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1 g r a p h i c. b d c o m. c o m G r a p h i c D e p a r t m e n t 69/K, KK Bhaban, Panthapath, Dhaka- 1205, Phone: +880 (02) ; , Fax: kma@bdcom.com, web: graphic.bdcom.com

2 M 2 3 B D CO About us Introduction Vision, Mission And Our Focus BDCOM Online Limited is a trusted name for Internet Service, e-commerce Service, IT Infrastructure Development & Industry Standard Software department, has emerged as NEW GENERATION GRAPHIC SOLUTION PROVIDER ON JANUARY From the beginning BDCOM envisaged Total Excellence as its principle for guiding line, around which revolves its entire spectrum of activities. With the unique vision, BDCOM is the forerunner in the value centric service Market place and an architect of high value end-to-end ICT solutions and software for both National and International market. Its Graphics Design wing is no exception. We are currently working for Photoshop Clipping Path, Color Corrections, page layout & makeup for Magazines, advertising agencies and printing companies around the world in fulfilling their design needs. We are known for quality work and meeting deadlines. Our system is easy-to-use. Our up- and downloading system just makes the process simple and easy for our clients. Furthermore, our effective prices and speed adds value to your operations, taking away the burden of laborintensive routine jobs. In addition to that Time Difference makes it possible to get your work done while you are sleeping. Working with us as a partner helps you becoming more competitive in your own market. The result for you is more time for planning, executing and creativity. We aim for long term relationships with our clients, by being customer oriented and by delivering work of the highest degree of satisfaction and flexibility. Just as the saying goes, Buyers are the Master of the Market. Based in Dhaka, Bangladesh we work with a dedicated team of professionals. Visit graphics.bdcom.com for a general overview of our services. We have 25+ designers who have ample knowledge in graphics designing. We provide on-time, quality products at competitive price. Our clients are able to reduce their production cost significantly by outsourcing their productions to us. Our production team is efficient, internationally trained, specialized, talented, enthusiastic and multilingual. Our Vision To revolutionisc the advertising industry by offering lowest cost without compromising the quality. Our Mission Being user-friendly is what BDCOM Graphic is all about. We aim to help our clients save their valuable time by providing them with an application that is very simple to apply. We guarantee a fast turnaround time, at an affordable price and with desired result. Customer satisfaction is our number 1 priority. Any problems, complaints, or comments are welcome. Our Focus Our strategic thinking, concept development, graphic design and technical savvy are a few of our greatest assets. But our team is also passionate about creative element we apply to each project. Our approach to any design is pragmatic and effective. It begins by meeting with key members of your staff to obtain clear insights into your goals and objectives. That information is then translated into powerful communications tools. NAME AND ADDRESS Name of the Company : BDCOM Online Ltd. Graphic Department Office Address : K.K. Bhaban, 69/K, Panthapath Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh. kma@bdcom.com Web Site : TRADE LICENSE Registration Number : No Renewal Date : 07th August, Registered To : Dhaka City Corporation CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION Number : No. C-32328(1449)/97 Date : 12th February, 1997 Registered To : Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh ISO CERTIFICATION Name : ISO 9001:2000 Certificate Number : Issue No. 1 Date of Issue : 25th February, 2005 Issued By : United Registrar of Systems Ltd. USA.

3 4 5 Where Magazine & Bangladesh is is well known for its its highly motivated & low cost human resource pool we are Catalogue We can turn things aroung for you very quickly, but quality is rest assured, Because we are putting together Catalogue and Magazine on a daily basis. We pride curselves on the high quality of our design work and woun t rest until you are 100% satisfied with the job. We allow unlimited number of revisions for Catalogue and Magazines which can give you assurance that we will listen to yo and take into consideration of all your wishes through design process. It also has very rich cultural heritage We are we located at Panthapath, Dhaka, Bangladesh which is a part of South-East Asia, bordering the Bay of Bengal, between Burma and India. Basic info about our country is as follows. Government Name : Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Capital City : Dhaka Basic Area : 143,998 sq km (55,598 sq miles) Populations : million (UN, 2005) Major religions : Islam, Hinduism Major languages : Bangla, English Year of independence : 1971 Currency Name : Taka Internet domain :.bd International dialing code : +880 Type of government : Parliamentary democracy GNI per capita : $ 470 (WB 2006) Main exports : Garments, finish jute goods, leather products It s first impressions that count, so to make sure your company or service gets the due attention it deserves, there is no alternative of good presentation materials. A finely crafted Magazine design is a proven way of leaving new customers impressed and likely to come back and buy. At Magazine designers we believe in offering our customers a high quality, creative service at a fraction of the cost some other big name design agencies have the cheek to charge. Our design team have many years collective experience in all fields of commercial design and include layout artists, art editors and art directors with corporate blue chip companies.

