTE VINES KARAKTERISTIKA Valtellina Superiore DOCG: Valtellina Superiore produceres nærmere bestemt i Valtellina dalen i provinsen Sondria godt 100 kilometer nordøst for Milano i et 40 kilometer bredt bælte. Floden Adda danner rammen om produktionen både på højre og venstre side. En frodig og grøn dal med mange monumenter men også omringet af bjerge. Valtellina Superiore fik sin DOC i 1968, men det var først i 1998, at DOCG blev tildelt vintypen. Valtellina Superiore skal indeholde minimum 90% Nebbiolodrue lokalt kaldet Chiavennasca. Derudover er det tilladt at tilsætte op til 10% lokale røde druer tilladt efter italiensk vinlov og reglerne gældende i Sondrio provinsen. Vinen skal holde en alkoholprocent på minimum 12,0%. Vinen skal lagre i 2 år efterfuldt den 1.december i høståret. Af lagringstiden skal minimum 1 år foregå på fade af træ. Riserva-udgaven lagrer 3 år. Valtellina DOC: Valtellina produceres nærmere bestemt i Valtellina dalen i provinsen Sondria godt 100 kilometer nordøst for Milano i et 40 kilometer bredt bælte. Floden Adda danner rammen om produktionen både på højre og venstre side. Fik sin DOC i Valtellina skal indeholde minimum 80% Nebbiolodrue lokalt kaldet Chiavennasca. Derudover er det tilladt at tilsætte op til 20% lokale røde druer tilladt efter italiensk vinlov og reglerne gældende i Sondrio provinsen. Valtellina skal holde en alkoholprocent på minimum 11,0%. Valtellina skal lagre i 6 mdr. efterfølgende 1. december i høståret. Disse kan evt. foregå på fad. Olprepo Pavese DOC: Af alle Lombardiets vine udgør produktionen af Oltrepo Pavese langt den største del faktisk mere end halvdelen af regionens samlede vinproduktion. Rent geografisk befinder vi os i Lombardiets sydvestlige hjørne i provinsen Pavia. Oltrepo Pavese s bakker ligger på Po flodens højre bred, deraf navnet Oltrepo, og støder på venstre side op til Piemonte regionen Alessandria, og på højre side støder området op til provinsen Piacenza i Emilia Romagna. Fik sin DOC i Der findes et hav af vintyper både på italienske druer og franske druer. En gennemgang vil være for omfangsrigt her. Vi henviser til "Italien som vinland", som er vor historie om italiensk vin. 17

18 Valtellina vingårde mangler en rute Rainoldi, Valtellina vingård Rainoldi familiens vingård er beliggende i dalen Valtellina som har en lang tradition for fremstilling af kraftige rødvine. Valtellina ligger i det nordligste Italien og grænser op til Schweitz. Dalen har helt ene-stående betingelser idet bjergene mod nord skærmer af for de kolde vinde fra nord og dalen fyldes af varm og mild luft fra Como søen som ligger ved dalens vestlige indgang. Klimaet i dalen er derfor mildere og varmere end de omkringliggende områder og på bjergenes sydvendte skråninger er der helt ideelle dyrknings-betingelser. Gården drives idag af Guiseppe Rainoldi og hans nevø Aldo Rainoldi hvis bedstefar (som også hed Aldo Rainoldi) grundlagde og lagde navn til selskabet hvorfra gården drives. Alle Rainoldis rødvine er lavet 100% på Nebbiolo druen. Vinene er kraftige rødvine af meget høj kvalitet og en karakteristisk personlighed som er kendetegnende for vine fra Valtellina. check disse vine ud 18

19 The Franciacorta wine route (Vinrute) Et besøg i Franciacorta kan godt betale sig for vinen alene, men der er også mulighed for at nyde meget mere end blot de berømte bobler. Række efter række af vinstokke, bløde bakker, små byer, slotte og klostre, gamle tårne og historiske huse, afdækkes af Strada del Vino Franciacorta -vinruten, - et område rigt på det kulturelle også. De mange markeder, messer og udstillinger, der finder sted hele året vidner Franciacorta historie som et vigtigt center for handel: Det årlige Karneval i Erbusco, med dets valg af "Re del Gnoc", og Settimana della Tinca al forno (ovnbagte suder) på Clusane d'iseo afholdes hver sommer, er bare 2 af de mange begivenheder. Om efteråret er Franciacorta overskyllet med dusinvis af vin-begivenheder. 'Consorzio per la Tutela del Franciacorta' (Consortium for beskyttelse af Franciacorta) arrangerer 'Festival del Franciacorta', en weekend-vinsmagnings-begivenhed, som skal fremme vine og området af Franciacorta, der omfatter La Caccia al Tesoro, en Treasure Hunt (skattejagt?) arrangeret af Strada del Franciacorta Association giver vinentusiaster en mulighed for at opleve historie, kunst og vin fra Franciacorta. Renæssancen som den traditionelle Franciacorta vinfremstillingsmetoder i øjeblikket nyder, har givet næring til gryende ny æra inden for gastronomi, og kokke med ekstraordinært talent er også for nylig dukket op på scenen. Cornaleto, Franciacorta vingård Vingården Cornaleto ligger i området Franciacorta beliggende mellem Bergamo og Brescia i NordItalien. Cornaleto er en af Franciacorta områdets top producenter og vi har fulgt gården siden Der har været yderst tilfredshed med kvaliteten og stabiliteten i produkternes kvalitet. Cornaleto producerer Terre di Franciacorta Rosso og Bianco (rød og hvidvin) samt deres specialitet: Franciacorta mousserende. Vi har udvalgt nogle typer og årgange, som vi syntes er gode køb og som giver en god kvalitet for prisen. Klik her for mere om Cornaleto. Franciacorta vine er lavet på en blanding af flere druesorter. F.eks er rødvinene lavet på 5 sorter: Cabernet Franc og Sauvignon, Merlot, Barbera og Nebbiolo. Disse kombinationer giver nogle meget velafbalancerede vine som er let tilgængelige og appellerer til et bredt publikum samtidig med at kvaliteten er i top. Klik her for mere om Franciacorta området 19

20 Ture vest for søen Sorico Denne gamle fisker-landsby, beliggende på den nord-vestlige bred af Como-søen, blev grundlagt i 1432 efter Olonio, en Romer, blev grundlagt midt i Pian di Spagna, blev for hundrede og syttende gang ødelagt af en oversvømmelse af floden Mera. Området strækker sig fra floden Mera, der slutter sig til Mezzola-søen, til Pian di Spagna og har siden oldtiden været en gennemgang og et sted for kommerciel handel. På grund af sin strategiske position, i den øvre ende af søen og ved indgangen til Valtellina-dalen og Val Chiavennadalen, blev det en del, sammen med Dongo og Gravedona, af County of the Upper Tre Pievi of the Lario og i den ti år lange krig mellem Como og Milano allieret med sidstnævnte. I middelalderen var hele området var rigt på tårne, der ikke kun brugtes til at patruljere optimalt, men også at indsamle penge for vejafgift. Et århundrede gammelt tårn kan findes i nærheden af broen over floden Mera, et andet tårn kaldet "Castello di Sorico" er i området, engang benævnt som "Dazzam" og nu kendt som den lille landsby Dascio, men det mest antikke og mest berømte er tårnet "af Olonio ", bygget i en strategisk position, hvor vejene fra Valtellina og Val Chiavenna mødes. Dette tårn blev omsider fældet og endelig ødelagt i Besøg: Kapellet San Fedelino Pian di Spagna et naturreservat for fugle og natur Montemezzo og omegn mangler Se vejret i Montemezzo her (italiensk): Book hoteller I nærheden af Montemezzo: Se også under Vandreture i området. Bugiallo Der er fra Bugiallo en fantastisk udsigt over den øverste del af Como-søen. Når du kører op ad bjerget til Montemezzo kommer du til en skillevej, hvor skiltet viser til Bugiallo, følg denne vej og forsæt efter skiltene: På dette sted er udsigten og om sommeren kan der købes is. Køer og geder går frit rundt her med bjælder om halsen. Hvis man forsætter turen længere op ad bjerget kommer man til en anden agrituristmo: 20

21 Her er der et rigtig godt spisested, med en enkel menu, som man kan se på deres hjemmeside: åben far 8. Marts til 8. November, og her er en fantastisk udsigt over dalen se her: 21

22 Gera Lario 1: legeområde, 2: kommunal swimningpool, 3: Børnebassin + legeområdet Sole Mio, 4: kommunal swimningpool, 5: strand, 6: legeområde, 7:??? Blå streg: cykelrute uden biler Rød streg:??? grøn streg: cykelrute med lidt trafik Dette er en lille landsby i den øvre ende af Alto Larios vestbred. Den ligger ved mundingen af den strømbrusende Gera ved foden af Montemezzo. I dag er det en af de mest foretrukne destinationer for turister, der nyder vandsport. Der er private og offentlige faciliteter, såsom den nye Lido (Strand) og den nye havn, så man kan praktisere disse sportsgrene. Det menes, at navnet Gera' stammer fra det græske ord leréus, præst, hvilket tyder på tilstedeværelsen af et sted til tilbedelse. Denne landsby blev grundlagt i nærheden af Olonio og blev brugt af de spanske tropper som en militær base i kampe mod Grigioni af Valtellina. I 1482 fik landsbyen kirkeligt selvstyre af Sorico. Efter en n række fejder med Tre Pievi indgår den derefter i amtet Tolomeo Gallio i Dette varede indtil 1620, under spansk herredømme, hvor Gera opnåede endnu mere administrativ autonomi. På nogle huse lige overfor Strada Regina, er der stadig spor af kalkmalerier dateret XVI og XVII århundrede. Disse er bevis på byens velstand i fortiden. Besøg: Kirken S. Vincenzo 22

23 Trezzone mangler Se vejret her: Vercana mangler Domaso Domaso er en gammel fiskerby, beliggende kun få kilometer væk fra Gravedona og Dongo (Gravedona and Dongo), som har bevaret kendetegn fra fortiden gennem årene. Byen breder sig langs kysten af Como-søen og har udsigt over søen, man kan også se et glimt af Domaso og de to "ben" på Como-søen. Selv Vercana og Caino, beliggende i en dominerende position op i bjergene bag Domaso, kan byde på en fantastisk udsigt. Den gæstfri og veludstyrede landsby er kærtegnet af en konstant brise, som kaldes "Breva". Den blæser konstant om sommeren og Domaso er derfor er det blevet et hit for sejlere og windsurfere. Den historiske bymidte er præget af små, stejle gyder. Blandt de ting, der er værd at besøge, er kirken San Bartolomeo, mens det på søfronten er Villa Camilla fra 18. århundrede. Spisesteder Her er nogle anbefalede restauranter i Domaso: Ristorante La Contrada Via Venini, 21 Domaso Restaurant, der serverer et udvalg af retter baseret på ferskvandsfisk og andre typiske produkter. Her kan du også prøve den berømte Missoltini. Ristorante Ruffino Via Venini, 2 Domaso Ristorante Ruffino er specialiseret i typiske sø-retter, især serveres en dejlig risotto med aborre fisk. 23

24 Ristorante dei Pescatori Via Case Sparse, 219 Domaso Restaurant med en romantisk atmosfære, god mad og en terrasse med udsigt over søen. Ristorante Da Mario Via Regina, 63 Domaso Hyggelig atmosfære i denne typiske Restaurant, med udsigt til Domaso havn, og har serveret traditionelle retter siden 1925 Ristorante San Silvestro Via Antica Regina, 203 Domaso En familie-drevet restaurant, hvor du kan finde typiske retter fra søen. Agriturismo Giacomino Via Fordeccia, 42 Frazione Bugiallo - Sorico Besøg: kirken San Bartolomeo Kirken San Bartolomeo går tilbage til mindst det 13. århundrede. Inde er der fresker fra det 6. århundrede, stukkatur fra det 7. århundrede, flotte barokke møbler, et optog fra det 16. århundrede, krucifiks af gravør Lierni di Como og et alterstykke der forestiller "Madonna med barnet og S. Peter" lavet af Morazzone. På søfronten Villa Camilla fra 18. århundrede. Villa Camilla blev bygget i anden halvdel af det 19. århundrede som en sommer residens for Marquis af Rozzano. Familien ejer stadig villaen. Comosøen var allerede dengang elsket for dens skønhed og klima. Rige familier fra Milano flyttede om sommeren fra den fugtigvarme storby med tog, vogn eller båd til deres boliger på søbredden. Villa Camilla har siden da undergået renovering og modernisering, men opretholdt en hjemlig atmosfære i gammel stil. Den har en swimningpool ( 6 x 10 x 1.2m). Villaen benyttes ofte til bryllupper eller andre festligheder og forsamlinger. Parken er som den var for 150 år siden, med dens enge og gamle SEQUOIAS(?), cedertræer, egetræer og palmer. Den har romantiske gangstier, overraskende vandkaskader, rosenhave, der er også en legeplads for børn. Fra huset, der er anlagt i terrasser-haver, har du en fantastisk udsigt over sø og bjerge. Huset kan lejes i juli og august for 9950 euro pr uge Domaso vin og gastronomi En historisk og gastronomisk kuriositet er den lokale Domaso-vin (vinmarkerne er ved landsbyerne Pozzuolo and Gaggio): produktionen er meget begrænset ikke mere end 1200 flasker. Denne hvidvin var værdsat allerede for 2 tusind år siden af Romerne og erklæret værdsat af Plinius il Vecchio. Domaso's gastronomi omfatter ikke kun de velkendte "missoltini", men også "gnocchi" med sæsonens grøntsager og "risotti" kogt på forskellige måder. Polenta serveret med svampe eller lokale spegepølser og oste (såsom semuda og robbiola), eller kogt med smeltet smør og trævlet ost ("polenta cuncia"). Gravedona Byen ligger i en fantastisk position langs den yndefulde bugt ved foden af Liro dalen overfor Piona Halvøen og bjerget Legnone. Dens navn har liguriske rødder, som indikerer forbjerg eller stenet kystlinje. Den har et mildt klima, men det er dog mindre tydeligt om sommeren, da der konstant er en brise. Den lille landsby centrum er rig på historiske begivenheder. Den er karakteriseret af smalle gyder, der fører direkte ned til den blå sø, af stejle og uendelige trapper, ved huse som læner mod hinanden, med portaler og gamle facader.tidligere var byens økonomi baseret på fiskeri, landbrug og på de højere områder også på dyreavl. I dag er det turismen giver mest beskæftigelse og Gravedona er nu også et berømt sommerferiested. Der er forskellige områder dedikeret til sport, sådan som den kommunale strand med de 2 swimningpools, sportscenter med tennisbane, fodboldbane, løbeture og forskellige cykelture, grønne zoner til gåture. Af historiske, kunstneriske og religiøse grunde anses den for at være en af de vigtigste byer i den nordlige Comosø. I 1522 blev Gravedona hovedstad i»tre Pievi ' territorium af Lario, som omfattede Sorico og Dongo. Den var et vigtigt centrum for udbredelsen af kristendommen og havde det privilegium at lave sine egne love, som blev realiseret i Den støbte penge og blev anerkendt for sit guldsmedehåndværk. Den mest berømte person var Francesco Ser Gregori som levede mellem Han formåede at beholde et selvstyre selv under hertugdømmet af Visconti og Sforza familier. Under den spanske dominans af Philip II, blev Gravedona erklæret et grevskab fra selvsamme Philip og i XVI århundrede blev det overgivet til Kardinal Tolomeo Gallio af Como. Besøg: 24

25 Gallio Palace Gravedona signalerer sin iøjnefaldende historiske placering, ikke kun med den eksemplariske religiøse bygning af kirken S. Maria del Tiglio, men også med det nærliggende Palazzo Gallio, Bartolomeo Gallio s flotte residence. Denne Como-fødte kardinal af den hellige romerske kirke, greve og Lord af Tre Pievi di Gravedona, Sorico og Dongo, blev tiltrukket af stedets ro, og fik sin bopæl bygget her, sandsynligvis omkring , og det lader til, at det blev afsluttet i Designet af Pellegrino Tibaldi, arkitekten til Valsolda, han var Carlo Borromeo's favorit til opførelse af talrige kirker i Milano-området, og var også inspirator for den ekstraordinære kirke kaldet Croce a Riva San Vitale, i dag Kanton Ticino, på søen Ceresio. Gallio Palace kaldes også De 4 tårnes Palace, på de tre etager i søen, der peger mod søen, optræder tre forskellige arkitektoniske stile, og en majestætisk hall indtager en del af den indvendige plads. Palacet fremstår som en befæstet borg. Mellem de kantede tårneer der åbninger og overdækkede terrasser, med fantastisk view mod søen. I dag er det stedet for Comunità Montana Alto Lario occidentale (Ass.n af Mountain Kommuner i det østlige Alto Lario) her afholdes kulturelle arrangementer, udstillinger og forestillinger. Til højre for bygningen, er der en have, i 1500 tallet berømt for sine sjældenheder; i dag er haven, i vid udstrækning re-organiseret, og strækker sig mod bjerget. Church of Santa Maria del Tiglio Welcome to Gravedona, Gravedona is considered to be one of the most important towns of the Lario for historic, religious and commercial reasons, situated in an inlet at the foot of the mountain. Just a few kilometres away from Domaso and surrounded by a wonderful landscape, this village has become a summer resort thanks to its mild climate, mitigated in the summer by constant breezes. It offers beautiful lakeside promenades, that have been recently renewed and many outdoor activities, starting from its wellequipped beaches. The old town centre is characterized by narrow alleyways, steep step ways, and old houses all attached to each other. There are many artistic sites to see in town. Among them: Santa Maria del Tiglio, San Vincenzo, Santa Maria delle Grazie e SS. Gusmeo e Matteo and Palazzo Gallio, with its imposing aura, dominating a lonely corner of the lakefront. Nearby you find the villages of Dongo, Peglio and Livo, and also some nice trekking routes. Spisesteder 25

26 Here listed are some good restaurants in Gravedona and nearby. Ca' De' Matt Via Castello, 2 Gravedona Crotto Oasis Via Cerviano, 11 Gravedona Garbatona Viale Stampa, 13 Gravedona La Villa Via Regina Ponente, 21 Gravedona Lauro Via Tagliaferri, 12 Gravedona Albano Via Cimitero, 3 Dongo La Lampara Via Don Giovanni Manzi, 9 Dongo What to see Gravedona is considered to be one of the most important towns of the Lario for historic, religious and commercial reasons, situated in an inlet at the foot of the mountain. The church of Santa Maria del Tiglio, which dates back to the 15th century is one of the most important buildings of the area. This Romanesque church was built on the lakefront, with a bell tower incorporated in the centre of the façade and a wooden crucifix inside hanging in the apse. Other churches worth to be mentioned are: San Vincenzo, built around 1000 with the original crypt, two inscriptions from the 6th century and an elegant golden cross; The church of S. Maria delle Grazie, built in a panoramic position, is richly frescoed with impressive paintings of the Renaissance Lombard school. The romantic church of Santi Gusmeo e Matteo, surrounded by a large garden of plane trees, with many paintings, the most important decorative intervention is a fresco by Fiammenghino. In an isolated part of the town we find the impressive construction of Palazzo Gallio, that dominates the whole panoramic lakefront. This palace was ordered in 1580 by Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio, it is square shaped with four solid corner towers and has overhanging balconies open out towards the lake and towards the mountains offering a breathtaking view. Nearby, the village of Dongo, where Mussolini was captured, is worth a visit. Here you find some interesting churches and sanctuaries and the ancient villages of Plegio and Livio, from where you can set out on trips on Monte Duria (2264m). Other excursions are possible in the valley of Livio s stream (Valle del torrente Liro ) and Livio s valley (Valle di Livo) with spectacular panoramic views. Consiglio di Rumo mangler Dongo This important tourist and industrial centre of the Alto Lario is built on the plain formed by the mouth of the river Albano. It faces Monte Legnone and the northern Grigne mountains. It is an old and dynamic town facing the bay. It is a greatly visited tourist resort and has witnessed many important historic events. 26

27 Dongo is of Roman origin and it united with the administration of Gravedona and Sorico in 1534 forming the county of the Tre Pievi which was submitted to Tolomeo Gallio by Philip II of Spain in During the municipal period it was a centre surrounded by walls, a small part of which is still visible with an arch entrance in Piazza Vertua Gentile. Dongo is particularly remembered as being the background to important events at the end of the fascist period. It was here that on 28th April 1945 fascist party officials who had been trying to escape into Switzerland with Mussolini were shot by the partisans after having been captured the day before between Musso and Dongo. The locals recall that after the execution of the fascist officials the lakeside in Dongo used to become the scene of brawls and political rows at every anniversary of the 25th April between partisans who gathered to celebrate the Liberation and the fascist nostalgics who wanted to commemorate their fallen. Places of interest to visit are: Manzi Palace Musso The village is reared over by great marble quarries in the rock face of Musso called 'Il Sasso'. These quarries, since ancient times supplied marble for buildings and monuments such as the Cathedral of Como in the Lario region and "The Arco della Pace" (Arch of Peace) and the War Memorial in Milan. Musso is characterised by old houses which boarder the Strada Regina and by low porticos near lake in the small square close to the quay. In the 1500s the Castle of the 'Medeghino' better known at the time as the adventurer and buccaneer Gian Giacomo de Medici, stood here. The hamlets however reach a higher altitude along the slopes of Monte Bregagno Today it is a calm places of holiday that offers numerous goals for the lovers of the trekking and of the mountainbike Pianello del Lario The village is made up of several hamlets of old houses decorated with ancient wall frescoes. These hamlets which lie along the gentle slopes of Monte Bregagno preserve in their name the memory of ancient Roman 'remnants'. Calozzo which is seat to the Town Hall, has its houses lined along the banks of the lake; Maggiana, Rovezzano and Sant'Anna are towards inland on the hills which look over the lake. Pianello has characteristic "Crotti" which are natural openings in the calcareous rock suitable as wine cellars for their coolness. Pianello is set in a privileged position and because of its characteristic natural aspect it offers a particularly relaxing environment and nearby entertainment and leisure. There are interesting walks which from the lake lead to the various hamlets. Visit: Museo la raccolta della Barca Lariana 27

28 Bel Monte - mangler Cremia The village is characterised by scattered settlements. It is made up of small hamlets situated along the slopes of the Monte Bregagno all at the same altitude perhaps because well before medieval times, the main route of communication ran along at this height. Thanks to its numerous vineyards and chestnut groves, this territory offers a great variety of landscapes and a natural environment which excursionists and lovers of nature can discover through the many trails which cross the valleys. The authority of many landowners contributed to its fortification. It belonged to Ludovico il Moro who then passed it on to Lucrezia Crivella uniting it with the estate of Nesso. In 1522 it passed onto Gian Giacomo De Medici and in 1579 it became part of the domain of the Tre Pievi and was conceded by Filippo II to the Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio. San Siro mangler Sant Abbondlo mangler Lugano søen Turen til Lugano er utrolig smuk. Lugano søen er mindre end Como, men ligeså frodig, og selve Lugano by er en moderne by med masser af butikker og en gammel bymidte. Den smukkeste vej til Lugano er at køre via Menaggio og derved krydse bjergene. Der er ca. 35 km. til Lugano by og turen tager ca. 1 time. Husk at medbringe pas, da du krydser grænsen undervejs. Menaggio Byen ligger kun få kilometer fra Argegno, og byder på en hyggelig gammel bymidte med et par håndfulde butikker og restaturanter. Fra Menaggio kan du tage færgen til Belaggio der ligger på den anden side af søen. Welcome to Menaggio, ancient village on Lake Como, once was a merchant village, situated in a crucial position at the mouth of Menaggina Valley, that joins the Lario with Ceresio. Now it is a well-equipped touristy resort that offers a mild climate with a beautiful view over the lake and a typical dock The old city centre is divided in an upper part, characterized by medieval alleys, and a low part, overlooking the lake, that represents the touristy area with an nineteenth architectural elements. Walk along via Calvi, go pass the church of Santa Maria and admire the beautiful Santo Stefano, with the bell-tower and the frescoes by Tagliaferro, then go up the Castle hill where you can see the remains of the ancient walls and visit the church of San Carlo. On the hills of the little village of Loveno, you can visit one of the nicest villas of Lake Como: Villa Mylius Vigoni, with its elegant rooms, luxurious furnishings and big paintings, all surround by a wonderful English garden. From Loveno go up until you get to Plesio and you can reach Rifugio Menaggio (1400m) and admire a breathtaking view. Spisesteder Here listed are some good restaurants in Menaggio and nearby: Al Giardino Largo Vittorio Veneto Località Loveno 28

29 Paolino Piazza Cavour, 4 Menaggio Osteria Il Pozzo Piazza Garibaldi Menaggio Meneghet via C. da Castello Menaggio Ristorante Adler via Cadorna Frazione Croce Menaggio What to see In the old city centre you can visit the church of S. Stefano, built in the eighteenth century upon early roman buildings. Inside it has a nave and two aisles, frescoes by Tagliaferri, important paintings from the Lombard and Flemish school, while the altar is surrounded by 18th century copper medallions. Walking along via Calvi you find the church S. Marta, where you can see on the façade the first century Roman memorial plaque of Minicio Exorato. Above the ruins of the ancient castle you find the church S. Carlo, then you can visit the Sanctuary della Madonna della Pace, built in 1659 to celebrate peace in the Pirinei. The castle of Menaggio dates back to the 10th century. It was completely destroyed in 1523 by the Signori delle Leghe Grigie and today only the to towers, the walls and the bridge are left intact. On the slopes above Menaggio, in the little village of Loveno you can visit Villa Mylius, that was bought in 1829 by the German entrepreneur and banker Enrico Mylius, that enlarged it and enriched it with his painting collections. che la estese e la valorizzò con le sue collezioni di opere. Today it s seat of the German-Italian cultural foundation and stands out overall for the rich artistic elements, for the wonderful rooms and for the beautiful park, that forms a frame of natural beauty: orchids, hundred-year-old trees and exotic plants form a unique atmosphere. Only a few kilometres away are the little villages of San Siro, Sant'Abbondio e Santa Maria Rezzonico in a characteristic landscape of rocks and slopes and the Sasso Rancio. Here Villa La Gaeta is worth a visit, that represents a mix of styles, with two striking towers overlooking the lake. Menaggio also offers several trekking routes, like the one that starts from Loveno and goes through Sanagra Valley. Otherwise you can leave from Breglia (797m), taking the road for Plesio, and in two hours you can arrive at Rifugio Menaggio, 1400m; from here you can take various beautiful hikes on the Prealps. Bellagio en sejltur fra menaggio Welcome to Bellagio, Bellagio is a beautiful town half way down the two legs of Lago di Como, surrounded by green mountains, blue water and calm skies, it s the place that Stendahl called an outstanding landscape in Italy. The charming town was originally a Roman settlement, then it became fortified with walls in Longobard time, and in the period of medieval communes time was Como s enemy. For many centuries it was feud of several noble families: in 1492 it belong to the Stanga, after it passed to the 29

