Studieordning for Bacheloruddannelsen i Datateknik og Elektronik semester

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1 Studieordning for Bacheloruddannelsen i Datateknik og Elektronik semester De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter Aalborg Universitet januar 2009

2 Forord I medfør af lov nr. 403 af 28. maj 2003 om universiteter (universitetsloven) fastsættes følgende studieordning. Bacheloruddannelsen i Datateknik og Elektronik er (inkl. basisåret) er en tre-årig uddannelse, der giver adgang til en række civilingeniøruddannelser ved Studienævn for Elektronik og Informationsteknologi indenfor fagområderne: proceskontrol informations behandlende systemer kommunikationssystemer signalbehandling Uddannelserne fokuserer på teorier, metoder og teknologier til løsning af problemer inden for et bredt anvendelsesområde. De studerende har gennem studiet mulighed for at vælge forskellige studieaktiviteter, som kan differentiere deres uddannelse fra de øvrige studerendes. Mulighederne omfatter forskellige projekter, frie studieaktiviteter, udenlandsophold, praktik, ophold ved anden dansk institution m.m. Studieleder Ove Andersen Side 2 af 45

3 Indholdsfortegnelse Kapitel 1: Studieordningens hjemmel m.v.... Side Bekendtgørelsesgrundlag... Side Fakultetstilhørsforhold... Side Studienævnstilhørsforhold... Side 4 Kapitel 2: Optagelse, betegnelse, varighed og kompetenceprofil... Side Optagelse... Side Uddannelsens betegnelse på dansk og engelsk... Side Uddannelsens normering angivet i ECTS... Side Uddannelsens kompetenceprofil... Side 4 Kapitel 3: Uddannelsens indhold... Side Projektenheden på 3. semester... Side Projektenheden på 4. semester... Side Projektenheden på 5. semester... Side Projektenheden på 6. semester... Side Oversigt over studieenheds- og projektenhedskurser... Side 15 Kapitel 4: Ikrafttrædelse, overgangsregler og revision... Side 16 Kapitel 5: Andre regler... Side semester... Side Regler om skriftlige opgaver, herunder bachelorprojektet og dettes omfang... Side Merit, herunder mulighed for valg af moduler, der indgår i en anden uddannelse ved et universitet i Danmark eller udlandet... Side Regler for hvornår den studerende senest skal have afsluttet uddannelsen efter at være påbegyndt denne... Side Eksamensregler... Side Dispensation... Side 17 Appendix Studieenhedskurser... Side semester... Side semester... Side semester... Side semester... Side 28 Projektenhedskurser... Side semester... Side semester... Side semester... Side 41 Revisionshistorie... Side 45 Side 3 af 45

4 Kapitel 1: Studieordningens hjemmel mv. 1.1 Bekendtgørelsesgrundlag Bacheloruddannelserne i Datateknik og Elektronik er tilrettelagt i henhold til videnskabsministeriets bekendtgørelse nr. 338 af 6. maj 2004 om bachelor- og kandidatuddannelser ved universiteterne (uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen) og Rammestudieordningen ved De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter. 1.2 Fakultetstilhørsforhold Bacheloruddannelsen hører under De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter, Aalborg Universitet. 1.3 Studienævnstilhørsforhold Bacheloruddannelsens 1. og 2. semester hører under studienævnet for Basisåret - G-SN; se Bacheloruddannelsens semester hører under Studienævnet for Elektronik og Informationsteknologi - E-SN; se Kapitel 2: Optagelse, betegnelse, varighed og kompetenceprofil 2.1 Optagelse Optagelse på bacheloruddannelsernes 3. semester i Datateknik og Elektronik forudsætter gennemførelse af basisåret med følgende faggrupper Datateknik og Elektronik. 2.2 Uddannelsens betegnelse på dansk og engelsk Bacheloruddannelsen giver ret til betegnelsen Bachelor (BSc) i anvendt elektronik og software teknologi. Den engelsksprogede betegnelse: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in applied electronics and software technology. 2.3 Uddannelsens normering angivet i ECTS Bacheloruddannelsen er en 3-årig forskningsbaseret heltidsuddannelse. Uddannelsen er normeret til 180 ECTS. 2.4 Uddannelsens kompetenceprofil En bachelor har kompetencer erhvervet gennem et uddannelsesforløb, der er foregået i et forskningsmiljø. En bachelor har grundlæggende kendskab til og indsigt i sit fags metoder og videnskabelige grundlag. Disse egenskaber kvalificerer bacheloren til videreuddannelse på et relevant kandidatstudium samt til ansættelse på baggrund af uddannelsen. Intellektuelle kompetencer En bachelor skal kunne: Beskrive, formulere og formidle problemstillinger og resultater i en videnskabelige sammenhæng Foretage analyser ved brug af videnskabelig metode Søge, vurdere og udvælge information Effektivt tilegne sig ny viden og strukturere egen læring. Arbejde selvstændigt, såvel individuelt som i samarbejde Side 4 af 45