4 6 7 Newspaper & Ad Design Services Amager Bladet AF HANNE HØJBERG KarenHækkeruper i Ø- rådet og skriver klumme om stigningen i antallet af overfald begået af unge. KLUMME/ SIDE 6 KøbenhavnsKommune, Vejdirektoratet, Bella Center A/S, Københavns Energi og Tårnby Kommune. Kalvebod Miljøcenter står for at grave kubikmeterrenjord ud af areal mellemkalvebodløbet og Amagermotorvejenforatskabe pladstiletdepottilforurenetjordfra byggeriikøbenhavn. Det billigere formiljøcentret-ogmeremiljørigtigt - atdestorejordmængderkunskaltil Vestamager, frem deponering langt inde på Sjælland. Pumpedigelagetharforsindel brug mængder af i den størrelsesorden at realisere et mangeårgammeltønskeomatfor- stærkediget, fordi risikoanalyservi- ser, detgamledigeienstormflods- situationrisikereratbrydesammen.»vi har haft risikoanalysersiden 1997ogfrem, ogharhaftantennerne ude for at finde en lejlighed en vognlæs jord fra Kalvebod Miljøcenter planlægges brugt til at sikre syv kilometerdigelangsvest- amager. Diget gøres både bredereog forhøjes fra 3,7 til 5,9 meter. Den forstærkningskullesammen medet2,7kmlanddige, der fra kystdigetsslutpunktgårnordomkongelunden til Ullerup, mangehundrede år ud i fremtiden, sikre Vestamagers strandenge, Ørestad, boligområderi Tårnby KommuneogØresundsfor- bindelsensanlægunderhavetsover- flademodoversvømmelseforårsaget af stormflod eller miljøforandringer. Denplanlagtekystsikringforegåri et samarbejdemellemkalvebodmil- jøcenter og VestamagerPumpedige- lag, der består af Skov- og Naturstyrelsen Hovedstaden, ArealudviklingsselskabetI/S, Sund & Bælt A/S, økonomi, der kunnegøreensikring mulig. Det lykkedes så i en dialog med KalvebodMiljøcenter, stod for at udgrave store mængderjord. En større grad af symbiosekanman næstenikkefinde,«sigerprojektchef Ole Christensen fra A/S Øresund. Omsorg for tudser omkringaugustiårogvilformentlig strække sig over måneder.»vi har fået grundig gennemgang af Sund & Bælt og Vestamager Pumpedigelag, og vi forventerattage stilling til sagen i løbet af 14 dage til tre uger. Vi har så også fået en lang skrivelseomprojektetfradanskor- nitologisk Forening (DOF), som er meget imod projektet. DOF er ikke blandt organisationer, der er klageberettigede, men vi vil selvfølgelig tagedetmedivoresovervejelser,«siger fuldmægtig Henrik Nielsen fra Kystdirektoratet. Hos Pumpedigelagetkrydserman fingrefor, manogsåkantalesigtil rette modstandere.»klagesagerhardetmedattage tid, og det kan kommetilatstøde sammenmedmiljøcentretspresse- rende behov for kommeafderes jord-såerdenødttilatdeponeredet andetsteds. Menvihåber, dendialog, Imidlertidharstorenaturområderpå Vestamager og arter, som lever der, streng og lovmæssigbeskyttel- sesstatusviadesåkaldtenatura2000 direktiver. Så indenmanbuldrerind medde60.000vognlæsjord, skalder igangsættes ihærdige forberedelser, så flora og fauna ikke lider skade. RådgivningsfirmaetCowiharud- ført en konsekvensvurdering, der især peger vidtgåendehensyntil områdetsrigefugleliv. For eksempel skalanlægsarbejdetpådigetundgåsi det lukkedefuglereservat i yngleperioden 1. april-15. juli for at skåne blandtandreterne, klydeogengryle. Nænsomhedenianlægsarbejdet gælderogsåtosmåbruneoggrønne fætre - strandtudse grønbroget tudse. Sidstnævntearthartidligere kvækkettalrigtpåvestamager, men den gik kraftigtnediantalefterbyg- ningen af Kalvebodbroen. Og fordi tudserne har det fint med at søge fødepåbyggepladserogveje, skalder gøres omfattendeforberedelser, før anlægsarbejdet går i gang. Såkaldte paddehegnskalforhin- dre tudserne i at hoppe ind på anlægsarealet. Diget skal om aftenen gennemgåsfortudserafmandskab iført pandelamper, ligesom der skal opsættes spandefælder, som hver morgentjekkesfortudser. Først når derfiredageitrækikkeerfangetno- gentudser, ermanklartilatgåigang. Forstærket dige fremtidssikrer Vestamager DOF ikke begejstrede Kystdirektoratetvaretagermyndig- hedsrollen og har modtaget Cowis redegørelseionsdags. Hvis