30 Sfrondati and in 1647 to the Airoldi. These and other families built lovely villas and beautiful buildings surrounded by beautiful parks, renewed in the 18th century. In the 18th century Bellagio became one of the most famous international holiday resorts, many noble families belonging to the rich middle class lived here and today many celebrities have fallen in love with this lovely place. Bellagio, der ligger lige dér, hvor søen deler sig i to. Det er en af Italiens smukkeste byer, Bellagio er en af søens mest besøgte turistattraktioner, men lever alligevel sit eget, stilfærdige liv med smukke bygninger, der spejler sig i søen, og et lys, der skifter, så man tror, det er en teaterforestilling. I Bellagio ligger det mondæne Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni. Kig ind, også selv om du ikke har råd til at bo her, hvor de rige indtager deres middag til taffelmusik fra en stryger-kvartet. Det er gratis at nyde hotellets udsigt over søen - og måbe over de elegante saloner. Gå derefter på opdagelse i Bellagio, der er enormt charmerende med smalle gyder, små kirker, stejle trapper og lækre butikker. Bellagio er en lille hyggelig by med smalle og stejle stræder, hvor man finder diverse butikker med alt fra madvarer til kunsthåndværk. Byen er meget besøgt, især da det er her færgen lægger til nede ved det lille charmerende færgeleje, hvorfra man blandt andet kan sejle til nabobyerne Varenna, Menaggio og Cadenabbia. Der er mange muligheder for restaurantbesøg i Bellagio-området, lige fra traditionelle små familiedrevene restauranter til mere anerkendte gourmet-restauranter. Bellagio er enestående i kraft af sin beliggenhed med vand til næsten alle sider. Byen er meget stemningsfuld og indbydende med sin søpromenade med blomster, markeder og caféer samt forretningsgaden længere oppe i byen, hvor mange hyggelige butikker ligger side om side og byder på glimtvise søkig ad de stejle gade, som vender ned mod vandet. En passende slutning på dagen får du på terrassen af Hotel du Lac. Her er det ideelt at nyde et glas vin og et kig i sin elskedes øjne. Bellagio ligger yderst på næsset Området er også kendt for sine mange flotte herskabelige villaer. I Bellagio møder man både Villa Melfi og Villa Serbelloni. Villa Melfi er åben for offentligheden og kan desuden fremvise en usædvanlig skøn park. Fra Bellagio har man en enestående udsigt ud over søens 3 grene: den nedre vestre gren og øvre del af Lago di Como samt Lago di Lecco, som den nedre østre gren hedder. Denne udsigt er af forfatteren Stendhal i sin bog "Chartreuse de Parme" beskrevet som værende lig med - dog uden at overgå den smukkeste udsigt i verden - udsigten over Napolibugten. Anbefalet spisested: In Bellagio the Trattoria San Giacomo, Salita Serbelloni, 45, (Tel ) is quite small, always busy, and serves very nice regional fare. A short but good wine list too. Salita Serbelloni runs uphill from the lake, and the trattoria is right at the very top on the left. They don t take reservations in the summer months. Around $25 for two course excluding wine. One of the most typical restaurants in Bellagio, situated in the town centre on the hill (Salita Serbelloni). Among the special dishes you can eat: local freshwater fish in carpione, (carpione di pesce lacustre), spaghetti al missoltin, and many other dishes. Trattoria San Giacomo Salita Serbelloni, 45 Bellagio Silvio Via Carcano, 12 30

31 Bellagio Old restaurant where you can eat freshwater fish, only a few minutes from the town centre, above Villa Melzi gardens. Bilacus Salita Serbelloni, 30/32 Bellagio This restaurant has a nice garden where you can eat outside in the summer located in the town centre on the hill (Salita Serbelloni). Chalet Gabriele Loc. Piano di Rancio Bellagio This charming restaurant offers delicious dishes based around the meat of local wildlife, situated around 5km from the town centre, at Piano di Rancio, towards the park of Monte San Primo. La Pergola Piazza del Porto, 4 Pescallo di Bellagio This restaurant with a lovely terrace that faces the lake is situated in the village of Pescallo. The perch fillet is a must. La Punta Punta Spartivento, 19 Bellagio Restaurant with a beautiful terrace only a short walk from the town centre, located on the panoramic promontory of Bellagio. Terrazza Serbelloni Via Roma, 1 Bellagio Luxurious restaurant on the ground floor of the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni with wonderful lake view. What to see Walk up the main road, Via Garibaldi, and you will arrive in a little square at the foot of the hill of Serbelloni s Gardens, on the left you find the Basilica di San Giacomo, built between 1125 and The bell tower, which was an ancient system of defence, and the three double ferrule apses, the four capitals and the Evangelistic Symbols situated in the hall, belong all to the original basilica. Inside you will find two 14th century works from the Umbrian and Lombard schools, some Romanesque sculptures and paintings dated back to the 16th and 17th century, like Perugino s "deposition of Christ" or "Madonna delle grazie". The San Giovanni Battista's church is the oldest in Bellagio, and was built above the remains of another church built many centuries before, while the building as you see it today is a result of the restyling in The most interesting work is an altar-piece figuring the risen Christ from Gaudenzio Ferrari. The whole promontory at east above the village is occupied by Villa Serbelloni and its beautiful park. It was built in the 15th century and today it belongs to the Rockfeller foundation of New York and is used as a study centre. From Via Garibaldi you can enter the gardens, were you will be surrounded by elegant paths and avenues from where you can admire the enormous collection of rare and exotic plants, secular trees, flowers and rosebeds. Villa Melzi represents another beautiful neoclassical villa. The current owner is a descendant of the Melzi family and for this reason, it is not possible to enter the villa, but you can visit the museum and its wonderful garden, where we can find an Etruscan cinerary urn of the 3rd century B.C, two Egyptian scultures dated back to the 13th and 14th century and a statue of Dante and Beatrice "Dante condotto per mano da Beatrice" by Comolli. Bellagio offers not only a nice lakefront from where you can admire splendid view of the whole lake, but also a wide selection of excursions. For example you can reach Monte San Primo (approx.14km), where you can go for some nice walks, ski and enjoy an enchanting panoramic view. Map of Bellagio 31

32 Map of Bellaggio Griante - mangler Cadenabbia Navnet Cadenabbia siges at stamme fra sammentrækningen af ordene Ca' dei Nauli (Fiskerhuse), da det netop var her at alle fiskere fra hele søen havde deres samlingssted. Comosøens færge lægger til her i havnen hver 30. minut og byen er derfor et perfekt udgangspunkt for ferie ved søen, da man hurtigt kan komme på udflugter til eksempelvis Bellaggio og Menaggio. Cadenabbia hænger sammen med den mere kendte by Tremezzo, hvor man finder den største samling af pragtvillaer, som søen kan frembyde. Her findes også et rigt udbud af restauranter og pizzeriaer med udsigt til søen. Lidt uden for byen finder vi Villa Carlotta, som i sin tid blev opført af en prøjsisk prinsesse til hendes datter, Carlotta, og i dag er indrettet til museum for 1700-tals skulpturer. Og selv om man ikke er til barokkunst, så er villaens storslåede 14 hektar store park bestemt hele billetprisen værd. I en lang årrække var byen afholdt af især det britiske folk og man valgte derfor at grundlægge den første engelske kirke på Italiens jord her i byen. Tremezzo Tremezzo og Villa Carlotta er fra det 17. århundrede. Her er velplejede plæner, nydelige terrasser, trapper og springvand. Der er snack bar i et af drivhusene her får man en god salat for under 50 kr. Lige udenfor Tremezzo ligger Villa Carlotta som er en af Como søen seværdigheder. Villa Carlotta er i dag et museum omgivet af en m2 stor park anlagt med flere terasser. Welcome to Tremezzo, Touristy resort that spreads out from the hills, at the foot of Monte Procione, to the lakefront where the elegant villas and luxurious villas are located. This town is situated on the western shore of the lake, in front of Tremezzo and just a few kilometres away from Menaggio, overlooking the centre lake and Grigne mountains. 32

33 Tremezzo has a quite mild climate, certainly thanks to lake but also to the mountains in the background that protects the town from the currents of cold air. And for this reason it has become an international touristic destination. Many famous people have stayed here in the past, like Giuseppe Verdi, the queenvictoria, the Kaiser Guglielmo II and Greta Garbo. Some of the most beautiful villas of Como Lake are situated here in Tremezzo: in the 17th century Villa Carlotta, surround by beautiful Italian gardens, are masterpieces of Art and Architecture; Villa La Quiete, called La Gioconda, built in the 18th century was the residence of the abbot-poet Giuseppe Parini; and then Villa La Carlia projected at the end of the 17th century by Antonio De Carli. In the little village of Bolvedro you can visit the church of San Lorenzo, then moving towards Rogaro you ll see the ancient medieval tower and the church of Santa Maria containing the black Virgin Mary. Nearby you can visit Ossuccio, with the Sanctuary della Vergine del Soccorso, then you can set out on trips on the beautiful shores of Griante Cadenabbia and Lenno and then visit the enchanting Villa Balbianello and Isola Comacina. Spisesteder Here listed are some suggested restaurants in Tremezzo: Ristorante "La Fagurida" Via San Martino, 15 Frazione Rogaro - Tremezzo Structured in different dining rooms in a typical crotto in stone, this restaurant serves typical dishes linked to the different seasons(local antipasti, vegetables and carpione, polenta uncia, meat alla brace, roast rabbit). Al Veluu Localita' Rogaro With terrace and veranda outside for barbecues in the summer. Inside big windows and fireplace. La Darsena Via Provinciale Regina, 3 Tremezzo True local cuisine revised with a little of fantasy and with dishes that vary with the change of seasons. Romantic terrace. Del Prato Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 3 Tremezzo Tremezzino Porta Sampietro, 12 Tremezzo La Cucina Della Marianna Via Regina, 57 Tremezzo What to see Villa Carlotta is one of the most beautiful villas in the area, built at the end of the 17th century by Giorgio Clerici, thanks to the owners interest for art and botanics the villa attained the summit of its splendour only in the next centuries. The villa became a temple with works of Canova, Thorvaldsen, Hayez and Appiani, while the garden represent a scenery with almost 500 species of plants and flowers, with a stairway, balustrades, fountains and the cascade of the dwarfs. Other villas are situated in the little village of Bolvedro: Villa La Quiete, dated back to the beginning of the 18th century, composed by a central body on three floors and two lateral lower wings, with baroque ornaments. There is another 33

34 villa non far from here: Villa La Carlia, built at the end of the 17th century with simple lines and an elegant park. You can visit always in Bolvedero the church of San Lorenzo, built in two moments, in and at the end of 1800, with a neoroman apse and a neogothic façade and frescoes by Tagliaferri inside. Moving towards Rogaro, you can visit the baroque church that preserves the black Virgin Mary. This sculpture, dated back to the 17th century, is a copy of the original Virgin Mary of Einsiedeln. Not far from the village centre you can see the ruins of the medieval tower that belonged to the defensive structure of the Comacina Island. On the plain instead some scenes of the second episode of Star Wars were shot. In the surroundings you can organize walks on the mountains Crocione, Tremezzo e Galbiga leaving from Griante Cadenabbia. Also Lenno, the beautiful Villa Balbianello (heritage of FAI), the archaeological finds of Comacina Island and Ossuccio with the Sanctuario della Vergine del Soccorso (Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Rescue). Mezzegra Mezzegra er en af de mange små hyggelige byer, som ligger ned til vandet på vestsiden af Comosøen. Fra byen er der en fantastisk udsigt over søen mod bl.a. Bellagio og Mezzegra er et utrolig godt udgangspunkt for ture i omegnen. Selve Como by ligger blot ca. 30 km fra Mezzegra, lige som man uden problemer kan tage på dagsture til bl.a. Bergamo, Milano samt Lugano og St. Moritz i Schweiz. I umiddelbar nærhed af byen finder man den berømte Villa Carlotta og den smukke botaniske have i Tremezzo. Mezzegra har også historisk betydning, idet det var her, at Benoto Mussolini blev henrettet nær Villa Belmonte den 28. april Lenno Tag gå-turen på 20 minutter ud til den imponerende Villa del Balbianello, hvor James Bond hvilede ud i»casino Royale«. Address: via balbianello Lenno, LOMBARDIA IT Villa Del Balbianello is situated at Lenno at the far end of the peninsula Lavedo. The peninsula is covered with woods and reaches far into the lake. Thanks to its unique position, the view from the villa is splendid. Cardinal Angelo Durini had it built in 1787, where there was a small Fransiscan monastery. The complex is formed by two square constructions and a loggia with a wonderful view of the gulfs of Venere and Diana. Villa Balbianellos have er åben for publikum fra april til oktober: samt Villaen kun kan besøges efter reservation. Kan være lukket mandag og onsdag. Første og sidste søndag i måneden kan man gå til villaen fra landsbyen Lenno (Ca. 800 m) ellers sejler man til Balbianello fra Sala Comacina.(27 km fra Como) Ved landsbyen Lavedo på Como-søens vestbred ligger "Villa Balbianello" med sin fantastiske have på et forbjerg ud til søen. Den seneste ejer Grev Monzino døde i 1988, og donerede villaen til den private fond FAI, der arbejder for at bevare den italienske kulturarv. Med til arven hørte villaens møbelssamling, et stort bibliotek samt et museum med genstande fra grevens ekspeditioner i Alperne, på Mount Everest og i Polar-områderne. Grev Monzino efterlod også penge til vedligeholdelsen af villaen og haven. Betingelsen for gaven var, at det italienske flag altid skulle veje over området, for at minde om de gange, greven og hans Alpejægere hejste det italienske flag på deres ekspeditioner. På den lille halvø var der i indtil 1500-tallet et lille Capucciner-kloster, hvoraf facaden med de to slanke kirketårne 34

35 stadig eksisterer. Selve villaen består af to kvadratiske blokke, den ene i forbindelse med kirken, den anden ovenover, og komplekset blev konstrueret på ordre af Kardinal Angelo Maria Durini. Kardinal Durino ønskede at trække sig tilbage i fred og ro efter en succesrig diplomatisk karriere. Han købte i slutningen af 1700-tallet halvøen fordi det ikke var lykkedes for ham at købe den eneste ø i Como-søen - Isola Comacina >>. "Gør, hvad du vil" Kardinalens udvalgte gæster blev ved ankomsten - ad søvejen dengang som i dag - mødt med mottoet "Gør, hvad du vil". Mottoet er hugget ind i fliserne på gulvet under arkaden, der fra søen leder gæsterne hen til en stejl trappe, der fører op til villaen. Villa Balbianello indeholder en arkitektonisk nyskabelse bygget på kardinalens ordre: En Loggia - en buegang - med tre buer bygget parallelt med halvøen, der ekseptionelt tillader udsigt både mod nord til byen Tremezzo og mod syd til øen Comacina. To rum afslutter Loggia'en: Èt er musikværelse, det andet er bibliotek. I dette miljø, langt væk fra intrigerne omkring Paven i Rom, modtog kardinalen sine litterære venner, der iblandt digteren Giuseppe Parini, som dedikerede sin "Ode XXII" til kardinalen. I og 1800-tallet var den del af Comosøen, hvor Villa Balbianello ligger et yndet mål for datidens ferierejsende, de adelige, præsteskabet og det rige borgerskab. Forfatteren Stendahl er med til at udbrede kendskabet til området, som han beskriver i første kapitel af bogen "Certosa". Også med værket "Roma, Napoli og Firenze", hvor han netop omtaler en sejltur langs skrænterne ved Balbianello, som han finder meget maleriske. Syd for villaen kan man se den bugt, som kardinalen kaldte Dianas Bugt efter jagtgudinden. Da han kiggede den vej, var bjergene mod syd stadig helt dækket af skov. Mod syd er der endnu en anlægsbro, udsmykket med den stedsegrønne plante "Ficus Repens". Her modtages gæster i det sene forår under de blomstrende magnolietræer, og platantræer beskåret som kæmpestore kandelabre, farvestrålende azaleaer, rododendroner, blåregn og alperoser er også med til at gøre haven til et imponerende smukt syn. Sin egen stil Antikke statuer og guirlander at efeu omkring trapper og stier er med til at skabe en have, der har sin helt egen stil. Beliggenheden på halvøen med dens skrænter med sparsomt jordlag, der hvor bjerget ikke stikker sin nøgne granit helt frem, gjorde det nemlig umuligt at skabe den geometriske italienske have, der var moderne i 1700-tallet. Den "rå" søbred og de store niveaforskelle betød også, at man heller ikke kunne efterligne engelsk havekunst. Resultatet er derfor blevet en helt speciel have, hvor man har indrettet sig efter naturen, samtidig med at man finder områder, hvor buske, hække og plæner i mindre målestok efterligner italiensk havekunst. Udover de allerede nævnte planter og træer findes der blandt mange andre også cypresser, stenege, cyklaminer og vintergække i haven. Nationalistisk arnested Kardinal Durini dør i 1797, og villaen arves af nevøen Luigi Porro Lambertenghi. Han var en meget aktiv modstander af østrigerne, der regerede i Norditalien både før og efter Napoleons regeringstid fra 1797 til Balbianello blev derfor et anti-østrigsk mødested indtil en af konspiratorerne - Silvio Pellico - blev arresteret i 1820, og Porro selv flygtede til Belgien. I Belgien var han gæst hos vennen Giuseppe Arconati Visconti, som siden købte Balbianello. Giuseppes kone, Costanza, tilbragte meget tid i villaen, der blev en yndet "sommer-salon", hvor digtere og forfattere som Berchet, Giusti og Manzoni mødtes. Giuseppes og Costanzas søn Giammartino Arconati Visconto holdt også meget af villaen, som han udstyrede med smukke møbler, en ny terasse og et imponerende våbenskjold for sin familie over Loggia'en. 35

36 Han udvidede også biblioteket med en østerlandsk samling, for han oversatte selv arabiske kærlighedsdigte. Giammartino rejste ligeledes meget, og han var lidt af en oprører. Han var således ikke begejstret for kirken, og giftede sig mod sine forældres ønske med en datter af en parisisk journalist og kirkemodstander. Hustruen Maria Peyrat havde forfatteren Victor Hugo som sit vidne til brylluppet, og var stolt af, at hun kun ejede en kjole, da de blev gift. Peyrat blev siden en fremtrædende personlighed på den intelllektuelle venstrefløj i Paris efter århundredskiftet, og da hun blev enke foretrak hun at bruge den rige arv til sociale og kulturelle initiativer. Hun opholdt sig aldrig på Balbianello, og solgte inden sin død i 1923 villaen til den amerikanske general Butler Ames. Generalen restaurerede villaen og haven, der i 39 år havde været overladt til sin egen skæbne, og bevarede møbler og bøger fra Visconti-tiden. Da generalen døde i 1954, købte den milanesiske grev Guido Monzino villaen, og restaurerede den for at få plads til sit bibliotek, sin kunstsamling og sit ekspeditionsudstyr. Efter de mange ekspeditioner blev villaen og haven grevens sidste "projekt", hvor ideen var at skabe et internationalt institut for opdagelsesrejser. Han bevarede dog heldigvis Visconti-biblioteket, der i dag befinder sig i det ene af Loggia'ens to værelser. I Monzinos personlige museum i underetagen findes blant andet den slæde, han nåede til nordpolen på i 1971, samt udstyr fra Everest-ekspeditionen i Isola Comacina en lille ø Check out Isola Comacina, the only island on Lake Como. Until the 12 th century when it was ransacked and burnt by angry residents of Como - the island had been continuously inhabited since prehistoric times. As a result it has enormous archaeological importance. From being a Roman stronghold, it passed to the Goths and then the Byzantines, and then to the Longbards in AD588. You can get to the island by the private boat service from the village of Sala Comacina. The last week of June, the local festival of San Giovanni [the oldest in the Como area] is held on the island. Mass is said in the ruins of the S. Eufemia basilica, there s a costumed procession and fireworks later at night. The island also has a well-known restaurant no menu, endless courses and popular with those who appreciate good food. As an antidote to the classical elegance of all those villas, check out the modernist architecture that Como town offers. Giuseppe Terragni, the leading exponent of 1930s Rationalist architecture in Italy, had a studio in the town with his brother, and as a result Como has a number of fine examples of his work: the war memorial (Monumento di Caduti easily seen from the lake), Casa del Fascio and La Fontana are well worth seeing. Ossuccio mangler Sala Comacina mangler Colonno - mangler Argegno Welcome to Argegno, little village of more or less 600 inhabitants on Como s shore, a few kilometres north from Laglio and south from Tremezzo. 36

37 This antique medieval village has certainly roman origins (the village was founded by the consul Publio Cesio Archigene), it is divided in two by the mouth of the Telo stream, better known as Telo d Argegno, and is connected by a lovely old stone bridge. Along the banks of the river, in the past, were hydraulic factories. The old town centre of Argegno, with its stone houses very close to each other, is gathered all around Telo s banks, instead the modern part is on the slopes the mountain, in a more sunny and panoramic area. Argegno is located at the foot of the Valle d Intelvi, from where you can set out on trips, taking a funicular to reach Pigra, where you can enjoy a lovely view of the lake and of all the east shore of the valley. Argegno er en lille by med kun 500 indbyggere, hvoraf er ca. 150 er ferieindbyggere fra forskellige lande. RESTAURANTER Der er 6 forskellige "rigtige" restauranter i byen, der hver især har forskellige kvaliteter og menukort at byde på. Derudover findes der også en håndfuld snackbarer, der bl.a. har lækre frokostspecialiteter og andre lette lune retter. Vi kan varmt anbefale La Piazetta der ligger på torvet, som er en stilfuld restaurant med et bredt udvalg i bl.a. salater og specialiteter. Har man børn med, er Hotel Argegno's restaurant et godt valg. (lad dig ikke snyde af det beskedne ydre) Det er en mere "familieagtig" restaurant, hvor mange lokale kommer, og børn er altid velkomne. Der er både gode pastaretter og et stort udvalg i pizzaer. I højsæsonen anbefales det at reservere bord. Ristorante La Griglia Localita' Sant'Anna di Argegno This restaurant offers typical special dishes of the lake and wild animal meat from the Valle d Intelvi since Ristorante Barchetta Piazza Roma, 2 Argegno Family-run restaurant situated on the lakefront inside a 14th century building, next to a Saracen tower. Menu based on freshwater fish. Da Emilio Piazza Rimembranze, 6 Argegno Trattoria with dining room inside and outside. Serves dishes based on fish, colt meat and specialties of fish, colt meat and braised donkey. Agricampeggio La Fattoria Localita' Sant'Anna di Argegno BUTIKKER Der er ikke mange butikker i byen, men udover den lille købmand, isbutikken og en bager, findes der en lille hyggelig børnetøjsbutik med et udvald i tøj, sko og en smule legetøj. Derudover er der et par andre småbutikker. Der findes også apotek, bank og posthus i byen. STRAND Stranden ligger lige bag bådehavnen, og er en stenstrand, hvor der også er et græsplæneområde. Adgangen til stranden sker via Pizzaeriat i forbindelse med havnen. Det kan være en god idé at købe badesko eller tage et par gummisko med når der skal bades, da stenene i vandet ellers kan være hårde at træde på. OVERNATNING Byen har 2 hoteller med mulighed for overnatning. SVÆVEBANEN (til byen PIGRA) What to see Besides the enchanting medieval centre, situated along the river bank, where we find the lovely stone bridge, besides the antique houses and old factories, the village offers the pretty Chiesa Della SS. Trinità. 37

38 Along the road for Schignano we find the 17th century Sanctuary of Sant Anna, rich inside with stuccoworks and frescos of the century 17th and 18th century, along with superb carved furniture. At Pigra instead you can find the Oratorio of San Rocco, that dates back to the 16th century, with fresco from 1662 signed by S. Pozzi. Argegno is located at the foot of the Valle d Intelvi, that joins the Lario with Lake Lugano, that represents a starting point for exploration. The road for Schignano, village that organizes the oldest, most unusual and characteristic carnival of the whole lake, goes up to the Monte Generoso (1700m) that offers a vast view, from the Alps to the Padana plain. Another route of the Valle d Intelvi is the one that goes up the left side from Castiglione, Pigra and San Fedele d Intelvi. Excursions on this side are possible and cover the villages of Lanno, Ponna or Pellio Intelvi, as an alternative it is possible to go down until Lugano Lake. Map of Argegno Brienno - mangler Laglio Her har George Clooney sin villa og håb på at få et glimt af ham eventuelt i bar overkrop i en speedbåd! Clooney gjorde et rent røverkøb, da han købte palæet med 25 værelser - Villa Oleandra - i Laglio ved Como-søen i Italien. Det var den italienske designer Donatella Versace, der først inviterede filmstjernen Brad Pitt og hans tidligere kone Jennifer Aniston til Como. Pitt fik øje på et lille palæ fra 1700-tallet, Villa Oleandra, og nævnte det for sin ven George Clooney, som forelskede sig pladask. Sejler man nordover, langs Como-søens vestlige bred kan man beundere Versaces Villa Fontanelle. Ud over Pitt og Clooney plejede Madonna at bo der, når hun var på power-shopping i Italien. Villaen er netop solgt for 300 mio. kr. til en russisk forretningsmand. Rasende lokale indbyggere I sammenligning var det snoldede 70 mio. kroner, som Clooney i 2002 betalte for Villa Oleandra i Laglio. Et rent røverkøb for et palæ med 25 værelser. 38

39 Mens restaureringen af det gamle palæ pågik, installerede Clooney sig i en villa lige i nærheden Villa Margherita, som han købte i De lokale blev imidlertid rasende, da de hørte, at Clooney planlagde at forbyde adgang til strandene foran sine to huse. Det skabte lynch-stremning, og Villa Margherita blev overmalet med graffiti og fik ruderne smadret. Men alt faldt til ro, da det blev åbenbaret, at Clooney påtænkte at ofre mange penge på at rense og forbedre den forsømte søbred og lade de lokale benytte den. Oversvømmet af hysteriske fans Der var også vrøvl i forbindelse med optagelser til»ocean s Twelve«(2004). Optagelserne fandt bl.a. sted ved Villa Erba, som instruktøren Luchino Visconti i 1963 brugte til filmen»leoparden«.. og Lagios fastboende var sure over, at byens gader blev lukket og området oversvømmet af hysteriske fans, som prøvede at få et glimt af Clooney og Pitt. Men Clooney har undskyldt. Og er tilgivet. Det har nemlig også fordele at have ham boende - det giver penge i kassen. Så nu elsker italienerne den flinke fyr, der hjælper bedstemødre med deres indkøbsposer, spiller basketball med de lokale unger og er i gang med at lære at tale italiensk. Det gik derfor gnidningsløst i maj 2006, da Villa Balbianello blev brugt i James Bond- filmen»casino Royale«. I dag er Clooneys villaer fast stop på sejlturen i søens sydlige ende og især Villa Oleandra er et tilløbsstykke for turister. Det i en grad, så Clooney nu har designet en særlig ægge-kaster, der er tilsluttet husets overvågningssystem: Skamløse nysgerrige, der overskrider de infrarøde sensorer og invaderer hans ejendom, bliver automatisk overdænget med rå æg! Welcome to Laglio, little village with less than a thousand of inhabitants, situated at north of Cernobbio, on the western shore of Lake Como. This village has become famous thanks to its latest celebrity resident, George Clooney, that has bought a villa here and often spends his holidays here. Laglio is a charming and quiet village, stretched out along the coast, where silence, light and scents are protagonists of your walks and rides in bicycle. At the back of the village, forests spread out on the slopes of Monte Colmegnone (1383m). Between the tiny villages of Torreggia and Careno, the lake tightens up so much that the villages on the opposite shore look so near, this point represents the deepest point of the Lario (420m). At Torriggia you can explore the cave The bear s hole (Buco dell Orso). At the beginning of the 20th century, Laglio formed an only commune with Brienno, a medieval village worth a visit, situated only a few kilometres north of Laglio. Nearby we find another pretty village, Carate Urio, that has a remarkable layout with old houses made out of stoned caverns. 39

