Appendix 9. Interview guides

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1 Appendix 9 Interview guides In the following, the interview guides for the eight interviews carried out are enclosed. Since the interviews are open, semi-structured interviews, the questions asked may differ from the guide from time to time. However, being as structured as possible has been aimed at, since the answers should be comparable. Some questions may have been added to the interview guides of e.g. UK employees, which has not been included in the interview guides of the Danish employees. That could, for example, be questions concerning the mergers, which the Danish employees have not been involved in. The order of the questions has been followed if possible. In some cases, the interviewees change direction and answer some questions before I got to ask them. Furthermore, appendix 2-5 presents follow-up interviews, in connection to which questions were either overlooked or additional information was needed. Questions employees DK Om dig - Hvor længe har du været ansat hos Arla? - Hvad er din jobtitel? - Har du været der både før og efter, at Lead, Sense, Create (LSC) blev inkorporeret? - Hvad synes du, der skal lægges mest vægt på, på en arbejdsplads? Din mening om Our Character - Prøv at beskrive Lead, Sense, Create med dine egne ord - Synes du, at værdierne Lead, Sense, Create stemmer overens med Arlas identitet? Hvordan? - Hvad med vision og mission? Hvordan? - Kan du relatere til/identificere dig med LSC? Hvordan? - Er der nogle af værdierne, du bedre kan relatere til end andre? Hvilke?

2 - Hvis du har været hos Arla før LSC, kan du så mærke nogen forskel på før og efter? Hvilken? - Ville du have gjort noget anderledes, hvis du havde været med i beslutningsprocessen omkring LSC? Hvad? Inkorporering af LSC - Jeg har læst i den præsentation, som medarbejderne blev præsenteret for i forbindelse med introduktionen af LSC, at værdierne skulle være helt integreret i virksomheden her i I 2007 skulle medarbejderne lære det at kende, og i 2008 skulle LSC indarbejdes i daglig adfærd etc. - Har du deltaget i introduktionen til samt opfølgningen på LSC? - Hvad fik du ud af det? - Hvordan er processen fra 2007 til 2009 forløbet? Levede det op til forventningerne? - LSC er en del af den årlige Barometer-undersøgelse. Plejer du at besvare denne undersøgelse? - Hvordan synes du, at udsagnene i undersøgelsen stemmer overens med din opfattelse af LSC? LSC i dagligdagen - Føler du, at LSC er en del af din hverdag? Hvordan? - Bruger du LSC i din daglige beslutningstagen og dit daglige arbejde? Hvordan? - Er der nogle eller en værdi, du bruger mere end andre? Hvilke? Hvorfor? - Snakker du med dine kolleger om LSC? - Hvad snakker I om i denne forbindelse? - Hvordan vil du beskrive den forandring, der er sket blandt dine kolleger efter inkorporeringen af LSC (hvis der er sket en forandring og du var der før LSC)? - Hvad har været de største udfordringer i forbindelse med at få inkorporeret LSC blandt dig og dine kolleger/i din afdeling?

3 LSC i forhold til din leder - Har din leder gjort noget, for at inkorporere LSC i dagligdagen? Hvad? - Har du deltaget i de tiltag, din leder har arrangeret? - Hvordan har din feedback på arrangementerne været? - Hvordan ville du arbejde med LSC hvis du var leder? Questions employees UK About you - For how long have you been employed by Arla? - What is your job title? - Where in the organisation are you placed in exactly which department? - Did you work at Arla both before and after LSC were incorporated? - Did you work there before the merger in 2003 (between Arla Foods and Express Dairies) and before Arla Foods UK became a subsidiary in 2007? - What do you attach most importance to at your workplace? Your opinion about Our Character (Lead, Sense, Create) - Try to describe Lead, Sense, Create in your own words - Do you think the values LSC correspond with the identity of Arla? How? - How about Arla s vision and mission? How? - Can you relate to/identify yourself with LSC? How? - Can you relate better to some values than others? Which? - If you have been working at Arla before the incorporation of LSC: What is the difference between then and now? - Would you have done anything differently, if you had been part of the decision-making process concerning LSC? What?