planerne godkendesher, går arbejdet i gang vi har med ornitologerne og andre parter, vil give et positivt resultat,«siger Ole Christensen. TIRSDAG12. FEBRUAR2008 NR ÅRGANG INTERNETAVIS: TIL SAMTLIGE HUSSTANDE REDAKTIONEN@AMAGERBLADET.DK VESTAMAGER: Det er umiddelbart en win-win-situation, når Kalvebod Miljøcenter fra sensommeren i år forventes at levere jord til at forstærke syv kilometer kystdige langs Vestamager. Men først skal projektet godkendes i Kystdirektoratet. NYHEDER Læs Amager Bladets nyhedshistorier med relaterede artikler til sager og emner. SPORT Amager Bladets Idrætspriskomité har været samlet til det årlige kåringsmøde. KULTUR Kom bag om nogle af nogle af Amagerstjernerne i X-Faktor. Ø-RÅDET Læs de seneste klummer fra Ø-rådets skribenter. DEBAT Læs de seneste læserbreve fra amagerkanerne. MIT AMAGER Se billedserien fra Mit Amager, hvor vi beder amagerkanere ramme deres yndlingssteder på Amager ind og fortælle, hvorfor det sted er vigtigt for dem. LEDEREN Læs de seneste lederartikler fra Amager Bladet. PLUS1 Tandlægeklinik Hos Plus1 er vi specialister i parodontosebehandlinger, kirurgi samt genopbygning af slidte tandsæt. Derudover udfører vi alle former for almindelig tandpleje. Plus1 anvender de nyeste og bedste behandlingsmetoder hvilket sikrer otte og holdbare resultater. Vi arbejder bl.a. med digital røntgen samt interoralt kamara. Tandlægeteamet består af Charlotte Lebahn, Lars Christensen samt kirurg Ole Flindt. Akutte behandlinger tages samme dag hvis der ringes inden kl Amagerbrogade 193 Tlf info@plus1.dk Åbent fra 8.00 til "Lidt Bedre end andre gode køkken/bad forretninger." Der ydes 5 års garanti på alle standardvarer. Vi leverer alle standardvarer på 48 timer. Vi hjælpergernemedattegneogdesigneditnye køkken, badoggarderobe. DufårenserviceudoverdetsædvanligehosSusanne ogcarsten Arbejdsledig? Kofoeds Skole har værksteder, undervisning og vejledning. Det er gratis - og der er jobgaranti. Ring og bestil informationsmateriale eller download Nye infoark om Kofoeds Skoles tilbud på Det er gratis for dig som elev at gå på Kofoeds Skole. Din kommune skal dog i nogle tilfælde betale for dit forløb. MURERMESTER BAG VINDER- VIRKSOMHED NYHED/SIDE 5 NYHED/SIDE 3 Amager Tandklinik Marie Schleisner og Tage Lotz AMAGER Vikinger og skjoldmøer fejrede Ny Helgoland FÅ KROPPEN PÅ TOPPEN Kofoeds Skole Nyrnberggade København S Tlf / HOS TINDHOLM Tingvej København S Massage SPORT/SIDE 17 Skadebehandling Afstresningsmasage Bindevævsmassage Velværemassage Din lokalmægler Akupunktur 2000 Tidsbestilling Godt til både gamle og nye skader Tlf KÅRINGSMØDE I IDRÆTSPRIS- KOMITEEN MIDVINTER- FESTIVAL I DEN GRÅ HAL DOBBELTFEST: Vinterbaderne fra Det Kolde Gys ved Helgoland holdt dobbelt festivitas ved Amager Strandpark i lørdags. Først var der dåbsfest for de nye vinterbadere - de såkaldte skrællinge, som nu kan kalde sig vikinger eller skjoldmøer. Hvis man har badet i mindst to sæsoner kan man lade sig døbe af Kong Neptun og hans følge og overfor ham og offentligheden bevise, at man er i stand til at opholde sig i det kolde vand og svømme en vis afstand. Herefter var der jubeldåb for de badere, som har været medlem af foreningen i 25 år - det indløser et vaskeægte vikingenavn. Lørdag formiddag bød også på rejsegilde for Ny Helgoland, hvor entreprenørfirmaet Pihl & Søn er i fuld gang med den nye badeanstalt, der konstrueres på pæle af træ fra Cameroun, og arbejdet er nu kommet så vidt, at projektet skulle fejres på behørig vis med pølsevogn og lidt til halsen. Efter planen står det nye friluftsbad klar til sommer. /jape KULTUR/SIDE19 PRISVINDER VISER SIT FAVORITSTED NAVNE/SIDE 21 Der er nu en større efterspørgsel af ejerlejligheder i netop dit område. Vi har derfor i de seneste måneder solgt mange ejendomme, såvel store som små. AMAGER Hos home Amager er vores mål, at du anbefaler os til andre eller henvender dig næste gang du skal