10. Main classifications used

Relaterede dokumenter
Standardgrupperinger til anvendelse ved publicering

7. Privat konsum og investeringer. 7.1 Privat Konsum

10. Main classifications used

Indholdsfortegnelse for Danmark Statistiks IO tabeller, September 2011

Anerkendelse får seniorer til at hænge ved

Indholdsfortegnelse for Danmark Statistiks IO tabeller. Ny dansk udgave, september 2014.

Økonomisk Analyse. Branchernes produktivitet

Indkomst, forbrug og priser

Industñal ClasslfkaUon



Standardgrupperinger til anvendelse ved publicering

Industri FLERE TAL. Industri

Industri FLERE TAL. Industri


Indkomst, forbrug og priser

9. Main classifications used

Indkomst, forbrug og priser

Industristatistik. Industristatistik. 1. Industriens betydning i den samlede danske økonomi. 2. Industriens konjunkturudvikling

Indholdsfortegnelse for Danmark Statistiks IO tabeller, 69 brancher med foreløbige år. Ny dansk udgave, juni 2016.

Industri og energi. Industristatistik Industristatistikken udarbejdes på grundlag af oplysninger, som indhentes fra. Materialets omfang og gruppering

Udviklingen i antallet af sorte brancher

Reestimation af EMMA I Nye energimatricer

Produktion, BVT og indkomstdannelse (10a3-gruppering) efter prisenhed, transaktion, branche og tid

, , ,89...

Status over arbejdsmarkedskrisens tabere og vindere

Industristatistik. Varestatistik. Indhold og kilder

Metodebilag. Side. Analysens datakvalitet... 1




godt i havn analyse af nykøbing falster og orehoved havne

Certificering af ledelsessystemer for overensstemmelse med ISO 9001


Beskæftigelsen pr. 1. januar 2005 i de nye kommuner i Nordjylland.


Nedslidningsbrancher sender folk på efterløn og førtidspension

Industri. Industri. 1. Industriens betydning for den danske økonomi. 2. Industriens konjunkturudvikling. Statistisk Årbog 2008 Industri 297



Københavns Kommune, Koncernservice, Statistik -

1 Landbrug, fiskeri og råstofudvinding Agriculture, fishing and quarrying. 2 Industri Manufacturing

Beskrivelse af arbejdsmarkedet i Fyns Amt

Erhvervslivets produktivitetsudvikling

Industrial Classification

Certificering af ledelsessystemer for overensstemmelse med ISO 14001

Statistisk Aarbog 1990

Medlem af EA MLA AKKREDITERING. til certificering af ledelsessystemer. Reg. nr Intertek DIC A/S Buen 12, 3. sal, 6000 Kolding CVR:

A 11.6 Virksomheder efter bydele og erhverv Business units by city districts and industry 170

Industri. Industri. 1. Industriens betydning for den danske økonomi. 2. Industriens konjunkturudvikling. Statistisk Årbog 2007 Industri 289

Generel erhvervsstatistik

Ny branchegruppering i Nationalregnskabet i september 2011

Udviklingen i antallet af arbejdspladser i Odense Kommune,


Priser. Prissammenligning mellem Grønland og Danmark. Indledning




Certificering af ledelsessystemer for overensstemmelse med ISO 14001

DM Partner. B2B Profilanalyse. Fiktivt Firma X tilfældigt udvalgte virksomheder som kunder



6. Detaljeret erhvervstabel

Analyse af havnens betydning for oplandets erhvervsudvikling


Konkursstatistik. Experian s konkursstatistik for Maj 2011 indeholder følgende: Kommentarer til regionale konkurser

FAKTAARK Experian konkursstatistik april 2010

ARBEJDSMARKED. 2002:7 21. februar 2002

Nationalregnskab og betalingsbalance

FAKTAARK Experian konkursstatistik maj 2010

Generel erhvervsstatistik

Maj Konkurser i sektorer. Analyse fra Soliditet

Bilag til Erhvervsstrukturen i Syddanmark

AUB Statistik Arbejdsgivernes Uddannelsesbidrag

Nationalregnskabet (Tabellerne )

Udpegning af brancher med konkurrenceproblemer

583 konkurser og nye selskaber i september


Dokumentation for udpegning af brancher med tegn på manglende

Opsamling om mindre ADAM

Erhverv Industry. Erhverv (tekst) Industry (text) 165. A 11.1 Arbejdssteder med beskæftigelse efter erhverv og Places of work by industry and size 166

