Ansøgning - VisitOz. Din ansøgning er vigtig! Hvad er en god ansøgning? For at sikre at din ansøgning er komplet, kan du bruge denne tjekliste:

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Ansøgning - VisitOz Din ansøgning er vigtig! Din ansøgning bliver brugt til at finde den bedst mulige placering til dig. Alt hvad du skriver vil blive sendt ud til potentielle værter, derfor er det vigtigt at du er ærlig hele vejen igennem ansøgningen. Du skal hele tiden have fokus på, at din ansøgning skal give det bedste indtryk overfor en mulig vært. Derfor - gør dig umage! Hvad er en god ansøgning? 1. Ansøgningen skal være sandfærdig. Lad vær med at overdriv eller underdriv dine færdigheder og erfaringer. 2. Din selvbiografi (personal description) skal fylde ca. en A4-side. Fortæl om dig selv, din baggrund, og hvad du gerne vil opnå ved at tage et udlandsophold. 3. Billedet kommer forrest på din ansøgning. Brug derfor et ordentligt billede, hvor du ser professionel ud og smiler. Har du nogle spørgsmål til udfyldelse er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os! For at sikre at din ansøgning er komplet, kan du bruge denne tjekliste: Udfyldt Travel to Farm tilmeldingsblanket Udfyldt VisitOz-ansøgningsskema Farvebillede Kopi af pas Kopi af kørekort 2 anbefalinger Uddannelsesbevis Selvbiografi (personal description) på engelsk CV på engelsk Straffeattest Dokumentation for aftjent værnepligt (kun hvis du har været i militæret)

Travel to Farm tilmeldingsblanket 1.Valg af land: 2.Personlige oplysninger Fulde navn: Adresse og postnummer: Telefonnummer: E-mail: Køn (mand/kvinde) Status (single/kæreste/gift) Studerende Udlært Stilling Andet Kontaktoplysninger på pårørende ved nødstilfælde (navn, adresse, telefonnummer.) 3. Rejsedatoer Hvor lang tid vil du gerne være afsted (antal måneder)? Start på ophold (dato): 4. Placeringsønsker LANDMAND, Arbejdsområde du er interesseret i (skriv hvad du er mest interesseret i: 1-2-3. prioritet): Planteavl Malkekvæg Slagtesvin Kødkvæg Søer Heste Får Andet GARTNER, Arbejdsområde du er interesseret i (skriv hvad du er mest interesseret i: 1-2-3. prioritet): Drivhus/væksthus Havecenter/planteskole Grøntsager Anlægsgartner Blomster/løgproduktion Andet AUPAIR, Arbejdsområde du er interesseret i (skriv hvad du er mest interesseret i: 1-2-3. prioritet): Kun i hus 50/50 hus/udendørs Andet Hvis du selv har fundet en placering i udlandet, skriv venligst navn, adresse, telefonnummer og email på din kommende vært: Er dit ophold en del af praktikperioden på din uddannelse? Ja nej Hvilket skoleforløb er du på? Hvilken skole går du på? T-shirt størrelse: S M L XL XXL 5. Erklæring Jeg erklærer hermed at jeg er indforstået med følgende: - Jeg skal købe en rejseforsikring til min rejse (arrangeret af Travel to Farm eller af den ansvarlige partner i praktiklandet). - Jeg vil informere Travel to Farm og værtsfamilien, hvis der sker nogle ændringer i mine rejseplaner, eller programlængde. - Jeg vil ikke skifte værtfamilie uden at konsultere partnerorganisationen eller Travel to Farm. - Jeg vil være en god ambassadør for Danmark og følge de instrukser som Travel to Farm har givet mig. - Jeg vil betale alle fakturaer sendt fra Travel to Farm (servicegebyr, flybillet, forsikring o. lign.) - Travel to Farm må kontakte mine referencer Jeg har læst og forstået annulleringsreglerne i informationsmaterialet. Jeg har forstået at jeg vil blive eksklude- ret fra programmet og ikke vil få penge tilbage, hvis jeg forlader min praktikplads uden at informere Travel to Farm og partnerorganisation. Dato Underskrift

