Merger, Academic Strategies and Funding Research Proposal 1. Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

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1 Merger, Academic Strategies and Funding Research Proposal 1 Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries


3 Forord Levevilkår, miljø og sundhed i udviklingslandene Det nye Københavns Universitet (KU) huser en række internationalt anerkendte forskergrupper indenfor udviklingsområdet. De repræsenter en imponerende faglig indsigt og kompetence på højeste internationale niveau. Der hersker med rette respekt om Danmarks internationale bistandsarbejde. KU har ydet sit bidrag hertil gennem et vidt forgrenet forsknings- og udviklingsarbejde i Afrika, Asien og Latinamerika. KU ønsker også i de kommende år at være i front i arbejdet med at forbedre livsbetingelserne for verdens fattige og at mindske ulighederne i den globale økonomi. Vores forskning og undervisning har en vigtig rolle at spille i denne proces og kan gøre en afgørende forskel på områder som miljø, sundhed, landbrug og den tværgående samfundsforskning. Der fremlægges i dette program et omfattende idé-katalog til mulige forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter på ovennævnte områder. De ønskes gennemført i et balanceret samarbejde med partnere i ulandene, og det er vores ambition, at de kan være med til at udvikle ny og banebrydende viden om ulandenes vækst- og udviklingsmuligheder på såvel lokalt som nationalt niveau i en stadig mere globaliseret verden. 15. juni 2007 Ulla Wewer Dekan, sponsor på vegne af sponsorerne Lars Hviid Hovedkoordinator på vegne af koordinatorerne

4 Dansk resumé Levevilkår, miljø og sundhed i udviklingslandene Mere end én milliard mennesker lever under den internationale fattigdomsgrænse på én dollar om dagen. De må kæmpe for dagen og vejen i samfund, som er præget af ulighed, miljøproblemer og uacceptable sundhedsforhold, samtidig med at historiske og politiske faktorer påvirker de nationale og internationale muligheder for effektive, fremadrettede udviklingspolitikker. Ulandene er imidlertid ikke kun hjem for fattige, passive mennesker. Der er i mange ulande stor vilje på alle niveauer (lokalt som nationalt, i statsapparatet som i civilsamfundet) til at tage eksisterende udfordringer op, og forskningsbaseret viden har en stor rolle i at understøtte udviklingen. Det nye Københavns Universitet (KU) huser en række internationalt anerkendte forskergrupper indenfor udviklingsområdet. De har i årenes løb markeret sig på fornem vis i såvel grundlæggende som anvendelsesorienteret forskning om ulandenes problemer og muligheder. Samtidig har KU bidraget til gennemførelsen af mange forskelligartede udviklings-, forsknings- og uddannelsesprogrammer i store dele af Afrika, Asien og Latinamerika. Det overordnede formål med forskningstema 1 er, at KU udnytter sin større styrke på dette område til i de kommende år at forøge KU s produktion af ny og banebrydende forskningsbaseret viden om de komplekse sammenhænge, der påvirker ulandenes problemer og muligheder i en stadigt mere globaliseret verden. KU ønsker desuden at udnytte og videreudvikle den eksisterende kapacitet til at bidrage på afgørende vis til kapacitetsopbygning og vidensudvikling i ulandene. Vi ønsker, at KU fortsat skal være internationalt førende på dette felt, i et gensidigt, givende og produktivt samarbejde med forskere fra disse lande. Forskningstema 1 er sammensat af fire gensidigt supplerende forskningsprogrammer. De afspejler KU s stærke forskningskompetencer indenfor udviklingsområdet, som strækker sig fra global sundhed, landbrug og miljø til den bredere, tværgående samfundsvidenskabelige, humanistiske og juridiske udviklingsforskning. De fire delprogrammer kan ridses op som følger. Global sundhed: Dette forskningsprogram vil fokusere på de væsentlige udfordringer indenfor sundhedsområdet, og omfatter dimensioner som ulighed, den dobbelte sygdomsbyrde, sociale, fysiske og demografiske forandringer, fødevarer og ernæring, kulturelle opfattelser og praksis, sundhedssystemer og sundhedspolitik og sundhedsteknologier. Økosystemer og livsbetingelser: Dette forskningsprogram vil undersøge forholdet mellem økosystemtjenester og levevilkår, klimaændringer og menneskelige tilpasningsstrategier, og naturressourcer og menneskelig sundhed, idet der lægges vægt på at integrere natur- og samfundsvidenskab. Landbrugets produktionssystemer, fødevareforsyning, fødevaresikkerhed og livsbetingelser i landdistrikterne: Det centrale emne i dette forskningsprogram er fødevarekæden, fra jord til bord og videre til livsbetingelserne i landdistrikterne i udviklingslandene. Udvikling - betingelser og politikker: I dette forskningsprogram sættes fokus på institutioner, regeringsførelse og udviklingspolitikker, vækst, internationale ressourcestrømme og udvikling af markeder, og husholdninger, virksomheder og lokale fællesskaber i udviklingsprocessen. 4 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

5 Content Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 3 Forord 4 Dansk resumé 6 English Introduction 9 Research Theme 1 Global Health 14 Danish Summary 15 Research Theme 2 Ecosystems and Livelihoods Challenges of Environmental Change 19 Danish Summary 20 Research Theme 3 Agricultural Production Systems, Food Security, Food Safety and Rural Livelihood 23 Danish Summary 24 Research Theme 4 Development - Conditions and Policies 29 Danish Summary Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 5

