Ansøgning USA - EI. Din ansøgning er vigtig! Hvad er en god ansøgning? For at sikre at din ansøgning er komplet, kan du bruge denne tjekliste:

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Ansøgning USA - EI Din ansøgning er vigtig! Din ansøgning bliver brugt til at finde den bedst mulige placering til dig. Alt hvad du skriver vil blive sendt ud til potentielle værter, derfor er det vigtigt at du er ærlig hele vejen igennem ansøgningen. Du skal hele tiden have fokus på, at din ansøgning skal give det bedste indtryk overfor en mulig vært. Derfor - gør dig umage! Hvad er en god ansøgning? 1. Ansøgningen skal være sandfærdig. Lad vær med at overdriv eller underdriv dine færdigheder og erfaringer. 2. Din selvbiografi (personal description) skal fylde ca. en A4-side. Fortæl om dig selv, din baggrund, og hvad du gerne vil opnå ved at tage et udlandsophold. 3. Billedet kommer forrest på din ansøgning. Brug derfor et ordentligt billede, hvor du ser professionel ud og smiler. Har du nogle spørgsmål til udfyldelse er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os! For at sikre at din ansøgning er komplet, kan du bruge denne tjekliste: Udfyldt Travel to Farm tilmeldingsblanket Farvebillede Kopi af pas Kopi af kørekort 2 anbefalinger Uddannelsesbevis Selvbiografi (personal description) på engelsk CV på engelsk Straffeattest Dokumentation for aftjent værnepligt (kun hvis du har været i militæret)

Travel to Farm tilmeldingsblanket 1.Valg af land: 2.Personlige oplysninger Fulde navn: Adresse og postnummer: Telefonnummer: E-mail: Køn (mand/kvinde) Status (single/kæreste/gift) Studerende Udlært Stilling Andet Kontaktoplysninger på pårørende ved nødstilfælde (navn, adresse, telefonnummer.) 3. Rejsedatoer Hvor lang tid vil du gerne være afsted (antal måneder)? Start på ophold (dato): 4. Placeringsønsker LANDMAND, Arbejdsområde du er interesseret i (skriv hvad du er mest interesseret i: 1-2-3. prioritet): Planteavl Malkekvæg Slagtesvin Kødkvæg Søer Heste Får Andet GARTNER, Arbejdsområde du er interesseret i (skriv hvad du er mest interesseret i: 1-2-3. prioritet): Drivhus/væksthus Havecenter/planteskole Grøntsager Anlægsgartner Blomster/løgproduktion Andet AUPAIR, Arbejdsområde du er interesseret i (skriv hvad du er mest interesseret i: 1-2-3. prioritet): Kun i hus 50/50 hus/udendørs Andet Hvis du selv har fundet en placering i udlandet, skriv venligst navn, adresse, telefonnummer og email på din kommende vært: Er dit ophold en del af praktikperioden på din uddannelse? Ja nej Hvilket skoleforløb er du på? Hvilken skole går du på? T-shirt størrelse: S M L XL XXL 5. Erklæring Jeg erklærer hermed at jeg er indforstået med følgende: - Jeg skal købe en rejseforsikring til min rejse (arrangeret af Travel to Farm eller af den ansvarlige partner i praktiklandet). - Jeg vil informere Travel to Farm og værtsfamilien, hvis der sker nogle ændringer i mine rejseplaner, eller programlængde. - Jeg vil ikke skifte værtfamilie uden at konsultere partnerorganisationen eller Travel to Farm. - Jeg vil være en god ambassadør for Danmark og følge de instrukser som Travel to Farm har givet mig. - Jeg vil betale alle fakturaer sendt fra Travel to Farm (servicegebyr, flybillet, forsikring o. lign.) - Travel to Farm må kontakte mine referencer Jeg har læst og forstået annulleringsreglerne i informationsmaterialet. Jeg har forstået at jeg vil blive eksklude- ret fra programmet og ikke vil få penge tilbage, hvis jeg forlader min praktikplads uden at informere Travel to Farm og partnerorganisation. Dato Underskrift

