Inception Note for. Review of the Pool of Funding for Support of. Network Initiatives and Capacity Development 2013

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1 Inception Note for Review of the Pool of Funding for Support of Network Initiatives and Capacity Development 2013 The aim of this Inception Note is to outline the key approach and methodology and time table proposed by the team of consultants 1 for the review of the pool of funding for support of network initiatives and capacity development. Since 2009 the pool funding has been administered by the Danish NGO Forum, the central entity of collaboration for organisations interested in Danish development aid and the Danish participation in the international development collaboration. The guiding principles of the pool funding is to support networks or network groups and the interrelationship between them and for organisations initiating activities to take full responsibility for the implementation, and have a sense of ownership and obligation for the implementation. Furthermore, the administration of funds should be lean with simple non-bureaucratic application procedures and processes taking into account the diversity of applying networking groups. The unifying strategic framework for the pool funding is the Danish Civil Society Strategy (CSS). An evaluation of the CSS has been carried out and published in June Conclusions and recommendations from the evaluation will be taken into consideration as part of this review. The Terms of Reference (Annex A) for the review outlines the purpose, objectives and scope of work for the consultants. In brief the overall purpose of the review is: to make a strategic analysis and assessment of the capacity development that takes place in the Danish development environment through the pool funding for support of professional networks and capacity development. The following four focus areas are to be assessed and analysed as part of the overall review: A. Through an assessment of the capacity development needs, the different capacity development activities the Danish NGOs can participate in, and the achieved results 3 - make an analysis of the experiences from the collaboration and coordination between NGO FORUM (including Global Tends), CISU (Cross-cutting learning and methodology development), and the smaller and larger initiatives, funded through the pool funding. B. A review and assessment of how NGO FORUM has governed and administrated the pool funding for the support of capacity development of Danish development organizations, including if 1 The Team of Consultants comprise: Team Leader Jørgen Skytte Jensen (IMPAKT), Capacity Development Expert Brenda Lipson (Independent consultant) and Assistant Consultant Christian Juulsgaard Olsen (IMPAKT). 2 See: or 3 Results will be assessed based on participating organisations own assessment of results. Within the given timeframe it will not be possible for the Review Team to assess the quality of implemented activities and results. Review of Network Initiatives 1

2 the chosen structure and principles for distributing funds is optimal and effective with regards to supporting the capacity development of the Danish environment- and development organizations. C. A review and assessment of the methods, means and channels, used by the different initiatives for competence development and how capacity development is documented. D. On the basis of the above provide a list of possible scenarios and recommendations for changes, including changes in structure (general changes as well as changes at network level), systems and approaches, which can strengthen the future capacity development, taking place with the funding by the pool. For the first three focus areas the TOR suggest the following working tasks. The consultants proposed approach is presented after each area: Collaboration and coordination: - In the light of reviews of other capacity development actors, to review need, demand and capacity development supply and the coordination supply - Assess both larger and smaller organizations resource capacity for participating in the capacity development initiatives - Assess the interaction and basis of distribution between the pool funding 1. Global tends (implemented by NGO FORUM), 2. Cross-cutting learning and method development (implemented by CISU) and 3. Cross-cutting and thematic issues (smaller and larger network initiatives) To review needs, demand and capacity development supply the Review Team as a first step proposes to prepare and disseminate an online questionnaire among a pre-defined target group (see suggestions below). The questionnaire should facilitate the collection of data and information on participants identified needs and demands, as well as their perceptions on actual supply. A desk review of existing needs assessments and actual activities supplied to the participants will be carried out and assessed relative to the data and information received through the questionnaire. The desk review will similarly include an analysis of other capacity development actors 4. The above questionnaires will also be used to identify organisations actual resource capacity 5 to participate in the initiatives. It is anticipated to prepare an online questionnaire, which will accommodate for the differences in for example: size of organisation, number of staff and/or volunteers, thematic or strategic priorities, and other features of the very diverse group of participating organisations. Approximately 200 organisations are participating in the initiatives (See Annex D). The structure and content of the online survey will be discussed and tested with representatives of the Reference Group 6 to this review before distributed to the organisations. A diverse group of organisations will naturally have different entry points on how to make use of the Pool of Funds and the networks and capacity development activities. The online survey will take this 4 For example CISU and others providing training. 5 Resource capacity in broad sense i.e. not only staff, time and money, but also e.g. will, enthusiasm and commitment 6 Erik Vithner, Nina Lauritzen, Marianne Bo Paludan, Natascha Linn Felix, Peter Blum Samuelsen and Pernille Tind Simmons. Review of Network Initiatives 2

3 into consideration and it will be up to each organisation to identify one person who can commit time to complete the online survey and make a response on behalf of the organisation and who subsequently will set aside time to engage in discussions with the Review Team. Based on findings and the analysis of survey responses the Review Team will prepare a list of people to be interviewed. Annex C includes a tentative list of people to be consulted and interviewed. Hence, the Review Team will prepare and carry out semi-structured interviews with selected organisations. Depending on the rate of responses and actual responses the Review Team might organise joint meetings or focal group meetings to discuss specific topics. The interaction between and basis of distribution between the pool funding will be assess through targeted interviews with key players responsible for the three modalities i.e. NGO Forum, CISU and networks. The interaction between these players will similarly be included in the assessment of the overall governance and administration of pool funds (see next section). The review team understands that Global Trends, Professional Focus and networks apply different approaches to the way activities are being defined. Pros and cons of applied approaches will be assessed through targeted interviews with key actors and beneficiaries of the three modalities. The role of the Standing Committee including processes of strategic decision making, priorities and choices will be assessed in regard to e.g.: is the use of funds considered best value for money, how are thematic priorities identified and agreed upon; are decisions of strategic interest and/or are the accommodating a demand, etc. The desk review and online survey responses will guide the formulation and focus of questions to the Standing Committee and other committees and working groups. NGO FORUM s governance and administration - Identification of different steering mechanisms (The NGO FORUM secretariat, the Standing Committee, and the role of the reference- and steering committees of the different initiatives, the host organizations, the coordinators and secretariats) role in regards to: o Identification of actual capacity development needs. o Ensuring the connection between need, demand and supply. o Cross-cutting communication, learning and sharing of information. - Assessment of NGO FORUM s role as a manager and administrator of the pool funding for support of professional networks and capacity development with a focus on: o Pool Fund Management (Bevillingsforvaltning and bevillingsprocesser) (with the related administrative procedures) Rules and procedures for the lines of communication, decision making and coordination between the different steering committees, working and reference groups, governing board etc. will be reviewed and assessed. An institutiogramme 7 reflecting lines of communication and coordination between committees, reference and working groups etc. (all entities involved in the management of the pool funds) will be prepared. This institutional overview will be used to check the relevance and effectiveness of existing structures, governance and administration of the pool funds. 7 Illustrating executing, decision making and administrating entities and their interrelationship Review of Network Initiatives 3

