Fagpakker til Cand.merc. linjerne i Kolding - Forår

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1 Fagpakker til Cand.merc. linjerne i Kolding - Forår Cand.merc. International Virksomhedsudvikling Cand.merc. Styring & Ledelse Cand.merc. Business Controlling M.Sc. Strategic Entrepreneurship Fagene der er præsenteret skal ses som eksempler og bruges som inspiration til planlægning af dit eget udlandsophold. Der vil kunne komme ændringer til de fag du får forhåndsgodkendt også efter du er taget afted. Det hjælper vi dig selvfølgelig med at løse. Ved spørgsmål og vejledning om udlandsophold kan du kontakte din faglige vejleder, Line, på fvlstor13@sam.sdu.dk

2 INDHOLD Australien... 3 Deakin... 3 Belgien... 7 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven... 7 Solvay Business School Frankrig Kedge Business School Holland Univeristy of Tilburg... 19

3 AUSTRALIEN Har du mod på at studere på den anden side af kloden i et internationalt miljø og holde øje med kænguruer inden du krydser vejen? Så skal du tage på udveksling Downunder! Australien byder på nogle af de bedste universiteter, hvor der er fokus på de internationale studerende. Du vil derfor opleve at møde mange udvekslingsstuderende, ligesom dig selv. Uanset hvor i Australien du vælger at rejse hen møder du en lokalbefolkning er der meget afslappede og venlige og så har Australien nogle af de flotteste strande og naturparker, som bestemt et besøg værd. DEAKIN Deakin University ligger i Melbourne i den sydøstlige del af Australien. Deakin huser mere end studerende fordelt på 4 fakulteter og er dermed en smule større end Syddansk Universitet. Deres fakultet Faculty of Business and Law svarer til vores samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet, og her er der kurser inden for erhvervsøkonomi, ledelse og jura. Der er dermed rig mulighed for at finde dag der er spændende for netop dig. Deakin University deler deres akademiske år op i trimestre i stedet for semestre, som du er vant til herhjemme. Vær opmærksom på at course betyder program (hele uddannelser) og unit betyder enkelte fag. Du kan selve søge efter fag ved at bruge deres unit search funktion som du finder her:

4 search.php?hidcurrentyear=2016&hidyear=2015&hidtype=max&txtunit=&txttitle=branding+design+&txt Keyword=&selLevel=Select&selSemester=3&selMode=Select&selLocation=Select&chkSortby=unit_title&bt nsubmit Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Deakin University Fagene er omregnet fra Deakin Credits, og du kan derfor se ECTS værdien for hvert enkelt fag. Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje. Communication concepts - 15 ECTS, forår This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of communication by examining its various definitions, approaches and application to communication practices in advertising, journalism, public relations and media production. International Conflict Analysis - 7,5 ECTS, forår This unit provides an overview of the field of conflict analysis and resolution. The unit examines the causes of interstate and intrastate conflict, and examines a number of methods for peaceful conflict resolution. It explores issues such as civil conflict, secessionist conflict, humanitarian intervention, peace building as well as international efforts of mediation and arbitration. Reputation Management: Crisis, Risk and Responsibility - 7,5 ECTS forår Crisis, issue, and, reputation management can impact all sectors and industries. The growth of global technology and social media see reputations altered at a rapid pace and issues amplified to reach global audiences. This unit will focus on managing evolving stakeholder expectations whilst dealing with anticipated or unexpected events. Advertising Theory and Practice - 7,5 ECTS, forår Advertising is a dynamic form of marketing communication that is both complex and evolving. This unit will examine advertising from a range of theoretical and applied perspectives to understand its role as a persuasive communication technique. The unit also situates advertising in the context of global, economic, regulatory and cultural perspectives which shape advertising practices and how advertising is perceived and understood by various audiences. Organizational development and change management- 7,5 ECTS forår Erstatter forandringsledelse på SDU Campus Kolding.

