Fremtidens Produktion Industriel Udvikling Udfordringer og mulige løsninger

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1 Fremtidens Produktion Industriel Udvikling Udfordringer og mulige løsninger Professor Karl Brian Nielsen, Institut for Mekanik og Produktion, AAU

2 Tur 2: Global produktion hos Unimerco Kyocera Rundvisning på virksomheden Fremtidens produktion - industriel udvikling: Udfordringer og muligheder, Karl Brian Nielsen, Professor på Institut for Mekanik og Produktion, Aalborg Universitet Unimerco - fra jysk til global virksomhed, Mads Mølbak, Group HR Director, Unimerco Kyocera Global produktion kræver global viden, Klaus B. Ørskov, CEO, DAMRC

3 Invitation til at besøge os på Mekanik og Produktion Rundvisning i vort ny-renoverede lab Mød udvalgte studentergrupper Ved bestilling i god tid kan vor kantine frembringe en ganske fornuftig frokost Mulighed for køb af studenterressourcer indenfor produktion? Diskussion vedr. virksomhedsforlagt aktivitet? Vi stiller gerne op til en underholdende og lærerig dag også inkluderende fagligt seminar/kursus

4 Mød nogle af Danmarks mest vidende profiler inden for produktionsvirksomheders vilkår. Viborg Kommune indbyder sammen med VIBORGegnens Erhvervsråd og Aalborg Universitet virksomheder til at deltage i et arrangement om produktion. Du vil blandt andet få et bud på, hvordan vi får optimeret produktionen i Danmark. Giver det mening fortsat at producere i Danmark? Hvordan ruster vi os til fremtidens globale konkurrence? Vi byder ind med relevant og praksisnær forskning, et ministerielt perspektiv, Dansk Industris syn på sagen og en virksomhedscase. Alle, der arbejder med eller interesserer sig for produktion, er velkomne.


6 High School 82 Educated baker - Schulstad A/S Master-degree: Mechanical engineering (machine construction Thesis: Filament winding (composit material) 91) Ph.D. (FE-simulation - metal forming) 96 Associate professor, Dept. of Production 97 Professor 01 Head of Department (Department of Production) Head of Department, May-December 10, IB, SDU Research area: Virtual processing -Intelligent use of ITtechnology - Product - Process - Production

7 Kommende udbud af SixSigma kursus: (Industriens Uddannelser) Videnscenter for produktivitet CAS-visit: Institute of Metal Research, 9. november Manufacturing Education - PBL (Dalian, 7 tekniske universiteter) Ekspert tilknytning til Cunming Erhvervsudvikling - landbrugsområde Industriens forsknings og udviklings netværk (IFUN) Praktik center på AAU? Medlem Teknisk Kommittee: DAMRC (Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research Center), AMRC/Boeing Beskikket til Kvalifikationsnævnet En af seneste publikationer: The art of holding hand (Sygeplejevidenskabelig journal) Mentor: Grønlandsk Pædagog studerende Indehaver Danmarks førende guldspinderi Uddannelsesudvalg: UCN (Industri, laborant, etc) Bestyrelsen Idalederforum Nord Formand Sundhedsteknologi- Nord IDA Censor Maskinmester, Frederikshavn Syddansk, Odense - DTU

8 Udfordringer: Tab af competencer grundet manglende fokus og udvikling af uddannelser Erhversuddannelser: Praktikcentre på universitet Produktionsing: Basic træning på teknisk skole Eliteerhvervsuddannelser i et samspil mellem tek og uni Forsømt at opretholde kompetenceniveau i specialiserede industrier

9 Udfordringer Strategiske satsninger med fejl fokus Må ikke være konkurrenceforvridende Ligner ofte tilskud til opretholdelse af virksomhed Alt for mange programmer bliver djøf iserede Negative spiral på universiteter skal stoppes Morten Østergaard Har Tayloriseret universiteterne (som sygeplejersker, gymnasier, folkeskoler, etc) 20 års jubilæum for taksameter systemet Et universitet burde være kulturudviklende og bevarende Et universitet burde ikke være en forretningsenhed Medfører øjensynligt at de unge vælger dårlige uddannelser

