LEADERVIEW360. LeaderView360 Profile for: Chris Test Kommunikationscentralen. 16 Nov 2010

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1 LeaderView360 Profile for: Chris Test Kommunikationscentralen 16 Nov 2010 This report was generated by consultingtools LeaderView360 Software Consulting Tools Limited. LeaderView360 is a trademark of Consulting Tools Limited. The Leadership Behavior Questionnaire (LBQ) is a trademark of Consulting Tools Limited Questionnaire Copyright 1988 by Kenneth R. Brousseau and Michael R. Perrault

2 Summary Feedback Report Introduction This report provides you feedback on 7 critical leadership competencies. This report compares your own self-perceptions to those of others who have provided you feedback on the Leadership Behaviour Questionnaire. Your report summarizes feedback from the following type and number of raters: Selv 1 Chef 1 Kolleger 2 Underordnet 2 This Feedback Report gives you: Competency Definitions Self Awareness Summary Competency Summary Behavior Summary Most Frequent / Least Frequent Behaviors Top and Bottom Behaviors Open Ended Comments Development Planning Guide Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 1

3 Respondent Names Chris Test Rater1 Test1 Rater2 Test2 Rater3 Test3 Rater4 Test4 Rater5 Test5 Selv Chef Kolleger Kolleger Underordnet Underordnet Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 2

4 Competency Definitions Leader View 360 Competencies Problemløsning Planlægning Opgavestyring Personlig Effektivitet Forhold til andre Lederskab Kommunikation LEADER VIEW 360 FREQUENCY RATING SCALE 1 Needs Considerable Development 2 Needs Development 3 Competent 4 Effective 5 Very Effective NA Not Observable or Not Applicable Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 3

5 Self-Awareness Index Introduction INTRODUCTION Research suggests that accurate self-awareness about one's strengths and potential areas of development is important for effective job performance and success. The Self-Awareness Index provides a way for you to compare your own self-ratings to those of your raters (e.g. supervisor, direct reports, peers, etc.) on the critical competencies measured by Leader View 360. The scores for all your raters have been averaged together and are compared to your own self-ratings and graphically displayed in one of the four quadrants shown below. The Self-Awareness Index can be categorized in four distinct ways: Potential Strengths - the competencies represented in this quadrant are those that were rated higher by your rater groups than your own self ratings Confirmed Strengths - the competencies represented in this quadrant are those that were rated high by yourself and other rater groups Potential Development Areas - the competencies represented in this quadrant are those that were rated lower by your rater groups than your own self ratings Confirmed Development Areas - the competencies represented in this quadrant are those that were rated low by yourself and other rater groups High Potential Strengths Confirmed Strengths OTHER RATINGS Low Confirmed Development Areas Potential Development Areas Low SELF RATINGS High HOW TO USE YOUR SELF-AWARENESS INDEX First, examine the specific competencies that fall into each of these four quadrants Next, explore the themes of these competencies to see how they may or may not be logically related to each other. It's important to continue to leverage those competencies that are categorized as Confirmed or Potential Strengths Finally, consider ways to enhance skills and effectiveness in those competencies categorized as Confirmed or Potential Development Areas Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 4

6 Self-Awareness Index Selv - All Raters (N = 5) High 5 Potential Strengths Confirmed Strengths Average Scores Selv All Raters Confirmed Development Areas A. Problemløsning 3.33 B. Planlægning 3.33 All Raters Rating 4 3 C E A D F B G C. Opgavestyring D. Personlig Effektivitet E. Forhold til andre F. Lederskab G. Kommunikation Low Potential Development 1 Confirmed Development Areas Areas Low Selv Rating High Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 5

7 Self-Awareness Index Selv - Chef (N = 1) High 5 Potential Strengths Confirmed Strengths Average Scores Selv Chef Potential Strengths A. Problemløsning E. Forhold til andre 2.67 Confirmed Development Areas 4 E A D G B. Planlægning C. Opgavestyring 2.17 D. Personlig Effektivitet F. Lederskab 3.33 G. Kommunikation Chef Rating 3 C B 2 F Low Potential Development 1 Confirmed Development Areas Areas Low Selv Rating High Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 6

8 Self-Awareness Index Selv - Kolleger (N = 2) High 5 Potential Strengths Confirmed Strengths Average Scores Selv Kolleger Confirmed Development Areas A. Problemløsning 3.67 B. Planlægning C. Opgavestyring Kolleger Rating 4 3 C E A D F B G D. Personlig Effektivitet 3.20 E. Forhold til andre F. Lederskab G. Kommunikation Low Potential Development 1 Confirmed Development Areas Areas Low Selv Rating High Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 7

