Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

Relaterede dokumenter
Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

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Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

Studieordning. For. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim transport og skibsledelse. (Skibsføreruddannelsen)

Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

Studieordning. For. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim transport og skibsledelse. (Skibsføreruddannelsen)

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Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

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Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

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Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

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Regler for afholdelse af prøver

LBE. Gå godt til eksamen håndbog for eud/eux elever

Værd at vide om eksamen

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Studieordning. for. Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. (Maskinmesteruddannelsen)

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Modulbeskrivelse. Modul 16: Bachelorforløb. Hold 3K Tema: Udvikling af praksis og profession

Kapitel 7 Processtyring (instruktioner og procedurer)

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Modulbeskrivelse. 7. semester - modul 13. Hold ss2010v. Professionsbachelor i sygepleje

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Værd at vide om eksamen

Modulbeskrivelse. Modul 14. Bachelorprojekt. Professionsbachelor i sygepleje

Eksamensreglement 2018

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Fagstudieordning Kandidattilvalget i film- og medievidenskab 2019

Lovgrundlag. Læringsmål

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Eksamenskatalog. Bachelor i sygepleje Teoretisk undervisning 4. semester


Studieordning for Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i Maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift (Maskinmesteruddannelsen) Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 1 af 26

Indholdsfortegnelse: Uddannelsens formål:... 3 Læringsudbytte... 3 Grundlag:... 5 Adgangskrav:... 5 Undervisningsprincipper:... 6 Samarbejde med erhvervslivet og andre uddannelsesinstitutioner:... 8 Planlægning og gennemførelse af undervisningsforløb:... 8 Maskinmesteruddannelsens opbygning:... 10 Curriculum maskinmester uden sønæringsrettighed:... 10 Prøver og eksaminer maskinmester uden sønæringsrettighed:... 11 Curriculum maskinmester med sønæringsrettighed:... 12 Prøver og eksaminer maskinmester med sønæringsrettighed:... 13 Curriculum maskinmester med specialiseringsvalgfag:... 14 Prøver og eksaminer maskinmester med specialiseringsvalgfag:... 15 Formalia og praktiske oplysninger:... 19 Merit:... 23 Dispensation:... 24 Orlov:... 25 Disciplinære foranstaltninger:... 25 Studieplanoversigt:... 26 Bemærkninger: side 2 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Uddannelsens formål: Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift, maskinmesteruddannelsen, har til formål at kvalificere de studerende til, på ledelsesniveau i skibe og i virksomheder i land, at varetage ansvaret for drift og vedligehold af tekniske anlæg og installationer og herunder forestå, at disse anlæg og installationer drives optimalt ud fra sikkerhedsmæssige, driftsøkonomiske og miljømæssige hensyn. Den studerende skal efter endt uddannelse opfylde kravene i den internationale konvention om uddannelse af søfarende, om sønæring og om vagthold med senere ændringer (STCWkonventionen), kapitel III/2 og III/6, så der kan udstedes sønæringsbevis, når Maritimt valgfag er gennemført, og betingelserne for udstedelse af sønæringsbevis som maskinofficer i henhold til gældende bekendtgørelse om kvalifikationskrav til søfarende og fiskere og om sønæringsbeviser er opfyldt. Uddannelsen giver ret til betegnelsen maskinmester, professionsbachelor i maritim og maskinteknisk ledelse og drift. Betegnelsen på engelsk er Bachelor of Technology Management and Marine Engineering Professionsbacheloruddannelsen skal udvikle den studerende med fokus på ledelse, sikkerhed, innovation, drifts- og energioptimering og internationalisering med engelsk som arbejdssprog. Uddannelsen er indplaceret på niveau 6 i den danske kvalifikationsramme for livslang læring. Læringsudbytte Mål for læringsudbyttet omfatter den viden, de færdigheder og kompetencer, som en maskinmester skal opnå i uddannelsen. Læringsmål for viden er, at maskinmesteren har 1) viden om og kan redegøre for metoder og teorier inden for ledelse, sikkerhed, innovation, drifts- og energioptimering samt internationalisering, der anvendes i professionen som maskinmester, 2) viden om og kan beskrive principper for opbygning af maskin-, proces-, og el-tekniske anlæg og installationer samt de sikkerhedsmæssige, optimeringsmæssige og ledelsesmæssige områder, der knytter sig til anlæggene og installationerne, 3) viden om håndværksmæssige metoder for at drive og vedligeholde maskin- proces- og eltekniske anlæg og installationer, 4) viden om de grundlæggende naturfaglige begreber, der anvendes i professionen, 5) viden om det maritime erhvervs organisation, herunder ansvarsfordelingen mellem de forskellige sektorer, afdelinger og aktører, 6) viden om lovgrundlaget for professionsudøvelsen, 7) viden, som gør vedkommende i stand til at identificere og redegøre for udviklingsarbejde og forskningsresultater, der anvendes i professionen og 8) viden om entreprenørskab, innovation og iværksættere. Læringsmål for færdigheder er, at maskinmesteren kan 1) analysere, hvordan teoretiske ledelsesmodeller kan anvendes i praksis og formidle resultatet på professionsniveau, 2) vurdere teoretiske, økonomiske beregningsmodeller på tekniske anlæg og installationer og formidle resultatet på professionsniveau, 3) beregne og analysere driftsøkonomiske data med henblik på energi- og driftsoptimering, 4) beregne og analysere data inden for det miljømæssige område med henblik på energi- og driftsoptimering, 5) betjene, drive og vedligeholde maskin-, proces- og el-tekniske anlæg og installationer, Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 3 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen 6) foretage målinger på og fejlfinde på maskin-, proces- og el-tekniske anlæg og installationer, 7) anvende tekniske tegninger, processkemaer, elektriske kredsskemaer og styringsdiagrammer, 8) formidle professionsorienteret skriftlig og mundtlig kommunikation på engelsk for at kunne virke i et internationalt miljø, 9) indsamle, vurdere og anvende ny viden inden for professionen, 10) anvende relevant videnskabelig metode til analyse af problemstillinger af betydning for professionen og 11) håndtere og demonstrere projektorganiseret og udviklingsorienteret arbejdsmetode samt formidle resultatet af arbejdet til samarbejdspartnere og brugere Læringsmål for kompetencer er, at maskinmesteren kan 1) udvælge og udføre relevante tekniske beregninger på maskin-, proces- og el-tekniske anlæg og installationer, 2) tage initiativ til og planlægge arbejdsopgaver, der er relevante for professionen og samarbejde med andre om udførelsen og evalueringen af resultatet, 3) tage ansvar for drift og vedligehold ud fra sikkerhedsmæssige, driftsøkonomiske og miljømæssige hensyn, 4) udvikle løsninger til drifts- og energioptimering på maskin-, proces- og el-tekniske anlæg og installationer, 5) indgå i ledelsesmæssige og samarbejdsmæssige sammenhænge med mennesker med forskellig uddannelsesmæssig eller kulturel baggrund, 6) sammenholde erfaringer, praktiske færdigheder og teoretisk viden og formidle resultatet på professionsniveau, 7) tilegne sig en særlig indsigt i emner, områder og problemer, der er relevante for arbejdet i professionen, 8) udvælge, bedømme og anvende datamateriale, herunder relevante resultater fra forskningsog udviklingsarbejder i forhold til konkrete og komplekse opgaver inden for professionen, 9) tage ansvar for og arbejde selvstændigt med egne læringsbehov og metoder for at udvikle sig i professionen som maskinmester og 10) medvirke aktivt i et demokratisk samfund, herunder diskutere udøvelsen af professionen set i lyset af organisatoriske og administrative rammer og samfundsmæssige vilkår. Studerende, der gennemfører Maritimt valgfag, jf. bilag 2 i bekendtgørelse om uddannelsen til maskinmester., med henblik på udstedelse af sønæringsbevis, skal efter endt uddannelse opfylde kravene i STCW-konventionen i overensstemmelse med Søfartsstyrelsens kvalifikationskrav herom, vedrørende 1) søsikkerhed, førstehjælp og arbejdssikkerhed til søs, jf. STCW-kodens sektion A-VI/1, paragrafferne, og, 2) betjening af redningsbåde, -flåder og mand-over-bord både, jf. STCW-konventionens reglement VI/2, paragraf 1, 3) brandbekæmpelse i skibe, jf. STCW-konventionens reglement VI/3 samt STCW-kodens sektion A-VI/1, paragraf, 4) førstehjælp mellemniveau i overensstemmelse med STCW kodens A-VI/4, paragraf 1-3, 5) det teoretiske grundlag for udstedelse af bevis i grundlæggende tankskibsoperationer for olie-, kemikalie- og gastankskibe, jf. STCW-konventionens reglement V/1-1, paragraf 2.2 og reglement V/1-2, paragraf 2.2, 6) sikringsberedskab og særlige sikringsopgaver i skibe, Ship Security Officer, jf. STCWkonventionens reglement VI/5, paragraf 1.2 og 7) vagthold i maskinen, jf. STCW-kodens tabel A-III/1, hvori der indgår full mission maskinrumstræning. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 4 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Den del af Maritimt valgfag, der er nævnt i stk. 5, nr. 1 i bekendtgørelse om uddannelsen til maskinmester., skal være gennemført, inden praktik til søs påbegyndes, jf. 13, stk. 1 i samme bekendtgørelse. Efter endt uddannelse skal den studerende have opnået det teoretiske grundlag til at 1) erhverve autorisation som elinstallatør, jf. bekendtgørelse om godkendte prøver og praktikkrav for autorisation af elinstallatører, 2) erhverve kedelpassercertifikater og køleautorisation, jf. gældende bekendtgørelse om arbejdsmiljøfaglige uddannelser og 3) indtræde på kompetencegivende kurser vedrørende indregulering og funktionsprøvning af gasfyrede anlæg over 135 kw, jf. gældende bekendtgørelse om personlige faglige kvalifikationer for den teknisk ansvarlige og dennes medarbejdere i autoriserede og godkendte kompetente virksomheder. Grundlag: Bekendtgørelse af lov om maritime uddannelser (LBK nr. 207 af 04/03/2011 med senere ændringer heraf) Bekendtgørelse om uddannelsen til maskinmester (BEK nr. 1331 af 17/12/2012 med senere ændringer heraf) Bekendtgørelse om eksamens- og prøveafholdelse og bedømmelse af deltagere ved de maritime uddannelser (Eksamensbekendtgørelsen) (BEK nr. 1289 af 14/12/2009 med senere ændringer heraf) Bekendtgørelse om karakterskala og anden bedømmelse ved uddannelser på Uddannelsesog Forskningsministeriets område (Karakterbekendtgørelsen) (BEK nr.1601 af 17/12/2014 med senere ændringer heraf resp. BEK nr. 114 af 03/02/2015 med senere ændringer heraf) Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers Code and Convention med senere ændringer heraf. Adgangskrav: For at blive optaget på maskinmesteruddannelsen, skal ansøgeren enten: have gennemført en af følgende gymnasiale uddannelser: studentereksamen (stx), hf (kursus), htx, hhx, eux eller adgangskursus til ingeniøruddannelserne med matematik, engelsk og dansk samt fysik eller kemi, hvoraf 2 fag skal være på mindst B-niveau og de resterende fag på mindst C-niveau eller have gennemført en erhvervsuddannelse (EUD) på mindst niveau 3 i den danske kvalifikationsramme suppleret med matematik, engelsk og dansk samt fysik eller kemi, hvoraf 2 fag skal være mindst B-niveau og de resterende fag på mindst C-niveau. Relevant erhvervserfaring af mindst 2 års varighed kan - efter individuel realkompetencevurdering på uddannelsesinstitutionen - træde i stedet for adgangskravet om en erhvervsuddannelse. Optagelse med baggrund i anden gymnasial uddannelse skal ske i henhold til kapitel 2 i gældende bekendtgørelse om adgang til erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser (adgangsbekendtgørelsen). Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 5 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Undervisningsprincipper: I SIMAC tror vi på at læring er en aktiv proces, hvor den lærende konstruerer nye ideer og koncepter baseret på vedkommendes aktuelle viden. Vi anvender arbejds- og undervisningsformer, der anerkender og understøtter de studerendes evne til i fællesskab med andre, og i samspil med hinanden, vejledere (herunder tutorer), undervisere at finde, forholde sig til og anvende relevante informationer og omsætte dem til ny viden. Derfor har vi bl.a. siden SIMAC blev etableret systematisk arbejdet med studiegrupper som den primære organisering af de studerende. Vi vurderer, at en gruppestørrelse på 3 eller 4 personer generelt er den mest hensigtsmæssige i forhold til gruppedynamik og arbejdsopgaverne. Hvor særlige forhold taler for det, kan andre gruppestørrelser etableres for enkelte forløb. Dette læringssyn medfører at fokus flyttes fra videnoverførsel til videnkonstruktion. Den lærende er ikke objekt for en undervisers undervisning, men bliver subjekt for egen læring. Den lærende er den aktive, og vores opgave er at etablere optimale rammer for at denne læring kan finde sted. Vores overordnede værdi er den studerende i centrum, der samtidig beskriver hvordan vi tænker organiseringen af læringen. I centrum er den studerende og i en række lag eller strukturer rundt om er de ressourcer, som den studerende har til rådighed for sin læreproces. Tættest på den enkelte studerende er studiekammeraterne i studiegruppen, som man har det faglige og sociale tilhørsforhold til, og som også er en vigtig ressource. Dernæst kommer de øvrige studerende på holdet. Så kommer de særlige studiekammerater, der har påtaget sig opgaven som tutorer. Som næste niveau kommer underviserne som blot én af flere ressourcer. En ressource, der selvsagt har en række særlige opgaver og ansvar. Underviserens opgave er bl.a. at motivere, vejlede i en konstruktiv dialog, og oversætte teorier og øvrigt stof til et format, som kan tilegnes af den studerende. For at understøtte det gode studiemiljø og sikre, at studerende er kommet godt i gang på udvalgte semestre gennemføres der studiesamtaler på BJ3, BS3, BM2 og BM4, individuelt eller i studiegrupper. Studiesamtalen er en kort samtale mellem underviser og de studerende om såvel faglige som studiesociale forhold og hvordan den studerende oplever sig selv i studiet. Der er udarbejdet en vejledende spørgeguide og det dokumenteres, at samtalen er afholdt, men der gemmes ikke oplysninger om indholdet. Overordnede elementer kan noteres i anonym form og behandles internt til forbedring af studiemiljøet m.v. Det Pædagogiske VejledningsCenter assisterer underviserne med vejledning, evaluering og erfaringsudveksling. Ved behov henvises den studerende til opfølgning ved studieadministration, studievejleder eller andre, afhængig af situationen. I SIMAC arbejder vi ud fra en konstruktivistisk pædagogisk holdning i erkendelse af, at refleksion er en vigtig del af læreprocessen både hos studerende og underviserne. Netop det faktum, at der er metodefrihed blandt underviserne til at understøtte de studerendes realisering af læringsmålene, samt den forskellighed, der er blandt undervisernes faglige og pædagogiske kompetencer, gør, at undervisere træffer forskellige valg, der resulterer i forskellige forløb. Alle underviserne tilgodeser de studerendes forskellige studiemæssige kompetencer bedst muligt både ved at tage hensyn til den faglige kompetence, her tænkt som den faglige baggrund og den pædagogiske kompetence, her tænkt bl.a. som læringsstil, når der vælges metoder. Ved at underviserne konstruktivt reflekterer over, hvordan et emne bedst formidles ved at anvende forskellige arbejds- og undervisningsformer, opøves de studerendes indsigt i egen formåen og egen læringsstil. Erkendelsen ligger bl.a. i, at de studerende skal være aktive i læreprocessen, SIMAC skal som institution understøtte de studerende ved bl.a. at sikre rammerne og ved at bidrage til indsigten i, at læreprocessen opleves forskelligt fra person til person. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 6 af 26