4 Incorporation of LSC - In the presentation that was used in the introduction in the autumn 2007 in Denmark in the Global Ingredients BG, I have read that the values should be fully integrated within the company in the year of In 2007 the employees should get to know LSC, in 2008 LSC should be incorporated in the daily behaviour at work, etc. - Did you have the same kind of introduction? - Did you participate in the introduction and follow up workshop concerning LSC? (If you have had such workshops in the UK). - What did you learn from that? - How has the process from 2007 to 2009 (as mentioned above) worked out? Did it live up to the expectations? - The values LSC are part of the annual Barometer survey. Did you answer this survey? - How do you think the statements in the survey corresponds with your perception of LSC? LSC and the day-to-day life - Do you feel that LSC is part of your day-to-day life? How? - Do you use the values in your daily decision-making and your daily work? How? - Is there any value/values you use more than others? Which? Why? - Do you talk to your colleagues about LSC? - What do you then talk about? - What has been the major challenges regarding the incorporation of LSC among you and your colleagues (in your department)? LSC and your manager - Has your manager done anything to incorporate LSC in the daily work routines? What? - Did you participate in the initiatives that your manager has arranged? - How was your feedback on these initatives? - How would you describe the changes that has happened among your colleagues after the incorporation of LSC (if any)?

5 - How would you implement LSC if you were a manager? LSC and the merger (only relevant if employee has been employed before merger) - Do you feel any differences in your daily work life between before the merger and now? - Did Express Dairies have any company values before the merger? Which? - How would you describe them compared to Arla s values? - Could you relate to them? - Did you use these in your daily work routines? - Do you see any challenges in implementing new values in a company that has merged with another? Questions Director DK Om dig - Hvor længe har du været ansat hos Arla? - Har du været der både før og efter, at af Lead, Sense, Create (LSC) blev inkorporeret? - Hvor mange medarbejdere har du under dig? - Hvad er din job-titel? - Hvad synes du, der skal lægges mest vægt på, på en arbejdsplads? Mening om Our Character - Prøv at beskrive Lead, Sense, Create med dine egne ord - Synes du, at værdierne Lead, Sense, Create stemmer overens med Arlas identitet? Hvordan? - Hvad med vision og mission? Hvordan? - Kan du relatere til/identificere dig med LSC? Hvordan? - Hvis du har været hos Arla før LSC, kan du så mærke nogen forskel på før og efter? Hvilken?

6 - Er der noget, du selv ville have gjort anderledes, hvis du havde været med i den overordnede beslutningsproces vdr. hvilke værdier, Arla har? Hvad? Inkorporering af LSC - Jeg har læst i den præsentation, som medarbejderne blev præsenteret for i forbindelse med introduktionen af LSC, at værdierne skulle være helt integreret i virksomheden her i I 2007 skulle medarbejderne lære det at kende, og i 2008 skulle LSC indarbejdes i daglig adfærd etc. - Har du deltaget i introduktionen til samt opfølgningen på LSC? - Har dine medarbejdere? - Hvad fik du ud af det? - Hvordan er processen fra 2007 til 2009 (som nævnt ovenfor) forløbet? Levede det op til forventningerne? - LSC er en del af den årlige Barometer-undersøgelse. Plejer du at besvare denne undersøgelse? - Hvordan synes du, at udsagnene i undersøgelsen stemmer overens med din opfattelse af LSC? LSC i dagligdagen - Føler du, at LSC er en del af din hverdag? Hvordan? - Bruger du LSC i din daglige beslutningstagen og dit daglige arbejde? Hvordan? - Snakker du med dine kolleger om LSC? - Hvad snakker I om i denne forbindelse? LSC og ledelse - Hvordan har dine medarbejdere taget imod LSC? - Føler du, at dine medarbejdere forstår og kan relatere til LSC? - Føler du, at dine medarbejdere arbejder i overensstemmelse med LSC? - Hvordan bruger de det i dagligdagen?

