Nordisk Kriminologi 32(8) - Trafficking

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Nordisk Kriminologi 32(8) - Trafficking Välkomna till NSfK:s första tema-nyhetsbrev! Att ha ett speciellt tema på ett nyhetsbrev var ett initiativ från kontaktsekreterarna och idén kom till när kontaktsekreterarna samlades för ett möte tidigare iår. Tanken är att då och då ha olika teman och har du några idéer eller förslag på andra teman att ta upp är du välkommen att maila ditt förslag till sekretariatet. Inledningen som vi denna gång har valt att ha på engelska är skriven av Astrid Renland, kontaktsekreterare i Norge. Seminarierapport från forskarseminariet i Island i maj 2006 finns nu för nedladdning på NSfK:s webbplats. Vänliga hälsningar Mia Söderbärj, sekretariatsledare Actions against trafficking in persons in Nordic countries All the Nordic countries has signed and ratified the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and two of the accompanying protocols, the protocol against trafficking in persons and the protocol against smuggling of migrants. According to the presentation at UNDOC: Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 November 2000, The UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime entered into force 29. September 2003. The efforts of the United Nations to strengthen international cooperation to combat organized crime date back 25 years. The Convention seeks to strengthen the power of governments in combating serious crimes. An important goal of the instrument is to get all countries to synchronize their national laws, so that there can be no uncertainty as to whether a crime in one country is also a crime in another. The aims of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children are three-fold: to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, particularly women and children; to protect and assist the victims of such trafficking; and to promote cooperation among State parties to meet these objectives. The protocol shall serve as a model for national legislation, detailing provisions on conduct which should be sanctioned, the severity of punishment and effective measures to combat as well as prevent trafficking. The Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air provides an effective tool to combat and prevent the smuggling of human cargo. However, while it

has been created to prevent smuggling, the new laws do not aim to dictate domestic migration policy and migration flow. They recognize that migration in itself is not a crime and, therefore, not liable to criminal prosecution. Migrants are victims in need of protection. Thus, emphasis is placed on the criminalization of the smugglers and the organized criminal groups behind them ( In this newsletter we will give an overview how the different Nordic countries have implemented the treaty and especially the protocol against trafficking in persons. The reason for delimiting the newsletter to only one topic is firstly because we find the relation between international law and national implementation interesting. Secondly the Nordic Council has issued a joint coordination of measure among the Nordic countries to strengthening the fight against trafficking in persons. Danmark - Denmark av kontaktsekreterare Jesper Stecher Danmark har gennem konventioner og traktater forpligtet sig nationalt og internationalt til at arbejde for ligestilling mellem de to køn, bekæmpe undertrykkelse af kvinder og børn og bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende organiseret kriminalitet. FN konventionen om menneskerettigheder fra 1948. Konventionen om menneskerettigheder slår blandt andet fast at ingen skal leve under slavelignende forhold og ingen skal udsættes for kynisk, dehuman eller ydmygende behandling. FN Konventionen om afskaffelse af alle former for diskrimination mod kvinder fra 1979 Konventionen bliver populært kaldet Kvindernes Grundlov eller CEDAW konventionen. Danmark ratificerede denne i 21. april 1983 og dennes tillægsprotokol den 31. maj 2000. De lande, der har ratificeret konventionen forpligter sig til at føre en politik og lave en lovgivning og om nødvendig sanktionsbestemmelser, der skal afskaffe eksisterende skikke og praksis, som diskriminerer kvinder. På trods af at Danmark har ratificeret CEDAW konventionen er den ikke implementeret i dansk lov og henvisninger til den sker sjældent. FN Konventionen af den 2. december 1949 Konventionens målsætning er at bekæmpe