5 Arbejde målrettet og struktureret og kan kombinere teorier og metoder Hurtigt sætte sig ind i nye komplekse problemstillinger Den studerendes intellektuelle kompetencer opøves gennem kurser og problemorienteret projektarbejde fra basis til 6. semester. Projektrapporten udgør et centralt element i træningen af de intellektuelle kompetencer. Faglige kompetencer En bachelor skal kunne: Vurdere og anvende metoder inden for fagområdet Demonstrere indsigt i centrale discipliner, teorier, metoder og begreber indenfor området. Vurdere og anvende IT redskaber Udvikle modeller og simulere problemstillinger på et matematisk og naturvidenskabeligt grundlag. Den studerendes faglige kompetencer opnås gennem kurser, selvstudie, opgaveregning, laboratorieøvelser og projektarbejde. Praksiskompetencer En bachelor skal kunne: Analysere praktiske problemstillinger i en erhvervsmæssig/professionel sammenhæng Planlægge, gennemføre, dokumentere og vurdere tekniske projekter Træffe og begrunde fagligt relaterede beslutninger. Den studerendes praksiskompetencer opnås, idet projektenhederne tager udgangspunkt i ingeniørmæssigt relevante problemer, hvis løsning kræver, at der tages hensyn til produktionsmæssige krav, begrænsninger og effekter som kvalitet. Erhvervskompetencer: Efter endt bacheloruddannelse har den studerende opnået erhvervskompetencer til at udføre funktioner indenfor udvikling, rådgivning og forskning i danske eller udenlandske virksomheder og institutioner. Side 5 af 45

6 Kapitel 3: Uddannelsens indhold Oversigt over ECTS-fordelingen på de enkelte semestre opdelt i projektenheder (projektenhedskursus og projektarbejde) og studieenhedskurser. Antallet af PE-kurser er kun vejledende. Temaer Projekt PE-kurser SE-kurser 3. semester Mikrodatamatsystemer/Microprocessor based 18 ECTS 6 ECTS 6 ECTS systems 4. semester Kombinerede analoge og digitale systemer / 18 ECTS 6 ECTS 6 ECTS Combined analog and digital systems 5. semester Realtidssystemer / Real-time regulation systems 17 ECTS 8 ECTS 5 ECTS 6. semester Regulering og filtrering / Control and Filtering 20 ECTS - 10 ECTS Side 6 af 45

7 3.1 Projektenheden på 3. semester Datateknik og Elektronik Theme/Tema Microprocessor based systems / Mikrodatamatsystemer Workload/Omfang 24 ECTS, consisting of project work and project unit courses Semester/Placering This project unit is placed at the 3 rd semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites/Deltagerforudsætninger Succesfully having finished the Basis year within Data & Electronics Purpose/Formål Students shall understand the fundamental principles of microprocessor based systems and be able to construct and program a specific microprocessor based system so as to handle a small sized practical problem. Objectives/Mål The student shall be able to: To enable students at an application level to build and program a microprocessor based system To give students an understanding of the methodology used for constructing connected digital systems, including an introduction to fundamental digital circuits, their use and limitations To give students an understanding of basic terminology for the architecture of microprocessors To give students a comprehension of programming systems, including operating systems for microprocessors, development programs and other system programs To enable the students at an application level to specify, realize, test and document constructed software and hardware Contents/Indhold The project unit takes its starting point in a practical problem, which reflects the students' chosen specialization. A scientific hypothesis, which shall be tested during the project work, is formulated. Then an analysis of the problem domain is carried out with the purpose of formulating a system specification. Based on this specification, a microprocessor based system is designed. The system or functional parts thereof are implemented and tested with the purpose of verifying the hypothesis, as well as draw conclusions based on the achieved result. The project work should consider some or all of the following notions. Using a specific problem, a microprocessor based system is synthesized with the possibility of simple interaction between a user and surroundings The total system is modularized into hardware and software with well-defined interfaces Architecture with regard to hardware and software is determined and communication between subsystems is defined using at least one defined communication standard A digital subsystem is constructed with a complexity that ensures that theories and methods for programmable digital and combinational sequential networks can be applied in a straightforward manner The constructed digital subsystem must ensure that a structured, safe and flexible approach can be used from a programming point of view. The interface to the surroundings can be either analogue or digital A microprocessor program running on its own for controlling the digital hardware must Side 7 af 45

8 be designed It must be ensured that a number of possibilities for analysis, program development, programming and testing exist for the entire microprocessor based system The entire system (hardware and software) must be synthesized, documented and brought to working condition Organisation/Projektenhedens organisering The project unit consists of a selection of PE courses along with a student-governed problem oriented project work. Project is documented in the following forms: A report written in an, with the supervisor, agreed upon language A number of courses supporting the project will be offered. Examination/Prøveform Individual grades according to the 7-point grading scale. The examination is based on questions that take their starting points in the report and/or other subjects of relevance for the project unit. For further information concerning the examination procedure, refer to the Framework Provisions. Assessment/Bedømmelse Individual oral examination with internal censor Criterias/Vurderingskriterier See Framework Provisions Side 8 af 45