7 - Hvad har du gjort som leder for at inkorporere LSC hos dine medarbejdere? - Hvilken feedback har du fået på dette fra dine medarbejdere? - Hvad har de største udfordringer været ved at introducere og inkorporere LSC i dagligdagen? - Hvordan vil du beskrive den forandring, der er sket blandt dine medarbejdere (hvis der er sket en forandring)? - Hvad kunne du forestille dig at gøre i fremtiden, for at LSC bliver endnu bedre inkorporeret? - Hvordan bruger du LSC i dine Dialogsamtaler (medarbejdersamtaler) med dine medarbejdere? Questions Director UK About you - For how long have you been employed by Arla? - Did you work at Arla both before and after LSC were incorporated? - How many people do you manage? - Did you work there before the merger in 2003 (between Arla Foods and Express Dairies) and before Arla Foods UK became a subsidiary in 2007? - What do you attach most importance to in your workplace? Your opinion about Our Character - Try to describe Lead, Sense, Create in your own words - Do you think the values LSC correspond with the identity of Arla? How? - Can you relate to/identify with LSC? - If you have been working at Arla before the incorporation of LSC: what is the difference between then and now? - Would you have done anything differently, if you had been part of the decision-making process concerning LSC? What?

8 Incorporation of LSC - In the presentation that was used in the introduction in the autumn 2007 in Denmark in the Global Ingredients BG, I have read that the values should be fully integrated within the company in the year of In 2007 the employees should get to know LSC, in 2008 LSC should be incorporated in the daily behaviour at work, etc. - Did you have the same kind of introduction? - Did you participate in the introduction and follow up workshop concerning LSC? (If you have had such workshops in the UK). - Did your team? - What did you learn from that? - How has the process from 2007 to 2009 (as mentioned above) worked out? Did it live up to the expectations? - The values LSC are part of the annual Barometer survey. Did you answer this survey? How do you think the statements in the survey corresponds with your perception of LSC? LSC in the day-to-day-life - Do you feel that LSC is part of your day-to-day life? How? - Do you use the values in your daily decision-making and your daily work? How? - Do you talk to your colleagues about LSC and how you use it in practice? - What do you then talk about? LSC and leadership - How did your employees react to the incorporation of LSC? - Do you feel that your employees understand and can identify with LSC? How? - Do you feel that your employeesis working in accordance witk LSC? - How do they use it in their day-to-day-lives? - As a manager, which initiatives have you made in order to incorporate LSC among your employees?

9 - Which feedback have your team given you regarding this? - What was the major challenges of introducing and incorporating LSC into the day-to-day lives of your employees? - How would you describe the change that has happened among your employees (if any)? - What could you imagine that you would do in the future, in order for LSC to be even better incorporated? How do you use LSC in your Dialog-samtaler (dialogue-conversations) with your employees? LSC across cultures - In your opinion, have any cultural challenges been evident regarding the incorporation of the same values across national cultures? Which? - Have any challenges been evident regarding the incorporation of values in an organisation that has merged with another? Which? - In this regard, has the employees been able to identify with the new values? Why do you think so? - Do you feel that the UK taken part in the process of developing LSC? - Do you think there are any differences as to how LSC is incorporated in the UK and DK? Which? Questions HR Director DK Om dig - Hvor længe har du arbejdet hos Arla? - Arbejdede du der både før og efter, at Lead, Sense, Create blev inkorporeret?