5 This unit will provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of organizational development and change. Skills to critically assess, design, implement and evaluate organizational development and change initiatives will be the focus of this unit. Students will apply their evidence-based knowledge, skills and abilities to real-world cases. Facilitation, Training and Evaluation in organizations- 7,5 ECTS Forår This unit will provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of training and development in organizations. Students will learn program evaluation skills and be given an opportunity to enhance their training and facilitation skills. The unit will also provide students with an opportunity to design, implement and evaluate an organizational training program. Coaching and counselling in groups - 7,5 ECTS forår The unit aims to enable students to develop an understanding of, and practice in, current approaches in evidenced-based coaching, facilitating and counselling in groups and teams, across a range of contexts. The unit is applicable to a range of disciplines and highly relevant for students wishing to develop skills as a coach, trainer/facilitator, supervisor, manager, tutor, presenter or group counsellor. Financial markets - 7,5 ECTS - Forår Topics addressed in this unit include: the operation and structure of a modern financial; direct and intermediated finance; interest rate determination and yield curve analysis; financial institutions; equity markets and instruments; sources and types of short-term, medium-term and longer-term debt finance; financial instrument pricing; the foreign exchange markets; offshore funding in the international markets; and introduction to derivative instruments. E-Business Strategies - 7,5 ECTS Forår This unit examines the important themes and contemporary issues in ebusiness strategies. It aims to help students develop practical skills in formulating, implementing and evaluating ebusiness strategies, as well as conducting critical analysis of ebusiness models. Service Marketing- 7,5 ECTS, forår Service industries currently account for approximately 70-80% of Australia's GDP and employs over 80% of the workforce. It is anticipated that 90% of all new jobs created during this decade will be in the service sector. Service organizations differ in many important respects from manufacturing organizations, requiring a distinctive approach to planning and implementing marketing strategy.

6 Accounting - 7,5 ECTS, forår Erstatter Økonomistyring på SDU Campus Kolding This unit includes an analysis of financial reporting outcomes to interpret what the outcomes reveal, together with any shortcomings of processes that may impact upon the quality of information presented. Students will make use of several software tools to facilitate learning, including a commercial accounting package, as part of the learning process. Business Process Management - 7,5 ECTS forår This unit provides foundation knowledge about the operational level of business activities and emphasizes the importance of their links to organizational strategies. It considers the role of information and communication technologies in supporting business processes and it introduces enterprise systems and the ways in which these can automate procurement, fulfilment and production and the integration of these processes in organizations. International Business Management- 7,5 ECTS Forår Erstatter International Forretningsudvikling på SDU Campus Kolding The principal aim is to provide students with the requisite knowledge and skills that will enable them to manage in a complex and foreign business environment. The unit also provides an overview of the international economic, political, legal and cultural environments. Enterprise Risk Management - 7,5 ECTS forår This unit offers an integrated and comprehensive analysis of how enterprise risk management is a business process within an organization. Particular focus is given to the key role of corporate governance and a strategic risk management framework is explored. Project Management - 7,5 ECTS forår Erstatter Project Management på SDU Campus Kolding. This unit uses the project management body of knowledge framework to present project management in an information technology context. The unit covers project management processes and integration, project scope, time, cost and quality management, risk management, project teams and resources. It also covers areas such as procurement (outsourcing), project communication and documentation. This unit covers the role and issues of management in the international environment.

7 BELGIEN Belgien er kendt som Europas hovedstad med byen Bruxelles, hvor EU parlamentet er lokaliseret. Belgien er også landet med pommes fritter, belgiske øl, chokolade og vafler. Der bor ca. 11 mio. i Belgien og landet har grænser til både Holland, Tyskland, Luxemburg og Frankrig. Landet er delt i tre i forhold til sprog, hvor de i den nordlige del taler hollandsk, i den sydlige taler de fransk, og i et lille område mod sydvest er hovedsproget tysk. Bruxelles er tosproget, og du vil her finde informationer på både hollandsk og fransk. KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Dette universitet ligger I studiebyen Leuven. Der er lidt over indbyggere, hvor af er studerende på Universitet i Leuven. Byen ligger kun en halv times kørsel fra Bruxelles og er dermed centralt placeret i Belgien. Universitetet har flere Campuser, hvor Syddansk Universitet samarbejder med Campus Leuven. Fagene der er tilgængelige på dette Campus er endnu ikke online. Men du kan kontakte din faglige vejleder, Line så kan hun hjælpe dig med at finde flere fag end de der er vidst nedenfor.