40 Spisesteder Here listed are some good restaurants in Laglio and nearby. Ristorante L'Attracco Via Regina 101 Laglio Torriggia (Co) Restaurant that holds up to 100 people, that offers a variety of both Regional and international dishes. In the summer you can eat outside on the lovely terrasse overlooking the lake. Ristorante L'Altra Riva Via Regina vecchia, 26 Carate Urio (Co) This elegant restaurant, located directly on the romantic shores of the Como Lake, offers a careful and genuine cuisine. Ristorante Fioroni Piazza Minoletti, 1 Carate Urio (Co) Restaurant that serves a variety of both Italian and Comasco dishes. Ristorante La Locanda del Cantiere Via regina, 91 Laglio (CO) What to see In the village you can visit the 17th century church of di San Giorgio, decorated with prestigious stuccoworks and friezes by Stefano Salterio (18th century).inside there are also paintings and sculptures from the 17th century, and an altar-piece figuring the Madonna del Rosario, by Carlo Innocenzo Carloni, outside instead it is interesting the Oratorio dei Confratelli del Santissimo Sacramento, embellished with 18th century's decorations and an altar-piece figuring the Madonna del Rosario, by Carlo Innocenzo Carloni. In the village s cemetery there is a curious eighteenth century pyramidal sepulchral monument, 20 meters high. The 18th century Villa Melograno, or Fasola rises at the beginning of the village of Vergonzano, it has a big garden that goes down to lake and a corner tower decorated with arched-windows. The cave Buco dell Orso (the bears hole) is in the little village of Torreggia. it is famous because bones of the Ursula Spelaeus (the cavern bear) have been found here. Brienno lies along the northern shore, with its network of porticos and the houses in stone, deserves a visit for its well preserved historical of medieval centre. The ancient church of the Saints Nazaro and Celso, has inside a polyptych of A. Passeri (1508) and some 16th century frescoes. Carate Urio mangler Montracio - mangler Cernobbio Lykkes det ikke at se Clooney, så trøst dig med en god frokost i Cernobbio. Hvis du har arvet, så slut din Como-tur i fyrstelig stil ved at spise på det mega-berømte Villa d Este hotel. Almindelige dødelige vil ikke være utilfredse med en afskedsmiddag på Osteria del Beuc på Via Felice Cavallotti. Lille by der ligger på vejen til Como, hvor der er marked hver onsdag formiddag. Cernobbio er den tredjestørste by ved Comosøen og ligger ved bredden af søen lige for foden af bjerget Monte Bisbino. Der er ca. 4 km mellem Cernobbio og Como, som man kan vælge at tilbagelægge i bil eller med båd. Byen har altid været populær som feriedestination, og har gennem flere århundrede været det foretrukne valg for rige familier fra Como og Milano. Dette har været medvirkende til det store antal af villaer og parker, der ligger spredt rundt i området. Byen har også levet højt på produktion, og faktisk blev en af de først anlagte silkefabrikker opført netop her i Cernobbio. 40

41 I dag er byen især kendt for at huse det smukke luksushotel Villa d Este, der blev bygget i det 16. århundrede for Kardinalen Tolomeo Gallio. Hotellet rummer en stor kollektion af malerier og skulpturer fra det 16. århundrede og er omkranset af en stor park med grotter, statuer og springvand. En anden berømt Villa er Villa Erbe, der i dag fungerer som konference- og kursuscenter, men som også blev brugt som kulisse til filmen Oceans Twelve med blandt andet George Clooney og Brad Pitt. Den ældste del af byen ligger langs søbredden, hvor man finder et stort udvalg af elegante butikker, restauranter og barer. Nede fra byen går der er en sti hele vejen op til toppen af Monte Bisbino i meters højde, hvorfra der er en fantastisk panoramisk udsigt over hele søen. Cernobbio, Lake Como Welcome to Cernobbio, Renowed international holiday resort on the shores of Lake Como, at the foot of Monte Bisbino, famous for its magnificent villas. Villa d'este, overlooking the lake, was the residence of the Princess of Wales, Caroline of Brunswick, in the 16th century, and now it is turned into a luxurious hotel with a magnificent furniture and a wonderful garden. Another prominent villa is Villa Erba, dated back to the 18th century. The famous director, Luchino Visconti stayed here, as the villa became the customary residence his mother Carla Erba. Today it has become a multipurpose centre for various events and congresses, and still keeps its sumptuous rooms and its elegant park. Walk along Cernobbio s waterfront to discover all the villas: Villa Bernasconi, in liberty style, Villa Fontanelle, that used to belong to Gianni Versace, Villa Pizzo, built in 1435 by the Muggiasca family. From the village there is a scenic route which leads to Monte Bisbino (1300m) where you can visit the Sanctuary of Virgin Mary (Santuario della Beata Vergine). Spisesteder Here is a list of some nice restaurants in Cernobbio and nearby: Gatto Nero Via Monte Santo, 69 Cernobbio Situated on the top of a hill, from where you can admire a lovely lake view, popular among Vips. Elaborate menu that includes also saltwater fish. Trattoria del Vapore Via Garibaldi, 17 Cernobbio Trattoria that has been open for more than 100 years, represents a typical and charming place where is possible to taste traditional dishes and specialities from Como lake. Ristorante La Terrazza Via Noseda, 2 Cernobbio Restaurant situated on a hill with large glass windows, from where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the lake. In the summer it s possible to dine outside. Terzo Crotto Via Volta, 21 Cernobbio This charming restaurant that enjoys a fantastic location in the centre of the city is not far from Villa Erba and only 150m away from the Lake. Baita Alpe Madrona Via Bisbino, 66 Cernobbio At the Baita Alpe Madrona you can taste some typical traditional dishes and also nice pizzas cooked in a wood-burning oven. What to see The most famous and enchanting villa is Villa d'este, constructed on the lake front in 1568 for Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio and projected by the architect Pellegrino Pellegrina, better known as Tibaldi. In 1815 Caroline of Brunswick, a descendant of the d'este family and wife of the future George 3rd of England, took residence here and the villa took the name of Villa d Este. These were years of care and magnificence for the villa and its park. In 1873 it was turned into a luxurious hotel, without losing any of its original characteristics. 41

42 Inside it is decorated with works belonging to the French school, statues from the school of Canova, and Andrea Appiani s decorations. The magnificent park is interesting too, containing the thermal Waterlily by Pellegrino Pellegrini, Ercole s fountain and Telemaco s temple Another famous villa is Villa Erba, built in the nineteenth century, it s located on the shores of Lake Como, just outside the town centre. located on two floors joint together by a stairway and a panoramic turret. In the nineteen twenties, the property passed to Carla Erba, mother of the director Luchino Visconti that spent some of his time here in several occasions. Today the villa has a become conference centre. Other villas that deserve to be visited are Villa Pizzo or Volpi Bassani, built between mid500 and 800, Villa Fontanelle, that belonged to Gianni Versace and Villa Bernasconi, designed in an eclectic Liberty style. For those who like walking, the panoramic road that leads you up to Monte Bissino, is simply unrivalled for its scenery that offers a beautiful glimpse of the lake. Along this road, 17 km long, you can visit caves, like the Fox hole (Buco della Volpe), a large cave with big pools and streams, or the Zocca d'ass under/below l'alpe di Garzegallo and further up the Sanctuary of the Virgin Mary (Santuario della Beata Vergine). Map of Cernobbio 42

43 Ture øst for søen Colico Hyggelig by helt ned til søen, prøv at nye en lørdag aften ved en af cafeerne nede ved søpromenaden, og nyd synet af italienerne der vandrer langs med søen i det fine tøj sammen med børnene. Der ligger en super god pizzarestaurant Per Bacco på The only fortress belonging to the First World War that is still intact is Montecchio Fortress. It was designed by Enrico Rocchi and built between 1911 and 1914 on two levels in cement and stone, composed by a central body and a wing, where the soldiers used to stay, connected by a tunnel dug into the rocks. Åben lørdag 14-17, søndag 10-18, 5 euro Se en video her: The four cannons are the biggest in Italy and are the only original elements still present today and are still working. Inside there is also a little war-museum. The ruins of Forte Fuentes, dated back to the 17th century, are the only elements of the fortress, still existing today and are situated among the Colle del Montecchio s vegetation. Although it still arouses interest for the remains of the "Tenaglia" and for the chapel. The most appealing area is the peninsula of Olgiasca: here you can see Villa Malpensata and the beautiful Abbey of Piona. Villa Malpensata dated back to the 9th century, is situated on the banks of the lake and is composed by an open gallery and a park,; today it is the seat of the Community "il Gabbiano". The Abbazia of Piona, also known as the complex of the Priorato di Piona, is Colico s biggest attraction. It is situated on a rocky point of the promontory that leads you down to the beautiful pool and is formed by the Church of San Nicola, built on top of the ruins of an oratory built in the 7th century, a big cloister, built between 1252 and 1257, and a beautiful park surrounded by fruit trees. Today the abbey belongs to the Cisternensi friars, that have reintroduced the antique art of distilling herbs. Moving towards Dervio-Bellano, you arrive at the little village of Corenno Plinio, where you can visit a well kept castle, built in 1300 from the Andreani family. Next to the fortress you can visit a church containing 3rd century frescoes and gothic tombs belonging to the family. The town of Colico is the last we come across on the east coast of the Lecco branch of Lake Como. It is immersed in a grand landscape of mountains dominated to the east by the Legnone, to the north by the Chiavenna peaks amongst which Sasso Manduino, and to the west by the mountain tops of the north lake. 43

44 It is an important tourist locality for both holidays and stop-overs: it is in fact situated between the converging point of the roads coming from Lecco, Chiavenna and Sondrio - in other words from the plains and from the Alpine passes coming from Switzerland and Austria. It is a key point for commerce between north and south. Colico was already inhabited during the Roman and pre- Roman era, it was fortified during the municipal period, devastated by the passing through of foreign troops who were heading for Milan, by epidemics and by the repeated floods of the Adda river. In the 1400s and the 1500s it became the manor of names such as the Visconti, the Sanseverino, the Sforza, the Caldarini, the Pusterla, the Quadrio and the Alberti families. At the end of the 1600s the surrounding territory was an uninhabited and foul-smelling swamp. It regained importance with the opening of the routes to the Stelvio, Maloia and Spluga passes and with the channelling of the end part of the Adda river in 1858 which allowed the drainage of Pian di Spagna today the vastest and most important natural reserve in Lombardy. Among the many possible excursions one can make setting off from Colico, a short and pleasant one leads to the picturesque chapel of San Rocco and the nearby "Torri di Fontanedo". It was around these that the oldest town centre developed Visit: Abbey of Piona The fort of Montecchio Welcome to Colico, is the last town on the eastern coast of Lake Como, located north of Bellano and east of Sorico in an important tourist spot, for whoever wants to relax along the shores or walk in the mountains, or also for stop-over s, who are directed to Chiavenna or the renowed alpine areas like Bormio or Saint Moritz. Colico is surrounded by Monte Legnone, and it expands on two hills, called colli di Montecchio and borders on the biggest nature reserve of Lombardy: the Pian di Spagna. Walk along the hills, in the old part, and on its lakefront, then go and visit the fortresses Del Montecchio and Il Fuentes. Then move down south, where you can find a peaceful little peninsula called Olgiasca. Here you can find some important religious buildings, as well as the important Villa Malpensata, dated back to 8th century. If you go even more south, just above Dervio, you can see the magnificent fortress: il Castello di Corenno Plinio. In Colico it is possible to do many water sports, among all, sailing and windsurf, while you can relax on the beach on the quiet Piona s Bay. The nearby Monte Legnone, with its 2609m of altitude will satisfy the excursionists with some of the most beautiful landscapes of the Orobic Alpes. Spisesteder Here listed some nice restaurants and agritourisms in Colico: La Padella Via alla Calchera, 19 Colico Agritourism that was once an old stable, serves homemade pasta main courses meat dishes. Terrasse with garden outside. Azienda Agricola El Logasc Via Laghetto, 45 Colico Restaurant overlooking Piona Bay, in front of Piona s Abbey, serving typical lake and Valtellinese dishes. La Vecchia Fattoria Via Borgonuovo, 2 Colico 44

45 Agritourism located in a 18th century rural house, situated at the foot of Monte Legnone, just a short walk from the lake front. Room with fireplace and garden where you can eat outside in the summer season. La Rossa Via Bizzanelli, 4 Località Fontanedo - Colico El Mercante Via Laghetto, 45/C Colico Restaurant situated at Piona Bay that serves antipasti with homemade cheese and vegetables in vinegar. A complete menu costs from 15 to 24, beverages included. What to see The only fortress belonging to the First World War that is still intact is Montecchio Fortress. It was designed by Enrico Rocchi and built between 1911 and 1914 on two levels in cement and stone, composed by a central body and a wing, where the soldiers used to stay, connected by a tunnel dug into the rocks. The four cannons are the biggest in Italy and are the only original elements still present today and are still working. Inside there is also a little war-museum. The ruins of Forte Fuentes, dated back to the 17th century, are the only elements of the fortress, still existing today and are situated among the Colle del Montecchio s vegetation. Although it still arouses interest for the remains of the "Tenaglia" and for the chapel. The most appealing area is the peninsula of Olgiasca: here you can see Villa Malpensata and the beautiful Abbey of Piona. Villa Malpensata dated back to the 9th century, is situated on the banks of the lake and is composed by an open gallery and a park,; today it is the seat of the Community "il Gabbiano". The Abbazia of Piona, also known as the complex of the Priorato di Piona, is Colico s biggest attraction. It is situated on a rocky point of the promontory that leads you down to the beautiful pool and is formed by the Church of San Nicola, built on top of the ruins of an oratory built in the 7th century, a big cloister, built between 1252 and 1257, and a beautiful park surrounded by fruit trees. Today the abbey belongs to the Cisternensi friars, that have reintroduced the antique art of distilling herbs. Moving towards Dervio-Bellano, you arrive at the little village of Corenno Plinio, where you can visit a well kept castle, built in 1300 from the Andreani family. Next to the fortress you can visit a church containing 3rd century frescoes and gothic tombs belonging to the family. Map of Colico 45

46 Dorio Turist ved Como søen Selvom Dorio er en lille by, klemt inde mellem søen og bjergene, og ikke byder på de store seværdigheder, er den et besøg værd. Den har i høj grad bibeholdt fortidens originale stemning, der tydeligt fornemmes hvis man går en tur i de små gyder der adskiller de antikke stenhuse. This town has developed mainly on the sunny slopes of Mount Legnoncino up to a height of 500 mt due to the fact that the railway and the state road divide it from the lake-side. Dorio connects to the state road via one carriage road which also connects to other hamlets such as Torchiedo, Garavina, Rivetta and Panico. At the beginning of the 19th century the Nava family had a silk filature plant installed which was driven by the force of the water coming from the torrents. Even if not there are great monuments, Dorio deserves however one pause, one walk between the tightened ways, the lago under and the mountain over; a mountain all to terraces where they give centuries cultivates the ulivo. Dervio The town is situated at the bottom of Valvarrone under the shade of Mount Legnoncino. It is divided into two parts, by the homonymous torrent which over the centuries has flowed down the mountain and formed a vast and verdant plain before flowing into the lake with its large delta. As in other parts of the area, remains of sepulchral tools dating back to Gallo-Roman civilization have been found. During medieval times the Parish of Dervio was one of the vastest on the whole east bank including many centres: along the lake side as far as Dorio and into the valley as far as Tremenico. Today it is a characteristic town, a busy centre of craftwork and of small metallurgical, ceramic, paper and feldspar industries; it also has a nautical yard. Umbrellas are produced in the town of Dervio. The town is divided into four hamlets, the old fishing area of Borgo, the higher and more panoramic Villa, Castello where the remains of a 14th century tower and signs of other more ancient towers can still be seen, and Corenno Plinio. Corenno is one of the most characteristic towns on the lake and its name comes from Plinio the Old who is known to have loved this small hamlet. Besides the remains of the castle, Corenno has beautiful baroque houses and, in the square, three late 14th century marble tombs containing the remains of the Andreani Counts. The mountains which surround Dervio offer many opportunities to go for excursions and walks like those which take to the mountain refuges of Bellano at 1,100 mt and Bogara. Also Mounts Legnoncino and Legnone are frequent destinations of walkers. Visit: Corenno Plinio Bellano Lavprisvarehuset Eurospin kan findes i Bellano syd for Colico, den ligger lige overfor parkeringspladsen ved togstationen. Welcome to Bellano, On the eastern shore of Lake Como, at the foot of the mountain Muggio and the river Pioverna, we find this old village surrounded by a lovely landscape and characterized by beautiful lakeside walks. 46

47 Walk along the lakefront, arrive at the little square of the port and enter the old town centre. Tight alleys where hardly the sun filters, medieval houses, arches that date back to the 17th century and Baroque courts until you reach the old town centre where you can admire the church of Santi Nazzaro e Celsio of the third century, with a nice rose window and frescos from the Lombard school. From the old town centre go up until you find the spot where the Pioverna stream forms the Orrido, a gorge dug in the rocks, formed more than 15 million years ago and in the past used to exploit to iron. Today it can be visited passing through narrow hanging passages. Lezzeno is three kilometres away from the town, where you can visit the Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime. This sanctuary was built between the 17th and the 18th century, in a place where the Virgin Mary was said to have cried tears of blood and has strong connections with anti Lutheran movement. Spisesteder All'Orrido P.zza XX Settembre, 19 Bellano Restaurant with homemade cooking, typical Tyrolese dishes based on: freshwater fish, meat and wild animal meat. Typical Tyrolese dishes by request. Sorelle Gianola - agriturismo Giabi Via alle Miniere, 6 Località Giabi - Premana Agritourism near Premana, specialized in animal breeding and home made products. In the low season it is open only at weekends. La Darsena via Carlo Alberto, 8 9 Bellano Restaurant with typical Valtellinese menus, specialized in Pizzoccheri. Also typical lake dishes are available. Allo Scalo via per Taceno, 11-9 Bellano Restaurant specialized dishes based on fish, meat and wild animal meat, from perch fillet cooked in butter and sage to veal medallions accompanied by porcini mushrooms. Pesa Vegia P.zza Verdi, 7-9 Bellano Local s favourite restaurant that offers interesting and fancy dishes. Two tasting menus and possibility to have light dishes paying particular attention to the calories. What to se What to see In Bellano s old town centre we find some important churches, as well as some typical buildings. The most important church is the Chiesa Dei Santi Nazzaro e Celsio, designed by Giovanni Campione and accomplished in 1348 by Azione e Giovanni Visconti. It has a Romanic origin with a nave and two side aisles, the facade presents marble decorations with black and white stripes, a rose window with a brick cornice in green enamel and is crowned by a small arch and opened by three portals and a nice gothic tabernacle containing the statue of S. Ambrogio. In the church there are fourteenth/fifteen century frescos, the marble tabernacle located in the presbytery and the collection of objects and very antique vestments, altar cloths and holy vessels. We find also the 15th century church of Santa Marta, enriched with paintings of several Lombard artists, such as the Gruppo Della Pietà, created by Giovanni Angelo del Milano and the church of San Nicolao that today is deconsecrated and used for cultural initiatives, but still has inside 14th century frescos. Coming out the old town centre we find the canyon dell Orrido which can be visited paying an entry fee, walking on a suspended footbridge. It was created 15 million of years ago by the waters of the Pioverna that carved the valley 47

48 and formed a narrow furrow up to the Lario, originally the water flowed down onto a rocky step. Today the water has eroded the step withdrawing the fall and creating the spectacular "Gola dell'orrido". At the beginning of the Orrido there is a little tower on four floors, called the "Casa Del Diavolo" (the devil s house) because of all the mythological paintings decorated on the last floor and of all the stories that described it as a place of satanic rites. You can enjoy a lovely scenery walking on the lakefront path, where we also find a beachfront concession and a few pebble beaches. There are also two trekking paths with panoramic view that lead you in Valsissina Only three kilometres away from the town we come to the village of Lezzeno, the Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime is located, built in memory of a leggendary episode of the Virgin Mary that cried blood (17th century). The Sanctuary, destination of pilgrimage, is in Baroque style, with a vaulted nave and a beautiful frescoed dome. The inside is constituted by three altars, that biggest one made of polychrome marbles dates back to The vault and the walls of the sanctuary are decorated with frescoes of Luigi Morgari and on the dome you can admire the angels that take Mary up to the sky and offer her Bellano s coat of arms. Of remarkable interest it is also the visit to Premana, a village 21km away, famous for the handicrafts from where you can admire a beautiful view over the whole lake. Map of Bellano Varenna Varenna er en hyggelig gammel fiskerby beliggende ved Comosøen lige ned til søbredden. I baggrunden fuldender de smukke bjerge og Comosøens tre grene det billedskønne naturlandskab. Varenna er en af de småbyer, hvor færgen lægger til, og her hersker derfor en dejlig livlig stemning - specielt i sommermånederne. 48

49 Med sine stejle gader og kulørte huse, der klynger sig til de skrå klippevægge, minder Varenna lidt om de kendte fiskerlejer Le Cinque Terre i Ligurien. Byen har en ro og en tilsyneladende ufremkommelighed, som skaber en stemningen af at befinde sig et særligt sted langt fra stress og jag. Byen har trods sin popularitet formået at bibeholde sin karakteristiske charme med dens smalle stræder, hyggelige butikker og restauranter. Den byder på mange smukke arkitektoniske oplevelser, eksempelvis den ældste af alle kirker ved søen, "San Giovanni Battista" fra 1000-tallet. Byen har et hyggeligt historisk centrum med barer, restauranter og caféer. Det er dog nemt at komme til og fra Varenna, da der både sejler småfærger til Menaggio og Bellagio. Desuden ligger Varenna ikke langt fra den schweiziske grænse. Gå langs søbredden og derpå op til Villa Monastero. Selve huset er sjældent åben for turister, men haven er vidunderlig, med buegange der indrammer sø-kigget. Nearby Varenna is the shortest river in Italy and one with most enticing name: Fiumelatte (River of Milk) Fiumelatte is the shortest river in Italy, as it measures only 250 m from the source to its mouth. It runs with a descent of 36 making its water loud and foamy and giving it a milky white color. The river dries up in the middle of October and reappears quite suddenly in the second half of March. This phenomenon implies that the river is an outlet of a big underground basin situated in the mountain above its source. Groups of spelaelogists have studied the caverns above the river for a long time. Extensive explorations have been done since 1922, and the river has held the interest of renowned people, such as Plinio il Vecchio, Leonardo Da Vinci, Benedetto Giovio, Nicola Stenone, Antonio Vallisneri and Lazzaro Spallanzani. From Piazza San Giorgio in Varenna you turn right and after about 200 m you get to a tarred road, which leads to a little square near the cemetery. On the left side of the square there is a steep stair-way which leads on to a path. The path follows a picturesque route half way up the mountain slope parallel to the lake. After about 1 km you arrive at the Source of Fiumelatte. Before this point you can make a small detour (10 min.) to BALUARDO by following a path uphill to the left. Baluardo is one of the most scenic spots on the lake. Interesting points are the iron bridge across Fiumelatte and a stairway which make possible to get close to the source. The first mention of Fiumelatte (the river of milk) is to be found in the writings of Leonardo da Vinci. The Fiumelaccio falls from on high dropping more than 100 fathoms from the vein which gives it birth, falling sheer into the lake with the noisiest of rushes. The source is inside the Grigna peaks at a depth of 1,200 metres and its white foam is visible on the surface for only 250 metres. It is the shortest river in Italy. Anbefalet spisested: 49

50 In Varenna the Vecchia Varenna Contrada Scoscesa, 10, Varenna. (Tel and Fax: ) is known for its food. Located right on the lake near the tiny harbour, with a tiny outside terrace and local cuisine. Check out the website for this month s menu. About $30 for two course excluding wine. Lukket I januar og lukket om mandagen Welcome to Varenna, situated on Lecco s shore between Mandello and Bellano, this ancient village overlooks the lake in the point where the three branches meet and for this reason Varenna is linked well to the major resorts on the opposite shore. Varenna is built on a promontary near the mouth of the river Esino and it could have been a settlement dating back to the Iron Age. In the Middle Ages Varenna was involved in the conflicts between Como and Milan, and in 1169, it became a refuge for the inhabitants of the Isola Comacina when they escaped from the destruction of the island by hand of the Comaschi. Every year Varenna remembers this episode during the feast of San Giovanni with thousands of small lights floating on the Lake. Varenna is a charming town, made of narrow alleys that descend to the lake, ancient houses and porches along the lake. What once was a village that lived on fishing and on the extraction of the popular black marble, today has become an important tourist congressional resort. Varenna represents a good starting point to visit the main areas of the Lario, but also it s worth visiting Fiumelatte. Perledo, Vezio and Esino Lario; from these places you can set out on trips to the mountain Grigne. Spisesteder Here listed are some suggested restaurants in Varenna and nearby: Crotto del Meo via per Campora, 2 Bologna di Perledo Cozy, inviting restaurant where the atmosphere is a blend of tradition, nature and creativity. It serves a wide range of wines, meat and cheese, conserved in the traditional stone cellar crotto. A selection of lake's regional dishes can be enjoyed in the shade of beautiful chestnut and beech trees. Crotto di Pino via Pino, 23 sopra Fiumelatte Varenna Typical restaurant with one of the most spectacular and romantic panoramas of Lake Como. Renowned since 1975 for lake fish specialties, deer and the delicious cheese Gocce di Latte (milk drops). Hosteria del platano Via Statale, 27 Varenna This historic Restaurant located the little village of Fiumelatte - Hosteria del Platano... comme à la maison, has been renovated recently and offers typical dishes from the lake cuisine and the nearby Valtellina valley. It has a small patio with lake view. Il Caminetto Viale Progresso, 4 Gittana di Perledo Beautiful family conducted inn located in a typical house in stone built in Olivedo Piazza Martini, 4 Varenna Restaurant directly on the lakefront with a large terrace where you taste both typical Lombardy and Larian food. Vecchia Varenna Contrada Scoscesa, 10 Varenna This restaurant has rich a rich culinary tradition and uses ingredients exclusively connected to the territory. What to see The church of San Giorgio, situated in heart of Varenna is a basilica with nave and two aisles, built in the 14th century. Inside there are 15th and 16th century paintings and some 17th and 18th century furnishings. Its façade is enriched by a big fresco portraying Saint Christopher. The most precious work of art it contains is the coloured stone Deposition from the Cross. 50