alle former for udnyttelse af andres prostitution. Men Danmark har aldrig ratificeret konventionen. FN Konventionen om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende kriminalitet Denne Konvention kaldes i daglig tale Palermo Konventionen og har en særlig tillægsprotokol om bekæmpelse af handel med især kvinder og børn. Det er et væsentligt punkt, da der skelnes mellem ofre for menneskehandel og illegale indvandrere, hvilket ind til videre ikke har været tilfældet i Danmark. Samtidig er det også væsentligt, at hvis gerningsmanden har gjort brug af de i protokollen beskrevne tvangsmidler, er det underordnet, om offeret har givet sit samtykke til den udnyttelse, der har fundet sted, eller ej. Konventionen, populært kaldet Palermo Konventionen, ratificerede Danmark den 12. december 2000. Tæt op af Palermo Konventionen ligger EU's rammeafgørelse om menneskehandel fra den 21. december 2000. Her er retsgrundlaget Traktaten om Den Europæiske Union(TEU), og der er politisk enighed i EU om rammeafgørelsens indhold. De definerede mål og midler er stort set enslydende med Palermo Konventionen. Amsterdamtraktaten Nå det gælder EU blev ligestilling indskrevet som en del af grundlaget for Amsterdamtraktaten med virkning fra den 1. maj 1999. I den forbindelse er det relevant at bemærke, at kravet om ligestilling ikke er skrevet ind i den danske

grundlov som en fundamental rettighed. Anden national lovgivning I 2002 fik Danmark for første gang med straffelovens 262a en lovbestemmelse, der direkte forbød menneskehandel. I Danmark får ofre for menneskehandel, der udvises på grund af ulovligt ophold, normalt en udrejsefrist på 30 dage jf. Udlændingelovens bestemmelser herom. I særlige tilfælde kan udrejsefristen forlænges, fx af lægelige grunde eller med henblik på, at personen kan vidne mod eventuelle bagmænd i forbindelse med efterforskning eller behandling af en straffesag om menneskehandel her i landet. Sammenfatning Trods det faktum, at der, som det vil fremgå efter dette punkt, er skrevet og gøres ganske meget fra såvel myndigheds som NGO-side, har handel med kvinder og børn ikke haft den største prioritet, når det kommer til selve indsatsen og det til trods for, at Justitsministeren så sent som den 6/7-2006 igen erklærede, at Indsatsen mod handel med kvinder og rufferi står højt på regeringens dagsorden, og derfor må vi også til stadighed sikre, at der sættes så hårdt som muligt ind på området for at ramme prostitutionens bagmænd og Justitsministeren den 4/10-2006 ønskede at styrke indsatsen mod prostitutionens bagmænd. Preventing human trafficking in Finland av kontaktsekreterare Aarne Kinnunen Preventing trafficking in persons and related crime - both domestic and transnational - has been a long-standing concern of the Finnish government. Trafficking in persons is one of the key priorities in fighting against cross-boundary crime. Training and awareness rising have been in focus in 2005-2006 among authorities, including border guard authorities. Finland has ratified the Palermo Convention and this instrument took effect in 2004 (172/2004). Finland has also ratified the protocols concerning smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons. These instruments took effect in 2006 (860/2006; 861/2006). The additional protocols are considered to have great significance both in policy and in practice in combating human trafficking and the smuggling of immigrants as well as to help the persons subject to these crimes. The Finnish legal system applies the provisions of international conventions in parallel with domestic legislation. Thus, under the Act implementing the Palermo Convention (137/2003), the legal provisions of the Convention have the force of parliamentary legislation and are directly applicable in Finland. The same applies to the protocols concerning smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons (745/2006; 746/2006). The Finnish Penal Code was changed in 2004, so that the trafficking in persons, aggravated trafficking in persons, and aggravated arrangement of illegal immigration were included in it (650/2004). Furthermore, new provisions on the aggravated forms of pandering, distribution of child pornography and arrangement of illegal immigration came into force. In addition, the marketing of sexual services was stated as a criminal offence. An amendment (619/2006) to the Aliens Act (301/2004) has been made which enables the issuance of residence permits to victims of human trafficking as well as a reflection period of between 30 days and six months. Finnish procedural legislation includes provisions that seek to protect witnesses. These include the ability to hear witnesses through video and telephone conferencing. Intimidation of any person who is to be heard in criminal proceedings is criminalised in