SAMTYKKE Samtykke mellem Travel to Farm og navn Jeg giver hermed samtykke til at: 1) Travel to Farm kontakter mine referencer jf. de medsendte udtalelser 2) Travel to Farm kontakter min studievejleder, hvis jeg er under uddannelse 3) Travel to Farm må behandle mine helbredsoplysninger i forbindelse med de lande hvor det kræves samt i forbindelse med visumansøgninger 4) Travel to Farm videresender min ansøgning til den partner i det land jeg gerne vil til (3. part) (sæt kryds) Norge Holland Irland Tyskland Frankrig Schweiz Australien Canada New Zealand USA Japan *Vi skal gøre opmærksom på at lande uden for EU anses som værende ikke data sikre i forhold til EU standarder. 5) Travel to Farm opbevarer min ansøgning, samtykke og bekræftelser i op til 5 år fra vi har modtaget din ansøgning jf. retslig forpligtelse om opbevaring af oplysninger. 6) Travel to Farm opbevarer ubegrænset mine personlige oplysninger (navn, adresse, email, telefonnummer, uddannelse, land du er rejst til, periode du har været af sted samt evt. skole du kommer fra) i deres database. a. Det gør de så de kan tilbyde rabat ved bestilling af ny rejse, udstede certifikater og med mit samtykke invitere mig til årlige arrangementer. b. Og til interne statistisk formål 7) Travel to Farm udleverer mit navn og kontaktinfo til andre rejsende i samme periode Alle der har rejst med Travel to Farm bliver tilbudt at blive en del af netværket Danish Trainees for unge der har arbejdet i udlandet indenfor den grønne sektor. Der bliver afholdt 2 arrangementer om året. Har du lyst til at være en del af dette netværk, så sæt kryds her. Samtidig er du indforstået med at vi videregiver dine kontaktinformationer (Navn, telefonnummer og email) til Danish Trainees, så de kan invitere dig til kommende arrangementer. Fulde navn Dato Et samtykke er ikke for evigt. Ønsker du trække dit samtykke tilbage, så du sende os en mail på OBS: Tilbagekalder du dit samtykke kan det have den konsekvens, at du ikke kan komme afsted og at betalte beløb ikke tilbagebetales. Travel to Farm, Axeltorv 3, 1609 København V

Indsæt farvebillede

Indsæt kopi af pas

Indsæt kopi af kørekort

Indsæt 2 anbefalinger

Indsæt uddannelsesbevis f.eks. grundforløbsbevis, hovedforløbsbevis eller faglærtbevis

Indsæt selvbiografi (på engelsk) Selvbiografen skal være på ca. en A4 side, hvor du på engelsk fortæller om dig selv, din arbejdserfaringen inden for landbruget, din familie, fritidsinteresser, fremtidsplaner, hvorfor du gerne vil tage din praktik i USA/hvad du vil opnå hermed (f.eks. at du vil være landmand i fremtiden/have din egen gård o.l.), dine styrker og svagheder osv. Det er vigtigt at du skriver hvorfor det er en fordel for dig at tage din praktik i udlandet - fx for at styrke din fremtidige karriere indenfor landbrugsfaget. Brevet bliver sendt med til din kommende værtsfamilie, når vi sender din ansøgning videre til USA. Experience International har lavet et eksempel på, hvordan en selvbiografi kan se ud. Dette kan du se på næste side.