købe eller sælge. Først da ved vi, at vi har gjort vores arbejde tilfredsstillende. AMAGER Bjerregaard & Co. v/ JensH. Bjerregaard Statsaut. ejendomsmægler, MDE Kastrupvej89, 2300KøbenhavnS kastrupvej@home.dk Tlf GRATIS rådgivning opmåling tegning Drømmer du om nyt køkken? tindholmmassage@besked.com Alt udføres... EJENDOMSMÆGLERKÆDE FOR DANSKE BANK KONCERNEN Køkken Bad Garderobe Skydedøre Se vor store 1000 m 2 udstilling Totalløsninger - Gør det selv - eller en kombination af begge Vi måler gratis op og du får en flot 3-D tegning med hjem Vi indretter efter dine ønsker og behov Vi har køkkener i alle prisklasser - så er det muligt Se mere på: Trivento 75 cl. Argentina. Malbec, Bonarda eller Viognier. føtex normalpris 48,95. Literpris 33,33 VVS RASMUSSEN SØN & SØNNER Frit valg SPAR 23,95 vi gør mere for dig -Se vores udstilling Amagerbrogade 135 Tlf Telefax Our Professional graphic designers are capable of making all types of newspapers advertisement. Each ad has its own style, color combination, and templates. Generally our clients send us images, text and a scan copy of hand drawn layout in a compressed file (.zip or.sit) and according to that we prepare the advert and upload it to the web based proofing system. If there is any correction clients mark correction on that pdf. Downloading the marked pdf we make due correction and upload the final pdf to the client for print. The maximum time taken in the whole process is around 6 Hrs. ABC Auto Repair Banglamotor, Dhaka Pantho Child care center & play ground abc center Panthopath, Dhaka Pantho Child care center & play ground abc center R# 43, H# 101 Panthopath, Dhaka abc center Road 43, House 101 Panthopath, Dhaka Kongelundsvej Kastrup Tlf Aut. VVS & KLOAKMESTER

5 8 9 Clipping Printing Packages Path Services Outsource your Image masking and clipping path creation to Dhaka, Bangladesh and save on labour costs! Before Clipping Path Alpha Clipping Image masking Image Re-Touching Automatic Image Optimization After Before After Once you have had your Corporate Identity Package designed around your Logo Design why not choose The Company BDCOM Graphic for our competitively priced printing packages. Send your Image masking and clipping path creation to Dhaka, Bangladesh and save labour costs & time. Your job will be done when you are sleeping. The Company BDCOM Graphic offers the printing of Letterheads, Business cards and Compliment Slips that are up to 40% cheaper than High Street Print Shops. We offer Professional Hand Made Clipping Path (Photoshop Image Masking) Services to create transparency or remove background from images or drafts. Our team of professional experts ensures minimum clipping or anchor points, very quick turnaround time, professional service at low price, and fully flexible online service. Our studio in South-East Asia (Dhaka, Bangladesh) ensures you even quicker turnaround time by letting your jobs to be done overnight. We also offer Free Trial. We deliver quality and high volume Photoshop masking, knockout services and clipping paths for your images in just a matter of a few hours. With regards to the complexity of the images we use different applications to get the best results. Various techniques are also used to achieve the required masking quality. We make use of different Software to get the best result. By outsourcing the tedious task of producing clipping paths for your images, you save precious time. Additional to this service you can also ask us lens corrections, retouching (removal of dust and scratches), colour corrections, removal of unwanted objects.