10 Udvikling af LSC - Kan du fortælle mig lidt om udviklingen af Vores Karakter/Our Character? - Hvad var grunden til, at man inkorporerede disse nye værdier? - Hvor meget tog Global Ingredients del i dette? - Eller var det kun top-ledelsen, som udviklede LSC? - Hvis det kun var top-ledelsen: Ville du have gjort noget anderledes, hvis du havde været mere med til at udvikle LSC? - Kan du beskrive LSC med dine egne ord? - Hvordan synes du LSC stemmer overens med Arlas vision og mission? Inkorporering af LSC - Har HR afdelingen i Global Ingredients gjort andet for at udbrede LSC end introduktionspræsentationen og opfølgende workshop? Hvad? - Har du fået noget feedback på dette? Hvilken? - Jeg har læst i den præsentation, som medarbejderne blev præsenteret for i forbindelse med introduktionen af LSC, at værdierne skulle være helt integreret i virksomheden her i I 2007 skulle medarbejderne lære det at kende, og i 2008 skulle LSC indarbejdes i daglig adfærd etc. - Hvordan er denne proces forløbet? Som forventet? - Planlægger du/i at lave opfølgende workshops eller lignende i den nærmeste fremtid? - Jeg har fået at vide, at I har haft Change Agents her i GIN på fabrikkerne, som har været forgængere for implementeringen. Har dette også været på back-office? Er dette forløbet efter planen? - Jeg har læst at nogle af Arla Foods afdelinger baserer deres lønninger på parametre, der er baseret på LSC. Gør I også det i Global Ingredients? Hvorfor/hvorfor ikke? - Jeg kan se, I bruger LSC i jeres Barometer-undersøgelse. Hvordan evaluerer I dette/følger op på dette? HR-afdelingens opgaver

11 - Mener du at LSC skal bruges i forhold til ansættelse af nye medarbejdere? - Hvordan bliver nye medarbejdere introduceret til LSC? - LSC på tværs af organisations- og nationale kulturer - Tror du, at der kan være nogle udfordringer i at skulle inkorporere de samme værdier på tværs af kulturer? - Nationalt? - Organisationsmæssigt? - Hvilke? Andet - Ved du, i hvilken grad Arla bruger Our Character i ekstern kommunikation også? Questions HR Director UK About you - For how long have you been working at Arla Foods? - Did you work at Arla both before and after the implementation of LSC? - Did you work there before the merger in 2003 (between Arla Foods and Express Dairies) and before Arla Foods UK became a subsidiary in 2007? Development of LSC - Can you tell me a little about the development of Our Character? - What was the reason for incorporating these new values? - How much did Consumer UK take part in this? - Or was it only the top management who developed LSC?

12 - If only top management: Would you have done anything differently, if you had been participating in developing Our Character? - Can you describe LSC in your own words? - How do you think LSC corresponds with Arla Foods vision and mission? Incorporation of LSC - The business group Global Ingredients (in DK) which I am comparing with, have made an introduction to LSC and a follow up workshop in the autumn Have Consumer UK done this as well? - In the presentation that was used at the introduction in the autumn 2007 in Denmark, I have read that the values should be fully integrated within the company in the year of In 2007 the employees should get to know LSC, in 2008 LSC should be incorporated in the daily behaviour at work, etc. Did you have a similar introduction? - How has this process worked out? As expected? - What other initiatives have Consumer UK made in connection to implementing LSC? - Have you got any feedback on this? - Do you plan on doing any follow ups in the near future? - In Global Ingredients they have had change agents as forerunners for LSC. Have you had anything similar to this? - I have heard that some teams within Arla Foods base the salaries on parameters connected to LSC. Is this something you do in UK? Why/why not? - Arla Foods uses LSC in the annual Barometer survey. How do you evaluate this/follow up on this? - I can see there are positive differences between the Barometer results from 2007 and Why do you think that is? The HR team - Do you think LSC should be used in connection to recruitment? - How are new employees introduced to LSC?

13 LSC and the merger (only relevant if interviewee has been employed before merger) - Do you see any challenges in introducing new values in a company that has merged with another? Which? LSC across cultures - In your opinion, has any cultural challenges occurred when aiming at incorporating the same set of values across cultures/nationalities? - Which? Other - Do you know to what extent Our Character also is used in external communication?