4 The review team will use the online survey questionnaire to collect information on how participants perceive the relevance and effectiveness of structure, governing entities and administration, hereunder NGO FORUM s role as manager and administrator of funds. Information will be used to prepare interviews with people responsible for the execution, decision making and administration, but also participants, users and beneficiaries will be consulted to inform the analysis. The online questionnaires will as mentioned previously also establish a baseline on how needs for capacity development are being identified as well as initial information on how cross-cutting communication and information sharing is being managed and applied to enhance learning. This baseline will guide the preparation of semi-structured interviews with committee members, coordinators, reference groups etc. Towards the end the review it is anticipated to organize a round table discussion to discuss findings and observations from the review team. The aim would be to guide the review team s recommendations on how structures, rules and procedures for decision making and coordination potentially could be strengthened. Recommendations will be provided to enhance monitoring mechanism and (mutual) accountability processes of implemented initiatives and outcomes. Methods, means, channels and institutionalization of learning: - Uncovering and assessing the methods and types of activity (the spreading of knowledge and information, and advocacy activities), the professional networks, the Global trends and Crosscutting learning and method development use for capacity development. - Assessment of the methods abilities to ensure bridge-building between the individual competence development and the organizational capacity development. - Assessment of how competence development (at individual level) in a network context differs from a more traditional training centre and how different network dynamics support this. - Assess how participation in the initiatives is used and which structures and systems the member organizations use to collect and incorporate the individual knowledge that they gain from participating. Governance and structures for the management and administration of pool funding, combined with the ways of identifying needs and demand within each of the three modalities, often sets the scene and influence the choice of capacity development methods and activities. Therefore, the assessment of applied methods, means and channels for enhanced capacity development will be carried out taking into consideration the current institutional arrangements and its opportunities, limitations and challenges. Mapping of applied methods and types of activities will be part of the online survey questionnaires, which as mentioned above will be tailored to the size and other factors characterising participating organisations. A key and critical element of the review is to assess if the current organisational and management set-up (three modalities), combined with applied methods and types of activities, actually lead to cost-effective and planned outcomes for participating organisations. The level of which the three modalities (Global Trends, Cross-cutting learning and methodology development and Cross-cutting and thematic issues) support individual and organisational capacity development will be analysed Review of Network Initiatives 4

5 through organisations own means of verification, documentation and measures of outcomes which can be attributed implemented activities. The core of the review is to make a strategic analysis and assessment of the capacity development that takes place in the Danish development environment. Hence, it is anticipated that the online survey questionnaire will include questions such as: - what kind of capacity changes (outcomes have taken place)? - do these relate to what was intended? - what can you say overall about possible contribution made by the activities supported by the pool funds? - what was the effectiveness of different methods/types of activity? - what can you say about the conditions that enabled/hindered these changes? how far are the factors that are known to enable successful learning/capacity development outcomes actually present? etc. The final design of the online questionnaire will be prepared during the first phase of the review i.e. the desk study and initial meetings with network coordinators, reference group members and others. The nature of participating organisation has been mentioned as one potential parameter or way of dividing and targeting the questionnaire, but it will most likely also be necessary to tailor questionnaires to, for example: i) Leaders of organisations (how they see these initiatives fitting in to organisational capacity development goals); ii) individuals who are active and potential drivers of capacity development activities; and iii) committee members, reference group members and other decision making individuals. The final design of the questionnaire, indented target groups and individuals to complete the questionnaire will be tested and discussed with the Reference Group to this review prior to the launching of the questionnaire (approximately 1 st August with a deadline for responses on 19 th August 2013). Similarly, the planning of interviews will be guided by the desk study and the responses in the questionnaires. Which organisations and individuals to be interviewed will be guided by this first phase. The review team will prepare a plan for interviews to be conducted which will be discussed and agreed with the Reference Group. Annex C includes a tentative list of person/organisations to be interviewed. Annex D includes a list and overview of organisations and their memberships in different networks. Another key element of the review will be to assess real drivers of the capacity development agenda in and among organisations and how the overall management set-up accommodate those who engage, who are enthusiastic and have ideas for more innovative approaches and methods for capacity development. In this assessment the critical element of documentation, measures and learning, learning within the governance and administration, but also within participating organisations will be included. Interviews will inform this assessment combined with a final round table discussion on how and in what way the pool of funding for network initiatives and capacity development should move forward. The number and selection of participants for this final discussion will be decided in coordination with the Reference Group. Review of Network Initiatives 5

