Newsle er. Joyfulimpatience! December2018. EmmanuelSchoolofmission-Manila No.7,13thStreet,NewManila,QuezonCity1112Philippines

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1 Newsle er December2018 Joyfulimpatience! Martin,theyoungestsonofFlorent,ourESMDirector,wasbornjustafewdaysago.Inthelastdayspreceding hisbirth,everybodysomehowcametofocusonthisbirththatwasabouttohappen.andthisfocuswaswith amixofjoyfulexpectation: Isthebabyborn?Wilitbetoday?,andalsowithakindofimpatience: Notyet? Heshouldbeherealready it sgetinglong. Ifwethinkofit,itisexactlywhatshouldlieinourheartsinthistimeof Advent:ajoyforthecomingoftheSaviorandacertainimpatienceto receivehim.wecanprobablymeasurehowfar,ornot,wearefrom this beautifulatitudeofheart.bygracehowever,thistimeofadventisgiven tousasaprivilegedopportunitytoberenewedandtogrowinthejoy anddesirewithregardtogod.moreover,thisdynamism doesnotstopat Christmas.OurwholelifeistobelivedasanAdvent,ajoyfulexpectation and growing desire to be fuly with God,foreternity,a patient preparationtomakeroom forthatconcretelyinourlife. Tohelpusliveourlifeinsuchaway,letusrememberandcontemplate howgodhimselffirstlylivesthisjoyfulimpatience:joytogivehislifeto thefultohiscreatures,persistentandlovingimpatiencetoseeusopen ourheartstothisunconditionallove.inesm,wearewitnesesofthis realitytooneanother.eachstepofconversionweseeinourbrothersand sisters,eachgracereceivedthattransformsthem,strengthensthem, letsthem bloom asmenandwomenandaschristians,altheserootus moreandmoreinthisjoyfulhopeofthecomingandpresenceofgod amongus,emmanuel! Thankyouformakingthisposiblebyyoursupportandprayers. WewishyouablesedChristmasinarenewedjoyfulimpatience! Fr.Christophe ChaplainofESMManila EmmanuelSchoolofmission-Manila No.7,13thStreet,NewManila,QuezonCity1112Philippines (63) (63)

2 Meetingwiththe BishopofCubao ByQuangandAdrien LastNovember,wehadameetingwithHisGraceBishop HonestoOnglioco,thebishopofCubao.Duringthat meeting,wehadtheopportunityofdiscusionabout somequestionsandeventslikethesynodofyoung PeopleinRomeanditsresults,howtodealwithspiritual drynes,how tobeconstantinourprayerlife,among others.hegaveusagoodsharingonmanytopicswith regardtothequestionsweasked.headvisedustodo everythingwithjoy: J-acceptJesus O-acceptOthersand Y-thinkofYourself Then,tokeepthejoyofGodineverythingwedoor think,weshouldputjesusfirst,andafterthatthink aboutothersandhowitwilbegoodforthem;onlyat last,thinkofourselves. Tothequestionaboutfreedom,heexplainedtousthe factthatweusualythinkthatwearefreewhenwe makesomedecisionsordosomeactions(unforgivenes, addictiontoalcohol,tosocialmedia,sex,andsoon) but,indeed,wearenotfreebutslavesofthosethings, andthatwerealyneedtoknowhowtouseourfreedom wiselybyaskingtheholyspirittoenlightenourthoughts andchoices.also,hetalkedofcompasionbyreminding usthatbeingcompasionateisnotonlytoprovide materialthingstoonewhoissufering,butalsotosufer withthatperson,tosharewithhim/herthesufering somehow. Weareleftwithsomewisequotesfrom HisGracewhich isrelevantforal. Alofus are in this world on a temporarybasis,butwhatremainsare relationships.youwilgobacktoyour countriesanditwilbequitediferent from the Philippines,butthere are some things you should keep and develop:sincerity,beingwhoyouare, donotcoveryourselfup,donotpretend to be who are not,and build a personalrelationship with God which wilstrengthenyouinthemidstofthe suferingsoftheworld. BishopHonesto Theyouth,youare the present of the Church,youarethe Churchnow! BishopHonesto 2

