Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag

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1 Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag Efterår 2018 Beskrivelse af fagene: Advanced Management Principles (undervises på engelsk) Brand Management (undervises på engelsk) Business Performance Management (undervises på engelsk) Corporate Finance and Financial Management (undervises på engelsk) Human resource management (undervises på engelsk) Innovation Management (undervises på engelsk) Fag fra Master i projekt- og innovationsledelse Projektledelse i innovative organisationer Ledelse af den projektorienterede organisation MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

2 Advanced Management Principles (undervises på engelsk) Advanced Management Principles discusses general tradeoffs that decision makers face when operating as a senior or middle manager in an organization. As a point of departure, the course raises a fundamental question in management: How to delegate responsibilities across hierarchies while maintaining sufficient control over the organization? The question will be addressed by drawing from selected areas in management, including strategic management, organization design, behavioral economics, social psychology, human resource management and leadership. Using teaching simulations and in-class experiments students learn novel insights from research in these areas and how they can be combined to develop management principles that can be applied for problem-solving in any given organizational context. The course concludes by discussing how such principles can be used, on the managerial daily micro-level, to distribute or pool responsibilities, to aggregate or disaggregate tasks, and to share or split incentives. Latest research results and real-world examples from the student s daily management practice are used to discuss the building and refinement of students own advanced management principles. The analytical approaches and principles introduced in this course can be used in the context of business development or, consulting, and they can be used to inform daily management practice. The course is complementary to the course Business Performance Management which concerns the assessment of organizational performance. Indhold: Day 1: Introduction to Advanced Management Principles The manager function in the organization: Purpose, roles and tasks Advanced Management Principles: State-of-the-art research The delegation of responsibilities The structuring of hierarchies Introduction of real-world examples and relevant theories Assignment I: Management principles in your organization Day 2: The Advanced Management Lab I the CEO and the middle managers In-class simulation: How would you perform as a CEO? The scope of managerial action in the business world The CEO effect on firm performance The role and the responsibility of the middle manager Assignment II: The role of managers in your organization MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

3 Day 3: The Advanced Management Lab II Cooperation and control In-class experiment: How to stimulate cooperative behavior? Group and individual decision-making Structuring and incentivization of managers and workers in groups and organizations Safeguarding and controlling cooperative behavior Assignment III: Cooperative behavior and decision-making in your organization Day 4: Advanced Management Principles & Wrap-up Building and refining management principles in your daily business environment The applicability and the limitations of advanced management principles Course review and preparation for the exam Underviser: Professor (MSO) Stephan Billinger, Institut for Marketing og Management MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

4 Brand Management (undervises på engelsk) Developing and managing strong brands is of high managerial relevance since strong brands with high levels of brand equity are a valuable intangible asset with a potentially strong impact on firm value. A unique and distinctive brand gives firms the ability to differentiate their products and thus generate a competitive advantage, especially in times of increasing product homogeneity. In relation to the study programme s qualification profile, the course explicitly focuses on: Imparting knowledge about brand management at the strategic level and about different strategies for building brand equity as well as approaches for measuring brand performance, enhancing skills in assessing current challenges in international brand management and in measuring brand performance, and enhancing skills in communication of research-based knowledge. Indhold: The purpose of the subject is achieved by the fact that the subject contains the following areas (i.e., agenda of the course): Brands and brand management Customer-based equity and brand positioning Brand resonance and the brand value chain Choosing brand elements to build brand equity Designing marketing programs to build brand equity Integrating marketing communications to build brand equity Leveraging secondary brand associations to build brand equity Measuring sources of brand equity: capturing customer mindset Measuring outcomes of brand equity: capturing market performance Designing and implementing brand architecture strategies Introducing and naming new products and brand extensions Managing brands over time Managing brands over geographic boundaries and market segments Underviser: Lektor Oliver Schnittka, Institut for Miljø og Erhvervsøkonomi MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

