Dansk Standard listestof 2014

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Dansk Standard listestof 2015

Dansk Standard listestof 2015

Dansk Standard listestof 2013

Dansk Standard listestof 2012

Dansk Standard listestof 2014

Dansk Standard listestof 2016

Dansk Standard DS/EN udgave. COPYRIGHT Danish Standards. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE OR REPRODUCTION. DS/EN :2001

Dansk Standard listestof 2012

Teknisk tegning Almene tegneregler Del 50: Grundlæggende regler for angivelse af områder på snitafbildninger og snit

Hvornår skal digitale løsninger CE-mærkes som medicinsk udstyr? v/ Kristoffer Madsen, specialist i Delta part of FORCE Technology

Bedømmelse af klinisk retningslinje foretaget af Enhed for Sygeplejeforskning og Evidensbasering Titel (forfatter)

Dansk Standard listestof 2011

Elektriske apparater til husholdningsbrug o.l. Sikkerhed Del 1: Generelle krav

Dansk Standard listestof 2013

Teknisk tegning Almene tegneregler Del 40: Grundlæggende regler for snitafbildninger og snit

Jordbrug Traktorer Bagmonteret trepunktsophæng Kategori 1N, 1, 2N, 2, 3N, 3, 4N og 4

Vinduer og døre Vandtæthed Klassifikation

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Fritidsdykkerservice Krav til snorkel/dykkerledelse

Maskinsikkerhed Elektrisk udstyr på maskiner Del 1: Generelle krav

United Nations Secretariat Procurement Division

DIS ISO Status Maj 2017


Dansk Standard listestof 2015

Maskinsikkerhed Risikovurdering Del 2: Praktisk vejledning og metodeeksempler



Vejbelysning Del 1: Valg af belysningsklasser

Vejledning i udvikling af standarder om tjenesteydelser

Teknisk produktdokumentation Dokumenttyper

Foderstoffer. Bestemmelse af fedtindhold

Teknisk tegning Flowdiagrammer til procesanlæg Generelle regler


ATEX direktivet. Vedligeholdelse af ATEX certifikater mv. Steen Christensen

TEKSTILER. i det nye affaldsdirektiv. - Kravene til, og mulighederne for, de danske aktører

Dansk standard DS/EN ISO udgave Campingtelte. Camping tents

Fritidsdykkerservice Krav til snorkel/dykkerledere

DS-HÅNDBOG 111.1: Jern og stål. og dokumentation

Køkkengrej Grafiske symboler (piktogrammer)

Procuring sustainable refurbishment



Informationsteknologi. Brugersystemets grænseflader og symboler. Ikonsymboler og funktioner. Del 6: Aktionsikoner


1-1. DS-hæfte. April Standarder og deres relation til de enkelte direktiver. Harmoniserede standarder. Lavspændingsdirektivet

Dansk Standard listestof 2012


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4. Oktober 2011 EWIS

Personspecifikke identifikationsnumre (PID)

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Sikkerhed & Revision 2013

Dansk standard DS/EN Loft ladders Requirements, marking and testing. 1. udgave

Dansk Standard listestof 2014

Lovkrav vs. udvikling af sundhedsapps

Teknisk tegning Almene tegneregler Del 25: Linjer på skibsbygningstegninger

Bilag 8. TDC technical requirements for approval of splitterfilters and inline filters intended for shared access (ADSL or VDSL over POTS).


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EA evaluering af DANAK Maj Erik Øhlenschlæger, DANAK april 2016


Tekniske specifikationer for centrifugalpumper Klasse III

Kirurgiske implantater Knogleplader af metal Huller, der passer til skruer med asymmetrisk gevind og sfærisk underside

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Byg din informationsarkitektur ud fra en velafprøvet forståelsesramme The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)

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Beholdere og tilbehør til farmaceutiske præparater Del 7: Hætteglas med skruelåg fremstillet af glasrør til flydende doseringsformer

Kosmetik Metoder til prøvning af solbeskyttelse In vivo-bestemmelse af UVA-beskyttelse