Fokus: Mål for studerende: Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen I erkendelsen af, at det er vigtigt at understøtte den studerende i forandringsprocessen fra elev til professionsbachelor samt i erkendelsen af, at vi lever i et videnssamfund, hvor vidensdeling er et meget vigtigt aspekt af arbejdsdagen, inddrages Open Learning Center (OLC) i undervisningen. Det gøres bl.a. ved at stimulere de studerendes nysgerrighed overfor de bøger og andre muligheder, der er på OLC. Arbejds- og undervisningsformerne der anvendes omfatter diskussion, dialog, forelæsning, vejledning, opgaver, øvelser, cases og projekter. Disse arbejdsformer skal i sidste ende give vores dimittender de kompetencer i arbejdslivet, som efterspørges på ledelsesniveau i globalt konkurrerende virksomheder. Den helhedsorienterede, tværgående og akademiske tilgang til uddannelsen er således den overordnede ramme for planlægningen af uddannelsesforløb og undervisning på SIMAC. VS/FR. Ø Grundteori Specialisering Studiemotiverede Sikkerhedskompetence Grundlæggende håndværksmæssige færdigheder Praktik-forberedte Studiemodne Fagligt og studieteknisk fundament Speciale-forberedte Selvudviklende Evne til at formidle egen faglighed Professionsforberedte Inkludering Holdrelation Dannelse Pædagogik og formidling Faglig viden Faglige og studietekniske færdigheder Grupperelation Holdningsdannelse Faglige og studietekniske kompetencer Tværfagligt professionelt samarbejde Den indledende teoriundervisning og undervisningen på værkstedsskolen bygger op til, at den studerende, med vejledning fra kompetente uddannelsesofficerer (mentorer), bliver i stand til at planlægge, udføre og reflektere over en række centrale og tværgående arbejdsfunktioner i forbindelse med almindelig drift og vedligehold, der udføres af vagtgående skibsofficerer. Der lægges særlig vægt på, at den studerende udvikler evne til at varetage et personligt ansvar for sin egen og skibets sikkerhed samt for det omgivende miljø. Uddannelsesbogen, der skal føres i den indledende sejladspraktik, herunder særligt de beskrevne arbejdsopgaver og logbogen, bliver dermed central, idet den skaber forbindelsen mellem den indledende teori/værkstedsskoleundervisning og den efterfølgende teoriundervisning. De studerendes erfaringer i form af afrapportering fra arbejdsopgaverne og logbog skal desuden indarbejdes i cases i den efterfølgende teoriundervisning, og således danne et fundament for den videre læring. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 7 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Teoriundervisningen, der følger efter første praktikperiode, baseres på praksisrelateret undervisning i form af laboratorieøvelser, simulatortræning, cases og projekter, der understøttes af relevant teori. Det er et gennemgående element i uddannelsen, at vi fokuserer på energieffektiv drift og reduktion af emissioner. I undervisningen benyttes desuden eksterne gæsteforelæsere (danske såvel som udenlandske), som udvælges efter relevans for de studerendes læringsudbytte. Dette bidrager til, at de studerende får den nyeste viden indenfor såvel national som international forskning. I den afsluttende sejlpraktik arbejder den studerende selvstændigt videre med at anvende den tillærte teori i udøvelsen af professionen. Bachelorprojektet gennemføres som afslutning på uddannelsen, ved at den studerende arbejder udviklingsorienteret med planlægning og gennemførelse af et problemorienteret projekt. Den studerende skal ved at drage sammenhænge mellem erfaringer, praktiske færdigheder og teoretisk viden kunne identificere og analysere en selvvalgt problemstilling, der er central i forhold til professionen som skibsofficer. De enkelte dele af uddannelsen er nærmere beskrevet i det følgende. Samarbejde med erhvervslivet og andre uddannelsesinstitutioner: På SIMAC har vi et tæt samarbejde med både erhvervsliv og uddannelsesinstitutioner. Dette samarbejde prioriteres højt og har baggrund i vores professionsbacheloruddannelser, der skaber sammenhæng mellem den egentlige profession og akademiske kompetencer. I uddannelserne sammenkædes den praktiske viden indsamlet om bord på skibene eller industrien i land med undervisningens teoretiske emner. Denne sammensætning af brede kompetencer gør det ekstra vigtigt at have et godt samarbejde i begge retninger på den ene side erhvervslivets krav til vores uddannelser og på den anden side den teoretiske viden samarbejdet med andre uddannelsesinstitutioner bidrager med. På SIMAC understøtter vi den praksisorienterede viden hos underviserne, som de opnår i samarbejder med erhvervslivet. Dette sker for eksempel gennem medsejlads, projektsamarbejder og faglige netværk i den maritime branche. SIMAC indgår i et tæt samspil med det aftagende arbejdsmarked for hele tiden at sikre, at vi tilbyder den kvalitet og de kompetencer, som der er efterspørgsel efter. Den tætte kontakt understøttes yderligere af vores aftagerpanel, deltagelse i nationale og regionale klyngesamarbejder samt studerendes og medarbejderes projektsamarbejder med erhvervslivet. SIMAC prioriterer ligeledes samarbejde med andre uddannelsesinstitutioner højt. Vi samarbejder med Syddansk Universitet og andre relevante uddannelsesinstitutioner om konkrete projekter samt fælles nytænkning af uddannelser, merit og suppleringskurser. Dertil kommer eksisterende samarbejder om konkrete projekter og opsøgning af nye samarbejdsmuligheder med udenlandske universiteter. Planlægning og gennemførelse af undervisningsforløb: Rammerne for undervisningsforløbene er fastlagt i studieplanerne i overensstemmelse med uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen. Af studieplanen fremgår antal ECTS, ansvarlig fagkonsulent, Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 8 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen forudsætninger for start og bedømmelse, formål og læringsmål, grundlitteratur, bedømmelsesform m.v. I undervisningsplanerne står undervisningsforløbet nærmere beskrevet. Der angives en ansvarlig underviser, supplerende oplysninger om undervisningsmetoder og materiale, opgaveafleveringer og frister m.v., samt kriterier for løbende bedømmelse, hvis denne bedømmelsesform anvendes samt referenceoplysninger. Hvis der er uoverensstemmelse vedrørende oplysninger, gælder studieplan og undervisningsplan frem for øvrige undervisningsmaterialer etc. Se endvidere semesterplanlægningen i kvalitetssystemet. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 9 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Maskinmesteruddannelsens opbygning: Maskinmesteruddannelsen (Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i maskinteknisk ledelse og drift) er inddelt i 9 semestre, svarende til 4½ års uddannelse/270 ECTS point. Curriculum maskinmester uden sønæringsrettighed: Emner: ECTS BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 21000 Workshop Training and Safety Workshop Training 39 24 15 Safety Training 6 6 22000 Work Experience Introductory Work Experience 45 15 30 Professional Work Experience 15 15 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements Interdisciplinary Elements 10 5 5 25000 Technology Thermal Machinery and Systems 40 15 15 10 Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems 45 10 5 10 20 Process Analysis and Automation 15 5 5 5 26000 - Management Leadership, Economics, Safety & Methodology 20 5 5 5 5 28000 Elective Subjects Elective Subjects 20 20 29000 Bachelor Project Bachelor Project 15 15 270 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 10 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Prøver og eksaminer maskinmester uden sønæringsrettighed: Emner: ECTS BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 21000 Workshop Training and Safety Workshop Training 30 LB LB Safety Training 15 ISP LB 22000 Work Experience Introductory Work Experience 45 LB LB Professional Work Experience 15 LB 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements Interdisciplinary Elements 10 LB 1 LB 25000 Technology Thermal Machinery and Systems Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems Process Analysis and Automation 26000 - Management Leadership, Economics, Safety & Methodology 40 IMP EME* EME* 45 ISP LB EME* ESE* EME* 15 IMP EME* EME* 20 ISP LB EME* ISP 28000 Elective Subjects Elective Subjects 20 LB 29000 Bachelor Project Bachelor Project 15 EME* * En eksamen er altid ekstern og resultatet overføres til det endelige eksamensbevis. EME: Ekstern mundtlig eksamen ESE: Ekstern skriftlig eksamen IMP: Intern mundtlig prøve ISP: Intern skriftlig prøve LB: Løbende bedømmelse 1) Tværfagligdelen bedømmes sammen med den mundtlige eksamen i Thermal Machinery and Systems i BM4. Metodedelen er LB. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 11 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Maskinmesteruddannelsen (Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i maskinteknisk ledelse og drift) er inddelt i 9 semestre, svarende til 4½ års uddannelse/270 ECTS point. Curriculum maskinmester med sønæringsrettighed: Emner: ECTS BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 21000 Workshop Training and Safety Workshop Training 39 24 15 Safety Training 6 6 22000 Work Experience Introductory Work Experience 45 15 30 Professional Work Experience 15 15 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements Interdisciplinary Elements 10 5 5 25000 Technology Thermal Machinery and Systems 40 15 15 10 Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems 45 10 5 10 20 Process Analysis and Automation 15 5 5 5 26000 - Management Leadership, Economics, Safety & Methodology 20 5 5 5 5 28000 Elective Subjects Maritime Elective Subjects 20 20 29000 Bachelor Project Bachelor Project 15 15 270 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 12 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Prøver og eksaminer maskinmester med sønæringsrettighed: Emner: ECTS BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 21000 Workshop Training and Safety Workshop Training 30 LB LB Safety Training 15 ISP LB 22000 Work Experience Introductory Work Experience 45 LB LB Professional Work Experience 15 LB 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements Interdisciplinary Elements 10 LB 1 LB 25000 Technology Thermal Machinery and Systems Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems Process Analysis and Automation 26000 - Management Leadership, Economics, Safety & Methodology 40 IMP EME* EME* 45 ISP LB EME* ESE* EME* 15 IMP EME* EME* 20 ISP LB EME* ISP 28000 Elective Subjects Maritime Elective Subjects 20 LB 29000 Bachelor Project Bachelor Project 15 EME* * En eksamen er altid ekstern og resultatet overføres til det endelige eksamensbevis. EME: Ekstern mundtlig eksamen ESE: Ekstern skriftlig eksamen IMP: Intern mundtlig prøve ISP: Intern skriftlig prøve LB: Løbende bedømmelse 1) Tværfagligdelen bedømmes sammen med den mundtlige eksamen i Thermal Machinery and Systems i BM4. Metodedelen er LB. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 13 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Maskinmesteruddannelsen (Professionsbacheloruddannelsen i maskinteknisk ledelse og drift) er inddelt i 9 semestre, svarende til 4½ års uddannelse/270 ECTS point. Curriculum maskinmester med specialiseringsvalgfag: Emner: ECTS BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 21000 Workshop Training and Safety Workshop Training 39 24 15 Safety Training 6 6 22000 Work Experience Introductory Work Experience 45 15 30 Professional Work Experience 15 15 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements Interdisciplinary Elements 10 5 5 25000 Technology Thermal Machinery and Systems 40 15 15 10 Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems 45 10 5 10 20 Process Analysis and Automation 15 5 5 5 26000 - Management Leadership, Economics, Safety & Methodology 20 5 5 5 5 28000 Elective Subjects Elective Subjects 5 5 Specialized Elective Subjects 15 15 29000 Bachelor Project Bachelor Project 15 15 270 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 14 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Prøver og eksaminer maskinmester med specialiseringsvalgfag: Emner: ECTS BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 21000 Workshop Training and Safety Workshop Training 30 LB LB Safety Training 15 ISP LB 22000 Work Experience Introductory Work Experience 45 LB LB Professional Work Experience 15 LB 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements Interdisciplinary Elements 10 LB 1 LB 25000 Technology Thermal Machinery and Systems Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems Process Analysis and Automation 26000 - Management Leadership, Economics, Safety & Methodology 40 IMP EME* EME* 45 ISP LB EME* ESE* EME* 15 IMP EME* EME* 20 ISP LB EME* ISP 28000 Elective Subjects Elective Subjects 5 LB Specialized Elective Subjects 15 LB 29000 Bachelor Project Bachelor Project 15 EME* * En eksamen er altid ekstern og resultatet overføres til det endelige eksamensbevis. EME: Ekstern mundtlig eksamen ESE: Ekstern skriftlig eksamen IMP: Intern mundtlig prøve ISP: Intern skriftlig prøve LB: Løbende bedømmelse 1) Tværfagligdelen bedømmes sammen med den mundtlige eksamen i Thermal Machinery and Systems i BM4. Metodedelen er LB. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 15 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Retningslinjer for prøver og eksaminer Alle studerende skal have læst denne information forud for prøve eller eksamen 1. Generel information 1. Du har som udgangspunkt 3 forsøg til hver prøve. 2. Du er selv ansvarlig for at holde dig orienteret med prøveplanen, herunder mundtlige prøverækkefølger på Sharenet. Husk, at der kan ske ændringer, så kig efter løbende. 3. Hvis det bliver nødvendigt at ændre et prøvetidspunkt senere end 48 timer før prøven, vil du yderligere blive varslet således: Under 24 timer før prøven: besked pr. telefon 24 til 48 timer før prøven: besked på din edu-mail 4. Du skal også selv holde dig orienteret med Tilladte hjælpemidler til prøven, samt Skriftlige karakterer også på Sharenet. 5. Bedømmelsesformen for de enkelte fag er beskrevet i studieplanerne på Sharenet. 6. Det er muligt at indgive klage til SIMACs ledelse over prøver, eksaminer og bedømmelser. Klagen skal være skriftlig og begrundet. Den skal sendes til SIMACs kvalitetskoordinator. Klagen kan vedrøre: Prøveforløbet Bedømmelsesgrundlaget, dvs. opgaver set i forhold til formål og læringsmål Bedømmelsen 7. Klager vedrørende prøveforløbet og bedømmelsesgrundlaget skal indgives senest ugedagen efter prøvens eller bedømmelsens afholdelse. Klager vedrørende bedømmelsen skal indgives senest ugedagen efter, at karakteren er offentliggjort. En indgivet klage vil blive behandlet efter SIMACs procedure for dette område. Dette betyder, at en klage over en prøve afholdt tirsdag i uge 24 skal indgives senest midnat tirsdag i uge 25 8. I studieadministrationen er der mulighed for efter prøven at købe en kopi af din besvarelse. 9. På Sharenet kan du se, hvilke uger prøverne ligger i. 10. Gyldig billedlegitimation (dvs. studiekort, kørekort eller pas) skal medbringes til alle prøver og eksaminer, både mundtlige og skriftlige, og lægges frem på bordet ved prøvens start. 11. Karakterer skal offentliggøres senest 20 arbejdsdage efter afholdelse af den pågældende prøve. Skriftlige prøver og eksaminer 1. Ved en skriftlig prøve skal du være på plads i prøvelokalet senest 10 minutter før prøven begynder. Der vil være adgang til prøvelokalet 30 minutter før prøven begynder. 2. En skriftlig prøve er begyndt, når uddelingen af opgaverne er begyndt. 1 Af hensyn til læsevenligheden anvendes herefter kun udtrykket prøve eller prøver i disse retningslinjer. Det skal læses og forstås som dækkende såvel prøver som eksamener. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 16 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen 3. Tæl siderne i opgaven, så du er sikker på, at du har et komplet opgavesæt. 4. Du skal rette dig efter de anvisninger, der gives af den prøveansvarlige og de tilsynsførende. Støjende og generende adfærd er ikke tilladt. Har du brug for at kontakte en tilsynsførende, skal du række hånden op. 5. Ved skriftlige prøver må du kun bruge papir og/eller USB, der er lagt frem i lokalet eller udleveret af den prøveansvarlige eller af tilsynsførende. 10 minutter før prøvens begyndelse ligger papir og kuverter til afhentning af en studerende i lokalet. Du kan få udleveret yderligere papir eller USB under prøven af de tilsynsførende. Alle ark, der indgår i opgavebesvarelsen, skal være udfyldt i de fortrykte rubrikker. Vi opfordrer dig til at udfylde disse ved prøvens begyndelse, da der ikke gives ekstra tid til dette ved prøvens afslutning. Hvis du ønsker at skrive din besvarelse på USB, kan du få udleveret en sådan af de tilsynsførende. (Se i øvrigt afsnittet PC ved skriftlige prøver og eksaminer). 6. Hvad du må medbringe af lærebøger og andre hjælpemidler fremgår af fagemnets studieplan, der er offentliggjort på Sharenet forud for prøven. Du skal selv medbringe tegne- og skriverekvisitter, regnemaskine samt andre hjælpemidler, som måtte være krævet og godkendt til den aktuelle prøve. 7. Hvor ikke andet er foreskrevet i den stillede opgave, skal besvarelsen afleveres på USB og/eller renskrevet med kuglepen med blå eller sort farve; dog kan skitser og lignende udføres med blyant. Beregninger må udføres med blyant, men facit skal trækkes op med kuglepen. På besvarelsen skal indføres samtlige formler og mellemregninger, der er nødvendige for forståelsen af den anvendte løsningsmetode. 8. Mobiltelefoner o.l. må ikke være til stede under prøven. Den prøveansvarlige indsamler disse umiddelbart inden prøven begynder. Der må ikke høres musik m.v. via høretelefoner eller andet under prøven. 9. Under prøven må du ikke henvende dig til andre prøvedeltagere gennem tegn eller tale. 10. Ønsker du at forlade prøvelokalet et øjeblik, må dette kun ske efter tilladelse af den tilsynsførende og kun under ledsagelse. 11. Hvis du mener at have fundet fejl eller uklarheder i de givne opgaver, skal du skrive det på en seddel og henvende dig til en tilsynsførende, som via studieadministrationen videregiver dit spørgsmål til opgavestiller. Det er vigtigt, at spørgsmålet er skriftligt, så der ikke går information tabt. Hvis der viser sig behov for ekstra oplysninger for at kunne løse opgaven, vil alle prøvedeltagere få besked straks. Du vil også få besked tilbage, hvis der ikke er mangler i opgaven. 12. Hvis du ønsker at aflevere besvarelsen inden tiden er udløbet, skal du lægge den i den udfyldte kuvert, lukke den og tilkalde en tilsynsførende. Der kan ikke afleveres besvarelser de sidste 15 minutter af prøvetiden. Når den tilsynsførende har godkendt og modtaget afleveringen, må du forlade lokalet. Intet af det udleverede papir må bringes ud af prøvelokalet. Du skal også lade dine øvrige ejendele blive i lokalet, indtil prøvetiden er gået, så de øvrige prøvedeltagere forstyrres mindst muligt. 13. På de skriftlige opgaver er der angivet den tid, som står til rådighed for besvarelsen, og denne tid må ikke overskrides. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 17 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Når prøvetiden er udløbet, skal du være klar til at aflevere besvarelsen til den tilsynsførende. Besvarelsen lægges i kuverten, som du skal lukke inden aflevering. Opgaveteksten skal ikke afleveres, med mindre den indeholder bilag, som skal afleveres sammen med besvarelsen. Der skal være helt ro i lokalet, og du skal blive siddende på din plads, indtil alle har afleveret. Mobiltelefoner o.l. udleveres igen, når alle har afleveret deres besvarelse. 14. Hvis du ankommer for sent til en skriftlig prøve, skal du henvende dig i studieadministrationen. Den prøveansvarlige kan give tilladelse til, at du deltager, hvis det anses for udelukket, at du kan have modtaget oplysninger om opgaven, og hvis forsinkelsen er rimeligt begrundet. Prøvetiden forlænges ikke tilsvarende. 15. Hvis du er syg den dag, du skulle have været til en prøve, eller en påbegyndt eksamination afbrydes på grund af sygdom, kan forsøget annulleres, hvis SIMAC modtager relevant og gyldig lægeerklæring senest to hverdage efter du skulle have været til prøve eller din eksamination blev afbrudt på grund af sygdommen. Hvis resultatet af bedømmelsen er offentliggjort, kan bedømmelsen og forsøget ikke annulleres på grund af lægeerklæring. 16. Ønsker du at forlade prøven uden at aflevere en besvarelse, skal du udfylde kuverten til prøven som dokumentation for fremmøde. Det vil tælle som et forsøg. 17. Hvis du under prøven oplever støj, at lokalet er for varmt/koldt eller andre generende omstændigheder, kan du bede en tilsynsførende om at få løst det. PC ved skriftlige prøver og eksaminer: Som udgangspunkt er det tilladt at medbringe din PC til skriftlige prøver. Ved enkelte prøver kan SIMAC dog bestemme, at PC ikke må medbringes. SIMAC stiller ikke PC til rådighed for studerende. Brug af PC ved prøve foregår 100 % på eget ansvar, hvilket betyder: at der ikke kan forventes nogen form for teknisk bistand fra SIMAC, at du ikke kan klage over problemer af teknisk karakter (mistet data, strømudfald, maskinnedbrud etc.) at der ikke gives ret til omprøve under henvisning til, at du har haft problemer med at anvende det hardware eller software, som bruges ved prøven. Ej heller gives der tilladelse til omprøve under henvisning til, at en prøvedeltager har mistet data på grund af manglende backup eller sikkerhedskopiering. Prøvelokalet er klargjort med strømstik til alle deltagere og er åbent for opstilling af PC-udstyr 30 minutter før prøvens start. Prøvebesvarelser, som er skrevet på PC, skal afleveres på en USB udleveret af SIMAC. De tilsynsførende udleverer ved prøvens start en USB, hvorpå der ligger en skabelon til besvarelse. Denne skabelon skal anvendes. Besvarelsen skal gemmes i én fil. Der må altså kun være denne ene fil på USB-en ved aflevering. Formatet skal være Microsoft Word eller PDF. Aflevering i andre formater vil ikke bliver accepteret som gyldig. Prøvebesvarelsen gemmes på den udleverede USB og afleveres i den udleverede kuvert. Kuvertens forside skal udfyldes (med kryds i USB ) og underskrives inden aflevering. Dette skal ske indenfor den angivne tid for prøven og kan ikke gøres når prøven er afsluttet. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 18 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Udskrivning af besvarelsen håndteres af studieadministrationen. SIMAC påtager sig ikke ansvar for teknikken. Derfor skal du selv sikre dig, at USB-en virker, og at skabelonen er åben inden prøven påbegyndes, så der ved behov kan udleveres en eventuel ny USB. En kombination af elektronisk og håndskrevet prøvebesvarelse er tilladt. Under en prøve er det ikke tilladt at udveksle oplysninger med andre ved nogen form for dataoverførsel eller kommunikation. Konstateres det, at en prøvedeltager har et program, som har til formål at udveksle oplysninger, åben under prøven, betragtes dette som en overtrædelse af disse retningslinjer. Pc en må først afrigges efter prøvetidens udløb. Mundtlige prøver og eksaminer: Prøverækkefølgen for mundtlige prøver fastsættes af studieadministrationen og offentliggøres på Sharenet. Du har selv ansvar for at holde dig orienteret om, på hvilket tidspunkt du skal til prøve. Det er ikke tilladt at bytte prøvetider indbyrdes. I helt særlige tilfælde kan der søges dispensation for ændring af det tildelte tidspunkt for mundtlig prøve. En dispensationsansøgning skal være skriftlig og begrundet og sendes til Særlige tilfælde kan f.eks. være: planlagt operation, indkaldelse som domsmand eller vidne. Det ændrede tidspunkt skal kunne passes ind i den eksisterende prøveplan. Hvis du er syg den dag, du skulle have været til en prøve/eksamen, eller en påbegyndt eksamination afbrydes på grund af sygdom, kan forsøget annulleres, hvis SIMAC modtager relevant og gyldig lægeerklæring senest to hverdage efter du skulle have været til prøve eller din eksamination blev afbrudt på grund af sygdommen. Hvis resultatet af bedømmelsen er offentliggjort, kan bedømmelsen og forsøget ikke annulleres på grund af lægeerklæring. Hvis der afholdes prøve i faget over flere dage, og du kan nå at blive rask, kan du i studieadministrationen søge om at komme op senere i den pågældende periodes eksamination i faget. Studieadministrationen vil forsøge at imødekomme dit ønske, hvis den eksisterende prøveplan gør det muligt, så du ikke bliver forsinket unødigt i dit studie. Ved en individuel mundtlig prøve eller eksamen, hvor den studerende eksamineres på grundlag af et gruppefremstillet produkt, må de øvrige medlemmer af gruppen ikke være til stede i eksamenslokalet, før de selv skal eksamineres. Overtrædelse af disse retningslinjer kan i yderste konsekvens føre til bortvisning fra prøve eller eksamen og skriftlig advarsel. Formalia og praktiske oplysninger: Fagemnetilmelding: SIMAC tilmelder dig automatisk fagemnerne med tilhørende bedømmelser på det semester, du er nået til, og som du forventes at følge. Du skal altså ikke selv tilmelde dig. Vær opmærksom på eventuel mødepligt til undervisning, valgfag og kurser (fremgår af undervisningsplan). Vi opfordrer dig til at deltage i al undervisning og øvrige læringsaktiviteter, da det ellers kan være svært at få et hensigtsmæssigt studieforløb. På sharenet vil du have adgang til præcis de fag (fagportaler), som du er tilmeldt. Hvis du ønsker et anderledes forløb, kan dette naturligvis stadig aftales med studievejlederen. Du skal således senest 2 uger efter semesterstart give studieadministrationen besked, hvis du mener at mangle adgang til en fagportal eller har adgang til fagemner, du ikke ønsker at følge. Hvis du har et eller flere hængepartier, vil du automatisk blive tilmeldt denne/disse. Et fagemne, som du ved en Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 19 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen tidligere lejlighed har været tilmeldt senere end 2 uger efter semesterstart og ikke er bestået, betragtes som et hængeparti. Prøve- og eksamensframelding: Jf. den gældende eksamensbekendtgørelse er det ikke muligt at framelde sig semesterets prøver. Begyndelse på et uddannelseselement, semester m.v. er samtidig tilmelding til de tilhørende prøver. Ved tilmelding bruges en prøvegang. Ved sygdom under prøve gælder dog de sædvanlige retningslinjer: en fyldestgørende lægeerklæring afleveret inden 2 dage annullerer prøveforsøget, og du vil kunne fortsætte til de resterende prøver i perioden. SIMAC kan dispensere fra reglerne om prøveframelding, når det er begrundet i usædvanlige forhold. Prøveforsøg: Hvis du ikke opfylder betingelserne for bedømmelse, vil det tælle som et forsøg. - Vær opmærksom på, om du opfylder betingelserne for at gå til prøve. Det kan f.eks. være aflevering af en case eller løbende aflevering af opgaver. I studieplanen for de enkelte fag kan du se betingelserne for bedømmelse. Hvis du ikke opfylder betingelserne, og derfor ikke kan deltage i prøve, tæller det som et forsøg., Aflevering/genaflevering af cases og projekter: Afleveringstidspunktet for afleveringer i studieadministrationen er kl. 10.00 den pågældende dato dette gælder for alle afleveringstyper (opgaver, cases, rapporter og bachelorprojekter m.v.). Afleveringsformen vil fremgå af undervisningsplanen med henvisninger. Omgængere i fagemnet skal aflevere case-/projektbesvarelse (r) m.v. igen jfr. gældende undervisningsplan. Studieadministrationen opbevarer ikke case-/projektbesvarelse (r) m.v., som er afleveret ved en tidligere termin med mindre andet fremgår af fagemnets studieplan. Konsekvensen af en forsinket aflevering er, at studieadministrationen ikke er i stand til at modtage afleveringen, der dermed ikke kan gøres til genstand for bedømmelse. - Hvis du er omgænger i et fag, hvor der skal afleveres case/projekt, skal du huske at genaflevere din besvarelse jf. de oplysninger, der står i den gældende undervisningsplan. Dine tidligere afleveringer bliver ikke gemt. Bedømmelse: Såfremt det af studieplanen fremgår, at der er løbende bedømmelse i faget, beskrives kriterierne nærmere i den tilhørende undervisningsplan. Såfremt der som et led i den løbende bedømmelse anvendes opgaver på prøvelignende vilkår, fremgår dette samt tid og evt. hjælpemidler af undervisningsplanen. For gruppebaserede opgaver/cases/projekter m.v., der danner grundlag for eksamination eller godkendelse gælder, at besvarelsen skal være udformet, så det tydeligt fremgår, hvem der er hovedansvarlig for de enkelte dele af opgaven. Ved eksamen/prøve tages udgangspunkt i hele gruppeopgaven/casen/projektet m.v. Eksamination kan tage udgangspunkt i en projektbesvarelse eller en casebesvarelse m.v., men bedømmelsen baseres alene på den mundtlige præstation under eksaminationen, medmindre andet fremgår af studieplanen, og bortset fra bedømmelsen af BA projektet, hvor der gives en samlet karakter for den skriftlige projektrapport samt den mundtlige præsentation. Ved en individuel mundtlig prøve, hvor den studerende eksamineres på grundlag af et gruppefremstillet produkt, må de øvrige medlemmer af gruppen ikke være til stede i prøvelokalet, før de selv skal eksamineres. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 20 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Hvis gruppeeksamination anvendes ved en bedømmelse, vil det fremgå af fagemnets studieplan. Det vil ligeledes af studieplanen fremgå, hvor mange studerende, der højst kan deltage i den enkelte gruppeprøve, og om den studerende i stedet kan vælge en individuel prøve. Studerende, der afleverer skriftlig opgavebesvarelse, projektbesvarelse m.v. skal ved initialer markere, hvilke afsnit den enkelte studerende er ansvarlig for. SIMAC har ikke fastsat krav om individualisering, da der ikke sker selvstændig bedømmelse af skriftlig opgavebesvarelse, udarbejdet af flere studerende. Frist for offentliggørelse af karakterer ved skriftlige prøver er generelt 4 arbejdsuger (2 arbejdsuger til eksaminator og 2 arbejdsuger til censor) fra eksamensdato. I enkelte tilfælde kan den angivne frist være kortere. Eksaminander underrettes, såsnart SIMAC har en sikker viden om, at fristen for offentliggørelse af karakterer på baggrund af uforudsete hændelser, force majeure, ikke vil kunne overholdes. - Det er din egen indsats i prøvelokalet ved mundtlig prøve, der afgør karakteren. Det er altså ikke kvaliteten af casen/projektet, der er styrende for karakteren. (Det er selvfølgelig altid en fordel for dig at have et så godt udgangspunkt som muligt i form af en god besvarelse.) Ekstraordinær prøve-/eksamenstermin: SIMAC anvender følgende kriterier ved afgørelse om ansøgning fra den studerende vedr. individuelt tilbud om ekstraordinær prøvetermin eller eksamenstermin - alle kriterier skal være opfyldt, før tilbuddet evt. gives: 1. Der vil ellers ske en uundgåelig forsinkelse af studieforløbet i den tilmeldte uddannelse. 2. Der foreligger en aktuel undskyldelig omstændighed (f.eks. rettidigt dokumenteret sygdom, teknisk forhindring etc.) eller den studerende er ikke-bestået ved første mulighed for bedømmelse 3. Den studerende har redegjort for, at der er en berettiget forventning om at bestå ved en ekstraordinær termin. Du skal i ansøgningen redegøre for disse elementer og dermed beskrive studieaktiviteten i fagemnet op til den ordinære bedømmelsestermin og angive tiltag i perioden frem til den ansøgte termin, der berettiger forventningen om at bestå ved den nye ekstraordinære eksamens- eller prøvetermin, der søges om samt hvornår denne forventning er opfyldt. Vær opmærksom på, at fravalg af hel eller delvis deltagelse i undervisningen ikke medfører dispensation. Det er væsentligt at sikre, at den udbudte prøve eller eksamen foregår på det sædvanlige kvalitetsniveau med rimelig tid til udvikling og kvalitetssikring af prøvesættet og der skal ligeledes være tid til en hensigtsmæssig forberedelse. Der må derfor påregnes et vist tidsmæssigt spænd mellem afgørelse om imødekommelse og afviklingen af en udbudt prøve eller eksamen. - Hvis du mener, at du bør tilbydes en ekstraordinær bedømmelse uden for de normale prøveperioder, kan du søge om det. De tre punkter herover skal være opfyldt og beskrevet i din ansøgning. Det vil tælle som et yderligere forsøg. El autorisationseksamen: For eksamen i fagemnet el-autorisation gælder det særlige, at skolerne i samarbejde udarbejder den skriftlige eksamensopgave og at der kan være mulighed for afholdelse af en ekstraordinær termin ved en af de samarbejdende skoler. Hvis du ønsker at deltage i en sådan ekstraordinær termin skal du indstilles af SIMAC, så du skal sende en begrundet dispensationsansøgning med dokumentation og begrundelse m.v. som beskrevet ovenfor. Studiestartsprøve: SIMAC anvender ikke studiestartsprøve. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 21 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Studieaktivitet: SIMAC kan fra 2015-2 bringe indskrivningen til ophør for studerende, der ikke har bestået mindst en prøve i en sammenhængende periode på mindst et år. SIMAC kan dispensere fra dette, hvis der foreligger usædvanlige forhold. En normalside: En normalside på SIMAC er på 2400 karakterer (inkl. mellemrum, figurer, billeder og noter). Indeholdt i omfanget er al egentlig tekst, dvs. indledning, problemformulering, hovedafsnit, konklusion samt noter. Derimod tæller forside, indholdsfortegnelse, litteraturliste og bilag ikke med i det angivne antal sider. EDU mail: Den studerende skal checke edu-mail og fagportaler dagligt. Mail kontakt mellem studieadministration / undervisere og den studerende skal foregå på edu-mail. E-mails sendt fra andre konti kan blive fanget af systemets spamfilter og vi kan således ikke garantere, at mail fra andre konti kommer frem. SIMAC sender officielle meddelelser til edu-mail og kun til jeres edumail. Studerende kan viderestille edu-mail til en anden konto, der tjekkes dagligt, hvis det ønskes. Studerende kan forvente en reaktion på deres henvendelser per mail i løbet af den efterfølgende arbejdsdag. Kan der ikke gives svar umiddelbart, vil de få en tilbagemelding per mail eller på anden vis om, hvornår de kan forvente svar på deres henvendelse. Der bedes om forståelse for, at det i særlige situationer som f.eks. prøveperioder eller ved sygdom kan ske, at der må påregnes lidt længere svartider. Forudsætninger for start på visse fagemner: Betingelser for start på et bestemt fagemne: Du skal være opmærksom på, at alle nødvendige fagemner, du har haft skal være beståede eller godkendte, før du kan komme i praktik. Hvis du ikke består et fag, så kontakt studievejlederen, så I sammen kan lave en hensigtsmæssig plan for dit studie. Enkelte fagemner bygger videre på hinanden og kræver, at et foregående fagemne er bestået før du kan starte på et videreførende disse er nævnt her nedenfor og betingelserne for start fremgår af de enkelte studieplaner. Kontakt studievejlederen, hvis du er i tvivl om noget. 21290 Workshop Project 22210 Introductory Work Experience 22220 Professional Work Experience 23210 Interdisciplinary Elements I 23220 Interdisciplinary Elements II 25400 Thermal Machinery and Systems I (III VI) 25720 Electrical and Electronic Machinery II 25750 El-Authorization 25920 Process Analysis and Automation II 25930 Process Analysis and Automation III 29110 Bachelor Project Kvalitetsstyringssystemet: Kvalitetssystemet indeholder blandt andet beskrivelser af processer vedrørende planlægning og evaluering, processer i forbindelse med prøver og eksamen, klagevejledninger og frister for offentliggørelse af karakterer m.v. samt regler om disciplinære foranstaltninger. Vær opmærksom på, at der i kvalitetssystemet er beskrevet procedurer og processer, der kan være relevante for Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 22 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen dig. Du er velkommen til at kontakte kvalitetskoordinatoren, hvis du har spørgsmål vedr. bestemte processer eller har brug for vejledning. Merit: Tidligere kunne den studerende opnå merit efter ansøgning, hvor man selv valgte, hvad man ønskede at søge merit for. Med gældende regler i eksamensbekendtgørelsen skal der gives merit til alle elementer, hvor det er muligt. Det er ikke længere et valg. Den studerende skal nu oplyse om beskæftigelse og om beståede uddannelseselementer fra alle tidligere uddannelsesforløb på samme niveau. Afgørelsen om merit træffes på grundlag af en faglig vurdering. Ved forhåndsgodkendelse af studieophold i Danmark eller udlandet har den studerende pligt til efter endt studieophold at dokumentere det godkendte opholds gennemførte og beståede uddannelseselementer. Endvidere skal der gives samtykke til at institutionen kan indhente de nødvendige oplysninger. SIMAC skal på hjemmesiden offentliggøre en statistik over afgørelser om merit, herunder forhåndsmerit. For at få merit skal ansøgeren dokumentere, at vedkommende har opnået karakteren 02 eller derover eller karakteren»bestået«på samme eller højere niveau end den uddannelse eller dele af den uddannelse, der søges merit til. Kvalifikationer, som er opnået ved andet end anerkendt uddannelse for eksempel ved erhvervserfaring, kan kun opnå meritgodkendelse gennem realkompetencevurdering, herunder evt. aflæggelse af prøve eller eksamen. Meritgodkendelse af danske eller udenlandske uddannelser eller dele heraf afgøres af SIMAC. Merit medfører, at studerende bliver fritaget for undervisningen samt bedømmelse, herunder prøver og eksaminer i de uddannelsesmål, der gives merit til. Uddannelsesinstitutionen kan bestemme, at en studerende skal deltage i undervisningen, selv om den pågældende opfylder visse af målene i undervisningsplanen. Dette kan kun ske, hvis det af institutionens undervisningsplanlægning fremgår, at målene indgår som en del af et tværfagligt fag, emne eller modul i uddannelsen, som har til formål at give den studerende en tværgående forståelse af uddannelsens teoretiske og praktiske dele. Den studerende fritages for bedømmelse, med mindre der er tale om en integreret prøve, hvor det ikke er muligt at adskille mål fra hinanden. Der kan ikke udstedes bevis for en maritim uddannelse på baggrund af uddannelse, der udelukkende er opnået fra undervisning eller eksamen i henhold til bestemmelserne om en anden uddannelse. Ansøgning om merit skal sendes til SIMAC s Studieadministration, på snarest muligt og senest fire uger før forløbet/kurset starter af hensyn til sagsbehandling. Er det ikke muligt at overholde fristen ved første semester, kan SIMAC dispensere fra dette. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 23 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Dispensation: Hvis du får behov for en dispensation, kan du sende din dispensationsansøgning til De formidler den videre til kvalitetskoordinatoren, der står for den forberedende sagsbehandling. Kvalitetskoordinatoren vil kontakte dig, hvis der er behov for supplerende oplysninger og kan også hjælpe dig med, hvorledes du søger, hvad du skal skrive etc. Der er ingen formkrav, det er tilstrækkeligt med en e-mail. Indholdet afhænger naturligvis af, hvad du har behov for. Ordblinde studerende kan søge om forlænget tid til eksamen/prøver eller særlige hjælpemidler. Ansøgningen afleveres senest 2 uger efter semesterstart. Du skal skrive, hvad du ønsker, hvilken eksamen/prøve, det vedrører og første gang skal du vise dokumentation for at du er ordblind. Du kan læse mere om dette i kvalitetsstyringssystemet eller kontakte kvalitetskoordinatoren. Hvis du ikke har dansk som modersmål, kan du søge om forlænget prøve- eller forberedelsestid eller særlige ordbøger. Du skal skrive, hvad du ønsker og hvilke eksamener/prøver det handler om. Første gang skal du også vise dokumentation for, at du ikke har dansk som modersmål. Normalt kan du kun få en sådan dispensation i op til to år efter du er startet på SIMAC. Ansøgningen afleveres senest 2 uger efter semesterstart. Du kan læse mere om dette i kvalitetssystemet eller kontakte kvalitetskoordinatoren. Hvis du ikke har bestået et fag/emne efter tre forsøg, kan du søge om yderligere prøveforsøg Her skal du anføre de grunde, der er til at det næste forsøg har bedre udsigter f.eks. at et sygdomsforløb er overstået, du er i behandling for eksamensangst, du har arrangeret en tutor eller anden hjælper, eller hvad der er tilfældet i din specifikke situation. Du kan hente råd og vejledning hos kvalitetskoordinator eller studievejleder angående hvad du kan gøre og hvad der skal med i ansøgningen. Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen fastslår, at hvis en studerende ikke er bestået efter 3 forsøg, kan vedkommende udelukkes fra den pågældende uddannelse og normalt ikke starte på en tilsvarende maritim uddannelse før 2 år efter udelukkelsesdatoen. Derfor kan en dispensation være væsentlig. Der kan være andre situationer, f.eks. at du ønsker at påbegynde dit bachelorprojekt, men du har fag, der ikke er bestået endnu eller noget helt andet hvis du mener, at du har behov for en dispensation, så tag kontakt til kvalitetskoordinatoren. En rettidigt indhentet lægeerklæring er den bedste dokumentation, såfremt du er blevet forhindret i at overholde en vigtig deadline pga. sygdom. Hvis du tager til lægen, MENS du er syg, får du et dokument der beviser, at du var syg i det pågældende tidsrum. Denne erklæring kan du så scanne og medsende som kopi, når du sender din dispensationsansøgning. Dermed er der et godt argument, der taler for at du får dispensation. En lægefaglig vurdering af, at du ikke var i stand til at møde op etc. vil SIMAC kunne lægge til grund for den individuelle vurdering af din dispensationsansøgning. Hvis du først går til lægen, når du ER blevet rask, kan lægen jo i princippet blot skrive, at patienten har overfor mig oplyst at vedkommende var syg i sidste uge eller lignende, og det kan sagsbehandlere og ledelse naturligvis ikke tillægge samme vægt som en lægefaglig vurdering. Det er derfor i din egen interesse at gå til lægen og fremskaffe dokumentationen, mens din sygdom stadig er tydelig for lægen, også selvom det kan være svært at komme ud af sengen eller overskue situationen, mens du er dårlig. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 24 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Orlov: Studerende kan søge orlov, når den pågældende har bestået prøver m.v. efter 1. studieår eller har gennemført første semester af en selvstændig overbygningsuddannelse SIMAC kan dispensere fra dette, hvis der foreligger usædvanlige forhold. Studerende kan i orlovsperioden ikke deltage i undervisningen og prøver/eksaminer inden for den uddannelse, hvorfra den studerende har orlov. Orlov skal meddeles studerende, hvis den er begrundet i barsel, adoption eller indkaldelse til værnepligtstjeneste, se nærmere i den gældende adgangsbekendtgørelse. Studerende, der tegner kontrakt vedr. udsendelse eller stiller sig til rådighed med henblik på udsendelse til udlandet følger reglerne i lov om forsvarets personel Har du behov for sygeorlov, så kontakt studievejlederen angående forløb og relevant dokumentation. Disciplinære foranstaltninger: Skriftlig advarsel og bortvisning. Der kan gives en skriftlig advarsel, dersom en studerende overtræder sikkerhedsregler (f.eks. jf. værkstedsskolens informationer) eller IT-brugerpolitikken. Ligeledes ved manglende reaktion på henvendelse fra SIMAC s side via brev og mails samt ved grov og truende adfærd i tale, på skrift og/eller i handling. Endelig kan der gives skriftlig advarsel, såfremt den studerende plagierer i afleveringsopgaver, eksamener, prøver m.v. eller snyder ved en eksamen eller prøve m.v., se nærmere i bestemmelser for studerende ved mundtlige og skriftlige prøver og eksamener. Hvis den studerende har forset sig mht. krav om studieaktivitet, herunder kravet om reaktion ved henvendelse, vil studievejlederen indkalde den studerende til en samtale. Såfremt den studerende ikke reagerer, vil studie vejleder sende et anbefalet brev til den studerende med frist til at kontakte studievejlederen. Såfremt den studerende fortsat forser sig efter mødet, sender studievejlederen en udmeldelse som anbefalet brev med oplysning om den tidsmæssige udstrækning. Er der tale om øvrige forseelser, se ovenfor, foretager kvalitetskoordinatoren en uvildig undersøgelse af, hvorvidt der reelt er sket en forseelse, med partshøring, og studierektor træffer afgørelse i sagen. Hvis påkrævet efter omstændighederne tildeler studierektor den studerende en skriftlig advarsel. Sker der fortsat overtrædelse kan studierektoren træffe afgørelse om bortvisning eller udelukkelse og orienterer den studerende ved anbefalet brev med oplysning om den tidsmæssige udstrækning. En bortvist eller udelukket studerende kan normalt tidligst søge om genoptagelse efter to år. En eventuel klage over SIMAC s afgørelser skal sendes til studieadministrationen senest to uger efter afgørelsen blev tilkendegivet. Kvalitetskoordinatoren kan rådgive om klageprocessen. Du kan læse nærmere i kvalitetssystemet. Version 3.50 af 17. august 2015 side 25 af 26