6 English Introduction Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries Background Poverty, inequality, fragile environments and detrimental living conditions continue to impact negatively on the lives of hundreds of millions of people in low and middle income countries. At the same time, historical and political factors invariably shape the context of developmental efforts to improve existing conditions. It is the objective of research proposal 1 to contribute towards the removal of existing barriers to development. This is envisioned to be achieved through research aimed at ensuring an improved understanding of the causes, characteristics, and ways out of poverty. Research proposal 1 is also envisioned to result in integration and networking among research disciplines and groups in areas where the University of Copenhagen has demonstrated cutting-edge capabilities, and an expansion of national and international research collaboration and capacity building. It is the ambition that the results will provide policy makers with much-needed research knowledge to help formulate and implement informed and evidence-based policies and strategies tailored to local needs. Although living conditions and health in many developing countries have been improved significantly over the past decades, poverty and adverse environmental changes are widespread. Projections of future trends paint a worrisome picture, especially for the African continent. Every year millions of people suffer and die as a result of political conflicts, ill-crafted policies, inadequate food production, environmental degradation, adverse population dynamics, and deficient health systems and interventions. Improved living conditions and health require action across a broad range of areas, and such action must be understood in terms of global and national political, economic, environmental, social and cultural forces, which influence developments in poor countries. Lasting global reduction of poverty is only achievable provided human development and economic growth occur in a socially and environmentally sustainable manner. This requires an improved historical and contemporary understanding of: The human-environmental interactions which influence food production, ecosystem services, and human well-being, including deeper insights into how households respond to socio-economic and environmental shocks. The critical challenge of the double burden of disease because of rampant major infectious diseases such as HIV/ AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other neglected diseases that affect human wellbeing disproportionately. The basic agronomic conditions and potentials, which determine agricultural production and food consumption outcomes, with a focus on local adaptation of food technologies from farmland to consumer. The critical economic constraints and drivers of development, and the significance of social relations and cultural values, including studies of effective policy responses, relevant private and public institutions and the role of governance. Generating such research-based insights at both the macro and the micro levels requires enhanced collaboration both within and among disciplines at the recently expanded University of Copenhagen. It is believed that such collaboration will open up new approaches to the study of the interactions among global development, national political and policy patterns, communities, households and individual social actors, and lead to the development of improved qualitative and quantitative analytical tools and methods. Resources and Added Value of Collaboration The recently expanded University of Copenhagen is in a unique position to contribute with high quality, policy-relevant development research. The University of Copenhagen is the institutional home of a number of strong and internationally reputable research units. These units are capable of undertaking research on how to promote socially and environmentally sustainable 6 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

7 development and improved human health and well-being in developing countries. The existing research units are identified in the four research themes put forward in this proposal. They are capable of pursuing collaborative multi-disciplin research in a variety of innovative and unique combinations and teams, adding additional value to ongoing research efforts. On this background, the existing research expertise at the University of Copenhagen provides a solid foundation for a concerted initiative to expand knowledge through new ways of developing and combining theories, methods and empirical evidence across multiple research disciplines. Research Networks and Capacity Building When undertaking research about and in developing countries the issue of capacity building should always be an explicit and integrated part of the work with particular emphasis on securing permanence of improved competencies in the developing countries. Development research is about generating new knowledge and promoting change. As the socio-political and research systems in developing countries have generally become stronger over the last decades, it is increasingly realistic and also a valid requirement that research aims at building sustainable capacity in the countries in question. It is imperative that existing national development and research priorities in developing countries are adequately considered when conducting research in and about such countries. Research priorities should not only be focused on applied research with short-term benefits, but should also include basic and high-technology research with potential longer-term benefits. To maximize the impact of the research efforts, the competences and knowledge of researchers and professionals in developing countries should be actively involved in defining and executing both types of research, in order to expedite progress and further develop their competences. Close collaboration between researchers from resource-poor and -strong countries and institutions is therefore essential in particularly to ensure that the research is relevant to the developing country s needs and to augment the quality and rate of progress of such research. Laying the foundation for sustainable improvements in livelihood, environment and health conditions cannot be driven by one-sided research efforts. The University of Copenhagen is globally recognized for its collaboration with institutions in developing countries and its role in the training of future generations of researchers. This approach has repeatedly resulted in sustainable research programmes, and the proponents of research proposal 1 aim to continue and reinforce this tradition. The approach will be further strengthened by focusing on the development and research needs of the countries concerned, and by emphasizing pre- and post-graduate education and research training in the developing countries in parallel with initiatives ongoing at institutions in Denmark. Innovation and Project Outlines This research proposal aims to develop a comprehensive and integrated research programme pertaining to poverty alleviation, environmental protection, improvement of global health, and improvement of living conditions in developing countries. This programme will address the need for fundamental research on the nature of inequalities, how patterns of inequality are changing, and which factors are most important in shaping trends. This will be pursued in four interrelated research themes, which can be summarized as follows: Research Theme 1: Global Health There is an increase of non-communicable diseases in developed and developing countries alike and, hence, many developing regions face a double burden of disease. Rampant major infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other neglected diseases still affect them disproportionately. The control of infectious and non-communicable diseases in developing countries is markedly frustrated by social and economic inequalities, societal disruption, environmental degradation, weak infrastructures, organisational mismanagement, malnutrition, and illiteracy. Religion and cultural norms and traditions are widely shaping local perceptions of illness and health-seeking behaviour. Research Theme 2: Ecosystems and Livelihoods Challenges of Environmental Chang Understanding the many and often complex linkages between ecosystems and human activities and well-being is essential to achieve socially and environmentally sustainable growth. The basic idea is to improve the understanding of human-environmental interactions in developing countries in order to be able to promote evidence-based decision making and action towards sustainable development. The vision is true environment-livelihood integration : that knowledge of these linkages is used to realise the Millennium Development Goals. The mission is to develop and use inter-disciplin science to generate knowledge on the complex human-environment linkages with emphasis on Relations between ecosystem services and livelihoods, Climate change and human adaptation strategies, and Natural resource use and human health. Research Theme 3: Agricultural Production Systems, Food Security, Food Safety and Rural Livelihood The amount of food needed the next 50 years is forecasted to be equal to the amount produced in the last two millennia. Globally, it is fundamental to increase agricultural productivity in order to meet the future demand for food caused by the increasing global population and the significant current food deficiency in many regions, while at the same time improving nutrition quality. This must be done without destroying the natural resource base or increasing the vulnerability of the agricultural systems. The future need for agricultural products has the potential to be a significant driving force for the development of poor countries, if the agricultural productivity chain is considered appropriately. Hence, there is an obvious need for research which contributes knowledge about the dynamics and change in production systems, various aspects of food security and food safety and the role of agriculture in rural livelihoods. Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 7

8 Research Theme 4: Development: Conditions and Policies This cross-cutting research theme seeks to explore and study conditions in developing countries with a view to contributing to the formulation of effective development policies. The research is organized in three interlinked groups; institutions, governance and development policies, growth, international resource flows and the development of markets, and households, firms and communities. Differences within and across countries, cultures, communities and households will be studied in order to understand their ability to manage and respond to global, national and local impact factors, and identify potentials for future development. Researching the impact of development strategies and policies and learning from successful experiences are integral parts of the activities. In the following sections each individual research theme is described in detail. 8 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