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Appendix 1: Interview guide Maria og Kristian Lundgaard-Karlshøj, Ausumgaard

Basic statistics for experimental medical researchers

Sustainable investments an investment in the future Søren Larsen, Head of SRI. 28. september 2016


Listestof DS-listestof Juni 2014 Dansk Standard listestof 2014 Dansk offentliggørelse af nye standarder, forslag til standarder og nationale tekniske forskrifter Nye udgivne standarder og forslag til høring Nye DS-godkendte standarder fra CEN, CENELEC og ETSI Nye harmoniserede standarder Nye tekniske forskrifter fra EU-, EØS- og WTO-lande

Dansk Standard listestof 2014 Dansk offentliggørelse af nye standarder, forslag til standarder og nationale tekniske forskrifter Dansk Standard 2014 Grafisk tilrettelæggelse: Dansk Standard Omslag: Dansk Standard Print: Dansk Standard 1. udgave Udgivet af Fonden Dansk Standard Kollegievej 6 DK-2920 Charlottenlund Telefon: 39 96 61 01 Telefax: 39 96 61 02 E-mail: ds@ds.dk www.ds.dk Dansk Standards listestof udkommer 12 gange årligt. Abonnement bestilles hos Dansk Standard Forlag og Kundecenter ISSN 1602-1746 Dette er en POD-publikation Printet i Danmark

Indholdsfortegnelse og brugervejledning til listestoffet 1 ICS-grupper med titler 2 ICS-gruppenumrene er de samme som dem, der anvendes i DS-kataloget, med tilhørende månedlige opdateringer. ICS (international klassifikation af standarder) er udgivet som DS-hæfte 6. Nye udgivne danske standarder og forslag til høring 3 Under de enkelte ICS-grupper er angivet en kort information vedrørende nye forslag og standarder. Der medtages kun de ICS-grupper, hvor der er informationer i indeværende måned. Forslag og standarder bestilles hos Kundecentret. For forslag angives DSF-nummer, og for standarder DS-betegnelsen. Ønskes specifikke informationer, kontaktes den angivne projektleder. Nye DS-godkendte standarder fra CEN, CENELEC og ETSI 36 Samtlige europæiske standarder skal godkendes og udgives som nationale standarder i alle EU-lande i Danmark som danske standarder. Standarderne er inden for CEN, CENELEC og ETSI angivet i EN-nummerrækkefølge med tilhørende dansk godkendelsesdato. Ved køb af EN-standarden anvendes varenummeret. Godkendte EN-standarder foreligger altid på engelsk. Ved den senere udgivelse som DS/EN vil visse af standarderne være oversat til dansk. Standarder og deres relation til de enkelte direktiver 40 Europæiske standarder, der har været offentliggjort i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende (EUT) siden sidste nummer af publikationen Dansk Standard listestof udkom. Oversigten indeholder Rådets direktivtitel og -nummer samt tilhørende numre på EN-standarder. En komplet oversigt, DS-hæfte 1, bestilles hos Kundecentret. Nye anmeldte tekniske forskrifter fra EU-, EFTA- og WTO-lande 43

ICS-grupper med titler 2 ICS-nr. Titel 01 Generelt. Terminologi. Standardisering. Dokumentation 03 Sociologi. Serviceydelser. Virksomhedsorganisation og virksomhedsledelse. Administration. Transport 07 Matematik. Naturvidenskab 11 Sundhedsteknologi 13 Miljøbeskyttelse og sundhed. Sikkerhed 17 Metrologi og måling. Fysiske fænomener 19 Prøvning 21 Mekaniske systemer og komponenter til generel brug 23 Hydrauliske og pneumatiske systemer og komponenter til generel brug 25 Produktionsteknik 27 Energi- og varmeoverføringsteknik 29 Elektroteknik 31 Elektronik 33 Telekommunikation. Audio- og videoteknik 35 Informationsteknologi. Kontorudstyr 37 Billedteknologi 39 Finmekanik. Juveler 43 Køretøjsteknik 45 Jernbaneteknik 47 Skibsbyggeri og marine konstruktioner 49 Luft- og rumfartsteknik 53 Udstyr til håndtering af gods 55 Emballage og varedistribution 59 Textil- og læderteknologi 61 Beklædningsindustri 65 Landbrug 67 Levnedsmiddelteknologi 71 Kemisk teknologi 73 Minedrift og mineraler 75 Olieteknologi og beslægtede teknologier 77 Metallurgi 79 Træteknologi 81 Glas- og keramikindustri 83 Gummi- og plastindustri 85 Papirteknologi 87 Farve- og lakindustri 91 Byggematerialer og byggeri 93 Anlægsvirksomhed 95 Militærteknik 97 Udstyr til husholdningsbrug og industriel brug. Underholdning. Sport 99 (Ingen titel)