Industristatistik. Industristatistik. 1. Industriens betydning for den danske økonomi. 2. Industriens konjunkturudvikling

Tabelsamling. Erhvervslivets Forskning og Udvikling opdateret 20. maj 2008

Procentvis stigning over 12 måneder i forbrugerprisindekset

Generel erhvervsstatistik

TABELSAMLING. Erhvervslivets forskning og udviklingsarbejde -

Miljø og nationalregnskab


Konkursanalyse, juli 2012

Konkursanalyse Marts 2013

Udviklingen i beskæftigelsen efter bopæl inden for handel i Nordjylland

Arbejdsproduktivitet. En kvalitetsvurdering af timeproduktivitet på brancheniveau

Markedsfokus på Brasilien

Lønudviklingen næsten uændret i den private sektor


Tabelsamling. Forskning og udviklingsarbejde i erhvervslivet Statistikken er udarbejdet af Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse


Markedsfokus på Tyrkiet

Service er den store jobmotor

Konkursanalyse, september 2012


389 10. Main classifications used 10.1 Classifications by industry Table 140 shows the link between the national accounts' grouping by industry and the NACE Rev. 1. There are four levels for publication of the final national accounts, covering 130, 53, 27 and 9 industries respectively. Table 140 includes references to Danmarks Statistik's standard grouping at 111-industry level a level of aggregation not used in the national accounts. The connection between the 111 standard grouping and the most detailed six-digit DK-NACE industries is documented in the publication "Dansk Branchekode 1993, 2 udgave 1996" published by Danmarks Statistik, annexes 1 and 2 of which include the aggregation key. There are two reasons why the national accounts cannot use the 111 standard grouping as their most detailed level of publication. Firstly, it does not match the functional breakdown of construction in the national accounts, and secondly, within some of the 111 groups, the national accounts need to separate market activity and output for own use from (other) non-market activity.

390 Table 140 Industry groupings Groupings Dansk branchekode 9 27 53 130 1993 (DB93) 1 Landbrug, fiskeri og råstofudvinding Agriculture, fishing and quarrying 0109 Landbrug, gartneri og skovbrug Agriculture, horticulture and forestry 01109 011009 Landbrug 53-standard Agriculture 01129 011209 Gartnerier, planteskoler og frugtplantager 53-standard Horticulture, orchards etc. 01400 014000 Maskinstationer, anlægsgartnere mv. 53-standard Agricultural services; landscape gardeners etc. 02000 020000 Skovbrug mv. 53-standard Forestry 050005000 050000 Fiskeri mv. 27-standard Fishing 1009 Råstofudvinding Mining and quarrying 11000 110000 Udvinding af råolier og naturgas mv. 53-standard Extr. of crude petroleum, natural gas etc. 14009 140009 Udvinding af grus, ler, sten, salt mv. 53-standard Extr. of gravel, clay, stone and salt etc. 2 Industri Manufacturing 150915009 Nærings- og nydelsesmiddelindustri Mfr. of food, beverages and tobacco 151000 Slagterier mv. 111-standard Production etc. of meat and meat products 152000 Forarbejdning og konservering 152010-30 Processing etc. of fish and fish products af fisk og fiskeprodukter 153000 Forarbejdning og konservering 153100-153300 Processing etc. of fruit and vegetables af frugt og grøntsager 154000 Fremstilling af vegetabilske og 154100-154300 Mfr. of vegetable and animal oils and fats animalske olier samt fedtstoffer 155000 Mejerier og isfabrikker 111-standard Mfr. of dairy products 156009 Fremstilling af stivelsesprodukter, 156-157.1584-89 Mfr. of starch, chocolate and sugar products chokolade- og sukkervarer mv. 158109 Fremstilling af brød, kager og kiks 158110, 158200 Mfr. of bread, cakes and biscuits 158120 Bagerforretninger 111-standard Bakers' shops 158300 Sukkerfabrikker og -raffinaderier 158300 Manufacture of sugar 159000 Drikkevareindustri 111-standard Mfr. of beverages 160000 Tobaksindustri 111-standard Manufacture of tobacco products 170917009 Tekstil-, beklædnings- og læderindustri Mfr. of textiles, wearing apparel, leather 170000 Tekstilindustri 111-standard Mfr. of textiles and textile products 180000 Beklædningsindustri 111-standard Mfr. of wearing apparel; dressing etc. of fur 190000 Læder- og fodtøjsindustri 111-standard Mfr. of leather and leather products 2009 Træ-, papir- og grafisk industri Mfr. of wood products, printing and publ. 20000 200000 Træindustri 53-standard Mfr. of wood and wood products 21009 Papir og grafisk industri Mfr. of paper prod.; printing and publish. 210000 Papirindustri 111-standard Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products 221200 Udgivelse af dagblade 111-standard Publishing of newspapers 221309 Udgiver- og forlagsvirksomhed ekskl. dagblade 111-standard Publishing activities, excluding newspapers 222009 Trykkerier 111-standard Printing activities etc. 2309 Mineralolie-, kemisk- og plastindustri. mv. Mfr. of chemicals, plastic products etc. 23000 230000 Mineralolieindustri mv. 53-standard Mfr. of refined petroleum products etc. 24000 Kemisk industri Mfr. of chemicals and man-made fibres etc. 241109 Fremstilling af industrigasser og uorganiske basiskemikalier 241100, 241300 Mfr. of industrial gases and inorganic basic chemicals 241209 Fremstilling af farvestoffer, pigmenter samt organiske basiskemikalier 241200, 241400 Mfr. of dyes, pigments and organic basic chemicals 241500 Fremstilling af kunstgødning 241500 Manufacture of fertilizers etc. 241617 Fremstilling af basisplast og syntetisk gummi 241600-241700 Mfr. of plastics and synthetic rubber 242000 Fremstilling af pesticider og andre agrokemiske produkter 242000 Manufacture of pesticides and other agro-chemical products 243000 Fremstilling af maling, lak, trykfarver mv. samt 243000 Mfr. of paints, printing ink and mastics tætningsmaterialer 244000 Medicinalindustri 111-standard Mfr. of pharmaceuticals etc. 245070 Fremstilling af rengøringsmidler samt øvrige kemiske produkter 245110-247000 Mfr. of detergents and other chemical products