3 Street Evangelization ByMark From 21-23November2018,wehadthebigjoyofhosting averyspecialguest.comingalthewayfrom Melbourne, Australia,SteveLawrence,amemberoftheEmmanuel Community,and fulofthe HolySpiritand zealfor evangelization,spentthreedayswithustogiveusa trainingcourse on evangelization and whyitisso important.wewereabletotacklequestionslike, Why doineedtoevangelize?howdoievangelize?whattools canihavetoevangelize? Oneanswerstoodasthemost striking,however;onecannotevangelizewithoutthe HolySpirit.Infact,assaideloquentlybySt.Seraphim of Sarov, ThegoaloftheChristianlifeistoacquirethe HolySpirit. Afteragoodfew sesionswithsteve,theesmstudents werethensentonourfirststreet-evangelizationmision, sentingroupsoftwoorthreejustasjesussenthis disciples.someofuslearnedthatwecannotevangelize alone. Having a companion is very important for encouragementandsupport.itwasatimetoovercome thefearoftalkingtostrangersforsomeofus;alsoseeing asenglishisnotthefirstlanguageofthelocalsherein Manila,andneitherisitformostofthestudentsofESM, itaddedtothechalengesalreadyfaced.evennikko,our onlyfilipinostudentfounditchalengingtogetoverthe fearofspeakingtothelocals.oneimportantfactorthat helpeduswasthatwewereencouragedtobecomepoor andhumble,takingnothingwithusexceptoureagernes totospeaktopeopleandafew Christmascardswehad prepared;nobag,nomoney,onlyfaithtosharewith everyone.ithelpedusfeellikerealapostles. Althestudentsagreedthatmakingthefirststepisthe mostimportant.asimplesmileandhelocangetyouto unexpected conversations and sharings. Evangelizationislikeadoor;ifyouarebraveenough toknock,itwilbeopentoyou saidting.welearned from this experience that the outcome of our evangelizationisnotourproblem,andthatweshould notworyabouthow peoplerespond.wehavetobe free and to letgo oftryingto convince them of anything.wearecaledtowitnesandtosharethe goodnews,andthepeopletowhom wewitneshave theirchoicetomakeincompletefreedom torespond totheinvitationofthelord.oneimportantkeyaspect wealsolearnedisthatitisimportanttoprayfor opportunities. We have to ask the Lord for opportunities!askfortheplace,thetime,andpeople towitnesto;beopenandthelordwilleadyou throughunexpecteddoors.everyoneisagiftfrom God, betheymuslim,atheist,orbelievinginotherthings, andweneedtobeabletoreceivethesegiftsfrom the Lord,tobeopentothem.Whenweevangelize,we mustrespecteveryonewemeetandfrom wherethey comefrom inlife.wereturnedrejoicinginthelord afterourevangelization efort.experiencing God s providenceandthewelcomingloveofthosewemeton thestreetsstrengthenedourfaithprofoundly.godis indeedinchargewhenwelethim beincharge.togod betheglory! 3 Abeautifulmascelebratedonthe beachinour1stholidayatzambales. WiththeyouthofMountCarmel schurch (ourparish)intheeveningactivitycaled «OpenHouse»organizedbyESMstudents. October13th2018