9 3.2. Projektenhedsbeskrivelse for 4. semester Datateknik og Elektronik Theme/Tema Combined analogue and digital systems / Kombinerede analoge og digitale systemer Workload/Omfang 24 ECTS, consisting of project work and project unit courses Semester/Placering This project unit is placed at the 4 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites/Deltagerforudsætninger Succesfully having finished the 3 rd semester within Data & Electronics Purpose/Formål Students shall be able to understand, design and construct a combined analogue and digital system where the hardware development focuses on the combination in the unit level and the software part focuses on the functional development of monitoring and communication between the analogue and digital subsystems. Objectives/Mål The student shall be able to: To enable students to apply general methods for specifying and constructing software programs of significant size To enable students to apply knowledge of analogue electronics for analyzing and constructing unit level analogue devices and instruments To enable students to apply basic knowledge of communication between computers and analogue systems for practical application To give students a comprehension of general electromagnetism and EMC techniques To give students an understanding of basic knowledge of relational database systems Contents/Indhold The project unit takes its starting point in a practical problem, which reflects the students' chosen specialization. A scientific hypothesis, which shall be tested during the project work, is formulated. Then an analysis of the problem domain is carried out with the purpose of formulating a system specification. Based on this specification, a combined analogue and digital system is designed. The system or functional parts thereof are implemented and tested with the purpose of verifying the hypothesis, as well as draw conclusions based on the achieved result. The project work should consider some or all of the following notions. The project unit focuses on a specific engineering problem where an analogue electronic system is monitored by a computer system. The solution of the considered problem should involve constructions of analogue hardware as well as computer software The software system developed for monitoring the analogue electronic system should have the capability of persistently storing information concerning the analogue electronic system The construction of hardware system mainly focuses on the interface to physical system The communication between the monitoring software and the analogue hardware needs to be set up. The final developed system should be implemented as a PC-based monitoring system with an optional usage of microprocessor It is regarded common to use object-oriented paradigm and relational database when possible Organisation/Projektenhedens organisering Side 9 af 45

10 The project unit consists of a selection of PE courses along with a student-governed problem oriented project work. Project is documented in the following forms: A report written in an, with the supervisor, agreed upon language A number of courses supporting the project will be offered. Examination/Prøveform Individual grades according to the 7-point grading scale. The examination is based on questions that take their starting points in the report and/or other subjects of relevance for the project unit. For further information concerning the examination procedure, refer to the Framework Provisions. Assessment/Bedømmelse Individual oral examination with internal censor. However, in cases where students have formed groups with students following other study programmes an external censor may be appointed. Criterias/Vurderingskriterier See Framework Provisions Side 10 af 45

11 3.3. Projektenhedsbeskrivelse for 5. semester Datateknik og Elektronik Theme/Tema Real-time regulation systems / Realtidssystemer Workload/Omfang 25 ECTS, consisting of project work and project unit courses Semester/Placering This project unit is placed at the 5 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites/Deltagerforudsætninger Succesfully having finished the 4 th semester within Data & Electronics Purpose/Formål Students shall understand fundamental principles of regulation systems as well as real time issues within this kind of systems. Students shall be able to develop a physical regulation system using the classical control techniques and implement the developed digital controller using the realtime and embedded programming skills. Objectives/Mål The student shall be able: To enable students to apply basic theoretical and experimental modelling techniques for modelling dynamic systems and simulating them To enable students to apply classical (frequency-domain) control techniques for analysis and design of control systems To enable students to apply digital control techniques for analysis, design and implementation of control systems To enable students to apply real-time and embedded programming for analysis and coding of realtime control systems To give students a comprehension of object-oriented analysis and design To give students an understanding of basic knowledge of operating systems, network and data communication Contents/Indhold The project unit takes its starting point in a practical problem, which reflects the students' chosen specialization. A scientific hypothesis, which shall be tested during the project work, is formulated. Then an analysis of the problem domain is carried out with the purpose of formulating a system specification. Based on this specification, a Real-time regulation system is designed. The system or functional parts thereof are implemented and tested with the purpose of verifying the hypothesis, as well as draw conclusions based on the achieved result. The project work should consider some or all of the following notions. The project unit should be based on a physical regulation system. The considered system can either be a mechanical, thermal, electrical, biological, acoustic or chemical system A mathematical model of the considered system should be obtained through the theoretical and/or experimental modelling techniques The regulation problem should be formulated and the control design mainly focuses on the classical control techniques and/or digital control techniques The developed controller should be implemented in a digital way The real-time and embedded programming technique should be the main strategy for analysis, design and coding of the developed digital controller in the implementation stage Side 11 af 45