391 Table 140 (continued) Industry groupings Groupings Dansk branchekode 9 27 53 130 1993 (DB93) 25000 Gummi- og plastindustri Mfr. of rubber and plastic products 251122 Fremstilling af gummiprodukter samt plastemballage mv. 251100-252200 Mfr. of rubber products and plastic packing goods etc. 252300 Fremstilling af bygningsartikler af plast 252310-252390 Mfr. of builders' ware of plastic 252400 Fremstilling af andre plastprodukter 252410-252490 Manufacture of other plastic products n.e.c. 2600 26000 Sten-, ler- og glasindustri mv. Mfr. of other non-metallic mineral products 261126 Glas- og keramisk industri 261100-262600 Mfr. of glass and ceramic goods etc. 263053 Fremstilling af cement, mursten, 263000-265300 Mfr. of cement, bricks, tiles, flags etc. tagsten, fliser, kakler mv. 266080 Fremstilling af produkter af beton, cement, asfalt, stenuld mv. 266110-268290 Mfr. of concrete, cement, asphalt and rockwool products 2709 Jern- og metalindustri Mfr. of basic metals and fabr. metal prod. 27009 Fremstilling og forarbejdning af metal Mfr. and processing of basic metals 271000 Jern- og stålværker 271000 Mfr. of basic ferrous metals 272030 Forarbejdning af jern og stål 272100-273500 First processing of iron and steel 274000 Fremstilling af ikke-jernholdige metaller 274100-274500 Mfr. of basic non-ferrous metals 275000 Støbning af metalprodukter 275100-275400 Casting of metal products 281009 Fremstilling af byggematerialer af metal 111-standard Mfr. of construct. materials of metal etc. 286009 Fremstilling af håndværktøj, metalemballage mv. 111-standard Mfr. of hand tools, metal packaging etc. 29000 Maskinindustri Mfr. of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 291000 Fremstilling af skibsmotorer, kompressorer mv. 111-standard Mfr. of marine engines, compressors etc. 292000 Fremstilling af maskiner til generelle formål 111-standard Mfr. of other general purpose machinery 293000 Fremstilling af landbrugsmaskiner 111-standard Mfr. of agricultural and forestry machinery 294009 Fremstilling af maskiner til industri mv. 111-standard Mfr. of machinery for industries etc. 297000 Fremstilling af husholdningsapparater 111-standard Mfr. of domestic appliances n.e.c. 30009 Elektronikindustri Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment 300000 Fremstilling af kontormaskiner og edb-udstyr 300100-300200 Mfr. of office machinery and computers 310000 Fremstilling af andre elektriske maskiner og apparater 311010-316290 Mfr. of other electrical machinery and apparatus 320000 Fremstilling af telemateriel mv. 111-standard Mfr. of radio and communicat. equipm. etc. 330000 Fremstilling af medicinsk udstyr, instrumenter, ure 111-standard Mfr. of medical and optical instrum. etc. mv. 35009 Transportmiddelindustri Mfr. of transport equipment 340000 Fremstilling af biler mv. 341000-343000 Manufacture of motor vehicles etc. 351000 Skibsværfter og bådebyggerier 111-standard Building and repairing of ships and boats 352050 Fremstilling af transportmidler ekskl. skibe og biler mv. 352000-355000 Mfr. of transport equipment excl. ships, motor vehicles etc. 3600 36000 Møbelindustri og anden industri Mfr. of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. 361000 Møbelindustri 111-standard Mfr. of furniture 362060 Fremstilling af legetøj, guld- og sølvvarer mv. 362100-366390 Mfr. of toys, gold and silver articles etc. 370000 Genbrug af affaldsprodukter 371000-372000 Recycling of waste and scrap 3 4009 40009 Energi- og vandforsyning Electricity, gas and water supply 401000 Elforsyning 111-standard Production and distribution of electricity 402000 Gasforsyning 111-standard Manufacture and distribution of gas 403000 Varmeforsyning 111-standard Steam and hot water supply 410000 Vandforsyning 111-standard Collection and distribution of water 4 4500 45000 Bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed Construction 450001 Nybyggeri NR-definition Construction of new buildings 450002 Reparation og vedligeholdelse af bygninger NR-definition Repair and maintenance of buildings 450003 Anlægsvirksomhed NR-definition Civil engineering 450004 Materialer til bygnings reparation NR-definition Construction materials for own-account repair