10 Udfordringer Stramme rammevilkår Eksempelvis bræmme problematikken Energibeskatning For mange love provenu drevne For mange unge skal have en ungdomsuddannelse? 2 i matematik og dansk? Har vi de forkerte uddannelsestilbud? New public management Måling af performance Demotiverende system ildsjælene forsvinder Der bliver publiceret mere end der bliver læst Forkerte KPI afføder uønsket performance

11 Globalisering Vel ikke en ny udfordring Mærsk har altid været global Vikingerne var også rimeligt ude omkring Problemet er vel mere evne og vilje til at tilpasse lokale forhold til globale konditioner Søger til Kina for at få volumen, interesse og midler Virksomheder lægger ud ganske enkelt udfra profit hensyn (løn, rammevilkår) Tiltrækning af udenlandske arbejdere

12 OEE 1 Anlæg: Linie G Periode: Uge OEE 2 Anlæg: Linie G Periode: Uge

13 Problemstilling: Lønandel i DK 1/6 (30-5) Lønandel i UDL 1/11 ( ) Merprofit 2.5

14 Mulige løsninger Vi skal uddanne i det rigtige Vi skal have kvalitet i fokus Uddannelser skal lede til operationalitet Der skal være en større grad af mulighed for valg af indsatsområder Skal offentlige institutioner drives som virksomheder må de også have en modsvarende rammestyring


16 Mulige løsninger Produktion fordrer produktionsteknologi Produktionsteknologi fordrer teknisk/naturvidenskabelig aktivitet Matematik og fysik skal opprioriteres Skal virksomheder tage et større ansvar for udviklingen må der skabes rammer der gør det attraktivt Skal offentlige institutioner integreres mere med virksomheder skal det gøres attraktivt for medarbejdere Værdigivende networking

17 Clusters - Clustering Horizontally inspired clusters Companies with analog value streams Marketing Sale Manufacturing Distribution Customer Relations Global Business Opportunities Sourcing In-Out Vertical inspirered clusters Companies with focus on specific key/core processes Technological Business Developmet??? Automation & Robotization Production Development Competence Development Logistics

18 Continuation Continuation and strengthening of automation track activities Initialization of product- and productions design/development track Condition is a basic funding to recruit, maintain and develop scientific staff Results are to benefit regional industry And to revitalize manufacturing engineering educations the domain name is Product, Process and Production Design (Engineering Design, Manufacturing and Innovation).

19 Continuation This summer vi formed: Industry Vision-North based on the visions: Industry: Establishing of industry group to represent North Jutland Industry, and grow to become a fundamental platform for an industrial cluster targeting 40 to 60 companies. A forum for discussion of the industrial condition and industrial interests (1-2 late afternoon meetings pr year) To ensure that industry and the domain of manufacturing are visible regionally and natinally Department of Production, Aalborg University:. To generate an industrial advisory board for Department of Production in order to prioritize topics in research, education and dissemination/transfer. To become a strategic group for the department in relation to the development of the regional industry. To ease access to researchers and students, including the At give smidigere mulighed for tilgang til forskere og studerende, herunder mulighed for virksomheds-ansættelse af ingeniørstuderende under studieforløbet. Kowledge transfer, competence development, third leg activities To become a center for knowledge transfer and competece development in collaboratio with other regioal industries and institutions. Each year to arrange two research/development seminars in the area of manufacturing. To develop sub-clusters for product, process and production design in relation to industrial development.

20 Industrial support: THESE FINE COMPANIES: Carsø A/S, Hagens Fjedre A/S, JKF Industri A/S, Maskinfabrikken Jilko A/S, Metafix A/S, Migatronic A/S, NGI ApS, Nibe Elektronik Center A/S, Nordland Automatic A/S, Panpac Engineering A/S, Pumac Stanseværk A/S, RAIS A/S, Reo-Pack A/S, Scandinavian Brake Systems A/S, Serman & Tipsmark A/S, Sintex A/S, Skanda A/S, Technodan A/S all stated: The company supports the initiativ. It is also a signal, that there is a real need to ensure a sufficient volume within the research area of manufacturing to handle industrial tasks with characteristics of research, dissemination, competence development as well as increased production of candidates (manufacturing engineering). The companies represent more than 1500 jobs corresponding in Northern Jutland only half of the companies involved with IR have been asked so far to participate,