section 9 of Chapter 15 of the Penal Code. Abuse of a person subject to sex trade was made punishable in 2006 (743/2006). A person would make himself guilty of abuse, when he, by promising or giving compensation with a direct economic value, makes a person subject to pandering or human trafficking consent to sexual intercourse or a comparable sexual act. Parliament requires in its statement that sufficient support measures are arranged for prostitutes promoting their possibilities to leave prostitution and to enter the labour market. The Act on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (4/1994) contains general provisions relating to mutual legal assistance. The Act on Joint Investigation Teams (1313/2002) enables the establishment and operation of joint investigation teams in Finnish territory. The Government of Finland adopted a comprehensive programme against trafficking in 2005 (National Plan of Action against Human Trafficking). Protection and recovery of victims of trafficking was noted strongly in the Plan of Action prepared by the working party lead by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. In practice, the aim is to influence, for instance, the application of confidentiality so that the authorities could share, if necessary, information with the organisations and the organisations could provide the authorities with information on, e.g., the victims in order to support and protect them. The plan of action contains an object to educate about preventing from becoming victims and includes providing information so that potential victims of the trafficking in persons are informed about where they can get help and that getting help is safe. According to this Plan of Action the Ministry of Labour has set up a Working Group that has made proposals for a national assistance system for victims on trafficking. The Working Group proposes in its report that the national assistance system will be build up in connection with the reception structure of asylum seekers. The support system would be coordinated by the State s Reception Centres. The activities will include the reception of customers and the necessary emergency help, arranging housing, social and health care services, advisory and legal services as well as support for integration or safe return. The customers could come into the system directed by the police, border control authorities, other authorities and organisations, at their own request or directed by a private person. Finland evaluates its actions regularly basing on statistics and by analysing the handling of detected cases. The Illegal Immigration Intelligence Unit operating under the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) monitors the actions related to the trafficking in persons and aims to prevent them beforehand. The unit provides, e.g., statistics on matters closely related to the phenomenon. During the last few years, the NBI has received additional resources to prevent illegal immigration and expose the use of illicit foreign labour force and indict them. The Illegal Immigration Intelligence Unit is also involved in the close international cooperation with, e.g., EU, Europol, and Interpol to prevent the trafficking in persons. Europol and Interpol operate as a stock of information and Finland provides information for those organisations. Grönland - Greenland av kontaktsekreterare Mariekathrine Poppel The following information is provided by The Greenland Representation of The Home Rule Government. The Danish Government (The Ministry of Justice) has not taken steps to rescind the geographical reservations for Greenland according to:

The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. Especially women and children. And Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings CETS no.: 197. The Greenlandic Criminal code does not contain provisions of sanctions analogous to section 262a (punishment for trafficking in persons and activities connected to this purpose) in the Danish penal code. Provisions analogous to section 262a are included in the draft criminal code that is a part of the Report of the Judicial Commission (Retsvæsenskommissionen). See section 89 in the draft criminal code (Retsvæsenskommissionens betænkning/report of the Judicial Commission, vol. 6, p. 1909 - The passing of the new criminal code is expected in 2007-8. The Ministry of Justice expects to debate the introduction of certain international conventions that so far have not been ratified for Greenland, but subsequently can be ratified. This also concerns the conventions trafficking in women. Ísland - Iceland av kontaktsekreterare Rannveig Thorisdottír Iceland signed the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime in 13th of December 2000. Following the agreement the Icelandic government changed the penal code nr 19/1940 by adding a new law on violations against privacy laws (article 227a) where trafficking is linked to the XXII chapter of the penal code nr 19/1940 on sex crimes. Despite these changes the government has not yet brought any prosecutions under it, choosing instead to use General Penal Code Articles 155, which outlaw alien smuggling and document forgery, respectively. See for instance Bragadottír R. (2005) Prostitution i Island-Lovgivning og synspunkter. Nordisk Tidskrift for Kriminalvidenskab (page 47). Icelandic parliament signed as well the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings on May 16, 2005 and The Ministry of Justice anticipates its ratification by the Althingi in 2006. Laws The Icelandic penal code Bill of law submitted to the Althingi in regard of trafficking International co-operation Nordic-Baltic campaign against trafficking in women Iceland took part in the project The Nordic Baltic Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings. The aim of the Icelandic National campaign is to introduce the issue to

trafficking in women to the public, especially buyers and potential buyers of sexual services. The aim is also to inform the women who apply to come to Iceland on work permits as Dancers of their legal rights. More information Stígamót (Icelandic counselling and information centre for survivors of sexual violence) Kvennaathvarfið (Safe shelter, for women and children when they are physically or psychologically abused in their own home by husband or other family member. The shelter also offers assistance for rape victims. Kvennaathvarfið have participated in ENATW(European network against trafficking in women for sexual exploitation)). Reports Trafficking in Persons Report for Iceland, March 2005-March 2006 Norge - Norway av kontaktsekretær Astrid Renland 13. desember 2000 undertegnet norske myndigheter FN konvensjonen mot transnasjonal organisert kriminalitet og to av konvensjonens tre tilleggsprotokoller, protokollen mot menneskesmugling og protokollen mot menneskehandel. Konvensjonen så vel som protokollene ble ratifisert 23. november 2003. Menneskesmugling reguleres i utledningsloven, kapittel 7, 47, mens deltagelse i organisert kriminalitet reguleres i straffeloven kapittel 5, 60 a, og menneskehandel i straffelovens kapittel 21, 224, se nedenfor. Norske myndigheter har i kjølvannet av konvensjonen utvist en fascinerende produktivitet, og allerede i februar 2003 forelå den første handlingsplanen mot handel med kvinner og barn, i 2005 kom den andre og den tredje er nå på vei; bevilget 100 millioner til kampen mot menneskehandel; tilpasset lover; etablert beskyttelsestiltak i form av 45 dagers refleksjonsperiode, se rundskrivet fra UDI; etablert tiltak som retter seg mot kjøpere av seksuelle tjenester og informasjon om menneskehandel; produsert rapporter og evaluert svensk og nederlandsk prostitusjonsregulering. I dag jobbes det med å utvide refleksjonsperioden fra 45 til 90 dager, samt gi arbeidstillatelse til personer som er underlagt denne typen beskyttelse, se Arbeids- og oppholdstillatelse til personer som har vært utsatt for menneskehandel. Det har så langt vært avsagt en fellende dom etter den nye menneskehandel paragrafen, straffelovens 224. Og i 2005 var det kun en person som søkte og fikk innvilget refleksjonsperiode. I juni 2006 ble 224 utvidet til å omfatte tigging, se Innstillingen fra Odelstinget. Offentlige meldinger: Høring Lovtiltak mot organisert kriminalitet og menneskehandel I høringsnotatet fremmer departementet forslag om fem nye lovtiltak mot organisert kriminalitet. For mer informasjon, se: Ot.prp. nr. 62 (2002-2003) Om lov om endringer i straffeloven og straffeprosessloven mv. (lovtiltak mot organisert kriminalitet og