392 Table 140 (continued) Industry groupings Groupings Dansk branchekode 9 27 53 130 1993 (DB93) 5 Handel, hotel- og restaurationsvirks. mv. Wholesale and retail trade; hotels, restaurants 5000 50000 Handel m. biler, autorep., servicestationer Sale and repair of motor vehicles etc. 501009 Handel med biler, motorcykler mv. 111-standard Sale of motor vehicles, motorcycles etc. 502000 Autoreparation 111-standard Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles 505000 Servicestationer 111-standard Service stations 5100 51000 510000 Engros- og agenturhandel undt. m. biler 27-standard Ws. and commis. trade, exc. of m. vehicles 5200 Detailh. og reparationsvirks. undt. biler Re. trade and repair work exc. of m. vehicles 52109 521090 Detailhandel med fødevarer mv. 53-standard Retail trade of food etc. 52299 522990 Varehuse og stormagasiner 53-standard Department stores 52300 523000 Apoteker, parfumerier og materialister mv. 53-standard Re. sale of phar. goods, cosmetic art. etc. 52419 524190 Detailhandel m. beklædning og fodtøj 53-standard Re. sale of clothing, footwear etc. 52449 524490 Detailhandel i øvrigt, reparationsvirksomhed mv. 53-standard Other retail sale, repair work 5500 55000 Hotel- og restaurationsvirksomhed mv. Hotels and restaurants 551009 Hoteller mv. 111-standard Hotels etc. 553009 Restauranter mv. 111-standard Restaurants etc. 6 Transportvirksomhed, post og telekommunikation Transport, storage and communication 6009 Transportvirksomhed Transport 60000 Landtransport, rørtransport Land transport; transport via pipelines 601000 Jernbaner 601000 Transport via railways 602100 Bustrafik mv., rutefart 602100 Other scheduled passenger land transport 602223 Taxi- og turistvognmænd 602200-602300 Taxi operation and coach services 602409 Fragtvognmænd mv., rørtransport 111-standard Freight transport by road and via pipelines 61000 610000 Skibsfart 53-standard Water transport 62000 620000 Lufttransport 53-standard Air transport 63000 Godsbehandling, havne mv., rejsebureauer Support. trans. activities; travel agencies 631130 Hjælpevirksomhed i forb. m. transport, 631100-633040 Cargo handling, harbours etc., travel agencies rejsebureauvirksomhed 634000 Anden transportformidling 634010-634090 Activities of other transport agencies 6400 64000 640000 Post og telekommunikation 27-standard Post and telecommunications 7 Finansieringsvirksomhed mv., forretningsservice Financial intermediation, business activities 6509 Finansierings- og forsikringsvirksomhed Financial intermediation and insurance etc. 65000 Finansieringsvirksomhed Financial intermediation 651000 Pengeinstitutter 111-standard Monetary intermediation 652000 Realkreditinstitutter mv. 111-standard Other financial intermediation 66000 Forsikringsvirksomhed Insurance and pension funding 660102 Livs- og pensionsforsikring 660100-660290 Life insurance and pension funding 660300 Anden forsikringsvirksomhed 660310-660390 Non-life insurance 67000 670000 Servicevirksomhed for finanssektoren mv. 53-standard Activities auxiliary to finan. intermediat. 7009 Udlejning og ejendomsformidling Real estate and renting activities 70000 Ejendomsudlejning og -formidling Real estate activities 701109 Ejendomsmæglervirksomhed mv. 7011;7012;7031; Real estate agents etc. 703210 702009 Boliger 702010-702030; Dwellings 703220 702040 Udlejning af erhvervsejendomme mv. 702040 Letting of non-residential buildings 71000 710000 Udlejning undtagen af fast ejendom Renting of machinery and equipment etc.

