Datalogi for kvinder, humanistisk datalogi og sundhedsinformatik it, kvinder og humaniora

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1 Datalogi for kvinder, humanistisk datalogi og sundhedsinformatik it, kvinder og humaniora Ann Bygholm Institut for kommunikation, Virtuelt center sundhedsinformatik Aalborg Universitet

2 Om mig Cand.mag. i Dansk (litteratur og medier) og humanistisk datalogi (1986) Ansat i HK moduldata og som projektmedarbejder ved AAU efteruddannelse osv. Ph.d. på projektet Ekspertsystemprojektet belyst via erfaringer med knowledge acquisition (1993) Professor (m.s.o.) i it implementering og evaluering på Institut for Kommunikation på Aalborg Universitet (2008) Leder af ph.d. skolen ved Det humanistiske fakultet, AAU Formand for IKT udvalget på Det humanistiske fakultet Medlem og leder af IT Indsatsen ( ) Formand for bestyrelsen i V-CHI ( ) Deltager i projekt AUW

3 Perspektiver At kvinder kvalificere sig på et område og at kvinder kvalificerer området Basale forhold som ligestilling, stemmeret, ret til uddannelse, ret til egen krop Asien University for Women (AUW) The Asian University for Women (AUW) prepares women of high ability and potential to meet society's challenges and effect positive change through an innovative rigorous curriculum that encompasses the liberal arts, sciences, and professional training, and develops thoughtful and ethical leadership Det kønsopdelte arbejdsmarked og uddannelsesvalg skal nedbrydes Regeringen ønsker, at Danmark skal være et førende vækst-, viden- og iværksættersamfund. Traditionsbundne kønsopdelinger på arbejdsmarkedet og i uddannelsessystemet hæmmer denne udvikling

4 Det kønsopdelte uddannelsesvalg Datalogi/computer science Det er en gåde, at så få kvinder søger ind på datalogi, siger Kristian G. Olesen, institutleder på Datalogi på Aalborg Universitet. Nye tiltag, der skulle integrere humanistiske elementer, har heller ikke hjulpet, så kvinderne bliver nok ikke væk pga. forestillingen om et studie fyldt med cola-drikkende nørder, vurderer han. En oversigt viser, at kønsfordelingen på Aalborg Universitet fordelte sig således: 21 mænd, 0 kvinder. ( ) Syddansk Universitet (SDU) vil have flere kvinder til at studere datalogi. Derfor tilbyder universitetet en ny datalogiuddannelse Datalogi og Samfund, der kombinerer klassiske datalogifag med fag som it og etik, sprog og kommunikation samt it og samfundsforhold. (oprettet sep. 2006, nedlagt 31 august 2008) Århus Universitet: 3-5% af en ny årgang på datalogistudiet er kvinder Københavns universitet video om datalogiuddannelsen ingen kvinder optræder Man siger at kvinder er mere interesserede i anvendelse af teknologi end i teknologien i sig selv det gælder også for mig

5 Uddannelser og forskning Datalogi for kvinder Humanistisk datalogi Sundhedsinformatik Projekt om læring og support

6 Datalogi for kvinder Kursus på folkeuniversitetet (85-88) Algoritmer Programmering Databaser Kunstig intelligens LEG og computerspil

7 Humanistisk Datalogi Human Centered Informatics Læring og samarbejde Design og systemudvikling Menneske-maskine interaktion Sprog og formalisering Teknologiudvikling Kritisk Konstruktiv Bæredygtig Demokratiserende Kompetenceudviklende Æstetisk Etisk Det virtuelle Det fysiske Det kommunikative Det samarbejdende ksion design - konstruktion udforskning teoriudvikling - handling analyse refleksion handling

8 Master of Health Informatics at Aalborg University Initiated in year programme part time (30 ECTS/year) Approximately 300 students has completed Admission requirements: Bachelor degree in any health science + work experience 75% is women Age years Recruiting from all Scandinavia

9 Master of Health Informatics at Aalborg University Aim of programme Appraise and assess the possibilities and limitations of IT in health care Take active part in planning, development and implementation Organise work situations Analyse and handle information in health care

10 Master of Health Informatics at Aalborg University Health informatics is interdisciplinary Department of Health Technology, Department of Development and planning and Department of Communication + part time teachers working in the health care sector Organization of program Mix mode/blended learning F2F: 4 weekend seminar at Aalborg university + exam Online: 4 periods of study + exams (FirstClass) Content of program Project work and courses

11 Master of Health Informatics at Aalborg University Projects The study is based on a problem-oriented approach with students organized in groups, each working on its own research projects. Basic principle: Problem orientation, participant control, interdisciplinary, and project organization Afford: Team building, critical discussion and reflection-in-action, cope with uncertainty, to take action in less structured environments This activity accounts for more than half of the total workload and (ideally) student bring their own problems.