Nye udgivne danske standarder og forslag til høring 01.040.43 Køretøjsteknik (ordliste) Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) DS/EN ISO 18542-2:2014 DKK 564,00 Identisk med ISO 18542-2:2014 og EN ISO 18542-2:2014 Motorkøretøjer - Standardiseret terminologi for reparations- og vedligeholdelsesinformation (RMI) - Del 2: Krav til implementering af standardiserede processer, registreringsmyndighed This part of the CEN standard specifies the requirements of the process to standardize RMI terminology to be implemented into the RMI system for the purpose of searching RMI. The process to create new and to maintain RMI terminology describes each major step (from requesting a new term until the final approval and publication) to be followed by the industry. The Registration Authority facilitates the standardization and publication of new RMI terminology. The CEN standard itself does not include any RMI terminology. It contains the link (URL) to the Internet based Web Site where requests for new, negotiations for current and downloads of approved RMI terminology can be carried out. Projektleder: Per Rafn Crety 01.040.65 Landbrug (ordliste) Agriculture (Vocabularies) DSF M286312 Svarfrist: 2014-07-25 Identisk med ISO/DIS 5681 Relation: ISO Udstyr til plantebeskyttelse - Ordliste This International Standard defines terms used in relation to equipment for applying plant protection products for crop protection. Projektleder: Lone Skjerning 01.120 Standardisering. Generelle regler Standardization. General rules DS/CEN Guide 414:2014 DKK 642,00 Identisk med CEN Guide 414:2014 Maskinsikkerhed - Regler for opsætning og udformning af sikkerhedsstandarder This document presents rules for the drafting and presentation of European Standards dealing with machinery safety and their revisions, primarily to achieve consistency and acceptable quality of the various standards to be prepared. It also gives requirements on the criteria for the selection of new work items and for procedures to prepare, produce or revise standards in an efficient and effective way. This document gives requirements that are additional to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 3, when this is necessary owing to the special requirements of machinery safety standards. This document is primarily intended for the drafting of type-c standards. It is also applicable to the drafting of type-b standards; however, the foreseeable variation in the format of these standards prevents general application. When its requirements are specific to type-b standards, this is indicated. Projektleder: Søren Nielsen DS-listestof Maj 2014 DKK 0,00 Dansk Standard - Listestof 2014 - Maj- Dansk offentliggørelse af nye standarder, forslag til standarder og nationale tekniske forskrifter - Nye udgivne standarder og forslag til høring - Nye DS-godkendte standarder fra CEN, CENELEC og ETSI - Nye harmoniserede standarder - Nye tekniske forskrifter fra EU-, EØS- og WTO-lande See Danish scope. Projektleder: Mogens Andersen DSF M287555 Svarfrist: 2014-08-05 Identisk med ISO/IEC DGuide 71 Relation: ISO Retningslinjer for tilgængelighed i standarder This Guide provides guidance to standards developers on addressing accessibility requirements and recommendations in standards that focus, whether directly or indirectly, on systems (i.e. products, services and built environments) used by people. To assist standards developers to define accessibility requirements and recommendations, the Guide presents: - a summary of current terminology relating to accessibility; - issues to consider in support of accessibility in the standards development process; - a set of accessibility goals (used to identify user accessibility needs); - descriptions of (and design considerations for) human abilities and characteristics; - strategies for addressing user accessibility needs and design considerations in standards. Projektleder: Lars Brogaard 01.140.20 Informationsvidenskab Information sciences DS/ISO 16439:2014 DKK 768,00 Identisk med ISO 16439:2014 Information og dokumentation - Metoder og procedurer for vurdering af bibliotekers betydning ISO 16439:2014 defines terms for impact assessment of libraries and specifies methods for such assessment: for the purpose of strategic planning and internal quality management of libraries; to facilitate comparison of library impact over time and between libraries of similar type and mission; to promote the libraries role and value for learning and research, education and culture, social and economic life; to support political decisions on levels of service and strategic goals for libraries. ISO 16439:2014 considers the impact of libraries on individuals, institutions and society. It is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries. However, not all methods described apply to all libraries. Limitations on the applicability of individual methods are specified in the descriptions. Projektleder: Carsten Riis Fredriksen 03.080.20 Serviceydelser over for virksomheder Services for companies DSF M286292 Svarfrist: 2014-07-30 Identisk med pren 16747 Relation: CEN Maritime og port sikkerhedstjenester This service standard specifies requirements for quality in organization, processes, personnel and management of a security services provider and/or its independent branches and establishments under commercial law and trade as a provider with regard to port and maritime security services. This service standard applies according to the laws and the regulations applicable in the territory of every national CEN member adopting the standard and has hence no extra territorial application. It lays down quality criteria for the delivery of security services in and to ports and in relation to maritime activities, requested and contracted upon by public and private clients or buyers. This European Standard is therefore suitable for the selection, attribution, awarding and reviewing of the most suitable provider for port and maritime security services. This service standard shall not apply to security services provided by private security companies that are subject to particular rules and conditions and/or related to a specific high risk situation and/ or the use of heavy weapons and/or special training and/or government supervision, such as security services in relation to piracy. In case such particular rules and/or conditions do not exist at national level this service standard can apply. Projektleder: Marianne Goor 3