9 Self-Awareness Index Selv - Underordnet (N = 2) High 5 Potential Strengths Confirmed Strengths Selv Average Scores Underordnet Confirmed Development Areas A. Problemløsning 2.67 B. Planlægning C. Opgavestyring Underordnet Rating 4 3 C E A D F B G D. Personlig Effektivitet E. Forhold til andre F. Lederskab 3.33 G. Kommunikation Low Potential Development 1 Confirmed Development Areas Areas Low Selv Rating High Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 8

10 Performance Factors Introduction How to Interpret Your Graphs The following line graphs compare your own self-perceptions to those of other rater groups for each of the 7 competencies measured in LeaderView360. Each rater group is shown by a different color corresponding to the legend at the bottom of the graph. The line graphs that follow compare your perceptions to those of other rater groups using average scores. Each rater group category and scores will be shown separately on the graphs using raw score averages. Differences of one-half a point or more by the different rater groups might suggest important perceptual differences. Each LeaderView360 graph is easy to understand and interpret. You and your respondents were asked to rate the observed behaviors using the following 5-point effectiveness scale: On the graphs that follow, the ratings are indicated as shown below: 1 Needs Considerable Development 2 Needs Development 3 Competent 4 Effective 5 Very Effective NA Not Observable or Not Applicable Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 9

11 Competency Summary Problemløsning Planlægning Opgavestyring Personlig Effektivitet Forhold til andre Lederskab Kommunikation Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 10

12 Behavior Introduction How to Interpret Your Graphs The following line graphs compare your own self-perceptions to those of other rater groups for each of the 35 items measured in LeaderView360. Each rater group is shown by a different color corresponding to the legend at the bottom of the graph. The line graphs that follow compare your perceptions to those of other rater groups using average scores. Each rater group category and scores will be shown separately on the graphs using raw score averages. Differences of one-half a point or more by the different rater groups might suggest important perceptual differences. Each LeaderView360 graph is easy to understand and interpret. You and your respondents were asked to rate the observed behaviors using the following 5-point effectiveness scale: On the graphs that follow, the ratings are indicated as shown below: 1 Needs Considerable Development 2 Needs Development 3 Competent 4 Effective 5 Very Effective NA Not Observable or Not Applicable Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 11

13 Problemløsning Opmærksom på tendenser og trends Fremkommer med idéer 1.00 Vurderer og reagerer på idéer Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 12

14 Planlægning Planlægger fremtiden Åben for forandringer Opstiller mål Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 13

15 Opgavestyring Organiserer begivenheder Følger resultater Overholder deadlines Udfører arbejde af høj kvalitet Fastholder høj produktivitet Overholder aftaler Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 14

16 Personlig Effektivitet Klarer pressede situationer Håndterer egne problemer selv Udvikler egne færdigheder Reagerer på tilbagemeldinger Balancerer eget liv Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 15

17 LEADERVIEW360 Forhold til andre Starter selv nye relationer Samarbejder Fornemmelse for andre mennesker Vedligeholder relationer Løser konflikter Er åben overfor andres behov Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 16

18 LEADERVIEW360 Lederskab Uddelegerer ansvar Sikrer at alle er aktive i møder 1.00 Motiverer andre Opmuntrer til udvikling Giver anerkendelse 1.00 Opbygger teamet Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 17

19 Kommunikation Udtrykker idéer Lytter Holder andre informeret Fortæller andre om forventninger Fortæller andre om resultater Fortæller om visioner Selv (1) Chef (1) Kolleger (2) Underordnet (2) Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 18

20 Top & Bottom Five Behaviors - All Raters The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by your respondents as your greatest strengths. They are rank ordered so the first item is viewed as your most effective behavior based on average scores. These are the areas in which you contribute most to the success of your organization. Score Behavior Competency 4.20 Opmuntrer andre til at udvikle sig - Hjælper andre til at udvikle deres færdigheder Afsøger nye metoder til at hjælpe andre mennesker med at lære nyt og udvikle sig Coacher og deler viden med andre Uddelegerer ansvar - Lader medarbejderne klare opgaver indenfor deres kompetencer og lader dem selv tage ansvar for planlægning og udførelse af opgaverne Opstiller mål og målsætninger - Sætter klare, specifikke, opnåelige og målbare målsætninger for sig selv og for organisationen Lederskab Lederskab Planlægning Klarer pressede situationer - Lader ikke stress påvirke tankevirksomhed og dømmekraft Personlig Effektivitet 3.80 Afbalancerer arbejdsliv og privatliv - Giver sig selv tid til at genvinde og vedligeholde helbred og energi Personlig Effektivitet The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by your respondents as those in which your performance is least effective. They are rank ordered so the first item is the behavior that received the lowest average score. We suggest you pay particular attention to these five and focus you immediate developmental activities on them. Score Behavior Competency 1.80 Planlægger fremtiden - Prioriterer og fastlægger klare mål for fremtidigt arbejde Planlægning Giver andre anerkendelse - Værdsætter åbent andres bidrag og anstrengelser, lader andre opnå anerkendelse og succes Lederskab 2.40 Udvikler egne færdigheder - Og evner, viser interesse og er åben for indlæring og forbedring Personlig Effektivitet 2.60 Lytter til andre - Melder tilbage for sikre forståelsen af det andre siger Kommunikation 2.60 Formulerer udfordrende fremtidsvisioner - Motiverer andre til at se positivt på fremtidige muligheder Kommunikation Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 19