Studieordning for maskinmesteruddannelsen Studieplanoversigt: BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 21000 Workshop Training and Safety (BM) X X 22000 Work Experience (BM) X X X 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements (BM) X X 25001 25002 25003 Thermal Machinery and Systems (BM) Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems (BM) Process Analysis and Automation (BM) X X X X X X X X X X X x 26000 Management (BM) X X X X 28000 Elective Subjects (BM) Maritime Elective Subjects (BM) Specialized Elective Subjects (under construction) X X (X) 29000 Bachelor Project (BM) X side 26 af 26

Subject area: 21000 Workshop Training & Safety (BM) Subject(s): 21200 Workshop Training (31 ECTS) 21220 Vice Work and Technical Documentation BM1 4 ECTS 21250 Welding and Material Understanding BM1 4 ECTS 21260 Lathing and Milling BM1 4 ECTS 21270 Practical Work BM1 4 ECTS 21290 Workshop Project BM2 15 ECTS 25400 Thermal Machinery and Systems I (4 ECTS) 25410 Thermal machinery and systems I-I BM1 2 ECTS 25420 Thermal machinery and systems I-II 25425 Basic Training for Oil, Chemical & Gas Tanker BM1 2 ECTS 25700 Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems I (4 ECTS) 25710 Electrical and electronic machinery I BM1 4 ECTS 21100 Safety Training (6 ECTS) 21110 Safety at Sea BM1 1 ECTS 21120 Safety at Work 21130 Safety at Work - Paragraph 26 BM1 1 ECTS 21140 First Aid BM1 1 ECTS 21150 Fire Fighting on Ships BM1 21160 Basic Fire Fighting Course 2 ECTS 21170 Advanced Fire Fighting Course BM(SØ) 21180 Maritime Law 21190 Designated Security Duties BM1 1 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: Workshop Project BM1 + BM2 ECTS credits: 30 + 15 Course Regulations: Passed all other subjects in subject area Workshop Training & Safety (BM). Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Page 1 of 13

Orders: Order on the Marine Engineer training programme - Order no. 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. STCW: Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. Order on Ship Security Officers training programme Orders no. 1279 of 7 November 2013 as amended. Bekendtgørelse om foranstaltninger til forebyggelse af kræftrisikoen ved arbejde med stoffer og materialer Order no. 908 of 27. September 2005. STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter II - Engine department Section A-III/1 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI - Emergency, safety, security Section A-VI/1, paragraph 2 Personal survival techniques as set in table A-VI/1-1 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI - Emergency, safety, security Section A-VI/1, paragraph 2 Fire prevention and fire fighting as set in table A-VI/1-2 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI - Emergency, safety, security Section A-VI/1, paragraph 2 Elementary first aid as set in table A-VI/1-3 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI - Emergency, safety, security Section A-VI/1, paragraph 2 Personal safety and social responsibilities as set in table A-VI/1-4 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI - Emergency, safety, security Section A-VI/2, paragraph 1 to 6 Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats as set in table A-VI/2-1. STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI - Emergency, safety, security Section A-VI/2-2, paragraph 7 to 12 Proficiency in fast rescue boats as set in table A-VI/2-2. STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI - Emergency, safety, security Section A-VI/3, paragraph 1 to 6 Advanced fire fighting as set in table A-VI/3 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter VI -Emergency, Safety, Security Section A-VI/6, paragraph 8 Designated Security Duties as set in tablet A-VI/6-2 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter V - Special training requirements Section A-V/1-1-1 Basic training for oil and chemical tanker as set in table A-V/1-1-1. Page 2 of 13

STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter V - Special training requirements Section A-V/1-2-1 Basic training for gas tanker as set in table A-V/1-2-1 Certificate(s): Certificate of Basic Safety Training may be issued when completed the training programme prescribed in Regulation VI/1 and Regulation VI/2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Convention. Certificate of Proficiency for Designated Security Duties may be issued when completed the specialized training programme prescribed in Regulation VI/6, paragraph 4 to 6 of the STCW Convention. Certificate of Basic Training for Oil, Chemical and Gas Tanker Cargo Operations may be issued when completed the training programme prescribed in Regulation V/1-1, paragraph 2.2 and Regulation V/1-2, paragraph 2.2 of the STCW Convention. ( Carry out fire fighting operations as set in table A-V/1-1-1 and 1-2-1 of STCW Convention). 26 Arbejdsmiljøuddannelse ved svejsning og termisk skæring may be issued when completed the training programme prescribed in Bekendtgørelse om foranstaltninger til forebyggelse af kræftrisikoen ved arbejde med stoffer og materialer Order no. 908 of 27. September 2005. Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 3 of 13

Purpose BM1: The student must undergo a professional training and education to obtain the craftsman s skills that are necessary for an engineer, so the student can independently apply these skills both in planning and in execution of their craft including electro-technical maintenance and repair. The performed tasks shall take into account environmental and safety regulations. The student shall develop his/her understanding and insight in the relevant workmanship for an engineer, as well as the ability to assess the quality of the work performed. The student must gain an understanding of general occupational safety and environmental issues, as well as the use of personal protective equipment. During this Subject, the students will be presented with various oral and written assignments, the purpose of which is to enhance their knowledge and understanding of technical and maritime English. BM2: By means of the project work, the student will acquire the knowledge and skills to implement an innovative process needed for such less complex projects. In the performance of the task, the student should demonstrate his craftsmanship in the manufacturing, and assembly together with troubleshooting skills. They also need to build up the ability for professional co-working and knowledge sharing. Workshop Training Vice Work & Technical documentation, Welding & Material Understanding, Lathing & Milling, Practical Work, Electrical and Electronic Machinery, Plants and Equipment, Thermic Machinery and Plants. After these sub-themes, the goal is that the student must have achieved the following: Vice Work & Technical Documentation - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: Tolerances and other quality measures used in manufacturing, repairing and maintenance Calculation of the rotating speed of a rotating tool. Safety when working with rotating tools. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Plan smaller tasks. Sharpen cutting tools. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Perform simple tasks in the manufacturing, repairing and maintenance of facilities, systems, and components using the techniques learned for vice work. Be familiar with general regulations for drawings and general drawing entries (goal, tolerances, edges, texture, etc.) in order to understand mechanical engineering drawings and be able to produce simple production- and installation drawings. Page 4 of 13

Welding & Material Understanding - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: Welding plants and operations of equipment in order to use it safely and correctly. MAG welding (CO2 welding). The problems of welding aluminum. Conventional material types and their characteristics, have material composition, heat treatment and design affect the materials resistance to external influences. The main destructive material test methods. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Use and maintain welding systems and equipment, including conducting workplace layout when performing welding and/or cutting. Select the most appropriate joining method taking into account the type of material and dimension used. assessing the quality of the craftsmanship of the work performed. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Perform simple welding tasks using MMA. Perform cutting using oxygen and gas. Perform welding tasks using electrode, TIG and oxygen/gas-welding for joining of iron/steel with low carbon content and TIG welding of stainless steel. Perform brazing in the form of silver brazing metal using gas burner. Lathing and Milling - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: Construction and operation of the lathe and the milling machines. The safe use of the lathe and the milling machine. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Operate a lathe in a safe manner. Use tools for work with lathe. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Manufacture and repair items on the lathe. Practical Work - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: Proper use of normally occurring components in the form of screws, bolts, nuts, washers, pins, pins, retaining rings, bearings and seals etc. and the associated principles and methods used in the assembly/disassembly and assembly/disassembly of mechanical components, including understanding the securing methods against components accidental loosening of components. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Use drawing in the manufacturing of new product. Perform Gas, Water and Sanitation Work. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Make an overall assessment of the safety of the performance of a task, and - before each job function performed - be aware of possible anomalies and thereby avoid accidents. Page 5 of 13

Apply normal hand tools and measuring equipment and machinery in the form of drilling, thread cutting tools, cold saws/crosscut, and lathe and milling machines to common manufacturing, maintenance and repair tasks. Perform an engineering task after design drawing. Workshop Project - BM2: The student must attain knowledge of: The innovation process, including idea-generation, and based on the integration of the different skills taught in semester 1, together with possible new ways of solving problems. Construction techniques, manufacture and troubleshooting, going further than the knowledge you acquired during semester 1. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Realize the idea of the project and present the plan with special consideration for valid and useful perspectives. Carry out more complex craftsmanship and skills, than learnt during semester 1. Carry out the work independently, including the appropriate choice of method, specially adapted to the specific and changing problems presented by the project. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Carry out simple project management, under guidance (from the instructors), of your own clearly defined uncomplicated project, with the starting point of well worked out and concrete ideas. Be able to plan, organize, and understand the realization of a simple concrete project based on appropriate construction techniques and safety aspects. Thermal Machinery and Systems I: Thermal machinery and Systems I-I (BM1): For further information see Thermal Machinery and Systems Syllabus (BM). Thermal machinery and Systems I-II (BM1): For further information see Thermal Machinery and Systems Syllabus (BM). Basic Training for Oil, Chemical & Gas Tanker (BM1): For further information see Thermal Machinery and Systems Syllabus (BM). Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems: Electrical and electronic machinery I (BM1): For further information see Technology Syllabus (BJ). Safety Training Safety at Sea - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: The precautions to be taken in the case of "man overboard" and "fire" or "lifeboat" alarm. The practical use of the rescue means available on board Page 6 of 13

Ordinary precautions to prevent emergencies. The student must attain the skills necessary to: In an emergency, to assist the person in charge of a lifeboat/life raft during and after release. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Distinguish between the alarm signals used in commercial vessels, and explain the structure and use of a merchant ship safety plan and be able to demonstrate proper behavior according to the ships muster list. Use and understand the rescue means available on board properly. Fulfill the requirements for issuing the STCW Basic Safety Training certificate. Safety at Work - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: Safety management systems namely the concepts of safety board, designated person ashore, and nearmiss. The content of the 26 course. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Job related safety assesments and application of personal protective equipment. Understand and use rest periods at sea. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Show a good and responsible attitude in relation to own and others safety. Choose the correct personal protective equipment based on the contents of the workplace instructions. First Aid - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: Diseases. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Provide first aid. Provide heart-lung rescue. Provide basic first aid for injuries and minor damage. Fire Fighting on ships - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: Fire and firefighting theory. The various fire extinguishing agents and fire extinguishers. Fire and its prevention on board a vessel. The use of water as an extinguishing agent and its effect on the ship's stability. Respiratory protection and smoke diving Safety and precautions taken when dangerous goods, electrical systems or fuel systems are involved. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Maintain and inspect various types of extinguishers. Maintain and inspect breathing apparatus. Act reasonably and safely during drills and in case of fire. Know how and when to raise the alarm. Page 7 of 13

The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Participate in fire drills and fire preparedness. Fullfill the requiment for issuing the STCW Basic Safety Training certificate Basic Fire Fighting Course - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of:. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Extinguish small fires, including fires in electrical equipment, oil and propane. Extinguish large fires with water using water spray. Extinguish fires with foam, dry powder or other suitable chemical extinguishing agent. Extinguish fire in smoke-filled enclosed spaces wearing breathing apparatus. Extinguish fires with water spray or other suitable extinguishing agent in smoke-filled accommodation or machinery spaces. Extinguish oil fires using water spray, dry powder or foam applicator unit. Carry out rescue in smoke-filled spaces wearing breathing apparatus. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Fullfill the requiment for issuing the STCW Basic Safety Training certificate Advanced Fire Fighting Course - BM(SØ): The student must attain knowledge of: Firefighting procedures at sea and in port with emphasis on organization, tactics and command Communication and coordination during firefighting operations Ventilation control and smoke extraction Firefighting process hazards Management and control of injured persons Procedure for coordination with shore-based fire fighters Contingency plans* Composition and allocation of personnel to fire parties Strategies and tactics for control of fire in various parts of the ship. Fixed, portable and mobile fire-extinguishing systems and equipment, including pumps, rescue, salvage, life-support, personal protective and communication equipment.* Requirements for statutory and classification surveys.* Assessment of cause of incidents involving fire. *Partly covered by pre-course theory in Firefighting on board ships see Elective Subjects (BM) syllabus 280000. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Command and coordinate firefighting operations at sea and in port. Communicate clear and precisely during firefighting operations Organize and train fire parties Manage and control injured persons. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Fulfill the requirement for issuing the STCW Advanced Fire Fighting certificate Page 8 of 13