51 Villa Monastero, located on the lakefront, was originally a Cistercian abbey and then become a Patrician residence. Spectacular lakeside promenade that arrives up to Fiumelatte, with alleys, terraces and gardens rich of Mediterrean and tropical essences. Today the villa is a museum and a congress centre. Next to Villa Monastero is Villa Cipressi, a group of buildings built between 1500 and 1800, with hundred-year-old trees, gardens and terraces that go right down to the shore and the unique botanic pathway. Its name comes from the lovely cypresses that stand in the garden. The village of Fiumelatte, on Varenna s boarder is worth a visit. The village is named like this because of its white foam of its seasonal stream, which flows in the spring from a cave to the nearby lake. The Valle del torrente Esino represents a good excursion route. The first village you encounter is Perledo,where you can visit the Vezio's Castle, a well kept fortress with a curious exposition of birds of prey. Continuing on the course you arrive at Esino Lario, 900meteres high up that represents a good starting point for exploring the Grigne mountains. Vezio The Castle will be closed in case of bad weather By car: from Milan, SS36 direction Lecco. After Lecco, take the first exit for Abbadia Lariana, turn right for Varenna center and go through the village. At the bridge turn right for Esino Lario, and, after some hairpin bends, turn right again for Vezio/Castle of Vezio. Keep going until the end of the carriage road and park in the huge upper car parking. Then go on foot towards the village along the downhill street in porphyry. At the end of the street you will find on the left the restaurant il Portichetto. If you want to go back to the castle, turn right and after left (you will be in Belvedere Square). Go straight along the narrow street to the Castle. On your right you will find the shop/laboratory Le ceramiche di Vezio (ceramics of Vezio), where you will find interesting glass and ceramics items and funny gift ideas, created by two local artists. If you are lucky, you will look at the opening of the stove to burn ceramics. After this interesting stopover, keep going along the street till you reach the Saint Antonio Abate Church Square and the cemetery (certainly the smallest one you have ever seen). At the back of the square you will see a green gate, open it and go for a few steps till you reach the entrance of the Castle of Vezio. Castle of Vezio After you have paid the entrance ticket, you walk along the gravel path that skirts the Northern part of the castle. In Spring the wall you see on the left colors thanks to thousands beautiful flowers. As you reach the gate, you will admire an amazing view upon the lake of Como. As you get up to the fence, you will realize to be sheer to Varenna. On the left an uphill flight of steps will lead you to the garden of olives, and if you show yourself towards the lake, you can meet the Falconer of the castle. He wears contemporary dress and he will be glad to show you the birds of prey living in the castle: barn owls, owls, buzzards, hawks and others. At some hours you can admire astonishing flights and be protagonist in offering your arm to the birds of prey for a comfortable landing. As you enter the walls surrounding the tower, you will see the remains of this military fortress, which was used as sighting tower from the days of Queen Teodolinda. The stony flight of steps will let you go into the tower and reach its top through the drawbridge. From here the 360 view upon the lake of Como is without equal. As you go back to the garden of olives, you will find a downhill path on the left, that will lead you to the Southern part of the castle, used as a place of rest for the birds of prey. As you keep going along the path, you reach the access to the vaults, an outpost of Cadorna Defensive Line ( ), which should have opposed a possible bid of German attack from the basin of Menaggio. As you go up from the vaults, you take the uphill flight of steps and you reach the gravel path again, that will lead you to the exit. Thank you for your future visit! The falconer of the castle From April 2003 the castle of Vezio accommodates a falconer, who is involved in the management of birds of prey-farming, care and training center. The falconer, whose name is Nicola Castellano, is present in the castle every day from 10 am to 6 pm, and visitors can look at the different phases of birds of prey-training and farming. The training phases are held in the garden, so that visitors can take photos and observe the different birds of prey close up. Special wood structure have been arranged for the night shelter, while during the day animals rest on special perches. All animals were born in captivity and they are regularly held. Thank to this enterprise you will live the atmosphere of old times in the castle of Vezio among hawks and falconers. 51

52 The falconeer Training and flying phases "Artù" "Ginevra" Harris hawk "Linda" Harris Hawk "Regina" ferruginous Hawk 52

53 "Semola" tyto alba Mandello del Lario Welcome to Mandello del Lario, This village of inhabitants spreads out on the eastern shore and is famous all over the world for being the Italian motorcycle Guzzi manufacturer. The village has roman origins and has had a turbulent past that started in the Middle Ages as a fortified town and has always been in the middle between Milan and Como. From the 16th century it had almost a peaceful life and in the 19th century it developed an industry with twistings and spinning mills. Low Mandello that extends along the east side of the lake is a village with the characteristic atmosphere of alleys, typical architecture of the area and a little dock and in the inlet of the lakefront there are some nice pebble beaches that are very appreciated, especially the well equipped town beach, situated after the mouth of river Mera From Mandello you can reach in more or less three hours the Pian dei Resinelli, while the climb up to the Grigne is more tiring. Spisesteder Here listed are some suggested restaurants in Mandello and nearby: Al Giardino Via Privata, 1 Frazione Rongio - Mandello del Lario Rural house near the lake surround by rich vegetation at the foot of the Grigna. Dishes based on meat and fish. La Selvaggia Via Santa Maria Località Somana Agritourism that suggests a fixed menu based on local products (quail, goat s meat, cheese). You can reach the restaurant only on foot, in less than 10 minutes. Oasi della Grigna Via Escursionisti, 43 Piani Resinelli - Abbadia Lariana This restaurant located in Villa Fiocchi, serves typical local dishes, like Lombardy goose meat. Villa delle Rose Strada Statale, 125/127 Mandello del Lario Elegant restaurant located inside a 19th century villa. Outside there is a nice park that goes down to the lake and the private dock. 53

54 Osteria Sali e Tabacchi Piazza San Marco, 3 Località Maggiona What to see The Church of San Lorenzo, in the centre of Mandello, dates back to the Paleo-Christian Age, it was rebuilt in the 9th century and renovated in the roman age. The bell tower has the bottom part which dates back to 1100 and the changes (like the choice of only one nave) that overcome the church date back to Inside there are 17th century paintings belonging to Giacomo Antoni and his scholars, while the elegant baptistery and the altar date back to the 16th century. The church of San Giorgio,dates back to the year 1000 but its aspect is due to restoration work which began in the 14th century. A holy-water font decorated with a geometrical twisting floral motif is the only element preserved from the original building. The main interest in the building is given by the paintings which decorate the walls of the nave. There are numerous votive frescoes dating back to the 15th century; like the Crucifixion in the presbytery. Another church that is worth mentioning is the Santuario Madonna del Fiume containing paintings from Giacomo Antoni Santagostino. The grotta Ferrera, in the little village of Acqua Bianca, is composed by a a cave long 175m and wide 50m. Inside there is a little stream that forms a waterfall, you can enter the cave but have to be very careful as the floor is muddy and cracky. Maggiana is a typical hamlet overlooking Mandello that certainly deserves a visit. In the centre there is Barbarossa s tower, where he stayed in the 12th century, inside there the agricultural tools museum, that can be visited only by request and during June s celebrations. Lecco Welcome to Lecco, This town of nearly inhabitants is situated on the extreme southern point of the eastern shore in a flat area surrounded by rocky mountains that remind us of the Dolomites. What today is a dynamic town, once was the village that inspired Manzoni to write is novel I Promessi Sposi. Lecco is in an attractive mountainous landscape setting and the peaks of the mountains Monte Barro, San Martino, monte Due Mani and especially the Resegone appear aligned in a row like teeth of a saw. The lakefront is the most charming part of Lecco and the Canottieri Lecco has been offering water sport facilities for over a century (swimming, canoeing, rowing). The town centre is built around the old village fortification, surrounding the harbour and the main streets, via Cavour, via Volta and via Resinelli. The heart of the old town is: Piazza XX Settembre, the old market square with the ancient Torre Viscontea, in memory of the old castle of Lecco, and Cermenati square, important commercial centre directly on the lakefront, with the 15th century Prepositura, the Palazzotto del Pretorio and Palazzo delle Paure. Lecco boasts a rich history: from its ancient Celtic origins to the period of the medieval commune, from the Austrian and Spanish dominations (well- testified by Manzoni) to its strategic position. Today Lecco is a modern industrial town based on the steelworks and silk industry. Spisesteder Here are some suggest restaurants in Lecco and nearby: Al Porticciolo 84 Via Valsecchi Fausto, 5 54

55 Lecco Cuisine based only on seefood dishes like homemade tagliolini with crab pulp, fish soup with saffron, and barbecued mixed. Dining room with big fireplace. Cermenati Corso Matteotti, 71 Lecco Warm and welcoming family conduction restaurant that serves typical traditional dishes based on meat and fish. Larius Via Nazario Sauro, 2 Lecco Elegant restaurant overlooking the lakefront, not far from the town centre offering dishes linked to the territory, with specialities from the Lario but also seefood dishes depending on the season. In the summer you can eat outside. Nicolin Via Ponchielli Amilcare, 54 Lecco Family conduction restaurant that for more than 30 years have been suggesting fancy traditional dishes. In the summer a terrace is available where you can enjoy your meal outside. Ponte Tenaglia Località Fontana Marietta Agritourism just outside Lecco that serves typical dishes and produces aromatic herbs, jam, and products in oil and vinegar. You can reach this place only on foot. What To See The symbol of the town is the Bridge Azzone Visconti, call also Old Bridge (ponte Vecchio), built between 1336 and 1338 by Azzone Visconti to join together the town, Valsassina and the eastern shore with Milan Dukedom. The bridge was built in the point where the lake flows into the Adda's river and throughout the years is has be modified several times: the original bridge had eight arches. Then a tenth arch was added and then again an eleventh, two towers and a drawbridge that established further defence. The 18th century Basilica of San Nicolò rises on the northern border of the historical centre, on the ruins of the old walls of the town, This interesting building was redesigned and enlarged, by Giuseppe Bovara in 1830 and still today the remains of the ancient walls that join up with the circular turret mast and the Neo Gothic bell tower are visible. Inside you can find traces of the 12th century in the Baptistery chapel and late 13th century frescoes. Palazzo Belgiojoso is an example of the simplicity of the local art in the late 18th century, with the typical open courtyard with colonnaded porticos and hanging lodges. Once it belonged to Mellerio Belgiojoso and today it has become the Civic Archeological Museum and Natural Museum. There are important sections dedicated to the history and territory of Lecco, like the section relating to metallurgy. Villa Manzoni will satisfy the lovers of history, literature and painting. This elegant residence belonged to the Manzoni family from 1710 to 1818 and in 1963 it was bought by the town council of Lecco. On the ground floor there is the Manzonian museum, while on the second floor there is the Town Council s gallery. In the section dedicated to the famous writer of the Promessi Sposi there are some antiques of Manzoni and some original furnishing. Lecco and its surroundings are proposed today also as Manzoniani places and it is possible to visit the most famous settings of Renzo and Lucia (Itinerari Manzoniani). Map of Lecco 55

56 56

57 Ture nord/nord-øst for søen Piuro Vertemate Franchi Palace It is situated in the Prosto of Piuro locality, within two kilometres from Chiavenna, in the Bregaglia Valley. Visiting hours From 22nd March till 2nd November Every day: and Closed on Wednesday (except festivity) During August opened every day and Price Adults: 6,00. Kids, Students, Groups: 4,00. It is situated in the Prosto of Piuro locality, within two kilometres from Chiavenna, in the Bregaglia Valley. Built in the sixteenth century by two of the Vertemate brothers, one of the richest families of the small town, it is one of the most prestigious elegant houses of the Lombard area. It is the only building which survived the landslide of 1618, which submerged the village with lots of its inhabitants. 57

58 The palace is a very beautiful masterpiece of the Renaissance immersed in a charming environment, which provides real life story of a sixteenth-seventeenth-century aristocratic family. The front of the palace is simple and essential, surrounded by light and functional spaces as well as the Italian garden with the fishpond and the double exedra-shaped banister. Besides there is the orchard, the vineyard, the chestnut wood at the back of the palace and a succession of country and simple buildings for running of the farms which used to be carried out at the estate as: the press, the cattle sheds and the ice-house. Inside the palace, the walls and the arched ceilings are richly painted with frescos representing large scenes and mythological figures, especially based on the Ovid?s metamorphosis. 58

59 Stüe (rooms covered by wood) and embroidered ceilings are certainly the wonders of the palace. By visiting each single room you can feel the atmosphere of the ancient times. Unfortunately we do not know the names of the architects who designed and created the palace; even the artists who made the wonderful wooden ceilings are unknown The Italian gardens, the private house, the wide chestnut wood, where the autumnal colours burst out in autumn, the big orchards, the gardens, the vineyard and the cottages: the screw press, the cold storage room (a deep cylindrical hole where snow or ice is banked in winter) the metato, a shed where chestnuts were dried and the alembic to use the marc and extract the grappa, embellish the palace. 59

60 For information and booking of guided tours: Consorzio per la Promozione Turistica della Valchiavenna Via C. Chiavennaschi Chiavenna (SO) Tel / Fax /37361 consorzioturistico@valchiavenna.com To see photos of Palazzo Vertemate Franchi Verisone stampabile formato Adobe Acrobat PDF Books The Piuro landslide in History and pictures of a disater; available in Italian A collection of published and unpublished sources about the destruction of the hamlet. The book, soon sold out, has been published for the second time in a new revised edition. It represents an essential introduction to future excavations and fully describes the history of the hamlet, its structure and its end. Price (inclusive of delivery) 44,0 60

61 » Book it Il Palazzo Vertemate Franchi This guide, thanks to its valuable artwork, it's very readable and rich in accurate historical information inviting people to visit this Renaissance villa in the very heart of Alps, a place documenting an age where areas, now on the sidelines, managed to take part in a cultural, economical and social European fabric. Written by Giovanni Giorgetta; translation into German by Bernadette Hautmann, translation and summary into English by Milva Genetti. Price (inclusive of delivery) 11,5» Book it Cranna: interesting place for its scenic position on Chiavenna, for its happy exposure to the sun and for some type of spontaneous architecture. Pianazzola and Dalò: perfect view on Chiavenna, and small village with diverse and peculiar architecture. Savogno and Dasile: unique settlement, ideal place for a special kind of holiday addressed to people who love lonely places and unspoilt nature. 61

62 Uschione: interesting village, once inhabited permanently, starting point for several hikes. Cranna A hundred metres above Cortinàccio (Prosto di Piuro) there is Cranna terrace (or Grana m), from where you can see most of the Italian val Bregàglia, the town of Chiavenna and part of the land. At the foot of the Cranna terrace there is the Palazzo Vertemate - Franchi, from Cranna you can have a full view of it with its gardens and the big chestnut grove. In 1765 Cranna had 126 inhabitants and in 1931 only 55. The place is amazing thanks to its scenic position on Chiavenna, its happy exposure to the sun and some type of spontaneous architecture. The Church of S. Giuseppe was built in 1674 instead of a former chapel to proctect wolves from the area. After a century it was again enlarged and restored. The church, slightly beneath the main street, has a simple front with a rose-window above the dated portal. The double arched small bell-tower stands on the right side, downstream, and it seems like keeping watch on the cemetery on the cliff. Pianazzola and Dalò It is a small village which houses typical country cottages and a small church called "S.Bernardino" (XV th century) with an interesting external fresco which dates back to 1495 and which represents St. Cristopher with his child. It can be reached through a panoramic road. 62

63 From Pianazzola a path goes up steepish among thick chestnut groves to reach Dalò, (1066 m - 1 hour walk) typical village in S. Giacomo valley, once permanently inhabited. It is in a basin surrounded by wide summer pastures. On the Chiavenna-facing hummock, a big wooden cross was set up in 1704, then replaced by an iron one in Uschione Beyond the "Deserto" (whose name comes from an old tavern where today there is the Istituto Don Guanella) a mule track starts and goes, step by step, to Uschione, passing through the green thick wood. After a few minutes rise, you reach the Belvedere, a viewpoint which gives a full panorama of the town of Chiavenna. Going further uphill, after a stable, there is a religious painting on its front and the path turns right around a pot stone wall, where you can find a marmitta dei giganti found out in Other phenomena of glacial origin are a bit furher: sheep-backs, striped rocks and erratic granite blocks carried out by glaciers from Badile-Céngalo. The path rises through the pine, larch and chestnut wood. About half way between Chiavenna and Uschione there is a small chapel. 63

64 After a fountain and a natural cave, above which a small statue of Madonna stands, the path goes up steeper. The last part of the route, called "the stairs", runs along the once viny and vegetables terracing, now wild. Uschione (832 m), an hour walk from Chiavenna and Prosto, is also accessible by car from Prata and passing by Lottano. It was already mentioned in the XIII century and belonged to the Municipality of Prata until 1872, finally to Chiavenna. It is organized in three districts and a court, by the names of the main families of the area. The Pighetti district is closer to the Chiavenna facing side where there is also the church dedicated to the Ascension. The church was built in 1609, rebulit and enlarged between 1891 and It has a simple and nice front, two sidechapels and sacritsties. It was decorated by Silvestre Martinucci from Prosto in In 1926 a lightining struck and damaged the 1847 bell-tower (as it's written on the architrave); the tower was separated from the church, in front of the main entrance, its two upper levels reconstruction was then necessary. Objects of great value are shown in the Treasure Museum of S. Lorenzo in Chiavenna. On the same hill where the church stands there is a small Monument to the fallen, a bronze slab by Costantino Magni (1922) with an epigraph by Giovanni Bertacchi. A bit further, the silent cemetery stands among chestnuts. A short staircase goes down to the Nesossi and Zarucchi districts. Between the two, there is Fagetti court. Left to Nesossi district a level road leads to Valcóndria crotti, and further to Damino alp (1240 m). Beyond Nesossi a path going east, leads to, turning right, the alps Quarantapàn, Pesceda and Prato del Conte (1434 m); or, if going straight,it leads to Boc, where there are big stones smoothed by glacier and small crotti on the right. Further on, the path goes along the Italian val Bregaglia towards Villa di Chiavenna, through the alps Piana (whose sour cherries were famous), Casoli, Pradèla, Saranga, Tabiadàsc, Palùét, Cantón. Chiavenna her er der også en liste over aktuelle events i området Chiavenna: an important Roman station on the shortest route joining the Padana plain to the centre of Europe, in Medieval times it became the principle town of an area enjoying special privileges and autonomy. Situated at the mouth of the S. Giacomo Valley towards the Splugen Pass (2,115 mts.) and the Bregaglia Valley towards the Maloja Pass (1,815 mts.) it is a very interesting place from a historic, artistic and, not of minor importance a gastronomic point of view. One of the characteristic features of the town are the crotti, natural caves formed from rocks detached in ancient times from the mountainside used for the seasoning of bresaola, sausagemeat, cheese and for the ageing of wine, but also as meeting places celebrated every year with the traditional local festival, Sagra dei Crotti. Chiavenna is also known as a Città Slow, a quality label for cities with a high quality of life. Places of interest: Collegiate Church of San Lorenzo (11/18th century) with its baptismal font (1156) - Shrine of the Holy Virgin of Gallivaggio (16th century) in the locality of S. Giacomo Filippo just 7 km. from Chiavenna - Museum of the Treasury with the precious Evangeliary Cover known as Pace (11/12th century) - Vertemate Franchi Palace, a renaissance work of art at Prosto di Piuro - The Balbiani (15th century), Salis (18th century), Pestalozzi, Pretorio (16th century) Palaces, the Cort di Asen (ancient courtyard with internal terrace). The houses on the river Mera - Pratogiano and the Roman pietra ollare (i.e. soapstone) quarry known as Caurga - Crotti, some 64

65 of which host famous restaurants nowadays - Mulino di Bottonera Museum (19th century) - Valchiavenna Archeological Museum - Paradiso botanic garden and the Giants Kettles nature reserve - Acqua Fraggia Waterfalls, natural monument at Borgonuovo di Piuro - Hamlets of Pianazzola, Dalò and Uschione for their traditional architecture - Sagra dei Crotti local festival at the beginning of September. Balbiani Palace The Balbiani Palace, also called the Castle, is in the town of Chiavenna. It appears as a solid block of stone, held between two cylindric towers; the central part of the front is covered by windows set on three different levels. Residence Palace of Balbiani counts, feudal family of Valchiavenna, was built before 1477; side-walls and towers are original, but the rest, destroyed by the Grisons, was rebuilt in Pestalozzi Palace Is the Pestalozzi family's palace: on the ground floor there is a stüa, i.e. a room fully wainscoted, and a large hall painted with frescos. Pestalozzi-Salis Palace Here, the famous man of letters Ludovico Castelvetro from Modena, lived to escape the Catholic Inquisition and died in Pretorio Palace 65

66 The Pretorio Palace is in the town of Chiavenna. Place of meeting of the Municipality of Chiavenna magistracy and then house of the commissioners of the Three Leagues (XVI-XVIII cent.). It's interesting the crest of Chiavenna in pot stone (of 1619) above the portal with an 18th-century inscription. On the side-walls as well as inside, part of the frescoes has been restored. They recall the manifold Grison commissioners and his assistants, such as Fortunato Sprecher who was a precise historian too. At the moment it is used as a charming exhibitions venue by the Municipality of Chiavenna. Salis Palace Commissioned in the eighteenth century by the powerful Salis family, it is characterised by large halls painted by frescoes, stuccoed and decorated in the baroque style. The dance hall on the ground floor hosts exhibitions and concerts. Chiavenna Squares 66

67 The present urban settlement of Chiavenna must be traced back to the Middle Ages: "customs" in the post-carolingian Italian Kingdom, the town is typified by a grand lay-out which made it an important trade junction and place of passage control. Important urban lay-out had then became the "contrade" (from the Latin contratae, that is district), streets along which buildings and enclosures are ranged, separated by a lot of squares embellished with the wounderful "pot-stone" (pietra ollàre) fountains. And precisely the old squares of Chiavenna, tangible proof of its origin, tell the town story. They always go on keeping the important function of meeting place in the town public life. Walking along narrow streets in the town centre, you have the chance to observe like the buildings "opens" to make room to the typical squares where there are noble pot-stone portals and at its centre an elegant fountain. In summer, this places look like an "elegant lounge" furnished with flowers and tables and invite tourists to have a break there tasting the various gastronomic delights of the valley and having a good "aperitivo" or one of the amazing D.O.C.G. wine, produced over the centuries in Valchiavenna. The most greedy can taste a good handmade ice-cream in one of the many bar looking onto the squares.» Bertacchi Square» Castello Square» Crollalanza Square» John Silvani Square» Pestalozzi Square» Don Pietro Bormetti Square» San Pietro Square The Crotti The crotto is a natural cavity (its name derives from the Latin crypta) formed by a whole of huge boulders which came off the mountainsides in the prehistoric age. A uniform temperature draught (+6 /+8 ) called "sorel", blows from the small openings of these blocks making it an ideal place for the seasoning of local products (cheese, brisaola and wine). However, "crotto" means much more for ther inhabitants of Chiavenna: it is an opportunity to enjoy someone's company in the room situated next or above the cavity, and of course a place to have good food and wine; an opportunity to drink and eat, discuss, sing, find yourself. In the crotto "you drink good wine and you learn human experiences". 67

68 Every second week-end of September there is the traditional and suggestive Crotti Festival. What are Crotti? Natural hollows formed by huge rocks leant against one another which came off the sides of the mountain in prehistoric times. A draught called "sorel" blows between the clefts of these rocks. It keeps an even temperature during all the year round and it makes them ideal places for the maturing of cheeses, salami and cold meat and the ageing of wine. The crotti, often equipped with stone benches and tables outside and a small hall inside are for the people from Chiavenna meeting and traditional points. They offer typical cuisine in a country ambience. Where are the Crotti? There are about eighty "crotti" all around Valchiavenna. It's written every village has some crotti, (except in Valle Spluga, where you can find only one in Scandolera and in San Guglielmo, some north to Campodolcino and the lonely crotto in Mottala, near Fraciscio). Most crotti are in the municipality of Chiavenna, where there are about 18 areas, (not only Pratogiano, but also Alpetto, San Giovanni, Uschione...). There is Villa di Chiavenna then 68

69 with 14 crotti, without counting the scattered ones in the south side; Piuro has 11 and Samolaco 10. Uppermost those in Dalò (S. Giacomo) at 1149 m, in Bodengo ( Gordona) at 1027 and in Fòp ( Menarola) at 934 are to mention. As nature has no borders, crotti exist even towards Swiss Bregaglia, cheating customs, up to Bondo, Promontogno and Vicosoprano. Here there is the crotto of Albigna, at 1127 m. above sea level, open to the public, like, coming down back to Chiavenna, the Ghiggi in Villa, the Quartino in Santa Croce and the Fuìn close to the Acquafraggia Fall and the Belvedere in Prosto. The same was true too in Chiavenna for the "Tini ai Roi" and "Caurga" and it is still for the Giovanantoni in San Giovanni and in Pratogiano for the following crotti: Al Prato, Torricelli, Refrigerio and Ombra. In the last one the tunnel was bored artificially in the '800 second half to brew beer, then to put wine down, finally to season cheese. In Pratogiano a few crotti are used for fruit and vegetables storage and selling. Other public ones are downstream like the Crotàsc in Mese, open from 1927, and the Cròt in Gordona. Generally crotti are gathered together, but there are cut off crotti too. In some cases it's a house-crotto, like in San Giovanni of Chiavenna, where many old buldings stand on a crotto with their peculiar uphill roof. Although it's only in Valchiavenna where the phenomenon is so widespread, we should remind that crotto is not just exclusive of the area, as there are some other around Como, on the Lake of Como and in Val Mesolcina. The genuine cuisine Brisàola "Santa di Chiavenna": as it's called in Chiavenna where this gastronomic speciality was born in the Middle Ages, and it's still produced by every butcher and to be eaten "santa" (holy), that means without oil nor lemon. Carducci loved to eat it in Madesimo, but he used to ask for it even from Bologna to Ciocca of Cascata hotel, as for example on 16th December 1863: "When you find other ripe but not old bresaola, please send me some". Gnocchetti di Chiavenna: served with excellent butter melted with garlic and alp cheese mixture. Costine di maiale alla piota (spare-rib grilled on a stone called piota): this kind of cooking doesn't need any dressing since during the cooking the meat itself releases excess fat increasing its natural taste. Costine di maiale al lavécc (spare rib cooked in a pot called lavécc): cooked in the typical pot-stone container adding up flavours and wine. Braciole alla "segrisòla" (pork chops in the segrisola way): in the domestic science and in local restaurants pork has always been something sure and safe. Pork chop is served and scented with delicate thyme strawberry, which it's called "segrisòla" in Valchiavenna and grows spontaneously on the meadow edge. Polenta taragna: with yellow and black maize flour mixed with chopped local cheese. 69

