Jan Schipull Kauschen Architect MAA, Dipl.-Ing. (Arch) CINARK - Centre for Industrialised Architecture + JJW arkitekter, Copenhagen

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1 Life Cycle Thinking and Integrated Product Deliveries in renovation projects: Extending the concept of Integrated Product Deliveries with Product Service Systems Jan Schipull Kauschen Architect MAA, Dipl.-Ing. (Arch) CINARK - Centre for Industrialised Architecture + JJW arkitekter, Copenhagen The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation School of Architecture Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

2 OVERVIEW 1. Background and Danish context 2. Market potential for renovation of multi-storey residential buildings 3. Case studies / Political perspective and client requests 4. Integrated Product Deliveries (IPD) 5. Sustainable Integrated Product Deliveries 6. Extending IPDs towards Product Service Systems (PSS) 7. Business opportunities and stakeholder risk-management Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

3 Background and Danish context 20: EU-Directive 20/91/EC - energy performance of buildings 2008: Danish building code adopts EU-Directive - regulations for energy consumption of buildings 21: low-energy classes 25 and 20 are announced to provide a roadmap for future legal guidelines to the construction industry 30% of the Danish energy consumption can be related to households SBI1 on energy focussed renovation: 73% potential energy savings in the existing building stock Danish building stock: app. 30% of all multi-storey residential buildings have been built between and are awaiting renovation in the near future SBI - Danish Building Research Institute. Figures from report SBi 20:56 Statistical data form DST (Statistics Denmark) 20/11 1 Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

4 Market potential for renovation of multi-storey residential buildings in Denmark 56,6 years is the average age of a building in Denmark in 21 61,5% of all residential buildings are older than 40 years 24,5% of all residential buildings are older than 80 years 33% of the Danish building stock was built between 1950 and 1975 (montagebyggeri) 1,3% of the Danish building stock was built after the new energy regulations came into effect (BR08) Source: Calculations based on figures from DST (Statistics Denmark), 20/11 Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

5 Market potential for renovation of multi-storey residential buildings in Denmark 56,6 years is the average age of a building in Denmark in 21 61,5% of all residential buildings are older than 40 years 24,5% of all residential buildings are older than 80 years 33% of the Danish building stock was built between 1950 and 1975 (montagebyggeri) 1,3% of the Danish building stock was built after the new energy regulations came into effect (BR08) 35% of all multi-storey residential buildings are owned by social housing companies (80% owned by 80 companies) 57% of those have been built between 1950 and 1975 (app apartments) Source: Calculations based on figures from DST (Statistics Denmark), 20/11 Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

6 Market potential for renovation of multi-storey residential buildings in Denmark 56,6 years is the average age of a building in Denmark in 21 61,5% of all residential buildings are older than 40 years 24,5% of all residential buildings are older than 80 years 33% of the Danish building stock was built between 1950 and 1975 (montagebyggeri) 1,3% of the Danish building stock was built after the new energy regulations came into effect (BR08) 35% of all multi-storey residential buildings are owned by social housing companies (80% owned by 80 companies) 57% of those have been built between 1950 and 1975 (app apartments) 10% of the Danish population resides in multi-storey residential buildings, owned by social housing companies Source: Calculations based on figures from DST (Statistics Denmark), 20/11 Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

7 Case studies Political perspective The subsidized housing sector should be pioneering construction, and ensure the achievement of the highest quality for the best price, not only in respect to technical and functional qualities, but also qualities such as architecture, accessibility and the minimizing of environmental impacts related to construction. Owners of subsidized housing units should through their building activity help to develop the building sector, help to build-up new skills and promote the new industrialisation of the construction industry. translated from: Byggeriets Fremtid fra tradition til innovation (The Danish Agency for Trade and Industry (EFS) 2000, p.67) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

8 Case studies Urbanplanen, Copenhagen ( ) Rækkehusene, Brøndby Strand ( ) Heimdalsbej, Frederikssund (20 - ) Fælledgården, Copenhagen (20-12) before renovation during/after renovation Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