14 ONE and Our Character brochure Appendix 10


16 ONE AMBITION Our ambition is to create one global Arla Foods. Since 2000, Arla Foods has invested considerable effort into creating functional structures and systems across all our business areas and markets. We have streamlined the organisation, set in motion a number of important, strategic moves and focused strongly on honing our business skills. In other words, we have laid a sound foundation for Arla Foods future. Arla Foods ongoing development is driven by three key factors: Our mission, our vision and our strategy. Between them they form the guidelines that will enable us to achieve our global goals. Nevertheless, so far we ve not quite managed to find the words for those aspects that relate to people the individuals who tie everything together and who take the business forward. Our behaviour, culture and approach to present and future challenges is what defines Arla Foods personality, identity and soul our character. These are the things upon which consumers, customers and the world at large judge us. And this, in turn, is why our character is crucial in terms of our ability to achieve success and retain it. Consequently, we re now embarking on the next step on our journey towards becoming one global business imbued with a strong character. Peder Tuborgh CEO Arla Foods


18 ONE COMMON PLATFORM Over the years, Arla Foods has been formed by companies with different professional, geographical and cultural backgrounds. Between them, they have brought many qualities to the business and a variety of interpretations of what the company is and stands for. Our ambition is that wherever in the world people encounter Arla Foods, they should find the same qualities, the same character. For this reason, we in Group Management have discussed at great length the inherent values of our traditions, history and culture and how we best achieve the objectives set out in our vision, mission and strategy. In the end, it all came down to three character traits that dominate all other values and express our character in everything we say and do throughout Arla Foods. These three character traits are Lead, Sense and Create.

19 ONE CHARACTER OUR CHARACTER Defining one common character is crucial because without the human dimension we will fail in our mission, vision and strategy. The stronger our common perception of who we are and what we want, the better we shall perform. To create a common character for Arla Foods we must all contribute to making Lead, Sense and Create come alive. LEAD is about taking lead, being in the driver s seat in all actions. It is about being passionate and striving for leadership and high potential in our people, businesses and relations. SENSE is about sensing our people, consumers and the world around us. It is about having integrity and an open mind, sensing opportunities and high potential in our people, businesses and relations. CREATE is about creating and being creative in building competencies, products and market relationships. It is about creating and developing high potential in our people, businesses and relations.

20 ONE BALANCED FOCUS All character traits can be misleading if not balanced. Hence it is important to see our character as a whole. If we only lead, we lose touch with our environment. If we only sense, we lose ambition and direction. If we only create, we lose strategic focus. If we see lead, sense and create as overlapping entities, they will create a strong and balanced platform upon which we can navigate in the world as one global company.

21 OUR CHARACTER Our character in Arla Foods reflects our mindset, approach and culture. It is how we perceive and approach the world, our stakeholders and one another. It is how we develop and interact in businesses and relations. Our character is our bridge to the future, with an anchor in our past and a guide for today. The benefits of our character, like most good ideas, do not derive from their description or novelty, but rather from the skill and passion with which they are integrated into our policies and practices. In that way, what we do and how we work should be distinctly us! Our character is a way of talking about our work and ourselves that connects the best from our past with our present and expresses it in a spirit and language of our future company. It is about who we are, what we stand for and believe in, where we are headed, how we will get there. It is how we strive for the highest future potential. It is how we Lead, Sense and Create!

22 A LEADING MINDSET LEAD is about taking lead, being in the driving seat in all we do. It is about being passionate and striving for leadership and high potential in our people, businesses and relations. In Arla Foods we take the lead, we are in the driving seat in all we do! Jordklode over køer på mark billede We want to be the best in the field! We are persistent fighters with courage and ambition. We strive for value adding quality in what we do and how we do it. We demonstrate visionary leadership and practice great craftsmanship, we develop the best methods and tools, and we take pride in making the best dairy products. We are committed, well-equipped, well-educated, and professional. We are passionate and strive for leadership and high potential in our people, businesses and relations. In other words we have a leading mindset! LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

23 To build a strong common character it is important that everyone understands the character in the right way. Here is how you interpret LEAD. WHEN WE SAY LEAD WE MEAN: WHEN WE SAY LEAD WE DON T MEAN: We are ahead, proactive and on the move We are best in field We are competent and professional We have passion and commitment We practice leadership We fulfil potential We are insensitive We are complacent We want to win at all costs We neglect doing the right thing LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

24 This is how we express our character. THE ORGANISATION: Holds a key position in the global dairy market Delivers world class products Holds a significant influence in partnerships Actively seeks to co-operate with the best both internally and externally THE INDIVIDUAL: Seeks influence and speaks out when relevant Makes sound judgments and maintains integrity when acting on the judgement Acts professionally in every situation Has energy, drive and courage LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