SAMTYKKE Samtykke mellem Travel to Farm og navn Jeg giver hermed samtykke til at: 1) Travel to Farm kontakter mine referencer jf. de medsendte udtalelser 2) Travel to Farm kontakter min studievejleder, hvis jeg er under uddannelse 3) Travel to Farm må behandle mine helbredsoplysninger i forbindelse med de lande hvor det kræves samt i forbindelse med visumansøgninger 4) Travel to Farm videresender min ansøgning til den partner i det land jeg gerne vil til (3. part) (sæt kryds) Norge Holland Irland Tyskland Frankrig Schweiz Australien Canada New Zealand USA Japan *Vi skal gøre opmærksom på at lande uden for EU anses som værende ikke data sikre i forhold til EU standarder. 5) Travel to Farm opbevarer min ansøgning, samtykke og bekræftelser i op til 5 år fra vi har modtaget din ansøgning jf. retslig forpligtelse om opbevaring af oplysninger. 6) Travel to Farm opbevarer ubegrænset mine personlige oplysninger (navn, adresse, email, telefonnummer, uddannelse, land du er rejst til, periode du har været af sted samt evt. skole du kommer fra) i deres database. a. Det gør de så de kan tilbyde rabat ved bestilling af ny rejse, udstede certifikater og med mit samtykke invitere mig til årlige arrangementer. b. Og til interne statistisk formål 7) Travel to Farm udleverer mit navn og kontaktinfo til andre rejsende i samme periode Alle der har rejst med Travel to Farm bliver tilbudt at blive en del af netværket Danish Trainees for unge der har arbejdet i udlandet indenfor den grønne sektor. Der bliver afholdt 2 arrangementer om året. Har du lyst til at være en del af dette netværk, så sæt kryds her. Samtidig er du indforstået med at vi videregiver dine kontaktinformationer (Navn, telefonnummer og email) til Danish Trainees, så de kan invitere dig til kommende arrangementer. Fulde navn Dato Et samtykke er ikke for evigt. Ønsker du trække dit samtykke tilbage, så du sende os en mail på OBS: Tilbagekalder du dit samtykke kan det have den konsekvens, at du ikke kan komme afsted og at betalte beløb ikke tilbagebetales. Travel to Farm, Axeltorv 3, 1609 København V

Experience the Real Australia and Get Paid doing it! IF YOU PLAN TO COME HERE BETWEEN JULY AND OCTOBER PLEASE BOOK EARLY. VISITOZ IS THE ONLY ORGANISATION GUARANTEEING WORK IN AUSTRALIA, SO OUR COURSES GET VERY FULL. VisitOz is the only organisation offering training with a work guarantee VisitOz guarantees you adventure, fun and worthwhile jobs which allow you to earn, travel and access all the working holiday experiences for which Australia is so well known. We specialise in adventurous outdoors work in the bush and outback. We have a range of jobs to suit everyone whatever their skills and experience, including in hotels, teaching, with children & in museums. Visitoz Our aim is to allow you to get the most out of your time in Australia. VisitOz will provide you with well paid and enjoyable jobs to fund you as you travel and holiday around Australia. We give you access to jobs of various types, and we specialise in Outdoors and Outback adventurous work. We also have a whole variety of less physically demanding jobs in the country and outback through our Hospitality, Teaching and Child care Work programme. We can therefore provide a varied series of jobs as you travel around Australia a complete working holiday. We have real Australian outback jobs. There are more than 2000 employers in our network and a huge range of types of jobs that will suit your skills and experience. It is adventurous, fun, unforgettable and unique. It is an essential part of your experience. The working environment in the outback is unlike any that you will have ever experienced before. Living, working and being part of the lifestyle is an adventure in itself. It can be hard and physical work and you can earn good money and save far more easily than in the cities. Your costs are minimal as food and accommodation are usually provided by your employer and at the end of each job you can travel on with a full wallet having experienced the real Australia. You can take a holiday within the time frame of your visa. Australia is yours to explore. We give you a 5 day familiarisation / introductory training course before you go to work. This gives you an introduction to the types of work you will be doing, and allows us to get to know you and your skills. We can then recommend you to our employers and offer you the jobs that suit you best. With VisitOz the work is guaranteed you choose which one. Experience the real Australia and get paid doing it

The Training / Familiarisation Courses The Outdoors / Agricultural Course The aim of the course is to give you a basic introduction and training for the jobs you will be doing. We will establish your skills, strengths and work requirements so that we can match them to employers and vacancies that suit you best. It is very important for us to be able to assess your skills and attitude so that we can recommend you to our employers in good faith. The Agricultural courses are run at one of our training farms all working farms. Training groups are small usually 5-6 students per trainer. The courses cover the following areas. Rural hospitality and child care workers also complete the course so that they know a bit about what their employers or customers do for a living. Experience the real Australia and get paid doing it