EKSEMPEL COVER LETTER NAME My primary goal to accomplish from my program with Experience International is to make contacts within the wine industry. From my placement, I wish to learn more about viticulture and enology, the German language, and to be an asset to my employers. The experience I currently have is built upon my education at Oregon State University under the Horticulture major, where I chose the option of Viticulture and Enology. Oregon State is the foremost research university for agriculture in the state, and the viticulture program enjoys a close relationship with the Oregon Wine Research Institute operating at the university. Because of this, the professors of my program are active in the new viticulture trends and include the studies in coursework. My practical experience includes working for the vineyard management company Results Partners OVS performing yield estimates, and as Assistant Manager at Oregon State University s research site, Woodhall Vineyard, managing year round. I am finishing my degree, and the September 2014 to June 2015 school year is my last. It would please me to begin as soon as possible after I graduate, which is June 13th. The requested start date for the program therefore, is about the middle to end of June, 2015. After graduating I have no other time obligations to limit my stay, so a program length of between six to nine months is ideal, with longer being preferred especially if there is capacity for winemaking after fall harvest. The position that would be matched to my experience is an assistant vineyard manager, combining the opportunity to manage by myself, while also building knowledge from a more experienced mentor and working with different grape varieties. A placement where I am just a seasonal harvest worker is not what I am looking for. The placement that would be best suited for me is a small to medium sized scale vineyard or winery. A placement that could allow me to gain more experience with winemaking after harvest is desired, since I have had limited options for winemaking opportunities at university. Because my major was horticulture based, my education has more emphasis on the viticulture side than the enology side. If the placement worked perfectly I would be happy to remain with the given business beyond the duration of this program. If the placement does not have this capability, then I would appreciate any access to the contacts within the industry the placement allows. The projects that I would enjoy the opportunity to be involved in encompass the whole placement s operation. I want to be involved in every aspect of grape production and procedure of the vineyard or winery. If the placement is interested, I would love to begin some kind of small scale

research, since I have experience working with my university s professors on various trials they are conducting. The vine training system I have primarily used in Woodhall Vineyard is vertical shoot positioning. Most of the vineyard is planted with pinot noir, with a small amount of chardonnay, merlot and chasselas. The majority of vines planted in Oregon are pinot noir, hence why the research vineyard is planted as that. Working with other grape varieties besides pinot noir would be fantastic. I have experience with the full cycle of vine maintenance from tie downs to harvest, both manual and mechanized for some tasks. On the data side of management, I can complete yield estimation for the vineyard, allowing for accurate fruit thinning and precise harvests. At Woodhall, only I and a coworker are in the vineyard, we do not have a crew, so every task during the year I have done by hand or with a machine. Also, I am familiar with computer drafting technology to form property maps of vineyards. Other computer technology includes the standard Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint programs. My marketing skills include high proficiency with Adobe Photoshop, and basic CSS and HTML for website creation. On upcoming experience, beginning July of 2014 I have been preparing land on the property for an additional block of pinot noir to go in during 2015. By the time I graduate, the new block will have been excavated, irrigation system installed, and the vines planted. Tractors that I am specifically proficient with include a New Holland T4.85 tractor with mowing and canopy hedging attachments, as well as two older model Kubota tractors capable of similar attachments. The sprayer I have used is a Pull Blast sprayer attachable to tractors. Other vineyard vehicles include Kubota all-terrain vehicles. I have no difficulty figuring out how to use a new tractor in a short amount of time. I possess a state of Oregon issued driver s license, and an Oregon Department of Agriculture issued Public Pesticide Applicators license. The skill I most want to improve upon is my understanding of the German language. I understand most conversations, but speaking is where I myself am not so confident. Besides working towards fluency through day to day conversations, the agricultural, vineyard, and winemaking related vocabulary are my highest priority. Unfortunately these specific topics are not offered in the German courses at American universities, so learning this is essential to me during the placement. Another limitaion of my university education is the lack of courses on the financial aspect of the wine industry. If possible, I would love to get an introduction to the financials of operating a vineyard or winery. I have taken basic entrepreneurship and general accounting courses, but those are not specific enough to the wine industry. My long term career goal is to own a vineyard, and economics are an essential part of making my goal happen. An additional point is the laws and regulations for pesticide

use in the region of the placement. If possible, having training for and obtaining the pesticide handler/applicator license is desired. Overall I want to see the differences in how vineyards are managed in America compared to Europe. International work experience is instrumental to my career because it demonstrates ability to not only perform the tasks of a job, but to do so outside of the home language and location. The European work experience combined with my viticulture education and practice from Oregon, will strengthen my skills by allowing me to form decisions founded on two different circumstances and settings. Since I intend on working abroad elsewhere around the world during my life, this placement will show diversity in my past history. Besides the career aspect, my short time on exchanges during high school changed me more than any other event in my life before. I cannot wait to explore the world in depth, with enough time to enjoy the smaller moments. Any additional questions can be answered upon contact, by Skype, email, or phone call. Signature