21 Integrated Product and Process Development

22 Frontloading the Development Process Vision: Complete development in a virtual environment Production tools are ordered based on simulation results First complete car is built from production tools and in production facilities Final verification is done in physical cars Common data available for everyone

23 Udviklingen på software - hardware området: Et idag simpelt eksempel på plastisk deformation (300 knuder) I 1970 erene: 30 CPU-timer på datidens kraftigste computer Pris: 3* en adjunkts årsløn Idag: Få minutter på en arbejdsstation Pris: negligibel MPP-maskiner (Volvo eksempel ): Model med 1.1 mill elementer 77 CPU timer med maskine med 1 CPU 13.5 CPU timer med maskine med 42 CPU ere

24 Numisheet 93 benchmark test Nissan front fender Volvo: 1995: 40 timer på Volvo s kraftigste computer 2000: 15 minutter I dag:? Nu er det ikke bare interessant - men realistisk at foretage virtual protoyping incl. virtual processing

25 PRODUKTFREMTAGNING Hurtigt og korrekt første gang!!!! 80% af et produkts kvalitet fastlægges i designfasen 70% af de totale omkostninger fastlægges i designfasen mindre end 10% af de totale omkostninger bruges på design seks måneders forsinkelse kan medføre en reduktion i den mulige indtjening på mere end 30% hvis produktionsomkostningerne er 10% for høje reduceres den mulige indtjening med 20 % en forøgelse af udviklingsomkostninger på 50% vil medføre at den mulige indtjening reduceres med 3.5% Jo senere ændringer jo dyrere

26 FREMTIDIGE VILKÅR FOR KOMPONENT LEVERANDØRER Produktkvaliteten skal verificeres gennem brug af virtual prototyping Kvalitet og reproducerbarhed af fremstillingsproces skal verificeres gennem virtual processing

27 OSTEOTOMY SURGERY Øvrige bemærkninger Eksempel: Gennem et project afviklet i samarbejde med ON er der gennemført de måske mest detaljerede FE-analyse af Open Wed

28 OSTEOTOMY SURGERY Øvrige bemærkninger Eksempel: Gennem et project afviklet i samarbejde med ON er der gennemført de måske mest detaljerede FE-analyse af Open Wed



31 Bulk forming simulation with LS-Dyna - an efficient way to generate alternative solutions Karl Brian Nielsen Reality in Virtual Processing

32 Project environment Education Academia Industry

33 Project purpose: To educate industrial engineers Application of numerical methods Professional in the proces domain Industrial product development Project management, networking To build competences in the area of cold forging, especially aluminum Image, cheap experiment, stimulating environment, competence

34 Two students: Who did all the work Hugo Holst Dissing Peter Djernes Thomsen Their Master Dissertation is the basis for the presentation Procesmodning af koldflydepresning af aluminium 1) 2D Rotationssymmetrisk FEM-simulering i LS-Dyna 2) Koldflydepresning af aluminium 3) Aluminium som flydepressemateriale

35 Initiation of project Student wish: To realize a component, from idea to running prototype process Industrially initiated Liability problems: Inclusion cracks in cold forged specimen (corrosion, fatique)

36 Process induced errors Cracks due to over lapping material Corrosion resistance, fatique problems Folder

37 Structure of project Customer wish Part design Determination of process principle Establishment of material data Acceptance of process principle Construction and test production Production

38 Project motivation Minimization of development time Use of aluminum Cold forging Net/near net shape Low cycle time Low material waste Low energy consumption Industrial component

39 Development time Activities Part design Identification of suitable process Construction and realization of tool Run-in Production Shortest possible design and production realization period Time Large potential by minimization of development time and by error free development

40 Project position Customer wish Part design Determination of process principle Establishment of material data Acceptance of process principle Construction and test production Production

41 Development of process design Literature study Creasy ideas External sparring partners External partners FEM-analysis of material flow A condition for the use of FE-analysis in this work is to ensure the tool capablity in connection with the recognition of folding formation.