9 Case studies Client requests Clients from the public sector demand: economic security (construction + operation) high workmanship quality (-> less defects) least inconveniences for their tenants during the construction period energy savings during operation phase (-> economy) lifetimes of building components of at least 30 years (-> economy) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

10 Heimdalsvej, Frederikssund Oktober 21 Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

11 Case studies The Open System (Povl E. Malmstrøm) left: standardised elements for apartment buildings / right: The Jespersen System. Source: Nissen, H Montagebyggeri Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

12 Case studies Ease of renovation 2050? Urbanplanen Heimdalsvej Fælledgården construction princicples / facade sections Heimdalsvej prefab facade elements are clad with ETIC System on-site Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

13 Heimdalsvej, Frederikssund February 21 Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

14 Integrated Product Deliveries (IPD) 1. Modules with a specified function and specified interfaces to other modules 2. Producer offers product configuration (mass customization) 3. Production in an industrial context, allowing higher quality at lower costs (possibly prefabrication) 4. Services can/should be included (e.g. planning support, assembly, maintenance) $ 5. The IPD offers a solution for a certain need in a building project (e.g. interior climate solution) Advantage: Reduction / integration of complexity of building products, components and services? Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

15 ?? deliveries esigned ries designed for designed renovation for renovation for renovation projects projects projects 6 &##``??? Projekt nr. 290 ; ]WX Projekt nr.nr. 290 Projekt 290 Projekt nr. 290 Fgb_cXUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW gb B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex 04% U $#(#`` T &##`` 9ebag_\fgXcebí _ 9ebag_\fgXcebí _ 7lUWX? azwx B`XZTUXf_TZ 7lUWX 7lUWX På baggrund af grundige analyser omfatter På detbaggrund nye system af grundige til facaderenovering analyser omfatter 17 veldefinerede På baggrund det nye system af grundige til facaderenovering analyser omfatter 17 veldefinerede det nye system til facaderenovering 17 veldefinerede facadebehandlingsmetoder, som dækker mere facadebehandlingsmetoder, end 80% af de behov forsom renovering dækker facadebehandlingsmetoder, og mere forbedrinend 80% af de behovsom for renovering dækker mere og forbedrinend 80% af deflemming behov for renovering Wulff,og forbedrinflemming Wulff, ger, der findes på større beboelsesetageejendomme ger, der findes fra perioden på større ca. beboelsesetageejendomme ger, der findes frapåperioden større beboelsesetageejendomme ca fra perioden ca Vedligeholdelseschef, Københavns Vedligeholdelseschef, Ejendomme U $#(#`` $#(#`` 06 BM BM 08 Fra Filtset mur ( ) GM,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG Ub_gX ZXaaX` fx_ix fgb_cxa bz \aw \ Ub_gX ZXaaX` fx_ix fgb_cxa bz \aw \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! 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Gennemtænkte løsninger Gennemtænkte og løsninger Gennemtænkte og løsninger og VERINGS17 RENOVERINGS17 RENOVERINGSstandardiserede metoder standardiserede gør metoder standardiserede gør metoder gør kvalitetssikringen lettere, kvalitetssikringen idet alle kvalitetssikringen lettere, idet alle lettere, idet alle RMETODER METODER Fra Filtset mur ( ) Fra Filtset mur ( ) 04 Fra Filtset mur ( ) GM UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! GM 04 GM 05 GM GM GM B OLIGSTYRELSEN Ub_gX ZXaaX` fx_ix fgb_cxa bz \aw \ B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex 05 B OLIGSTYRELSEN Fgb_cXUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW gb Fra Pudset mur ( ) 07 Fgb_cXUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW gb Ub_gX \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! Fra Pudset mur ( ) 05 OG U $#(#`` Fra Filtset mur ( ),1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG,1'+2/'B),1$/ LQGG OG GM U??? solutions for: Fra FraFiltset Filtsetmur mur( ( ) ) E RHVERVS - 04 Fgb_cXUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW gb B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex Ub_gX \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! 