9 Research Theme 1 Global Health Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Law Faculty of Life Sciences Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Theology g Scientific Background Our vision is to improve health and life conditions in low and middle income countries with emphasis on problems of inequity. To this end we propose the establishment of an international centre of excellence for research and post-graduate training in global health at the University of Copenhagen. The programme builds on a true transdisciplinary collaboration across all faculties so that different disciplinary paradigms complement one another and challenge established conventions. In its broadest sense, health is defined as well-being and not merely the absence of disease. Living conditions, livelihoods, and the physical, social and political environment are the foundations for health. Understanding current changes in these conditions and what they mean for the life chances of different segments of the world s population is fundamental in working towards the Millenium Development Goals. People are living longer and having fewer children in most countries. Migration is increasing. There is an increase of non-communicable diseases. At the same time, many regions face a double burden of disease as infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and a range of tropical diseases continue to take heavy tolls. Undernourishment remains a major problem and over-nutrition has been added as a major global problem. Social inequalities in health are persistent and in some areas even increasing. We focus on the major health problems: The double burden of disease and social inequalities in health. We study a number of factors causing these problems: social, political and physical environment, disease-causing pathogens, migration and other demographic changes, food and nutrition. We further investigate the approaches to solve the problems: health policies, health systems, and health technologies, but also health promotion. The following dimensions are envisaged as cross-cutting issues, rather than specific research areas. They are fundamental to the whole field of global health and will appear in many research projects. I. Health Problems Health Inequalities. Pronounced health inequalities occur within and among countries and they are related to differences in levels of economic security, living conditions, education, and health. The nature of inequalities, the ways patterns are changing, and the factors shaping the inequalities are important areas of research. Issues of political economy and forces of globalization provide an overall framework for understanding transformations in modes of livelihood. The uneven changes in levels of poverty are a key issue, together with their social, cultural, political and health consequences. Inequalities occur across many dimensions, including gender, ethnicity, and area of residence. Efforts to address inequality are incorporated in national policies, in international development assistance, in the activities of NGOs, as well as in the struggles of neighbourhoods, families, and individuals. Research in this area lays the groundwork for all the themes mentioned below. The Double Burden of Disease. Chronic conditions, including mental illness, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders, are emerging as major health problems in most parts of the world, more pronounced in certain population groups and socio-economic categories. Concurrently, infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and a range of neglected tropical diseases, plague much of the global South. Like non-communicable diseases, they are both biological and social phenomena. The picture is further complicated by co-infection and co-morbidity. Improved methods of mapping, measuring and analyzing this composite disease pattern are needed. Because measures of the burden of disease are used to assess the performance of health care systems, to make disease-control priorities and to allocate resources, accurate measurements are crucial. Moreover, research is required on the interactions between diseases, especially between communicable and non-communicable diseases and their treatments. II. Factors influencing health Changes in the Social and Physical Environment. Globalization, new patterns of production and deterioration of the environment are creating new living conditions with direct implications for health. Increasing urbanization and the concentration of Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 9

10 manufacturing in regions with cheap and plentiful labour raise issues of air and water pollution, waste management, and occupational health. Changing agricultural systems, with increasing use of agro-chemicals and spread of zoonotic diseases, are also concerns of global health research. Natural and political disasters in some parts of the world, with consequent displacement of people and disruption of local economies and health systems, have both short- and long-term effects. Water, sanitation and hygiene impact on the food chain while climate changes affect the spread of communicable diseases. Demographic Changes. Migration and ageing are prominent aspects of global demography fundamental for living conditions and health. The increased movement of people as labour migrants, soldiers, refugees and tourists facilitates the spread of communicable diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, but also means that people are exposed to new life conditions, including dietary patterns and risk factors for diseases. Migrants access to health care in host countries and their ability to use services is a pressing issue. Moreover, migration involves a drain of health workers and caregivers from low- and middle-income countries with grave consequences for the health systems in several countries. Research into health implications of greater longevity and other demographic changes includes social and economic effects, as well as health consequences like the increase in non-communicable diseases, neurodegeneration, and disability. Policy issues are paramount as new demands are made on existing health and social services as well as on communities. Maintaining health into old age requires a changed focus in prevention and health promotion with a longer time perspective. Food and Nutrition. With the ongoing nutrition transition, lowincome countries now suffer from the double burden of underand over-nutrition and infectious and chronic diseases. There is a need for research into use of traditional foods and food technologies to improve complementary foods, and to develop nutritional interventions targeting children and pregnant women, and people with HIV. Local foods are increasingly global foods as those produced in one part of the world are often transported, processed, and consumed elsewhere. Research is needed on the globalization of foods including areas like trade and food policy and law; chemical and microbiological food safety; emerging and re-emerging food- and water-borne diseases; and traceability of foods. Cultural Perceptions and Practices. Conceptions of health, the body, the person, and well-being are fundamental aspects of culture. They are conveyed through formal instruction, the media, and ritual, as well as nutrition, hygiene and treatment practices. These conceptions and practices interact with biomedical technologies and ideas of the good life that are disseminated as part of processes of globalization. Local institutions and cultural conventions can be resources as well as constraints in relation to public health programmes, as we have seen in the case of religion and the response to HIV/AIDS. Pluralism and change are evident in all societies, as is the dynamism of popular culture, not least in the domain of health where communication, new technologies and policies are part of globalization. New knowledge is often brokered by local elites and it is appropriated differently according to criteria of gender, education, class and ethnicity. III. Interventions to Reduce Health Problems and Promote Health Health Policies and Systems. In the face of rapid changes, effective, efficient and sustainable services remain a challenge. Developing new tools and interventions will make little difference for health and equity if policies and systems do not bring them into optimal use. The quality of governance is fundamental to the implementation of policy. A multitude of global and national policies and strategies exist that are often incongruent even within countries. Health care systems are composites of public, private, non-profit and commercial sectors affected by shifting policies and the forces of globalization. Research is called for that examines processes across sectors - from policy formulation through indicator development, supply systems, payment systems and implementation, to user responses and consequences for health and equality. Policies of disease prevention and health promotion and IEC (information, education and communication) should be studied including their effects on equity and stigmatization. Key areas are the economy and financing of health systems, access to health services, the role of donors, the role of faith-based organisations, reproductive health, counterfeit medicines, problems of human resources, and costs to users as well as the question how concepts of diseases are constructed and by whom. Health Technologies. Health technologies include the generation and improvement of techniques and tools, as well as their implementation and assessment. Research aiming at the development of new prophylactics (vaccines, drugs, vector control), therapeutics (drugs), and diagnostic tools is of central importance to global health improvement. This is not least imperative with respect to infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. These diseases disproportionately affect vulnerable populations in low- and middle-income countries, and effective technologies to control them are either not available or are becoming increasingly ineffective. Non-communicable, emerging, and neglected tropical diseases, as well as disease interactions constitute additional challenges. International trade and intellectual property rights affect availability and access to health technologies. Finally, studies of the dissemination and appropriation of available technologies by recipients at all levels are important, as is analysis of the impact of their implementation on health, society, and development. g Research Network and Added Value of Collaboration The newly enlarged University of Copenhagen is in a position to address the above issues from a multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral foundation. All faculties at the University of Copenhagen are represented. The social sciences and humanities provide comprehensive regional knowledge, and economic, political, and cultural approaches to research on living conditions, health and health systems. The natural and life sciences are strong on 10 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

