Tanzania. PATC Country profile: GNI: USD 530 (Year 2010)

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1 PATC Country profile: Tanzania GNI: USD 530 (Year 2010) CONTENT: Section 1: The Danish resource base Section 2: Civil society analyses Section 3: Civil society networks Section 4: Project Fund (current and finalised projects) Section 5: PATC visits to the country Resume: Tanzania civil society is growing and developing and is performing fairly well, but not strongly. While the structure of civil society is assessed as over the halfway mark, Tanzania recorded low scores for levels of non-partisan political action and CSO membership according to a recent CIVICUS study. Levels of self-regulation and participation in umbrella CSOs are also ranked low. Strengths of the sector include the wide variety of CSOs covering a range of issues, promotion of joint advocacy efforts through umbrella organizations and political will from the government to recognize the activities of civil society. There is a very large and influential CSO funding network (Foundation for Civil Society Tanzania - FCS) which provides funding for CSO projects and activities. FCS is a realistic possibility for local partners to approach for funding. The Danish resource base is broad (46+ Danish CSO in 2012), but characterized by a wide range of different types of organizations, and relatively few of the framework organizations (ActionAid, CARE and partly Danchurchaid). 26. april 2012 Side 1 af 9

2 Section 1: The Danish resource base The EU delegation Link to EU delegation: # Danida partnerland Link to Danish Embassy: # Number of organisations with Danida programmeagreement: 3 WWF - Verdensnaturfonden Ulandssekretariatet Danmission Number of organisations with Danida Framework agreement: 3 Folkekirkens Nødhjælp CARE Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke PATC memberorganisations active in the country: Medlems organisationer antal: 46 ADDA (Agricultural Development Denmark Afrika In Touch Afrika Kontakt AHAS Group (African Hum. Hiv/Aids Support AIF Århus (Arbejderbevægelsens Int. Forum) Apostolsk Kirkes Mission (AKM) Bongo Development Tourism (BDT) Danish Relief Group - Nødhjælpsdepotet Danmarks Lærerforening Danmission Dansk Folkehjælp - DKFH Dansk Industri DANTAN Det Somaliske Fællesråd DGI Nordjylland DGI Roskilde Farmaceuter uden Grænser FIC Foreningen Faraja Foreningen Oikos Fonden Fremtid og Håb Friluftsrådet Håndværksrådet IMCC (International Medical Cooperation Co Ingeniører uden Grænser International Aid Services (IAS) Internationalt Landsbysamarbejde (ILS) Karagwes Venner (Uld-80) Kilangoro Morsø U-landsforening Moyo Kwa Moyo-Danmark MultiCenter Syd Netværket for økologisk folkeoplysning og p Projekt Ulandshjælp til Selvhjælp april 2012 Side 2 af 9

3 Seniorer uden Grænser SOS-Børnebyerne Tanzania Children Foundation Tanzibarn Teaterforeningen Wilma Version Tukae Danmark (Tanzania) Ulandsforeningen for bæredygtig udvikling ( Ulandssekretariatet Ungdomsringen WWF - Verdensnaturfonden Young African Mothers - Step stones for life Østafrikas Venner april 2012 Side 3 af 9

4 Section 2: Civil society analyses Overview of Civil society analyses: NGO Work in Tanzania. Highlights of relevant facts, policies and laws Excellent overview of the legal framework for CSOs in Tanzania, prepared for KEPA (CSO network/finland) by local consultants. The document was first published in 2008, but has been revised in # Updated by PATC: Civil society Index Project: Tanzanian country report KEPA (Finland) The implication of the report is that Tanzania civil society is growing and developing and is performing fairly well, but not strongly. While the structure of civil society is assessed as over the halfway mark, Tanzania recorded low scores for levels of non-partisan political action and CSO membership. Levels of self-regulation and participation in umbrella CSOs are also ranked low. Other challenges identified include inadequate resources, CSOs being largely urban based, lack of democratic leadership, and political interference in civil society activities as well as a lack of skilled personnel in the sector. Strengths of the sector include the wide variety of CSOs covering a range of issues, promotion of joint advocacy efforts through umbrella organisations and political will from the government to recognise the activities of civil society. CIVICUS & Fordia Following the publication of the report in Tanzania, four national task teams have been set up to address the four dimensions covered by the CSI analysis: structure, environment, values and impact. Each team has five members, charged with developing a work plan and implementation strategy to address the weaknesses identified in the CSI report. With constitutional review underway in Tanzania, this process of strengthening civil society collaboration instigated by the CSI findings is timely. # Updated by PATC: Civil Society in Tanzania A comprehensive analysis prepared for the Embassy of Belgium. The study emphasises the increasing gap between the capable CSOs and the small regional CSO/CBOs. It also offers a model for the role of CSOs in governance/accountability issues. # Updated by PATC: The Embassy of Belgium, Dar es Salaam - emjee Development Consult Civil Society in Tanzania 2007 Oversigts rapport. Ser særligt på 'ejerskab' og desuden på CSO sektorens relation til henh. den private sektor og de internationale NGOer. # KEPA (Finland) 26. april 2012 Side 4 af 9