6 &##`` houses B OLIGSTYRELSEN B OLIGSTYRELSEN B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex Fra Pudset mur ( ),'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH,'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH,'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH BM energy-efficient energy-efficient energy-efficient building building envelope building envelope envelope percentage of dwellings after building typology 100% = 20 focusingfocusing on renovation focusing on renovation on renovation solutionssolutions for: solutions for: for: of 60s/70s of 60s/70s prefab of housing 60s/70s prefab housing blocks prefab housing blocks blocks solutions for: ; ]WX Projekt nr B OLIGSTYRELSEN 6 &##`` Projekt nr OG Projekt nr. 290 BM 04 E RHVERVS - percentage (after decades)gm BM ID-konceptet ; ]WX BM percentage of dwellings after year of construction B OLIGSTYRELSEN ; ]WX Fra Blank mur ( BM ) OG 10% S38 Fra Blank mur ( BM ) E RHVERVS - ;~aw_\fgx S38 Med en blank mur (murstensfacade) kan du Med i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kanmed du i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kan du i princippet renovere dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blankrenovere mur igen,dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blank renovere mur igen, dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blank mur igen, pudset, filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret). 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ID-konceptet Fgb_cX 9ebag_\fgXcebí _ & ID-konceptet Fgb_cX 970 BR06: ca.85kwh/m2a Fra Filtset mur ( ) OG OG & & e ^i e^xe o ixef\ba %!# µ `Tegf %#$# o T_gTaYT^gT o T_gTa!W^ T"f e ^i e^xe o ixef\ba %!# µ `Tegf %#$# o T_gTaYT^gT o T_gTa!W^ T"f e ^i e^xe o ixef\ba %!# µ `Tegf %#$# o T_gTaYT^gT o T_gTa!W^ T"f Fra Filtset mur ( ) E RHVERVS E RHVERVS - BR95: 110kWh/m2a facadeog etagedæk-system Let facade- og etagedæk-system Let facade- og etagedæk-system ing integrated existinglet integrated product existing deliveries integrated product deliveries product deliveries til renovering til renovering til renovering Står du med enen filtset facade, erer det oplagt Står atat filtse du med en filtset facade, er det oplagt Ståratdu filtse med en filtset facade, er det oplagt at filtse Står du med en filtset facade, er det oplagt Står at filtse du med en filtset facade, er det oplagt Står atdu filtse med filtset facade, det oplagt filtse igen alternativt kan den pudses, males den eller igen alternativt kan den pudses, males den igen eller alternativt kan den pudses, males eller den igen alternativt kan den pudses, males den eller igen alternativt kan den pudses,den males den igen eller alternativt kan den pudses, males eller efterisoleres. endelige valg afaf metode afhænger efterisoleres. efterisoleres. afhænger Det endelige valg af metode afhænger efterisoleres. 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Ub_gX \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí Fra Pudset mur( ) of 60s/70s of 60s/70s prefab ofhousing 60s/70s prefab housing blocks prefab housing blocks bloc 9ebag_\fgXcebí _ insulated building envelope highly insulated highly building envelope vision vision vision external shafts and building systems external shafts and building systems integrated, renewable integrated, renewable energy sources energy sources? azwx Fgb_cXUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW gb Ub_gX ZXaaX` fx_ix fgb_cxa bz \aw \ B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! _! _! 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Fra Pudset mur ( ),'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH,'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH,'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH,'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH,'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH,'.RQFHSWHW 6LGH 6 &##`` U $#(#`` B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex Ub_gX \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! Projekt nr. 290 Projekt nr. 290 BM E RHVERVS - Gennemtænkte løsninger og standardiserede metoder gør 2 BR79: 180kWh/m a kvalitetssikringen lettere, idet alle sagens parter kender procedurerne 6 &##`` ; ]WX Med blank mur (murstensfacade) kan dudu Med i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kanmed du i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kan du i princippet Med en blank mur (murstensfacade) kan du Med i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kan Med du en i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kan i princippet renovere tiltil alle fire slutresultater: Blank renovere mur igen, dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blank renovere mur igen, dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blank mur igen, renovere dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blankrenovere mur igen,dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blank renovere murdig igen, dig alle fire slutresultater: Blank mur igen, (facadeisoleret). 