Agricultural Course Horse riding, mustering Agbikes Tractors and machinery Cattle handling Chain saw work Fence building and repairing Outback Safety We also provide work in hospitality, child care, teaching, nursing, construction, museums and tourism. You will choose a job that suits you best and we will make the arrangements for you to travel on to your first job You must budget for the cost of that journey. You could be travelling to any part of Australia so please do not make any holiday plans beforehand as it may prevent you from taking the job of your first choice. We can usually find work for friends to work together but cannot guarantee jobs immediately at the end of the training course. Wishing to work together can limit your job options. We discourage vegans. You must have a driving licence to drive in your own country. Couples will always work on the same property. Pay - The wage depends on age, skills and qualifications, but the typical minimum is $595 per week after tax plus food and accommodation free this is what you can SAVE. At some times of the year and with some jobs you can earn much more. There is a youth wage 80% of the adult one for 18 year olds and 90% for those aged 19. All jobs usually provide free food and accommodation, so what you earn is what you can save - less the donation to the Taxman. With good specific skills such as tractor / machinery operators, the wages can be much greater. Good workers are frequently rewarded with increased pay once their value has been proved. Reality Check! It is important to be aware that Visitoz is not offering a farm holiday; blood, sweat and tears are included but the tears are optional, the employers will offer you jobs best suited to your skills and abilities. You will need to be adaptable and to be open to learning new skills in a different environment. In the case of some jobs, a certain level of skill is a prerequisite; however our employers know that your main asset will be your willingness to work hard, join in and make yourself useful. Visitoz will always offer work that suits you well. Joining Procedure Complete the application form and email it to Travel to Farm When you application is approved we will apply for visa When the visa is granted we will book your flight Cancellation & Postponement policy If you need to postpone for whatever reason there is no fee attached provided it is done more than 31 days prior to arrival. If you have to cancel your participation with Visitoz the following terms apply: Cancellation up 60 days before arrival Deposit only - we will always defer to an open date Less than 60 days cancellation or No Show no refund From January 1 2017 we will be charging for date changes. Contact Travel to Farm for more info or if you need help to fill in the application

Travel to Farm,, +45 33394640 (12.30-16.00) PROGRAMME DETAILS Membership period (days) 365 Jet Lag Recovery & Training course Duration 9 days Programme Start Day Thursday Programme Start Brisbane Second Working Holiday Visa work available Yes PRE-DEPARTURE SERVICE Pre-departure booking Pre-departure information Help with travel arrangements of your choice Travel Insurance advice Visa application advice ARRIVAL SERVICE Information Booklet; loads of useful advice before arrival in Oz Meeting at Brisbane Airport on arrival Bus Transfer to Noosa 4 night s accommodation in Noosa Bus Transfer from Noosa to Gympie Bus transfer from Gympie to Visitoz INTRODUCTORY TRAINING COURSE 1/2 day administration, shopping and famil (accommodation & all meals) Arrangement of tax file number, Medicare cards and bank accounts 4.5 days introductory agricultural training course (accommodation and all meals) Job offers Advice on Tax returns and Superannuation FREEBIES Group Welcome Lunch Free internet use at Springbrook Farm An Aussie All-rounder hat and Visitoz t- shirt and water bottle Free phone card. BACK UP AND SUPPORT Back up, support, help and advice throughout your membership period Freecall emergency number Discounted travel, insurance, hostel and tour booking service Limited mail forwarding (no parcels), message passing but please let your parents know your work address

VISITOZ APPLICATION FORM Personal Details Full Name: Date of Birth: Nationality: Passport Number: Date of Expiry: Correspondence Address: Tel No: Mobile No: Email: Education Personal Details University / School attended: Course / Degree: Number of Years Attended: Date of Graduation: Travel & Work Experience Work Experience: Travel and Backpacking Experience: Skills and Qualifications Do you have a Full Driver s Licence? Can you use a gear shift? Can you ride /drive a Motorbike? Tractor? Truck? Can you ride a horse? How well? Beginner : Intermediate: Advanced: Do you have any mechanical skills? Can you weld? Other skills, qualifications: Dietary & Medical Any special dietary requirements? (lactose intolerant, vegetarian) Are you undergoing any sort of medical treatment, including medication? Have you ever suffered from serious or permanently debilitating illness? Do you have any physical limitations? If you have answered YES to any of the above please explain on another page Do you Smoke? Is your tetanus up to date? Shoe size: Trip Details When do you plan to arrive in Australia? How long will you stay in Australia? Outline any special travel plans or intentions? Please tell us about yourself, your travelling and other relevant experience and your reasons for travelling to Australia.