4 03.080.30 Serviceydelser over for forbrugere Services for consumers DS/EN 16489-1:2014 DKK 300,00 Identisk med EN 16489-1:2014 Professionelle serviceydelser i solarier - Del 1: Krav til uddannelse af medarbejdere Part 1 of EN 16489 specifies the learning contents essential for the training of indoor UV exposure consultants. Part 1 of EN 16489 also specifies the procedures of how the qualification of the trainees shall be provided and assessed. Requirements for UV appliances for skin exposure are excluded from this European Standard as they fall within the scope of EN 60335 2 27. Projektleder: Mette Juul Sandager 03.100.01 Virksomhedsorganisation og virksomhedsledelse. Generelt Company organization and management in general DSF M268774 Svarfrist: 2014-07-05 Identisk med ISO/DIS 34001.2 Relation: ISO Security Management System This security management system standard addresses security-related risks of all acts and behaviour able to cause harm, damage, or loss to an organization s tangible and intangible assets, including people and environment. It defines requirements for an organization to assess its specific securityrelated risks and treat those risks that are pertinent to an organization and its risk tolerance. The treatments proactively prevent acts that are detrimental to the organization. This security management system should be an integral part of the organization s overall management system. The requirements specified in this International Standard are generic and intended to be applicable to all organizations (or parts thereof), regardless of type, size and nature of the organization. The extent of application of these requirements depends on the organizationís operating environment, product and service portfolio, risk profile and complexity. Projektleder: Lars Brogaard 03.220.20 Vejtransport Road transport DS/CEN ISO/TC 17419:2014 DKK 642,00 Identisk med ISO/TS 17419:2014 og CEN ISO/TS 17419:2014 Intelligente transportsystemer - Kooperative systemer - Klassificering og styring af ITSanvendelser i global sammenhæng ETSI TS 102 860 specified the ITS application object identifier (ITS-AID and related technical elements for classification, registration and management of ITS application objects (ITS application, application classes, and message sets). This new work item aims on complementing TS 102 860 by specifying mainly non-technical elements and procedures needed for registration and management of ITS areas Projektleder: Carsten Riis Fredriksen DS/CEN ISO/TS 17423:2014 DKK 564,00 Identisk med ISO/TS 17423:2014 og CEN ISO/TS 17423:2014 Intelligente transportsystemer - Kooperative systemer - Krav til anvendelse af ITS og mål for udvælgelse af kommunikationsprofiler Identification of ITS application requirements for automatic selection of communication profiles (essentially communication interfaces) according to the procedure specified in ISO 24102. Specification of procedures for the static and dynamic selection processes considering also the special needs of cooperative road safety and traffic efficiency applications. The work will consider technical elements specified in ETSI TS 102 860. Projektleder: Carsten Riis Fredriksen 03.220.40 Transport ad vandvejen Transport by water DSF M286292 Svarfrist: 2014-07-30 Identisk med pren 16747 Relation: CEN Maritime og port sikkerhedstjenester This service standard specifies requirements for quality in