06 Spørgsmålet 06 BM pudset, filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret). Spørgsmålet pudset, filtset eller grøn pudset, Spørgsmålet filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret). pudset, filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret). Spørgsmålet pudset, filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret). pudset, Spørgsmålet filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret). Spørgsmålet erer således mere, hvad der klæder facaden, erogsåledes hvilke er således og hvilke mere, hvad der klæder facaden, og hvilke er således mere, hvad der klæder facaden,erogsåledes hvilke mere, hvad der klæder facaden, således og hvilke mere, hvad der klæder facaden, og hvilkemere, hvad der klæder facaden, 04begrænsninger, klausuler ogog offentlige begrænsninger, der klausuler findes. Erog klausuler der findes. ogeroffentlige begrænsninger, der findes. Er klausuler og offentlige begrænsninger, derklausuler findes. Erog offentlige begrænsninger, klausuler der findes. Eroffentlige begrænsninger, der findes. Er offentlige dudu i tvivl, anbefales dudu altid atat kontakte enen du rådgiver. i tvivl, anbefales du altid at kontaktedu eni rådgiver. tvivl, anbefales du altid at kontakte en rådgiver. du i tvivl, anbefales du altid at kontakte endu rådgiver. i tvivl, anbefales du altid at kontakte en i rådgiver. tvivl, anbefales altid kontakte rådgiver Let fa ; ]WX Let fa 9ebag_\fgXcebí _ ;~aw_\fgx Let fa 9ebag_\fgXcebí _ ;~aw_\fgx Let fa Let facade- og etagedæk-syste Let facade- og etagedæk-syste Let facade- og etagedæk-syste 9ebag_\fgXcebí _ ;~aw_\fgx Let fa and energy consumption (20) percentage of dwellings after building typology energy-efficient building envelope energy-efficient building envelope BM BM BM BM BM focusing on renovation focusing on renovation energy-efficient energy-efficient energy-efficient building building envelope building envelope envelo of housing 60s/70s blocks prefab housing blocks of 60s/70s prefab focusingfocusing on renovation focusing on renovation on renovation Danmarks tik, dst.dk] [source: Statistik, Danmarks dst.dk] Statistik, dst.dk] reductionreduction of energy reduction ofconsumption energy of consumption energy consumpti excellentexcellent indoor excellent climate indoor climate indoor climate reduction of energy reduction of energy consumption highly insulated highlyconsumption insulated highly building insulated building envelope building envelope envelope excellent excellent lighting excellent conditions lighting lighting conditions conditions G 5B 9LH9BG=CB HC H<9 DF9J=CIG GH9D H<9 F9G=8I5@ J5@I9 =G BCH H5?9B =BHC 577CIBH 5BM ACF9 G 5B 9LH9BG=CB HC H<9 DF9J=CIG GH9D H<9 F9G=8I5@ J5@I9 =G BCH H5?9B =BHC 577CI G 5B 9LH9BG=CB HC H<9 DF9J=CIG GH9D H<9 F9G=8I5@ J5@I9 =G BCH H5? 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(. excellentexcellent indoor excellent climate indoor climate indoor climate 0=H<CIH J=GI5@=N5H=CB =H =G BCH C6J=CIG =: K9 5F9 H5@?=B; 56CIH 5 K=89 CF GA5@@ F5B;9 C: DFC: 0=H<CIH J=GI5@=N5H=CB =H =G BCH C6J=CIG =: K9 5F9 H5@?=B; 56CIH 5 K=89 CF GA5 0=H<CIH J=GI5@=N5H=CB =H =G BCH C6J=CIG =: K9 5F9 H5@?=B; 56CIH 5 minimal minimal minimal 56@9 GC@IH=CBG 56@9 GC@IH=CBG 56@9 GC@IH=CBG most profitable thickness thickness thickness most profitable greatest most profitable great excellentexcellent lightingexcellent conditions lighting lighting conditions conditions Sustainability Sustainability in building construction in in construction construction Sustainability of building insulation, ofbuilding insulation, thickness of insulation, thickness energy thickness savings, ener excellentexcellent housing excellent housing conditions housing conditions conditions - different levels - different of sustainability levels - different of sustainability levelsgood of sustainability good profit of profit insulation good profit of insulation good of insulation profit good /=GI5@=N=B; H<9 /=GI5@=N=B; 7CGH 7IFJ9 H<9 :CF /=GI5@=N=B; 7CGH H<9 75G9 7IFJ9 89G7F=698 H<9 :CF 7CGH H<9 7IFJ9 75G9 =B 7<5DH9F 89G7F=698 :CF H<9 75G9 =B <9@DG 7<5DH9F 89G7F=698 HC 897=89 =B 7<5DH9F <9@DG 56CIH HC H (resulting(resulting i a better (resulting i overall a betteriliving aoverall better quality) living overall quality) living quality) August 18th,August 21 / Jan 18th, Schipull August 21 /18th, Jan S SustainablitiySustainablitiy in buildingsustainablitiy construction in building construction in building construction ree sustainability pillars the three of sustainability pillars of sustainability social sustainability