393 Table 140 (continued) Industry groupings Groupings Dansk branchekode 9 27 53 130 1993 (DB93) 7209 Forretningsservice mv. Business activities etc. 72000 Databehandlingsvirksomhed Computer and related activities 721009 Databehandlingsvirksomhed bortset fra 721.723-726 Computer activities exc. software levering af software mv. 722000 Levering af programmel og konsulentbistand i forb. med software consultancy and supply 722000 Software consultancy and supply 73000 Forskning og udvikling Research and development 730001 Forskning og udvikling (markedsmæssig) NR-definition Research and development (market) 730002 Forskning og udvikling (anden ikke-markedsmæssig) NR-definition Research and development (other non-market) 74000 Rådgivningsvirks. mv., rengøringsvirks. Consultancy etc. and cleaning activities 741100 Advokatvirksomhed 111-standard Legal activities 741200 Revisions- og bogføringsvirksomhed 111-standard Accounting, book-keeping, auditing etc. 742009 Rådgivende ingeniører, arkitekter mv. 111-standard Consulting engineers, architects etc. 744000 Reklame og markedsføring 111-standard Advertising 747000 Rengøringsvirksomhed 111-standard Industrial cleaning 748009 Anden forretningsservice 111-standard Other business activities 8 Offentlige og personlige tjenesteydelser Public and personal services 7500 75000 Offentlig administration mv. Public administration etc. 751100 Generel offentlig administration 111-standard General (overall) public service activities 751209 Offentlig sektoradm. bortset fra vedr. erhverv og infrastruktur mv. 7512;7514;7530 Regulation of public service activities exc. for business 751300 Offentlig administration vedrørende erhverv, infrastruktur mv. 751300 Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of business 752000 Forsvar, politi og retsvæsen 111-standard Provision of services to the community 8000 80000 Undervisning Education 801000 Folkeskoler 111-standard Primary education 802000 Gymnasier, erhvervsfaglige skoler 111-standard Secondary education 803000 Videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner 111-standard Higher education 804001 Voksenundervisning mv. (markedsmæssig) NR-definition Adult and other education (market) 804002 Voksenundervisning mv. (anden ikke-markedsmæssig) NR-definition Adult and other education (other non-market) 8519 85109 Sundhedsvæsen mv. Health care activities 851100 Hospitaler 111-standard Hospital activities 851209 Læger, tandlæger, dyrlæger mv. 111-standard Medical, dental, veterinary activities etc. 8539 Sociale institutioner mv. Social work activities 85319 853109 Sociale institutioner mv. for børn og unge 53-standard Social institutions etc. for children 85329 853209 Sociale institutioner mv. for voksne 53-standard Social institutions etc. for adults 9009 Renovation, foreninger og forlystelser mv. Other community, social and personal act. 90000 Renovationsvæsen Sewage and refuse disp. and similar act. 900010 Kloakvæsen og rensningsanlæg 900010 Sewage removal and disposal 900020 Renovation og renholdelse 900020 Refuse collection and sanitation 900030 Lossepladser og forbrændingsanstalter 900030 Refuse dumps and refuse disposal plants 91000 910000 Organisationer og foreninger 53-standard Activities of membership organiza. n.e.c. 92000 Forlystelser, kultur og sport Recreational, cultural, sporting activities 920001 Forlystelser, kultur og sport (markedsmæssig) NR-definition Recreational, cultural, sporting activities (market) 920002 Forlystelser, kultur og sport (anden ikke-markedsmæssig) NR-definition Recreational, cultural, sporting activities (other non-market) 93009 Anden servicevirksomhed Other service activities 930009 Servicevirksomhed i øvrigt 9300 Service activities n.e.c 950000 Private husholdninger med ansat medhjælp 950000 Private households with employed persons