organization, processes, personnel and management of a security services provider and/or its independent branches and establishments under commercial law and trade as a provider with regard to port and maritime security services. This service standard applies according to the laws and the regulations applicable in the territory of every national CEN member adopting the standard and has hence no extra territorial application. It lays down quality criteria for the delivery of security services in and to ports and in relation to maritime activities, requested and contracted upon by public and private clients or buyers. This European Standard is therefore suitable for the selection, attribution, awarding and reviewing of the most suitable provider for port and maritime security services. This service standard shall not apply to security services provided by private security companies that are subject to particular rules and conditions and/or related to a specific high risk situation and/ or the use of heavy weapons and/or special training and/or government supervision, such as security services in relation to piracy. In case such particular rules and/or conditions do not exist at national level this service standard can apply. Projektleder: Marianne Goor 07.100.20 Vandmikrobiologi Microbiology of water DS/ISO 17995/Bilag 1:2006 DKK 489,00 Identisk med ISO 17995:2005 Vandundersøgelse - Påvisning og tælling af termotolerante Campylobacter spp. ISO 17995:2005 specifies a method for the detection and semiquantitative enumeration of thermotolerant Campylobacter species. The method can be applied to all kinds of filterable waters. The method can also be used as a presence/ absence test for Campylobacter species in a specified sample volume. Projektleder: Jesper Lauridsen 11.040.01 Medicinsk udstyr. Generelt Medical equipment in general DS/EN 60601-1/AC:2014 DKK 0,00 Identisk med EN 60601-1:2006/AC:2014 Elektromedicinsk udstyr - Del 1: Generelle sikkerhedskrav og væsentlige funktionskrav This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFOR- MANCE of MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIP- MENT and MEDICAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, hereafter referred to as ME EQUIPMENT and ME SYSTEMS. If a clause or subclause is specifically inended to be applicable to ME EQUIPMENT only, or to ME SYSTEMS only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies both to ME EQUIPMENT and to ME SYSTEMS, as relevant. HAZARDS inherent in the intended physiological function of ME EQUIPMENT or ME SYSTEMS within the scope of this standard are not covered by specific requirements in this standard except in 7.2.13 and 8.4.1. NOTE - See also 4.2. This standard can also be applied to equipment used for compensation or alleviation disease, injury or disability. In vitro diagnostic equipment that does not fall within the definition of ME EQUIPMENT is covered by the IEC 61010 series 2). This standard does not apply to the implantable parts of active implantable medical devices covered by ISO 14708-1 3). Projektleder: Regnar Schultz DS/EN 60601-1-8/A1/AC:2014 DKK 0,00 Identisk med EN 60601-1-8:2007/A1:2013/ AC:2014 Elektromedicinsk udstyr - Del 1-8: Generelle krav til grundliggende sikkerhed og væsentlige funktionsegenskaber - Parallel standard: Generelle krav, prøvninger og vejledninger for alarmsystemer i elektromedicinsk udstyr og elektromedicinske systemer