70 Biscotìn de Prost (Prost biscuits): "biscotìn de Prost" are the best among local specialities. Ingredients are simple, but the recipe is secret, as it has to be for such a unique delight; they are produced only at the foot of the imposing seventeenth century bell-tower close to the Mill in Prosto di Piuro, although, as it happens with good food, there are some actually modest fakes. Grappa all'iva o infuso di Iva (Iva grappa or infusion): in the past people used to distil brandy at home, and the inhabitants of Val San Giacomo, today known as Valle Spluga, soon became skilled "grapàt" (brandy makers) working the cheap marc they used to buy in Chiavenna, they then spread all over big wine areas of northern Italy, where a dozen distilleries are still working today. Among the officinal herbs, milfoil, here known as "erba Iva" is the most used, as it is a successful and refined mountain digestive. Wine in Valtellina: the first time the Italian poet Carducci came to Madesimo, in 1888, he was invited in a wine cellar to drink a toast to his fiftythird birthday. Lots of Sassella bottles were downed, on their label the two ending numbers of the vintage had been inverted: 1884 became then They started to tell the resistance on 22th October of the same year when a group of volunteers from the Chiavenna valley were in Verceia, in order to stop the withdrawal of Austrian soldiers after the first independence war defeat. There the poem "A una bottiglia di Valtellina del 1848" (To a Valtellina bottle of 1848) was born, evoking that feat: E tu nel tino bollivi torbido prigione, quando d'italo spasimo ottobre fremeva e Chiavenna, oh Rezia forte, schierò a Vercea sessanta ancora di morte libera petti assetati [...]. Speaking about wine in Valtellina, we need to quote again Carducci when writing during his summer holidays in Valle Spluga: - we wander in the world of Madesimo eating chicken and drinking Inferno - Only Sassella or Inferno di Valtellina can therefore be washed in a meal in rememberance of the poet, who honoured Madesimo with his fifteen year presence defining it as "the enchanting alp, the nice village and enjoyable river". Spisesteder: RISTORANTE LANTERNA VERDE Fraz. San Barnaba, Villa di Chiavenna (SO) Italy 70

71 Mese et godt sted at spise på vejen hjem fra Chiavenna Crotasc A Winery Restaurant Specializing in Wild Game Mar, en anmeldelse fra nettet We've discovered a new treasure, Crotasc, a restaurant attached to the Mamete Prevostini winery in Mese, just outside Chiavenna (a town north of the northern tip of Lake Como). Their specialties are salumi and insaccati (dried meats) and wild game (including salumi made from wild game), and of course their own wines. The house welcoming nibble was thin slices of slinzega, a dried beef similar to the Chiavennasca specialty, violino di capra ("violin of goat' - salted preserved haunch of goat, traditionally carved by holding it under your chin and sawing towards you with a long knife), along with several kinds of excellent bread, ranging from pure white to the traditional pane di segale (rye) - I wish I could buy the bread the restaurants get! My husband had the 30-euro wild game menu, which started with a small selection of wild game salumi, followed by ravioli with fagiano (guinea fowl). I had home-made papardelle (wide pasta ribbons) with duck breast. Both were wonderful. Enrico's secondo was a medallion of venison with a sauce of Sfursat (the local "fortified" wine); I had a venison cutlet. Both were served with a dollop of polenta and a vegetable "foam." My cutlet was excellent, but Enrico's with the sauce was even better. For dessert I had a chocolate pudding in vanilla sauce, Enrico had an orange semifreddo (semi-frozen), which again I liked better than my own - maybe I'm just envious. We accompanied everything with a Grumello 2000 by Mamete Prevostini, also excellent. We could probably have bought some of their wine while we were there, but they were disappointingly out of the lovely white called Opera that we had tasted last summer at Lanterna Verde - they're waiting for the new vintage to be ready. I guess we'll just have to go back for it. The restaurant is divided into two rooms, one traditional with a huge fireplace, and big dark wooden ceiling beams. We ate in the non-smoking room, which looked as though it had been recently done or re-done, in light wood with lovely modern fountain chandeliers and stone paving. There is also lots of outside seating, so the place is probably even more delightful during daylight, in good weather. I warmly recommend this restaurant to anyone who's visiting Lake Como - it's well worth the trip. via D.P. Lucchinetti 67, Mese (SO) -map Orario di apertura: dalle alle 15.00, dalle alle Chiuso il Lunedì e il Martedì CROTASC sas di Prevostini M. & c. Via Don Primo Lucchinetti, Mese (SO) ITALY Tel Ristorante Tel Cantina Fax info@mameteprevostini.com Mantello Mantello er en hyggelig lille by som ligger lige ud til floden Adda i den smukke Valtellina dal, blot ca. 20 km fra den nordlige ende af Comosøen. Valtellina området er vidt berømt for sine fantastiske rødvine, f.eks. Sforzato og Grumello, som desværre endnu ikke er så kendte i Danmark, lige som områdets gastronomi er en oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige. Dalen er omkranset af bjerge, og både disse samt floden byder på en overflod af aktiviteter for naturelskere og sportsudøvere. 71

72 Sondrio og kløften mangler Chiuro Her kan der købes lokal vin: Og Nino negri Via Ghibellini, 3 Chiuro (Sondrio) the area's biggest wine producer, whose offices are a recently-refurbished 14th century castle. You can arrange your own tour, including tasting (and, of course, buying), Monday through Friday from 8 to 12 and 14 to 18, Saturday from 9 to 12:30. Call the winery in advance on (or write to negri@giv.it) to arrange it, especially if you will need a tour in English as they have to get someone in for that. Nino Negri is located in the town of Chiuro, just outside Sondrio, in Via Ghibellini 3. Morbegno Eventi di morbegno In ogni periodo dell'anno Morbegno offre eventi di particolare interesse storico, turistico, culturale, sportivo e ricreativo. Seguendo il corso dell'anno queste sono alcune tra le più importanti manifestazioni. Carnevalissimo, è il carnevale satirico, per eccellenza, dell'intera provincia. Ogni anno vi partecipano carri e maschere allegoriche provenienti dal sondriese, dall'alto Lario, dalla Valchiavenna e dalla Bassa Valtellina. La sfilata della domenica è la manifestazione cluo dell'evento che richiama migliaia di visitatori Morbegno Estate, grande contenitore di eventi artistici, serate d'animazione e visite guidate gratuite ai più importanti monumenti civili e religiosi della città. Per tutta la stagione estiva appuntamenti pomeridiani e serali per grandi e piccini Fiera del Bitto e dei Prodotti della Montagna Lombarda 72

73 E' la manifestazione fieristica ed eno-gastronomica più importante della provincia di Sondrio. Vi partecipano centinaia di espositori provenienti dalla Lombardia e da altre regioni d'italia portando quelli che sono i prodotti tipici e di nicchia della produzione agricola. In concomitanza si tiene la quasi centenaria fiera del formaggio Bitto, fiore all'occhiello della fiera che mette in concorso la produzione estiva. Durante le giornate dell'esposizione sono organizzati spettacoli, convegni, mostre, visite guidate, degustazioni Morbegno in Cantina Il centro storico della città apre le sue cantine (una quindicina) ed il buon vino valtellinese viene spillato dalle botti e sorseggiato da amanti del nettare di bacco nei primi quindici giorni di ottobre. Sono offerti anche assaggi dei i prodotti tipici valtellinesi più ricercati: pane di segale e bresaola, formaggio Bitto o Valtellina Casera, Bisciola valtellinese... Morbegno in cantina si propone come una passeggiata nel gusto, nel pieno dell'autunno Trofeo Vanoni Gara Internazionale di corsa in montagna Morbegno ospita da quasi cinquant'anni una manifestazione unica in Italia ed apprezzata dagli esperti del settore in tutt'europa. Il Trofeo Ezio Vanoni, gara internazionale di corsa in montagna a staffetta di 3 elementi, organizzato dal G.S. CSI Morbegno. Un appuntamento che richiama ogni anni,a fine ottobre,i migliori specialisti di questa disciplina sul percorso che da Morbegno, attraverso vecchie mulattiere e sentieri, porta alla frazione di Arzo. Vi partecipano concorrenti inglesi, gallesi, austriaci, svizzeri, sloveni, croati, francesi dando vita ad un appuntamento sportivo d'altissimo livello. Val Masino varme bade The Valmasimo valley has the pride of being one of the locations which gave birth to alpinism. As early as 1862 E. S. Kennedy reached the peak of mount Disgrazia starting from Bagni Masino. That marked the first time in which alpinism was regarded as a possible way to develop the economy of alpine valleys such as Valmasino, otherwise often plagued with emigration and a difficult social environment. Thanks to Kennedy's and serveral successive climbs, the first few refuges at high heights were constructed along the traced paths. This eventually led to the development of early turism in Valmasino, giving easier accessibility to its suggestives peaks and making it possible to offer guided excursions in the uncontaminated nature of the valley, enjoyable by amateurs and experienced hitchikers all along. In particular Val di Mello is definitely a most extensive nature park for alpinistic adventures, trekking for demanding excursionists, free-climbers and boulderers, and even more for exquisite promenades fit for families in one of Alps' most gorgeous panoramas. Even today, Valmasino retains its most natural environment: the local people's love for their homeland and its customs nearly tempts them not to divulge the word about the beauties of the place, and they are reticent towards the opening to foreign turism, which they fear could break the centuries-old balance. Nonetheless, it would be too egoistic not to let everybody enjoy this unique and awesome landscape, which offers a variety of turistic proposals to all of those who can't resist the temptation of visiting and enjoying of the features of this incredible place: its finest details, the great views, the locals' customes and the delightful hush that still envelops nature's course in Valmasino. Val di Mello is a magnificently located valley with extremely beautiful scenery. The valley is found by taking the Val Masino exit off the main road to Sondrio which is in the Valtellina. The road to Sondrio starts from Colico, which is on the east shore of Lake Como. Coming from Lake Como, the exit comes directly on the left just past a steel bridge. After exiting the highway, follow the signs to Val Masino. Once you arrive in the small town of San Martino, park in the main parking lot there. You will have to pay a few euros for the parking. From the parking lot, you can either start your hike from there up to the Val di Mello, or for a couple of euros you can take a small van to the start of the trail head. It is about a 20 minute walk from the parking lot to the trail head. The hike along the valley floor is an easy walk with only a little elevation change. The path follows a crystal clear mountain river. Along the way there are several trattoria's serving polenta and pizzocheri which are typical dishes of the region. The valley walls are well known by climbers who find a vast number of challenging routes. 73

74 STIKORD: Vals dei bagni san martino bagni del martino Visitors Centre in Bagni di Masino Valmasino's thermal baths An untouched natural setting along with the presence of thermal waters make the Bagni di Masino a well-being centre A peaceful and untouched natural setting surrounds the Bagni di Masino. The Bagni s main points of interest are the thermal baths and the hotel that are located at 1172 metres of height and are surrounded by green forests and steep rocks. The fame of this thermal source was already well-established in the 15th century but the idea to create a first, basic shelter for those who wanted to benefit from this prodigious water only took shape in Today the situation is completely different and, instead of a mere hut, an imposing, ancient hotel exists, the recently renovated hotel Bagni. The large majority of the thermal waters is used for therapeutic purposes but a small fountain from which it is possible to drink or draw water is also present. The thermal waters gush from the Alps at a temperature of 38 degrees and with a mineral presence of about 500 mg per litre. From a chemical point of view, it is primarily composed of sodium, calcium and silica sulphates, that together account for 70% of the minerals present. A chemical analysis has confirmed the presence of a discrete level of radioactivity which means that the Bagni Masino s water has a medium mineral-sulphate-alkaline level. It is particularly recommended for curing digestive illnesses, illnesses of the female reproductive system and of the upper part of the breathing system and skin conditions. Opening period: May September. Terme Bagni di Masino Località Bagni Valmasino (SO) Tel / Fax / Tel / Fax / info@bagnimasino.it Livigno Livigno, som er toldfrit område kan nåes ved at køre til Sondrio og videre op mod Bormeo Livigno er i dag et moderne skisportssted, højt beliggende og meget snesikkert, ligger det midt i Naturparken Stelvio. I den lukkede dal var der tidligere en meget tilbagestående økonomi indtil der blev erklæret toldfrit af Mussolini under fascismen. Livigno består af tre gamle landsbyer, Santa Maria, San Antonio og San Rocco, der er forbundet af en 4 km lang vej nede i dalen. Byen byder på mange hyggelige restauranter, livlig afterskiing og et festligt aften- og natteliv. Der er også mange duty-free butikker, med stort udvalg af parfumer, cigaretter og alkohol, deraf dens kultstatus i Nordeuropæiske og lokale skiferiekredse. Det ligger dog langt væk fra alle lufthavne (mindst 5 timers kørsel), og derfor egner det sig bedst til kør-selv-turister. Det er svært at komme til den indelukkede dal. Vi anbefaler at man fortsætter fra Innsbruck til Landeck i Østrig, herfra kører man til Zernes i Schweiz og så videre igennem Munt-La-Schera-tunnellen op til Livigno. Obs. tunnellen er åben fra til og lukket om natten! Det er absolut værd at besøge Livigno om sommeren, når vinterens travlhed erstattes af fred og ro, naturskøn stemning og mulighed for adskillige trekkingture op af bjergene eller til f.eks. Gallo-søen. 74

75 Bormio Turist ved Como søen Bormio udviklede sig oprindeligt omkring sine kurbadeanstalter. Den blev verdenskendt under Alpint VM i 1985 og har siden da levet op til sin berømmelse for gode og velpræparerede alpine pister og mange kilometer vidunderlige langrendsløjper. Der ligger et helt unikt hotel som har varme gamle bade, massage osv : The Bagni di Bormio Spa Resort is found in Stelvio s National Park, 3 km from Bormio, 35 Km from Livigno and 18 km from the Stelvio Pass, in the Alta Valtellina ski area that will host the World Alpine Ski Championships in Bormio er en større by med indbyggere. Byen ligger helt oppe ved den schweiziske grænse, ikke langt fra Livigno, som kan nås direkte med bil om sommeren, men om vinteren nåes i en bue ind over Schweiz. Med sin størrelse garanterer Bormio for, at der både i lav- og i højsæson er liv i byen og prisniveauet bliver ikke presset op i det skyhøje niveau, pga. de lokale beboere. Her er godt med restauranter, pizzeriaer, barer og caféer, samt forretninger. Bormio har i det meste af Nordeuropa af urandsagelige grunde altid levet skyggen af det nærliggende Livigno. 75

76 Ture syd for søen Bergamo Bergamo er en to-delt by. Den øvre by er sjov at gå på opdagelse i efter mørkets frembrud. Bergamos centrum er Piazza Vecchia, fuld af storslået stilforvirring. Har du råd, så spis hos Colleoni & dell Angelo. Billigere er Trattoria da Ornella på Via Gombito 15. Gå herefter ud og få en grappa i en af den gamle bydels mange barer. Gå på opdagelse i Bergamos»nedre«del: Piazza Matteotti og Viale Papa Giovanni. Derefter til Piazza Vecchia og den nærliggende kirke, Santa Maria Maggiore, hvis diskrete ydre dækker over et indre af sprudlende barok. Ved siden af ligger Cappella Colleoni, et mausoleum over en meget beundret militær leder fra det 15. århundrede: Colleoni med de tre testikler! De er symboliseret på hans våbenskjold, der lige siden er blevet gnedet blankt af italienske mænd på jagt efter virilitet. Como Sæt en hel dag af til at opleve Como by. Byen ligger smukt omkranset af bjergene i enden af søen, og står du ved havenfronten og betragter søen, træder Como's smukke bjergrige og frodige omgivelser virkelig frem. Turen kan f.eks. inkludere en tur med bjergbanen på den østlige side af havnen, hvortil turen går til toppen af bjerget, hvor du finder landsbyen Brunate med et par restauranter og cafeer. Her kan frokosten passende nydes samen med den flotte udsigt. Ved Domkirken starter byen bedste butiksstrøg, og her finder du et væld af forskellige butikker og antikvariater. Der er marked i Como by hver tirsdag formiddag, og har kan du også hurtigt bruge lang tid, da markedet er meget stort. En gang var dalene her fyldt med de morbærtræer, hvis blade er de eneste silkeormene accepterer. Men Como var hverken først med eller størst inden for silke. Snarere kan man sige, at Como er sidst. Selv om andre silkeindustrier for længe siden har overhalet området, bliver det smukkeste tøj, man kan tænke sig, stadig lavet i denne alpedal. At modedesignere fra Milano altid har været naboer til silkevæverierne i Como har haft stor betydning. Lidt fakta: silke anvendes også på grund af sin styrke og vandabsorberende egenskaber til fluefiskeliner, skijakker og faldskærme. Der skal 220 kilo løv til for at producere 1 kilo silke; en silkeorm bevæger sit hoved på tværs gange, når den spinder sig ind i en puppe, som består af en 500 meter lang tråd, som ikke er mere end 30 tusindedele millimeter tyk. Kunsten at lave silke kommer fra Kina og har været kendt i år. Como: By med vidunderlig beliggenhed. Begynd udflugten på silkemuseet: Museo Didattico della Seta, Via Valleggio 3, Hold derefter godt fast i tegnebogen og besøg silkevæveriet Manteros storslåede butik la Tessitura, Viale Roosevelt 2A, Lyntoget fra Milano tager mindre end en time. Crusinallo: Alessis fabrik og fabriksudsalg ligger i en slags forstad til Omegna. Via Privata Alessi 6, Crusinallo. Lyntoget fra Milano til Omegna tager ca. to timer. Alessi-butikken inde i Milano ligger på Corso Matteotti 9. Byen har indbyggere, mens der bor i provinsen Como. Historie I forhistorisk tid en hedensk begravelsesplads: "Cà Morta" betyder de dødes hus. I år 196 før vor tidsregning blev byen erobret af konsul Claudio Marcello. Da romeriget gik i opløsning blev byen erobret af både Longobarder - Langskæg - og Østgoter. At byen har en romersk fortid ses tydeligt på bykortet, hvor man kan se den romerske kvadrat. Den meget velbevarede og vedligeholdte historiske del af byen befinder sig stadig lukket ind af middelalder bymurene. Como bliver siden af fri-kommunerne, og som sådan en konkurrent til Milano. I 1127 kom de to byer i krig, og Como blev brændt ned. Comascherne gik sammen med den germanske kejser Barbarossa - Rødskæg - i hans liga, og genopbyggede by-muren. og slog Milano i Men fra 1335 kom byen først under hertugerne fra familien Visconti i MIlano og senere under deres efterfølgere Sforza'erne. I 1499 led byen samme skæbne som Milano, der belv underlagt franskmændene. Siden kom spanierne til, indtil byen fra 1714 kommer under østrigsk herredømme. 76

77 Under østrigerne skete der en økonomisk opblomstring, hvor blandt andet silkeindustrien - silkemøllerne - spillede en stor rolle. Silkemøllerne overtog en antik tradition for uldproduktion i området. I slutningen af 1700-tallet oplevede byen en speciel rig periode, der også var karakteriseret af konstruktionen af det mange villa'er, der stadig eksisterer i dag. Fra 1797 til 1815 var Como med i Napoleons Cisalpinske Republik under østrigsk herredømme indtil tumulterne i der rullede hen over hele Eruropa. I 1858 er Como en del af kongeriget Italien under kongefamilien Savoia. I dag lever byen stadig af silkeindustri (vævning, farvning og design, men ikke længere avl og opdræt af pupperne). Tursimen spiller også en stor rolle. Como er ligelede et handelscentrum og har et kendt universitet, og nyder også godt af beliggenheden tæt ved den Schweitsiske grænse. Andre seværdigheder På søens østlige side i Como ligger Brunate bjerget. Der er en tandhjulsbane fra 1894 fra byen op til toppen 720 meter over havet. Banen er 1084 meter lang og klarer 500 meters stigning på 6,5 minutter. Den maksimale stigning er 55 procent. Til venstre for havnen ligger det 33 meter høje og bombastiske "Monumentet for de faldne" under Første Verdenskrig. 650 comaschi'er døde i den krig. Monumentet blev bygget i 1931 til 1933, og er tegnet af den kendte rationalistiske arkitekt og ingeniør Terragni. Han står bag mange bygninger fra tredverne i Como, deriblandt et kendt bygningsværk, der husede de lokale fascister "Casa del Fascio" fra Huset er lige bag Domkirken, og stilen er den firkantede rationalisme, som på dansk også kaldes funkis. Tæt ved Monumentet for de faldne ligger Volta Templet fra 1927 til ære for byens kendte fysiker Alessandro Volta, der levede fra 1745 til "Templet" i nyklassisk stil blev i sin tid foræret til byen af en politikker - Francesco Somaini. Templet huser en kopi af Voltas batteri, fordi det originale gik tabt ved en brand ved en Volta-udstilling i På Piazza Volta findes en staue af fysikeren, som blev lavet i Modstands-monument I Byparken bag Volta Templet ligger "Monumento di Resistenza Europea" til ære for alle de europæiske modstandsfolk, der omkom under Anden Verdenskrig. Monumentet blev indviet den 28. maj 1983 og indeholder sten fra Koncentrationslejre og fra Hiroshima. Danmark er repræsenteret ved Christian Ulrik Hansen - en student, der blev henrettet af tyskerne. Han er en af 18 dødsdømte europæiske modstandfolk, hvis stemmer er skrevet på store bronzeplader på monumentet af kunstneren Gianni Columbo. Piazza Cavour er Comos centrale plads, og den er omringet af hyggelige fortovsbarer og luksushoteller. Bag Pizza Cavour skimtes byens gamle rådhus - Broletto som de kaldes i Lombardiet -, der blev bygget i Broletto en blev siden forandret og formindsket efter en brand i 1400-tallet for at gøre plads til Domkirken. Duomo er bygget af trefarvet marmor fra brud i Lombardia, og byggeriet blev påbegyndt i 1396 på et sted, hvor der før havde været kirke. Byggeriet stod på i over tre århundreder, og både konstruktionen og udsmykningen af kirken bærer præg af at byggestilen i de tre århundreder gik fra gotisk til renæssance stil. Facaden er fra 1455, tværskibene fra 1700 tallet. Dekorationerne på facaden og sidedøre er fra 1500 og 1600 tallet, mange skabt af brødrene Rodari. De to latinske forfattere Plinius den Yngre og Plinius den Ældre (En af dem var forfatter af en kendt naturhistorie, og døde i Pomperi 79 f.kr.) på facden levede i romertiden. De var ikke kristne, men født i Como, og statuerne af dem er et symbol på, at man under renæssancen begyndte at åbne sig overfor andres tro og kultur. Kuplen på domkirken er 75 meter høj, konstrueret af Fillippo Juvarra, fra og restaureret i Friserne og skulpturerne indenfor og udenfor er blandt andet lavet af Tomaso Rodari og Pompeo Marchesi. I kirken findes malerier af Bernadino Luini der levede fra cirka 1480 til Luini repræsenterer den lombardiske højrenæssance, og er den vigtigste kunstner efter Leonardo da Vinci. Luini er kendt for sine milde og graciøse Madonna-billeder. "Duomo" er 87 meter lang, sideskibene 36 og 58 m lange og spiret på facaden er 45 m højt. De to løver og og en biskops sarkofag, samt et alter fra Campionese-skolen er fra den tidligere basilika på stedet. Gobelinen "Præsentationen af Maria i templet" er fra Sant'Abbondio Basilika'en Sant'Abbondio -Sant Overflod er Comos helgen. Han var den fjerde biskop af Como og døde omkring år 489. Basikaen er romersk og konstrueret mellem år 1050 og 1085 med fem skibe og to tårne (kun et tårn tilbage). Freskomalerier fra 1300-tallet, der beretter om Jesu liv. 77

78 Er det godt nok til Cloony Turist ved Como søen Af: BIRGITTE GRUE 29 April 2008 Det elegante Como i Norditalien har fået ny turist-status. Efter at filmstjernen George Clooney har købt to smukke palæer ved søen, er det stedet,»man«skal besøge. Alle er vilde med George Clooney. Og ved Como søen i Italien er de ekstra vilde. De handlende, restaurant-ejerne, hotel-ejerne alle jubler over Clooney, der sikrer en ny interesse for det gamle turiststed og rekord-omsætning... Como har hidtil været indbegrebet af borgerskabets diskrete charme og meget»kultiveret«et ord, der ligger på»kedelig«. Men takket være Clooney er Como nu hot og et sted,»man«bare må besøge. Den amerikanske filmstjerne har nemlig købt to gamle palæer ved den norditalienske sø og lovpriser højlydt den italienske natur og kultur. Det har betydet et enormt løft for Como. Norditaliens juvel Med Alperne som baggrund og sit forunderlige sub-tropiske klima med oliven- og appelsintræer regnes Como søen for Norditaliens juvel. Området har al den elegance, som penge kan købe. Pragtfulde villaer fra la belle époque og små, yndige byer ligger som en perlerække mellem det dybblå vand i Europas dybeste gletcher-sø og de høje bjerge. Det siges, at Como er en sådan åbenbaring, at det eneste, man kan kaste sine øjne på uden at frydes det er regningen! Velbevaret hemmelighed I flere hundrede år har Como været en velbevaret hemmelighed for Europas rige og berømte. Måske derfor regnes området for et af de steder i Italien, hvor man spiser bedst hvilket ikke siger lidt! Og takket være en lovgivning, der forbyder højhuse, er den noble, gammeldags stemning bevaret - undtagen i selve Como by, der ikke er nogen åbenbaring. Faktisk er det sådan, at jo længere væk fra den by, man kommer, desto skønnere er området. Tag derfor op langs vest-siden til landsbyerne Cernobbio, Laglio og Tremezzo, som har områdets største koncentration af pragtvillaer. Lidt uden for byen ligger Villa Carlotta, som nu er museum for 1700-tals skulpturer. Også selv om man ikke er til barokkunst, så er villaens storslåede park billetprisen værd. 78

79 Vandre- og cykelture Lidt længere nordpå ligger Menaggio, der er et godt udgangspunkt for vandre- og cykelture. Men man kan også bare nøjes med en kaffe på en af de mange caféer på det centrale torv, Piazza Garibaldi. På den modsatte bred ligger de mere stilfærdige byer Faggetto, Lario og Lezzeno. Como-området nydes allerbedst fra en af de mange færger, der sejler rundt mellem næsten alle byer. Der er sjældent trængsel ombord, og udsigten er, så man snapper efter vejret, uanset hvilken rute. Man kan også flotte sig med en privat sejltur: Priserne ligger på ca. 160 euro i timen. Et af de mest pålidelige selskaber er Tasell (Piazza Cavour, Como; Tlf ; Anbefalet spisested: In Como town try Al Giardino, via Monte Grappa 52. (Tel: ) Not central but in a residential part of town - a 20 minute walk from the lake. A 19 th century villa with a lovely fresh interior. Family run, relaxed service [the owners daughters often] and mainly regional cuisine. The incredible display of cheeses, prosciuttos and salamis as you enter the restaurant is quite something. In the summer you eat on the terrace. $30 a head for two courses excluding wine. Best Shopping Como produces 80% of Europe s silk and has been doing so since the 14 th century when silk worms were first imported. There are boutiques in the centre selling high-quality silk merchandise along with a few factory outlets. Scarves, ties and shirts all make good buys. Mantero Via San Abbondio 8, Como. (Tel ), supplies the big fashion houses in Paris and Milan and Binda have an outlet at Viale Geno 6, Como (Tel ) Frey is located at via Garibaldi, 10 (Tel ) They also have a factory outlet outside of Como at viale Risorgimento 49/51 in Mornasco. There s a regular Saturday market food and clothing - in Como town and once a month an antique market on a Sunday. Welcome to Como, Como is a little town of more or less inhabitants situated at the extreme point of the west branch and is a centre of historical, artistic and cultural importance, combined with important industrial and commercial activity as well as a beautiful lakefront. The hills surrounding the current location of Como were inhabited since prehistoric times and they represented the first centre that was then moved to its current location by order of Julius Caesar. Como has always been an important town in Lombardy and for many centuries it competed with Milan. In the late Middle Ages, the city developed little suburbs all with an identity and characteristics of their own, along with several defensive towers around the city limits, promoted by Barbarossa. Today these little suburbs are part of the city and Como s history is still visible thanks to all the antique monuments along the roads. From the 16th century Como was submitted of Spanish rule and then was handed over to the Austrians (18th century). These are the years of Alessandro Volta, of the sumptuous villas, of the industry development and of the Social Theatre. While visiting the Museo Civico Archeologico Giovio you can have an idea of how Como was in the prehistory, while structure of the city centre dates back to the Roman Age. The three towers at south, the Roman churches and the magnificent Cathedral, completed in 1740, all show Como s medieval past. 79