8 Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje. Competitative analysis and strategy - 6 ECTS, Forår This course explores the overlapping areas of industrial economics and strategic management. It is designed to provide students with an understanding of the economic principles underlying strategy formulation. The course provides students with the tools to analyze the positioning and performance of firms in different industry environments. Economics and strategy of innovation - 6 ECTS, Forår Erstatter innovation på SDU Campus Kolding This course will deal with both theory and empirical research on key topics in innovation. The two generic themes that can be discerned are (i) perspectives on the economics of innovation and innovation management and (ii) empirical methods in innovation research. International Business Finance strategy- 6 ECTS, Forår The course International Business Finance Strategy helps to provide the practical tools expected from an international finance manager, i.e. (a) financing in the narrow sense (b) risk management and (c) help in decision making, by offering valuation of commercial or investment proposals. Intrapreneurship - 3 ECTS, forår Erstatter Intra and entrepreneurship theory på SDU Campus Kolding. This course discusses the importance and unique nature of intrapreneurship. We explain the processes firms use to create and select opportunities for new businesses by leveraging in-house and external ideas. Further we discuss how firms can create a context in which individuals are stimulated to act entrepreneurial. Finally, we explain how firms can design ambidextrous organizations in which entrepreneurial and existing activities coincide and mutually reinforce each other. Previous knowledge

9 Knowledge management and business intelligence - 6 ECTS, forår This course has an explicit focus on datawarehousing and business intelligence and the student following this course will learn capabilities within themes such as unstructured information and its value, knowledge management theories and the implementation and evaluation of these. Optimization special topics - 6 ECTS, forår This is an advanced course in optimization. We start with mathematical formulations of different optimization problems, and discuss their pros and cons. We see some applications in different domains. More importantly, we will pay attention to different solution methods. We informally discuss computational complexity explaining differences in the difficulty of solving combinatorial. Organizing in an international context - 6 ECTS, forår Erstatter organisation på SDU Campus Kolding The purpose of this course is to develop insights and guidelines of how to deal with cultural differences in a constructive way. The course will discuss the meaning of culture and its relevance for organizations, the cross-cultural encounters with its challenges and the ways to deal with cultural differences. Risk Management in financial institutions - 6 ECTS, forår This course explains the ways in which risks are quantified and managed by financial institutions. Risk management systems typically consist of three consecutive steps: (1) risk identification, (2) risk measurement, and (3) risk control. This course builds upon this structure. Strategic IP Management - 6 ECTS, forår In this course you learn how to develop defensive and offensive intellectual property (IP) strategies that support your business model(s) and competitive strategy. You develop an understanding of the different types of IP (patents, copyright, trademarks, trade secrets), and learn how to formulate closed and open IP strategies.

10 The Economics of China - 6 ECTS, forår At the end of this course the student is familiar with the recent economic history of China, especially the transition process from the planned to the market economy, can analyze and discuss knowledgeably the organization and structure of the Chinese economy in various areas and compare this with the West and are able to give a balanced opinion on Chinese economic policy and the state of the economy

11 SOLVAY BUSINESS SCHOOL Solvay Business School ligger i Bruxelles. Bruxelles er hjemstedet for EU parlamentet og byen summer af liv. På trods af de store organisationer der hører hjemme i Bruxelles har byen stadig en meget afslappet atmosfære og du lærer hurtigt at finde rundt på egen hånd. Solvay Business School har en del kandidatuddannelser på engelsk, og du kan derfor finde fag du kan følge I et semester. Universitetet tilbyder også franskundervisning, hvor du lærer de helt basale ting. Du kan finde universitetets kurser hvis du følger linket her: Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Solvay Business School Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje. Advanced international trade - 5 ECTS, Forår The objective of the course is to present advanced material on trade policy and some selected trade topics. This course is divided into two parts, each with one main goal. The objective of the first component is to understand the effects of various commercial policies. The goal of the second part of the course is to explore some topics at the frontier of research in international trade and make each student an expert in one of the topics. Change management in the public sector 5 ECTS, Forår. Erstatter forandringsledelse på SDU Campus Kolding. The course will provide you with the ability to acquire basic notions of change management,