25 A SENSING APPROACH SENSE is about sensing our people, consumers and the world around us. It is about having integrity and an open mind, sensing opportunities and high potential in our people, businesses and relations. In Arla Foods we sense our people, consumers and the world around us! We value a curious mind busily seeing, listening to and discovering the world around us. We want to create alignment and meaning to people in and outside the company. Through respectful relations and proactive dialogue we want to understand and learn from the world outside. We aim for a global mindset. We act responsibly and strive for diversity and mobility in people and ideas. We have integrity and an open mind sensing opportunities and high potential in our people, businesses and relations. In other words we have a sensing approach! LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

26 To build a strong common character it is important that everyone understands the character in the right way. Here is how you interpret SENSE. WHEN WE SAY SENSE WE MEAN: WHEN WE SAY SENSE WE DON T MEAN: We are open-minded and responsible We have a global mindset We have integrity We respect and value diversity We respect our stakeholders We provide meaning We do not make demands We lose our local heritage We want to please everyone We suppress our own values and beliefs LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

27 This is how we express our character. THE ORGANISATION: Has a global mindset while staying local in approach and actions Seeks dialogue and involvement from all relevant stakeholders Strives for diversity in people THE INDIVIDUAL: Is open-minded and attentive to new impressions and possibilities and acts on them Takes a holistic approach in problem solving and decision making and involves the right people in the process Approaches the world with genuine curiosity and a desire to understand and learn from the world outside LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

28 A CREATING CULTURE CREATE is about creating and being creative in building competencies, products and market relationships. It is about creating and developing high potential in our people, businesses and relations. In Arla Foods we create and are creative in building competencies, products and market relationships! We develop and grow innovative businesses and people capable of delivering excellent and healthy products. We have a fundamental imaginative side that makes us open for new inspiration. This inspiration becomes a deep felt belief that contributes to enthusiasm and thrill. We create and build trustful, respectful relations. We inspire and motivate people to higher levels. Mælkelab billede We create and develop high potential in our people, businesses and relations. In other words we have a creating culture! LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

29 To build a strong common character it is important that everyone understands the character in the right way. Here is how you interpret CREATE. WHEN WE SAY CREATE WE MEAN: WHEN WE SAY CREATE WE DON T MEAN: We are imaginative and creative We grow and develop our business and people We create learning environments We want to inspire and to be inspired We build trusted relationships We create potential We lose direction and strategic focus We are unrealistic dreamers We create without a purpose We lose focus on value creation LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

30 This is how we express our character. THE ORGANISATION: Enables creative work in visionary learning environments Values and encourages a diversity in opinions and ideas Builds strong relations both inside and outside the company Promotes a healthy profile and prides itself on doing so THE INDIVIDUAL: Takes personal pride in finding creative ways of making things better Values other people s opinions and strives to learn from the differences Actively seeks to build personal and professional relations Handles conflicts and obstacles instead of avoiding them LEAD SENSE CREATE LEAD SENSE CREATE

31 BENEFITS These are some of the benefits of having one character. A strong & focused company A shared platform for decision making A coherent organisation A common language A guidance for prioritising A distinct profile

32 WHO WE ARE AND HOW WE DELIVER MISSION Our mission is to offer modern consumers milk-based food products that create inspiration, confidence and well-being CHARACTER Lead Sense Create A leading mindset A sensing approach A creating culture VISION Our vision is to be European dairy company no. 1 through significant value creation and active market leadership in order to achieve the highest possible milk price STRATEGY The strategy is based on increasing earnings by achieving market leader positions. The strategic initiatives involve the Nordic Region, UK, export business, ingredients business, and the cost structure of the company RESOURCES Human resources Physical resources Technological resources Financial resources Organisational resources


34 Organisation chart Executive board Appendix 11

35 Arla - Tættere på naturen Page 1 of Executive Board

36 Organisation chart Global Ingredients Appendix 12

37 Arla - Tættere på naturen Page 1 of Global Ingredients Global Ingredients har ansvaret for produktion og salg af mælkepulver og mælkebaserede ingrediensprodukter i hele Arla Foods