5 Business Performance Management (undervises på engelsk) A good strategy is worth little unless it is implemented successfully. Business Performance Management is designed to help you turn your firm s strategy into performance results. The course provides you with a comprehensive approach that follows the implementation process: mapping your firm s strategic choices and goals, aligning the organization to the goals, testing and adjusting the strategy, and establishing organizational conditions that support performance. Overall, participants will discuss a variety of frameworks (e.g., Balanced Scorecard), well-tested tools (e.g., Strategy Maps), and business cases that will clarify and enhance their thinking about strategy implementation and performance management. The course is complementary to the course Advanced Management Principles that discusses managerial tradeoffs that can affect performance. Indhold Day 1: Mapping the strategy The interaction between strategies, goals, and performance management Decomposing strategies into (balanced) goal systems Day 2: Aligning the organization Cascading and communicating the strategy through the organization Designing meaningful performance measurement and evaluation systems to motivate and control performance Day 3: Testing and adapting the strategy Separating good/poor strategy from poor/good execution (analytical performance management) Balancing successful execution and strategic agility Day 4: Creating a performance-driven organization The role of organizational culture, management systems, and leadership styles Course review and preparation for the exam Underviser: Professor (MSO) Oliver Baumann, Institut for Marketing og Management MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

6 Corporate Finance and Financial Management (undervises på engelsk) The focus of this course is on a financial manager s decision making related to the corporation s choice of which investments to make and how to raise the capital required to fund an investment. The course introduces the relationship between risk and return of an investment, and how an investor can allocate funds optimally accounting for the risk-return tradeoff. Corporate Finance and Financial Management is about answering questions such as Should your firm launch a new product? Why do higher interest rates decrease bond prices? Should your firm issue new stock or borrow money instead? How should I as an investor be compensated for investing in risky assets? Would a merger or acquisition (M&A) increase the value of your firm? A key component of financial decision-making is the valuation of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, or more generally any project. The valuation tools we are going to use show how to make the costs and benefits of a decision comparable so that we can weigh them properly. To understand the basic valuation principles in finance, we introduce very important concepts such as the law of one price and the time value of money. These basic principles are then combined into investment decision rules that empower a financial manager to allocate capital to investment projects efficiently. The course also discusses the fundamental questions of how to optimize a firm s capital structure; that is, the choice between equity and debt capital to finance the firm s operations in the best manner. A finance course necessarily introduces many analytical approaches and theories, however, the philosophy in this course is learning by doing wherever possible. Thus, many of the theoretical concepts taught in this course will be applied in real-life situations which managers regularly face in the corporation. This includes (simple) valuation exercises using Excel or solving real-life business cases. We will occasionally also discuss current financial events covered in the financial press to illustrate the practical relevance of what we are doing in this course, or in short, why you should care. The course provides financial managers with a broad overview of corporate finance issues and solution strategies, while non-financial managers are equipped with a solid background for discussing issues dealt with by financial managers. MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

7 Indhold: The main topics we cover in this course are: The principle of no arbitrage and the law of one price Time, money, and interest rates, o Time value of money and interest rates Valuing projects and firms o Investment decision rules and capital budgeting Risk and return o Capital markets, pricing of risk, portfolio choice, and cost of capital Capital structure o Capital structure without frictions, debt, financial distress, and managerial incentives A special topic announced at the beginning of the semester (such as Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) or Private Equity ). Undervisere: Professor (MSO) Christian Riis Flor og Adjunkt David Florysiak, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi. MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

8 Human Resource Management (undervises på engelsk) Det er nærmest blevet et dogme at medarbejderne er organisationens vigtigst ressource. Dette dogme forpligter. Og forpligtigelsen fordrer en klar prioritering og et målrettet, omfattende og systematisk arbejder med de menneskelige ressourcer for at opnå den fulde effekt. Dette modul vil udvikle de studerendes forståelse af HR funktionens forskellige roller og af konsekvenserne af sammenhængen mellem styring af de menneskelige ressourcer og opnåelse af hele organisationens mål og målsætninger. De studerende vil udvikle en bevidsthed om de problemer og praksisser, der understøtter og hindrer ledelse og udvikling af mennesket i organisationen og de vil opnå et bredt perspektiv på, hvordan en tæt sammenknytning mellem den strategiske forretningsorientering og HRM processerne er med til at skabe gode resultater. Faget er designet til at introducere de studerende til en række overordnede temaer og begrebsdannelser (f.eks. strategi, kultur, ledelsesteori, psykologi, motivation, læring, kompetencer) som bindes sammen med de fire HRM kerneprocesser: tiltrækning, udvikling, fastholdelse og afvikling af medarbejdere. De studerende skal på det abstrakte niveau opnå færdighed i at identificere og analysere samspillet mellem HRM kerneprocesserne og de overordnede temaer. Herunder skal de kunne undersøge, kritisere og teste forudsætningerne for værende HRM kerneprocesser og kunne argumentere for ændringer. De studerende skal kunne anvende generelle teorier som en forudsætning for det praktiske arbejde med HRM og de skal kunne relatere praktiske problemstillinger til generelle teorier. Underviser: Elena Schulzhenko, Institut for Marketing og Management MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