12 The developed models and control system should be simulated by some simulation tools, such as MATLAB/Simulink, and validated through physical tests Organisation/Projektenhedens organisering The project unit consists of a selection of PE courses along with a student-governed problem oriented project work. Project is documented in the following forms: A report written in an, with the supervisor, agreed upon language A number of courses supporting the project will be offered. Examination/Prøveform Individual grades according to the 7-point grading scale. The examination is based on questions that take their starting points in the report and/or other subjects of relevance for the project unit. For further information concerning the examination procedure, refer to the Framework Provisions. Assessment/Bedømmelse Individual oral examination with external censor Criterias/Vurderingskriterier See Framework Provisions Side 12 af 45

13 3.4 Projektenheden på 6. semester: Bachelor projekt i Datateknik og Elektronik Theme/Tema Control and Filtering / Regulering og filtrering Workload/Omfang 20 ECTS, consisting of project work and project unit courses Semester/Placering This project unit is placed at the 6 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites/Deltagerforudsætninger Succesfully having finished the 5 th semester within Data & Electronics Purpose/Formål Students shall gain systematic knowledge about modern control techniques and be able to apply it for a specific process control problem by taking the noise and disturbance to the controlled system into consideration. Objectives/Mål The student shall be able to: Apply modern control techniques for analysis, design, and implementation of control systems Apply signal processing techniques for analysis, design and implementation of signal processing systems Comprehend of fundamental issues of process control systems Understand the basic knowledge of probability, statistics and stochastic processes Contents/Indhold The project unit takes its starting point in a practical problem, which reflects the students' chosen specialization. A scientific hypothesis, which shall be tested during the project work, is formulated. Then an analysis of the problem domain is carried out with the purpose of formulating a system specification. Based on this specification, a Real-time regulation system is designed. The system or functional parts thereof are implemented and tested with the purpose of verifying the hypothesis, as well as draw conclusions based on the achieved result. The project work should consider some or all of the following notions. The project unit focuses on the analysis, design and implementation of control systems by taking the signal processing technique into account The considered process/system can either be a mechanical, thermal, electrical, biological, acoustic or chemical system The considered control problem should be formulated and some system models need to be obtained The modern control techniques will be the main focus for control design, analysis and implementation By taking the noise and disturbance to the controlled system into consideration, some signal processing techniques should be used and implemented into the project so as to enhance the controlled system performance Organisation/Projektenhedens organisering The project unit consists of a selection of PE courses along with a student-governed problem oriented project work. Project is documented in the following forms: A report written in an, with the supervisor, agreed upon language Side 13 af 45

14 A number of courses supporting the project will be offered. Examination/Prøveform Individual grades according to the 7-point grading scale. The examination is based on questions that take their starting points in the report and/or other subjects of relevance for the project unit. For further information concerning the examination procedure, refer to the Framework Provisions. Assessment/Bedømmelse Individual oral examination with external censor Criterias/Vurderingskriterier See Framework Provisions Side 14 af 45

15 3.5 Oversigt over studieenheds- og projektenhedskurser Skematisk oversigt over kurserne på 3. til 6. semester: Kurser 3. semester ECTS Type F3-1 Mathematics I / Matematik I 4 SE F3-2 Circuit analysis / Kredsløbsteori 2 SE FP3-1 Digital Techniques II 1 PE FP3-2 System Architecture and Integration 4 PE FP3-3 Algorithms and Data-structures for Procedural Programming 2 PE Kurser 4. semester F4-1 Mathematics II / Matematik II 3 SE F4-1 Database design / Database design 1 SE F4-3 Electromagnetism and EMC / Elektromagnetisme og EMC 2 SE FP4-1 Analog Electronics and Actuators 3 PE FP4-3 Object-Oriented Programming and Architectural Design 3 PE Kurser 5. semester F5-1 Object-oriented analysis and design / Objektorienteret analyse og design 2 SE F5-2 Operating systems, network and data communication / Styresystemer, netværk og datakommunikation 3 SE FP5-1 Modelling and Simulation 2 PE FP5-2 Classical Control 2 PE FP5-3 Digital control 2 PE FP5-4 Real-Time and embedded programming 2 PE Kurser 6. semester Probability, statistics and stochastic processes / F6-1 Sandsynlighedsregning, statistik og stokastiske processer 1 2 SE F6-3 Modern control / Tilstandsregulering 2 SE F6-4 Signal processing / Signalbehandling 1 2 SE F6-5 Scientific Methods / Videnskabsteori 2 SE FP6-1 Process Control Systems 2 SE 1 Bedømmes med karakterer iflg 7-trins skalaen The PE courses may be subject to change. Side 15 af 45