Maritime Law - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of his rights and obligations according to The Seamen s Act. Designated Security Duties (DSD) - BM1: Those who successfully complete the course should be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge, skills and competences to undertake the duties assigned under the SSP. This knowledge shall include, but is not limited to: Knowledge of current security threats and patterns; Recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security; Techniques used to circumvent security measures; Security related communications; Knowledge of emergency procedures and contingency plans; The student must attain the skills necessary to: Recognize and detect weapons, dangerous substances and devices. Manage crowds and crowd control techniques. Test, calibrate and at-sea maintenance of security equipment and systems. Inspect, control, and monitoring techniques. Operate security equipment and systems. The student must attain the competences required to: Physically search persons, personal effects, baggage, cargo, and ship stores. Core literature Smedebogen Grundbog i håndværk og teknik Grundrids af teknisk tegning. Brandbekæmpelse i skibe af Christen Knak. Søfartens ABC - Iver C. Weilbach Note: All books must be the latest edition. Page 9 of 13

Examination Vice Work and Technical Documentation - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assesment. Passed or Not Passed Welding and Material Understanding I-(I+II) - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assesment. Passed or Not Passed Lathing and Milling - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assesment. Passed or Not Passed Practical Work - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assesment. Passed or Not Passed Page 10 of 13

Workshop Project - BM2: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Safety at Sea - BM1. Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Safety at Work - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Safety at Work Paragraph 26 - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Page 11 of 13

First Aid - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Fire fighting on Ships - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Basic Fire Fighting Course - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Advanced Fire Fighting Course - BM(SØ): Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Page 12 of 13

Maritime Law - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Designated Security Duties - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Internal written test Passed or Not Passed 30 minutes All Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Page 13 of 13

Subject area: 22000 Work Experience (BM) Subject(s): 22200 Work Experience (60 ECTS) 22210 Introductory Work Experience BM2 15 ECTS BM3 30 ECTS 22220 Professional Work Experience BM9 15 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: ECTS credits: 60 Course Regulations: Orders: Introductory Work Experience Professional Work Experience BM2 + BM3 + BM9 The BM student must have passed all subjects in the first semester BM1 and the workshop project in BM2 in accordance to the course regulations for Marine Engineer as well as signed a work experience agreement. The BM student must have passed all subjects in accordance to the course regulations for Marine Engineer, except the bachelor project as well as signed a work experience agreement. Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Order on Marine Engineer training programme - 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW: STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/4 Marine engineering at the support level as set in table A-III/4 Certificate(s): Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 6

Prerequisites for service at sea or a shore-based company and change of study program Duration of work experience in at shore-based company: The duration of the introductory work experience in a shore-based company, equaling 45 ECTS credits is considered fulfilled when the effective work experience time amounts to 30 weeks The duration of the professional work experience in a shore-based company, equaling 15 ECTS credits, is considered fulfilled when the effective work experience time amounts to 10 weeks. The professional work experience in a shore-based company cannot be replaced by another work experience time or merit from another education. Service at sea: The duration of the introductory work experience at sea equaling 45 ECTS credits is considered fulfilled when the effective service at sea amounts to a minimum of 6 months. The duration of the professional work experience at sea equaling 15 ECTS credits is considered fulfilled when the effective service at sea amounts to a minimum of 2 months. The professional work experience at sea cannot be replaced by another service at sea or merit from another education. Earned service at sea in ferries must be documented by showing a service at sea certificate. If this is not possible, the service at sea will count for 50%. Change of study program from BJ to BM: By change of program from BJ to BM education, the student can transfer earned service at sea from the introductory work experience at sea in the relation 1:1, though a maximum of 3 months of service at sea can be transferred. From the professional work experience at sea the student can get 50% of the earned service at sea transferred to the introductory work experience at sea in the BM education. If a change of study causes an inconvenient study program, the student can apply for dispensation and get a part of the introductory work experience at sea postponed. However, the service at sea must at minimum be 4 months and 15 days in the introductory work experience at sea. The approved education book from the introductory work experience at sea in the BJ education is replaced with the green education book for Marine Engineers Change of study program from BS to BM: By change of program from BS to BM education, the student can transfer earned service at sea from the introductory work experience at sea in the relation 1:1, though a maximum of 3 months of service at sea can be transferred to the introductory work experience at sea in the BM education If a change of study causes an inconvenient study program, the student can apply for dispensation and get a part of the introductory work experience at sea postponed. However, the service at sea must at minimum be 4 months and 15 days in the introductory work experience at sea. The approved education book from the introductory work experience at sea in the BS education is replaced with the green education book for Marine Engineers Page 2 of 6

Purpose Work experience in a shore-based company: The introductory work experience on land is meant to give the student experience with the practical application of the artisan skills in a business environment. Furthermore, the goal is to be able to participate in a company organization with focus on communication, safety and collaboration. The professional work experience in a shore-based company shall teach the student to work in a development-oriented and problem solving way with the profession as Maritime Engineer. The student will draw links between experiences and theoretical knowledge here by being able to identify and analyze subjects, fields and problems that are central in relation to the profession as Maritime Engineer. The work experience shall lead to the exchange of knowledge, skills and values between education and profession/industry and establishment of a network. Work experience at sea: The introductory work experience at sea will give the student experience with the application of practical skills used on a ship. Furthermore, the goal is to be able to participate in ship organization with a focus on communication, safety and collaboration. The student must at minimum have completed 6 months of engine room service supervised by a Maritime Engineer or a qualified officer in accordance with STCW convention regulation III/1. Engine room service should be organized such that the student gets the opportunity to stand watch by canal passages, sailing in trafficked waters and under maneuver. Emphasis must be put on understanding the necessity of following good discipline on the bridge and in the engine room, see STCW convention chapter VIII. The professional work experience at sea shall teach the student to work in a development-oriented and problem solving way as a professional Maritime Engineer. The student will draw links between experiences and theoretical knowledge here by being able to identify and analyze subjects, fields and problems that are central in relation to the profession as Maritime Engineer. The internship shall lead to the exchange of knowledge, skills and values between education and profession/industry and the establishment of a network. Learning objectives Work Experience Introductory work experience in a shore-based company - BM2 & BM3: The student must attain knowledge of: Company organization with focus on communication, safety and cooperation The student must attain skills necessary to: apply the skills learned at the training school in a business environment conduct work safety and environmental considerations correctly The student must acquire the necessary competency to: communicate and collaborate in a business environment utilize the most appropriate work method considering quality, time, material, safety and environment Page 3 of 6

Professional work experience in a shore-based company - BM9: The student must attain knowledge of: the Maritime Engineers ordinary administrative routines the theory underlying the areas that the maritime engineer at the internship company deals with practical selection and application of tools and measuring equipment the typical ways of communication in a company The student must attain skills necessary to: handle practical situations occurring in the daily work apply the theory learned through the lessons deal with a selection of problems with a possible interdisciplinary background The student must acquire the necessary competency to: plan and complete smaller tasks belonging to the internship company s field of action participate in the ordinary administrative routines occurring at the internship company work in an interdisciplinary way with subjects belonging to the maritime engineering education work in a development-oriented manner Introductory work experience at sea - BM2 & BM3: The student must attain knowledge of: the maritime organization with focus on communication, safety and cooperation The student must attain skills necessary to: apply the skills learned at the training school in a ship s organization conduct work safety and environmental considerations correctly The student must acquire the necessary competency to: communicate and collaborate on a ship utilize the most appropriate work method considering quality, time, material, safety and environment Professional work experience at sea - BM9: The student must attain knowledge of: the maritime engineer s ordinary administrative routines the theory underlying the areas that the maritime engineer deals with the practical selection and application of tools and measuring equipment the typical ways of communication in a ship organization The student must attain skills necessary to: handle practical situations occurring in the daily work apply the theory learned through the lessons deal with a selection of problems with a possible interdisciplinary background Page 4 of 6

The student must acquire the necessary competency to: plan and complete smaller task belonging to the ship s field of action participate in the ordinary administrative routines occurring on the ship work in an interdisciplinary way with subjects belonging to the maritime engineering education work in a development-oriented manner Core literature The latest issue of the Training record book for seagoing service Marine Engineer. Examination Introductory work experience in a shore-based company - BM2 & BM3: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed/Not Passed The work experience supervisor supervises and ensures that the formal requirements in the logbook are followed. If there is uncertainty or disagreements, the subject is investigated by the head of study in collaboration with the student s internship company. Ultimately the decision which initiative needs to be further applied to receive the grading given is decided by the head of study. Professional work experience in a shore-based company - BM9: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed/Not Passed The work experience is evaluated in collaboration with SIMAC s internship supervisor and one of the contact persons/supervisors from the internship company. If there is uncertainty or disagreements the subject is investigated by the head of study in collaboration with internship company supervisor/contact person. Ultimately the decision which initiatives need to be further applied to receive the grading given is decided by the head of study Page 5 of 6

Introductory work experience at sea - BM2 & BM3: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed/Not Passed The study administration supervises and ensures that the formal requirements in the education book are followed. If there isuncertainty or disagreements, the subject is investigated by the head of study in collaboration with the student s shipping company. Ultimately the decision which initiative needs to be further applied to receive the grading given is decided by the head of study. The student must also show documentation for the achieved service at sea, which must be approved by the study administration. Professional work experience at sea - BM9: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed/Not Passed The study administration supervises and ensures that the formal requirements in the education book are followed. If there is uncertainty or disagreements, the subject is investigated by the head of study in collaboration with the student s shipping company. Ultimately the decision which initiative needs to be further applied to receive the grading given is decided by the head of study. The student must show documentation for the achieved service at sea after sailing, which must be approved by the study administration. Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Page 6 of 6

Subject area: 23000 Interdisciplinary Elements & Methodology(BM) Subject(s): 23200 Interdisciplinary Elements (10 ECTS) 23210 Interdisciplinary Elements I (Interdisciplinarity) Interdisciplinary Elements I (Methodology) BM4 5 ECTS 23220 Interdisciplinary Elements II (Methodology) BM8 5 ECTS Admission criteria: BM4 BM8 Passed Introductory Work Experience Passed Interdisciplinary Elements I - (Methodology) Semester: ECTS credits: Course Regulations: Orders: STCW: Certificate(s): Responsible: BM4+BM8 10 ECTS Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Order on the Marine Engineer training programme - Order no. 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 3

Purpose The purpose of this subject is to enhance the students competence in problem-oriented project studies and to train their skills in acquiring and combining knowledge from different subject matters while working on a project of their own choice as well as through problem based learning. Learning objectives Interdisciplinary Elements Interdisciplinary Elements I - BM4: The student must attain knowledge of: Scientific methods Basic information retrieval The student must attain the skills necessary to: Problem identification Plan and conduct research in accordance with academic standards Prepare a correct list of references The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Work problemoriented Aquire and apply knowledge in research Disseminate professional issues Interdisciplinary Elements II - BM8: The student must attain knowledge of: Project management Academic argumentation The complexity of professional and technical issues The student must attain the skills necessary to: Problem formulation Take a critical stand on data and sources in use Assess complex issues and suggest solutions taking all facts and circumstances into consideration The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Conduct research in accordance with scientific methods and standards Writing a paper in accordance with academic standards Discuss methods and findings with professionals Core literature Methodology: Den gode opgave opgaveskrivning på videregående uddannelser, Lotte Rienecker og Peter Stray Jørgensen, 2004, Samfundslitteratur. Page 2 of 3

Examination Interdisciplinary Elements I - (Interdisciplinarity) - BM4: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: The student is assessed as part of examination of Thermal Machinery and Systems I (III VI) (254000) in BM4 Interdisciplinary Elements II is not marked independently Interdisciplinary Elements I - (Methodology) - BM4: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed /not passed Interdisciplinary Elements II - (Methodology) - BM8: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed /not passed Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Master s degree or equivalent Page 3 of 3

Subject area: 25001 Thermal machinery and systems (BM) Subject(s): 25400 Thermal machinery and systems I-(I-VI) (15 ECTS) (TMA) 25410 Thermal machinery and systems I-I (Combustion Engines - Basic) BM1 SP21000 25420 Thermal machinery and systems I-II (Hydraulic & Pneumatic - Basic) BM1 SP21000 25425 Basic Training for Oil, Chemical and Gas Tanker 25430 Thermal machinery and systems I-III ( Combustion engines and aux systems ) 25440 Thermal machinery and systems I-IV ( Hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components ) 25450 Thermal machinery and systems I-V ( Stationary steam boilers and incinerators for fossil fuels and bio waste ) 25460 Thermal machinery and systems I-VI ( Pumps, compressors and associated piping and refrigeration and cooling technology ) BM4 BM4 BM4 BM4 4 ECTS 4 ECTS 3 ECTS 4 ECTS 25500 Thermal machinery and systems II-(I-IV) (15 ECTS) (TMA) 25510 Thermal machinery and systems II-I ( Strength of Materials and basic thermodynamics; heat transfer, fluid physics, gas physics, etc. ) 25520 Thermal machinery and systems II-II ( System to transport liquids and gases ) 25530 Thermal machinery and systems II-III ( Building s air conditioning and refrigeration ) 25540 Thermal machinery and systems II-IV ( Environmental Facility / wastewater treatment plants and chemical process plants ) BM5 BM5 BM5 BM5 5 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 4 ECTS 25600 Thermal machinery and systems III-I (10 ECTS) (TMA) 25610 Thermal machinery and systems III-I ( System/plants of energy supply ) BM6 10 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: ECTS credits: TMA I-(I-VI) BM1: BM4: TMA II-(I-IV) BM5: TMA I-(III-I) BM6: BM1+BM4+BM5+BM6 40 ECTS Passed Introductory Work experience Course Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Page 1 of 13

Regulations: Orders: STCW: Order on the Marine Engineer training programme - Order no. 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/1. STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/2. Certificate(s): Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 2 of 13

Purpose Thermal machines and systems are specialized themes in the work as a marine engineer. The subjects in the field of thermal plants and machinery should enable the student to perform the operation and maintenance of engines, steam boilers, combustion and cooling equipment and associated systems, in order to make these systems work reliably, economically, and optimally without danger and without causing damage to the environment. This involves the structural composition, properties and strength, as well as the state of the machinery based on material samples. The student must, through teaching, also achieve knowledge and skills concerning: water treatment, fuels, refining processes and combustion gas control. Finally, the student acquires knowledge and skills concerning the effects of the residues and contamination products from households, transport, construction, ship plants and industrial process plants on the environment. Learning objectives Thermal Machinery and Systems I Thermal Machinery and Systems I-I (BM1) Combustion Engines Basic: The student must attain knowledge of: Construction and operation of various types of diesel engines and their main components. The various auxiliary systems found on a merchant vessel, including boilers, air compressors, pumps, and air conditioning units. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Understand general technical documentation, in the form of PI-diagrams that can be found on a ship. Understand how proper tightening is performed to the correct specified torque. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Perform troubleshooting, disassembly and assembly of commonly occurring mechanical components. Use appropriate hand tools for repairs and maintenance on diesel engines. Conduct surveys and assess the condition of engine components according to technical documentation. Page 3 of 13

Thermal Machinery and Systems I-II (BM1): Hydraulic & Pneumatic Basic: The student must attain knowledge of: Pressure and flow control in hydraulic systems. The importance of filtration and filter technology. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Install hydraulic pipes and fittings. Flush hydraulic systems. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Assist in minor repair and maintenance work in hydraulic and pneumatic power systems. Ship Technology Basic: The student must attain knowledge of: General ship layout and construction. The terms gravity, buoyancy, and water density. The influence of the distribution of weight on the ships stability. MARPOL legislation. When and how to raise the alarm onboard in case of oil spill or pollution Handle garbage onboard according to the garbage plan. How to act responsibly during SOPEP drills and in emergency situations Basic Training for Oil, Chemical and Gas Tanker: The student must attain knowledge of: Types of tankers, their equipment and operation Cargos and properties Safety culture and management Operational cargo hazards and how they are controlled Contents and purpose of a MSDS Safety equipment and PPE Gas-measuring equipment Safe operation of the vessel Safe working practices incl. legislation and guidelines Emergency action in case of injury, fire or spill The student must attain the skills necessary to: Identify and take precautions to prevent hazards Apply occupational health and safety precautions and measures Take precautions to avoid pollution from cargo The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Contribute to safe operation of tankers Page 4 of 13

General remarks - BM4. The overall scope of BM4 is to prepare the student to be able to operate different thermal systems. This is achieved through systematic use of simulators such as MC 90, GT and TPP. Throughout BM4, scientific methods are implemented in all subjects in written and verbal form in order to collect, assess and analyze relevant information. Where ever relevant, English literature and manuals are used as well as the language used in the simulators is English. To ensure a good safety culture, this must be a part of most subjects. BM4 consists of various subjects, and during the semester there must be at least one multidisciplinary case. Thermal Machinery and Systems I-III (BM4) (Combustion engines and aux systems) The student must attain knowledge of the: Construction and working principles of different types of engines. Historical and new technologies in conjunction with engine design and operation. Construction and function of the diesel engines main components. Operational understanding regarding heat extension and heat stress in diesel engines. Combustion process in the engine cylinder. Construction and working principles of aux systems and system media related to the diesel engine. Monitoring equipment and instrumentation for diesels engines. Performance optimization with regards to the environment and environmental legislation related to diesel engine operation. General technology information, in form of PI-diagrams that can be found on a ship. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Perform speed and consumption tests on diesel power-plants. Calculate the power and efficiency of a diesel engine. Achieve performance optimization with regards to reducing the impact on the environment. Operate a diesel plant, taking personal safety, operational safety and environmental safety into account The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Observe and analyze the operational process of a diesel engine power plant and to be able to use this analysis to optimize plant operation. Thermal Machinery and Systems I-IV (BM4) (Hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components) The student must attain knowledge of: Hydraulic and pneumatic main components, their operation and applications. Common hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including symbols and function diagrams. Operational excellence / performance optimization in terms of environmental impact. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Use the documentation for hydraulic and pneumatic systems, as well as perform troubleshooting using the documentation. Safely handle and treat hydraulic oil and compressed air. Optimize hydraulic and pneumatic systems, to reduce their environmental impact. Page 5 of 13