6 Finally, if deemed possible 2-3 case studies (short box stories to be included in the review report) will be included describing processes of capacity development from idea to verified outcomes 8. Outputs On the basis of the above the review team will provide a list of possible scenarios and recommendations for changes, including changes in structure (general changes as well as changes at network level), systems and approaches, which can strengthen the future capacity development, taking place with the funding by the pool. It is the view of the team that in order for the final review report to be a living document which eventually is a document owned by the key actors and organisations the review process should be carried out in close coordination and dialogue with especially the Reference Group and members of the Standing Committee. If detached from the review process the review report will be a standalone document where conclusions and recommendations will be difficult to implement and operationalise. The review team will through the Coordinator of NGO Forum encourage everyone to engage and collaborate as much as possible in the process. Review Team and Work Plan The review team comprises the following members: Team leader: Jørgen Skytte Jensen (IMPAKT) Capacity Development Expert: Brenda Lipson (Independent consultant / Associate of INTRAC) Assistant Consultant: Christian Juulsgaard Olsen (IMPAKT) The proposed work plan (Annex B) outlines the key activities of the review team. The following outlines the proposed sequence of activities: - Through consultation with key actors ensure that all relevant background documents, materials and information are made available to the review team. In coordination with the coordinator of NGO Forum the team has already established a Dropbox-folder in which all electronic documents will be stored. Documents can be sent to either or - Carry out a desk study of received documents, materials etc. - Carry out initial analysis including identification of critical issues to be further investigated through online questionnaires and interviews - Prepare and disseminate online survey questionnaires, to be launched on 1 st August Analyse responses and based on these responses identify key organisations for targeted and semi-structured interviews. Deadline for responses on 19 th August Carry out main analysis leading up to the visit of Brenda Lipson (19-31/8) - During the visit of Brenda Lipson the team will carry out targeted meetings and interviews with key actors and organisations (first week of September) 8 In order for the review team to prepare these case studies 2-3 organisations will have to show an interest and willingness to share its experiences and documentation of a process of capacity development. The Review Team can not write up these case studies themselves, but are willing to support a process in which 2-3 organisations prepare their own stories. Network coordinators might be able to support this idea. Review of Network Initiatives 6

7 - Final analysis and delivery of draft review report. Given that most information, materials and documents are in Danish language the first phase including desk study, initial analysis and survey preparation will be carried out by Jørgen and Christian. Brenda will be briefed and consulted during this process especially in regard to online survey questions. The R3eference Group to the review will be engaged and consulted and act as a Sounding Board to the Review Team. Based on the online survey responses, which will be in Danish, it is anticipated that Jørgen and Christian will prepare the first draft analysis written in English. The first analysis will be assessed by Brenda for her main inputs and suggestions on how to plan and focus interviews with key actors and organisations. Brenda will be visiting Denmark between 3 and 6 September 2013 to participate in key interviews and finally facilitate a round table discussion (workshop) with key actors. Brenda s particular expertise within capacity development and networks will primarily be used to prepare the forward looking parts and recommendations of the review. Jørgen has the overall responsibility for the management of the team and the delivery of agreed outputs. The Final Review Report will be written in English. The review will be carried out between June and October The Review Team find if of utmost importance that the final product (Review Report) has a final owner who can take findings and recommendations forward for these to be used actively in a forward looking process of change. Therefore, the Review Team is looking forward to an open and constructive process of collaboration, coordination and communication with the Reference Group and Standing Committee and will aim at delivering outputs and operational recommendations for the future work and use of pool funding as outlined in the TOR. Review of Network Initiatives 7

8 Annex A Terms of Reference (Danish version) TERMS OF REFERENCE Review af Puljen til støtte af netværksinitiativer og kapacitetsopbygning Faglige og professionelle netværk er essentielle for fremskridt på en lang række områder bl.a. for innovation, kompetence-opbygning og ledelsesudvikling. Samtidig er udfordringerne for mange netværk netop mobilisering, fastholdelse og bæredygtighed. Det er en kunst at facilitere og skabe gunstige livgivende rammer uden at institutionalisere og forstene netværket. Hanne Lund Madsens, HML Consult 1. BAGGRUND Med godkendelsen af Civilsamfundsstrategien i 2008 blev al netværksstøtte til flerårige og længerevarende netværk samt korterevarende kapacitetsudviklingsaktiviteter omlagt til en puljeordning, der finansieres af Udenrigsministeriet (UM). Puljen til støtte af kapacitetsudvikling af danske civilsamfundsorganisationer (herefter refereret til som puljeordningen ) er underlagt princippet om selvforvaltning, og finansieringen sker med direkte hjemmel i de årlige finanslove. Puljeordningen er siden 2009 blevet forvaltet af NGO FORUM, som er det centrale samarbejdsorgan for danske organisationer, der har interesse i dansk udviklingsbistand og Danmarks deltagelse i det internationale udviklingssamarbejde. UM skriver bl.a. om støtten: Med henblik på at bidrage til kapacitetsudvikling af danske civilsamfundsorganisationer ydes der støtte til en fælles platform for netværksarbejde blandt danske organisationer med henblik på kapacitetsudvikling af strategisk vigtige områder, hvor det valgte tema rækker ud over den enkelte organisations virkefelt. Der vil f.eks. kunne iværksættes procesforløb med sigte på dannelse af arbejdsgrupper og andre læringsfora, dokumentation af best practice med henblik på vidensdeling og læring, systematisk monitorering af hvorledes viden og redskaber anvendes i organisationerne, involvering af forskere og praktikere fra både Nord og Syd, sparring med tilsvarende faglige Syd-netværk samt faglige oplysningsindsatser. Midlerne vil endvidere kunne ydes som støtte til flerårige og længerevarende netværksstrukturer Med denne omlægning til selvforvaltning er prioritering og anvendelse af midler til faglige netværk og øvrige kapacitetsudviklingsaktiviteter i Danmark overgået til NGO-miljøet, som dermed selv har ansvaret for at sikre kapacitetsopbygning, erfaringsudveksling og dokumentation omkring faglige temaer indenfor civilsamfundsbistanden. NGO FORUM ønsker at kunne adressere nye og aktuelle faglige temaer på både kort og lang sigt, og forventningen er, at NGO-miljøet opnår en større fleksibilitet og indflydelse på den faglige kapacitetsopbygning og en mere effektiv udnyttelse af organisationernes individuelle og samlede ressourcer. Strukturen for puljeordningen bygger på en række generelle principper og ønsker om et system som: - Støtter netværk/netværksgrupper og de relationer, som de består af samt placerer ansvar for implementeringen hos de ansøgende organisationer for at sikre ejerskab og forpligtelse. Review of Network Initiatives 8