11 the interaction between human activity and biological processes of the natural environment, including the relationships between food, human nutrition and health. The health sciences have strong research environments in epidemiology, biomedicine, immunology, microbiology, clinical medicine and disease control with focus on malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and various tropical diseases. Cross-cutting issues are pharmacoepidemiology, medicine use from the lay user perspective, prevention and control of infectious diseases and the practices of health professionals. There is a solid and growing research base in non-communicable diseases, especially diabetes, including global aspects of these emerging diseases. Sexual and reproductive health, child health, nutrition, environmental aspects of disease control, zoonotic diseases and drug resistance are other active research areas. The University of Copenhagen probably has the largest research environment in public health in Northern Europe, with research undertaken in the global South as well as the North on health policy and systems, health promotion and social inequalities. In a recent evaluation of the Cluster in International Health, Professor John Bell, Oxford, stated... very few academic institutions in the world... can mount such a broad-based programme. In addition to the cooperation with several WHO collaborating centres, the cluster is active in Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research; Trop Ed; Regional Network of Asian Schistosomiasis & other important Helminth Zoonoses (RNAS+); Cysticercosis Working Group of Eastern & Southern Africa (CWGESA). A strong tradition already exists for close collaboration between different groups at University of Copenhagen. This has been guided by informal as well as formal structures. The Danish Research Network for International Health brings together national research colleagues including those from the Statens Serum Institut. Many groups are also prominent members of international research networks. These include the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) where global health researchers are active in the themes ageing, longevity, and health and movement of people. Developing relevant knowledge, and especially implementing it effectively, requires a strong collaboration between researchers and institutions in the North and the South. University of Copenhagen has been developing collegial relations with partners in Africa and Asia for the past two decades, through student and researcher exchange and through cooperation around concrete development and research projects. Danida s Enhancement of Research Capacity programme and other Danida-supported programmes have facilitated long-term partnerships between research institutes, beyond the funding of individual research. g Resources Members of the group are as individuals leading international academics in their respective fields and many of the research groups maintain leading positions internationally. Excellency in research is supplemented with comprehensive experience in research management from involvement in many comprehensive multi-year and multi-country studies. The number of peer-reviewed publications in high-ranking international journals is very high, and the capacity to attract both national and international funding is impressive. Major international donors include the EU, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, National Institutes of Health. The very recent international evaluation of Danida supported health research for development judged the quantity and quality of the research as impressive, a major share of the research being conducted by scientists from the new University of Copenhagen. The Danish research community on global health is strong, and the targets set are achievable. In general, research facilities, infrastructures and administrative and logistic back-up are available both at the University of Copenhagen and at partner institutions in the South. At the University of Copenhagen fully equipped research laboratories with access to state-of-the-art equipment and technologies fundamental to completion of the proposed research are available. Core facilities, such as animal stable, research libraries with access to major online databases, and IT connectivity, are available. The facilities in the South have to a large extent been built through long-term north-south collaboration. A major strength of this interdisciplinary initiative is the rich spectrum of research methods and theoretical approaches applied. This multiplicity will add to synergy and to the robustness of the achieved results. g Education The outlined research programme will support and enhance the University of Copenhagen s potential to become a leading actor in the field of global and international health education and training. The existing variety of health-related masters courses must be internationalized, harmonized and coordinated to provide a flexible range of module-based masters programmes. New courses will be developed, for instance in health communication, demography, disaster management, and migration and health. To become a leading brand, the University of Copenhagen will market its courses internationally, develop an internet portal for presentation of master s courses relevant to global health, and facilitate the accreditation of specific courses within European or other international university networks, for example the ERASMUS MUNDUS and ASPHER - Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region. The University of Copenhagen will continue close collaboration with colleagues from low- and middle-income countries in pursuing these goals. This will include support for the establishment of joint training and educational activities at partner institutions in the South. The first steps have already been taken in this collaborative effort. The existing Research School in International Health will provide the starting point to achieve further expansion and coherence within University of Copenhagen as regards research training. Close collaboration between the different faculties will maximize the synergy and provide much added value through the possibility for multi-disciplinary and inter-sectoral collaboration. g Innovation and Dissemination The research findings will provide the background for evidencebased decision-making within health, as undertaken by the Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 11