The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Select the correct hydraulic fluid to a hydraulic plant. Assess the purity requirements for hydraulic and pneumatic. Carry out operation and maintenance of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, as well as on the basis of measurement and monitoring to take relevant measures. Operate hydraulic and pneumatic power systems in an operationally correct way. Thermal Machinery and Systems I-V (BM4) Stationary steam boilers and incinerators for fossil fuels and bio fuel. The student must attain knowledge of: Building up steam, condensate and feed water systems for both heating and turbine plants. The specification data for fossil fuels and bio fuel. The principles of boiler combustion and combustion air systems. The construction and operation of various types of marine boilers and larger stationary boilers, including exhaust boilers and their auxiliary systems and safety systems. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Operate the boiler plant, obtained through simulation training, MC90 and TPP. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Supervise the operation mode of the steam plant and to remedy abnormal operation. To operate the steam plant and auxiliary systems by simulation. Thermal Machinery and Systems I-VI (BM4) Pumps, compressors and associated piping and refrigeration and cooling technology The student must attain knowledge of: The cooling cycle, including evaporation, compression and condensation. Refrigeration methods (natural and forced air circulation, dry evaporator and flooded evaporator). The principles of control and adjustment of the refrigeration system i.e. the regulating, control and safety systems. The operating principle of centrifugal pumps. The pumps and the associated characteristics of the system. The operating principles of piston and screw air compressors. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Work with refrigeration equipment in a safe manner. Operate a pump system using simulators or laboratory. Make operational prevention and remedying of cavitation The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Supervise the operational mode of cooling and to remedy abnormal operation using laboratory or simulators. Supervise the operational mode of pump and compressor systems and to remedy abnormal operation using simulators or laboratory. Page 6 of 13

Thermal Machinery and Systems II General remarks BM5. The overall scope of BM5 is to give the student an understanding of the physics behind thermal machinery and the transport of liquid and gases. Throughout BM5, scientific methods are implemented in all subjects in written and verbal form in order to collect, assess and analyze relevant information. Where ever relevant, English literature and manuals are used as well as the language used in the simulators is English. To ensure a good safety culture, this must be a part of most subjects. BM5 consists of various subjects, and during the semester there must be at least one multidisciplinary case. Thermal Machinery and Systems II-I (BM5) Strength of Materials and basic thermodynamics: heat transfer, fluid physics, gas physics etc. The student must attain knowledge of: The theoretical circuit process-cooling and steam systems with evaporation and condensation, including enthalpies for liquid, saturated steam and superheated steam. Combustion theory associated with the combustion of fossil fuels and bio waste. The thermodynamic laws in the distribution and conditioning of atmospheric air. Various static and dynamic load types and their impact on materials, including how external forces and degrees of torque affect the stress within the material. How the composition, heat treatment and design affect the material s resistance to external influences. The main material test methods, destructive. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Calculate the effects, consumption and efficiency in the field of chemical, thermal and mechanical energy conversion. Calculate the necessary heat and energy balances. Perform stress analysis based on static loads. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Evaluate the condition of thermal machinery and system components Thermal Machinery and Systems II-II (BM5) Systems for transport liquids and gases The student must attain knowledge of: Pump and flow theory for the transport of fluids. When there is a risk of cavitation and carry out necessary rectification. The principles for controlling the mass flow. The principles for the use of pumps connected in parallel and series. The characteristics pumps and plant. The construction of a compressed air pipe system. Operational excellence in terms of environmental impact. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Prevent and remedy cavitation. Identify opportunities for energy optimization and perform calculations to determine the potential savings. Page 7 of 13

The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Optimize the operation of the plant so that it runs economically and environmentally using laboratory or simulators. Thermal Machinery and Systems II-III (BM5) Buildings air conditioning and refrigeration The student must attain knowledge of: Refrigeration: The cooling cycle, including evaporation, compression and condensation. Refrigeration methods (natural and forced air circulation, dry evaporator and flooded evaporator). Refrigerants physical and chemical properties, and the impact on the environment. The principles of construction of the evaporator, compressor and the condenser. The characteristics of the evaporator and its impact on temperature as well as humidity in the refrigerator and freezer. The principles of how to assess and adjust the control and safety systems in refrigeration plants. The refrigeration system s operating conditions and understanding of the evaporator and condenser pressure effect, the compression effect and the volumetric efficiency. Calculations of the evaporator, compressor and condenser effects and how to provide a heat balance for refrigeration. The emptying and filling of refrigerants in refrigeration safety and in an environmentally responsible manner. The design of typical systems, including one-step system, two-stage systems and cascade systems. The laws, regulations and technical requirements for refrigeration. The performance optimization in terms of environmental impact. Climate control: Fan and plant characteristics. The importance of indoor climate on human comfort and hygiene. The state changes that atmospheric air is subjected to in an air conditioner. The building climate control system components and air duct systems, including fire. The ventilation principles and air inlet in rooms. The principles of operation and setting of the ventilation system control and protection system. Performance optimization in terms of environmental impact. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Handle refrigerants properly and avoid spills. Work with refrigeration equipment in a safe manner. Calculate the heat exchange in a refrigeration system. Operate and control a ventilation plant by means of laboratory exercises. Use Mollier's diagram for moist air in order to assess air quality. Calculate the varied effects of an air conditioner. Optimize refrigeration and building ventilation systems, in order to reduce the environmental impact. Page 8 of 13

The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Supervise the operation mode of the refrigeration and air conditioning systems and to remedy abnormal operation using laboratory equipment. Optimize the operation of refrigeration and air conditioning, so it runs economically and environmentally optimally using simulators or laboratory. Thermal Machinery and Systems II-IV (BM5) Environment Facility / wastewater treatment plants and chemical process engineering The student must attain knowledge of: The water cycle and balance conditions in nature. The causes and consequences of water and air pollution. Methods for the purification of polluted water and air. Methods used to combat oil pollution at sea. The organic water treatment plant s construction, operation and management. The sludge treatment plant s construction, operation and management. The consequences of the disposal of residues and contamination products in nature. Basic sound theory. Noise and noise damage effects. Operational excellence in terms of environmental impact The student must attain the skills necessary to: Perform noise measurements. Perform calculations of noise. Optimize environmental systems / wastewater treatment plants and chemical process plants, to reduce the environmental impact. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Supervise the operation of environmental systems and to remedy abnormal operation. Optimize the operation of environmental systems so as to run economically and in an environmentally friendly way. Thermal Machinery and Systems III General remarks BM6. The overall scope of BM6 is to prepare the student to be able to understand and optimize different processes in thermal systems. This is achieved through systematic use of simulators such as MC 90, GT and TPP. Throughout BM6, scientific methods are implemented in all subjects in written and verbal form in order to collect, assess and analyze relevant information. Where ever relevant, English literature and manuals are used as well as the language used in the simulators is English. To ensure a good safety culture, this must be a part of most subjects. BM6 consists of various subjects, and during the semester there must be at least one multidisciplinary case including PAA. Page 9 of 13

Thermal Machinery and Systems III-I (BM6) System/plants of energy supply The student must attain knowledge of: Steam turbine design principles. The modes of operation in relation to condensation, bleed and backpressure at the turbine plant. Steam and turbine plant operating conditions, using calculations for the use of energy, such as heat balances and efficiencies. The free market of electricity supply in Denmark. The principles of boiler and turbine plant control and safety systems. The importance of water quality for the operation of a steam plant. The principles for water treatment and condensate filtering. Design principles for gas turbines, their operation, structure and application. Laws, regulations and technical requirements for the steam plant. Installations for the production of renewable energy. Operational excellence in terms of environmental impact. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Calculate the effects, consumption and efficiency in boilers and set the heat balance in their combustion, heat transfer and steam generation. Calculate the effects, consumption and efficiency in steam turbine plants, in different operation conditions. Apply the laws, regulations and technical requirements for the steam plant. Optimize energy systems to reduce the environmental impact. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Operate the steam plant for heating purposes and, on the basis of measurements and monitoring, and to take relevant measures in to account using simulator TPP. Supervise the operation mode of the steam plant and to remedy abnormal operation using simulators. Optimize the operation of the plant so that it runs economically and in an environmentally friendly manner. Page 10 of 13

Core literature Formelsamling til brug i maskinmesteruddannelsen, Poul Erik Pedersen og Niels W. Kringelum Dampkedler af K.F. Larsen Mekanisk fysik og varmelære af Arly Nielsen Opgaver til mekanisk fysik og varmelære af Arly Nielsen Damptabeller Skibsdieselmotorer af Peter Storegård Jensen, 2. udgave Skibsmotorlære (tekst) af Christen Knak, 18. udgave Skibsmotorlære (tegninger) af Christen Knak, 18. udgave Hydraulik for driftsteknikere af Leif Terkilsen Noget om køleteknik af Eigil Nielsen Udkast til dampturbiner af K.F. Larsen Miljøteknik af Jørgen Nielsen Pumpebogen, Pumpe drift og energi af Thomas Heilmann, 5. udgave. Examination Thermal machinery I-I (BM1): Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing Assessment Passed or Not Passed Thermal machinery I-II (BM1): Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing Assessment Passed or Not Passed Page 11 of 13

Basic Training for Oil, Chemical and Gas Tanker (BM1): Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing Assessment Passed or Not Passed Thermal machinery and systems I-(III-VI) (BM4): Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Internal Oral Test 7-point scale 5 days 60 minutes each, group of 4 persons. All The group draws a scenario and has a minimum of 5 days to work out their solutions and conclusions based on an operational point of view. Each student shall prepare á 5 minutes pitch that they can present at the start of the examination, and they are then cross- examined in all relevant topics of the scenario. Thermal machinery and systems II-(I-IV) (BM5): Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: External Oral Exam 7-point scale 5 days 60 minutes each group of 4 persons. All The group draws a scenario and has a minimum of 5 days to work out their solutions and conclusions. Each student shall prepare á 5 minutes pitch that they can present at the start of the examination and they are then crossexamined in all relevant topics of the scenario. Page 12 of 13

Thermal machinery and systems III-I (BM6): Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: External Oral Exam 7-point scale 5 days 60 minutes each group of 4 persons. All This exam is combined with PAA and is a formative evaluation. The group draws a scenario and has a minimum of 5 days to work out their solutions and conclusions, and to point out all relevant information considering the scenario or system. Each student shall prepare á 5 minutes pitch that they can present at the start of the examination and they are then cross- examined in all relevant topics of the scenario. Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. N/A Page 13 of 13

Subject area: 25002 Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems Subject(s): 20700 Electrical and electronic machinery and systems (45 ECTS) (EEM) 25710 Electrical and electronic machinery I BM1 SP210000 25720 Electrical and electronic machinery II BM4 10 ECTS 25730 Electrical and electronic machinery III BM5 5 ECTS 25740 Electrical and electronic machinery IV BM6 10 ECTS 25750 El - Authorization (The General Part & The Electrician Part) BM7 20 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: ECTS credits: Course Regulations: Orders: STCW: Certificate(s): Responsible: Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems BM1: BM4: BM5: BM6: BM7: Passed Introductory Work experience BM1 + BM4 + BM5 + BM6 + BM7 45 ECTS Passed subjects EEM II + EEM III +EEM IV Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Order on the Marine Engineer training programme - Order no. 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/1 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/2. Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 13

Purpose Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems BM4, BM5, BM6 & BM7: The purpose of Electrical and Electronic Machinery, Systems and Equipment is for the student to acquire qualifications within the electro-technical area to such an extent that he is able to take care of the operation and maintenance of electrical systems on board ships. The student shall be able to operate the electrical equipment under both normal and abnormal conditions and be able to carry out simple fault-finding tasks. El-Authorization - The General Part - BM7: The student should be able to taking into account security, user requirements, environmental requirements, operational excellence wishes and regulatory requirements to perform commissioning and maintenance of electrical supply systems, electrical installations and consumption systems, performed for both high and low voltage, in accordance with relevant regulations, regulations, and directives. El-Authorization - The Electrician Part - BM7: The student must obtain the theoretical basis required in order to acquire an electrician's authorization *, while the choice of solutions takes into account economic, environmental and operational excellence. * (After the apprenticeship under installatørloven are met) Learning objectives Electrical and Electronic Machinery and Systems I-V Electrical and Electronic Machinery I - BM1: The student must attain knowledge of: how an electrical connection is carried out properly, taking into account stripping, clamping and relief principles of proper materials and components general voltage systems design and installations on vessels construction of a 3-phase non synchronic motor/generator including coupling form standards and norms for electrical documentation for the 1 - and 3-phase installations The student must attain the skills necessary to: handle control and maintenance of lead accumulators use appropriate hand tools for simple tasks associated with electrical installation handle fittings use electro-technical documentation perform calculations on simple electrical circuits do the assessment of the safety culture concerning the construction and operation of electrical installations and facilities The student must acquire the necessary competences to: install or replace simple components of an electrical installation under the supervision of Page 2 of 13

responsible manager troubleshoot single-phase lighting installation as well as a 3-phase motor installation with start stop control and emergency stop use of English electro-technical terminology and concepts Electrical and Electronic Machinery II - BM4: The student must attain knowledge of: theories Ohm's law and Kirchhoff s laws in the estimation of simple series and parallel connections of resistive circuits electrical and magnetic field theories for later use in electrical and electronic machinery AC characteristics, characteristic of AC load and AC phase shift (power factor), including coils with iron core principles of 1-, 2- and 3-phase alternating current by sinus and not sinusoidal voltage including zero impedance normally present system voltages and their applications, including battery supply measurement methods used in the 1-, 2- and 3-phase AC systems selection of suitable measuring instruments electrochemistry i general control technology using relays preparation of electro-technical documentation The student must attain the skills necessary to: use of calculations with Ohm's law and Kirchhoff s laws related to serial and parallel connections in ohmic circuit perform calculations relating to alternating current and the current characteristics perform simple calculations for 1-, 2- and 3-phase AC circuits perform the relevant measurements of 1, 2 and 3-phase AC systems establishment of common relay controls draw electrical documentation in small scale be able to handle the module relevant work safety in the laboratory exercises do the assessment of the safety culture concerning the construction and operation of electrical installations and facilities construction and testing of electro-technical set-ups in the laboratory The student must acquire the necessary competences to: handle simple serial and parallel connections based on Ohm's law and Kirsch Offs laws in connection with resistive circuits handle simple compound 1-, 2- and 3-phase AC circuits incl. supply source to carry out measurements on 1- and 3-phase AC systems Identify errors and deficiencies in relay controls use of English electro-technical terminology and concepts Electrical and Electronic Machinery III - BM5: The student must attain knowledge of: principles for balanced or unbalanced loads at 1-, 2- and 3-phase AC circuitsprinciples for the construction of power plants on ships including system voltages, breakdown, standby and emergency supply options electrical machines operating characteristics based on knowledge of the structure, components, operation and other characteristics including motors and generators by AC and DC electrical machines importance interaction between the prime mover, generator, excitation, synchronization equipment protection equipment and Switchgear for electrical machines the Classification Societies electro-technical requirements in the maritime field The student must attain the skills necessary to: Page 3 of 13

perform calculations on 1-, 2- and 3-phase AC circuits perform calculations on unbalanced loads on the AC circuit construction of power plants on ships including system voltages, breakdown, standby and emergency supply options perform calculations in connection with choice of engines from operating and environmental parameters assessment of an asynchronous machinery operating characteristics as power in the choice of type and mechanical performance perform calculations for synchronous machines managing the interaction between prime mover, generator, excitation and synchronization equipment use of protective and switching equipment be able to handle the module relevant work safety in the laboratory exercises do the assessment of the safety culture concerning the construction and operation of electrical installations and facilities construction and testing of electro-technical set-ups in the laboratory The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Identify the 1-, 2- and 3-phase AC circuits in the simple operation conditions to participate in the construction of power plants working with different engine types in the selection, environmentally friendly operation and maintenance Implement operation of a synchronous generator system with one or more generators use of English electro-technical terminology and concepts Electrical and Electronic Machinery IV - BM6: The student must attain knowledge of: voltage drop calculations for installations short circuit calculations anywhere in electrical installations calculation and choice of capacitor size in the power factor systems, construction and operation of automatic power factor systems operational characteristics of transformers based on knowledge of the structure, components, operation and other characteristics, including couplings and parallel operation software programs for simulation Electronic: knowledge of components - including linear and nonlinear resistors, capacitors and inductors diodes and transistors operational amplifiers controlled diodes analog and digital circuits the structure and characteristics of a three-phase rectifier and power circuits with managed and unmanaged diodes causes and effects of transient over-voltage and electromagnetic interference, including electromagnetic compatibility (EMC / EMI)principles of applied fire alarm and other alarm systems on ships and in industry system components for integrated realizations control with associated signal handling The student must attain the skills necessary to: voltage drop calculations for installations Short circuit calculations anywhere in electrical installations calculate the capacitor size to be used in a plant for simple or common power factor compensation perform calculations related to the use of single phase and three phase transformers including in parallel operation be able to handle the module relevant work safety in the laboratory exercises do the assessment of the safety culture concerning the construction and operation of electrical installations and facilities construction and testing of electro-technical set-ups in the laboratory the application of software programs for simulation purposes Page 4 of 13

