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Danish Language Course for International University Students Copenhagen, 12 July 1 August Application form

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Udfyld med titel, navn, fødselsdato, køn, statsborgerskab og etnicitet. Angiv din nuværende adresse i Danmark, telefon, fax, mobil og .

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Ansøgning til Studienævn for farmaci om godkendelse af kontrakt for INDIVIDUEL STUDIEAKTIVITET

Ansøgningsskema - Vejledning Postgraduate University of Technology Sydney

Application form - au pair (please use block capial letters when filling in the form)

Hardu udenlandsk uddannelse?

Portal Registration. Check Junk Mail for activation . 1 Click the hyperlink to take you back to the portal to confirm your registration

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Vejledning til udfyldelse af online ansøgningsskema

Side 1 af 9. SEPA Direct Debit Betalingsaftaler Vejledning

til studieophold i udlandet i 2007/2008

Sæt kryds ved det semester, du ønsker at søge ind på. Husk at angive årstal samtidig. Sæt kryds ved Transfer

To the reader: Information regarding this document

Vores mange brugere på er rigtig gode til at komme med kvalificerede ønsker og behov.

Ansøgningen vedrører udstedelse af

Ansøgningsskema - Vejledning Study Abroad - California State University San Marcos

Page 2: Danish. Page 4: English

Queensland University of Technology Full Degree

Tilmelding sker via stads selvbetjening indenfor annonceret tilmeldingsperiode, som du kan se på Studieadministrationens hjemmeside

Queensland University of Technology Study Abroad

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Subject to terms and conditions. WEEK Type Price EUR WEEK Type Price EUR WEEK Type Price EUR WEEK Type Price EUR

Boligsøgning / Search for accommodation!

E K S T R A O R D I N Æ R G E N E R A F O R S A M L I N G E X T R A O R D I N A R Y G E N E R A L M E E T I N G. Azanta A/S.

Eksamensbevis Degree Certificate

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Id Dokumentnavn Sagsnummer Hændelse #0 Re: SV: SV: Your Conference Registration G #0

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TO LET. Refurbished Industrial Units. Forge Industrial Estate, Greenacres Road, Oldham OL4 1LE. Rent: Description: Location:

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Aktivering af Survey funktionalitet

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Knowledge FOr Resilient

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Vejledning til udfyldelse af online ansøgningsskema. San Diego State University Semester at SDSU


Business Opening. Very formal, recipient has a special title that must be used in place of their name

Are you hiring Newcomers?

Business Opening. Very formal, recipient has a special title that must be used in place of their name

Den uddannede har viden om: Den uddannede kan:

Help / Hjælp

1 s01 - Jeg har generelt været tilfreds med praktikopholdet

INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER PROTECTION LTD IPP House, Station Rd, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 0PR Tel: / Fax:

Leverandørdialog. R2 Group A/S. R2 Group A/S. Nøglen til at være REACH parat V. Jan Skov Nørby

Trolling Master Bornholm 2013


Ansøgning 2workinOz Australien

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Roskilde Universitet Jeanette Lindholm PHD-.student