menneskehandel, gjengangerstraff mv.) Tilråding fra Justis- og politidepartementet av 11. april 2003, godkjent i statsråd samme dag. (Regjeringen Bondevik II) (2002-2003) Innstilling fra justiskomiteen om lov om endringer i straffeloven og straffeprosessloven mv. (lovtiltak mot organisert kriminalitet og menneskehandel, gjengangerstraff mv.) Handlingsplaner Handlingsplan mot handel med kvinner og barn (2003-2005) Tiltak: informasjon på telefon og nett om bistand og beskyttelse for kvinner utsatt for menneskehandel informasjon og fakta om prostitusjon og menneskehandel. Skal bidra til å redusere etterspørselen etter seksuelle tjenester, særlig blant ofre for menneskehandel. Rapporter: Nigerianske kvinner i prostitusjon i Norge "Afrikanske drømmer på europeiske gater Nigerianske kvinner i prostitusjon i Norge", rapport august 2006 Kvinner fra Øst-Europa My life is too short; I want to live now Kvinner fra Øst-Europa forteller om veien til og livet i prostitusjon i Norge, rapport mai 2006 Fra Nigeria til Europa Innvandring, menneskesmugling og menneskehandel, rapport fra PRIO februar 2005 Thailandske kvinner Sterke hovud og sterke hjarte Thailandske kvinner på den norske sexmarknaden, rapport februar 2005 Sexkjøp i Sverige og Nederland rapport om erfaringer oktober 2004 Statusrapport - september 2004 Crossing borders Fafo-rapport om prostituerte i Norge mars 2004 Oppfølging av protokoll til FN-konvensjon om barnets rettigheter rapport - oktober 2004 Taking Stock A review of the existing research on trafficking for sexual exploitation Lover og regelverk: Utledningsloven, kapittel 7, 47, se: 007.html#47 Straffeloven kapittel 5, 60 a, se: 008.html#60a Straffebud mot menneskehandel Regler for personer utsatt for menneskehandel

Etiske retningslinjer for statsansatte mot kjøp og aksept av seksuelle tjenester Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings Norske myndigheter undertegnet Europarådets konvensjon om tiltak mot menneskehandel på Europarådets toppmøte 16. mai 2005 Internasjonalt samarbeid: Oversikt over arbeidet i internasjonale samarbeidsfora Kriminologiska och kriminalpolitiska nyheter från Sverige av kontaktsekreterare My Lilja Publikationer av regeringen Sveriges tillträde till Förenta nationernas konvention mot gränsöverskridande organiserad brottslighet, prop. 2002/03:146: Ett utvidgat straffansvar för människohandel, prop. 2003/04:111: Sveriges antagande av rambeslut om åtgärder för att bekämpa människohandel, prop. 2001/02:99, 2002: Statens offentliga utredningar (SOU) Människosmuggling och offer för människohandel, SOU 2002:69, Utrikesdepartementet, Fattigdom och människohandel En strategi för bekämpning av människohandel genom Sveriges internationella utvecklingssamarbete, Informationsmaterial., 2003, UD 03.079: Faktablad om Prostitution och Människohandel, Näringsdepartementet, April 2005, Rapporter Rapporter från Rikskriminalpolisen om människohandel för sexuella ändamål och handel med kvinnor Lägesrapport 8, jan - dec 2005. RKP KUT Rapport 2006:4: 8_rkp.pdf Lägesrapport 7. jan dec 2004. RKP KUT Rapport 2005:4l: Lägesrapport 6, jan dec 2003. RKP KUT 2004:2: Lägesrapport 5, jan-dec 2002. RKP KUT 2003:1: Lägesrapport 4, jan-dec 2001. RKP KUT 2002:1: Lägesrapport 3, jan-dec 2000. RKP KUT 2001:3: Lägesrapport 2, jul-dec 1999. RKP KUT 2000:1: Lägesrapport 1, jan - jun 1999. RKP KUT 1999:16: Rapporter från stiftelsen kvinnoforum ( Svenskt nätverksarbete mot trafficking av kvinnor och flickor. Kvinnoforum. 2000. Socialt stöd till kvinnor, flickor och pojkar - offer för människohandel. En översyn av situationen i Sverige. Kvinnoforum. 2002: A Resource Book for Working Against Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Baltic Sea Region. 3rd edition. Kvinnoforum. 2002: Övriga rapporter Stockholms stad (2005) Socialt program för att minska prostitution, Socialtjänstförvaltningen: 13/Dagordning/19/19 Bilaga.pdf Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län (2004) Människohandel för sexuella ändamål i Skåne en förstudie av känd förekomst och initiativ. Jämställdhet SKÅNE I UTVECKLING 2004:25. Charlotte Hjertström: De synpunkter, som presenteras i signerade artiklar, står inte nödvändigtvis i överensstämmelse med Rådets uppfattning. Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology c/o Kriminologiska institutionen Stockholms universitet 106 91 Stockholm, Sverige If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please click this link: Distributed by Slash x