9 - Har en slank administration med en let og u-bureaukratisk ansøgningsprocedure, der samtidig tager højde for, at der er mange netværksgrupper som søger støtte. - Er accountable til NGO-miljøet - Er accountable til Danida Yderligere diskuteres det løbende, hvordan man sikrer, at ressourcer i det danske udviklingsmiljø udnyttes bedst muligt bl.a. i forhold til input og deltagelse i fælles kapacitetsudviklingstiltag, samt hvordan man sikrer en dynamisk og fleksibelt struktur, der giver mulighed for at reagere på trends og sætte ind, der hvor udfordringerne (og energien) er. Prioriteter og retningslinjer for puljeordningen: Ansøgninger til kapacitetsudvikling vurderes dels på baggrund af et sæt retningslinjer og dels en række fælles strategiske prioriteter, som fastlægges hver år. Den overordnede samlende strategiske ramme for puljen er den danske civilsamfundsstrategi (CSS). Med udgangspunkt i CSS har NGO FORUM valgt at udarbejde en række fælles strategiske prioriteter, der er retningsgivende for puljen. I 2009 blev de første fælles strategiske prioriteter for udarbejdet som resultat af en bred, lang og inddragende proces. NGO FORUM formulerede i foråret 2011 en række nye strategiske prioriteter for puljen til støtte af faglige netværk og kapacitetsopbygning. En ekstern konsulent gennemførte et behovs- og identifikations forløb, der resulterede i formuleringen af tre overordnede prioriteter for perioden : 1. Globale tendenser, 2. Tværgående læring og metodeudvikling og 3. tværgående og specifikke temaer. Det blev på NGO FORUMs årsmøde i 2011 besluttet, at de to første prioriteter udmøntes som faglige indsatsområder implementeret af henholdsvis NGO FORUMs sekretariat og CISU (Fagligt Fokus). Der er fortsat mulighed for at søge om støtte til større netværksinitiativer og mindre kapacitetsudviklingsinitiativer via ansøgninger om støtte til tværfaglige og specifikke temaer en såkaldt åben pulje. Den nye ramme sætter bl.a. fokus på at netværksinitiativerne vurderes på baggrund af de strategiske mål og forventede resultater, som det faglige netværk sætter samt værtsorganisation og andre deltagende organisationers institutionelle forpligtelse. NGO FORUM har i december 2011 ansat en akademisk medarbejder til at løfte indsatsen i forhold til prioriteringen globale tendenser. Der er fortsat ansat en netværkskoordinator og en studentermedhjælp på NGO FORUMs sekretariat. Perspektivering og review af andre kapacitetsudviklingsaktører Analyserne i dette review skal ses i lyset af, at de danske udviklings-, miljø- og nødhjælpsorganisationer er organiseret i en række forskellige platforme hvoraf 92-gruppen, Concord Danmark, NGO FORUM og CISU er de fire største. NGO FORUM har i februar 2013 lagt op til at der i samarbejde med 92-gruppen og Concord Danmark gennemføres et review af samarbejdet og organiseringen af det danske NGO-miljø. Denne proces bør tages i betragtning, når pulje-reviewet gennemføres. Der er i perioden siden august 2012 gennemført en række reviews af forskellige kapacitetsudviklingsaktører (CISU, DMR-U, DH) samt en evaluering af CSS. Erfaringer og viden fra disse bør inddrages hvor relevant. Hvor relevant bør analyser perspektiveres ift. erfaringer og resultater fra andre lignende faglige netværk i udlandet. Review of Network Initiatives 9

10 2. FORMÅL Det overordnede formål med reviewet er at lave en strategisk analyse og vurdering af den kapacitetsudvikling, der finder sted i det danske NGO-miljø via puljen til støtte af faglige netværk og kapacitetsudvikling, og på baggrund af dette komme med anbefalinger til ændringer, som kan bidrage til at forbedre struktur, systemer og tilgange til kapacitetsudviklingen blandt danske udviklings- og miljøorganisationer. Reviewet har følgende delformål: a. Med henblik på at vurdere behov, puljens samlede udbud, og de opnåede resultater, foretage en analyse af erfaringerne fra det hidtidige samarbejde og koordinering mellem NGO FORUM (herunder globale tendenser), CISU (Fagligt Fokus) og de større og mindre initiativer, som støttes gennem puljen. b. Gennemgang og vurdering af NGO FORUMs forvaltning og administration af puljen til støtte af kapacitetsudvikling af danske civilsamfundsorganisationer, herunder om den valgte struktur og principper for fordeling af midler er optimal og effektiv i forhold til at understøtte kapacitetsudvikling af de danske miljø- og udviklingsorganisationer. c. Gennemgang og vurdering af de metoder, virkemidler og kanaler, der benyttes af de forskellige initiativer til kompetenceopbygning og kapacitetsudvikling, herunder en vurdering af hvordan de deltagende organisationer forankrer den individuelle kompetenceopbygning, og hvordan kapacitetsudvikling dokumenteres. d. På baggrund af ovenstående at fremkomme med opstilling af mulige scenarier og anbefalinger til ændringer, herunder ændringer i struktur (overordnet såvel som i de enkelte faglige netværk), systemer og tilgange, som kan styrke den fremtidige kapacitetsudvikling, der finder sted med støtte fra puljen. 3. ARBEJDSOPGAVER Arbejdsopgaverne indeholder: Samarbejde og koordinering: - I lyset af reviews af andre kapacitetsudviklingsaktører, at gennemgå behov, efterspørgsel og kapacitetsudviklingsudbud samt koordinering af udbud. - Vurdere både større og mindre organisationers ressourcemæssige kapacitet til at deltage i kapacitetsudviklingsinitiativerne. - Vurdering af samspil og fordelingsnøglen mellem puljens tre prioriteter: 1. Globale tendenser, 2. Tværgående læring og metodeudvikling (Fagligt Fokus) og 3. Tværgående og specifikke temaer (større og mindre netværksinitiativer). NGO FORUMs forvaltning og administration: - Afdækning af de forskellige styringsmekanismers (NGO FORUMs sekretariat, det Stående Udvalg, samt rolle for reference- og styregrupper for de forskellige initiativer, værtsorganisationerne, koordinatorerne og sekretariaterne) rolle i forhold til: o Identifikation af reelle kapacitetsudviklingsbehov. o Sikring af sammenhæng mellem behov, efterspørgsel og udbud. o Kommunikation, læring og informationsdeling på tværs. - Vurdering af NGO FORUMs rolle som forvalter og administrator af puljen til støtte af faglige netværk og kapacitetsudvikling med fokus på: Review of Network Initiatives 10