12 international community (WHO, World Bank), by national governments and authorities, and by the affected communities and individuals. A wide audience needs to be addressed, ranging from academia via peer-reviewed publications to health decision-makers through best practice papers and research and policy briefs. Of utmost importance is also the active involvement of study districts, populations and individuals. A special strength of this transfacultary programme is the integration of disciplines dealing with cultures and a range of languages that facilitate dissemination. g Other There is still a long way to go to reach the MDGs by 2015, especially in sub-saharan Africa. Evidence-based decision-making and capacity building will play a pivotal role in bringing the global community closer to these development targets. It is thus a moral, political and scientific obligation to carry out research and capacity-building addressing problems in low- and middle-income countries. The theme represents the University of Copenhagens s contribution to the overall Danish and international efforts to support poverty reduction and sustainable development through improved health. g Researchers Involved The involved researchers are affiliated with all faculties at the University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Health Sciences Professor Ib Bygbjerg, Department of International Health, Immunology & Microbiology, Associate Professor Hanne Colding, Department of Bacteriology, ISIM, Professor Finn Didrichsen, Institute of Public Health, Department of Social Medicine, Professor Lars Hviid, Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, Associate Professor Flemming Konradsen, Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology (ISIM), Professor Allan Krasnik, Institute of Public Health, Department of, Health Services Research, Associate Professor Dan Meyrowitsch, Department of Epidemiology, Professor Freddy Karup Pedersen, Clinic of Pediatrics II, Rigshospitalet, Professor Thor Theander, Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, Associate Professor Signild Vallgårda, Institute of Public Health, Dept. of Health Services Research, s.vallgarda@pubhealth. Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor Anne Marie Jeppesen, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, ejdesgd@hum. Associate Professor Annemette Kirkegaard, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Ingemai Larsen, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Assistant Professor Tore Tvarnø Lind, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Associate Dean Hanne Løngreen, Faculty of Law Associate Professor Morten Broberg, The Research department, Faculty of Life Sciences Senior Adviser Jens Byskov, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, DBL - Centre for Health Research and Development, Professor Anders Dalsgård, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Professor Henrik Friis, Department of Human Nutrition, Senior Adviser Peter Furu, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Environmental Health and HIA, WHO Collaborating Centre on Health and Enviroment in Sustainable Development, Professor Lotte Holm, Department of Human Nutrition, Professor Mogens Jacobsen, Department of Food Science, Associate Professor Katherine O Doherty Jensen, Department of Human Nutrition, Assisting Professor Annemette Nielsen, Department of Human Nutrition, Senior Researcher Maria Vang Johansen, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, DBL - Centre for Health Research and Development, Senior Researcher Thomas K. Kristensen, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, DBL - Centre for Health Research and Development Senior Researcher Pascal Magnussen, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, DBL - Centre for Health Research and Development, Senior Researcher Paul Erik Simonsen, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, DBL - Centre for Health Research and Development, Professor Stig Milan Thamsborg, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Centre Director, Adj. Professor Niels Ørnbjerg, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Senior Researcher Jens Aagaard-Hansen, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, DBL - Centre for Health Research and Development, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor Ebba Holme Hansen, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Associate Professor Claus Møldrup, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Associate Professor Janine M. Traulsen, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, 12 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

13 Faculty of Science Professor Cornelis (Cok) J. P. Grimmelikhuijzen, Department of Biology, Associate Professor Frank Hauser, Department of Cell Biology and Comparativre Zoology, Faculty of Social Sciences Associate Professor Jakob Arnoldi, Department of Sociology, Assistant Professor Charlotte Baarts, Department of Sociology, Professor Margareta Bertilsson, Department of Sociology, PhD student Anders Blok, Department of Sociology, Anders. Associate Professor Tine Gammeltoft, Institute of Anthropology, Associate Professsor Hanne Mogensen, Institute of Anthropology, Associate Professor Inge Kryger Pedersen, Department of Sociology, Professor Finn Tarp, Department of Economics, Finn. Associate Professor Karsten Vrangbæk, Department of Political Science, Professor Susan Reynolds Whyte, Institute of Anthropology, Associate Professor Lars Peter Østerdal, Department of Economics, Faculty of Theology Associate Professor Niels Kastfelt, Centre of African Studies, g Contact Professor Ebba Holme Hansen, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 13

14 Research Theme 1 Danish Summary Global sundhed Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet for Fødevarer, Veterinærmedicin og Naturressourcer Det Farmaceutiske Fakultet Det Humanistiske Fakultet Det Juridiske Fakultet Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Det Teologiske Fakultet Vision. Hermed fremlægges et program for etablering af et internationalt Centre of Excellence for forskning og uddannelse i global sundhed ved Københavns Universitet. Programmet bygger på et egentligt transdisciplinært samarbejde på tværs af alle universitetets fakulteter og bidrager herigennem til, at disciplinære paradigmer ikke alene komplementerer, men også udfordrer hinanden. Vores vision er at forbedre sundheds- og livsbetingelser i lavindkomstlande med særlig vægt på ulighedsproblemer. Indhold. Programmet fokuserer på væsentlige sundhedsproblemer, på faktorer der er årsag til disse problemer og på fremgangsmåder og metoder til løsning af problemerne. Vi har identificeret 8 tværgående dimensioner af fundamental betydning for hele det globale sundhedsområde. Disse dimensioner inddrages i varierende udstrækning i de forskellige delprojekter og udgør ikke egentlige problemstillinger. Dimensionerne er: Ulighed i sundhed; Den dobbelte sygdomsbyrde (infektions- og kroniske sygdomme); Forandringer i det sociale og fysiske miljø; Demografiske forandringer; Fødevarer og ernæring; Kulturelle opfattelser og praksis; Sundhedssystemer og sundhedspolitik; Sundhedsteknologier. Netværk og samarbejder. Inden for rammerne af det nye, udvidede Københavns Universitet kan de nævnte områder og dimensioner udforskes på et multidisciplinært og tværsektorielt grundlag, idet alle fakulteter ved universitetet er repræsenteret i projektgruppen. Universitetet har allerede en førende position i udforskning af global sundhed inden for en række discipliner. Det foreliggende program udgør en platform for samarbejde mellem humanistiske, naturvidenskabelige, sundhedsvidenskabelige og samfundsvidenskabelige forskere og bidrager herigennem til øget synergi og innovation på forskningsfeltet. Blandt de mange nationale og internationale forskningsnetværk, som gruppens medlemmer deltager i, kan nævnes The Danish Research Network for International Health og The International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU). Gennem de sidste to årtier har Københavns Universitet udviklet nære samarbejdsrelationer med partnere i Afrika og Asien, gennem udveksling af studerende og lærere og i relation til konkrete projekter. Danidas Enhancement of Research Capacity (ENRECA) program og andre Danida-støttede aktiviteter har faciliteret langvarige partnerskaber mellem syd og nord. Ressourcer, infrastruktur og gennemførlighed. De individuelle gruppemedlemmer udgør i sig selv en stærk ressource, og mange indtager en international position, som bl.a. er opnået gennem publicering i internationale tidsskrifter. En nylig international evaluering af dansk udviklingsforskning på sundhedsområdet, hvoraf meget er gennemført ved Københavns Universitet, karakteriserer denne som imponerende. Gruppens medlemmer har også været i stand til at tiltrække international forskningsstøtte fra en række fonde. De nuværende forskningsfaciliteter i form af laboratoriekapacitet, apparatur, backup og infrastruktur er generelt på plads, således at det skitserede forskningsprogram kan gennemføres. En særlig styrke ved dette interdisciplinære initiativ er den brede vifte af anvendte teoretiske perspektiver og forskningsmetoder. Uddannelser i global sundhed. Forskningsprogrammet i global sundhed bidrager til Københavns Universitets potentiale for at opnå status som førende aktør i global og international uddannelse på sundhedsområdet. Universitetet udbyder og planlægger allerede i dag en vifte af valgfrie kurser, masteruddannelser og forskeruddannelser, som der kan bygges videre på ved udvikling af nye uddannelsestiltag. Vi planlægger at opbygge uddannelsesprogrammer i et modulbaseret system, hvor kurser kan indgå i forskellige uddannelsesforløb. Gruppen har allerede taget initiativ til et konkret samarbejde herom. Formidling. Forskningsresultaterne vil blive formidlet til en række forskellige målgrupper. Foruden den mere konventionelle formidling til andre forskere gennem tidsskrifter o.l. vil internationale og lokale beslutningstagere bliver adresseret. Af meget stor betydning er, at resultaterne når ud til lokale praktikere og brugere, således at disse kan blive aktivt involveret i beslutninger og forandringsprocesser. En særlig styrke ved dette program er integrationen af sprogforskning og anden humanistisk forskning, der bidrager til såvel formidling som den internationale profil. g Kontakt Professor Ebba Holme Hansen, Det Farmaceutiske Fakultet, Institut for Farmakologi og Farmakoterapi, 14 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