42 Grundfos production press Main cylinder (315 ton) Press Triple cylinder (125 ton) Lower cylinder (125 ton) Ø 60 mm Press table

43 Recognition of folding / inclusion cracks

44 Recognition of folding / inclusion cracks

45 Process principles Forward Trin 1 Trin 2 Trin 3 extrusion principle Top Bund Top Bund Top Bund Stempel Emne Matrice Top Modholderstempel Bund Resisting force principle

46 Process principle Coining principle Trin 1 Trin 2 Top Bund Top Bund Trin 1 Trin 2 Backward extrusion principle Top Bund Top Bund

47 Project position Customer wish Part design Determination of process principle Establishment of material data Acceptance of process principle Construction and test production Production

48 Material models til FEM Hollomon Piece-wise linear s Metodeprincippet Forlæns flydepresseprincippet Modholderprincippet Stukkeprincippet s Hollomon Stykkevis linært hærdende e e Tid Udvikling i materialemodeller henover projektperioden

49 Piece-wise linear Assumed max. yield stress (sy) 200 MPa Actual max. yield stress 300 MPa Design of tools is performed with estimated forces multiplied with a factor of 1,5 Spænding [MPa] Stykkevis lineær 0,002 0,2 1,0 Tøjning

50 Forward extrusion principle The process is realized in three stepse trin Trin 1 Trin 2 Trin 3 Top Bund Top Bund Top Bund

51 Trin 1 Trin 2 Forlæns trin 1 Trin 3 Top Bund Top Bund Top Bund

52 Trin 1 Trin 2 Forlæns trin 2 Trin 3 Top Bund Top Bund Top Bund

53 Trin 1 Trin 2 Forlæns trin 3 Trin 3 Top Bund Top Bund Top Bund

54 Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages No formation of folds The three individual process steps are well-known The process is evaluated to be stable Disadvantages Three process steps Lubrication in between the process steps are necessary

55 Resisting force principle Top Bund

56 Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages: No folding One step process One time lubrication Disadvantages The process is very sensitive to variations in the resisting force Risc of material cold welding / material layer build up between bottom punch and die

57 Project position Customer wish Part design Determination of process principle Establishment of material data Acceptance of process principle Construction and test production Production

58 Tool construction Construction and producton of active tool parts Very flexible tool layout

59 Experimentel results Forward extrusion principle Trin 1 Trin 2 Trin 3 Top Bund Top Bund Top Bund

60 Experimental results Resisting force principle Top Bund

61 Video - resisting force principle Top Bund

62 Experimental results Backward extrusion principle - formation of folds Trin 1 Trin 2 Top Bund Top Bund

63 Best principle Top Bund Trin 1 Trin 2 Trin 3 ( ) Top Bund Top Bund Top Bund

64 Best principle Trin 1 Trin 2 Top Bund Top Bund Trin 1 Trin 2 Top Bund Top Bund

65 Conclusions A successful student project LS-Dyna can be used for the generation of practical knowledge Adaptive remeshing very functional and a must in connection with bulk forming simulation The main problem is the lack of a suitable friction law It should take into account material hardening A threshold value should be included Eventually should hydrostatic pressure be eliminated (Carter) The project could not have been completed in due time without simulation


67 Forming sequence Flexibility test










77 Summary on the flexible bellows The scheme was tested on 5 different setups The bell shape holds for each of the setups Robust and stable convergence was achieved The bell shape was identified through minimization of multiple objectives Problems defined by multiple objectives benefit from the nonmonotonical minimization scheme (helps avoiding dead lock) The flexible tubes represent an industrial part The optimized bellow has been test produced significant scrap reduction and significant component quality improvement Good coherence between simulations and experiments was achieved (flexibility and process stability)

78 Concluding remarks on the optimization scheme There are many tricks in this area: non-monotonic reduction, parameter scaling, bounds on the parameters, etc. Experience: Indicate a large usefull area with almost optimal products Most known process layouts were developed before the era of numerical controlled machines, thus candidates for an optimization schemes Optimization schemes can foster new and innovative solutions!

79 Første applikation (Audi A4)

80 Project strategy Recognize the process failure with a sufficient accuracy Literature study (material, process, FE) Brain storming based process development Virtual investigation of validity of proposals Development of prototype tool (flexibility, price, etc) Networking

81 Komplet værktøjsoplæg Værktøjet til fremstilling af Alu-kop i et trin:

82 Development of process design Literature study Creasy ideas External sparring partners External partners FEM-analysis of material flow

83 Potential volume: 1.4 mill. parts pr year

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