12 reflect critically on change in organizations, and experience some issues first-hand through live cases. The themes which will be covered are, resistance to change: power, time and coping, incrementalism and emergence and strategic ambidexterity. Corporate Governance - 5 ECTS, Forår The course provides an introduction to corporate governance from a finance perspective. Participants will acquire knowledge of the basic corporate governance institutions in different countries, they will get acquainted with some of the pertinent economic theory and relevant elements of corporate law. Entrepreneurial finance - 5 ECTS, Forår This course mainly contribute to two main competences: 1)Understand why entrepreneurial ventures need finance and imagine possible funding strategies and 2)Setup and negotiate funding rounds involving multiple sources of finance over time. Global sourcing - 5 ECTS, Forår At the end of the course you should be able to: 1) Discuss recent trends in offshoring clients and service providers industries 2) Recommend appropriate approach to develop and implement an offshoring strategy 3) Diagnose possible causes of offshoring success or failure 4) Reflect in a critical way on impact of service offshoring for firms, employees, economies and societies. Introduction to entrepreneurship - 5 ECTS, Forår Ikke tilgængelig for Strategic Entrepreneurship studerende. Entrepreneurship is often associated with small business management and new venture creation. This is actually a very restricted view! As a matter of fact, entrepreneurship is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. At macro-economical level, it is a key success factor for economic growth and innovation. At a firm level, it is a management style that helps to deal with very uncertain situations. At a personal level, it is a mindset that is help identify and exploit business opportunities. The main goal of the course is to introduce the best practices to assess and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities such multiple contexts. Management and sustainable development constraints and opportunities - 5 ECTS, Forår The objective of the course is to make students aware of the big challenges of the world we are currently living in and teach them how to transform those constraints into new business opportunities. The course will cover a wide variety of topics such as demographic issues, climate change problematic, the importance of energy and water, and the importance of sustainable development for a range of industries

13 FRANKRIG Frankrig er et af Europas største lande med over 67 millioner indbyggere. Landet er både med i G8 og NATO og er dermed en central spiller på den europæiske scene. Hovedstaden er Paris, som ligger i den nordlige del af landet, men landet byder på mange andre spædende storbyer heriblandt Marseilles som du kan læse mere om her. KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL Kedge Business School er lokaliseret I Marseilles I Sydfrankrig. Der bor ca mennesker i byen og er dermed Frankrigs 2. største by. Der er 6 afdelinger på universitetet og fagudbuddet dækker derfor både regnskab, ledelse, marketing, strategi, finansiering og produktionsstyring. Der er dermed rig mulighed for at finde fag der interesserer dig. Fagudbuddet er endnu ikke online, men kontakt din faglige vejleder, Line så kan hun hjælpe dig.

14 Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Kedge Business School Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje. Advanced intercultural management- 5 ECTS, forår This course deals with topics within International Management. Participants will learn the tools that may help them to comprehend better the cross-cultural issues in international management. They will evaluate their own weaknesses and the way to improve their ability in handling cultural differences. Advanced multinational finance- 5 ECTS, forår The main objective is to enable participants to understand the complex interactions between financial markets and strategic corporate risks. This course assumes that students are already familiar with basic fundamental concepts and techniques in corporate finance, accounting and economics. Therefore a special emphasis will be put on an evaluation of both strategic and financial consequences of operating globally. Corporate environmental and social reporting 5 ECTS, forår This course deals with corporate environmental and social reporting. It provides insights into the fundamental theories and motives behind corporate environmental and social reporting and develops the most important principles, problems and aspects of the disclosure of environmental and social information by companies. Country Risk and Corporate Management Strategy - 5 ECTS, forår Country risk analysis could be described as anticipating a country's macroeconomic, financial or sociopolitical vulnerabilities capable of having repercussions on a financial or commercial operation. Therefore, country risk identifies the incremental risk incurred when trade, finance or investment is undertaken outside the nation's borders. This involves determining the risk relating to each country affecting an operation their strategies to take into account various types of country risks. Creating sustainable competitive advantage - 5 ECTS, forår The aim of this course is to develop a framework for thinking about competition within markets and industries. In this course, we discuss the integration and application of different

15 components of competitiveness of firms in markets. We will use simple models to clarify the logic of strategic reasoning, and apply this logic to a number of case studies. Cultur, consumption and marketing - 5 ECTS, forår The goal of the course is to: 1) Provide students with an essential toolkit of conceptual instruments, grounded in the social sciences and critical theories, through which they will be able to make sense of their own experiences of consumers in the global marketplace. 2) Expose them to best cases of managerial practices based on the cultural principles of branding and innovative market research methods, such as ethnography, netnography and videography. Design for Users Experience- 5 ECTS, forår The aim of this module is to illustrate how the user experience can often lead to not only initial success for organizations but also the building of customer loyalty. Trying to make sense of the user and managing the user experience is an important activity for designers and design managers. This module will allow students the opportunity to develop better user insights and to implement these through the development of narratives and customer journeys. Design Thinking for Business Innovation - 5 ECTS, forår. The aim of this module is to present, deconstruct and apply the cognitive reflection that makes up design thinking and to provoke and guide business minds to consider an alternative value/thought paradigm that can still make for good business whilst completing a live 'design project within a business context'. The module concentrates on the Insight Phases of Design and Design Thinking, as this has the greatest benefit to business innovation, this includes issue definition, research, empathy tools and ideation. Emerging markets finance - 5 ECTS, forår Students following this course will become familiar with the macroeconomic imbalances of emerging markets, understand why financial crises often hurt emerging markets, and learn how to integrate important issues such as informational efficiency, international financial integration and vulnerability to financial crises into managerial and policy decision-making processes. Ethics and international business - 5 ECTS, forår The global financial crisis that spread to all economies in 2008, combined with previous scandals such as Enron and Arthur Andersen, Global Crossing, WorldCom, Adelphia, and HealthSouth to name few, show the irrelevance