15 Research Theme 2 Ecosystems and livelihoods Challenges of environmental change Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Law Faculty of Life Sciences Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Sciences g Scientific Background Ecosystems and livelihoods are intricately linked. Understanding the many and often complex linkages between ecosystems and human activities and well-being is essential to achieve socially and environmentally sustainable growth. Climate change, rapid rates of urbanisation, environmental degradation and the persistence of poverty among ecosystem-dependent households underline the importance of such knowledge. The basic idea in this sub-theme is to increase the understanding of humanenvironmental interactions in developing countries in order to be able to promote evidence-based decision-making and action towards sustainable development. The vision is true environment-livelihood integration : that knowledge of these linkages is used to realise the Millennium Development Goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger; promoting gender equality and empowerment of women; and ensuring environmental sustainability. The mission is to develop and use interdisciplinary science to generate knowledge on the complex human-environment linkages, and foster use of this knowledge to improve decisions and practices impacting on the poor and the sustainable use of natural resources in developing countries. Emphasis is on integrating the use of natural and social sciences in the analysis of improved human livelihoods and sustainable use of natural resources, Figure 1. In order to develop an operational approach to study the above large issues, research has been structured under the three headings, each described in more detail below, Relations between ecosystem services and livelihoods, Climate change and human adaptation strategies, and Natural resource use and human health. The first generally investigates whether and how natural resources can sustainably improve the well-being of people in developing countries; the second focuses specifically on biophysical and socio-economic changes related to climate changes; while the last is explicitly concerned with issues related to traditional medicine in health care. In all cases, the point of departure is generating comparative studies across countries, vegetation types, cultures, communities and households that will allow identification of findings that can be generalised, and integrating socio-economic household-level studies and biophysical studies. The aim is to move from one-off cross-sectional household data to tracking households and resource developments over time as well as to extrapolate local observations to larger spatial scales of enquiry and causal explanation. Panel data will be used to study individual household dynamics and to link changes in Interdisciplinary research Poverty prevention and reduction Improved human livelihoods Sustainable use of natural resources Environmental change Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the research under sub-theme 3 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 15

16 socio-economic parameters with changes in key characteristics of natural resources. Over time this will, among other things, enable analysis of whether observed levels of environmental resource dependency are sustainable. It should be noted that studies at different temporal and spatial scales, e.g. from one-country case studies to continental level comparative studies, provides possibilities to answer research questions at different scales. Relations between Ecosystem Services and Livelihoods A majority of the world s poor are dependent on ecosystem services and thus vulnerable to their degradation. Research will emphasise the links between natural resource dependent livelihoods, ecosystem services and poverty alleviation. Controversy continues to exist in the literature regarding the causality, direction and intensity of the linkages between environmental degradation and poverty. For instance, what types of environmental resources play what role in preventing and reducing poverty? What resources are mainly important as safety nets and what resources may provide a pathway out of poverty? How are the poor affected by environmental shocks and what mechanisms do they use to cope with such events? How are different types of capital (natural, social, human, financial, physical) affected by shocks? We have surprisingly little empirically based knowledge to answer such questions. The emphasis in this research will be on developing theory, by combining knowledge from the social and natural sciences, and conducting comparative empirical studies that provide variability along a pre-defined set of gradients, such as level of poverty and vegetation type. Empirical work will include joint ecological and economic studies; valuation of ecosystems services; time series of resource development and socio-economic indicators; sectoral impact, e.g. of livestock, on environmental changes and land degradation; conservation and use of potentially important crops and biodiversity; quantification of stocks, flows and economic values; and household level responses to environmental and socio-economic shocks. Climate Change and Human Adaptation Strategies Climatic changes will impact on environments and livelihoods throughout developing countries, e.g. through changes in rainfall patterns, distribution of habitats and natural hazards. What changes can be expected where and how fast? What are the impacts of changes and how can households adapt? What is the role of primary production systems, including crop and livestock production? Research will include responses of natural resources and agricultural production systems to climate changes; household-level responses and adaptation, including investigation of livelihood and coping strategies; quantification of uncertainties and linkages; analysis of contemporary management systems, their resilience and vulnerability; restoration of degraded lands; development of planning tools for impact and vulnerability assessment as well as adaptive management; and analysis of optimal policies taking into account uncertainties and irreversibility of climate change. Natural Resource Use and Human Health The World Health Organization has estimated that more than 80% of the world s population relies solely or largely on traditional remedies for health care. However, research on the role of agriculture, home gardens, livestock, forests, etc., as determinants for human health is limited, as is the existing knowledge on factors determining household health care consumption patterns. How does natural resource use, including over-exploitation and resource degradation, influence human health? What factors determine dependency on traditional medicine? Research includes the economic importance of traditional medicinal systems in treatment of diseases and maintaining good health; types of traditional medicine dependency at household level; factors determining people-traditional medicine relationships; and valuation of traditional medicine products and services. g Research Network and Added Value of Collaboration The research areas outlined above can only be successfully addressed by mobilising scientific competences in a number of different fields. Herein lies the added value of collaboration: it allows us to address complex issues that we can not solve in isolation. The sub-theme includes research groups from five faculties at the University of Copenhagen. The involved researchers are actively involved in a big number of national and international networks. Examples include the Danish Network for Land Systems Science (LaSyS), working-groups in relation to the International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Species Survival Commission, and collaboration with members of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and leading international universities. The partners thus represent a vast array of key competences relevant to the sub-theme. It should also be noted that there are obvious possibilities for collaboration with other sub-themes in this and other themes, e.g. sub-themes 1.1, 1.4., 1.5 and 3.3. g Resources The research groups in this sub-theme have a strong international standing and are present in the above mentioned networks that are important to international progress in this field. Core research group members have documented experience in attracting and managing large-scale multi-year research, education and capacity building programmes with international partners. In total, the research group consists of eight professors, 19 other tenured staff, 5 assistant professors, and around 25 PhD students. All are listed below (except PhD students). Annually, around 40 papers are published in international peer-reviewed journals. The annual external funding of research and capacity building projects is approximately DKK 20 million. g Education This sub-theme has an outstanding record of developing and implementing interdisciplinary international educational programmes. Educational programmes in English related to natural resource management in developing countries constitute a major University of Copenhagen asset; they are probably the most international programmes offered at the University of Copenhagen. Important programmes are the MSc 16 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