80 In the area of Borgo Vico, at west, you can visit the splendid villas and walking on the lakefront, towards the centre, you can see Volta s temple (Tempio Voltiano) and piazza Cavour, where the trading port was once located. Spisesteder Here is a list of some nice restaurants in Como and nearby: Al Giardino Via Monte Grappa, 52 Como Ideal place where you can go to try some nice wines. Cuisine linked to local recipes. In the summer it s possible to enjoy your meal outside in the garden. Crotto del Lupo Via Pisani Dossi, 17 Como Family conduction restaurant surround by greenery. Traditional cuisine. Summer terrace. Locanda Dell'Oca Bianca Via Canturina, 251 Como Warm and welcoming restaurant located on the road that takes you to Cantù. In the summer you can eat outside. Italian cuisine. Il Solito Posto Via Lambertenghi, 9 Como Informal atmosphere, modern dining room and an outside terrace. Traditional cuisine based on meat and fish. L'Angolo del Silenzio Via Lecco, 25 Como Restaurant that offers Lombardy cuisine and an outside terrace. Osteria Rusticana via Carso, 69 Como Family conduction restaurant outside the city centre that serves typical local dishes. Summer terrace. What to see The cathedral, that represents a religious, civil centre in the heart of the town, is one of the few buildings in Gothic style (along with the church of Sant Agostino). Its construction started in 1396, it was projected by Lorenzo degli Spalti, for Gian Galeazzo Visconti and it was finished only in 1740 with the dome of Filippo Juvara. The façade is enriched by sculptures by Rodari, while the interior with its Latin cross shape preserves 16th and 17th century tapestries from Ferrara, Firenze and Anversa, and floor half in black marble from Varenna and half from white marble from Musso. The church of San Carpoforo rises in an isolated position, at the foot of the Baradello and preserves the apse and the bell tower dated back to the 12th century. Sant Abbondio, erected in 1100 has two bell towers, a façade with the apse decorated with frescoes and a sculptured portal. San Fedele enters among the most interesting churches. It was built adding a longitudinal nave to an early Christian church. It was finished in 1914 while a big part of the complex was restored in the Renaissance. The old city centre is surrounded by walls built by Federico I di Svevia, il Barbarossa in the 12th century after defeating Milan. Still today you can visit the three towers: Torre di Porta Nuova at west, Torre San Vitale at east and Porta Torre in the middle, that is 40m high. There are many interesting sites to visit while you walk along the lakefront. Volta s Temple (Il tempio Voltiano), erected in 1927, celebrates the first 100 years from Alessandro Volta s death, with many remembrances and testimonials. The animated Piazza Cavour is the symbol of Como s Risorgimento, from where you can enjoy a beautiful view and where in the rainy season it s covered with water coming from the lake. The nicest villas of Como are situated in Borgo Vico, all built in the 18th century: Villa Saporiti, Villa Gallia, Villa Salazar and the majestic Villa Olmo. 80

81 Map of Como Milano shopping: In Milan, nearly all shops are shut on Sundays. Non-food shops are closed on Monday mornings as well: food shops are open on Monday mornings but closed on Mon afternoon. For Sunday shopping, there are the multimedia stores in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, Piazza Duomo, Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Via Torino, a few fashion stores on Corso Vittorio Emanuele, and, near Garibaldi station, Corso Como 10. The range of retail outlets in Milan runs from the high fashion boutiques, to small shops, department stores, supermarkets, discount outlets, and street markets. Some parts of the city have a specific character as regards shopping. Via Montenapoleone and the adjoining streets (within the area bordered by Via della Spiga, Corso Venezia, Via Bigli and Via Manzoni) are the high fashion area. There are furniture and lighting shops in Corso Matteotti, Corso Monforte and Via Durini. Piazza San Babila, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Piazza Duomo (including Galleria Vittorio Emanuele) and Via Dante form a continuous pedestrian precinct with many shops, mainly clothes, but also books and media. Other important, less central shopping streets include Corso Buenos Aires (near the station), Corso XXII Marzo, and Corso Vercelli. Via Torino is strong on fashion for young people. The Brera district, around the like-named academy and gallery, was once the reign of artists: there are still a number of private galleries in Via Brera, Via del Carmine and Via Solferino, but these streets are now great for shopping. Via Fiori Chiari, Via Madonnina and Piazza del Carmine form another attractive pedestrian precinct with small, interesting shops, and in the evening the area is kept lively by virtue of the many bars and cafés. Corso di Porta Ticinese, particularly in the stretch between the churches of San Lorenzo and Sant'Eustorgio, has many trendy, ethnic-type shops for clothes, furniture etc., and it has also become a focal point for young nightlife. It is close to another characteristic shopping and nightlife area, the Navigli canal district (Ripa di Porta Ticinese, Via Ascanio Sforza). On the Naviglio Grande canal, on the last Sunday of each month, there is a large antiques market with stalls selling everything from postcards to furniture. Via Paolo Sarpi is the home to Milan's Chinatown (actually just a few streets), and so here there are many shops selling their specialities, in particular leatherware. En fantastisk vinbutik i Milano I Via Spadari 7-9 i Milano, en gade omme bag ved domkirkepladsen og Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, ligger et gastronomisk tempel, der ikke er af denne verden. Peck, hedder det, og det blev grundlagt af en tjekkisk pølsemager, Francesco Peck, i Butikken kan sammenlignes med Fauchon på Place de la Madeleine i Paris eller Fortnum & Mason i Londons Piccadilly, men Peck er måske en tak flottere. I stueetagen er der madvarer, på førstesalen er der kaffe, te og konditori, og i kælderen en af de mest fantastiske vinbutikker, vi nogensinde har været i. Her kan man vælge mellem mere end 1000 forskellige vine, naturligvis først og fremmest fra Italien, men også fra Frankrig, Ungarn og USA. 81

82 Vi måtte ikke fotografere dernede, men de flinke mennesker forærede os en bog, som vi kan anbefale på det bedste, og hvorfra billedet her er hentet (Davide Paolini: "Peck", engelsk udgave, Mondadori 1998). Fra en turist: In Defense of Milan Nov 14, 2003 Many travelers to Italy seem to be stuck in a rut: the travel forums are an endless litany of Florence, Rome, and Venice. Personally, I don t even like Florence, but I ll save that rant for another time. (I hate crowds, especially crowds of tourists where I m likely to be thought one of them.) So I like to go to the out-of-the-way places, a few of which are mentioned here on my site. Poor Milan is very mistreated by would-be tourists. Travelers advise each other to skip it: There s nothing worth seeing. I beg to differ. Leonardo da Vinci spent some of his most productive years in Milan; we have a castle (Castello Sforzesco) and the Last Supper to prove it. It took me ten years to get to the Last Supper, and I wish I d gone sooner. Book tickets for the Last Supper here - most of the year you do need to book in advance. If you care at all about classical music (including opera and ballet), there's La Scala. If you like shopping, Milan is one of the fashion and shopping capitals of the world. It's great fun simply to walk around and look, even if you're not buying. See it in Milan first; you ll be wearing it in the US next year. Oh, yes, and there s also the Duomo, one of the world s largest and most overdone cathedrals; think of it as fractal Gothic. 600 years and they re still building on. Milan is also within easy reach of some of the most beautiful places in the world, such as Lake Como. Shopping Milan has what is probably the world's oldest shopping mall, the original Galleria, in the heart of downtown next to the Duomo. But you won't find "big box" malls such as they have in the US. There are a few, way outside town, but they are mostly discount stores and not very exciting unless you live here. Way, WAAAAY out of town ( ca. 93 km syd for Milano og ca 1 times kørsel) there is the Serravalle Outlet Mall : 180 stores with the best brands, with prices reduced by 30% to 70% all year round. The widest, top quality range of the best brands in fashion, sportswear, accessories, home furnishings and cosmetics Go >> Serravalle Designer Outlet: Via della Moda, 1 I Serravalle Scrivia (AL) - How to reach us Opening hours: Monday to Sunday: 10 am to 8 pm. The Center will be opened on Tuesday 6th of January until 9 pm. The Center will be opened until 9 pm on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of January, on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of January and on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th of January. I've never been there, but it's been favorably covered in the New York Times. If you want high-fashion clothing and are willing to pay Milan prices (ouch!), the fashion district is also near downtown, around via Montenapoleone and via della Spiga. The shops in Corso Vittorio Emmanuele are slightly more reasonably-priced, cheaper still is Corso Buenos Aires. Tøj, luksus Modeområdet Quadrilatero afgrænses af Via Montenapoleone, Via S. Andrea, Via della Spiga og Borgospesso. På hjemmesiden er en liste over al shopping, der er deres navne værd. Her et lille udvalg af adresser: Armani le Collezioni, Via -Montenapoleone 2. Borsalino (coola hattar), Via della Spiga. Byblos, Via della Spiga 42. Cerruti 1881, Via della Spiga 20. Corso Como (alt muligt), Corso Como 10. Dolce & Gabbana, Via della Spiga 2 og 26. Giorgio Armani Superstore, Via Manzoni 31. Gucci, Via Montenapoleone 5. Louis Vuitton, Via Monte -Napoleone 2. Max Mara, Corso Vittorio -Emanuele II. Moschino, Via S Andrea 12 og Via della Spiga 30. Prada, Via Montenapoleone 6, Via S. Andrea 21, Via della Spiga m. Fl. Versace, Via Montenapoleone 11. Tøj, overkommelige priser 82

83 Benetton findes overalt. Den største butik ligger på Corso Vittorio Emanuele II nr. 9. La Rinascente er et stormagasin ved domkirken med tøj og ting i seks etager. Via San Radegonda 3. Marlboro Classic (ja, det er faktisk et italiensk mærke) ligger på Via Torino 25. Man kan finde alle mulige små, nye butikker med designertøj på Via Brera. Outlets i Milano Il Salvagente. Alle slags mærker inden for tøj. Via Bronzetti Fratelli 16, Ciovassino Fashion Discount. Klassiske tøjmærker. Via Ciovassino 3. Diffusione Tessile (Max Mara Group). Ser ud som en almindelig butik, indtil man tjekker priserne. Galleria del Corso 2. Outlets uden for Milano Armanis fabriksudsalg ligger uden for Como. Provinciale per Bregnano 12, Vertemate. Dolce & Gabbanas fabriksudsalg ligger halvvejs mellem Milano og lufthavnen Malpensa. Via Rossini, 70, Legnano. Designer Outlet McArthur Glen er en kunstig lavet italiensk by med 130 butikker en times kørsel mod Genova. Via della Moda 1, Serravalle Scrivia. Fox Town, lige så stort, lidt nærmere til trods for at det ligger i Schweiz. Tog til Chiasso og derefter bus tager cirka en time. Via A Maspoli 18, Mendrisio. Cathedral Milan's cathedral has been a central part of the city's life since 1386, when it was founded by Gian Galeazzo Visconti. This triumph of decoration is remarkable in many ways: for its sheer size (built on an area of 12,000 square metres, with a weight of 325,000 tonnes, it was the largest church in Christendom until St. Peters in Rome was built); for its intricacy, with decoration in even the most hidden parts of the roof structures, and a total of 3,400 statues; and for the duration of construction. It was completed only in 1960, when the last bronze door was put into place. If you've not seen it before, approach it from Corso Vittorio Emanuele, a pleasant pedestrian precinct: that way you see it from its best angle, starting with the golden "Madonnina", the four-metre, gold-leaf covered statue of Mary that tops the tallest spire, and then you gradually see the elaborate Gothic architecture of the earliest part of the building, the east end, below. While the west façade is also impressive, it was built only in 1810, and in a hybrid neo- Gothic-Neoclassical style. A visit to the roof, and to the Paleochristian baptistry underneath the west end, are also interesing. Find it on the Map Cathedral opening hours: Open Daily from 7.00 to Rooftop A visit to the rooftop offers spectacular views and a closer look at the detailed spires and the gargoyles which adorn the rooftop. There is an elevator which carries visitors right to the top for those who wish to avoid the 201 stair climb. Visitors should be aware that there are still some stairs to be climbed at the top and the surface is rather uneven. If you are able, we reccommend taking the stairs. There is something so satisfying about climbing all the way to the top Open: 9.00 to in winter (last entrance 16.20) 83

84 through winding narrow passageways to finally be rewarded with such a magnificent view! 9.00 to in summer (last entrance 17.20) Prices: Lift 6, stairs 4, family ticket (stairs) 8, groups (over 15 people) 2.50 each Castle Piazza Castello, MM1 Cairoli, MM2 Lanza, MM1/2 Cadorna The Castle is situated in a position that was once on the city walls, at least at the height of its development in It was founded in about 1350 by Galeazzo II Visconti, extended by Gian Galeazzo Visconti (who also founded the Cathedral), greatly damaged by public uprising after the demise of the Visconti reign, rebuilt and extended by Francesco Sforza in 1450, and finally rendered one of the finest palaces of the Renaissance by Ludovico Sforza. In 1500, Ludovico was defeated by the French invading army, and over the next four hundred years, during which Milan was a territory belonging alternately to the French, Spanish and Austrians, the Castle gradually deteriorated until about 1895, when the Municipal government had to decide whether to bulldoze what was left and build houses, or restore it. Luckily they decided to restore it, and during restoration rediscovered a Leonardo da Vinci fresco as well as preserving Milan's second major monument (after the Cathedral). The Castle is most easily reached from the Metro stop Cairoli (MM1, red line), but it is a very pleasant walk from the Cathedral, down Via Mercanti, Piazza Cordusio and Via Dante. In the latter street, there are many cafés that make an agreeable break for a coffee, beer, ice-cream or aperitif depending on your mood or the time of day. In front of the castle, the spectacular fountain is a reconstruction (1999) of a fountain built in 1930, during the Fascist regime: the "bundle of rods" emblem that symbolized Mussolini's dictatorship can be seen in the decorative motif around the central vat. The people of Milan call this fountain "tort de' spus", or wedding cake, from the shape created by the jets of water. The main entrance of the Castle is through a gate crowned by an elaborate tower, rebuilt during restoration in by the architect Beltrami to approximately the original design by Filarete, 1452: this tower was destroyed by a gunpowder explosion in The bas-relief of a man on a horse is of king Umberto I, king of Italy during the years of the reconstruction of the Castle. The clock further up features the "sun of justice" motif, one of the symbols of the Visconti family, later adopted by the Sforzas. The circular towers at the two southern corners of the Castle were built in about 1455, and were an important part of military defence: they actually faced the city, and so illustrate the uneasy reign of the Dukes of Milan over the people. They were also used as dungeons, as proven by various macabre remains discovered in their lower rooms. The main courtyard, Piazza d'armi, was used for military exercises and parades. The low buildings abutting the inner walls are also reconstructed, but Ludovico Sforza, before he took control of the city by means of a coup, actually lived in this part of the castle (to the right of the entrance going in). 84

85 The battlements, mostly reconstructed during the 1900 restoration, are built leaving a gap through which stones, boiling oil or molten lead could be dropped onto assailants. Larger gaps provided a convenient means of getting rid of unwanted prisoners. On the right-hand side of the Castle, a drawbridge has been reconstructed: the complex originally included a total of 62. The statue towards the bottom of the courtyard represents a saint named San Giovanni Nepomuceno, it was installed in The tower at the bottom of the courtyard was built by Bona di Savoia, wife of Galeazzo Maria Sforza who was assassinated in the church of Santo Stefano in Most of her suspicions were directed towards Ludovico, brother of Galeazzo Maria, who was living on the other side of the courtyard. She built her tower not as a form of defence against potential invaders, but in order to keep a watchful eye on Ludovico. But to no avail: in 1480, at about lunchtime (when most of Bona's household were eating or sleeping), Ludovico kidnapped Gian Galeazzo, exiled Bona, and had her advisor Cicco Simonetta decapitated, "but with honour", as Ludovico generously granted him. The gate at the bottom of the courtyard, Porta Giovia (itself defended by a moat and drawbridge) leads to the part of the castle that was used by Ludovico as his personal palace. The "Corte Ducale" was extensively restored in 1900, but resembles its 15th-century state. After the gate, on the right is the entrance to the Castle Museums, an itinerary that includes some lovely interiors and many interesting remains from various ages. We can mention the equestrian monument to Bernabò Visconti (14th century); a tapestry known as the "Gonfalone di Sant'Ambrogio" depicting Milan's patron saint, Ambrose, created in 1565; the Sala delle Assi with its ceiling decoration of tree-branches and knots, designed by Leonardo da Vinci and executed by his pupils and assistants; the Ducal Chapel with frescoes dating to about 1470; and the Rondanini Pietà by Michelangelo, a sculpture on which he was working up to his death at the age of 89. Also fascinating are the frescoed ceilings, featuring the various Visconti-Sforza emblems (sun of justice, eagle, serpent devouring a man). The ground floor itinerary emerges into the Corte Ducale, from where you can go up the staircase to the first-floor picture gallery and the extensive collections of furniture, musical instruments etc. The staircase has shallow steps from its origin: in fact it was made like that so that Ludovico could ride straight up to his apartments, without having to get off his horse. Opposite the Corte Ducale is La Rocchetta, a stern courtyard with porticoes by Filarete, Ferrini and Bramante. To conclude, the north-western gate of the Castle looks onto the park, Parco Sempione, in an area that seems to be perpetually undergoing building work. At the bottom of the park, you will see the Arch of Peace, built to order of Napoleon starting from 1807, to celebrate his victories. Unfortunately Napoleon met his Waterloo in 1814 and the Arch was only two-thirds complete, but the new Hapsburg Austrian emperor decreed its completion. Last Supper Find it on the map Piazza S. Maria delle Grazie MM1 Conciliazione, MM1/2 Cadorna; tram , booking obligatory, discount for EU citizens under 18 or over 65, and for EU citizens between 18 and 25. Open Tues-Sun , closed on Mon. Opening times are variable. Leonardo da Vinci's world-famous fresco, recently restored (restoration completed in 1999). Advance booking obligatory: places are limited. To book, phone : the number answers Mon-Fri 9.00 to 18.00, Sat Operators speak English. (From abroad, phone ). It is not possible to book direct at the Last Supper itself. The phone number is often engaged: you just have to keep trying. The operator will give you a code number and the time of the visit. It may be necessary to pay by credit card during this call, particularly in the case of larger groups. Otherwise you collect and pay for tickets on the day of your visit, at least half an hour before scheduled time. If you have to wait for this half hour, you could visit the church itself, Santa Maria delle Graze, with its lovely apse and dome by Bramante, and the little courtyard by the same architect. As soon as you know when you are going to be in Milan, book a visit: at certain times of year it is hard to find slots even a week ahead. The cenacolovinciano.it website seems to have a calendar showing availability but I don't think that the system is working properly. There doesn't seem to be the chance of booking and paying on-line. All in all it is a tourist-unfriendly system. Large numbers of tickets are allocated to tour organisers, and often the only hope is that there will be some cancellations. The best day to call for cancellations is Monday. If you don't manage to find a slot, you can try joining the queue in Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie, for places made available by people with bookings who don't turn up. There is a visit every 15 minutes for 25 people. At the end of the itinerary there is a shop selling cards, posters and books on the Last Supper (restored state) and Leonardo da Vinci. It is well worth reading something about this painting before your visit, as there is the risk that such a famous sight becomes something of an anticlimax: if not, the audio guide provides a lot of good information. The audio cassette guide (in English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese) are available at the ticket desk: E 2.50 single, E 4.50 double. 85

86 The "A Friend in Milan" service can book your visit for you in combination with a guided tour that includes a visit to the church Santa Maria delle Grazie, Bramante's cloister, and other sights in the vicinity. But this organisation doesn't have privileged ticket availability. Find it on the Map Background information on the Last Supper Teatro alla Scala Piazza Scala, MM1/3 Duomo Teatro alla Scala was built from 1776 to 1778, following the destruction of the Regio Ducale Teatro (built 1717) that had formed part of Palazzo Reale in Piazza Duomo. Its construction was funded by the nobility of Milan, with the assent of Maria Teresa of Austria, who was empress of Austria and Duchess of Milan. The architect, Giuseppe Piermarini, designed a severe Neoclassical facade (which became a prototype for many other opera houses in Italy) and above all created an interior which from the start was exceptional as regards its acoustics. In 1943, the Allied air-raids seriously damaged the theatre, above all the stalls and boxes. Reconstruction aimed at reproducing the original visual effect, but certain aspects of construction, such as the use of concrete, marred the acoustics somewhat. The theatre reopened on 11th May 1946 with a concert conducted by Arturo Toscanini. Just the name of Milan s fabled opera-house conjures up the image of musical excellence. The theatre is so compact as to make the audience feel part of an exclusive club, particularly if you re up in the gallery on a first night, along with the loggionisti. These are the opera fanatics who know the score bar by bar and who, while the high society and nouveau riche down below are politely applauding as the performers take their curtain calls, will be nodding approvingly, cheering, jeering or throwing crumpled programmes depending on their opinion of the soloists and director. The relationship between the loggionisti of La Scala and performers can be idyllic, as in the case of Maria Callas, or problematic in the extreme. Indeed, several world-renowned opera singers prefer not to sing at La Scala at all. Some of the noisier interventions from the galleries have gone down in history. One occurred at the first-night performance in 1972, when shouts and whistles of disapproval greeted Ballo in Maschera conducted by Gianandrea Gavazzeni. Things are not plain sailing after the prima, though. In 1970, at the end of the fourth performance of Vespri Siciliani, the soprano Renata Scotto was at the receiving end of what looked like a bouquet of roses. It was, in fact, a bunch of turnip-tops! No comment needed. Something of La Scala s reputation is undoubtedly based on the loggionisti. Paolo Grasso, co-founder of Milan s Piccolo Teatro, said that La Scala is like an oak tree, but with its roots at the top, referring to the cognoscenti in the gallery. The opera fanatics generally bought the cheapest tickets available, sold just before the performance and obtained at the cost of a long and uncomfortable wait in a queue. Now that Teatro alla Scala is being restored, these cheap tickets have been abolished. The opera fanatics voiced vigorous protests (comments expressed in letters sent to publications by the loggionisti association include people are afraid of the judgement from the galleries theatre management prefers a wealthier, less knowledgeable audience they want to apply marketing and modern management methods, and the loggionisti don t fit in with their plans ). The season at La Scala always begins on the 7th December. This is the feastday of Sant Ambrogio, the patron saint of Milan, and is a public holiday in this city. Tickets for this evening start are expensive and hard to get. San Siro Tour & Museum Gate 21, Via Piccolomini 5 MM1 De Angeli then tram

87 Open every day Info: For football enthusiasts, everything about Milan's two teams and the legendary stadium. With 24 life-size statues of Milan and Inter heroes (including Gullit, Rijkaard, Liedholm, Rivera, Van Basten, Mazzola, Suarez, Matthaus, Meazza, Rumenigge) made by the Viareggio Carnival papier-maché artists. Projections of match action. Includes visit to the stadium. Opening times may vary on match days. 87

88 Særlige attraktioner Fyrværkeri på Comosøen FESTIVAL DEI FUOCHI LARIANI Per gli appassionati ecco il calendario dei fuochi d'artificio che si terranno nei diversi comuni del lago: 29 LUGLIO - Pianello del Lario - ore Manifestazione correlata Fiera dell'artigianato e dei prodotti tipici locali e serata in discoteca sulla spiaggia 4 AGOSTO - Pusiano - ore Piazza a lago Festa Madonna della neve Info: Comune 031/ AGOSTO - Nesso - ore Manifestazione correlata Frazione Castello Sagra di S.Lorenzo - due serate organizzate presso il piazzale del parcheggio in frazione Castello nei giorni 5 e 6 agosto, durante le quali ci sarà la possibilità di degustare piatti tipici e ascoltare buona musica Parcheggi: Borgo - località Lissogno Info: Comune 031/ AGOSTO - Menaggio - ore Piazza Garibaldi e Lungolago Castelli Parcheggi: nei pressi del Lido Giardino - Autosilo comunale Info: I.A.T. Menaggio 0344/ AGOSTO - Gravedona - ore Manifestazione correlata Golfo di Gravedona Concorso barche allegoriche presso Golfo di Gravedona Parcheggi: vicino Piazza Trieste - Via Dante - Piazza Trento - Via Roma - zona Serenella Info: Comune 0344/ AGOSTO - Cremia - ore Frazione S.Vito Parcheggi: zona lago - servizio di bus navetta per i paesi limitrofi (Musso, Pianello, Dongo) Info: Comune 0344/ June 23 Ossuccio - Sala Comacina July 28 Musso August 4 Pusiano August 11 Nesso - Brienno August 12 Menaggio August 14 Gravedona August 15 Lenno 88

89 August 16 Porlezza Sagra de San Giovanni sidste weekend i juni i Como by The oldest historic festival on Lake Como is that annual Sagra de San Giovanni, which is held on the last weekend of June, around St. John s Day. It is a weekend long festival of folk art and old world charms. The main attraction comes after sundown. This is when hundreds of floating lamps are cast onto the lake, and this is accompanied by a series of fireworks. This festival of lights illuminates the lake and makes for a spectacular sight that continues into the early hours of the morning. The next day doesn t start late however. The locals continue the celebration with an early morning parade of decorated boats, following by a full day of folk dancing, traditional music and plenty of tasty food. The Sagra di San Giovanni is celebrated the last weekend of June in the town of Como with folk arts and fireworks and in Ossuccio with a festival, boat procession, and boat race. Palio del Baradello august og september Each September there is also a historical re-enactment of the Palio del Baradello, which recreates the regions struggles against the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa in the 12th century. This event includes re-enactments with period costumes and makes visitors feel like they ve taken a trip back to the Middle Ages. September is also when the traditional rowing race on Lake Como takes place. Palio Remiero del Lario attracts teams from around Lombardy, who come to take part in the grueling competitions. På havekig ved Comosøen Haveelskere kan roligt sætte kurs mod Comosøen i Norditalien, hvor der ligger en perlerække af de smukkeste haver. Rutebåden lægger til ved stort set alle småbyerne, blandt andet i Varenna, hvor man finder gamle villaer med tilhørende spektakulære haver: Her besøger vi Villa Cipressi Haven er åben for besøgende. Af Hanne Gabel Christensen Stien der leder hen mod nabovillaen, Villa Monastero. Udsigtsplatform i havens bageste åbne del. 89