9 Innovation Management (undervises på engelsk) The purpose of the module is to provide the students with a fundamental introduction to innovation and innovation management departing in a conceptualization of the process of developing a new product, a new service, or a new process. Based on this, the process, the opportunities, and the managerial challenges are explained across the stages from the initial idea to the finished product. We use changing conditions in the business environment as a starting point to introduce the student to innovation, innovation management and innovation processes. The course seeks to provide the student with knowledge and competencies to describe and understand concepts, theories and methods that can be applied to describe, analyze and solve specific problems related to innovation activities in organizations. The course ties in these organizational-level phenomena with the importance of employees as drivers and active participants in the process; in particular focus is on how their competencies and motives to participate in the innovative activities interact. Indhold og centrale områder: Environmental changes as point of departure for innovation What is innovation, and description of different typologies of innovation (product, service, process) Innovation strategy and the relationship with the business strategies of the organization Innovation processes and organization of innovation Identification and selection of innovative opportunities including portfolio considerations Innovative models and innovation methods Employee-driven innovation: competencies and motivation for engaging in innovation Underviser: Lektor Rita Faullant, Institut for Marketing og Management MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

10 Projektledelse i innovative organisationer At den studerende tilegner sig viden om projektledelse i komplekse og usikre omgivelser At den studerende bliver i stand til at analysere og diskutere interaktionen mellem projekter og baseorganisationen At den studerende kan analysere konkrete og fiktive projektoplæg, projekter og projektprocesser og som et resultat heraf give forslag til en hensigtsmæssig tilrettelæggelse af såvel den overordnede projektledelse som den detaljerede projektledelse Indhold: Projektets omgivelser og betydningen af usikkerhed og kompleksitet Projektbegrebet og projektledelse set i et historisk perspektiv Perspektiver og standarder inden for projektledelse Projektets mission og målbeskrivelse Projektmandatet Principper for planlægning, organisering og opfølgning af projekter Projektets interessenter og interessentanalyse Projekt facilitering og kommunikation i projekter Projektsucces Introduktion til program og porteføljeledelse Underviser: Postdoc Eva Riis, Institut for Marketing og Management MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

11 Ledelse af den projektorienterede organisation At den studerende tilegner sig viden om og forståelse for, hvad en projektorganiseret organisation er At den studerende tilegner sig viden om og forståelse for, hvordan forskellige ledelsesroller og HRM påvirker projektorganisationen At den studerende tilegner sig viden om og forståelse for innovationsbegrebet At den studerende kan give forslag til hensigtsmæssig ledelse af såvel projekter som innovationsprocesser Indhold: Innovationsbegrebet og den projektorganiserede organisation Organisk ledelse i den projektorganiserede organisation Den projektorienterede organisation og støttefunktioner (herunder introduktion til Project Management Office (PMO) HRM, motivation og kompetenceudvikling af medarbejdere i den projektorganiserede organisation Projektlederens roller Underviser: Ekstern lektor Dorthe Håhr Dupont, Institut for Marketing og Management MBA Syddansk Universitet Valgfag efterår

Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag

Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag Efterår 2016 Beskrivelse af fagene: Human resource management Strategisk kommunikation Innovationsledelse (undervises på engelsk) Business Performance Management

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Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag

Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag Syddansk Universitet MBA beskrivelse af valgfag Efterår 2015 Beskrivelse af fagene: Global marketing management Human resource management Kommunikation og Pressekontakt Innovationsledelse (undervises på

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