Packages Agricultural Programme Hospitality Please indicate in the box above in which programme you would like to take part. Preferred State Date (Thursday): Declaration I HAVE READ THE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ME BY VISITOZ AND THEIR AGENTS AND UNDERSTAND THE NATURE OF WORK IN RURAL AND OUTBACK AUSTRALIA. I UNDERSTAND WHAT IS LIKELY TO BE REQUIRED OF ME WHEN WORKING IN RURAL AUSTRALIA. I UNDERSTAND THAT MY ENGLISH MUST BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR SAFETY AND IF IT IS NOT THEN VISITOZ WILL OFFER ME UNPAID ALTERNATIVES TO LEARN MORE. I WILL ARRANGE TO ARRIVE ON A THURSDAY MORNING IN BRISBANE AND WILL BRING A CREDIT CARD WITH ME FOR INCIDENTAL EXPENSES WHILE TRAVELLING AND TOURISTING. Cancellations: The deposit of $500 only is forfeit for all visa classes if cancellation occurs more than one month before the arrival date. I agree to pay the balance of the fee for the package that I have indicated above at least one month prior to my travel to Australia once acceptance to Visitoz/Travel to Farm has been offered to me. I understand that full payment confirms my place with Visitoz/Travel to Farm. I agree to arrange my air travel to Australia, and insurance and will not require Visitoz or the Government of Australia to pay my fare back to my home country. I will let Travel to Farm know the exact details of my arrival in Australia at the International Terminal of Brisbane Airport. I agree that I am responsible for any additional costs incurred by me in the event of illness, accident or other emergency requiring special help or repatriation, where not covered and met by cancellation or medical Insurance. Signed: Print Name: Date: Countersignature To be signed by the parent or legal guardian if the applicant is under 18, still at school or university or still dependent. I agree to my son / daughter travelling to Australia with Visitoz. I agree that I will be responsible for any costs not covered and met by insurance that may be incurred in the event of illness, accident or other emergency that requires special assistance or arrangements, and will settle them immediately. Signed: Print name: Date: Relationship to Applicant: Emergency Contact Information Full Name: Address: City: Email: Please return this form to Travel to Farm at

Indsæt farvebillede

Indsæt kopi af pas

Indsæt kopi af kørekort

Indsæt 2 anbefalinger

Indsæt uddannelsesbevis f.eks. grundforløbsbevis, hovedforløbsbevis eller faglærtbevis

Indsæt selvbiografi (på engelsk) Selvbiografen skal være på ca. en A4 side, hvor du på engelsk fortæller om dig selv, din arbejdserfaringen inden for landbruget, din familie, fritidsinteresser, fremtidsplaner, hvorfor du gerne vil tage din praktik i Schweiz/hvad du vil opnå hermed (f.eks. at du vil være landmand i fremtiden/have din egen gård o.l.), dine styrker og svagheder osv. Det er vigtigt at du skriver hvorfor det er en fordel for dig at tage din praktik i udlandet - fx for at styrke din fremtidige karriere indenfor landbrugsfaget. Brevet bliver sendt med til din kommende værtsfamilie, når vi sender din ansøgning videre til vores partner i Schweiz.

Indsæt CV - nedenstående eksempel kan bruges som skabelon CONTACT INFORMATION Name : Address: Telephone: Cell Phone: Email: PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: Marital Status: CAREER GOAL Please explain in 1-2 sentences what your future career goals and plans are. Example: Through my education as a skilled farmer I hope to get a through understanding of my speciality within Dairy cattle. I expect to become a front runner for usage of new innovative ways of production, and therefore I wish to take some of my trainee period overseas to get a different perspective. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY List in chronological order (beginning with your latest employment), include position details and dates. Please also include what skills you gained during your work experience. Example: March 2006- April 2009: Travel to Farm Student position at Travel to Farm, working 15 hours a week. Travel to farm is a non-profit organization, servicing Danish agricultural trainees who wish to go abroad during their education. I have been in charge of the administration of trainees and updating the webpage. During my time at Travel to Farm I have gained skills within administration and servicing. Furthermore I have also gained knowledge within Danish agricultural council. EDUCATION Include dates and details of education, training, major courses and certification(start with your latest education) September 2005- July 2008: Agricultural management August 2003- July 2005: Skilled farmer August 2003 - august 2004: Agricultural training at pig farm. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Courses: spraying certificate, first aid certificate. Computer Skills: excellent user of Exel, powerpoint and word. Language skills: Danish fluent in writing and speaking, English fluent in writing and speaking, Limited German. EXTRACURRICULAR WORK May 2008- present: active member of LU ( agricultural youth organization) January 2006- January 2007: volunteer worker for Red Barnet.

PERSONAL INTERESTS PRIOR TRAVEL TO HOST COUNTRY (the country you wish to travel to) Please write dates of entry/departure, if you have been in the country before. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN DENIED TRAVEL TO HOST COUNTRY? CRIMINAL RECORD Have you ever been charged or convicted of a crime? If so, please explain

Indsæt straffeattest