90 Magnolia grandifloras hvide blomster. Villa Cipressi og den tilhørende terrassehaves historie går tilbage til tallet, hvor villaen blev bygget af familien Serponti. Siden skiftede den ejere flere gange og tjente i perioder som hotel, indtil den i 1980 blev købt af indbyggere og venner af Varenna, som ønskede at sikre den til gavn og brug for offentligheden. Villaen har i samspil med nabovillaen Villa Monastero siden været benyttet som hotel og kultur- og konferencecenter. Haven er anlagt i terrasser, der går fra villaen ned mod søen. Smalle stier gennemløber hver terrasse, kantet af palmer, agave og kaskader af nerier, som flere steder vælder ud over terrassernes stejle kanter. Det er en blomsterrig, duftende og intim have, som åbenbarer sig lidt ad gangen i mindre sekvenser og som overalt drager udsigten med ind i billedet både i lange kig, der styres mod udvalgte punkter og i de åbne udsigtssteder rundt omkring. Ud over de stejle terrasseanlæg rummer haven desuden et åbent fladt parti, anlagt i engelsk landskabshavestil med græsplæne og fritstående træer blandt andet et imponerende magnolietræ i en størrelse, som vi ikke kender på vores køligere breddegrader. Det milde søklima byder i det hele taget på fine vækstbetingelser, også for planter, der normalt trives under varmere himmelstrøg, og haven rummer således en samling af 50 forskellige eksotiske træer, buske og blomster. Alle forsynet med skilte, der angiver navn, slægt, oprindelsessted og blomstringsperiode. Hotel Villa Cipressi, Via IV Novembre 18, Varenna. Lago di Como. Ramo di Lecco, tlf villacipressi@libero.it. Web: Andre haver ved Comosøen Bådforbindelserne mellem byerne langs Comosøen er fine og bl.a. fra Varenna kan der sejles til de øvrige villaer og haver i området. Desuden går der taxabåde på søen. Se bl.a. disse: Villa Carlotta: Denne berømte villa og have har sit eget stop på bådruterne. Via Regina 2, Tremezzo. Tlf Villa Balbianello: Ligger spektakulært placeret på en halvø i søen. Via Comoedia, Lenno, Como. Rutebåden lægger til i Lenno meter derfra. Villa Serbelloni: I Bellagio, ligger 600 meter fra havnen. Yderligere information tlf Villa Melzi: Ligger også i Bellagio, 800 meter fra havnen. Yderligere information tlf

91 Jungle raider park op i træerne! Civenna (Bellagio) JUNGLERAIDERPARK is an adventure park built in the trees of a conifer forest in Civenna, 15 km from Bellagio, near the springs of the Lambro River. JRP consists of various obstacle courses up in the air going from logs to gangways to Nepalese bridges to lianas that connect tree to tree. The innovative paradigm of this park is that it offers you a new way of spending some time in the open air, combining fun and physical exercise with nature. It' s the kind of activity that requires concentration, teaches you movement coordination, stimulates your bravery and strengthens group spirit. This activity is suitable for all and requires no special athletic preparation. Prices 91

92 Se også: Turist ved Como søen Paths and Mountain Biking The park consists of 4 paths of varying skill levels. The levels change according to the paths height from the ground and the type of path connecting tree to tree. After being equipped with you harness, helmet and gloves by your instructor you will be transferred to a Briefing area where you will attend a demo and where you can gain familiarity with 4 try-out routes. Now you're ready for some adventure! Crossing the paths is done fully on your own under constant supervision from below by the instructors. Il AIR PATH, for kids 120cm and taller, this path requires very little effort. Smaller kids will need to be accompanied by adults. The path reaches 3 metres in height max. There are 18 obstacles. Il WIND PATH, for youth 140 cm and taller, this is somewhat demanding at times. The maximum height of the platforms is 8 metres and there are 15 obstacles. Il TORNADO PATH, for youth and adults 160cm and taller, this path is demanding. Platforms reach 15 metres in height and there are 15 obstacles to perform. IL HURRICANE PATH, for youth and adults 160cm and taller, this path is very demanding. platforms reach 15 metres in height and there are 10 obstacles to perform. Safety The Obstacle course safety is guaranteed by alpine harnesses secured by 2 carabiners, one of which is always attached to a steel rope that covers the whole route. Trees are also padded for safety. All participants are equipped with gloves. All equipment and material are CE certified and are checked daily by our staff. Mountain biking It is also possible to rent mountain bikes at our park. The wonderful surroundings offer the chance for some beautiful bike trips. There are 4 paths from 2 to 30km in length, all properly marked with arrows.upon booking it is possible to have a guide at one's disposal, who will escort you through hidden paths and will show you the most fascinating spots of the area. Jungle raider park op i træerne! Borno (Sondrio-området) 92

93 Adventureland og vandland udendørs (ved Milano) dag og aften Via Verdi INZAGO (MI) Info line 02/ Ristorante Dinner&Lunch 02/ Info privèe 335/

94 Aquaneva Archeopark Center park Cowboyland Cupole village Gardaland Waterpark (ex Aquatica) Greenland Jungle Raider Park - Civenna Jungle Raider Park - Vezza D'Oglio Le Cornelle Le Ninfee Le Vele Lodisplash Luna EuroPark idroscalo Minitalia Leolandia (ex Fantasy World) Ondasplash Parco della preistoria Parco Ittico Play Planet Bungee Jumping - Val Verzasca Eye Bungee Jump at Verzasca Dam is the highest Bungee Jump in the world from a permanent structure. The free fall is 220m (722 feet) and it takes only 7.5 seconds to come down at a speed of 120 kmph. The Dam is in located at the beginning of the Verzasca Valley in Tessin the southernmost canton of Switzerland. James Bond jumped from this dam in the Blockbuster movie Golden Eye, after that it is popularly known as Golden Eye Bungee Jump. 109 km fra Gera Lario about 2 hours 12 mins 94

95 Øvrige events kan ses på nettet se her: hvis man er frisk på at læse lidt Italiensk. Man kan søge på bestemte måneder og event-typer. Sport Leje båd and COMOLAKEBOATS - Rent Boats & Services C/O Circolo Vela Canottieri Domaso - Via Antica Regina DOMASO (CO) BOAT RENTAL ON LAKE COMO: DISCOVER THE OPPORTUNITIES! Are you planning on renting a boat in order to enjoy the extraordinary beauty the Lake Como has to offer or do you want to go for an indisturbed swim in the middle of the lake, but don't know how or where to go? Then you've come to the right place. Comolakeboats has rubber dinghies and speedboats to rent and offers the possibility to water ski or go wakeboarding with our skipper. Comolakeboats is the rental branch of Circolo Vela Canottieri Domaso, situated on the provincial road 300 meters north of Domaso center. Our speed boats are of the newest generation and CEE certified, complete with all the required safety equipment. Fitted with 4 gear motors, our boats offer the best in terms of power, confort, reliability, amusement and respect for the environment. Upon request, Comolakeboats can also offer the following services: mooring, boat crane, transport, maintenance of sail and motor boats and offers consultancy for the purchasing of boats. USE OUR RESERVATION SYSTEM! All our speedboats can be easily reserved through our online reservation module (credit card payment Boat Rental Service - Prices in Euro Rubber Dinghy Gran Turismo 510 Selva Open Line D560 Gran Turismo 620 Deposit cache - credit card 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 6 hours 100,00 45,00 55,00 75,00 90,00 120,00 8 hours 3 days 6 days 150,00 70,00 80,00 100,00 120,00 150,00 180,00 500,00 900,00 150,00 75,00 90,00 110,00 130,00 170,00 200,00 650, ,00 200,00 120,00 150,00 180,00 235,00 280,00 750, ,00 Fuel incl Fuel excl. Fuel excl. Fuel excl. Fuel excl. Fuel excl. Fuel excl. Fuel excl. Vandski Domaso and

96 COMOLAKEBOATS - Rent Boats & Services C/O Circolo Vela Canottieri Domaso - Via Antica Regina DOMASO (CO) Waterskiing - Wakeboarding PRICES: 1 minute 30 minutes 1 hour Waterskiing Euro 2,00 Euro 55 Euro 105 Wakeboard Euro 1,80 Euro 50 Euro 98 CONDITIONS: Instructor Lessons Ski and wakeboard rental, wetsuit and life vest included Ridning Golf Sondrio Madesimo Menaggio La Pinetina mellem Como og Milano 96

97 Le Robinie mellem Como og Milano Monticello mellem Como og Milano Villa D Este Como Italiens største golfbane 12 km syd for Como Svømning: Badning i søen, swimningspools(indendørs, udendørs) Indendørs 7,2 km fra Cernobbio California Aqua & Wellness Giorno dalle alle Lunedì :00 97

98 Martedì :00 Mercoledì :00 Giovedì :00 Venerdì :00 Sabato 09:00 20:00 Domenica 09:00 20:00 Festivi 09:00 20:00 Adresse: Via San Gottardo, Balerna - Svizzera Udendørs vandland ACQUASPLASH FRANCIACORTA Via G. Dalla Chiesa, CORTEFRANCA (BRESCIA) km fra Montemezzo Bormio varme gamle bade, massage osv. The Bagni di Bormio Spa Resort is found in Stelvio s National Park, 3 km from Bormio, 35 Km from Livigno and 18 km from the Stelvio Pass, in the Alta Valtellina ski area that will host the World Alpine Ski Championships in a 30-meter y-shaped tunnel dug into the mountain, debouching into a natural steam room on one side and a channel full of very hot (46 Celsius) water on the other 98

99 pools with hot waterfalls - natural massage! mud baths steam rooms and saunas Turist ved Como søen an outdoor hot water pool with a view of the mountains all around Caveat: The Bagni Vecchi are closed in May, and in the summer the water is not nearly so warm - for some odd geothermal reason, when the ground freezes, the water gets hotter. Best and least crowded times to go are probably November before the ski season really gets underway, and March/April when the season is ending. Windsurfing Se følgende hjemmesider (det er muligt at tage et kursus) Kitesurfing Ski Madesimo ca 51,1 km ca. 1 time 11 min. Man kan også køre til CAMPODOLCINO, parkere her og tage en hurtiglift op til skiområdet, der er 44 km og det tager ca 1 time. Bormio Ca 115 km ca. 2 timer 14 min Skiing in Bormio. - You will be driven after breakfast for a full day skiing in Bormio. - Dinner back at hotel. The slopes "Valbella" and "Betulle" enjoy a great reputation among those who prefer difficult slopes. All those who prefer to take it easy and enjoy the scenery while skiing will find wonderful slopes on the "Bimbi al sole". Click picture for images of a great ski 99

100 experience. St. Moritz Ca 80,2 km ca. 1 time 38 min. St. Moritz - Corviglia, Corvatsch, Diavolezza are synonymous with breathtaking and unforgettable skiing experiences. 60 modern transportation facilities open up on 350 km of snow covered runs at altitudes from 1800 to 3300 meters above sea level. You, too, are bound to find your favourite mountain here! Click picture for images of a great ski experience. Livigno Ca 124 km ca. 2 timer 21 min. Livigno, is known as the "Small Tibet" of Italy, and because of its cold and dry climate it's one of the most important ski resorts in the Alps. This 14 km long valley is located between the valleys Engadina (in Switzerland) and Alta Valtellina (in Italy). High with a sunny position, the snow is insured from December to March. Click picture for images of a great ski experience. Santa Caterina With 1000m of vertical above, it's not surprising that Santa Caterina has a long association with international ski racing and that it was venue for the Bormio Alpine World Championships in Ski lifts that go to an altitude of 2700 metres with slopes always perfectly covered in snow, thanks also to a modern programmed snow installation system skiing can be assured from December to April. 100

101 Click picture for images of a great ski experience. Aprica 80,4 km ca. 1 time 40 min. Aprica is situated in Valtellina, the most northerly of Lombardy's provinces. It lies on the mountain pass of Aprica, a splendid natural plateau between imposing mountain ranges, at a height of 1181m. The ski slopes are at altitudes between 1,200 and 2,300 metres, allowing you to descend directly from the top of the mountain to the skiing grounds in Aprica. Valmalenco 63,3 km ca. 1 time 22 min Thanks to its geographical position Valmalenco is always covered in snow from December to April. The equipment is top level and the great number of ski slopes is served by a close network of ski lifts, with the modern "Snow Eagle" cable-way that, in a few minutes takes you from Chiesa to the ski-area of Alpe Palù, at a height of 2080 mt. It is the largest cable-car in the world carrying 160 people. Passo dello Stelvio - Glacier summerski Ca 135 km ca. 2 timer 33 min Summer ski break in Italy on a breathtaking 2784m high mountain glacier Summer Glacier Ski Break See and try skiing on one of Europe's highest glaciers deep into the Italian Alps. This offers a truly unique experience for those of you who'd like a second ski holiday without missing out on the summer sun. Ski, relax and sunbathe on the 'top of the world' with Italian cuisine, swimming pool and health centre included. With its 2,760 3,450 metres of altitude, the Passo dello Stelvio, the highest in Europe, links the Alta Valtellina to Alto Adige. Passo dello Stelvio is possibly the greatest summer ski resort in Europe. Here skiing seems quite amazing: in fact, you ski from the end of May till November while the Pass is closed in the winter season, because of the bad weather and the impassable road. The total kilometres of tracks are 30, 15 of which are for beginners and 15 have a medium difficulty level, and a total of 10 ski lifts. Cross-country ski can be practised in the 12 kilometres of tracks, divided into 3 different tracks, one of them directly at the top of the pass, the other two in the centre of the glacier skiing area. One of them is the very strenuous glacier-track, called pista fondo cristallo where especially crosscountry champions, like Johann Mühlegg etc., extend their physical endurance at over 3000 m. View more photos of a great ski experience. on the glacier you can ski during summer season, from June to October. The glacier is situated at an altitude from 2760m to 3450m, being the highest summer ski area in Italy. Alpine skiing, snowboarding and cross-country - winter sports in the summer! Swim and turkish bath, evening of Italian cuisine. Ortles summerski Ca 165 km ca. 3 timer 8 min 20 km of slopes among Ortles-Cevedales and Cristallo mountains, at 3000 meters of height, on the glacier near the biggest Pass of Europe; here is where the ancient and well-tested tradition of international summer skiing was born. The Stelvio Pass, crossroads of different cultures and histories, today is a big school of summer skiing and is the favourite location of big competitive teams from all over the world. Here, every year, thousands of colts face in a special kermesse named Ghiaccissimo With its lift system able to carry 9000 people an hour, working from May to November, with 1400 bedspaces, the Stelvio Pass is not only one of the most important summer ski resorts but it is also an important destination for summer tourists which can take part in a lot of events. There is the Re Stelvio, if you want to follow Fausto Coppi s footsteps and you love climbing; there is the international motorcycle rally with more than 6000 racers coming from all around Europe; and there is the vintage car rally on the road which from 1825 is connecting Tirolo and Lombardia. View more photos of a great ski experience. 101

102 caspoggio valmalenco pescegallo - valgerola Lystfiskeri Fishing Forecast for Lake Como (DE): SPORT FISHING Smalls lake with paying entrance, where the fishing licence is not required Bellagio: A fishing holiday on Lake Como from Bellagio Bellagio Apartments and SILVIO s since 1919 Family Inn and Restaurant in Bellagio are proud to offer the fascinating experience of Fishing and Tourism: a unique opportunity to come into direct contact with nature while vacationing on Lake Como. What is a fishing holiday Tourists may enjoy learning about the equipment and techniques used during the fishing and processing stages of professional Lake fishing. On board of the Ottavina, a big, new fishing boat, Guests are invited to take an active part in catching fish participating side by side with two expert, professional fishermen on Lake Como: Silvio and Cristian Ponzini, father and son. Guests have the chance of observing, every step of the way, how the delicious fish they ll be served on their plate at SILVIO s is actually caught. Thanks to the sensitivity, responsiveness and hospitality carried out by professional fishermen, each Guest will experience, first hand, the daily lifestyle of a professional fisherman: shaping his own biorhythms according to Nature s and Lake s, waiting, hours when necessary, for the right time to fish. Silvio and Cristian will show how to use aquedo, a special fishing net 220 meters long and 30 meters wide, which will be set into the Lake so to surround the fishing boat. Aquedo is very peculiar as it is equipped for night fishing with a special underwater fishing light. It is the light source, weather and currents permitting, which attracts and summons tasty fish around the fishing boat. If Silvio and Cristian are particularly lucky Guests will have the chance of see and catch the Queen of the Lake : big lake trout. Should you consider a fishing holiday too demanding, Silvio and Cristian will be happy to arrange you a fishing tour. What is a fishing tour A fishing tour is recreational tourism which combines fishing with safeguarding and introducing Tourists to the local, surrounding, culture and tradition. By using the best boats, Guests will be ready to admire the beauty of the Lake directly from the water s surface. True fans of sport fishing may have a wonderful time in Silvio and Cristian s private fishing reserve on board of a magnificent fishing boat onto your disposal. SILVIO s Restaurant qualified staff will be happy to guide you around the kitchen of the Restaurant and reveal the secrets of the preparation of the very fish you caught. Silvio, Cristian and the rest of the family look forward to welcoming you on board of the Ottavina or, more comfortably, on the terrace of SILVIO s Restaurant, for you to sample and enjoy really fresh fish dishes from the Lake. Warmest Regards Silvio, Cristian, Elena and Giuliana Ponzini CIRCOLO LA GERETTA Via Cascina Gera, 5 - Eupilio - Tel Trout breeding - Sport fishing -Two fishing lakes, one of about nighty thousands square meters with a maximum depth of 22 meters (venue of the first Italian Lake Trout Championship, 1994); the other one of about twentyfive thousands square meters, less deep. Both have gravely bottoms (ex open quarry), and both are characterised by a strong change of sping water that allows trouts and chars fishing even in the depths of summer. Besides, it is possible to fish perchs, pikes, carps, and sturgeons. PESCASPORT CARPANEA Via A. Magni (Statale Como-Bergamo) - Inverigo - Tel Sport fishing - Fresh trouts retail. LAGHI VERDI - PESCA SPORTIVA Via Fornacette - Romanò di Inverigo - Tel CIRA' G. Via Vittorio Veneto, 9 - Villaguardia - Tel

103 Tennis Turist ved Como søen Der kan lejes en tennisbane I Gera Lario I kiosken overfor tennisbanen Klatring trekking 103

104 Vandreture i området Pian di Spagna (ved Sorico) 10,3 km Percorso: Un balcone sul Pian di Spagna (Anello Sorico/Sasso di Dascio) Lunghezza: 10,3 km Dislivello: 120 m Periodo consigliato: Percorso praticabile tutto l'anno Partenza e Arrivo: Sorico, piazza Cesare Battisti La passeggiata parte dalla piazza Cesare Battisti di Sorico, di fronte al municipio. Dirigersi verso l'uscita della piazza, attraversare la strada e proseguire a destra in salita sulla stradina in asfalto rosso parallela alla statale; attraversare il ponticello pedonale sul torrente di Sorico e svoltare a sinistra sull'acciottolato di via Antica Regina. Dopo avere superato il secondo ponticello pedonale sul torrente San Miro imboccare subito a sinistra la mulattiera in salita che parte ai piedi della torre di Sorico e si inoltra 104

105 nel bosco; dietro la torre, riparata da un grosso masso, si può osservare la grotta, ora ridotta a edicola, dove nel 1381 morì San Miro. Più avanti la strada spiana leggermente per poi riprendere in salita sino a giungere, dopo due tornanti, davanti alla fonte di San Miro, un'elegante edicola ornata con da marmi e lapidi, posta a riparo della piccola vasca d acqua perenne fatta scaturire secondo la tradizione dal santo eremita. Un ultimo tratto di salita sulla mulattiera e si arriva finalmente sul sagrato della chiesa di S. Miro, dal quale si gode una vista stupenda sul primo tratto del lago di Como. Se si è fortunati può capitare che la chiesa sia aperta e quindi si può rendere omaggio all urna che contiene le reliquie del santo e ammirare gli affreschi che decorano il santuario, altrimenti si deve proseguire sul sentiero dietro la chiesa. Un tratto in salita porta alla frazione di Corzone dove, tra le case ormai disabitate, spicca un sasso scavato che serviva come torchio per l uva. Inizia ora un tratto in leggera discesa che porta sino alle case della frazione Masina, dove la mulattiera termina davanti alla strada asfaltata che porta alla frazione di Albonico. Continuare a sinistra percorrendo la strada asfaltata per circa 700 m; dopo un tratto in discesa dove sulla destra si nota una strana cabina elettrica, deviare a destra abbandonando l asfalto per trovare la mulattiera che si inoltra nel bosco sino a sbucare, dopo circa 1,6 km, a Dasciosul tornante di via Bruga. Proseguire a sinistra in salita: l asfalto termina e inizia un nuovo tratto di mulattiera in salita che porta sino al sasso di Dascio, punto panoramico sul Pian di Spagna. Una cappellina eretta dagli alpini, una fontana, delle panchine, dei pannelli illustrativi sulla zona aiutano il riposo e la conoscenza del luogo. La mulattiera prosegue verso Albonico e San Fedelino ma a noi non interessa: ripercorrere a ritroso la strada dell andata, appena terminato l'acciottolato oltrepassare il ponticello sul torrente e deviare subito dopo a sinistra seguendo il sentiero che corre parallelo all argine del corso d'acqua sino a ritrovare la strada asfaltata. A questo punto raggiungere la chiesetta di San Biagio un poco più sotto, attraversare la strada e percorrere verso destra la passeggiata sul lungolago di Dascio. Giunti al parco giochi riprendere la strada asfaltata parallela al fiume Mera sino al Ponte del Passo. Poco prima del ponte si può notare la cappella campestre dedicata alle anime purganti in preghiera sotto l'affresco del 1714 che ricorda il miracolo del Crocifisso a Como. Sulla sponda opposta del fiume si vede ancora il muraglione che sosteneva il primitivo ponte del Passo costruito verso il 1863 (il ponte attuale fu realizzato nel 1939). Sino al 1858, quando il corso venne deviato sull attuale canale artificiale, il fiume Adda sfociava qui le sue acque nel lago di Como. La strada si innesta sul curvone della SS340; proseguire in direzione Sorico e, all'altezza del bar "Il Torchio", attraversare la strada per immettersi sulla pista ciclo pedonale che costeggia il fiume Mera. Al termine dello sterrato svoltare a sinistra percorrendo in salita la via don A. Pasini; dopo il cimitero a sinistra, oltrepassare il ponticello sul torrente di Sorico e, dopo la discesa, prima a destra in via Torre e poi a sinistra per tornare in piazza Cesare Battisti. Nota Bene: L'associazione PEDALEGGIANDO declina qualsiasi responsabilità di qualsiasi natura per eventuali danni a cose o a persone che si dovessero verificare sul percorso segnalato nella presente descrizione. 105

106 SCARICA LA MAPPA (jpeg, 733 KB) 106

107 Anello Sorico/ San Miro 3,4 km Percorso: Sulle orme dell' Eremita (Anello Sorico/San Miro) Lunghezza: 3,4 km Dislivello: 165 m Periodo consigliato: Percorso praticabile tutto l'anno Partenza e Arrivo: Sorico, piazza Cesare Battisti La passeggiata parte dalla piazza Cesare Battisti di Sorico, di fronte al municipio. Dirigersi verso l'uscita della piazza, attraversare la strada e proseguire a destra in salita sulla stradina in asfalto rosso parallela alla statale; attraversare il ponticello pedonale sul torrente di Sorico e svoltare a sinistra sull'acciottolato di via Antica Regina. Dopo avere superato il secondo ponticello pedonale sul torrente San Miro imboccare subito a sinistra la mulattiera in salita che parte ai piedi della torre di Sorico e si inoltra nel bosco; dietro la torre, riparata da un grosso masso, si può osservare la grotta, ora ridotta a edicola, dove nel 1381 morì San Miro. Più avanti la strada spiana leggermente per poi riprendere in salita sino a giungere, dopo due tornanti, davanti alla fonte di San Miro, un'elegante edicola ornata con marmi e lapidi, posta a riparo della piccola vasca d'acqua perenne fatta scaturire secondo la tradizione dal santo eremita. Un ultimo tratto di salita sulla mulattiera e si arriva, preceduti da un portico che ne chiude l'ingresso, sul sagrato della chiesa di San Miro, dal quale si gode una vista stupenda sul primo tratto del lago di Como. Se si è fortunati può capitare che la chiesa sia aperta e quindi si può rendere omaggio all'urna che contiene le reliquie del santo e ammirare i bellissimi affreschi del sec. XV-XVI, una campagna decorativa a firma Sigismondo de Magistris (1526) e una pala d'altare del Fiammenghino che decorano il santuario; se la chiesa è chiusa proseguire subito sul sentiero dietro l'edificio. 107

108 Un tratto in salita porta alla frazione di Corzone dove, tra le case ormai disabitate, spicca un sasso scavato che serviva come torchio per l'uva. Inizia ora un tratto in leggera discesa che porta sino alle case della frazione Masina, dove la mulattiera termina davanti alla strada asfaltata che porta alla frazione di Albonico. Continuare a destra sulla strada asfaltata in discesa superando alcuni tornanti sino a trovare sulla destra della strada la mulattiera (cartello via Palate) che, chiudendo l'anello, riporta sotto la torre di Sorico. A questo punto ritornare in piazza Cesare Battisti percorrendo a ritroso la prima parte del percorso. Nota Bene: L'associazione PEDALEGGIANDO declina qualsiasi responsabilità di qualsiasi natura per eventuali danni a cose o a persone che si dovessero verificare sul percorso segnalato nella presente descrizione. SCARICA LA MAPPA (jpeg, 902 KB) 108

109 Anello Sorico/Montemezzo 5 km Percorso: Antiche Mulattiere (Anello Sorico/Montemezzo) Lunghezza: 5 km Dislivello: 270 m Periodo consigliato: Percorso praticabile tutto l'anno Partenza e Arrivo: Sorico, piazza Cesare Battisti La passeggiata parte dalla piazza Cesare Battisti di Sorico, di fronte al municipio. Dirigersi verso l'uscita della piazza e attraversare la strada per arrivare subito davanti alla chiesa parrocchiale di Santo Stefano, costruita nel 1444 e giunta ai giorni nostri nel rifacimento barocco operato dalla famiglia Giulini nel 1703 mantenendo le originali absidi, il portale, parte della muratura perimetrale e la grande torre campanaria. Uscendo dal sagrato una stradina col fondo in autobloccanti che passa dietro la chiesa porta in via Roma e, dopo 100 m in leggera salita, alla mulattiera in via Piana (a destra sul bivio); nulla lascia supporre che, sino al XVII secolo, in questo luogo sorgeva un monastero dell ordine degli Umiliati con la chiesetta romanica di Sant' Orsola. Spadsereturen starter ved torvet Cesare Battisti (kirke) I Sorico, foran rådhuset. Gå hen imod udgangen af torvet og kryds vejen for at nå frem til forsiden af sognekirken Santo Stefano, bygget 1444 og tilføjet barok udsmykning udført af familien Giulini i 1703, dog er bevaret den originale apsis, portalen, dele af den yderste mur og det store klokketårn. Gå ud fra sakrastiet(?) til enden af en lille bilfri vej som passerer i retning af kirkedøren i via Roma, og, efter 100 m s bestigning på muldyrsstien er du på Via Piana (til højre for korsvejen);???, siden 17. Årh. har der på dette sted været et kloster af Umiliati ordenen med en lille romantisk kirke Sant Orsola. La mulattiera si inerpica sul lato sud del colle San Giorgio (sulla cui sommità si trovavano un castello di origine longobarda e una chiesa, ora completamente distrutti) sino a giungere alla frazione ormai abbandonata di Piazzo, preceduta da un poggio panoramico sotto il quale parte la cascata del torrente di Sorico. Da notare, inglobato nel muro a sinistra prima del poggio, un'antica "pila", sasso scavato che si adoperava per pestare le granaglie. La mulattiera spiana sino ad incontrare il ponte in ferro e legno che permette di attraversare il torrente; proseguire a destra nel bosco e, al bivio di fronte ad un rubinetto tra alcuni ruderi, a sinistra sino a giungere a Dolo. Muldyrstien kravler op ved siden af bakken San Giogio(på toppen af denne bakke fandt man et slot af longobardisk oprindelse og en kirke,men nu fuldstændig ødelagt) indtil den når en fraktion en forsømt (øde) Piazzo, lige før en forhøjning hvor der neden for er en panoramisk vandfald(bæk?) i Sorico. Bemærk de opslugte mure til venstre for bakken, en gammel stabel, udgravede sten som har været anvendt til at male korn på. Muldyrstien fortsætter indtil den støder på en bro lavet af jern og træ så man kan krydse bækken; fortsæt til højre for skoven og, i forgreningen med fronten mod en vandhaneruin, til venstre indtil vi kommer til Dolo. 109

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Grand Hotel Bernardin Grand Hotel Bernardin Velkommen til Grand Hotel Bernardin! Introduktion På den slovenske sydvestkyst finder I en oase af velvære, fantastisk natur og spændende mad. Med udsigt over Middelhavet har Grand

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Vores mange brugere på musskema.dk er rigtig gode til at komme med kvalificerede ønsker og behov.