16 Kapitel 4: Ikrafttrædelse, overgangsregler og revision Studieordningen er vedtaget af E-studienævnet og er godkendt af dekanen for De Ingeniør-, Naturog Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter og træder i kraft pr. 1. september Studerende, der ønsker at færdiggøre deres studier efter den hidtidige studieordning fra 2005 incl. revideringen, skal senest afslutte deres uddannelse ved sommereksamen 2007, idet der ikke efter dette tidspunkt udbydes eksamener efter den hidtidige studieordning. I henhold til Rammestudieordningen og kvalitetshåndbogen for De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter ved Aalborg Universitet skal studieordningen tages op til revision senest 5 år efter dens ikrafttræden. Gældende version af studieordningen er offentliggjort på Kapitel 5: Andre regler semester Studerende, der har fulgt et anbefalet studieforløb på AAU, har ret til at sammensætte et uddannelsesforløb på 5. semester indenfor semesterets formål, hvor projektarbejdet erstattes af andre studieaktiviteter. 5.2 Regler om skriftlige opgaver, herunder bachelorprojektet og dettes omfang I bedømmelsen af samtlige skriftlige arbejder, uanset hvilket sprog de er udarbejdet på, indgår en vurdering af den studerendes stave- og formuleringsevne. Til grund for vurderingen af den sproglige præstation lægges ortografisk og grammatisk korrekthed samt stilistisk sikkerhed. Den sproglige præstation skal altid indgå som en selvstændig dimension i den samlede vurdering. Dog kan ingen prøve samlet vurderes til bestået alene på grund af en god sproglig præstation, ligesom en prøve normalt ikke kan vurderes til ikke bestået alene på grund af en ringe sproglig præstation. Ovenstående gælder, medmindre anført i forbindelse med den enkelte prøve. Bachelorprojektet skal indeholde et resumé på et fremmedsprog (engelsk, fransk, spansk eller tysk efter studienævnets godkendelse). Hvis projektet er skrevet på et fremmedsprog (engelsk, fransk, spansk eller tysk), kan resumeet skrives på dansk efter studienævnets godkendelse. Resumeet skal være på mindst 1 og må højst være på 2 sider (indgår ikke i eventuelle fastsatte minimum- og maksimumsidetal pr. studerende). Resumeet indgår i helhedsvurderingen af projektet. 5.3 Merit, herunder mulighed for valg af moduler, der indgår i en anden uddannelse ved et universitet i Danmark eller udlandet Studerende fra andre fagområder og uddannelsesinstitutioner kan få adgang efter studienævnets vurdering af den enkelte ansøgning (meritering). 5.4 Regler for hvornår den studerende senest skal have afsluttet uddannelsen efter at være påbegyndt denne Bacheloruddannelsen skal være afsluttet senest 6 år ekskl. orlov efter, den er påbegyndt. Side 16 af 45

17 5.5 Eksamensregler Eksamensreglerne, der fremgår af Aalborg Universitetet fælles eksamensordning er fastsat i henhold til Bekendtgørelse om eksamen ved universitetsuddannelser (Bkg. nr. 867 af 19/08/2004, se Dispensation Studienævnet kan, når der foreligger usædvanlige forhold, dispensere fra de dele af studieordningens bestemmelser, der ikke er fastsat ved lov eller bekendtgørelse. Dispensation vedrørende eksamen gælder for den først kommende eksamen. Side 17 af 45

18 Appendix 3. semester kurser Studieenhedskurser Side 18 af 45

19 Title/Titel F3-1: Mathematics I / Matematik I Workload and type/omfang og type 4 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 3 rd semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Mathematics and physics from basic year Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies in within the mathematical disciplines provided by this course Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within the mathematical disciplines provided by this course Objectives/Mål To give the students an understanding of general mathematical theories and methodologies such that they can analyse linear systems and provide an understanding of complex functions and their theory and vector analysis Contents/Indhold The Laplace transform Dirac s delta function and other important time domain functions Time and frequency domain models for linear systems. Ordinary differential equations Complex functions Analytical functions Cauchy-Riemann equations Examples of special complex functions Complex integration: curve integrals, Cauchy s integral theorem, Cauchy s integral formula Series and the Fourier transform Number series, convergence criteria Function series, Taylor series Fourier series and Fourier transform Vector analysis Vector differential equations: gradient, divergence, rotation Vector integral calculus: Curve- and surface integrals, Green s theorem Gauss theorem (divergence theorem), Stokes s theorem, power law function Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 19 af 45

20 Title/Titel F3-2: Circuit analysis / Kredsløbsteori Workload and type/omfang og type 2 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 3 rd semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Mathematics and physics corresponding to the level of knowledge after the basic year and Mathematics I from the same semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies in circuit analysis Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies in circuit analysis Objectives/Mål To give the students a comprehension of circuits containing resistors, capacitors and inductors and enable the students to perform transient as well as steady state analysis of such circuits Contents/Indhold Ideal generators. Controlled generators. Ideal resistors, capacitors, and inductors and corresponding transformations. Kirchoff s laws Nodal and mesh analysis. Principle of superposition. Thevenin and Mayer-Norton equivalents. Operational amplifiers First and second order systems. Application of the Laplace transform Circuit functions Frequency analysis Bode plots Pole/zero analysis. Stability analysis of systems containing feedback Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 20 af 45