Internationalt uddannelsestilbud



Find vejen frem VIA University College FASE 1 - Ansøgning - Vejledning og procedurer Hvem kan komme af sted? For at kunne komme i betragtning til en af pladserne, er der forskellige forudsætninger - i forhold til bl.a. uddannelsesniveau, sprogkompetencer og tagen ansvar for egen læring - som du skal opfylde. Du skal: være studerende på modul 11 eller 12. have engelskkundskaber på dokumenteret højt niveau. Du skal gerne efter 12 skalaen have enten 4 på A niveau eller 10 på B niveau i en STX, HHX, HTX el. HF. Efter 13-skalaen skal du gerne have enten 7 på A- niveau eller 10 på B-niveau. Dokumentation for engelskkundskaber skal vedlægges din ansøgning. Læs mere længere nede i dokumentet. godkendes af din egen uddannelse til at komme på studieophold på Tasmanien. Derudover skal du: selv sørge for at få udfyldt og sendt alle de nødvendige dokumenter i forhold til indskrivning på UTAS og i forhold til at få visum. anvende Clinical Portfolio fra UTAS som studieplan for dit studieophold. Du skal selv sørge for at din Portfolio bliver udfyldt og godkendt. ved afslutningen af dit studieophold skrive et rejsebrev på engelsk indeholdende en evaluering, hvor du evaluerer din læring og dine øvrige opnåede erfaringer fra studieopholdet. Rejsebrevet sendes både til VIA Sundhed og til din egen uddannelse. Brevet publiceres her på hjemmesiden. inden du fortsætter/genoptager din kliniske uddannelse i DK kunne fremvise en negativ test for MRSA. (Kontakt egen uddannelse eller lokal hygiejnesygeplejerske for yderligere information.) Hvis du har spørgsmål til udfyldelse af ansøgningen er du altid meget velkommen til at kontakte sekretariatet i VIA Sundhed. Udvælgelse af ansøgere: Der er heldigvis mange som er interesserede i at komme til Australien! I situationer hvor der er flere ansøgere end pladser, sker udvælgelsen af det endelige hold ud fra følgende principper: Uddannelsernes prioriteringer - egen uddannelse foretager en prioritering af studerende fra samme uddannelsesenhed Geografi det tilstræbes at alle uddannelsesenheder er repræsenterede når holdene sammensættes Jævn fordeling uddannelser der ikke tidligere har haft studerende af sted prioriteres I tilfælde af, at ovenstående principper ikke kan matche et fuldt hold studerende til ledige pladser, anvendes lodtrækning. Vejledning til udfyldelse af skemaerne: Følg tjeklisten herunder for at sikre, at du har udfyldt og skrevet alle dokumenter til din ansøgning. Skemaerne udfylder du i samarbejde med din internationale koordinator. Husk at ansøgningerne skal være skrevet under både af dig og af din internationale koordinator. Husk også, at du selv skal producere et Letter of Application samt sørge for at vedlægge Academic referee report og dokumentation for dine engelskkundskaber. 2

FASE 1 - Ansøgning - Vejledning og procedurer Ansøgningsprocedurens faser: Fase 1: Ansøge om at få en af de ledige kliniske uddannelsespladser hos UTAS Udfyld skemaerne. HUSK at din internationale koordinator og din uddannelse både skal stemple og underskrive relevante dokumenter inden du sender dem ind. VIA Sundhed Campus Aarhus N, Hedeager 2 8200 Aarhus N Du får en bekræftelse pr. mail fra VIA Sundhed når vi har modtaget din ansøgning. Herunder finder du en liste over de dokumenter som skal indsendes når du vil søge om en af pladserne på Tasmanien. De tre skemaer finder du længere nede i dokumentet sammen med en oversigt over hvad dit Letter of Application skal indeholde. Du skal selv sørge for at fremskaffe og vedlægge Academic referee report samt Evidence of English Language Requirements. Husk, at alt skal være på engelsk. Application - Clinical Education in Tasmania (skema) Exchange and Study Abroad Application Form (skema) Learning Agreement (skema) Transcript of Records (skema) Letter of Application (Skal først underskrives i Tasmanien ved afslutningen af dit ophold!) Academic referee report (Indicating suitabilty of the applicant - this is a report from a Lecturer or Tutor who has had experience teaching the student) Resume/Prevoius experience (Kort beskrivelse gerne i punktform af hvor du tidligere har arbejdet/været i praktik indenfor sygeplejen) Police Record (Altså en ren straffeattest på engelsk) Evidence of English Language Requirements Hvis du søger udveksling til både Tasmanien og Sydney, skal du være opmærksom på, at procedurerne adskiller sig fra hinanden. Vi håber ikke, at du som ansøger til Tasmanien lader dig skræmme af, at antallet af skemaer og dokumenter i den første fase er flere end for ansøgere til Sydney! Til gengæld er der så i fase 2 for Tasmanien det mindre at samle sammen. De udfyldte og underskrevne skemaer samt breve og øvrig dokumentation sendes med posten til: 3