38 Organisation chart Consumer UK Appendix 13

39 Arla - Tættere på naturen Page 1 of Consumer UK Consumer UK omfatter datterselskabet Arla Foods UK plc og produktionen af drikkemælk, smør og flødeprodukter i Storbritannien. Ud over den lokale produktion håndteres også eksport fra Danmark og Sverige til Storbritannien

40 Appendix 14 Analysis model Elaboration of Figure 10 Analysis model, chapter 5.

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The X Factor. Målgruppe. Læringsmål. Introduktion til læreren klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen The X Factor Målgruppe 7-10 klasse & ungdomsuddannelser Engelskundervisningen Læringsmål Eleven kan give sammenhængende fremstillinger på basis af indhentede informationer Eleven har viden om at søge og

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Agenda. The need to embrace our complex health care system and learning to do so. Christian von Plessen Contributors to healthcare services in Denmark

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DENCON ARBEJDSBORDE DENCON DESKS DENCON ARBEJDSBORDE Mennesket i centrum betyder, at vi tager hensyn til kroppen og kroppens funktioner. Fordi vi ved, at det er vigtigt og sundt jævnligt at skifte stilling, når man arbejder. Bevægelse

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Financial Literacy among 5-7 years old children

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Remember the Ship, Additional Work

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Black Jack --- Review. Spring 2012

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Experience. Knowledge. Business. Across media and regions.

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How Al-Anon Works - for Families & Friends of Alcoholics. Pris: kr. 130,00 Ikke på lager i øjeblikket Vare nr. 74 Produktkode: B-22.

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1 s01 - Jeg har generelt været tilfreds med praktikopholdet

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Dean's Challenge 16.november 2016

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2012

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NOTIFICATION. - An expression of care

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Trolling Master Bornholm 2013

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Vor mission er at udvikle og forbedre vore kunders produkter ved at levere smags- og funktionelle ingredienser.

Vor mission er at udvikle og forbedre vore kunders produkter ved at levere smags- og funktionelle ingredienser. dk uk grundlagt i 1988 Kiranto Foods A/S blev grundlagt i 1988 af nuværende ejer og administrerende direktør Anders Toft. Ét enkelt agentur samt mange års viden og erfaring fra levnedsmiddelsektoren var

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GRUNDLAGT I 1988 FOUNDED IN 1988 DK UK GRUNDLAGT I 1988 Kiranto Foods A/S blev grundlagt i 1988 af nuværende ejer og administrerende direktør Anders Toft. Ét enkelt agentur samt mange års viden og erfaring fra levnedsmiddelsektoren var

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DevOps Professional: Enable and Scale

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DIRF IR strategi og implementering. 15 Marts 2011, Michael von Bulow, IR, Danmark

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Rooted in local communities, Abingdon Learning Trust will grow talent from within and bring the very best ideas, knowledge and resources to the area.

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Sociale Medier - kom tættere på kunderne. Eva Fog Bruun Head of Brand Strategy & Market Research 3. april 2014

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REDKEN EDUCATION 2018 LEARN BETTER. EARN BETTER. LIVE BETTER. REDKEN EDUCATION 2018 LEARN BETTER. EARN BETTER. LIVE BETTER. MESSAGE TO THE TRIBE OUR MISSION Redken strives to instill the principles of wealth and success to the professional salon industry. Our goal

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Please report absence, also if you don t plan to participate in dinner to Birgit Møller Jensen Telephone: /

Please report absence, also if you don t plan to participate in dinner to Birgit Møller Jensen   Telephone: / Annex 01.01 Board Meeting - Draft Agenda Wednesday, 24 th April 2013 at 15.00-20.00 in the Meetery, AADK, Fælledvej 12, 2200 Copenhagen N Agenda Status Time (proposed) Annex Comments 1. Welcome and approval

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Privat-, statslig- eller regional institution m.v. Andet Added Bekaempelsesudfoerende: string No Label: Bekæmpelsesudførende

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