5 Position paper: Guideline for support to Civil Society 2007 A report prepared by swedish consultants for the Nordic+ donors. The report was produced as a response to CSOs demand to donors in Tanzania to improve on the funding practice towards CSOs, especially in light of new tendencies to support more advocacy and capacity building. The report gives a number of specific recommendation for donors to support civil society and advocacy. And it dissusses different types of donor-modalities (eg. when to use core funding). The approach is very much in line with generel principles of the Danida civil society strategy. # Acumenta Guideline for support to Civil Society 2007 This is a gudieline for donors in Tanzania to be used for civil society support. It is the practicle implemetnation of the principles outlinesd in the "Position paper: Guideline for support to Civil Society". Acumanta # Support models for CSO at country level (Tanzania) 2007 This report is part of an overall report on support models for civil society. The report is looking at the relevance of different support models (project-funding, core funding, basket-funding etc.). Provides strong arguments for core funding and partly for basket funding. # Civil society in Tanzania 2000 An older report on the state of civil society in Tanzania. Provides a good historical perspective, and makes use of a three phase model of the development of civils society: The mushrooming phase The consolidation phase The influential phase the report argues that Civil Society in Tanzania is still in the Mushrooing phase (year 2000). # NORAD, Scanteam Chr. Michelsen Institute, CMI report 2000:6 26. april 2012 Side 5 af 9

6 Section 3: Civil society networks Overview of relevant Civil society networks: Foundation for civil Society (FCS) FCS provides funding for Civil society activities. It is accessable for CSOs in all Tanzanian, although its offices are located in Dar Es Salaam. A number of local partners to Danish CSOs has had funding from FCS, and the structure of FCS is a bit similar to the Project Fund operated by PATC. The Mission of the Foundation is To empower citizens through the provision of grants, facilitating linkages and enabling a culture of ongoing learning to civil society. The Foundation for Civil Society is a Tanzanian non-profit company, designed and funded by a group of like-minded development partners, and governed by an independent Board. It was previously known as the Civil Society Program (CSP). The Foundation was registered in September 2002 and started operations in January The Foundation for Civil Society is operated by the Secretariat and governed by an independent Board and Members. Danida has included funding for FCS as part of the current governance programme. Updatet by PATC: TANGO - Tanzania Association of NGOs TANGO is an Association of some 600 NGOs in Tanzania. It is based in Dar es Salaam at national level. Its mission is to increase the qualitative and quantitative contribution of the NGO sector in development. It promotes the growth of the NGO sector and civil society at large through mandated representation on and advocacy of common issues and interests concerning NGOs to other stakeholders in the development process. TANGO seeks to contribute to the improved performance of the NGO sector and related institutions through capacity building, coordination of its members, and by acting as a resource hub for information and skill exchange. Updatet by PATC: Policy forum Netværk af advocacy CSOer. Både nationale og internationale NGOer. Laver egne policy papers og lobby arbejde. <# Updatet by PATC: Development partners Tanzania Netværk af donorer der har lavet fælles database, hvor man - i princippet - skulle kunne oveskue hvem der støtter hvem, og i hvilket omfang. Databasen's achilles-hæl er naturligvis at den løbende skal opdaters, og ifm. besøg i 2009 var der mange donorer der gav udtryk for at der var en del huller og gamle data. forældet# Updatet by PATC: april 2012 Side 6 af 9