11 o Bevillingsforvaltning og bevillingsprocesser (med dertilhørende administrative procedurer) o Monitorering af puljebevillingen Metoder, virkemidler og kanaler samt forankring af læring: - Afdækning og vurdering af de metoder og aktivitetstyper (herunder videns- og informationsformidling samt fortalervirksomhedsaktiviteter), som de faglige netværk og de faglige indsatser benytter til kapacitetsudvikling - Vurdering af metodernes evne til at sikre brobygning mellem den individuelle kompetenceopbygning og den organisatoriske kapacitetsudvikling. - Vurdering af hvordan kompetenceopbygning i netværkssammenhæng adskiller sig fra mere traditionel kursusvirksomhed, og hvordan forskellige netværksdynamikker understøtter dette. - Gennemgang af hvordan deltagelse i initiativerne bruges og hvilke modtagelsesmodaliteter medlemsorganisationerne anvender for at opsamle og indbygge den viden, der opbygges via deltagelsen. Der kan med fordel inddrages dokumenterede erfaringer og resultater fra internationale sammenhænge 4. PROCES OG METODE Fokus vil ligge på puljen og de overordnede resultater og ikke på aktivitetsnær vurdering eller evaluering af de enkelte netværksinitiativer. Det forventes, at review-teamet gennemfører: 1. Strategisk rettet brugerundersøgelse blandt medlemmer af NGO FORUM og de faglige netværk samt deltagere i Fagligt Fokus, Globale Tendenser og de mindre kapacitetsudviklingsinitiativers aktiviteter, der kobler til delmålene beskrevet i afsnit Konsultation/interviews med: - NGO FORUMs sekretariat inkl. Globale Tendenser - Repræsentanter for Fagligt Fokus/CISU - Koordinatorer og styregrupperepræsentanter for de faglige netværk - Repræsentanter for det Stående Udvalg - Repræsentanter fra NGO FORUMs indstillingsudvalg 3. Konsultation med eksterne ressourcepersoner heriblandt: - Repræsentanter for 92-gruppen og Concord Danmark - Hanne Lund Madsen - Lisbet Fich - Netværkseksperter internationale som danske der konkret har arbejdet med lignende strukturer eller har anden ekspertviden f.eks. Enriques Mendizabal, Line Holst Jensen (AZENA). 4. Konsultation med NGO FORUMs referencegruppe i forbindelse med udarbejdelse af inceptionnote, og når draft report foreligger. 5. LEVERANCER Der vil som del af reviewet blive udarbejdet følgende leverancer: - Kort inception-note, som skal indeholde skitse til indhold, arbejdsmetode og tidsplan for opgaven (max 5 sider) Review of Network Initiatives 11

12 - Udkast til rapport (max 20 sider plus bilag) - Endelig rapport 6. RAPPORTERING - Inception-note skal være udfærdiget til HCP og NGO FORUMs kommentering den 21 juni 2013 med en kort præsentation på møde i det Stående Udvalg den 24 juni - Udkast til rapport præsenteres til NGO FORUMs referencegruppe og HCP den 13 september Kommentarer fra HCP og NGO FORUM skal modtages efter 10 arbejdsdage - Endelig rapport skal være færdig 27 september Konsulenterne fremlægger den endelig rapport til NGO FORUMs Stående Udvalg i september Til dette møde vil NGO FORUMs referencegruppe, med udgangspunkt i den endelige rapport, udarbejde en indstilling til NGO FORUMs Stående Udvalg, så der sikres dels en fremlæggelse og dels et oplæg til, hvordan NGO FORUM kan tage det videre. 7. BEMANDING OG TIDSPLAN Der lægges op til et konsulentteam bestående af to konsulenter med forskellige kompetencer - og synsvinkler, gerne en der er godt bekendt med den danske udviklingspolitiske og civilsamfundsmæssige kontekst og en der kan se det lidt ude- og ovenfra (kan være fra et andet skandinavisk land). Det forventes, at konsulenterne dækker følgende profil: - Dokumenteret erfaring med læringsprocesser i organisationer, herunder hvordan man skaber inddragende læringsprocesser på tværs af organisationer, der arbejder i Syd - Viden om og erfaring med faglige netværks organiseringsstruktur, funktion og udvikling - Dokumenteret erfaring fra arbejde i det danske udviklingspolitiske landskab - Viden om de danske civilsamfundsorganisationer - U-landserfaring vil være en fordel Der afsættes et samlet beløb på kr. til reviewet. Reviewet gennemføres i perioden juniseptember NGO FORUM baggrundsgruppe: Med henblik på at sikre vidensdeling, læring og etablering af en intern platform for efterfølgende opfølgning på reviewet har NGO FORUM nedsat en baggrundsgruppe for reviewet bestående af: Erik Vithner (CISU og repræsentant for NGO FORUMs Stående Udvalg), Nina Lauritzen (Fagligt Fokus), Marianne Bo Paludan (netværksstyregruppe), Anne Sørensen (koordinator), Peter Blum Samuelsen (koordinator), Pernille Tind Simmons (NGO FORUM). Baggrundsgruppen indgå i dialog med UM/HCP i forbindelse med forberedelse, gennemførelse og opfølgning på reviewet. Baggrundsgruppens opgaver i forhold til dialog med konsulent(erne) inkluderer bl.a. at: - Bidrage med relevant information og deltage i diskussioner, som kan sikre ejerskab af reviewprocessen - Rådgive om dialogen med NGO FORUMs Stående Udvalg og medlemmer, Fagligt Fokus og de faglige netværk. Review of Network Initiatives 12