17 in Agricultural Development, the recent Erasmus Mundus MSc programmes in Sustainable Agriculture (Agris Mundus) and Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR), and the MSc programme in Geography and Geoinformatics. These programmes attract an international student body, e.g. through the use of EU scholarships. Around 100 students are annually expected to graduate from these programmes in the coming years. Furthermore, three faculties have collaborated on joint educational activities through the SLUSE (Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management) programme since The aim of this programme is to promote interdisciplinary teaching related to sustainable land use and natural resource management in developing countries. There are exciting possibilities to increase collaboration across faculties and use the existing programmes to develop new national interdisciplinary MSc programmes (e.g. in Climate change and agricultural production) building on existing courses, and new international MSc programmes with leading international universities. The involved research groups are also at the cutting edge of developing e-learning; this represents another opportunity for development, e.g. through development of distance learning programmes. This provides a solid foundation on which to firmly establish the University of Copenhagen as a European leader in higher education related to interdisciplinary studies in ecosystems and livelihoods. Capacity building at partner institutions is important to the involved research groups. This is done through ENRECA projects (including ComForM in Nepal, FOMABO in Bolivia, and Eco-Lab in Ghana), collaborative educational projects e.g. sponsored by the EU Asia-Link programme, and on-the-ground research collaboration. There are also long-standing links to universities in south-east Asia and southern Africa through the SLUSE programme. Lastly, research will add value to the PhD programmes at the University of Copenhagen. This will take place through courses at the associated research schools, including REFOLANA and the Geography PhD school. g Innovation and Dissemination The research findings are relevant to development agents, including national governments and actors, and aid agencies throughout the world, from small NGOs to the World Bank. All research results will thus be communicated using Policy Briefs: short 2-4 page communication notes emphasising the relevance of research results for end users. Nationally the research group can play a key role for actors such as Danida in providing evidence-based development advice, participation in sector programme design, evaluation, etc. g Researchers Involved The research group is listed below; it does not include PhD students. The Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor Anne Marie Ejdesgaard Jeppesen, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, ejdesgd@hum. The Faculty of Law Associate Professor Morten Broberg, Research Section I, The Faculty of Life Sciences Professor Andre Chwalibog, Department of Basic Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Senior Advisor Peter Furu, Centre for Health Research and Development, Head of Division Lars Graudal, Forest and Landscape Denmark, Associate Professor Hanne H. Hansen, Department of Large Animal Sciences, Professor Finn Helles, Forest and Landscape Denmark, Associate Professor Jens Raunsø Jensen, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Thomas Kristensen, Centre for Health Research and Development, Assistant Professor Helle O. Larsen, Forest and Landscape Denmark, Assistant Professor Jens Friis Lund, Forest and Landscape Denmark, Professor Jørgen Madsen, Department of Large Animal Sciences, Associate Professor Mette Olaf Nielsen, Department of Basic Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Carsten Smith Olsen, Forest and Landscape Denmark, Associate Professor Marten Sørensen, Department of Ecology, Head of Centre Jan Torp, Department of Plant Biology, Associate Professor Thorsten Treue, Forest and Landscape, The Faculty of Science Associate Professor Torben Birch-Thomsen, Department of Geography and Geology, Professor Henrik Breuning-Madsen, Department of Geography and Geology, Associate Professor Gilles Cuny, Geological Museum, Professor Bo Elberling, Department of Geography and Geology, Assistant Professor Rasmus Fensholt, Department of Geography and Geology, Associate Professor Kjeld Rasmussen, Department of Geography and Geology, Professor Anette Reenberg, Department of Geography and Geology, Associate Professor Michael Schultz Rasmussen, Department of Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 17

18 Geography and Geology, Associate Professor Inge Sandholt, Department of Geography and Geology, Associate Professor Sten Struwe, Institute of Biology, The Faculty of Social Sciences Associate Professor Thomas Barnebeck Andersen, Department of Economics, Assistant Research Professor Katleen van den Broeck, Department of Economics, Assistant Research Professor Patricia Silva, Department of Economics, Professor Finn Tarp, Department of Economics, finn. g Contact Associate Professor Carsten Smith Olsen, Faculty of Life Sciences, Forest and Landscape Denmark, 18 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