7 Section 4: Project Fund Overall Project fund profile Administrativt afvist 2 Afvist 55 kr 0 Godkendt 49 kr Ikke færdigbehandlet 5 Trukket tilbage 5 kr Ialt 116 kr Ongoing Projects: AF-apr Økologisk Landsforening (Ulandsudvalg kr Appraisal of the project "Improved Food Security t MP-apr Bongo Development Tourism (BDT) kr Bongodox MP-apr DANTAN kr Improving livelyhoods in Zanzibar by the develop PA-apr International Aid Services (IAS) kr Development of future strategy for Inclusive Educ SP-dec Dansk Folkehjælp - DKFH kr MUAVIKA II - Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygien AF-dec Tanzibarn kr Usa River Youth and Development Organization PA-sep FIC kr Building a strong partnership and a sustainable str PA-sep Dansk Missionsråd (DMR-U) kr Churches and their local communities advocating PA-sep Kræftens Bekæmpelse kr The Danish/Tanzania NCD Alliance Partnership SP-dec Friluftsrådet kr Promoting Education for Sustainable Developmen SP-apr Karagwes Venner (Uld-80) kr Folkeradio i Karagwe - Fase MP-apr Dansk Folkehjælp - DKFH kr Muavika - Water suply, sanitation and hygiene im MP-dec Ulandsforeningen for bæredygtig udvik kr Meviwas - Water Board Support Project MP-dec International Aid Services (IAS) kr Empowering small scale farmers in Sanjaranda Wa PA-sep DGI Roskilde kr Organisatorisk kapacitetsopbygning gennem frivilli MP-sep FIC kr Towards a decent life for children, youth and their PA-apr DGI Nordjylland kr Mellemfolkelig kulturudveksling og forståelse igen MP-jul Danmission kr Combating Community Violence MP-okt Kilangoro kr Ifkara Community Centre Finalized Projects: AF-sep Kræftens Bekæmpelse kr The Danish/Tanzania NCD Alliance Partnership AF-dec Dansk Folkehjælp - DKFH kr MUAWIKA II - Water supply, sanitation and hygien AF-apr Karagwes Venner (Uld-80) kr Folkeradio i Karagwe fase AF-dec Dansk Folkehjælp - DKFH kr Muavika - Water supply, sanitation and hygiene i AF-dec DANTAN kr Improving livelihoods in Zanzibar by the introducti PA-apr Danmission kr Stengthening civic education and advocacy in pov MP-apr Tanzibarn kr Usa River Sports and Hobby Club FU-jan FIC kr Decent work - decent life conditions for child wor MP-jan DANTAN kr Launching new cement-based stoves in target are FU-okt Tanzibarn kr Usa River Sports and Hobby Club mp-jul IUP International kr Trænings- og kapacitetsopbygningsprojekt for NG FU-apr AHAS Group (African Hum. Hiv/Aids Su kr IT træning projekt PA-apr DGI Roskilde kr Kapacitetsopbygning gennem frivillig folkelig idræ FU-apr IUP International kr Trænings- og kapacitetsopbygningsprojekt for NG MP-jul Netværket for økologisk folkeoplysning kr Bæredygtigt Energi Projekt - Karatu PA-apr Globalt Udviklings Forum kr Networking Women MP-apr DANTAN kr Introduktion af biogasteknologi i Zanzibar MP-jul Ulandsforeningen for bæredygtig udvik kr Lokal management af vand og sundhed i Likamba MP-jul Karagwes Venner (Uld-80) kr Folkeradio i Karagwe MP-okt Netværket for økologisk folkeoplysning kr Bæredygtig energiforsyning rural husholdninger, K 26. april 2012 Side 7 af 9

8 FU-apr Netværket for økologisk folkeoplysning kr Bæredygtig energiforsyning rural husholdninger, K FU-jan Ulandsforeningen for bæredygtig udvik kr Vand, sundhed og lokal management i Likamba FU-okt Karagwes Venner (Uld-80) kr Folkelig radio i Karagwe PA-JUL DGI - Danske Gymnastik og Idrætsfore kr Folkeligt kultur & sports program: Kapacitetsopby MP-JUL Internationalt udvalg HK Østjylland kr Udviklings- og uddannelsesprojekt for kvinder i Ar PA-Apr Ungdomsringen kr Træning til udvikling af unges egne initiativer (Trai PA-Apr DANTAN kr Styrkelse af samarbejdspartnerens social-tekniske PA-Apr FIC kr Samarbejde mellem ansatte i de østafrikanske hav FU-MAJ Ungdomsringen kr Uddanne unge i at udvikle egne initiativer FU-MAJ Internationalt udvalg HK Østjylland kr Udviklings- og uddannelsesprojekt for kvinder i Ar 26. april 2012 Side 8 af 9

9 Section 5: PATC visits to the country Visits (currently in only in Danish): Tilsynsrejse Tilsyn til MP-dec Troels Hovgaard Studierejse Accountability Course på MS TCDC Troels Hovgaard Læringsrejse Brug af nye medier i civilsamfundsarbejdet Pernille Bærentsen Læringsrejse Partnerskab, CSI study Søren Asboe Længere tematisk Civilsamfundsanalyser, Ambassaden,og læringsrejse nye funding m Søren Asboe Læringsrejse Moshi-dialog Søren Asboe Jørgensen Kristine Kaaber Pors Læringsrejse Kontekst Østafrika, partnerskab, adm. Procedurer Donna Mayer Solveig Nielsen Læringsrejse Mikrofinans Nina Lauritzen Troels Hovgaard Studierejse TCDC, Arusha Sekretariatet (EV, MF, TH, NL, SAJ, JN, DB) Læringsrejse Oplysning og forebyggelse af HIV/AIDS Marianne Frederiksen Læringsrejse Besøg MS og ambassade Troels Hovgaard Læringsrejse Kapacitetsopbygning Søren Asboe Jørgensen Læringsrejse Mindre NGO'er rolle i udviklingsarbejdet Erik Vithner 26. april 2012 Side 9 af 9

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