21 Top & Bottom Five Behaviors - Selv These behaviors were identified on the LBQ by you as your greatest strengths. They are rank ordered so the first item is the behavior you rated your most effective based on average scores. These are the areas in which you believe you contribute most to the success of the organization. You should compare these self-ratings with the ratings given by the others. If these behaviors are self-rated considerably higher than the ratings rendered by the others, these may be your blind spots and you may want to focus your developmental activities on them. Score Behavior Competency 5.00 Formulerer udfordrende fremtidsvisioner - Motiverer andre til at se positivt på fremtidige muligheder Kommunikation 5.00 Opmuntrer andre til at udvikle sig - Hjælper andre til at udvikle deres færdigheder Afsøger nye metoder til at hjælpe andre mennesker med at lære nyt og udvikle sig Coacher og deler viden med andre Lederskab 5.00 Giver andre anerkendelse - Værdsætter åbent andres bidrag og anstrengelser, lader andre opnå anerkendelse og succes Lederskab Opstiller mål og målsætninger - Sætter klare, specifikke, opnåelige og målbare målsætninger for sig selv og for organisationen Planlægning Starter selv nye relationer - Kommer andre i møde og venter ikke på at de skal tage det første skridt Forhold til andre You identified the following five behaviors on the LBQ as those in which your performance is least effective. They are rank ordered so the first item is the behavior you rated lowest based on average scores. We suggest you pay particular attention to these five behaviors and compare them with those behaviors rated lowest by your other raters. Score Behavior Competency 1.00 Klarer pressede situationer - Lader ikke stress påvirke tankevirksomhed og dømmekraft Personlig Effektivitet 1.00 Vurderer og reagerer på idéer - Er åben overfor nye ideer og input fra andre, vurderer nye ideer objektivt baseret på deres indhold Organiserer og leder begivenheder - Sikrer grundlaget for arbejdet ved at sammenbringe nødvendige ressourcer, personer, værktøjer og planlægning Følger og kontrollerer resultater - Er up to date med status på arbejde under udførelse, sikrer at arbejdet udføres efter aftalte retningslinier Problemløsning Opgavestyring Opgavestyring Udfører arbejde af høj kvalitet - Færdiggør opgaver præcist, grundigt og i overensstemmelse med standarder Opgavestyring Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 20

22 Top & Bottom Five Behaviors - Chef The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by the Chef rater group as your greatest strengths. They are rank ordered so the first item is viewed as your most effective behavior based on average scores. These are the areas in which you contribute most to the success of your organization. Score Behavior Competency 5.00 Fastholder høj produktivitet - Holder sig aktiv og effektiv, er med til at sikre, at egen og andres tid udnyttes effektivt Opgavestyring 5.00 Er opmærksom på tendenser og trends - Kan se mønstre i uorganiseret information, udpeger problemer før de opstår og drager de rigtige konklusioner Problemløsning 5.00 Samarbejder med andre - Er åben for at tilpasse planer for at tilgodese andres arbejde og behov Forhold til andre 5.00 Vedligeholder relationer - Med mennesker, tager initiativ til at holde forbindelse med andre Forhold til andre 5.00 Formulerer udfordrende fremtidsvisioner - Motiverer andre til at se positivt på fremtidige muligheder Kommunikation The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by the Chef rater group as those in which your performance is least effective. They are rank ordered so the first item is the behavior that received the lowest average score. We suggest you pay particular attention to these five and focus you immediate developmental activities on them. Score Behavior Competency 1.00 Motiverer og inspirerer andre - Hjælper andre med at holde sig produktive og aktive gennem egen motivation, interesse og entusiasme 1.00 Opbygger teamet - Opmuntrer til gode forhold mellem kolleger og andre, styrker båndene mellem mennesker ved at demonstrere åben og ærlig adfærd Organiserer og leder begivenheder - Sikrer grundlaget for arbejdet ved at sammenbringe nødvendige ressourcer, personer, værktøjer og planlægning Lederskab Lederskab Opgavestyring Overholder aftaler og deadlines - Og fuldfører arbejdet udfra planer og aftaler Opgavestyring Overholder aftaler - Løser opgaver til tiden som aftalt Følger planer og aktiviteter til dørs Opgavestyring Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 21