13 - Udarbejde en briefing note til NGO FORUMs Stående Udvalg, som kan facilitere, at reviewets anbefalinger følges op af NGO FORUM. Hvis det i dialog med konsulenterne og HCP vurderes at være frugtbart for reviewet, kan baggrundsgruppen udpege en intern ressourceperson som bl.a. kan: - Varetage mindre konkrete opgaver identificeret af konsulenterne. - Deltage i interviews hvis konsulent(erne) vurderer, at det vil være hensigtsmæssigt. Review of Network Initiatives 13

14 BAGGRUNDSMATERIALE Liste over materiale, der kan indgå som baggrund for vurderingerne. Listen skal ikke ses som en fuldkommen liste der kan være andet materiale, som konsulenten vælger at inddrage: NGO FORUMs eget materiale: Resultatberetning 2011 inkl. budget og revideret regnskab for Rapportering 2012 inkl. budget og revideret regnskab for Budgetter og reviderede regnskaber. Årsrapport 2010 og NGO FORUMs strategiske ramme for Konkretisering af de fælles strategiske prioriteter Retningslinjer og bevillingskriterier. Maj 2012 Forvaltning og rapportering. Maj 2012 Rapporteringsformater Ansøgningsskemaer Materiale fra netværkene: Udvalgte ansøgninger om støtte til større og længerevarende netværksinitiativer Udvalgte ansøgninger om støtte til mindre kapacitetsudviklingsinitiativer Udvalgte årsrapporter fra større netværksinitiativer samt mindre initiativer (2010 og 2011) Netværkenes hjemmesider Evalueringsrapporter Brugerundersøgelser Andre relevante rapporter Eksterne rapporter: Capacity development in networks and beyond An exploration of concepts and measures. By Hanne Lund Madsen for the Danish Children and Youth Network, September Networking: Current Modalities and Future Scenarios. Short version, by Hanne Lund Madsen for The Danish Child and Youth Network, Aidsnet, The Danish Education Network, Gendernet and Thematic Forum, October Review af konceptet for støtte fra ngo-bevillingen til netværk. Syntese rapport, Lisbet Fich (Katalyst) for UM, Endelig version, 17. april 2006 Rapport fra review af CISU, December Evaluering af DFM, August Evaluering af MENA netværket, Referat af møde om fremtidige perspektiver for netværkssamarbejde blandt NGO er den 10. januar Netværksteorier: Network Functions Approach (NFA), Enriques Mendizabal Materiale om netværkserfaringer og resultater i internationale sammenhænge Review of Network Initiatives 14

15 Annex B Activities Inception Note Proposed work plan for the review team Dates Collection of background documents Desk review Preparation of online surveys 17-21/ /6 x 1-5/7 8-12/7 Anticipated summer break / /7 26/7 2/8 9/8 Launching of online survey distribution (1-19/8) x x Analysis and preparation of interviews Interviews NGO Forum staff Network coordinators x x x x x Reference group members x x x x x x x x Standing Committee members x x x x Network Pool Committee (Puljeudvalg) x x Global Trends x x Professional Focus (Fagligt Fokus) x x Representatives of networks (focus groups) x x x Selected participants in networks x x x Leaders of key organisations x x x External (Concord, 92 Group, consultants) x x x Ministry of Foreign Affairs x x Round table discussion x Analysis and report x x x x x Draft Review Report x Comments from Committee members x Final report 12-16/ / /8 2-6/9 9-13/ / /9 30/9-4/10 x Brenda Lipson in Denmark Review of Network Initiatives 15

16 Annex C Tentative List of Persons/Organisations to be interviewed Area / Theme Person / Organisation Institution and role General Jann Sjursen, Caritas Standing Committee Member of Reference Group for the evaluation of the CSS Former host of Danish Forum for Micro Finance Karin Elisabeth Lind, Verdens Skove Standing Committee Representative external working group for the NEK strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Standing Committee (chairman) Organisational host for the Education Network Vagn Berthelsen, IBIS and chairman for NGO FORUM Web site Martijn Johansen, NGO FORUM Student assistant and responsible for the web site Jens Kaare Rasmussen Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grants Management Assessment and grants Elisabeth Kiørboe, WWF management Erik Vithner, CISU Tania Dethlefsen, Sex og Samfund Standing Committee, Grant Management Committee and Global Trends Representative in several external working groups of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Standing Committee, Grant Management Committee and Professional Focus Standing Committee, Grant Management Committee, Former member of grants management committee, Host for network on Health and Development Elisabeth Riber, Sex og Samfund Focal point for network on health and Development, Global Trends (development effectiveness) Indstillingsudvalget (Helene Ellemann-Jensen, MS; Johannes Nordentoft, CISU); Michael Larsen, Danish Association of Disabled) Professional activities Jeef Bech, CISU Focal point for Professional Focus Nina Lauritzen, CISU Henrik Nielsen, NGO FORUM Focal point for Globale Tendenser Globale Tendenser Karen Andersen, IBIS Global trends former host Lars Udsholt, DMR-U Standing Committee Member of Reference Group for the evaluation of CSS Development effectiveness working group Dorte Busch, Dansk Røde Kors Standing Committee Development effectiveness arbejdsgruppe Professional Focus Cecilie Bjørnskov-Johansen, DanChurchAid with Ole Dahl Rasmussen Reference Group (Anna Villumsen, Africa contact; Nina Lundbye, DUF; Morten Bisgaard, IBIS; Marianne Bo Development effectiveness working group and FORDI Development effectiveness working group and Member of Board for Danish Forum for Micro Finance Review of Network Initiatives 16