6 10 11 If you want your business to be the one that others remember, and the business that stands out above your competitors then we suggest that invest in a custom designed logo. If you have a logo you will find that it helps to elevate your business by giving you a professional look and by making you memorable to others. In addition your logo will help your current customers remember you later and attract future customers. When properly designed, your logo conveys that you are credible, trustworthy, and are a professionally run business. Once you have had you logo designed you will then need to implement across your business so it can start having an impact. To aid this we can design and implement your logo into your headed note paper, compliment slips and business cards. We offer a great combined package of both the logo design and the corporate identity. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed: Our staff is dedicated to producing exceptional logos. We will work on your company logo design until you are absolutely certain the logo design accurately reflects your corporate image. Affordable Price: While most local agencies charge more than two thousand dollars BDCOM packages start at 50% off. We are so confident in our logo design that we only charge your 50% to start your project, for all projects, and you will pay the remaining balance once we have sent your first logo draft. Fantastic Customer Service: You will work with trained professionals who are courteous and understand how to help you design the logo image you need. We provide telephone support, support and skype or MSN conversation. Design Re-Design

7 12 13 Services Provided BDCOM Graphics Limited provides the following Pre-press services: - Publication Design - Marketing/Advertising Designs - Newspapers & Magazines Ad Design - Illustration and copywriting - Logo Design and Re-design - Directorial Service At BDCOM Graphic, we have the necessary tools and the expertise to get you into gear. We have the creativity to address even your most complex requirements. We create practical and simple solutions that fit your needs and produce the best results. Whether you want a brand new system or you just need to enhance what you already have, our solutions give you an edge in the market and make your vision become reality. Our Strength Cutting edge technology in combination of sufficient bandwidth Mac & IBM Platforms All latest Adobe Products like Adobe Photoshop CS Adobe Illustrator CS Adobe InDesign CS And Passport QuarkXpress Smooth file transfer system between us and anywhere in the world through Internet. Pitstop Server Based QC under Windows Server Platform Web based Proof reading ( Our compelling BDCOM Graphic Design Department is Managed by seasoned professionals. DTP-studios Lithographers / Prepress companies Photographers/ Photo studios Database publishers Printing companies Publishing companies Magazines companies Advertising / communication / design agencies Chain stores / franchise corporations Mail order companies/ Webshops Wholesale traders and producers General (private) use And companies from different industries such as jewelry industry, textile industry who regularly publish brochures, leaflets or other promotional material regarding their products. Have 25+ designers who are efficient with softwares like Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Passport QuarkXprees Adeobe Acrobat And Distiller, CorelDraw etc. Our Production Managers, ETP er, Proofreaders are - Efficient - Internationally trained & specialized - Talented - Enthusiastic - Multilingual We offer Round the clock service Economical pricing World class quality Our Potential Customers Category