Electronic: perform simple calculations in electronic circuits which include linear-, nonlinear resistors, diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers assessment of various digital and analog circuits including among other rectifier circuits, alarm input and output cards for controlling equipment with more assessment of conditions which include transient surges and electromagnetic interference, including electromagnetic compatibility (EMC / EMI)assessment of systems and associated signal handling The student must acquire the necessary competences to: to assess voltage drop and short circuit currents in installations take charge of operation and maintenance of electrical systems for simple and common power factor correction using one- and three-phase transformers use of English electro-technical terminology and concepts. The electrical engineering project / case in BM6 must at least contain an English abstract Electronic: identifying the electronic circuits that occur in connection with alarm systems and control and regulation equipment to perform maintenance and repairs of integrated control systems El-Authorization (Electrician license) - The General Part - BM7: The student must attain knowledge of: construction and operation of electrical installation material, including fuses and circuit breakers in order to conduct proper selection and sizing of equipment, including rules for electrical equipment insulation materiel and wire equipment assembly equipment sockets sizing of fuses design of switches dimensioning of motor protection analysis of the effectiveness of short-circuit protection of electric installations and selectivity, including: o provision of release time and specific energy anywhere in the supply / installation make the correct selection of equipment and material selectivity power generation, transmission and main transformer stations, including errors and relay protection, including structure and performance of power generation building and construction of the transmission structure and performance of the main substations types of errors and relay protection principles in power generation, transmission and main transformer stations design and dimensioning of the supply to power factor systems, including dimensioning of the supply to power factor systems construction and operation of earthing systems, including: construction and operation of operational and protective earthing in high voltage grid construction and operation of operational earthing systems in low-voltage networks calculations of the earth current operating-related and protective earthing in high voltage grid calculations of earth current in the earthing system of the Low Voltage methods for detecting ground faults on high voltage networks including relay device for detecting ground faults in high voltage distribution systems requirements for the operation of power facilities working on or near the high- and low-voltage systems, as well as power less and live The student must attain the skills necessary to: o assessment of electrical installation material, including fuses and circuit breakers, in order to be able to make the correct selection and sizing of equipment, including rules Page 5 of 13

for electrical equipment insulation materiel and wire equipment assembly equipment sockets sizing of fuses design of switches dimensioning of motor protection calculation of the effectiveness of short-circuit protection in power plants, as well as skills in the selection of equipment and supplies, including: provision of release time and specific energy anywhere in the supply / installation make the correct selection of equipment and supplies assessment of the selectivity ratio design of power generation, transmission and main transformer stations, including errors and relay protection, including structure and performance of power generation plants structure and performance of transmission structure and performance of the main substations types of errors and relay protection principles in power generation, transmission and main transformer stations sizing of supply to power factor systems construction and planning of earthing systems, including construction and operation of operational and protective earthing in high voltage grid construction and operation of operational earthing systems in low-voltage networks calculations of the earth current operating-related and protective earthing in high voltage grid calculations of earth current in the earthing system of the Low Voltage assessment of ground faults on high voltage networks including relay device for registration of ground faults in high voltage distribution systems operation of power facilities and skills in planning and conducting operations on or near the high- and low-voltage systems, as well as power less and live be able to handle the module relevant work safety in the laboratory exercises. do the assessment of the safety culture concerning the construction and operation of electrical installations and facilities construction and testing of electro-technical set-ups in the laboratory The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Appointing electrical installation material, including fuses and circuit breakers sizing incl. calculation of supply for power factor correction systems,, to participate in the operation of power facilities and participate in the planning and execution of work on or near the high- and low-voltage systems, as well as power less and live use of English electro-technical terminology and concepts El-Authorization (Electrician license) - The Electrician Part - BM7: ( marks that the topic is mentioned partial in the previous teaching of electrical engineering, general part) student must attain knowledge of: construction and operation of electrical installation material, including fuses and circuit breakers in order to conduct proper selection and sizing of equipment, including rules for electrical equipment insulation materiel and wire equipment assembly equipment sockets sizing of fuses design of switches dimensioning of motor protection photometric basic concepts and luminaires and light sources properties luminisens lamps and high voltage fluorescent optical properties and their installation conditions principles for the design of lighting systems, including: account for indoor and outdoor luminaires lighting performance principles for the design of indoor and outdoor lighting systems Electric space heating and heating methods in industrial plants, including have knowledge of electrical heating of buildings have knowledge of industrial heaters analysis of the effectiveness of short-circuit protection of electric installations and selectivity, including: provision of release time and specific energy anywhere in the supply / installation make the Page 6 of 13

correct selection of equipment and material power generation, transmission and main transformer stations, including errors and relay protection, including: o structure and performance of power generation building and construction of the transmission structure and performance of the main substations types of errors and relay protection principles in power generation, transmission and main transformer stations building low-voltage distribution networks and design and dimensioning of associated wires / cables and overcurrent protection with respect to the fulfillment of requirements for selectivity and power quality, including analyze and identify principles of a low-voltage distribution networks building account for used equipment in lowvoltage distribution networks design and dimensioning low-voltage distribution networks carried by the cable o construction of high voltage distribution network and the design and dimensioning of the corresponding wires / cables and overcurrent protection with respect to the fulfillment of requirements for selectivity and power quality, including :analyze and identify principles of a high voltage distribution network building account for used equipment in high voltage distribution network design and dimensioning high voltage distribution network performed as overhead lines and cable networks construction and operation of earthing systems and performing calculations of earth currents, including understanding of the construction and operation of operational and protective earthing in high voltage grid understanding of the construction and operation of operational earthing systems in low-voltage networks perform calculations of the earth current operating-related and protective earthing systems o high voltage grid perform calculations of earth current in the earthing system of the low voltage detection of ground faults on high voltage grid and relay equipmant for detecting ground faults in high voltage grid construction of substations in distribution networks, and choice of transformers and switching devices for high and low voltage, and knowledge of the design of the corresponding high voltage cables, low voltage, over current protection and earthing systems, including analyze and identify principles of a distribution transformer station building sizing and selecting transformers for distribution substations o sizing and selecting overcurrent protection for distribution substations o sizing and selecting switching apparatus for distribution substations o sizing and selecting high voltage and low voltage lines in distribution substations sizing and selecting the target fields in distribution substations sizing and selecting earthing of distribution substations rules and regulations for low voltage and knowledge of the design and dimensioning of such installations, including building installations protection against electric shock protection against thermal stresses overcurrent protection against overvoltage and under voltage separation and off switching selectivity using the above methods of protection selection and installation of equipment provisions for special installations or areas rules and regulations for secondary high voltage and knowledge of the design and dimensioning of such installations, including apply the rules and determines the secondary high voltage design and dimensioning of the secondary high voltage requirements for inspection and testing of installations prior to commissioning and the operation and maintenance of facilities, including requirements for inspection and testing of installations prior to commissioning requirements for the operation and maintenance of installations. Rules for the construction of substations and wiring systems as well as ground connections for these stationsunderstanding of SBUE regulatory framework for project planning regulations Page 7 of 13

for the operation of power facilities and for planning and conducting operations on or near the high- and low-voltage systems, as well as unstressed live, including: understanding of SBUE regulatory framework for the operation of power facilities understanding of SBUE regulatory framework for the planning and execution of work on or near energized high- and low-voltage understanding of SBUE regulatory framework for the planning and execution of work on or near energized high- and low-voltage requirements for machine safety and electrical equipment of machines, including understanding of AT and the Machinery Directive requirements for machine safety understanding of the requirements for electrical equipment of machines requirements for low voltage switchgear, including busways The student must attain the skills necessary to: ( marks that the topic is mentioned partial in the previous teaching of electrical engineering, general part) assessment of electrical installation material, including fuses and circuit breakers in order to conduct proper selection and sizing of equipment, including: o rules for electrical equipment manager and insulation material o wires o assembly equipment sockets sizing of fuses design of switches dimensioning of motor protection design of lighting systems, including: account for indoor and outdoor luminaires lighting performance principles for the design of indoor and outdoor lighting systems, choice of equipment for electric space heating and heating of industrial processes have knowledge of electrical heating of buildings have knowledge of industrial heaters calculation of the effectiveness of short-circuit protection in power plants, including the calculation about. fulfillment of selectivity as well as skills in the selection of equipment and supplies, including: provision of release time and specific energy anywhere in the supply / installation make the correct selection of equipment and supplies design of power plants, transmission networks and main substations, including errors and relay protectionstructure and performance of power generation plants structure and performance of transmission structure and performance of the main substations types of errors and relay protection principles in power generation, transmission and main transformer stations building low-voltage distribution networks and design and dimensioning of associated wires / cables and overcurrent protection with respect to the fulfillment of requirements for selectivity and power quality, including: o analyze and identify principles of a low-voltage distribution networks building account for used equipment in low-voltage distribution networks design and dimensioning low-voltage distribution networks carried by the cable construction of high voltage distribution network and the design and dimensioning of the corresponding wires / cables and overcurrent protection with respect to the fulfillment of requirements for selectivity and power quality, including: analyze and identify principles of a high-voltage distribution network building explain the material used in high-voltage distribution networks design and dimensioning high voltage distribution network performed as overhead lines and cable networks construction and operation of earthing systems and performing calculations of earth currents, including: o understanding of the construction and operation of operational and protective earthing in high voltage grid understanding of the construction and operation of operational earthing systems in low-voltage networks perform calculations of the earth current Page 8 of 13

operating-related and protective earthing systems in high voltage grid i perform calculations of earth current in the earthing system of the low voltage assessment of ground faults on high voltage networks including relay device for detecting ground faults in high voltage distribution systems construction of substations in distribution networks, and choice of transformers and switching devices for high and low voltage, and skills in the design of associated high voltage cables, low voltage, over current protection and earthing systems, including: o analyze and identify principles of a distribution transformer station building sizing and selecting transformers for distribution substations sizing and selecting overcurrent protection for distribution substations o design and selecting switching devices for distribution substationssizing and selecting high voltage and low voltage lines in distribution substations sizing and selecting the target fields in distribution substations design and selecting eathing systems in distribution substationsdesign and dimensioning of low voltage, including: o building installations protection against electric shock o protection against thermal stresses overcurrent protection o protection against overvoltage and under voltage separation and switching off selectivity using the above methods of protection selection and installation of equipment provisions for special installations or areas design and dimensioning of the secondary highvoltage installations, including: apply the rules and determines the secondary high voltage design and dimensioning of secondary high voltage requirements for inspection and testing of installations prior to commissioning and the operation and maintenance of facilities, including: requirements for inspection and testing of installations prior to commissioning requirements for operation and maintenance of facilities assessment of the performance of substations and installations and grounding etc. in and around these facilities, including: understanding of SBUE regulatory framework SBUE regulatory framework relating to the design operation of power facilities and skills in planning and conducting operations on or near the highand low-voltage systems, as well as unstressed live, including: understanding of SBUE regulatory framework for the operation of power facilities understanding of SBUE regulatory framework for the planning and execution of work on or near energized highand low-voltage understanding of SBUE regulatory framework for the planning and execution of work on or near energized high- and low-voltage be able to handle the module relevant work safety in the laboratory exercises. do the assessment of the safety culture concerning the construction and operation of electrical installations and facilities construction and testing of electro-technical set-ups in the laboratory The student must acquire the necessary competences to: ( marks that the topic is mentioned partial in the previous teaching of electrical engineering, general part) appointing electrical installation material, including fuses and circuit breakers, in order to be able to make the correct selection and sizing of equipment participation in the design of lighting systems participate in the selection of equipment for electric space heaters and heating for industrial facilities to handle the calculation of the effectiveness of short-circuit protection in power plants, including the calculation about. fulfillment of selectivity as well as skills in the selection of equipment and supplies to participate in the design of power generation, transmission and main transformer stations, including errors and relay protection projecting low-voltage distribution networks and design and sizing associated Page 9 of 13

wires / cables and overcurrent protection with respect to the fulfillment of requirements for selectivity and power quality designing high-voltage distribution networks and design and sizing associated wires / cables and overcurrent protection with respect to the fulfillment of requirements for selectivity and power quality design and construction of earthing to identify situations with ground fault on the high voltage grid including handling relay device for detecting ground faults in high voltage distribution systems participate in the construction of substations in distribution network, and handle choice of transformers and switching devices for high and low voltage, as well as participate in the design of associated high voltage cables, low voltage, over current protection and earthing handling the design of low voltage to participate in the design and dimensioning of secondary high voltage identify routines for inspection and testing of installations prior to commissioning and the operation and maintenance of facilities identify substations and installations and grounding etc. and in the case of these facilities to participate in the operation of power facilities and participate in planning and carrying out work on or near high and low voltage, and power less as live use of English electro-technical terminology and concepts Page 10 of 13

Sikkerhedsstyrelsen Bogfondens forlag BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 Syllabus Core literature X X X Elektroteknik 1, Elektricitet og magnetisme Poul Erik Petersen 87-7463-003-2 X X Elektroteknik 3, Elektriske maskiner Poul Erik Petersen 87-7463-278-7 X Elektroteknik 4, Lys og varme Poul Erik Petersen 87-7463-260-4 X Elektroteknik 5, Forsyningsnet og transformerstationer X X X Elektroteknik 6, El-tekniske beregninger Carsten Dahl Petersen Niels Kringelum, Carsten Dahl Petersen 87-7881-439-1 31082-1 87-571-2522-1 X X X X Elektroteknik 8, El-installationsmateriel Poul Erik Petersen 87-7463-272-8 X X X Elektroteknik, Opgavesamling X X X X Formelsamling til brug i maskinmesteruddannelsen Poul Erik Petersen, Niels W.Kringelum 87-7463-273-6 Poul Erik Petersen 87-7433-274-4 X ElAut: Fællesregulativet 2011 Div. X ElAut: Lavspændingstavler DS/EN 60439 1+2-5 ElAut: Samlet Div. 87-7463-258-2 Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 2 Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 5 Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 5a Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 6 Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 6a Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 6b Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 6c Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 8 Div. X ElAut: Stærkstrømsbekendtgørelse afs. 9 Div. X Elektrisk udstyr på maskiner, DS/EN 60204-1:2006 Div. Page 11 of 13

Examination Electrical and electronic machinery I - BM1: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed/Not Passed Electrical and electronic machinery II - BM4: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Internal written test 7-point scale 4 hours All Electrical and electronic machinery III - BM5: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed/Not Passed Electrical and electronic machinery IV - BM6: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: External oral exam 7-point scale 30 minutes all" The examination is based on the academic subjects in a mandatory project/case report Page 12 of 13

El-authorization - BM7: Examination type: External oral exam Grade scale: 7-point scale Preparation time: Duration: 40 minutes Aids allowed: All Remarks: El-authorization - BM7: Examination type: External written exam Grade scale: 7-point scale Preparation time: Duration: 6 hours/minutes) Aids allowed: All Remarks: * An exam is always external and the result is transferred to the final exam certificate. Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. N/A Page 13 of 13

Subject area: 25003 Process Analysis and Automation (BM) Subject(s): 25900 Process Analysis and Automation (15+3 ECTS) 25910 Process analysis and Automation I BM5 5 ECTS 25920 Process analysis and Automation II BM6 5 ECTS 25930 Process analysis and Automation III BM7 5+3 ECTS Admission criteria: Process Analysis and Automation BM5: BM6: Passed subject Process Analysis and Automation I BM7: Passed subject Process Analysis and Automation II Semester: BM5 + BM6 + BM7 ECTS credits: 15 + 3 ECTS 3 ECTS Transferred from Syllabus Management (BM) Learnings objectives from subject Machine- and Functional Safety is transferred from Syllabus Management (BM) and inserted in subject Process Analysis and Automation lll. Course Regulations: Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Orders: STCW: Order on the Marine Engineer training programme - Order no. 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/1 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/2 Certificate(s): Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 6

Purpose Process Analysis and Automation: The student should acquire the necessary professional skills and knowledge so that he can perform tasks in the areas of process analysis, optimization of operations, equipment selection, troubleshooting, and maintenance requirements for automation of technological processes within transport, power plants, production- and environmental technology. The student must also obtain the necessary professional skills in data acquisition, data logging, control and management techniques to act rationally and correctly by monitoring and operating of ship control systems Key subjects: A. Monitoring of process plants B. Control and control loops of plant C. Process analysis and optimization D. Integrated Control Systems Machine- and Functional Safety: The students shall achieve knowledge about national and international machinery safety standards, rules and documentation, which are necessary for his responsibility in his position as Marine Engineer in order to operate and purchase machinery Learning objectives Process Analysis and Automation Process analysis and automation I - BM5: The student must attain knowledge of: 1. Sensores and actuatores Common purpose analog and digital sensores incl. calibration and adjustment Common purpose analog and digital actuators measurement uncertainty and the impact of automation systems 2. Basics of machine control and control of dynamic systems Control and controls of feedback systems Automation technical terminologies technical and theoretical fundamentals of control loops different types of control loops and individual properties of parameters Optimization of controller parameters PI - diagrams Sequential machine control Documentation, including electrical documentation Page 2 of 6

3. Integrated automation systems / system knowledge Distributed I / O Controllers in integrated systems Automation data network basics graphic control panels basic safety requirements for automation systems control plants The student must attain the skills necessary to: 1. sensors and actuators use common analog and digital sensors identify common analog and digital actuators 2. Basics knowledge of automation technology the use of technical control loop fundamentals the use of Process Instrumentation chart simple sequential machine control The student must acquire the necessary competences to: identifying automation components in an integrated system and getting an overall system familiarity by using ordinary technical documentation Process analysis and automation II - BM6: The student must attain knowledge of: 1. Process automation PLC/controller-based controllers integrated controller and control loops complex controller systems design and operation including " feedforward " - and cascade control control equipment for common tasks practically based controller tuning and setting methods Concepts and presentation of Data types o Signed / unsigned Interger o Real /Float PLC Programming o Language Ladder Function Block Diagram CFC o Program structure Main program Using of Sub routines Functions in PLC Programming o Timers o Comparators / Counters o Arithmetical operators Perform tasks, both practically and theoretically, so he/she are challenged to Page 3 of 6

demonstrate independently innovative thinking and behavior 2. Signals and signal conditioning interface and signal conditioning devices including I / 0 card EMC 3. Machine Control components, function and properties of the PLC / controller equipment development, programming, testing and documenting control tasks in accordance with use of DS / EN 60848 and DS / EN 61131-3 or latest version. PLC / controller equipment for common management tasks concepts of process- and personal safety commonly used safety laws, regulations, international and European directives, etc. in relation to automatic processes use of commonly occurring safety components safety equipment 4. HMI (Human Machine Interface) SCADA software OPC The student must attain the skills necessary to: 1. Process Automation Practical use of PLC / controller based controllers and equipment use of basic integrated command and control systems for general tasks use of practical controller parameter setting methods study technical literature and manuals in English language 2. Signals and signal conditioning use interface and signal conditioning devices including I / O cards 3. Machine Control programming, testing and documenting of control function using PLC / controller equipment for commonly occurring management tasks 4. HMI (Human Machine Interface) use of SCADA software The student must acquire the necessary competences to: solve and automate a process from a specification in consideration of operational, functional, safety and technical considerations to design an HMI system to balance a control loop in consideration of demands and system behavior Page 4 of 6