23 Top & Bottom Five Behaviors - Kolleger The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by the Kolleger rater group as your greatest strengths. They are rank ordered so the first item is viewed as your most effective behavior based on average scores. These are the areas in which you contribute most to the success of your organization. Score Behavior Competency 5.00 Klarer pressede situationer - Lader ikke stress påvirke tankevirksomhed og dømmekraft Personlig Effektivitet 4.50 Opmuntrer andre til at udvikle sig - Hjælper andre til at udvikle deres færdigheder Afsøger nye metoder til at hjælpe andre mennesker med at lære nyt og udvikle sig Coacher og deler viden med andre 4.50 Opbygger teamet - Opmuntrer til gode forhold mellem kolleger og andre, styrker båndene mellem mennesker ved at demonstrere åben og ærlig adfærd Lederskab Lederskab Udfører arbejde af høj kvalitet - Færdiggør opgaver præcist, grundigt og i overensstemmelse med standarder Opgavestyring Opstiller mål og målsætninger - Sætter klare, specifikke, opnåelige og målbare målsætninger for sig selv og for organisationen Planlægning The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by the Kolleger rater group as those in which your performance is least effective. They are rank ordered so the first item is the behavior that received the lowest average score. We suggest you pay particular attention to these five and focus you immediate developmental activities on them. Score Behavior Competency 1.50 Fortæller andre om resultater - Udpeger, hvor resultaterne er bedre, matcher eller ikke opfylder mål, standarder eller forventninger Kommunikation Giver andre anerkendelse - Værdsætter åbent andres bidrag og anstrengelser, lader andre opnå anerkendelse og succes Lederskab Formulerer udfordrende fremtidsvisioner - Motiverer andre til at se positivt på fremtidige muligheder Kommunikation 2.50 Lytter til andre - Melder tilbage for sikre forståelsen af det andre siger Kommunikation 2.50 Følger og kontrollerer resultater - Er up to date med status på arbejde under udførelse, sikrer at arbejdet udføres efter aftalte retningslinier Opgavestyring Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 22

24 Top & Bottom Five Behaviors - Underordnet The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by the Underordnet rater group as your greatest strengths. They are rank ordered so the first item is viewed as your most effective behavior based on average scores. These are the areas in which you contribute most to the success of your organization. Score Behavior Competency 5.00 Fortæller andre om resultater - Udpeger, hvor resultaterne er bedre, matcher eller ikke opfylder mål, standarder eller forventninger 5.00 Uddelegerer ansvar - Lader medarbejderne klare opgaver indenfor deres kompetencer og lader dem selv tage ansvar for planlægning og udførelse af opgaverne Kommunikation Lederskab Afbalancerer arbejdsliv og privatliv - Giver sig selv tid til at genvinde og vedligeholde helbred og energi Personlig Effektivitet Opstiller mål og målsætninger - Sætter klare, specifikke, opnåelige og målbare målsætninger for sig selv og for organisationen Planlægning Er åben overfor andres behov - Er opmærksom på andres behov og ønsker og tager initiativ til at yde hjælp og støtte Forhold til andre The following five behaviors were identified on the LBQ by the Underordnet rater group as those in which your performance is least effective. They are rank ordered so the first item is the behavior that received the lowest average score. We suggest you pay particular attention to these five and focus you immediate developmental activities on them. Score Behavior Competency 1.00 Planlægger fremtiden - Prioriterer og fastlægger klare mål for fremtidigt arbejde Planlægning 1.50 Lytter til andre - Melder tilbage for sikre forståelsen af det andre siger Kommunikation 1.50 Løser konflikter - Bidrager til opnåelse af enighed og hjælper til med at løse op for forskelle Forhold til andre 1.50 Reagerer på tilbagemeldinger - Åben for feedback fra andre, bruger denne til at justere egen adfærd og indsats Personlig Effektivitet Udfører arbejde af høj kvalitet - Færdiggør opgaver præcist, grundigt og i overensstemmelse med standarder Opgavestyring Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 23