17 Area / Theme Person / Organisation Institution and role Pauldan, Save the Children; Lis Gravgaard, ADRA; Natascha Linn Felix, FORDI; Pernille Tind Simmons, NGO FORUM) Network initiatives Larger network initiatives Coordinators Representatives of Networks (2-3 from each network) Smaller network initiatives Representatives and/or focal points External resource persons Partners Consultants Laust Leth Gregersen, Concord Danmark Troels Dam Christensen, 92- group Lisbeth Fick Hanne Lund Madsen Annemette Danielsen Former coordinator of Children and Youth network Review of Network Initiatives 17

18 Annex D Organisationers medlemskab i NGO FORUM og støttede netværksinitiativer Udarbejdet af Martijn Johansen (NGO FORUM) den 8. maj 2013 opdateret den 16. maj efter NGO FORUMs årsmøde Organisationer markeret med grøn sidder i det Stående Udvalg (NGO FORUM)/styregruppe/bestyrelse Organisations Navn NGO FORUM Uddannelse snetværket 9 Kun aftegnet bestyrelse, ikke rådgivende gruppe 10 Kun organisationsmedllemmer, ikke personlige Review of Network Initiatives 18 FORDI 9 MENA Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans Netværk for Sundhed og Udvikling Børne og Ungdomsnetværket Agroøkologisk Netværk 10 1 AC-Børnehjælp X X X 3(2) 2 ADDA X X 2 3 ADRA Danmark X X X X X X 6(2) 4 African-Danish Network X 1 5 Afrika In Touch X 1 6 Afrika Kontakt X X X X 4(1) 7 AFS Interkultur X 1 8 AIDS-Fondet X X X 3(1) 9 Aktion Børnehjælp X X 2 10 Alexandra Instituttet X 1 11 Amigos de El Doradito X 1 12 Amnesty X X X X 3 13 Andelskassen J.A.K. X 1 14 Andelskassen Oikos X 1(1) 15 ANIN-Group X 1 16 Anna Lindh Fonden X 1(1) 17 Art of Living X X 2 18 Assist X 1 19 Association for World Education (AWE) X 1 20 AXIS X X X X X 5(1) 21 BABAYLAN Philippine Women's Network X 1 22 BaptistKirken i Danmark X 1 23 BNP Paribas/Fortis SA-NV X 1 24 Brahma Kumaris X 1 25 BØRNEfonden X X X X X 5(1) Medlemska ber (Med i udvalg/ bestyrelser)

19 Organisations Navn NGO FORUM Uddannelse snetværket Review of Network Initiatives 19 FORDI 9 MENA Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans Netværk for Sundhed og Udvikling Børne og Ungdomsnetværket Agroøkologisk Netværk 10 Medlemska ber (Med i udvalg/ bestyrelser) 26 Børn Uden Grænser (BUG) X X 2(1) 27 Care X X X X 4(1) 28 Care4You X 1 29 Caritas X X 2(1) 30 Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies X 1 31 Center for Sex og Sundhed X 1 32 Children Nepal - Denmark X 1 33 Christian Humanity X 1 34 CICED X 1 35 CISU X X 2 36 Cross Cultures (CCPA) X X 2 37 Crossing Borders X X X X 4 38 CVU-Sjælland X 1 39 Cykler til Senegal X X 2 40 C:NTACT X 1 41 Danish-Afghanistan Comittee (DAC) X X 2 42 Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute X 1 43 Danish House in Palestine X 1 44 Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy X 1 (DIPD ) 45 Danmarks Biavlerforening (DBF) X X 2 46 Danmarks Læreforening X X X 3(2) 47 Danmission Suppleant X X X X 5(1) 48 Danner X X 2(1) 49 Dansk Blindesamfund X 1 50 Dansk Flygtningehjælp X X X X 4 51 Dansk Folkehjælp X X 2 52 Dansk Handicap Forbund X 1 53 Dansk Handicap Idræts Forbund X 1 54 Dansk-Indisk Børnehjælp X 1 55 Dansk inbstitut for Internationale Studier (DIIS) X 1 56 Dansk Missionsråds Udviklingsafdeling (DMR-U) X X X X X X 6(3) 57 Dansk Mongolsk Selskab X 1(1)