Process analysis and automation III - BM7: The student must attain knowledge of: Process analysis and automation: Commonly used data exchange technologies in automation networks and Ethernet TCP/IP Fieldbus Basic knowledge of data network Control systems structure and function by interaction with the individual components, including configuration and programming Concepts of data representation LSB and MSB. Machine- and Functional Safety: Machinery Directive Meeting the requirements for a machine to be CE marked Directives and Standards Risk analysis Electrical diagrams for safety Documentation The student must attain the skills necessary to: Process analysis and automation: to work in a problem-oriented way in an automation -related context, both practically and theoretically, so he/she are challenged to demonstrate independently innovative thinking and behavior Instrumentation and measurements in processes, Including: o calibration and documentation o uncertainties and accuracy o different measuring principles for the determination of physical quantities o turndown o Installation and common errors sources for failure Parameterization Understand basics of data sheets for flow and level measurements Machine- and Functional Safety: machine safety Safety -related parts of control systems General principles of safety machine design validation The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Process analysis and automation: independently analyze complex automation-related issues, including acquire knowledge for the elaboration of solutions study technical literature and manuals in English language Machine- and Functional Safety: participation of testing the safety issues in machines using directives and standards, and the assessment of documentation Page 5 of 6

Core literature Praktisk regulering og instrumentering, Thomas Heilmann, Heilmanns Forlag Logisk styring med PLC, Thomas Heilmann, Heilmanns Forlag, Automatiske anlæg, El-fagets forlag Maskindirektivet various manuals for hard- and software, technical descriptions and datasheets for used equipment Examination Process analysis and automation I BM5: Examination type: Internal oral test Grade scale: Passed/Not Passed Preparation time: Duration: 20 minutes Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Process analysis and automation II - BM6: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: External oral exam 7-point scale 15 minutes pr. Students Examination in groups. The examination is based on the academic subjects in a multidisciplinary scenario. Making a mandatory case/project report dealing with professional milestone. The report has to be handled on time in accordance to lessons plan. Process analysis and automation III - BM7: Examination type: External oral exam Grade scale: 7-point scale Preparation time: Duration: 30 minutes Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Preparing of a mandatory project / case report where academic subject and learning is the basis for examination. The report had to be handled on time in accordance to lessons plan. Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Page 6 of 6

Subject area: 26000 Management (BM) Subject(s): 26500 Management, Economics and Safety (17 ECTS) 26510 Management and Leadership BM 5 5 ECTS 26520 Business Economics BM 8 5 ECTS 26530 Standard Based Tools I (Safety, Health, Environment, Quality and Energy) BM 6 5 ECTS 26540 Standard Based Tools II (Operation and maintenance including planning and managing projects) BM 7 2 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: for subject area Management (BM) BM5 + BM6 + BM7 + BM8 ECTS credits: 17 (=20-3) 3 ECTS transferred to Syllabus Process Analysis and Automation Course Regulations: Orders: Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Order on the Marine Engineer training programme - Order no. 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW: STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/1 STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter III - Engine department Section A-III/2 Certificate(s): Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 5

Purpose Students should be qualified to assume responsibility as a leader of personnel with due diligence to safety, quality and environment Learning objectives Management, Economics and Safety Management and leadership - BM5: The student must attain knowledge of: Theoretical management perspectives Personality traits and personal development Communication theories Conflict Management Organizational structures, cultures and processes and strategies Innovation and entrepreneurship Cultural theory Employment law, including the basic regulations concerning contracts when bying or selling. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Communicate across social and cultural differences Assess management theories and models Handle conflicts Understand the innovation processes Analyze organizational designs and strategies Discuss questions regarding employment conditions and drawing up contracts regarding transactions. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Assume management responsibility Communicate effectively Create and maintain good collaborative relationships Business Economics - BM8: The student must attain knowledge of: Fundamental operations in any company Investment theory The student must attain the skills necessary to: Evaluate and analyze possible investments Analyze a company s assets and liabilities The set-up on accounting and legal framework behind annual reports Page 2 of 5

The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Make calculations on basic ratios as well as analyzing a company. Standard Based Tools I - BM6: Safety, Health, Environment, Quality and Energy: The student must attain knowledge of: Basic principles for standard methods for mapping out the working-environment and environmental status in an organization e.g. GAP analysis. Basic principles for standard based tools such as ISO 14001, ISO 9001, Danish Environmental Law, Marine environmental Law, SEEMP, EEDI and occupational Health and Safety. Basic quality assurance methods and auditing eg. plan-do-check-act principle Environmental management planning and audits at management level The student must attain skills attain the necessary to: Integrate occupational Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental management systems into the strategies of an organization Through reviews, identify areas for improvement and change within the assurance systems Implement changes and improvements within the assurance systems The student must acquire the necessary competencies to: Assist with coordinating Health, Safety, Environmental and energy management in an organization Plan sustainable energy optimization Assist in planning and integrate environmental management systems. Standard Based Tools II - BM7: Operation and maintenance including planning and managing projects: The student must attain knowledge of: Common concepts of maintenance. Methods used in testing materials in a non-destructive manner. Maintenance standard requirements made by external interests, including Class, insurance companies and authorities. The student must attain the skills necessary to: Apply administrative maintenance tools, including electronic maintenance control programmes. Apply specific NED- methods. Perform and analyze vibration measurements in conjunction to condition control. The student must acquire the necessary competences to: Select the best possible maintenance tools. Apply key-figures, standards and benchmarking Manage maintenance tasks by relevant principles. Page 3 of 5

Core literature Management and Leadership : Knærkegaard P. L. & Steenstrup, H. (2010): Ledelse I teori og praksis. København, Hans Reitzels Forlag Examination Management and Leadership - BM5: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Business Economics - BM8: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Internal written test 7-point scale 3 hours All Internal written test 7-point scale 4 hours All Standard Based Tools I - BM6: Safety, Health, Environment, Quality and Energy: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: Ongoing assessment Passed/Not Passed Page 4 of 5

Standard Based Tools II - BM7: Operation and maintenance including planning and managing projects: Examination type: Grade scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important information: Prerequisites for examination: External oral exam 7-point scale 30 min. All Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. N/A- Page 5 of 5

Subject area: 28000 Elective Subject (BM) Subject(s): 88100 Elective Subject (BS, BM, BJ & SE) 88102 BTM & ERTM course (combined simulators) 2 ECTS 88103 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 2 ECTS 88104 Docking 2 ECTS 88105 Operational Optimization and Management Tools 3 ECTS 88106 Experts in Team 5 ECTS 88107 L-aus, Troubleshooting and circuit diagram 2 ECTS 88108 Change Management 3 ECTS 88109 Negotiating Skills 3 ECTS 88110 Communication Skills 2 ECTS 88111 Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 2 ECTS 88113 International Economics and Politics 3 ECTS 88114 Navigation in ice-filled waters 2 ECTS 88115 Maritime Automation and IT 3 ECTS 88117 Data Network for Automation Purpose 2 ECTS 88118 Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 2 ECTS 88119 PLC, Fieldbus and SCADA 2 ECTS 88120 Project management 2 ECTS 88122 Pax-RoRo 2 ECTS 88123 Robot I - Basic 2 ECTS 88125 Shipping and chartering 2 ECTS 88126 SCADA, Control Systems and Loops 2 ECTS 88129 Advanced English 2 ECTS 88131 Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Module I 3 ECTS 88132 Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Module II 3 ECTS Page 1 of 1

Subject area: 88000 Elective Subject (SE) Subject(s): 88100 Elective Subject 88102 BTM & ERTM course (combined simulators) (Bridge Team Management & Engine Room Team Management) 2 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: ECTS credits: 2 Course Regulations: Orders: BTM ERTM SE(SKF), SE(MCH) & SE(SCH) Passed Full Mission Bridge Simulator Course Passed Full Mission Engine Room Simulator Course. Ship Officer (BJ+SE) version 4.50 of 17 August 2015 Order on Ship Officer training programme - Order no. 1329 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW & US: BTM: STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter II - Master and deck department Section A-II/1 - Operational level STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter II - Master and deck department Section A-II/2 - Management level U.S. 33 CFR 157.415 Certificate(s): Responsible: ERTM: STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter II - Engine department Section A-III/1 - Operational level STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter II - Engine department Section A-III/2 - Management level Certificate Bridge Team Management Certificate Engine Room Team Management Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 3

Purpose The course has the purpose to increase the students attention and knowledge as to how the human factor influences the safe conning of the ship as a total including the possibilities of near-miss situations or casualties which may end in loss of life, property and/or environmental damage. The course must train and develop the student s ability within team management providing tools for teambuilding, effective communication, functions in management, decision making and effective resource management. Learning objectives BTM & ERTM course (combined simulators): Knowledge: Effective use of procedures and guidelines Effective use of all ships equipment in different situations Skills: Effective reaction to changes and alarms/warnings Effective communication internally and externally Effective leadership and behavior Safe, correct and quick response to emergency situations Assertive behaviour Effective delegation of resources and workload Risk assessment of situations arising on the ship as a unit Competencies: Effective conning of the vessel Core literature Page 2 of 3

Examination BTM & ERTM course (combined simulators): Examination type: Grading scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for Examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Page 3 of 3

Subject area: 88000 Elective Subject (BS+BM+BJ+SE) Subject(s): 88100 Elective Subject 88103 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 2 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: ECTS credits: 2 Course Regulations: Orders: Passed Basic Training for Oil, Chemical & Gas Tanker Cargo Operations BS5 + BM8 + BJ6 + SE Master Mariner (BS) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015. Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015. Ship Officer (BJ+SE) version 4.50 of 17 August 2015. Order on Ship Officer training programme - Order no. 1329 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on Marine Engineer training programme - 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the professional bachelor training programme for Masters - Order no. 1335 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW: Certificate(s): STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter V - Special training requirements Section A-V/1-1, paragraph 3 Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations as set in tablet A-V/1-1-3 Certificate of Proficiency in Advances Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations may be issued when experience of at least 3 months relevant seagoing service on Chemical Tankers is proved and completed the specialized training programme prescribed in Regulation V/1-1, paragraph 6.3 of the STCW Convention Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 4

Purpose The overall purpose is to enhance safety of chemical tanker cargo operations on board chemical tankers and thereby reducing the risk of injuries or death to crew members and preventing damage to the ship, the cargo and the environment. The course will provide the student the knowledge, skills and competences to safely perform and monitor cargo operations taking cargo hazards into account in relation to occupational health and safety and the environment in compliance with legislative requirements. Learning objectives Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations: Knowledge: Chemical tanker design, cargo systems and equipment including: o General arrangement and construction o Pumping arrangement and equipment o Tank construction and arrangement o Pipeline and drainage systems o Tank and cargo pipeline pressure and temperature control systems and alarms o Gauging control systems and alarms o Gas detection equipment o Cargo heating and cooling systems o Tank cleaning system o Cargo tank environment control systems o Ballast systems o Cargo area venting and accommodation ventilation o Fire-fighting systems o Tank, pipeline and fittings material and coating o Slop management o Pump theory, different types of pumps and their operation o Tanker safety culture and SMS o Monitoring and safety systems including ESD Loading, unloading, care and handling of cargo including: o The cargo s effect on trim, stability and structural integrity o Loading and unloading plans o Ballast and deballasting o Tank cleaning operations o Tank atmosphere control o Inerting o Gas-freeing o Ship to ship transfer o Inhibition and stabilization requirements o Heating and cooling requirements and consequences to adjacent cargo o Cargo compatibility and segregation o High-viscosity cargoes o Cargo residue operations o Operational tank entry Page 2 of 4

o Application of cargo related operation plans, procedures and checklists Physical and chemical properties of noxious liquid cargoes including the MSDS and: o Chemical cargoes categories (corrosive, toxic, flammable and explosive) o Chemical groups and industrial usage o Reactivity of cargoes Hazards and the appropriate precautions to counter these during cargo operations including: o Flammability and explosion o Toxicity o Health hazards o Inert gas composition o Electrostatic hazards o Reactivity o Corrosivity o Low boiling point cargoes o High density cargoes o Solidifying cargoes o Polymerizing cargoes o Dangers of non-compliance with relevant rules and regulations Occupational health and safety including: o Safe work practices o Precautions when entering enclosed spaces o Repair work precautions including cold and hot work o Electrostatic precautions o Use of PPE Emergency procedures on board noxious liquid tankers Precautions to prevent pollution of the environment Legislative requirements concerning noxious liquid tanker cargo operations Industry requirements concerning oil tanker cargo operations Skills: Planning of cargo operations with regards to: o Ship arrangement, cargo systems and equipment o Ship stability, trim and stress o Cargo properties and hazards o Application of occupational health and safety and safe working practices including risk assessment and personal shipboard safety relevant for oil tankers o Environmental and local legislative requirements o Industry guidelines o Perform and monitor cargo operations and react appropriately on failure of systems or services essential to cargo operations Cargo measurement and calculations Manage and supervise personnel with cargo-related responsibilities Calibrate and use gas monitoring and detection systems and equipment Responds to emergencies according to MFAG and the SMPEP including ESD, rescue from enclosed spaces and fire fighting Take precautions to avoid pollution of the atmosphere and the environment Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements i.e. Marpol convention, IBC code, other relevant IMO guidelines, industry guidelines and commonly applied port regulations Page 3 of 4

Competencies: Conduct safe noxious liquid tanker cargo operations Core literature SOLAS convention from IMO FSS code from IMO MARPOL convention from IMO IBC code from IMO CHRIS Manual from USCG ISGOTT Tanker Safety Guide - Chemicals Tank cleaning guides Examination Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations: Examination type: Grading scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for Examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Associate professor with special theoretical and practical knowledge of tankers and their operations acquired as surplus officer on board a tanker or Senior ships officer with minimum 2 years of experience on board tankers and trained in teaching. Page 4 of 4

Subject area: 88000 Elective Subject (BJ) Subject(s): 88100 Elective Subject 88104 Docking BJ6 2 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: ECTS credits: 2 Course Regulations: Orders: BJ6 Ship Officer (BJ+SE) version 4.30 of 18th August 2014. Order on Ship Officer training programme - Order no. 1329 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW: STCW Code, as amended: Part A, chapter II - Master and deck department Section A-II/1 - Operational level Certificate(s): Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 3

Purpose The purpose of docking is for the student to attain knowledge about standard docking procedures and practices to acquire the necessary skills to communicate and cooperate with shipyard and classification society on an operational and management level. Learning objectives Docking: Knowledge: Class societies and flag state inspection intervals Ship plans including general arrangement, docking plan etc. Administrative aspects of docking including sharing of responsibility and accountability during docking with the ship yard and sub-contractors Skills: Plan scheduled vessel docking Fulfill a docking specification Conduct hull and machinery inspections Supervise and test maintenance work Conduct daily communication, progress meetings etc. with the ship yard and subcontractors Coordinate docking with flag state administration, other authorities, classification societies, technical inspectors, insurance companies and other parties during docking Apply safe working practices Competencies: Planning and execution of docking of a vessel Assess the work performed during docking Core literature Page 2 of 3

Examination Docking: Examination type: Grading scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for Examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Page 3 of 3

Subject area: 88000 Elective Subject (BS+BM+BJ+SE) Subject(s): 88100 Elective Subject 88105 Operational Optimization and Management Tools 3 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: BS5 + BM8 + BJ6 + SE(SKF) + SE(MCH) + SE(SCH) ECTS credits: 3 Course Regulations: Orders: Master Mariner (BS) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015 Ship Officer (BJ+SE) version 4.50 of 17 August 2015 Order on Ship Officer training programme - Order no. 1329 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on Marine Engineer training programme - 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the professional bachelor training programme for Masters - Order no. 1335 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. STCW: Certificate(s): Responsible: Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Page 1 of 2

Purpose The objective of this course is to qualify the student to understand and use different optimizing- and management tools. Upon completion of the course, the student will gain the necessary knowledge, understanding, skills and competences to optimize workflows onboard and ashore. Learning objectives Operational Optimization and Management Tools: Knowledge: Management tools as LEAN, JIT, SIX SIGMA and KAIZEN. Operational optimization influence on organization and economy. Skills: Competencies: Implement and use management tools to improve the organization's work environment, safety and economy Core literature Examination Operational Optimization and Management Tools: Examination type: Grading scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for Examination: Ongoing assessment Passed or Not Passed Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Page 2 of 2

Subject area: 88000 Elective Subject (BM+SE) Subject(s): 88100 Elective Subject 88106 Experts in Team 5 ECTS Admission criteria: Semester: BM8 + SE(MCH) + SE(SCH) ECTS credits: 5 Course Regulations: Orders: STCW: Certificate(s): Responsible: Marine Engineer (BM) version 3.50 of 17 August 2015. Ship Officer (BJ+SE) version 4.50 of 17 August 2015. Order on Ship Officer training programme - Order no. 1329 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on Marine Engineer training programme - 1331 of 17 December 2012 as amended. Order on the examination, testing and evaluation of participants in the maritime training programmes Order no. 1289 of 14 December 2009 as amended. Current order on grading scale and other examination as amended. Subject Coordinator Valid from: 2015-2 VTA Expired: Remarks: Studerende fra SIMAC deltager ikke i den tekniske del af projektet, og derfor er de 10 ECTS points reduceret til 5 ECTS points Page 1 of 6

Purpose Learning objectives Subject: Knowledge: Skills: Competencies: Core literature Examination Subject: Examination type: Grading scale: Preparation time: Duration: Aids allowed: Important Information: Prerequisites for Examination: Qualification prerequisites for professors/instructors etc. Page 2 of 6