4 CompassionService Ilearnhow tobepresent, whichisnoteasy.itrytobe more available for those children who are very handicapped who cannot speakormove.icannotdo muchforthem,buticanbe presentforthem,icanpray andsmileforthem Pauline EveryWednesday,theESM students gotodiferentplacesforourweekly compassion service.wespend the wholemorningjusttospendsome qualitytimeoflovewiththosewho realyneedit. MissionariesofCharity forthechildren Irealylikethewaythesistersandvolunteers devotethemselvestothesickchildrenhere.the joythatthechildrenhaveamongthemselves touchesme,too:thewaytheyloveeachother, helpeachandplaywithother.iam touchedby thisjoyandunityeverytimeigothere. Adrien InLP4Y,Iam touchedbythe innocenteyesofthechildren andformethemostimportant partistheireyes.whenilook atthem,iseeadesireofbeing lovedandthisencouragesme tosharemoreandgivemore, eventhoughican helpsmetobecomesmaler and litler just like the children. Tramy LP4Y Atrainingcenter foryoungwomen Ilearn how to find love in children everytime Ivisitthe LP4Ynursery.Theycomerunning tome,askingmetocarythem althetime.thebestkindoflove Ican give isjustembracinga sa uniquefeeling. Mark Ifeeljoyand unitywhen we visitthe childreninlp4y.thechildrengiveusawarm welcomewiththeirsmilesandsometimes theircries,too.iseeabigloveintheyoung motherswhovolunteerthereaswel. QuynhAnh Isee purity.the elderly look like children sometimesandtheyalways givethemselvesfreely;they are rich in their heart; though theymaybe very poor,theirheartsarerich withloveevenificannot helpthem muchorspeakto them. 4 Ting MissionariesofCharity fortheelderly Workwithsilence.WhenIgo therewithsomevolunteers,they work silently, but they work everyday.thistouchesme the most.serviceinsilence.wheni come here,igive mytime to them,buttheyrewarduswith theirprayer. Quang IseethattheLolasandLolosarethirstingforconversation withothers.theyhavesomanystoriestosharewithme. Sometimes,whenweleave,someoftheelderlycry.It s hardformetoleavethem becauseitreateachofthem as iftheyweremyrealgrandparents.ifeelblesedtobeable tofeelthecareoftheselolasandlolos. Nikko Theeyesofthechildrenrealy touchme.theydesirelove.the childrenincribsdonotlacka good environment or suficient materialssuchastoys;buttheydo lacklove.everytimetheyopen theirarms,theywantustohug them,it sthemosttouchingfor me.irealywanttogivethem moreloveandmakethem happier, tolaughmore,tofindloveinthis world. Peter ThestafinCRIBSarealwayshappyandwelcoming touseventhoughwhatwedoisconsideredsmal.i am alsotouchedbyhowthestafteachthechildren how topray,especialybeforemeals.iam also learninghow toeducatethesechildren,teaching them howtobepatientwitheachotherandtolove eachothermore. CRIBS Achildwelfarecenter Lan Iam touchedbythestafincribs.theytake careofthechildrenliketheyaretheirown.they areveryfriendlyandwelcomingtous,andthey are so kind to letusshare thismision of children. Tu 5

5 6 NationalChildren s HospitalMission ByTramyandQuynhAnh HavingmisionsattheNationalChildren shospitalispartofour compasionserviceorganizedmonthlyduringourninemonthshereat ESM.Themisionisforthechildrenwho,mostly,aresuferingcancer, andarehavingmedicaltreatmentatthehospital.togetherwiththese childrenaretheirparentswhocomfortthem bytheirbedside. Thisyear,ourfirstNCHmisionhappenedon17November2018.We dividedourselvesintotwogroupstovisitthesickrooms.ateachroom, westartedbyagreeting,andweactedoutasmalskitabouttothe beginningofcreationbygodingenesis.wealsoinvitedthechildren tojointheskitbyaskingthem forhelptotranslatesomeenglishwords totagalog,givingthem paperhatsindiferentshapeslikedogs,cats, fishetc.,andaskthem tomaketheanimalsoundsfortheskit.after that,weencounteredthem andtheirparents;whentherewasneedof prayer,wedidittogether. GodlovedalthecreaturesthatHecreatedandHewantedalofus tolovehiscreaturestoo,that swhyhegaveusaheartthatisjust likehisheartsothatwecanlovealhiscreaturesinthewayheloves them.thisisapartoftheskitthatwepresentedtothechildren.for mostofthechildrenandparents,thehospitalbecomestheir second house.throughtheskit,wehopedtotransfertothem themesage oftheloveofgodthatisinalofus.yes,thereisloveandtheyare loved.whenthereislove,thereishope.toemphasizethis,attheend oftheskit,wegavethechildrentheheart-baloonwhichimpliedthat loveiswiththem.and,soishope. Whenwesaw thesmilesof childrenandtheirfamilies,we gavethankstogodbecausehe usedusasinstrumentstobring thejoyandhopetothem.this mision also helped us to understandaboutthesufering oftheworldandhow wecan sharethegraceandmercyof Godtoeveryone. Lan