Vores mange brugere på musskema.dk er rigtig gode til at komme med kvalificerede ønsker og behov. På dansk/in Danish: Aarhus d. 10. januar 2013/ the 10 th of January 2013 Kære alle Chefer i MUS-regi! Vores mange brugere på musskema.dk er rigtig gode til at komme med kvalificerede ønsker og behov. Og

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Familieferie i Orlando, Florida

Familieferie i Orlando, Florida Familieferie i Orlando, Florida Tag på en herlig familieferie i Florida i Orlando, hvor oplevelser for såvel store som små nærmest står i kø for at blive opdaget. Lige fra de mange fantastiske forlystelsesparker

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Best Western Hotel Bremen East

Best Western Hotel Bremen East Best Western Hotel Bremen East Velkommen til Best Western Hotel Bremen East! Introduktion Hotellet ligger i rolige omgivelser, tæt på grønne områder. Fra hotellet tager det blot 15 minutter med bus ind

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Her er dit livs eventyr med din landevejsracer. Dig, din cykel, og dine bedste træningskammerater, altså om de tør!

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Velkommen til 71 Nyhavn Hotel Welcome to 71 Nyhavn Hotel

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Historie. Indhold. 1. 1 Historik 2. 2 Vinlove 3. 3 Druesorter 4. 4 Vinregioner - 4.1 Piemonte - 4.2 Veneto - 4.3 Toscana - 4.4 Det det sydlige Italien

Historie. Indhold. 1. 1 Historik 2. 2 Vinlove 3. 3 Druesorter 4. 4 Vinregioner - 4.1 Piemonte - 4.2 Veneto - 4.3 Toscana - 4.4 Det det sydlige Italien Historie Italien er verdens største vinproducent med ca. 5900 millioner l vin pr. år. Der produceres mest enkle bordvine, men andelen af højkvalitetsvine er øget betydeligt de senere år. Alle vintyper

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Udlandsrejse. Hardsyssel Efterskole. med. Rom. Playitas. Ardéche. Skitur

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Blomsten er rød (af Harry Chapin, oversat af Niels Hausgaard)

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 8

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Nyhedsmail, december 2013 (scroll down for English version)

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Digte Vinter 2006 af Tina Rye Hansen. Just a spoonful of sugar, makes the medicine go down

Digte Vinter 2006 af Tina Rye Hansen. Just a spoonful of sugar, makes the medicine go down Digte Vinter 2006 af Tina Rye Hansen Just a spoonful of sugar, makes the medicine go down... 1 Tvangsmedicineringens lange arm... 1 For the sake of being someone... 2 Steps away... 3 Tell me... 4 Darkness

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PIEMONDO Piemonte DOC Rosso 2015

PIEMONDO Piemonte DOC Rosso 2015 PIEMONDO Piemonte DOC Rosso 2015 Piemondo er en dejlig saftig og fyldig rødvin fra Piemonte i Norditalien. Vinen er produceret af 60% Barbera, 20% Nebbiolo og 20% Dolcetto. Vinmarkerne er beliggende omkring

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Omgivet af duftende grønne enge, bølgende bakker og imponerende bjerge ligger Hotel Bavaria tæt ved Bodensee i Sydtyskland.

Omgivet af duftende grønne enge, bølgende bakker og imponerende bjerge ligger Hotel Bavaria tæt ved Bodensee i Sydtyskland. Hotel Bavaria Omgivet af duftende grønne enge, bølgende bakker og imponerende bjerge ligger Hotel Bavaria tæt ved Bodensee i Sydtyskland. Introduktion Omgivet af duftende grønne enge, bølgende bakker og

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Managing stakeholders on major projects. - Learnings from Odense Letbane. Benthe Vestergård Communication director Odense Letbane P/S

Managing stakeholders on major projects. - Learnings from Odense Letbane. Benthe Vestergård Communication director Odense Letbane P/S Managing stakeholders on major projects - Learnings from Odense Letbane Benthe Vestergård Communication director Odense Letbane P/S Light Rail Day, Bergen 15 November 2016 Slide om Odense Nedenstående

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Kom med til Bergamo Historic Grand Prix 2018

Kom med til Bergamo Historic Grand Prix 2018 Kom med til Bergamo Historic Grand Prix 2018 Historisk motorløb, Alfa Romeo museum, vinsmagning, fantastiske restauranter- en fantastisk by fra det 15. århundrede byder velkommen den 24. maj 29. maj 2018.

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Perfekt beliggenhed i Jylland tæt ved mange spændende seværdigheder. Zleep Hotel Kolding. Introduktion. Hotellet tilbyder

Perfekt beliggenhed i Jylland tæt ved mange spændende seværdigheder. Zleep Hotel Kolding. Introduktion. Hotellet tilbyder Zleep Hotel Kolding Introduktion Tag på ferie på Zleep Hotel Kolding og bo centralt i Danmark. Hotellet er lyst og hyggeligt indrettet, og ligger centralt i Kolding. Oplev designbyen Kolding eller tag

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Livsnyderrejse til Rom den 10. 13. december 2015... Torsdag:

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Tag på en storslået cykeloplevelse rundt om Korsikas nordø med cykelguide og oplev det utroligt smukke og bjergrige landskab.

Tag på en storslået cykeloplevelse rundt om Korsikas nordø med cykelguide og oplev det utroligt smukke og bjergrige landskab. MOTIONSCYKELFERIE PÅ KORSIKA KORSIKA NORDØEN RUNDT Tag på en storslået cykeloplevelse rundt om Korsikas nordø med cykelguide og oplev det utroligt smukke og bjergrige landskab. Det kan du glæde dig til

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Toscana - Flyv på busrejse

Toscana - Flyv på busrejse Toscana - Flyv på busrejse Afrejse: Hjemkomst: Varighed: Afrejse fra (Fly): Pris fra: 21.07.2020 28.07.2020 5.845,- Højdepunkter Direkte fly til Firenze Cypresser og olivenlunde Det Skæve Tårn i Pisa Hyggelige

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Nyhedsbrev. Streams of culture. Tredje projektmøde. Rio Maior I uge 17 deltog vi i det tredje møde omkring vores projekt

Nyhedsbrev. Streams of culture. Tredje projektmøde. Rio Maior I uge 17 deltog vi i det tredje møde omkring vores projekt S K O LEN V E D B Ü L OW S V E J Nyhedsbrev A P R I L 2 0 1 1 Streams of Culture Tredje projektmøde I N D H O L D : Rio Maior Referat fra mødet i Rio Maior Resultater og produkter Regional præsentation

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BENNS Lægårdvej 86 7500 Holstebro Danmark Tlf. +45 65 65 65 65

BENNS Lægårdvej 86 7500 Holstebro Danmark Tlf. +45 65 65 65 65 New South Wales i autocamper 16 dage fra 11.698 kr pr. person når 2 voksne og 2 børn rejser sammen Bag vinmarker og kystbyer Denne korte tur tager jer med gennem det bedste af New South Wales. Med udgangspunkt

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Toscana - Flyv på busrejse

Toscana - Flyv på busrejse Toscana - Flyv på busrejse Afrejse: Hjemkomst: Varighed: Afrejse fra (Fly): Pris fra: 5.995,- Højdepunkter Direkte fly til Firenze Cypresser og olivenlunde Det Skæve Tårn i Pisa Hyggelige middelalderbyer

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INGEN HASTVÆRK! NO RUSH! INGEN HASTVÆRK! NO RUSH! Keld Jensen Nr. 52, december 2018 No. 52, December 2018 Ingen hastværk! Vær nu helt ærlig! Hvornår har du sidst opholdt dig længere tid et sted i naturen? Uden hastværk. Uden unødvendig

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Khanom en af Thailands mest velbevarede hemmeligheder

Khanom en af Thailands mest velbevarede hemmeligheder Khanom en af Thailands mest velbevarede hemmeligheder Nyd Khanoms rolige og betagende kyst i det sydlige Thailand, der endnu ikke er en udpræget turistdestination. Distriktet er en uspoleret oase for natur-

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MOSEL & RHINEN 6 dages busrejse i 2017 til Rüdesheim, Bernkastel-Kues og Altenahr.

MOSEL & RHINEN 6 dages busrejse i 2017 til Rüdesheim, Bernkastel-Kues og Altenahr. MOSEL & RHINEN 6 dages busrejse i 2017 til Rüdesheim, Bernkastel-Kues og Altenahr. AFREJSE søndag den 24. september 2017 fra Horsens, Vejle og Kolding m.v. PRIS KR. 3900,- pr. person inklusive halvpension.

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New York og Oahu, Hawaii

New York og Oahu, Hawaii New York og Oahu, Hawaii Kombiner den pulserende storby New York med Stillehavets perle Honolulu. New York City er en hel verden i sig selv - uanse om du er til kunst, filmpremierer, exentriske natklubber,

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firsttimers travel guide NEW YORK

firsttimers travel guide NEW YORK firsttimers travel guide NEW YORK PARKER & MUSEER Central Park High Line 2 Den 3,5 km store park midt på Manhattan er en fredfyldt oase i storbyen - og et must at besøge, når man er i New York. I parken

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Hotel Praha. Aktiv ferie ved Erzgebirge bjergkæden på grænsen mellem Tyskland og Tjekkiet. Hotel Praha. Introduktion

Hotel Praha. Aktiv ferie ved Erzgebirge bjergkæden på grænsen mellem Tyskland og Tjekkiet. Hotel Praha. Introduktion Hotel Praha Hotel Praha Introduktion Hotel Praha, som ligger i den lille hyggelige landsby Boží Dar, er indrettet i en charmerende bygning og her vil I opleve en varm og hyggelig atmosfære. Hotellet ligger

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Postillion Hotel Dordrecht

Postillion Hotel Dordrecht Postillion Hotel Dordrecht Postillion Hotel Dordrecht har en rolig beliggenhed i udkanten af den hyggelige kanalby Dordrecht. Introduktion I mellem Rotterdam og Breda i den smukke og historiske by Dordrecht,

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Eventuel framelding: Ved eventuel framelding er depositum tabt.

Eventuel framelding: Ved eventuel framelding er depositum tabt. Vin- og gourmetrejse/trøffelfest i Piemonte, Ligurien og Bardolino i Italien samt Franken i Tyskland. Fly ud/bus hjem 4/10-12/10 2013 Ordet Piemonte betyder ved bjergets fod. Her er tale om et dramatisk

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FLYER | 219 Vejle - Jelling - Givskud - Legoland - Randbøldal | HOP-ON HOP-OFF BUS | Sommerplan K19 | Sydtrafik | VEJLE KOMMUNE

FLYER | 219 Vejle - Jelling - Givskud - Legoland - Randbøldal | HOP-ON HOP-OFF BUS | Sommerplan K19 | Sydtrafik | VEJLE KOMMUNE HOP-ON HOP-OFF BUS TUREN GÅR til...... the BUS GOes to Hop på bussen og hop af lige ved de store seværdigheder eller i centrum af Vejle, hvor du kan shoppe, gå på opdagelse på et museum eller nyde en frokost.

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Rejseplan MC tur Det ukendte Spanien, Maj 2013.

Rejseplan MC tur Det ukendte Spanien, Maj 2013. Rejseplan MC tur Det ukendte Spanien, Maj 2013. Spaniens-kenderen Claus Berner gennemfører unik 7 dages MC tur i Midtspanien i maj 2013. MC Turen vil have et kulturelt og historisk islæt med besøg i en

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Hvor er mine runde hjørner?

Hvor er mine runde hjørner? Hvor er mine runde hjørner? Ofte møder vi fortvivlelse blandt kunder, når de ser deres nye flotte site i deres browser og indser, at det ser anderledes ud, i forhold til det design, de godkendte i starten

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Fire fantastiske strandvillaer 65 km. syd for Hua Hin.

Fire fantastiske strandvillaer 65 km. syd for Hua Hin. Fire fantastiske strandvillaer 65 km. syd for Hua Hin. The HideAway består af 4 luksus villaer, direkte på stranden, kun 45 min syd for Hua Hin, Thailand. Alle villaerne har egne swimmingpools, og direkte

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 7

Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 7 Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 7 English version further down Så var det omsider fiskevejr En af dem, der kom på vandet i en af hullerne, mellem den hårde vestenvind var Lejf K. Pedersen,

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2012

Trolling Master Bornholm 2012 Trolling Master Bornholm 1 (English version further down) Tak for denne gang Det var en fornøjelse især jo også fordi vejret var med os. Så heldig har vi aldrig været før. Vi skal evaluere 1, og I må meget

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Dybe bjergsøer, naturparker og norditaliensk charme. Hotel Linda. Hotellet tilbyder

Dybe bjergsøer, naturparker og norditaliensk charme. Hotel Linda. Hotellet tilbyder Hotel Linda Det kølige klima om sommeren og de milde vintre gør byen Borno og et ophold på Hotel Linda til et dejligt rejsemål i bjergene hele året rundt. I Borno er der lagt op til en begivenhedsrig ferie,

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ITALIEN - Toscana. 1 co'ensus VERDENSBOLIGER - Skelstedet 17-2950 Vedbæk - 70 26 11 55 - info@coensus.dk - www.coensus.dk

ITALIEN - Toscana. 1 co'ensus VERDENSBOLIGER - Skelstedet 17-2950 Vedbæk - 70 26 11 55 - info@coensus.dk - www.coensus.dk ITALIEN - Toscana Halvt dobbelt hus i smuk stenejendom typisk for Toscana - højt beliggende med en formidabel udsigt også fra poolen og den dejlige have! Huset der er flot istandsat er på ca. 130 m2 og

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2014

Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 Trolling Master Bornholm 2014 (English version further down) Ny præmie Trolling Master Bornholm fylder 10 år næste gang. Det betyder, at vi har fundet på en ny og ganske anderledes præmie. Den fisker,

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BENNS Lægårdvej 86 7500 Holstebro Danmark Tlf. +45 65 65 65 65

BENNS Lægårdvej 86 7500 Holstebro Danmark Tlf. +45 65 65 65 65 På opdagelse i Dansk Vestindien 10 dage fra kr. 16.498,- pr. person Inkl. fly, hotel m.m. Der er mange øer man kan vælge at besøge i det Caribiske hav, så hvorfor skal det så lige være Dansk Vestindien?

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Best Western Hotel Mannheim City Oplevelser i naturskønne omgivelser og blandt gamle middelalderlevn.

Best Western Hotel Mannheim City Oplevelser i naturskønne omgivelser og blandt gamle middelalderlevn. Best Western Hotel Mannheim City Hotellet ligger centralt i Mannheim. Introduktion Best Western Hotel Mannheim City ligger i gåafstand fra de fleste attraktioner i byen, hvor havnen, shoppingområdet og

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AGO Park Hotel Hamburg Fantastisk storbyferie i havnebyen Hamburg.

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Velkommen til Ferie Hotel Südharz.

Velkommen til Ferie Hotel Südharz. Ferien Hotel Südharz Velkommen til Ferie Hotel Südharz. Introduktion Bygningen, hvor hotellet er indrettet, har aner tilbage til 1900-tallet og indbyder til en hyggelig og charmerende atmosfære i grønne

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TILMELDING. På turen skal vi være sammen med Bitten Høgh, som bor og arbejder i Kunming.

TILMELDING. På turen skal vi være sammen med Bitten Høgh, som bor og arbejder i Kunming. KINA REJSE 2013 Tag med på en spændende og uforglemmelig rejse til YUNNAN PROVINSEN i det sydvestlige Kina fra den 20. juli til den 3. august 2013 Ved tilmelding senest den, 1. januar 2013 gives der kr.

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Volterra lang, cirkulær vandretur

Volterra lang, cirkulær vandretur Volterra lang, cirkulær vandretur Distance: 12 km Tid: Ca. 3 timer Dette er en længere vandretur fra Volterra, hvor man udforsker de etruskiske vægge og grave lige uden for de middelalderlige mure, og

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Skøn Penthouselejlighed med fantastisk udsigt i Kargicak ved Alanya

Skøn Penthouselejlighed med fantastisk udsigt i Kargicak ved Alanya N Ndr. Strandvej 119 G 3150 Hellebæk Danmark Skøn Penthouselejlighed med fantastisk udsigt i Kargicak ved Alanya Tel.: + 45 7021 0706 Fax: + 45 7021 0705 www.hexacon-realestate.dk 209.000 Euro N Ndr. Strandvej

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Boligsøgning / Search for accommodation!

Boligsøgning / Search for accommodation! Boligsøgning / Search for accommodation! For at guide dig frem til den rigtige vejledning, skal du lige svare på et par spørgsmål: To make sure you are using the correct guide for applying you must answer

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Toscana - Chiantivinens land

Toscana - Chiantivinens land Toscana - Chiantivinens land Afrejse: Hjemkomst: Varighed: Afrejse fra (Bus): Pris fra: 5.495,- Højdepunkter Rejsen over Alperne Middelalderbyen Lucca Torvet i Siena Firenze med lokalguide Montecatini

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Livsnyderrejse til Rom d. 13. - 17. maj 2016

Livsnyderrejse til Rom d. 13. - 17. maj 2016 Livsnyderrejse til Rom d. 13. - 17. maj 2016.. Fredag: Flyafgang fra Danmark: Vi flyver direkte til Rom. Der er planmæssig afgang kl. 10,20 fra København. Deltagere med provinstilslutning får direkte besked

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LUL s Flower Power Vest dansk version

LUL s Flower Power Vest dansk version LUL s Flower Power Vest dansk version Brug restgarn i bomuld, bomuld/acryl, uld etc. 170-220 m/50 g One size. Passer str S-M. Brug større hæklenål hvis der ønskes en større størrelse. Hæklenål 3½ mm. 12

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Alle kan deltage i kurset! Både begyndere, øvede og erfarne malere er meget velkomne. Der vil være tid til individuel hjælp og vejledning.

Alle kan deltage i kurset! Både begyndere, øvede og erfarne malere er meget velkomne. Der vil være tid til individuel hjælp og vejledning. Georgien (Malerejse) For rejselystne, som elsker at lære, opleve og skabe, lancerer Alt Rejser en grupperejse for kunstelskere vi kalder det et Art Trip. Dette Art Trip er et akvarelmalekursus på en spændende

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MARIAGERFJORD GOLFRESTAURANT - stedet hvor man hygger sig før og efter golfrunden

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Ta med på en uforglemmelig tennis- og kultur rejse til Budapest

Ta med på en uforglemmelig tennis- og kultur rejse til Budapest Vi gentager succesen for 4. gang Ta med på en uforglemmelig tennis- og kultur rejse til Budapest Udrejse 30. maj hjemrejse 6. juni 2017 Budapest er hovedstaden i Ungarn. Navnet er sammensat af navnene

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1 What is the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Russia? Write down three facts from his file.

1 What is the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Russia? Write down three facts from his file. Lee Harvey Oswald 1 Lee Harvey Oswald s profile Read Oswald s profile. Answer the questions. 1 What is the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Russia? Write down three facts from his file. 2 Oswald

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La Quiete Park Hotel Tag på sommerferie i den hyggelige ferieby Manerba del Garda ved Gardasøen

La Quiete Park Hotel Tag på sommerferie i den hyggelige ferieby Manerba del Garda ved Gardasøen La Quiete Park Hotel Quiete Park Hotel har en smuk beliggenhed ved den populære Gardasø i Norditalien. Her kan I benytte de 2 udendørs pools og nyde sommervarmen og en kølig drink i palmetræernes skygge.

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Rejsebrev 7. Efterår 2015.

Rejsebrev 7. Efterår 2015. Rejsebrev 7. Efterår 2015. Tirsdag den 20. oktober. Vi forlader campingpladsen i Cesenatico, og glemmer i skyndingen kilerne vi bruger under hjulene, hvis terrænet er ujævnt, og opdager det først, da vi

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 5

Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 5 Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 5 English version further down Kim Finne med 11 kg laks Laksen blev fanget i denne uge øst for Bornholm ud for Nexø. Et andet eksempel er her to laks taget

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USA New York, Columbus Circle, ER INDKØBT!

USA New York, Columbus Circle, ER INDKØBT! USA New York, Columbus Circle, ER INDKØBT! Ejendommen The Sheffield blev købt af en fremsynet projektudvikler der har valgt at inddrage de øverste 3 etager til fælles-områder. På etage 57, 58 og 59 er

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Engelsk. Niveau D. De Merkantile Erhvervsuddannelser September Casebaseret eksamen. og

Engelsk. Niveau D. De Merkantile Erhvervsuddannelser September Casebaseret eksamen.  og 052431_EngelskD 08/09/05 13:29 Side 1 De Merkantile Erhvervsuddannelser September 2005 Side 1 af 4 sider Casebaseret eksamen Engelsk Niveau D www.jysk.dk og www.jysk.com Indhold: Opgave 1 Presentation

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Vandring på Via Francigena - Lucca Til Siena - VF5

Vandring på Via Francigena - Lucca Til Siena - VF5 Vandring på Via Francigena - Lucca Til Siena - VF5 Dette er en legendarisk pilgrimsrute i Toscana og er en perfekt introduktion til regionen. Turen er ideel for de, som elsker museer, gallerier og romersk

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Project Step 7. Behavioral modeling of a dual ported register set. 1/8/ L11 Project Step 5 Copyright Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU 1

Project Step 7. Behavioral modeling of a dual ported register set. 1/8/ L11 Project Step 5 Copyright Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU 1 Project Step 7 Behavioral modeling of a dual ported register set. Copyright 2006 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU 1 The register set Register set specifications 16 dual ported registers each with 16- bit words

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Ta med på en uforglemmelig tennis- og kulturrejse til Budapest. Udrejse 14. juni hjemrejse 19. juni 2016

Ta med på en uforglemmelig tennis- og kulturrejse til Budapest. Udrejse 14. juni hjemrejse 19. juni 2016 Ta med på en uforglemmelig tennis- og kulturrejse til Budapest Udrejse 14. juni hjemrejse 19. juni 2016 Budapest er hovedstaden i Ungarn. Navnet er sammensat af navnene på to byområder, nemlig Buda og

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Hotel Nuova Italia Hotel med udendørs pool nær søerne Lago d'orta og Lago Maggiore.

Hotel Nuova Italia Hotel med udendørs pool nær søerne Lago d'orta og Lago Maggiore. Hotel Nuova Italia Hotel Nuova Italia tilbyder morgenmad og fri adgang til den lækre udendørs swimmingpool om sommeren. Med en skøn beliggenhed i Novara med kort afstand til søerne Orta og Lago Maggiore,

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Hotel Rügen Park ligger på den rolige vestside af Rügen, hvor der er færrest turister.

Hotel Rügen Park ligger på den rolige vestside af Rügen, hvor der er færrest turister. Hotel Rügen Park Hotel Rügen Park ligger på den rolige vestside af Rügen, hvor der er færrest turister. Introduktion Besøg Tysklands største og nok smukkeste ø, Rügen. Øen er et sandt naturparadis, hvor

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men det var ikke helt så imponerende, som vi havde regnet med. Tegning og hygge i toget Et forvirrende billede, der ændrer sig, når man flytter

men det var ikke helt så imponerende, som vi havde regnet med. Tegning og hygge i toget Et forvirrende billede, der ændrer sig, når man flytter Mandag d. 1/10 Vi tog fra Løgstør med bussen kl. 9.00 mod Aalborg, hvor vi steg på toget. Vi skulle skifte i både Fredericia og Padborg, men det gik fint, og det lykkedes os at få alle tingene med hele

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Velkommen. Charlotte Frandsen og Morten Birkerod

Velkommen. Charlotte Frandsen og Morten Birkerod Velkommen Der kan være mange gode grunde til, at du besøger Tornøes Hotel og dejlige Kerteminde. Du kan være på udkig efter oplevelser. Være deltager i et interessant møde med kolleger eller kunder. Være

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Herning Vin Center. Vi fokuserer udelukkende på kvalitet og service ærlige reelle produkter til reelle priser.

Herning Vin Center. Vi fokuserer udelukkende på kvalitet og service ærlige reelle produkter til reelle priser. Herning Vin Center Herning Vin Center er en lille familie drevet virksomhed vi er en af de ældste vin firmaer i Herning, måske den ældste. Grundlagt i 1967. Vi fokuserer udelukkende på kvalitet og service

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Turen til Polen 28. maj 1. juni 2018

Turen til Polen 28. maj 1. juni 2018 Turen til Polen 28. maj 1. juni 2018 1 Turen foregik i dagene 28. maj til og med 1. juni. Den var arrangeret af Lokalkomitéen for Ældre Sagen i Hundested, og Nancy Viborg var kontaktperson, og den blev

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