16 of the business model focused on maximizing profits without caring to core ethical and moral values. The course is designed to assess ethical issues in several contexts and to explain the importance of culture in understanding ethical issues. Finance for entrepreneurship and local development- 5 ECTS, forår Entrepreneurship and Economic growth are seen as major sources of poverty and income disparity alleviation. In this tutorial we will use economic theory and econometric tools to analyze such phenomena as social corporate responsibility, privatization of government services and innovations by firms, to understand the role that the private sector can play, vis-àvis the public sector, in meeting the basic needs of the poor in developing economies. Global business environment- 5 ECTS, forår This course is about economics and its relations with the management and business world. Its perspective is global. Economics is explained with a particular focus on theory, data, institutions, history, and applications. Particular emphasis is thus put on: 1) knowing Economic concepts 2) understanding the factors that determine Economic variables 3) being able to evaluate economic policies and 4) understanding and interpreting economic debates on the media. Human resource techniques and methods- 5 ECTS, forår This course is concerned with the practice of human resource management in organizations. It considers issues relating to the links between HRM strategy, policy and practice, highlighting potential models of best practice and barriers to successful implementation, where appropriate. It discusses HRM policy and practice concerning recruitment and selection, performance management, careers, training and development, job design and reward. International money, banking and financial regulation - 5 ECTS, forår This course deals with money and banking and its relations with the management and business world. Its perspective is global. Money and banking is explained at the micro and macro levels, with a particular focus on theory, data, institutions, history, and applications. Particular emphasis is thus put on a conceptual understanding of money and banking, monetary theory, the history of the international monetary system, monetary institutions, especially central banks, global bank regulation Inventory Management - 5 ECTS, forår Erstatter faget Produktionsstyring på SDU Campus Kolding Too-frequent shortages can erode a company s reputation and market position. But holding large

17 quantities of stocks may be financially costly for a company. Trying to correct these two extremes thru frequent production changes or emergency orders often just make matters worse. Therefore, it seems clear that careful inventory management is critical to a firm s strategic viability. The course uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches to discuss important topics of inventory management with an important focus on quantitative methods. Strategic business relationships- 5 ECTS, forår This course studies how strategic business relationships with the major stakeholders can create sustainable competitive advantages for the firm. The aim of the course is to analyse the different forms that these business relationships can take, to provide a deeper understanding of an increasingly important facet of the business world. Students will learn about the major theories of organizations and their implications for apprehending the strategic role of business relationships. Strategic innovation - 5 ECTS, forår Erstatter faget Innovation på SDU Campus Kolding The course aims to provide a critical understanding of the dynamics of innovation. This emerges at the interface between the organizational context, determined by formal strategy and informal organizational rules and the shifting external context, influenced by consumers' adoption, regulatory frameworks, ethics, etc. The course will explore the interplay between these forces and discuss frameworks and tools that managers can use to shape the process of innovation.

18 Supply Chain Management - 5 ECTS, forår Erstatter faget Supply Chain Management på SDU Campus Kolding The course introduces the key concepts, innovative ideas, and practical tools important in the design, control, operating and management of the supply chain. Concepts are illustrated through case studies and examples from industries. Participants will be provided with examples and methods where supply chain management techniques and concepts are applied to general business contexts.