394 10.2 Classifications of consumption Table 141 shows the grouping of household consumption in the Danish national accounts and Table 142 the link between the consumption groups at the most detailed 72-level and COICOP at 4-digit level. Table 141 Consumption groupings Groupings 13 41 72 Durability 10 110 Fødevarer Food 1110 IV Mel, gryn, brød og kager Bread and cereals 1120 IV Kød Meat 1130 IV Fisk Fish 1141 IV Æg Eggs 1142 IV Mælk, fløde, yoghurt mv. Milk, cream, yoghurt etc. 1143 IV Ost Cheese 1150 IV Smør, margarine og olie mv. Butter, oils and fats 1160 IV Frugt go grøntsager Fruit and vegetables except potatoes 1171 IV Kartofler mv. Potatoes etc. 1181 IV Sukker Sugar 1182 IV Flødeis, chokolade og sukkervarer Ice cream, chocolate and confectionery 1190 IV Salt, krydderier,supper mv. Food products n.e.c. 20 Drikkevarer og tobak Beverages and tobacco 120 Ikke-alkoholiske drikkevarer Non-alcoholic beverages 1210 IV Kaffe, the og kakao Coffee, tea and cocoa 1220 IV Mineralvand og sodavand Mineral waters, soft drinks and juices 210 Alkoholiske drikkevarer Alcoholic beverages 2110 IV Vin og spiritus Wine and spirits 2130 IV Øl Beer 220 2210 IV Tobak Tobacco 30 Beklædning og fodtøj Clothing and footwear 310 Beklædning Clothing 3110 HV Beklædning Garments and clothing materials etc. 3140 T Vask, rensning Laundering, dry cleaning etc. 320 3200 HV Fodtøj Footwear 40 Boligbenyttelse Housing 410 4100 T Husleje Actual rentals for housing 420 4200 T Beregnet husleje af egen bolig Imputed rentals for housing 430 4300 T Reparation og vedligeholdelse af boliger Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling 440 Tjenester i forb. med boliger Other services relating to the dwelling 4410 T Renovation mv. Refuse collection, other services n.e.c. 4430 T Vand og vandafledningsafgift Water supply and sewerage services 45 450 Elektricitet og brændsel Electricity, gas and other fuels 4510 IV Elektricitet Electricity 4520 IV Gas Gas 4530 IV Flydende brændsel Liquid fuels 4540 IV Fjernvarme mv. Hot water, steam etc. 50 Boligudstyr, husholdningstjenester mv. Furnishing, household equipment etc. 510 5100 V Møbler og gulvtæpper mv. Furniture, furnishings, carpets etc. 520 5200 HV Gardiner, sengelinned mv. Household textiles 530 Husholdningsmaskiner mv. Major household appliances and repairs 5310 V Husholdningsmaskiner Major household appliances 5330 T Reparation af husholdningsmaskiner Repair of major household appliances 540 5400 HV Service, køkkenudstyr Glass, tableware and household utensils

550 5500 HV Husholdnings- og haveredskaber Tools and equipment for house and garden 395