FASE 1 - Ansøgning - Vejledning og procedurer FASE 2 godkendelse fra University of Tasmania og bekræftelse på studieplads Når ansøgningsfristen er udløbet udvælges to ansøgere til studiepladserne på Tasmanien i overensstemmelse med principperne beskrevet under overskriften Udvælgelse af ansøgere. Hvis du har fået en af studiepladserne, får du besked om, at din ansøgning er godkendt af VIA Sundhed og sendes videre til behandling på det internationale kontor på UTAS i Tasmanien. Når din ansøgning er færdigbehandlet hos UTAS og når du er blevet godkendt af UTAS til et udvekslingsophold vil du modtage et tilbud om studieplads fra UTAS. Dette tilbud skal du bekræfte skriftligt (på engelsk) til vores kontaktperson på UTAS. Denne skriftlige bekræftelse gennemføres ved hjælp af Acceptance Letter og betaling for Overseas Health Cover samt betaling af Tuition fee for uddannelsen. (Anvend skemaet Acceptance Letter som følger med dit Offer of Enrolment.) Herefter godkendes du af det internationale kontor på UTAS og modtager en endelig godkendelse i form af et Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) document. Denne godkendelse skal du bruge til at søge visum. Fase 3 Ansøge om visum Du er selv ansvarlig for at udfylde og indsende alle nødvendige dokumenter i forbindelse med ansøgning om visum til Australien. Næste side og frem: Skemaer og dokumenter til ansøgning FASE 1 4

APPLICATION - CLINICAL EDUCATION IN TASMANIA THE SCHOOLS OF NURSING IN DENMARK - CLINICAL PLACEMENT LEARNING AGREEMENT To: University of Tasmania Faculty of Health Science School of Health Sciences Launceston TAS 7250 / Hobart TAS 7000 FOTO Personal data Name, Surname (as in your passport) Street/No Post code and city Country Telephone E-mail Date of placement From: To: Sending institution: Planned date of arrival (to be confirmed) Postal address of sending institution International Coordinator (name) E-mail address Telephone number Course Unit Title CNA 320 - Acute Care Nursing Practice CAN 322 Professional Nursing Practice Signatures Student signature International coordinator signature Stamp Please attach the documents described on page 3 5

Exchange and Study Abroad Application Form Thank you for choosing the University of Tasmania for your exchange or study abroad experience. Eligibility for exchange or study abroad Be currently enrolled as a student Completed one full year of study at your home institution Achieved a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 (on a scale of 4.0) Met any prerequisite criteria including English language Nominated and approved by your home university if you are applying as an exchange student Application procedure Ensure your application is complete and signed by yourself and your home advisor or International Office This form should be returned by email or post to: Email: Post: Study Abroad and Exchange Cordinator Private Bag 45, Sandy Bay Tasmania 7001 Documentation to include with your application: One official academic transcript (with certified English translation) Evidence of English language proficiency in the case of non-native speakers Explanation of home grading system Closing dates For exchange and study abroad students the closing dates are: For UTAS semester 1 (February June) 31 October For UTAS semester 2 (July November) 30 April Accommodation A number of options are available for exchange and study abroad students. Accommodation is booked directly with the accommodation provider on either the Hobart or Launceston campus. Arrival The Exchange office provides free airport pick-up and transport to your accommodation. An arrival form will be sent to you and you must provide a minimum of 48 hours notice of arrival. The pick-up service is for you only and does not include friends or family members arriving with you. Visas Students will need to apply for a student visa. For information on the process: Health Insurance EXCHANGE Students you must send your application through the International Office at your university STUDY ABROAD students you may send your application directly to UTAS, through your home university or through an agent in your home country All Study Abroad and Exchange students planning to hold a student visa are required to have Overseas Health Cover for the full length of their visa. This is not the same length as the UTAS Exchange program. Health Insurance is provided through UTAS. Important Information UTASAccess English program students - please note that you will be required to sit a test prior to admission to indicate your appropriate UTASAccess level. You are entitled to 15 weeks within the program. Each module is 5 weeks in duration. Students who intend to study two semesters at UTAS and who complete level 7 will be granted direct entry into UTAS undergraduate units and requested to choose units. Student who are unable to complete level 7 will be required to organise an external English proficiency test (app$300) or continue with another 15 weeks. Application assessment can take up to 6 weeks. A list of pre-approved units will be sent to you in your offer letter. Please choose 3-4 units on your acceptance page you wish to be pre-enrolled into before your. If you wish to select new units these will have to be assessed on arrival at UTAS, you will need to provide your academic transcripts or other documentation. Orientation is compulsory for all Study Abroad and Exchange students. For further information: Study Abroad and Exchange Phone: +61 3 6226 7125 Email: U N I V E R S I T Y O F T A S M A N I A CRICOS Provider Code 00586B Last Updated January 2014