19 Research Theme 2 Danish Summary Økosystemer og livsbetingelser miljøændringer og udfordringer Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet for Fødevarer, Veterinærmedicin og Naturressourcer Det Farmaceutiske Fakultet Det Juridiske Fakultet Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet En indgående viden om de mange og ofte komplekse forbindelser mellem økosystemer og menneskelige aktiviteter er afgørende for opnåelsen af samfunds- og miljømæssig bæredygtig udvikling. Mange forhold i ulandene peger på, at en sådan viden er nødvendig, fx i forbindelse med klimaændring, stigende urbanisering, miljømæssig nedslidning og vedvarende fattigdom. Der er behov for at øge forståelsen af de menneske-miljømæssige vekselvirkninger i ulandene, så beslutninger og handlinger med henblik på at fremme bæredygtig udvikling kan bygge på kendsgerninger. Der skal ske en reel integration af miljø og levevilkår i arbejdet på at realisere Milleniumserklæringens tidsbundne udviklingsmål for halvering af ekstrem fattigdom og sult, fremme af lighed mellem kønnene og sikring af miljømæssig bæredygtighed. Formålet med vores forskningsprogram er, på tværvidenskabeligt grundlag, at producere ny viden om de komplekse sammenhænge mellem mennesker og miljø og at udnytte denne viden til at forbedre de beslutninger og handlinger, der påvirker de fattige og den bæredygtige udnyttelse af naturressourcer i ulandene. Der lægges vægt på at integrere natur- og samfundsvidenskab i analyserne af forbedrede levevilkår og bæredygtig udnyttelse af naturressourcer. For at opnå en operationel tilgang til studiet af de ovennævnte brede emner skelnes der mellem forskning inden for tre områder: Forholdet mellem økosystemtjenester og levevilkår, Klimaændring og menneskelige tilpasningsstrategier, og Naturressourcer og menneskelig sundhed. I den første gruppe undersøges det, om og hvordan naturressourcer kan forbedre folks levevilkår på bæredygtig måde i ulandene. I den anden gruppe fokuseres der på biofysiske og socioøkonomiske ændringer med relation til klimaforandringer. Og i den sidste gruppe arbejdes der med spørgsmål i forbindelse med naturmedicin i sundhedsplejen. Der tages overalt udgangspunkt i at foretage sammenlignende studier på tværs af lande, vegetationstyper, kulturer, samfund og husholdninger, som tillader identifikation af resultater, der kan generaliseres, og at integrere socioøkonomiske studier på husholdningsniveau og biofysiske studier. Målet er at kunne gå fra tværgruppevise engangsdata for husholdninger til at følge udviklinger i husholdninger og ressourcer over tid samt ekstrapolere lokale observationer til større rumlig skala for forklaring af årsag og virkning. Vores gruppe består af 8 professorer, 19 lektorer o. lign., 5 adjunkter og 25 Ph.D. studerende fra fem af Københavns Universitets fakulteter. Gruppens medlemmer har stærke internationale profiler og netværk, og kernemedlemmerne har dokumenteret erfaring i tiltrækning af langvarige forskningsprojekter og i undervisning og kapacitetsopbygnings programmer sammen med internationale partnere. Gruppen har endvidere særdeles stor erfaring med udvikling og implementering af stærke interdisciplinære og internationale kandidatuddannelser. g Kontakt Lektor Carsten Smith Olsen, Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet for Fødevarer, Veterinærmedicin og Naturressourcer, Center for Skov, Landskab og Planlægning, Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries 19

20 Research Theme 3 Agricultural Production Systems, Food Security, Food Safety and Rural Livelihood Faculty of Law Faculty of Life Sciences Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Sciences g Scientific Background The amount of food needed the next 50 years is forecasted to be equal to the amount produced in the last two millennia. Globally, it is fundamental to increase the agricultural productivity in order to meet the future demand for food caused by the increasing global population and the significant current food deficiency in many regions while at the same time improving nutrition quality. This will have to be done without destroying the natural resource base or increasing the vulnerability of the agricultural systems. In the rural areas of developing countries most people are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood and improvement in life conditions. The agricultural production system is often the foundation for the development, and although incomes are increasingly being diversified, it remains an important driving force for economic development in rural areas. The essential substance of this sub-theme is the food supply chain, from farmland to consumption and beyond to rural livelihood in developing countries. Owing to the complexity of the problems facing resource-poor farmers, solutions cannot be a one-fix approach, thus a high degree of flexibility, integration and decentralisation in the design of future research strategy is needed. The methodology will be Research for Development (R4D) that is end-user driven and targeting poverty reduction and sustainability through research on the agricultural production system using quantitative and qualitative analysis. Objectives, strategies and research will focus on local adaptation of food technologies from farmland to the consumer including value-added traditional food processing and quality assurance to enhance food quality and trade opportunities. The mission is to conduct research and capacity building, related to agricultural production systems, food safety and food security, that will increase the livelihood of present and future generations with special attention to the rural and poor smallholders in developing countries. The mission is directly linked to the Danish, European and international goals and policies for development- and environment assistance. Overall it relates to UN s Millennium Development Goals, especially Goal 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, Goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability and Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development. The work further links to the international conventions, e.g. convention on biological diversity, climate changes and spreading of the desert. Agricultural Production Systems In order to optimize the potential of agriculture as a vehicle for improved rural livelihoods there is a need to understand the complexities of farming systems within a development context. It is important to analyse the various subsystems in order to improve farming systems that lead to sustainable production. This calls for individual as well as collaborative research within and among disciplines. For agronomy, horticulture and forestry the overall focus for future research will be integrated crop management. The first step is securing soil fertility, which is often degraded as a result of over-utilization, tenure problems and low use of inputs such as fertilizer or organic material. Seed and planting material require research on genetic resources and breeding of neglected local species and major crops. Areas of concern includeseed supply and health, genetics and physiology of agronomic traits, agroecological adaptation, drought and other abiotic stresses, pests and diseases, weeds, crop quality including nutritional value and local adaptability. Considerable evidence exists that the rural poor and landless, especially women, get a higher share of their income from livestock than better-off rural people. Furthermore, livestock provide the poor with fertilizer and draft power, along with the opportunity to exploit common grazing areas, build collateral and savings, and diversify income. Possible areas of investigations on livestock could be livestock production in the food supply chain and interactions between crop and animal production. Integration of agriculture, horticulture, livestock and forestry is another important aspect of rural production systems in developing countries. Trees in agriculture, for example, often serve 20 Research Proposal 1: Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

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