CV hvad dit CV skal indeholde 1. CV-RESUME: Describe all work experience and education since the age of 18 and include: a. Photo (smiling and in color) b. Full Name, Date of Birth, Email, and Current Mailing Address c. Work Experience: (start with your most recent employment first) i. Employment: Company Name, Country, Start/End Dates (month, year), Hours per week, Title; Responsibilities; Typical work/tasks, Special Accomplishments ii. Practical Training or Apprenticeships: Same as above iii. Volunteer Work: Same as above d. Education: School Name and Type of Institution, Dates Attended, Full title of degree earned or expected, Date of degree earned or expected 2. COVER LETTER/PLACEMENT REQUEST: a. Summarize your skills, background, equipment knowledge, and future goals. Do not include personal info about your family and childhood. b. Describe your ideal placement. Please be specific or we will not know what you want. Some questions to consider: i. What do you want to learn from your internship in the United States? ii. What kind of position, responsibilities, company and setting would be best for you? (Size, focus, field) iii. What skills and knowledge do you have that you can offer this type of company? iv. What specific skills do you want to learn or improve? v. How will this internship help you further your career once you return home? c. When do you want to begin and end your program? Tell us how flexible you are with this preference. Tell us the date you must return home, if any. (Keep in mind that you should apply to EI at least three months ahead of the preferred start date.)

CV - nedenstående eksempel kan bruges som skabelon NAME Address, Phone EMAIL Skype Name: Nationality Birthdate PHOTO EXPERIENCE 01.2014 6.2015 Assistant Vineyard Manager (40 hours/ week) Woodhall Vineyard, at Oregon State University Corvallis Oregon USA All aspects of vineyard operation throughout the year Vine care: pruning, tie downs, shoot training, shoot and fruit thinning, yield estimates, harvest Property maintenance: fence repair, post replacement, mowing Equipment use: tractor with attachments spraying, tilling, leaf pulling, mechanical hedging Vineyard installation: new block excavation, irrigation system installation, and vine planting 09.2014 12.2014 Harvest Cellar Worker (40 hours/ week) Spindrift Cellars, Philomath Oregon USA General winery operations: grape receival, crushing, pressing, rackings, and pomace-transfers Pumpovers, punch downs, barrel preparation and filling, and sanitation Wine types: Pinot noir, pinot gris, chardonnay 06.2013 09.2013 Crop Estimation Internship (35 hours/ week) Results Partner OVS, McMinnville Oregon USA Yield assessment for vineyard management company in upper Willamette Valley of Oregon Independently sampling across thirty commercial vineyards exceeding 600 acres total Collected average number of fertile shoots & cluster counts per vine, lag phase weights Calculations had less than 5% error by weight from actual harvest tonnage for 2013 EDUCATION 09.2012 06.2015 Bachelor of Science: Horticulture Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon USA Major: Viticulture and Enology Minor: German Coursework: entomology, plant pathology, plant physiology, viticulture, fermentation, enology, microbiology, soil science, chemistry, German LANGUAGES First Language American English Other Languages German Spanish A2-B1 A1 According to CEFR language proficiency levels ACTIVITES Vice President OSU Vitis Club Student Educator Woodhall Vineyard Elected position in Oregon State University s viticulture and enology club as contact and facilitator between student body, faculty, and the research vineyard. Teaching vineyard management seminars to other Oregon State University students that visit the vineyard for field trips or practical experience, such as pruning workshops, grafting sessions, and vine maintenance analysis.

Indsæt straffeattest

Indsæt evt. dokumentation for aftjent værnepligt