FDA s Landsmøde og Landsmødeudstilling 2007 Vingsted centret Lørdag den 17. november 2007. Fremtidens Netværk. Hvor langt er de enkelte platforme?

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FDA s Landsmøde og Landsmødeudstilling 2007 Vingsted centret Lørdag den 17. november 2007 Fremtidens Netværk Hvor langt er de enkelte platforme? Ole Brun Madsen Professor Leder af Sektionen for Netværk & Sikkerhed Leder af Center for Netværks Planlægning Vicedirektør i Center for TeleInfrastruktur Aalborg Universitet Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 1

Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 2

Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 3

Faktorer i Netudviklingen Communication, Connectivity, Convergence E ~ mc 3 (c) Communication (c) Connectivity Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 4 (E) Evolution (E) Evolution of Wireless of Wireless and Wired Communications Communications (c) Convergence (m) Multimedia Communication ( IP based ) E = Evolution of Wireless Communications m = Multimedia Communications c = Communication c = Connectivity c = Convergence

Bredbånd Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 5

Bredbånd Bredbåndsudviklingen i Danmark Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 6

Bredbånd Forudsætninger for Bredbåndsudviklingen Udviklingen af serviceydelser, der bliver udbudt elektronisk over de forskellige elektroniske medier som Telefoni, Internet ogtv etc. går meget stærkt, især efter at alle denne type ydelser kan samles på et fremføringsmedie (triple play). Telefoni Internet Den Digitale Konvergens TV / Video Triple play Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 7

Bredbånd Båndbredde er et mål for det volumen, der kan sendes over det medie, der forbinder den enkelte bruger med udbudte serviceydelser. Bredbånd bruges om den båndbredde, der er stor nok til at rumme disse serviceydelser. 100 Mbit/s Kun mulig med fiber eller i kombination med fiber ud over kortere afstande Bredbånd 10 Mbit/s 2 Mbit/s 64 Kbit/s Bredbånd Høj hastighed Smalbånd 2001 2005 2011 Tid Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 8

Udviklingen i Bredbånd Bredbånd Forventning: 1 Gb Trådløs i 2014 Forventning: 100-150 Mb i 2012 Cabel TV FWA ISDN Internet ADSL FTTH BBW 2Mb 64Kb 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 9

Bredbånd Hvorfor Bredbånd? Adgang til Bredbånd er det moderne samfunds livsnerve i et IKT baseret informationssamfund. Kan sammenlignes med andre fundamentale adgangsveje, som det kendes for el, vand, trafik etc. og bør som sådan behandles på samme måde! Det vil sige adgang for alle og på rimelige vilkår. Et særligt problem er, at den nødvendige båndbredde stiger meget hurtigt. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 10

Harddiskens lagringskapacitet 10000 1000 Gigabyte [GB] 100 10 1 0,1 0,01 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 År Fra 20-400000 Mb - En vækst på 20000 gange Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 11

Prisen for 1 Mbyte harddisk Fra 1986 til 2005 er prisen for 1 Mbyte harddisk faldet fra 150 kr til 0,4 øre Et fald på ca. 38000 gange Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 12

Hastighedsdemo Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 13

Elementer i Fremtidens Netværk og deres indbyrdes sammenhæng Marked & Samfundsmæssige Krav Planlægning & Management Anvendelser Anvendelser Internet Internet Kablet og trådløs Infrastruktur Sikkerhed Teknologiske muligheder Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 14

I3 - Intelligent IKT Infrastruktur Elementer i en ny arkitektur for infrastrukturens opbygning I 3 må være i stand til dynamisk at indsamle og analysere information fra omgivelserne og herudfra træffe fornuftige beslutninger for at kunne tilbyde den mest hensigtsmæssige og nødvendige netservice i den aktuelle situation. StructuralQoS Application Layer Connectivity Layer - The IP Glue - Access Layer AN-1 AN-2... AN-n Self Organization Management and Security Elementer i rammerne for I 3 Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 15

Globalisering Udviklingen i det personlige netværk PAN Personal Area Network PN Personal Network PN Federation Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 16

Global Wired and Wireless Infrastructure Planning Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 17

Nanterre Cergy Roissy St Argenteu Sarcelles Meaux Germain il Versaille Courbev St Denis s oie Aulnay /s Bois Neuilly s/ Clichy Bobigny Torcy Seine Boulogn Paris Montreuil Noisy l e Gd Issy l Moul. Orsay Ivry Villejuif Créteil Evry Antony Orly Global W&W Network Planning Model Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 18

Globalisering 4G The Global Communication Village Layer 1 Global Satellite Communication, High-Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS) Layer 2 Global cellular based communication Layer 3 Global Wireless LAN Layer 4 Global Wireless PAN 1 bps 1 Gbps Layer 5 Global B-PAN The Global Communication Village represented via 5 global communications layer, providing electronic access services, any place at any time. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 19

Kravene til næste generation netværk Det moderne IKT baserede samfund Udviklingen går mod mange udbydere af den grundlæggende infrastruktur. Med dagens standard og behov er der mange muligheder. Konkurrencen på infrastrukturen skaber et grundlæggende problem... Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 20

Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 21

FP7 Projects 1. call ASPIRE FUTON WHERE OPEN 2. call ANC SPLASH Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 22

ASPIRE ASPIRE Advanced Sensors and lightweight Programmable middleware for Innovative RFID Enterprise applications. Coordinator: Partners 10 /NetSec Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 23

ASPIRE Proposal abstract: ASPIRE will research and provide a radical change in the current RFID deployment paradigm through innovative, programmable, royaltyfree and privacy friendly middleware. This new middleware paradigm will be particular beneficial to European SME, which are nowadays experiencing significant costbarriers to RFID deployment. European networked enterprises in general and SME in particular are still reluctant to adopt RFID, since they perceive RFID as unprofitable or too risky. This is largely due to the fact that the adoption of RFID technology incurs a significant Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). ASPIRE will significantly lower SME entry costs for RFID technology, through developing and providing a lightweight, royalty-free, innovative, programmable, privacy friendly, middleware platform that will facilitate low-cost development and deployment of innovative RFID solutions. This platform will act as a main vehicle for realizing the proposed swift in the current RFID deployment paradigm. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 24

ASPIRE Proposal abstract: The ASPIRE middleware platform will take into account innovative European developments in the area of ubiquitous RFID-based sensing (i.e., physical quantities sensing (temperature, humidity, pressure, acceleration), mobile sensing) towards enabling novel business cases that ensure high ROI (Return on Investment). The ASPIRE RFID middleware ASPIRE will research and provide a radical change in the current RFID deployment paradigm through innovative, programmable, royalty-free and privacy friendly middleware. This new middleware paradigm will be particular beneficial to European SME, which are nowadays experiencing significant cost-barriers to RFID deployment. The ASPIRE RFID middleware paradigm, as well as the unique and novel characteristics of the ASPIRE middleware platforms are thoroughly described in this proposal. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 25

FUTON FUTON Fibre Optic Networks for Distributed, Extendible Heterogeneous Radio Architectures and Service Provisioning Coordinator: Partners: 16 Nokia-Siemens The FUTON consortium brings together expertise from the areas of wireless and optical communications, allowing synergies between two areas that are essential to achieve convergence in telecommunications systems, but have been up to now working more or less in isolation. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 26

Proposal abstract: FUTON Current two big trends in wireless communications are the development of new broadband component and the integration of heterogeneous wireless networks, to achieve the vision of the so-called 4G network. The FUTON project addresses both issues by proposing the development of a hybrid fiber-radio infrastructure transparently connecting remote antenna units to a central unit where a joint processing can be performed. This allows the development of virtual MIMO concepts to achieve broadband wireless transmission, and also inter-cell interference cancellation. Furthermore the fact that several heterogeneous systems are co-localized enables the development of efficient Common Radio Resource Management procedures. The focus of the project includes two main components: one, the dominant, dealing with technical aspects and a second addressing business / deployment models related with the techniques under study. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 27

WHERE WHERE Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 28

FP7 COST action, Autonomic Network Computing ANC The proposed research network on Autonomic Network Computing (ANC) intends to establish permanent forum for knowledge sharing and scientific cooperation. The challenge is to identify the design principles, that would enable the development of ANC technologies inherently dependable, provably scalable, and sufficiently selforganizing. These solutions will provide networks and applications with higher resilience to anomalies. As a result, the European Information Industry will become more competitive on the global market in the areas of, e.g., distributed systems, Internet and applications, GRID computing, Mobile Adhoc NETworks (MANETs), embedded systems and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). This network represents the first concrete attempt to establish a rational shared knowledge on autonomic network computing in Europe. The research network will motivate and attract young researchers by providing forums (conferences, workshops, meetings, summer schools) for exchange of advanced ideas, concepts and technologies. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 29

Vision Networks: Wired, Wireless, Broadcast Convergence Components: Terrestrial, Stratospheric, Space Technology: Computers, Communications, Consumer electronics Applications: Speech, Data, Graphics, Video, Multimedia Services: Navigation and Communications (NavCom), Earth Observation and Communications (ObsCom), Earth Observation, Navigation and Communications (NavObsCom) Convergence is a synonym of!!! Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 30

Mission Openness Convergence Global Communication Village: GLOBALISATION Cooperation Integration Openness, Cooperation, Integration and Convergence (OCIC) create the real GLOBALISATION. Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 31

4G DEFINITION 4G is defined as a completely new fully IP-based integrated system of systems and network of networks achieved after convergence of wired and wireless networks as well as computers, consumer electronics, and communication technology and several other convergences that will be capable to provide 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps, respectively in outdoor and indoor environments, with end-to-end QoS and high security and low power consumption, offering any kind of services at any time as per user requirements, anywhere with seamless interoperability, always on, affordable cost, one billing and fully personalised. - Ramjee Prasad Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 32

Visioner for 2021 Lad os undgå et nyt Babelstårn! Tak for opmærksomheden! Ole Brun Madsen, AAU 33