12 Master of Health Informatics at Aalborg University Courses A systematic representation of a discipline The purpose is to provide the student with sufficient disciplinary knowledge to cope with interdisciplinary problems The courses are organized in four track, each track represented at each semester (to ensure coherence and progression)

13 From data to decision System and context Technological change processes Methods for data-collection and analysis 3. Decision support systems Interaction with health information systems Technical and organizational change in health care Analytical quantitative and qualitative methods in health informatics studies 2. Advanced data bases for clinical data, bio signals and images Health information systems modeling Evaluation of information technology systems in the health care sector Descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods in health informatics studies 1. Basic data capturing, storage, retrieval and decision making in health care User requirements for health information systems Project management and organizational theory Basic methodology for project work and literature search The master programme also includes guest lectures given by Danish and foreign researchers and/or by leaders from Danish and foreign companies

14 Master of Health Informatics at Aalborg University Career A recent survey indicated that more than 80% of the masters used their degree to pursue a career to work with health informatics in the industry, clinical departments in hospitals, IT departments in the administration, and IT functions in primary care. Their primary work tasks are within: project management, implementation of IT systems, teaching and education, IT development and consultancy.

15 Virtual Centre for Health Informatics, V-CHI Initiated in 1996 as an umbrella organization for research and development groups at Aalborg University Medical Informatics (Department of Health Science) Participation and Technology (Department of Development and Planning) ell- center for user driven innovation, learning and design (Department of Communication) V-CHI is supervised by a group with representatives from public and private companies, health care institution, hospitals, and county councils Aim to contributes to the research and understanding of the interrelationship between health problems, the organisation of the health system, and information technology

16 Virtual Centre for Health Informatics, V-CHI Host research project within the area of Health Informatics E.g. EPJ Observatoriet Participate in a national, Scandinavian and international research networks SundhedsITnet, SHI, EFMI, IMIA Dissemination of research Organize conferences, workshops and seminars Publish newsletter Secretariat for DSMI --

17 End-user support: A necessary issue in the implementation and use of EPR systems Main Points There is a need for a systematic approach to end-user support There is a need to discuss what end-user support is all about There is a need for different kinds of support

18 The framework SIOL project Health Care Professionals, Information Technology & Organizational Learning A research project founded by a Danish research initiative Human resources in the field of work. The project is conducted in cooperation with health care organizations located in Denmark and Sweden.

19 The framework Focus in SIOL What demands and challenges faces the Health Care organizations? How do the organizations learn to handle new situations, demands and challenges? What is the role of IT in these perspectives?

20 The case study The case from Aarhus implementing an electronic patient record system in the home care service (37 local units) aim of the record improve documentation, communication, and control of resources 1500 employees

21 Evaluation of the learning strategy The IT- offices learning strategy: 3 days training program Participants a teacher and an assistant from each local unit Content general introduction + exercises question based on own experience with an exercise database how to teach + planning the representatives own program working with a paper version of the journal Participant all future users of the electronic care journal

22 Evaluation of the learning strategy The evaluation interviews with the responsible people from the IT office in the home care service participating as observers in the 3 days training program interview with representatives of the employees

23 Evaluation of the learning strategy Result of the evaluation A successful use of the EPR system involves 3 different knowledge types Object knowledge /operational level explicit, rule based, factual knowledge about hardware and software knowing that Tool knowledge/ action level knowing how to use the system properly in a work situation knowing how Praxis knowledge/activity level using the system in developing the organization in continuity with already existing knowledge, values and goals knowing why

24 What is end-user support? Traditional approach focusing on giving a full presentation of the functionality of the system delivered by people from outside the working domain with a technical background courses, manuals, and step-by-step instructions

25 What is end-user support? Objections to the traditional approach support is not about helping people understand the system systems should not be understood as something in it self - independent of its use New demands for support helping people further their goals embracing the dynamic aspects of system use

26 What is end-user support? The gardening approach Metaphor for support (Bonnie Nardi) Local developers seem to emerge spontaneously domain experts who have a natural affinity for computers

27 What is end-user support? Main characteristics of a gardener work in the domain and know the work from the inside posses both technical and social skills bridging the gap between system administrators and domain employees continually customize the system

28 Different kinds of end-user support Knowledge type Learning Kinds of support Object knowledge Tool knowledge Praxis knowledge what the system can do focusing on the functionality of the system how to use the system focusing on user experience and motivation why use the system focusing on values and purposes courses, manuals, and step-by-step instruction on-line instruction the gardening approach the collaborative development approach

29 End-user support End-user support is about helping people further their goals possible goals of the users are not foreseeable by designers and users the system is shaped by use and support must embrace this dynamic aspects There is a need for a distinction between different kinds of end-user support 3 kinds of questions what is answered by courses and manuals how is answered by people from the inside why point at a need for explicating and discussing the norm and values about the organization

30 afslutning Netværk Netværk, Og netværk igen

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