6 GIG OvernightProgram ByNikko Lastmonth,wewereinvitedtojoinanovernightyouth program intheparishoftheshrineofourladyofmount Carmel,whichistheparishwebelongto.Thisprogram caledgig(godisgood)takesplaceeveryfirstfriday ofthemonthandisledbytheparishyouthministry.the youthoftheparisharegatheredforanighttogether centeredaroundatheme;thethemeofnovemberwas WhereistheLove? Thismonthlyprogram usualystartsat6p.m.withholy Masandendsat6a.m.withHolyMas,keepingthe Lord atthe centerofthe activities.among those activities are: sharing, adoration of the Blesed Sacrament,teachings,confesion,praise,procesion, testimoniesandsoon.lastmonthwewereableto experiencethefolowing: Testimonies: We discovered many things that strengthened our faith, one of them being the testimoniesby the family ofkuya Loreto,a man devotedtogodandtohelpingtheyouthoftheparish. Eachmemberofhisfamilyspokeabouthowthefamily afects and teaches alhow to love, and these testimonieshelpednotonlyusbutalsotheyouthto realizethateveryoneisimportantandlovedbytheir familiesnomaterwhotheyare. Itwasalsoareminderforustoputloveineverythingwe do,becauseifyoubringlovetoothers,youbringgodto them,forgodislove. Procession:Afteraltheactivitieswehad,wefinished withaprocesionaroundtheparishwithastatueofthe BlesedVirginofMountCarmel;itwasagoodexperience forustodiscoverhowthefilipinopeoplehaveagreat devotiontomary. Praise:ItwasnotthelastactivitybeforetheMas,butit isspokenoflastbecauseitwasus,thestudentsofesm, whoweregiventheopportunityofleadingit.indeed,it wasagreatexperienceforustosharetheloveofchrist wastouchingtoseethateventhoughsomeoftheyouth wereexperiencingpraiseforthefirsttime,theytriedto realygetintoitandtoliveit. Thegoalofthismisionwastosharethejoyandloveof Christwithothers,especialywiththeyouthoftheparish thatlivenearus.itwasatimeofgreatjoybecausewe wereunitedinspiritbefore,duringandafterthemision. ChristmasParty Sawata ByMark On15December2018,wemadeavisittoSawatatohelp organizeachristmaspartyforabout120childrenwithsome volunteersofphilbook,anngo thatsetuplibrariesfor childrentostudy.thiswasourfirstchristmaspartyofthe yearanditwasquiteexciting.itwasachanceforustoput intopracticesomethingswehadlearned,suchasspeaking intagalog,communicatingwithchildren,andorganizing events.thebigwelcomewereceivedfrom theteam of volunteersandthechildrenwasoverwhelming.beingunable to speak Tagalog fluently, though it was a kind of disability,didnothinderacommunicationoflove.anyone canunderstandasmile,ahugandalovingembrace.jesus wasatthecenterofthismision.westartedthedaywith PraiseandAdoration,andwhilewewereatSawata,we endedtheeventwithmasintagalog whichweasistedin organizingtoo!thiswasthekindofmisionthatliftedour spiritsupandgaveusmorejoythanweexpected;anditwil continuetobeamemorableone. 7

7 Theteam members Cesar Canada Florent France Hanh Vietnam Myexperience asateam member ByHanh IhadacomfortablelifebackinVietnam withagood positioninarespectablecompany.ihadaplanand wassatisfiedwiththe litle worldilivedin.iwas happywiththemisionsiwasparticipatingin,but onedayaninvitationarived: Gofrom yourcountry, yourpeopleandyourfather shouseholdtotheland Iwilshowyou Bepartofthe ESMMission Byprayingforus Byspreadingthenewsleter Atendingourevents Givingdonations Manilahasgreetedmewithabigheartywelcome.I am sotouchedbythebeautifulandkindpeople aroundme.itisarealjoyformetobehere.itisa joytowitnestheloveofgodtransform eachofthe 11 youth here in ESM who come from China, Philippines,France,Benin,MalaysiaandVietnam.It isajoytoexperiencethedynamism ofthem who daredto putoutintodeepwater inacceptinga new culture and anew language.theyplunged themselvesintothenew misionstheyhadnever lived before in their own countries: street evangelization,godisgood(gig)overnightmision, misionwiththesickchildreninthehospital, isalsoajoytoseetheholyspiritkindlethem day afterdaythroughsilenttimeinfrontofthelord. Peter,astudentfrom China,toldme: Ifeltpainful whenisaw thesickchildreninthehospital,buti triedtosmileinfrontofthem andtoplaymyrole intheskitweltomakethem happy. Thisexample isoneofmanytestimoniesireceivedfrom theyouth thathavetouchedme. ESMManila Folow us! Putoutintodeepwater Luke5:4-toreceivea new family,new brothersandsisterscomingfrom Franceandfrom Canada,tolivemisiontogether with alourdiversity.thisisthe awesome and outrageousplanfrom thelordforustodiscoverthe beautyofourholychurch.let sgo!

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Titel: Hungry - Fedtbjerget

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2016 Nyhedsbrev nr. 6

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2012

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Generelt om faget: - Hvordan vurderer du dit samlede udbytte af dette fag?

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2013

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2015

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