NCC - prefab shaft sytstem Installation of the shaft system at the residential care home for the eldery, Ørestaden / Copenhagen / JJW arkitekter social NCC - prefab sustainability 0:00 min social installation shaft sustainability NCC s prefabricated shaft combines all process in 2 69 OG OG E RHVERVS - E RHVERVS - E RHVERVS - Fra Filtset mur ( ) OG proaches ches approaches to sustainability to sustainability to sustainability Fra Filtset mur ( ) plagt Står at filtse du med en filtset facade, er det oplagt Ståratdu filtse med en filtset facade, er det oplagt at filtse males den eller igen alternativt kan den pudses, males den igen eller alternativt kan den pudses, males eller ode afhænger efterisoleres. Det endelige valg af metode efterisoleres. afhænger Det endelige valg af metode afhænger dommens af smag og behag samt hensyn til ejendommens af smag og behag samt hensyn til ejendommens bedring nuværende og stand, ønske om energiforbedring nuværende og stand, ønske om energiforbedring og økonomi. økonomi. 75BH@M 7<95D9F H<5B 6IM=B; 9B9F;M 75BH@M 7<95D9F H<5B 6IM=B; 9B9F;M 75BH@M 7<95D9F H<5B 6IM=B; 9B9F;M -<9 =BGI@5H=CB H<=7?B9GG 5H H<=G DC=BH =G -<9 =BGI@5H=CB H<=7?B9GG 5H H<=G DC=BH =G -<9 =BGI@5H=CB H<=7?B9GG 5H H<=G DC=BH =G 7A 7A 7A -<9 9B9F;M G5J=B; 5H H<=G DC=BH =G -<9 9B9F;M G5J=B; 5H H<=G DC=BH =G -<9 9B9F;M G5J=B; 5H H<=G DC=BH =G -<9 5BBI5@ DFC:=H D9F A =BGI@5H=CB 75@7I@5H98 :FCA 5BBI5@ 9B9F;M G5J=B;G A=BIG 5 -<9 5BBI5@ DFC:=H D9F A =BGI@5H=CB 75@7I@5H98 :FCA 5BBI5@ 9B9F;M G -<9 5BBI5@ DFC:=H D9F A =BGI@5H=CB 75@7I@5H98 :FCA 5B BI5@ 75D=H5@ 7CGH 5H H<=G DC=BH =G BI5@ 75D=H5@ 7CGH 5H H<=G DC=BH =G BI5@ 75D=H5@ 7CGH 5H H<=G DC=BH =G BM 06 economical sustainablity economical environmental sustainablity economical environmental sustainablity sustainability sustainability 0: min environmental sustainability Life Cycle Thinkingprivat and Integrated Product projects: privatcavity. privat Deliveries in renovation establishing internal building installations into rather the cavity. deck Extending the concept of Integrated Product Deliveries with Product Service ansystems an example example simple modules, that easily can be setup at the ecological construction ecological site. sustainability sustainability economical economical sustainability sustainability local / Alanus localuniversity, local Bonn / Sustainable Innovation 22 economical sustainability 0: min August 18th, 21 / Jan Schipull August 18th,into 21 Schipull The shaft module is aligned with The shaft is slowly lowered through The prefab shaft is craned the / Jan societal societal privat - economy, living quality privat - economy, living quality privat - economy, living quality societal the previous one. an example sts per m and year [ /m a] Ub_gX ZXaaX` fx_ix fgb_cxa bz \aw \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! Ub_gX \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! 04 B OLIGSTYRELSEN Fgb_cXUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW gb Ub_gX ZXaaX` fx_ix fgb_cxa bz \aw \ B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex Ub_gX \ UhaWXaf Yebagcebí _! BM 06 B OLIGSTYRELSEN 07 B`XZTUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW í ex Fra Pudset mur ( ) B OLIGSTYRELSEN Fgb_cXUXf_TZXg `bagxexf `XW gb 05 sts per m2 and year [ /m2a] ning process, to the from finished planning process, balcony. to from the finished planning balcony. to the 04finished balcony. 08 t). Spørgsmålet pudset, filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret).pudset, Spørgsmålet filtset eller grøn (facadeisoleret). Spørgsmålet aden,erogsåledes hvilke mere, hvad der klæder facaden, er således og hvilke mere, hvad der klæder facaden, og hvilke, derklausuler findes. Erog offentlige begrænsninger, klausuler der findes. ogeroffentlige begrænsninger, der findes. Er e endu rådgiver. i tvivl, anbefales du altid at kontaktedu eni rådgiver. tvivl, anbefales du altid at kontakte en rådgiver. sts per m2 and year [ /m2a] ID-konceptet ID-konceptet ID-konceptet Fra Blank mur ( BM ) n du Med i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kanmed du i princippet en blank mur (murstensfacade) kan du i princippet oose for the from. client ALTAN.DK to choose forrenovere the isfrom. responsible clientaltan.dk to choose for the from. is responsible whole ALTAN.DK whole for the whole Blankrenovere mur igen,dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blank mur igen, dig til alle fire slutresultater: Blank mur igen, BM BM BM for istheresponsible 0:05 min The shaft is placed, installation pipes can now be connected permanently. August 18th,August 21 / Jan 18th, Schipull August 21 /18th, Jan Schipull 21 / Jan Schipull