20 Organisations Navn NGO FORUM Uddannelse snetværket Review of Network Initiatives 20 FORDI 9 MENA Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans Netværk for Sundhed og Udvikling Børne og Ungdomsnetværket Agroøkologisk Netværk 10 Medlemska ber (Med i udvalg/ bestyrelser) 58 Dansk Røde Kors X X X X X 5(2) 59 Dansk Ugandisk Venskabsforening X X 2 60 Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd (DUF) X X X X 4(3) 61 Dansk-Tanzaniansk venskabsforening X 1 62 Dansk Vietnamesisk Venskabsforening X X 2 63 Danske Handicaporganisationer X X X X 4(1) 64 DBL Institute for Health and Developement X 1 65 Denmark-Somaliland/Somalia-network X X 2 (DSN) 67 Development Advisors X 1 68 Dialogos X 1 69 DIGNITY X X X 3 70 DUI Leg og Virke X 1 71 Dyrenes Beskyttelse X 1 72 Educat X X 2 73 Elisabeth Fonden X 1 74 Enheden for børne- og unge forskning X 1 75 Erhvervsstyrelsen X 1 76 Eritreanske Støtteforening i DK X 1 77 Euro-mediterranean Human Rights Network X 1(1) 78 FAHU Fonden X 1 79 Fair Trade Danmark X 1 80 FDB X 1 81 FIC X X X 3 82 Fairtrade mærket X 1 83 Farmaceuter Uden Grænser X 1 84 FDF X 1 85 FN-forbundet X 1(1) 86 Folkehøjskolernes Forening X X 2 87 Folkekirkens Nødhjælp X X X X X 5(3) 88 Fonden til fremme af Blivende Økologisk X 1 Balance (FØB) 89 Foreningen Retro X 1

21 Organisations Navn NGO FORUM Uddannelse snetværket Review of Network Initiatives 21 FORDI 9 MENA Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans Netværk for Sundhed og Udvikling Børne og Ungdomsnetværket Agroøkologisk Netværk 10 Medlemska ber (Med i udvalg/ bestyrelser) 90 Foreningen Sind X 1 91 Freia center for køsnforskning i Ålborg X 1 92 Friluftsrådet X X 2 93 Frøbelseminariet (UCC Frøbel) X X 2 94 Frøsamlerne/ Danish Seed Savers X 1 95 GAM3 X X X 3 96 GES X 1 97 Ghana Venskabsgrupperne X X X X 4(2) 98 Genvej til Udvikling X X 2 99 GES Global Education through Sport X Globale Gymnasier X Globale Læger X X 2(1) 102 Globale Skolepartnerskaber X X HF Invest & Consult ApS X HIV & AIDS Cross-Over X Hjerteforeningen X IAHV Danmark X IMCC X IBIS X X X X 4(3) 109 ICYE X Ingeniører uden Grænser X X Institut for menneskerettigheder X X 2(1) 112 International Aid Services X X Internat. Ass. For Human Values X International Børnehjælp X International Børnesolidaritet X X X International Kontakt X International Media Support X 1(1) 118 Internationalt udvalg, Familielandbruget X 1 sydvest 119 IWGIA X X JKC Consult X Kaalmo-dk X 1

22 Organisations Navn NGO FORUM Uddannelse snetværket Review of Network Initiatives 22 FORDI 9 MENA Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans Netværk for Sundhed og Udvikling Børne og Ungdomsnetværket Agroøkologisk Netværk 10 Medlemska ber (Med i udvalg/ bestyrelser) 122 Karagwes venner X Kommunernes Landsforening (KL) X Kvindernes U-landsudvalg - KULU X X X X 4(1) 125 Kvinderådet X X X Kvinfo X X 2(1) 127 Landsforeningen Ungdomsringen X Landsindsamlingen af hospitalsudstyr til X 1 Vietnam 129 Leve Børnene Viva Danmark X Levende Hav X LGBT Danmark X X LH Consult X Lind Konsulenter & Services, København X LO Landsorganisationen i Danmark X Læger Uden Grænser X 1(1) 136 Maisons Familiales Rurales Venner X MAJ Invest X 1(1) 138 Masanga Project X Maternity Worldwide X X X 3(1) 140 Mellemmerikakommiteen X Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke X X X X X 5(2) 142 Merkur Andelskasse X Mission Afrika X Mission Øst X X 2(1) 145 Momentum Trust X MSc Public Health X MYC4 X NASIM X NCD - Alliance X NGO Fontana X Nordeco X Operation Dagsværk X X X 3(1) 153 Oplysningscenter om den 3. verden X X 2

23 Organisations Navn NGO FORUM Uddannelse snetværket Review of Network Initiatives 23 FORDI 9 MENA Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans Netværk for Sundhed og Udvikling Børne og Ungdomsnetværket Agroøkologisk Netværk Org. for vedvarende energi(ove) X Palæstina-Initiativet X Papuakids X Plan Danmark X X X X X X 6(1) 158 Professionshøjskolen UCC X PUGAD Suppleant RAW - Rights for All Women X Red Barnet X X X X X X 6(3) 162 Red Barnet Ungdom X RISE - Denmark X Rockwool Fonden X SELA Advisory Group X Seniorer uden grænser X X X Sex & Sundhed X Sex og Samfund X X X X 4(2) 169 Somalia Diaspora Organisation X Solens Børn X X X Somalisk Kvindeforening X SOS Børnebyerne X X X Syddansk Universitet X Stairway Danmark X Statsforvaltningen Hovedstaden X Tandsundhed Uden Grænser X Tanzania Children Foundation X X Thomsen Business Information X Trianglen X 1(1) 180 Tukae Danmark X Ulandsforeningen for Bæredygtig Udvikling X U-landsforeningen Svalerne X X U-landshjælp fra Folk til Folk (UFF) X X X 3(1) 184 U-landssekretariatet X X X 3(1) 185 UNFPA s nordiske kontor X Ungdommens Røde Kors X X 2 Medlemska ber (Med i udvalg/ bestyrelser)

24 Organisations Navn NGO FORUM Uddannelse snetværket FORDI 9 MENA Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans Netværk for Sundhed og Udvikling Børne og Ungdomsnetværket Agroøkologisk Netværk UNICEF - Danmark X X University College UCC International X Vedvarende Energi International X X X 3(1) 190 Venskabsforeningen Danmark Burkina Faso X Verdens Skove X X 2(1) 192 Videnscentret for Landbrug, Agro Food X X World Diabetes Foundation X WHO X WWF X 1(1) 197 Økologisk Landsforening X X X % til børnene X Students for Sustainability X 1 Medlemska ber (Med i udvalg/ bestyrelser) Review of Network Initiatives 24

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