21 4. semester kurser Studieenhedskurser Side 21 af 45

22 Title/Titel F4-1: Mathematics II / Matematik II Workload and type/omfang og type 3 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 4 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Mathematics I from the 3rd semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within mathematical disciplines provided by the course Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within mathematical disciplines provided by the course Objectives/Mål The students should be able to analyse sampled signals and linear discrete dynamic systems Contents/Indhold Complex function theory Laurent series, residuals Calculation of real valued integrals using residuals Discrete time systems Z-transform Difference equations Causality Sampling theorem Anti-aliasing Linear algebra The simple and extended matrix eigenvalue problem Unitary transformations, similarity transformations Quadratic expressions and variational principles Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 22 af 45

23 Title/Titel F4-2: Database design / Database design Workload and type/omfang og type 1 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 4 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Level of knowledge following the 3rd semester and OO programming from the same semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within database design Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within database design Objectives/Mål To enable students to apply principles for design of simple relational database systems Contents/Indhold Basic concepts and principles of database systems ER-models Converting to relational models 1st-3rd normal forms SQL Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 23 af 45

24 Title/Titel F4-3: Electromagnetism and EMC / Elektromagnetisme og EMC Workload and type/omfang og type 2 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 4 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Mathematics I from the 3rd semester Circuit analysis from the 3rd semester Digital techniques II from the 3rd semester Analog electronics and actuators from the same semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within electromagnetism and EMC Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within electromagnetism and EMC Objectives/Mål To provide students with an understanding of the fundamental theory and techniques of electromagnetism and EMC. This includes a study of Maxwell s equations and how they form the basis for substantial parts of EMC. Contents/Indhold Fundamental electromagnetism Static and quasi-static electric fields Static and quasi-static magnetic fields Maxwell s equations, the electromagnetic environment Fundamentals of fields and waves, including plane and polarized waves Propagation and reflection of plane waves from various media e.g. lossless dielectrics, lossy dielectrics and good conductors Plane waves in good conductors including attenuation and propagation constants, skin depth, skin resistance and shielding Elementary transmission line theory and how it can be related to the fundamental electromagnetism Cables including coaxial and twisted cables, critical frequencies and impedances Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) EMC regulations and standards Radiation of electromagnetic fields including near and far fields Capacitive and inductive coupling, mutual induction Electromagnetic shielding Coupling between devices, and radiation noise from analog and digital circuits Grounding of electronic equipment and cable protection Crosstalk Measurements of emission Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 24 af 45

25 5. semester kurser Studieenhedskurser Side 25 af 45

26 Title/Titel F5-1: Object-oriented analysis and design / Objektorienteret analyse og design Workload and type/omfang og type 2 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 5 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Object-oriented programming and architectural design from the 4th semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within object-oriented analysis and design Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within object-oriented analysis and design Objectives/Mål To give students a general understanding of the major issues and problems in relation to analysis and design To give students competencies in applying OO analysis and design to IT systems, where the IT system should be for a given technical platform and in a given organizational context Contents/Indhold A general understanding of the major issues and problems in relation to analysis and design A selected method for analysis and design will be dealt with in details, so that the students will be able to apply this specific method Basic elements: o Analysis from both an application and a problem perspective o Conceptual modelling o Use cases, functional requirements o Behaviour pattern (state diagram) o Sequence diagrams o Patterns in connection with analysis and conceptual design o UML diagrams in relation to analysis and design o Iterative development Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 26 af 45

27 Title/Titel F5-2: Operating systems, network and data communication / Styresystemer, netværk og Datakommunikation Workload and type/omfang og type 3 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 5 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Level of knowledge following the 4th semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within operating systems, network and data communication Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within operating systems, network and data communication Objectives/Mål To give students an understanding of principles for and handling of systems characterized by numerous cooperating and communicating processes To give students a comprehension of principles and techniques of modern data network systems and their communications Contents/Indhold Basic process concepts Mutual exclusion and synchronization including internal process/thread communication Scheduling Memory management OSI models and protocol concepts Layer 1 and 2 including basic data-transmission, MAC, LLC, HDLC Network protocols and their programming, including IP, UDP, TCP, Sockets, and RPC. Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 27 af 45