16 Sustainable Integrated Product Deliveries Sustainability has not been a key parameter in the development of recent IPDs but, use of low-maintenance and/or certified materials (e.g. altan.dk) reduction of material use and efficient production in factories (e.g. NCC shaft) focus on working environment at the production facilities Source: Beim, A., J. Nielsen, K. Sanchez Vibæk. 20. Three Ways to assemble a house. KADK. Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

17 Sustainable Integrated Product Deliveries 1 sustainable by design: material choice, production method, longevity / robustness potential for recycling/reuse 2 sustainable through operation: use of the IPD increases the sustainabilty of a building project e.g. use of sustainable materials to reduce initial environmental impacts socially responsible production optimal lifetimes for product purposes reuse / recycling concepts and guarantee e.g. technical solutions to reduce energy consumption systems that allow easy adaption / use change service that affects user behaviour Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

18 Case studies Lifecycle stages and responsibilities raw material extraction production construction use + maintenance end-of-life URBANPLANEN ENEMÆRKE+PETERSEN KAB? +TEAM 100% (JJW arkitekter) BRØNDBY STRAND ENEMÆRKE+PETERSEN BRØNDBY BOLIGS.? +WITRAZ arkitekter HEIMDALSVEJ JÖNSSON / UNS4 / ÖHS DOMEA? +Mangor Nagel / (JJW arkitekter) FÆLLEDGÅRDEN TAASINGE JÖNSSON KAB? +JJW arkitekter Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