396 Table 141 (continued) Consumption groupings Groupings 13 41 72 Durability 560 Andre varer og tjenester til husholdningen Goods and services for routine household maintenance 5610 IV Rengøringsmidler mv. Non-durable household goods 5620 T Hushjælp mv. Domestic services and home care services 60 Medicin, lægeudgifter o.l. Medical products, health services 610 Medicin, vitaminer, briller mv. Medical products, appliances and equipment 6111 IV Medicin, vitaminer mv. Medical and pharmaceutical products 6112 V Briller, høreapparater mv. Therapeutic appliances and equipment 620 6200 T Læge, tandlæge mv. Out-patient services 630 6300 T Hospitaler, sanatorier Hospital services 71 710 7100 V Anskaffelse af køretøjer Purchase of vehicles 79 Anden transport og kommunikation Other transport and communication 720 Drift af individuelle transportmidler Operation of personal transport equipment 7210 T Vedligeholdelse af køretøjer Maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles 7220 IV Benzin og olie til køretøjer Fuels and lubricants 7240 T Biludlejning, køretimer mv. Other services in respect of personal transport equipment 730 7300 T Køb af transportydelser Transport services 810 8100 T Telefon, telefax og porto mv. Communications 91 Fritidsudstyr, underholdning og rejser Recreation and culture 910 Elektronisk fritidsudstyr mv. Audio-visual, photographic and data proc. equipment etc. 9110 V Radio- og tv-apparater mv. Radio and television sets etc. 9120 V Fotoudstyr, videokameraer mv. Photographic equipment etc. 9130 V Pc'ere mv. Data processing equipment 9140 HV Cd'ere, videobånd mv. Recording media for pictures and sound 9150 T Reparation af radio, tv, pc mv. Repair of a/v and data processing equipment 920 9200 V Musikinstrumenter, både mv. Other major durables for recreation and culture 930 9300 HV Sportsudstyr, legetøj, kæledyr mv. Other recreational items and equipment 940 9400 T Forlystelser, tv-licens mv. Recreational and cultural services 950 Bøger, blade, papir mv. Newspapers, books and stationery 9510 IV Bøger, aviser og blade Books, newspapers and periodicals 9530 HV Papir og skriveudstyr mv. Stationery and drawing materials etc. 960 9600 T Pakkede ferierejser Package holidays 97 Andre varer og tjenester Other goods and services 970 9700 T Undervisning Education 981 9810 T Udgifter på restauranter mv. Catering 982 9820 T Udgifter til hoteller mv. Accommodation services 991 Personligt pleje Personal care 9911 T Frisører mv. Hairdressing salons etc. 9912 HV Toiletartikler, barbermaskiner mv. Appliances, articles and products for personal care 992 Personlige effekter Personal effects n.e.c. 9921 V Smykker og ure mv. Jewellery, clocks and watches 9922 HV Kufferter, tasker mv. Other personal effects 993 Sociale foranstaltninger Social protection services 9931 T Plejehjem, dagcentre mv. Retirement homes, day-care centres etc. 9932 T Daginstitutioner for børn Kindergartens, creches etc. 994 9940 T Forsikring Insurance 995 9950 T Finansielle tjensteydelser Financial services n.e.c. 996 9960 T Advokater, andre tjenesteydelser Other services n.e.c. 99 Turistbalance Balance of tourism, net 998 9980 Turistindtægter mv. Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory 999 9990 Turistudgifter mv. Consumption of residents in the ROW

397 V Varige Durable HV Halvvarige Semi-durable IV Ikke varige Non-durable T Tjenester Services Table 142 Link between consumption grouping and COICOP (continued) Main Consumption Durability Text 4-digit group group COICOP 10 110 Food 1110 IV Bread and cereals 0111 1120 IV Meat 0112 1130 IV Fish 0113 1141 IV Eggs 0114 (part) 1142 IV Milk, cream, yoghurt etc. 0114 (part) 1143 IV Cheese 0114 (part) 1150 IV Butter, oils and fats 0115 1160 IV Fruit and vegetables except potatoes 0116 1160 IV Fruit and vegetables except potatoes 0117 (part) 1171 IV Potatoes etc. 0117 (part) 1181 IV Sugar 0118 (part) 1182 IV Ice cream, chocolate and confectionery 0118 (part) 1190 IV Food products n.e.c. 0119 20 120 Non-alcoholic beverages 1210 IV Coffee, tea and cocoa 0121 1220 IV Mineral waters, soft drinks and juices 0122 20 210 Alcoholic beverages 2110 IV Wine and spirits 0211 2110 IV Wine and spirits 0212 2130 IV Beer 0213 20 220 Tobacco 2210 IV Tobacco 0220 30 310 Clothing 3110 HV Garments and clothing materials, etc. 0311 3110 HV Garments and clothing materials, etc. 0312 3110 HV Garments and clothing materials, etc. 0313 3110 HV Garments and clothing materials, etc. 0314 (part) 3140 T Laundering, dry cleaning, etc. 0314 (part) 30 320 Footwear 3200 HV Footwear 0321 3200 HV Footwear 0322 40 410 Housing 4100 T Housing 0411 4100 T Housing 0412 40 420 Imputed rentals for housing 4200 T Imputed rentals for housing 0421 4200 T Imputed rentals for housing 0422