8 14 15 BDCOM Software BDCOM Software is a leading software company in Bangladesh with a rich background in software development in a broad range of technologies. BDCOM focuses on meeting the business world s rapidly changing software requirements. With years of experience working on software development and with a team of skilled developers working on technologies from database to mobile communication solution, the company is proud of its capability to provide the right solution at the right time. Through our Open Channel Software and Services outsourcing, BDCOM provides a one stop outsourcing solution that is transparent, streamlined and cost effective. Over Night Delivery Customer BDCOM s Keys to Success Skill Matrix Domain Expertise Company Financial Stability International standard quality policy Effective communication Transparency and Excellence in fulfilling the promise High-quality service and customer satisfaction Create multiple opportunities from a single line of expertise Key Management team. BDCOM FTP Customer FTP Why BDCOM Experience Future proof Technology coverage Innovative Complete solution Optimum Cost Infrastructure Key benefits of outsourcing software development to BDCOM are: Experience of developing customized, fully integrated systems for industry leading firms. React quickly and flexibly to any changes or additions during the course of project. Dedication of programmers to meet deadline Approach to long term relationship building Committed to client benefit maximization Intellectual property protection A low risk delivery model Reduce development cost by more than 40% Correction Work Flow Production At BDCOM, we safeguard the client s intellectual property, proprietary software and new development specifications. At the end of project, Clients retain full ownership of all intellectual property rights and software source code. We are focused on helping you to get your project done Quickly, Efficiently and Effectively. Certifications and Awards ISO 9001: 2000 Certified Web Proof PDF Web Proof Main products/services offered Workflow Management E-Commerce Community Portal VOIP Billing Pharmaceutical Order Management HRM Solutions ISP Billing and Management Customized Software Development System Integration BPO Services Network and ICT Infrastructure Fleet Management and AVLS Value Proposition Transparency in the entire process Efficient delivery model Effective Risk Management process High Skill Matrix Domain Expertise Company Financial Stability International standard quality policy Effective communication Transparency and Excellence in fulfilling the promise High-quality service and customer satisfaction Create multiple opportunities from a single line of expertise. Key Management team. Markets Total export earnings of BDCOM are around 22% of the annual turnover. Our local client base includes WFP, UNDP, CDMP, SEDF, World Bank in Bangladesh, GrameenPhone, AKTEL, REB, Incepta Pharmaceuticals ltd, BANBEIS, Ministry of Education, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority, National Housing Authority, Government of Bangladesh etc. Our foreign clients include I.Core technology, Canada; IBFD, Netherland; and a number of companies in UK, USA and Italy. Key figures Financial Period Turnover in US$ 1,134,352 1,031, ,367 Number of Employees Step-1: Step-2: Step-3: Step-4: Step-5: Step-6: Step-7: Customer Proof Customer makes a layout/ Template. The layout along with images, text & Job-order are uploaded to BDCOM Graphic FTP in NEW folder with an notification. The job goes to the designer and done. The done job is passed through Acrobat Distiller & Pitstop server with pre-flighting to make PDF. The proof PDF is uploaded to web-proof server for proof reading by customer. Customer looks at the proof PDF and puts necessary annotations. The status changes automatically and designers are notified. Necessary corrections are made and proof PDF is uploaded to web-proof for 2nd proof reading. When Customer says OK, the status of web-proof is changed to Final. The Final job is delivered as PDF/ EPS or original InDesign/Quark file and uploaded to DONE folder in BDCOM Graphic FTP/ Client FTP. Generalized work flow

9 G r a p h i c D e p a r t m e n t 69/K, KK Bhaban, Panthapath, Dhaka- 1205, Phone: +880 (02) ; , Fax: kma@bdcom.com, web: graphic.bdcom.com

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