19 Case studies Lifecycle stages and responsibilities raw material extraction production construction use + maintenance end-of-life knowledge URBANPLANEN ENEMÆRKE+PETERSEN E+P SERVICE? +TEAM 100% (JJW arkitekter) BRØNDBY STRAND ENEMÆRKE+PETERSEN BRØNDBY BOLIGS.? +WITRAZ arkitekter HEIMDALSVEJ JÖNSSON / UNS4 / ÖHS DOMEA? +Mangor Nagel / (JJW arkitekter) FÆLLEDGÅRDEN TAASINGE JÖNSSON KAB? +JJW arkitekter Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

20 Extending IPDs towards Product Service Systems (PSS) The sale of products does not encourage a closed cycle economy because at the point-of-sale the responsibility for the user phase and the disposal is transferred to the customer; it is the customer who decides what is to happen to the product after use. The sale provides no incentive for the manufacturer to supply goods, which have a long life or are reusable. (Mont, O., Product Service Systems, p.35) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

21 Extending IPDs towards Product Service Systems (PSS) raw material extraction production construction use + maintenance end-of-life SYSTEM SUPPLIER / SYSTEM OWNER The system supplier controls all life cycle stages, from production to end-of-life sourcing of greater amounts of raw materials allows upstream influence or reuse of materials will lower the necessary new, raw material input Clients are offered a one-stop solution for the construction project and maintenance during the use stage, as well as greater economic confidence in building and maintenance costs -> a building solution can be offered challenges for system suppliers in the building branch: great uncertainty caused by long life cycle (50 years + ) low value of building materials -> low incentive for remanufacturing / re-use / recycling legal issues concerning ownership of building components legal issues with ownership of product-related rights -> open system? Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

22 Extending IPDs towards Product Service Systems (PSS) A product-service system (PSS) is a pre-designed combination of products and services in a market that can fulfil consumers needs; and a de-materialised solution to consumer needs and preferences; ( leasing / service ) a result of rethinking of the product value chain and ways of delivering utility to customers that will have a smaller environmental impact than separate products and services outside the system. (Mont, O., Product Service Systems) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

23 Extending IPDs towards Product Service Systems (PSS) IPDs A product-service system (PSS) is a pre-designed combination of products and services in a market that can fulfil consumers needs; and a de-materialised solution to consumer needs and preferences; ( leasing / service ) a result of rethinking of the product value chain and ways of delivering utility to customers that will have a smaller environmental impact than separate products and services outside the system. (Mont, O., Product Service Systems) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

24 Extending IPDs towards Product Service Systems (PSS) IPDs A product-service system (PSS) is a pre-designed combination of products and services in a market that can fulfil consumers needs; and a de-materialised solution to consumer needs and preferences; ( leasing / service ) a result of rethinking of the product value chain and ways of delivering utility to customers that will have a smaller environmental impact than separate products and services outside the system. (Mont, O., Product Service Systems) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

25 Extending IPDs towards Product Service Systems (PSS) IPDs A product-service system (PSS) is a pre-designed combination of products and services in a market that can fulfil consumers needs; and a de-materialised solution to consumer needs and preferences; ( leasing / service ) a result of rethinking of the product value chain and ways of delivering utility to customers that will have a smaller environmental impact than separate products and services outside the system. (Mont, O., Product Service Systems) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

26 Design Strategies and PSS 4R s (repair, renovation, reuse, recycle) / Product-Life Extension (Davis 1977, Stahel 1982) Shearing Layer Strategy (Brand/Duffy 1995) Design for Disassembly / Design for Deconstruction (Fletcher 2000, Crowther 2000) -> plan/design lifecycles -> think the lifecycle of the building in layers -> enable the exchange of components without affecting other components -> components: allow recovering of clean materials (if the components cannot be reused) Design for Disassembly: Cellophane House Kieran Timberlake, 2008 Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