398 40 430 Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling 4300 T Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling 0431 4300 T Regular maintenance and repair of the dwelling 0432 40 440 Other services relating to the dwelling 4410 T Refuse collection, other services n.e.c. 0442 4410 T Refuse collection, other services n.e.c. 0443 4410 T Refuse collection, other services n.e.c. 0444 4430 T Water supply and sewerage services 0441 45 450 Electricity, gas and other fuels 4510 IV Electricity 0451 4520 IV Gas 0452 4530 IV Liquid fuels 0453 4540 IV Hot water, steam, etc. 0454 4540 IV Hot water, steam, etc. 0455 50 510 Furniture, furnishings, carpets, etc. 5100 V Furniture, furnishings, carpets, etc. 0511 5100 V Furniture, furnishings, carpets, etc. 0512 5100 V Furniture, furnishings, carpets, etc. 0513 50 520 Household textiles 5200 HV Household textiles 0520 50 530 Major household appliances and repairs 5310 V Major household appliances 0531 5310 V Major household appliances 0532 5330 T Repair of major household appliances 0533 50 540 Glass, tableware and household utensils 5400 HV Glass, tableware and household utensils 0540 50 550 Tools and equipment for house and garden 5500 HV Tools and equipment for house and garden 0551 5500 HV Tools and equipment for house and garden 0552 Goods and services for routine household 50 560 maintenance 5610 IV Non-durable household goods 0561 5620 T Domestic services and home care services 0562 60 610 Medical products, appliances and equipment 6111 IV Medical and pharmaceutical products 0611 6111 IV Medical and pharmaceutical products 0612 6112 V Therapeutic appliances and equipment 0613 60 620 Out-patient services 6200 T Out-patient services 0621 6200 T Out-patient services 0622 6200 T Out-patient services 0623 60 630 Hospital services 6300 T Hospital services 0630 71 710 Purchase of vehicles 7100 V Purchase of vehicles 0711

399 7100 V Purchase of vehicles 0712 7100 V Purchase of vehicles 0713 7100 V Purchase of vehicles 0714 79 720 Operation of personal transport equipment 7210 T Maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles 0721 7210 T Maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles 0723 7220 IV Fuels and lubricants 0722 Other services in respect of personal transport 7240 T equipment 0724 79 730 Transport services 7300 T Transport services 0731 7300 T Transport services 0732 7300 T Transport services 0733 7300 T Transport services 0734 7300 T Transport services 0735 7300 T Transport services 0736 79 810 Communication 8100 T Communications 0810 0820 0830 Audio-visual, photographic and data proc. 90 910 equipment etc. 9110 V Radio and television sets etc. 0911 9120 V Photographic equipment etc. 0912 9130 V Data processing equipment 0913 9140 HV Recording media for pictures and sound 0914 9150 T Repair of a/v and data processing equipment 0915 90 920 Other major durables for recreation and culture 9200 V Other major durables for recreation and culture 0921 9200 V Other major durables for recreation and culture 0922 9200 V Other major durables for recreation and culture 0923 90 930 Other recreational items and equipment 9300 HV Other recreational items and equipment 0931 9300 HV Other recreational items and equipment 0932 9300 HV Other recreational items and equipment 0933 9300 HV Other recreational items and equipment 0934 9300 HV Other recreational items and equipment 0935 90 940 Recreational and cultural services 9400 T Recreational and cultural services 0941 0942 0943 90 950 Newspapers, books and stationery 9510 IV Books, newspapers and periodicals 0951 9510 IV Books, newspapers and periodicals 0952 9530 HV Stationery and drawing materials etc. 0953 9530 HV Stationery and drawing materials etc. 0954 90 960 Package holidays 9600 T Package holidays 0960 98 970 Education

400 9700 T Education 1010 9700 T Education 1020 9700 T Education 1030 9700 T Education 1040 9700 T Education 1050 98 981 Catering 9810 T Catering 1111 1112 98 982 Accommodation services 9820 T Accommodation services 1120 98 991 Personal care 9911 T Hairdressing salons etc. 1211 9912 HV Appliances, articles and products for personal care 1212 9912 HV Appliances, articles and products for personal care 1213 98 992 Personal effect n.e.c. 9921 V Jewellery, clocks and watches 1231 9922 HV Other personal effects 1232 98 993 Social protection services 9931 T Retirement homes, day-care centres etc. 1240 (part) 9932 T Kindergartens, crèches etc. 1240 (part) 98 994 Insurance 9940 T Insurance 1251 9940 T Insurance 1252 9940 T Insurance 1253 9940 T Insurance 1254 9940 T Insurance 1255 98 995 Financial services n.e.c. 9950 T Financial services n.e.c. 1262 1261 98 996 Other services n.e.c. 9960 T Other services n.e.c. 1270 99 998 9980 Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory Consumption of non-residents on the economic territory 99 999 Consumption of residents in the ROW 9990 Consumption of residents in the ROW