28 6. semester kurser Studieenhedskurser Side 28 af 45

29 Title/Titel F6-1: Probability, statistics and stochastic processes / Sandsynlighedsregning, statistic og stokastiske processer Workload and type/omfang og type 2 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 6 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Level of knowledge gained through Mathematics I and II Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within probability, statistics and stochastic processes Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within probability, statistics and stochastic processes Objectives/Mål To provide student an ability to apply probability analysis and statistics within relevant engineering projects To provide the student with an understanding of stochastic processes and their application as a model for real signals. To enable the student to apply the 2nd order description of wide-sense stationary processes in time and frequency domain To provide the student with an understanding of the interpretation of simple descriptions which are obtained using computer simulations, for example, MATLAB Contents/Indhold Probability analysis: The Axioms of probability. Discrete and continuous random variable. Probability density function, distribution function, Mean value, variance, correlation and covariance. The central limit theorem. Statistics: Estimation Theory: o Point estimators and interval estimators (coefficient interval) for the average value and dispersion. Maximum likelihood, estimators, and Bayes estimators. Test Theory: o Fundamental philosophy in test of hypothesis, zero hypothesis and alternative hypothesis, significance level, fault of 1. and 2. class, P-value, test for average value and dispersion in normal apportionment. Stochastic Processes: Stochastic vectors, mean value vector and covariance matrices Complete description, 2nd order description, mean value function and auto-covariance function. Markov, Gaussian and Poisson processes. Wide-sense stationary, auto correlation function and power spectrum. Linear system response of stochastic processes Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Grades according to the 7-step scale Criterias/Vurderingskriterier Side 29 af 45

30 see Framework Provisions Side 30 af 45

31 Title/Titel F6-3: Modern control / Tilstandsregulering Workload and type/omfang og type 2 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 6 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Classical control from the 5th semester Digital control from the 5th semester Modelling and simulation from the 5th semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within modern control Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within modern control Objectives/Mål To enable students to apply modern control techniques for analysis, design and implementation of control systems Contents/Indhold State space models and analysis o State space model description and acquisition o System analysis based on state space models o Transfer functions and state space realization Modern control design o Controllability and full state feedback control o Observability and estimator design o Separation principle for control and estimation o Servo tracking problem and robustness o Linear optimal control using quadratic performance criteria (e.g., LQR and LQG control) Digital control issues in state space description o Discrete-time state space models o Full state feedback, estimator design and servo tracking problems for digital control Implementation issues of modern control Simulation of modern control systems Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 31 af 45

32 Title/Titel F6-4: Signal processing / Signalbehandling Workload and type/omfang og type 3 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 6 th semester of the Bachelor Programme Prerequisites /Forudsætninger Mathematics II from the 4th semester Digital control from the 5 th semester Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within signal processing Rationale/Begrundelse All Bachelor Programmes within Data & Electronics require competencies within signal processing Objectives/Mål To enable students to apply filter techniques for design and implementation of analog/digital signal processing systems To enable students to apply spectrum analysis techniques for digital signal analysis To enable students to apply specific DSP techniques for implementation of digital signal processing systems Contents/Indhold Filter design o Types and features of filters o Basic analog filter design o Digital IIR filter design o Digital FIR filter design Spectrum analysis o Discrete Fourier transform and its properties o Fast Fourier transform and its properties o Stationary signal analysis o Non-stationary signal analysis Implementation issues for digital filters o Filter types and structures o Finite-precision numerical effects analysis DSP realization of digital filters o Data path-topology for programmable DSPs o Algorithmic and architecture interaction o Numerical analysis of fixed and floating point properties o Development tools and some bus standards Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Grades according to the 7-step scale Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 32 af 45

33 Videnskabsteori Titel/Title F6-5: Videnskabsteori / Scientific Methods Omfang og type 2 ECTS SE kursus Placering 6. semester Forudsætninger Formål Begrundelse Mål Indhold INDSÆTTES AF FAKULTETET Undervisningens organisering Prøveform Bedømmelse Vurderingskriterier Er angivet i rammestudieordningen Beskrivelsen er under udarbejdelse og vil blive offentliggjort snarest. Side 33 af 45

34 Title/Titel F6-: Process Control Systems / Proceskontrol systemer Workload and type/omfang og type 2 ECTS, SE Semester/Placering This course is placed at the 6 th semester Prerequisites /Forudsætninger It s required that the students have knowledge within the topics: Applied electronics and actuators Electromagnetism and EMC Classical control Digital control The level of knowledge within the above topics should equal the level acquired after successful completion of the first 5 semester of the DE-programme. Purpose/Formål The course will assist the students in acquiring competencies within process control systems Rationale/Begrundelse Thorough understanding of process control systems is essential for students within Data & Electronics Objectives/Mål After completing the course students should have: a comprehension of basic process control techniques a comprehension of modelling of some industrial process systems an understanding of some basic instrumentations in process control systems Contents/Indhold Basic features and principles in process control o Real process characteristics o Control structures and configuration o Principles for process control design o Process control system analysis PID control tuning in process control Dynamic and control of flow process systems, e.g., flow dynamic characteristics and flowmeter characteristics Thermo dynamic control systems, e.g., temperature control Pressure regulation, e.g., liquid or gas pressure control, acoustic noise control Basic mechanical control systems Examination/Prøveform Internal oral or written examination Assessment/Bedømmelse Pass/Fail Criterias/Vurderingskriterier see Framework Provisions Side 34 af 45