19 HOLLAND Holland er landet med træsko, vindmøller og tulipaner. De har byen Amsterdam med de flotte kanaler og menneskerettighedsdomstolen i Haag. Men Holland har også mange andre ting, heriblandt gode universiteter som du kan vælge at studere på i et halvt år. UNIVERISTY OF TILBURG Tilburg universitet ligger i byen Tilburg hvor der bor ca indbyggere. Universitetet har ca studerende fordelt på både bachelor og kandidatniveau. Herudover er der ca internationalestuderende fra omkring 90 forskellige lande så du vil ikke være den eneste udvekslingsstuderende hvis du vælger at læse her. Universitetet udbyder over 60 forskellige uddannelser, hvoraf 39 af dem er udbudt på engelsk. Du kan dermed sagtens finde fag der er spændende at følge. Du kan finde mere info og fag ved at følge linket her: Eksempler på fag der kan vælges på Tilburg University Fagene er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle Cand.merc. linjer, med mindre der under faget står, at det erstatter et fag, som du skal have på din Cand.merc. linje.

20 Business Process Integration- 6 ECTS, forår This course focuses on integrating business processes that flow within and between enterprises. The course addresses how enterprises collaborate, what coordination mechanisms, and technology are necessary to achieve collaboration and how these factors are reflected on the business processes of an enterprise. The course contains an in-depth and integrated coverage of both business and technical issues including definitions, principles and strategy. Strategic Sourcing - 6 ECTS, forår The objective of this course is to provide an indepth coverage of strategic sourcing topics from an integrative perspective of business and information technology. This course provides insides in the make or buy decisions for information technology that business managers and Chief Information Officers have to make. Outsourcing is an option, also the implementation of shared service centers or joint ventures have to be explored. This course will also address the impact of low cost countries on strategic()sourcing. Knowledge Management and Societal Innovation - 6 ECTS, forår The course will require innovative contribution from the students in the field of information technology and design. The aim of the course is to prepare the managers of the future to handle the emergence of Information Technology Innovation in our society in a responsible way. Knowledge and Innovation will be presented and studied in detail. Entrepreneurial Finance - 6 ECTS, forår The primary objective of this course is to provide an understanding of a wide variety of issues related to the financing of entrepreneurial firms. The approach will be based on the economics and finance of entrepreneurial firms and will provide both an academic and a practical perspective.

21 Advanced Financial Accounting - 6 ECTS, forår Building on the knowledge of financial reporting gained in previous courses with a focus on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Topics include business combinations, intangible assets, consolidation of group companies, joint ventures, financial instruments and hedging, market based valuation concepts and insurance contract accounting. Corporate Financial Reporting - 6 ECTS, forår The course objective is to develop knowledge and skills in preparing, interpreting, and analyzing the corporate financial reporting of public firms which are required to prepare their financial statements under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). International Management - 6 ECTS, forår Kan ikke vælges af Strategic Entrepreneurship studerende.erstatter også faget International forretningsudvikling på SDU Campus Kolding This course reviews the various theories of why firms become multinational enterprises. Most of these theories are rooted in economic theory. In addition, we discuss more dynamic, evolutionary theories of the internationalization of firms. These theories explore how firms incrementally learn to handle foreign environments: through export, independent agents, acquisitions or startups, alone or with partners (i.e. joint-ventures). We also study how multinational enterprises manage and control their international subsidiaries. Organization Theory - 6 ECTS, forår Erstatter faget organisation på SDU Campus Kolding. The main objectives of the course are for the students to gain knowledge of the central theories used to study macro organizational questions and obtain the tools to think about and understand organizations from varied yet often complementary perspectives. The student will learn to meet the challenge of finding possible links between theory, abstract ideas, and practice/reality The student will learn to critically reflect on scientific papers and practice presentation and discussion skills. Sustainable Entrepreneurship - 6 ECTS, forår The objectives of this course are two fold. The first objective is to provide students with an understanding of the theory and advanced topics related to entrepreneurship and the role of innovation. The second objective is then to link this to sustainable entrepreneurship. Students will gain an understanding of the key concepts and will be able to identify and apply the different types of sustainable entrepreneurship.

22 Furthermore, they will develop insights into how entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial strategy can support and drive sustainability. Marketing Communication - 6 ECTS, forår Ersatter faget Markedskommunikation på SDU Campus Kolding. Advertising and other forms of marketing communication are fundamental aspects of the marketing process. This course aims to integrate academic and managerial insights in the domain of marketing communications. The main objective is threefold: 1) to provide insight into the underlying mechanisms of the communication process, 2) to provide insight into the different steps of the marketing communication plan, and 3) to use and apply these insights when managing the marketing communication mix.

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