25 Open Ended Comments Summary Introduction You and your respondents had the opportunity to provide written comments online about your perceived strengths and possible development areas. The questions were: Styrker: Udviklingsområder: These comments are provided on the next pages and are included verbatim without identifying the rater to ensure confidentiality. Compare the open-ended comments provided in the next few pages with the graphs and other information provided in this feedback report. Please keep in mind that not all comments will be easy to understand - not everyone can provide concrete, specific, non-judgmental feedback. It is important to look for trends or themes as you read these comments - it is easy to find a single comment upsetting or even biased. However, if a number of comments focus on a specific area you might want to place a greater emphasis of importance on the specific behaviors to change to enhance your overall effectiveness. The following questions might be useful in analyzing these open-ended comments: Are the comments consistent and reinforce the other feedback you have received? Do they add any new information or insight about your performance and effectiveness? Do you see any trends across the open-ended comments? How can you leverage your strengths? What areas are you committed to focus on as part of your executive development plan? Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 24

26 Open Ended Comments Summary Styrker: Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 25

27 Open Ended Comments Summary Continued Udviklingsområder: Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 26

28 Development Planning Guide Introduction The purpose of this Section II is to assist you in writing your own personal-development goals. The Personal-Effectiveness Plan (PEP) will help you set meaningful goals aimed at improving your performance in the specific behavioral areas in which you are seen by others as least effective. The Individual-Effectiveness Profile (IEP) should give you a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, at least in the eyes of the people who rated you. Inasmuch as these people work with you often, if not daily, the IEP data probably give you as accurate a picture of yourself as you will ever receive. It is suggested that you not argue or disagree with their ratings, even though you may feel like doing so. Instead, use this information to improve yourself. Remember that the IEP is a report of other people's perceptions of you. People form their perceptions based on your behaviors. These perceptions may or may not reflect your true strengths and weaknesses. But people's perceptions of you influence how they behave toward you. If you do not like the view that others have of you, then you must answer the following question: Do you want to change their perceptions of you? If your answer is yes, then it is a good idea to complete the Personal-Effectiveness Plan. It is important to your future success that you come to grips with the image of you that you help to generate. It is critical that you have a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses so that you can find a way to capitalize on your strengths and reduce or eliminate your liabilities. Most of us have some vague ideas or plans about our future. Typically, our plans remain rather murky, because it takes great effort to be specific about what we want. Additional energy is required to map out a strategy to obtain what we want. Another obstacle to accomplishing our goals is our lack of knowledge about the necessary resources available to help us carry out our plans. Without identifying these key resources, our planning process is unlikely to produce the positive results we want and need. The staff at consultingtools have prepared this PEP outline to help you to focus on the goals, methods, and resources necessary to make the changes you want. It will require your concentration and effort to respond to these items. It will be tempting to postpone doing the PEP, because completing the plan is not easy work. But you are strongly encouraged to carry the plan through to completion. By doing so, you will probably make your career path a smoother journey. Begin working on the PEP right now. This activity could be the most valuable investment of time and energy you will make in your career. Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 27

29 Development Planning Guide Continued Your Least Effective Behaviors Using the information provided in the report of the bottom five behaviors in Section I of the IEP, identify the three behaviors that concern you the most and that you would most like to improve: Selv Chef Kolleger Underordnet Recall work situations in which you may have behaved ineffectively in these areas. Ask others to describe what you have done that caused them to give you low ratings on these items. Write their responses in this space: Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 28

30 Development Planning Guide Continued Short-term plans (daily/weekly) Long-term plans (this year and beyond) What barriers might prevent you from following through on your plans? Write, as specifically as possible, what you plan to do differently in the future to improve your performance and image in these areas: Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 29

31 Development Planning Guide Continued What resources/support do you need to change the perceptions that people have of you? You may want to consider technical courses or other training and educational opportunities that would assist you in changing behaviors. Identify coworkers and other colleagues who have strengths that offset your potential liabilities. How can they help or assist you? Can you learn by observing them, asking them for feedback and suggestions? Can you work with them to develop yourself? Chris Test 2005 Consulting Tools Limited 30

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NOTIFICATION. - An expression of care

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Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit State Examinations Commission. Leaving Certificate Marking Scheme. Danish. Higher Level

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Privat-, statslig- eller regional institution m.v. Andet Added Bekaempelsesudfoerende: string No Label: Bekæmpelsesudførende Changes for Rottedatabasen Web Service The coming version of Rottedatabasen Web Service will have several changes some of them breaking for the exposed methods. These changes and the business logic behind

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COACH NETWORK MEETING COACH NETWORK MEETING Tommerup d. 1 The presentation: Split into 4 parts: Who am i? Pre Post Ask questions anytime 2 Who am i? 23 years old Started my career in Vildbjerg Svømmeklub in 2010 Became assistant

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