35 APPENDIX Projektenheds-kurser Side 35 af 45

36 FP3-1: Digital Techniques II Course description: Name: Digital techniques II Objectives: To enable students to apply analysis, synthesis and implementation of basic digital circuits Contents: Modelling, analysis and synthesizing from different problem formulations (verbal, time diagrams, truth tables) Multiplexers, encoders and decoders Multivibrators Bistable circuits (flip-flops and latche) Basic structures of monostable and astable circuits Asynchronous structures with flip-flops, timing and hazards Sequential networks Modelling, analysis and synthesizing synchronous networks Mealy- and Moore state machines, analysis, design and realization Counters and shift registers Prerequisites: Digital techniques I from basic year Circuit analysis from the same semester Weight: Type: 1 ECTS PE Side 36 af 45

37 FP3-2 System Architecture and Integration Course description: Name: System architecture and integration Objectives: To give an understanding of the structure and function of a microprocessor To give students an application level of insight into the programming systems which must be present in order for a given microprocessor to run user programs based on the surrounding conditions To enable students on an application level to develop structured programs for handling a central processors external units Contents: Hardware 1 CPU, word length, registers, microcode, instruction types. Von Neumann and Harvard Address space, i/o-handling Basic digital-logic components and their connections Storage and external units Hardware 2 Selection circuits Interfacing A/D and D/A converting Serial communication Examples of bus standards (e.g., VME, ISA) Hardware-near programming Abstract languages versus machine-near programming. Assembler, linker, loader. Operating systems for microprocessors Structured and modular assembler-programming, Debugger Top-down design, bottom-up coding. Parameter-exchanging. Runtime errors Protocols Prerequisites: Digital techniques I from basic year Digital techniques II and circuit analysis from the same semester Weight: Type: 4 ECTS PE Side 37 af 45

38 FP3-3 Algorithms and Data-structures for Procedural Programming Course description: Name: Algorithms and data-structures for procedural programming Objectives: To enable students to apply basic algorithms and data-structures in relation to procedural programming Contents: Data-structures, e.g. lists and trees Algorithms for search and sorting Specification and design by interfaces Programming styles Performance optimizations Debugging and test Prerequisites: Programming from basic year Weight: Type: 2 ECTS PE Side 38 af 45

39 FP4-1 Analog Electronics and Actuators Course description: Name: Analog electronics and actuators Objectives: To enable students to apply basic knowledge of analog electronics and actuators for constructing hardware systems Contents: Analog electronics o Diodes, PN-junction, small-signal model o Rectifiers, filtering and stabilization o Practical operational amplifier circuits, common-mode rejection ratio, slew-rate o Bipolar junction transistor basics, DC-analysis, signal amplification, small-signal model o Properties of the transistor o Frequency response of the transistor amplifier o MOSFET transistor Electrical actuators o Electromechanical energy conversion. General principle, Work, forces, torque, efficiency etc. for electric machines o DC-motors. DC-machine construction, characteristics, dynamic models and applications o Motor drivers Prerequisites: Circuit analysis from the 3 rd semester Weight: Type: 3 ECTS PE Side 39 af 45

40 FP4-3: Object-Oriented Programming and Architectural Design Course Description Name: Object-oriented programming and architectural design Objectives: To enable students to apply the object-oriented paradigm for programming To enable students to apply the architectural design when developing a software system Contents: A specific object-oriented programming language (e.g., Java, C++ or C#), including syntax, semantics and pragmatic perspectives Programming, including abstraction in language Modelling of objects (including UML) Selected design patterns Incremental program development Prerequisites: Level of knowledge following the 3 rd semester Weight: Type: 3 ECTS PE Side 40 af 45

41 FP5-1: Modelling and Simulation Course description: Name: Modelling and simulation Objectives: To give students a comprehension of the theoretical modelling for dynamic systems To give students a comprehension of experimental modelling of linear and non-linear dynamic systems To enable students to apply some of these modelling methods into their project and simulate the system by means of simulation tools, such as Matlab/Simulink Contents: Theoretical modelling o Translational and rotational mechanic systems o Balance equations o Linearization techniques o Constitutive relations between quantities of different kinds Experimental modelling o Black-box models o Step/impulse response modelling o Sensitivity goals for input design and determination of parameter accuracy Simulation of linear and non-linear dynamic systems by means of simulation tools, such as Matlab/Simulink Prerequisites: Level of knowledge from the 4 th semester Weight: Type: 2 ECTS PE Side 41 af 45

42 FP5-2 Classical Control Course description: Name: Classical control Objectives: To enable students to apply basic classical control techniques for analysis and design of control systems Contents: Basic concepts and principles o Characteristics of feedback control o Block diagrams o Transfer function models Frequency domain analysis o Bode plots, Nyquist plots o Poles and zeros, bandwidth, gain and phase margins o Stability, transient and steady-state performance PID control o Characteristics of PID control o PID control tuning o Anti-windup techniques Frequency response design o Gain controller o Dynamic compensators Root locus analysis and design Prerequisites: Mathematics I from the 3 rd semester and Mathematics II from the 4 th semester Weight: Type: 2 ECTS PE Side 42 af 45


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