27 Design Strategies and PSS production / manufacturing use phase INPUTS raw materials energy OUTPUTS emissions waste (energy) 4 1: REUSE 2: REPAIR 3: RECONDITIONING 4: RECYCLING Figure 3 Possible End-of-life Scenarios for the Built Environment DfD: Possible end-of-life scenarios for the built environment Source: Crowther, P Developing an inclusive model for design for deconstruction. Replenishing Loops (the 4 Rs) Source: Stahel, W Product Life Factor. Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

28 Design Strategies and PSS Building layers and the cost perspective accumulated building costs after 50 years CAPITAL COSTS space plan 48% STUFF SPACE PLAN traditional view on building costs SERVICES SKIN STRUCTURE SITE space plan 5-7 år services år structure 50 år + TIME 20% 40% 40% services 38% structure 14% Stewart Brand, 1995 / How Buildings Learn Stewart Brand, 1995 / How Buildings Learn, diagram by DEGW, Francis Duffy Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

29 Design Strategies and PSS Building layers and environmental impacts STUFF SPACE PLAN SERVICES SKIN STRUCTURE SITE operation- / use-phase Stewart Brand, 1995 / How Buildings Learn Source: Cradle-to-cradle Denmark (Vugge til vugge.dk) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

30 Design Strategies and PSS degree of impact reduction time Dominique Millet, 20 / Integration de l environment en conception Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

31 Business opportunities and stakeholder risk-management PSS will allow new ways of sustaining business in the construction sector: the concept of product-life extension - will create long-term relationships and dependencies between system owners and clients - new business opportunities in refurbishing, reconditioning and reuse of system components - more labour intensive, but less use of resources (refurbished/reused components avoid the production of new componentes -> less use of new materials) -> contractor as an ESCO? Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

32 Business opportunities and stakeholder risk-management Advantages for clients: better economical security (construction + operation) high product quality (industrialised fabrication + extended responsibility) defined product services (e.g. max. transmission losses, day light factors, comfort) professional operation and maintenance (through system supplier / owner) but also: less environmental impacts less use of resources Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

33 Jan Schipull Kauschen Architect MAA, Dipl.-Ing. (Arch) CINARK - Centre for Industrialised Architecture + JJW arkitekter, Copenhagen jan.kauschen@kadk.dk The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation School of Architecture Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

34 Design Structure Matrix (DSM) - clustering LIFETIME beklædning (inde) underkonstruktion isolering (inderside) dampspærre altan bærende konstruktion (beton) konsoler (stål) facadekonstruktion (bærende) vindue vindspærre isolering underkonstruktion beklædning (ude) beklædning 1 beklædning (inde) underkonstruktion isolering (inderside) dampspærre SKIN 1 affects type/performance 2 direct connection 3 structurally depended 13 altan bærende konstruktion (beton) konsoler (stål) facadekonstruktion (bærende) vindue vindspærre isolering underkonstruktion beklædning (ude) beklædning STRUCTURE SKIN Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

35 Choice of materials and environmental impacts facade with standard insulation material (U-Value: 0,16W/m2K) facade with environmentally favourable materials (U-Value: 0,16W/m2K) mineral wool kr/m2 weighted results for a 20 year life cycle (DGNB weighting): Chart 1a: Comparison of environmental impacts for standard and optimized materials over a 20 year life cycle, weighted results wood fibre insulation -30% kr/m2 +25% Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

36 Oil price development scenarios Euro / Barrel high price scenario World Energy Outlook 2007 (IEA) low price scenario Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

37 Oil price development scenarios Euro / Barrel high price scenario World Energy Outlook 2007 (IEA) low price scenario 40 World Energy Outlook 2005 (IEA) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

38 Oil price development scenarios Euro / Barrel high price scenario World Energy Outlook 2007 (IEA) low price scenario 40 World Energy Outlook 2005 (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2004 (IEA) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

39 Oil price development scenarios Euro / Barrel high price scenario World Energy Outlook 2007 (IEA) low price scenario 40 World Energy Outlook 2005 (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2004 (IEA) Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /

40 Electricity price development scenarios Sustainable Innovation 22 / Alanus University, Bonn /



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