FASE 1 - ANSØGNINGSSKEMA ENGLISH PROFICENCY To be completed by your home Universities International Office or a Lecturer from the following countries only Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. I (name) of (University) Position Advise that the applicant has undertaken sufficient English to study a full time course load taught and examined in English at UTAS. Name International Office or Lecturer s Signature Date COURSE SELECTION Students are expected to enrol in a fulltime load of 4 units (the equivalent of 4 x 12.5% weighted units) per semester and may enrol in a range of units (courses) across various disciplines. Students will be granted entry to the units of their choice provided: They have undertaken the prerequisite courses at their home institution The units are available in your preferred semester and campus Approval is given by the Head of School at the University of Tasmania They have sought approval from their home Institution Choose units at only one campus (either Hobart or Launceston) and ensure all units fall in the same semester. Students taking a one semester program may elect to take only a one semester component of a full-year unit in some circumstances. PREFERRED COURSES TO TAKE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA If you are applying for a Study Abroad Certificate please indicate a specialisation: Otherwise please list up to 6 units of your choice. Please refer to the online course and Unit handbook for units choices. Unit Code Unit Title Weight (%) Semester (1 or 2) Campus (Hobart or Launceston) While every effort has been made to provide you with accurate course information, the University retains the right to amend course offerings and content as required. COURSES CURRENTLY STUDIED AT HOME INSTITUTION Please list courses in which you are currently enrolled Unit Code Unit Title Credits/Weight (%) I AM SEEKING ENTRY INTO THE UTASACCESS ENGLISH PROGRAM (15 weeks) Please refer to Modules 2,3 and 4 (February June) OR Modules 7,8 and 9 (August- December)

Exchange and Study Abroad Application Form INCOMING DECLARATION I understand that the University reserves the right to vary or reverse any decision regarding admission or enrolment made on the basis of incorrect information. I understand that the information that I have provided to the University may be made available to Commonwealth and State agencies pursuant to obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007. I further understand that it may be disclosed to third parties for the purpose of progressing my application. I understand that the University is required by law to inform the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations of certain changes to my enrolment and of any breach of a student visa condition relating to satisfactory academic performance. I understand that I am responsible for booking my own accommodation whilst studying at UTAS and that if looking for offcampus accommodation it is recommended that I arrive 2 weeks prior to the commencement of my studies. I understand the indicative cost of living in Tasmania;in 2015 is AUD$18,610 per year including text books, accommodation, transport, food and electricity. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my enrolment is correct before the census date and I agree to pay all fees, levies and charges within specified timelines. I am required to abide by the University Ordinances, Rules, policies and procedures; In an emergency I grant UTAS staff the authority to contact the nominated emergency contact on my behalf. I understand that if I participate in a UTAS organised event my photograph may be taken and printed in promotional material. I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information given in this form is correct. I hereby submit this application for the University of Tasmania s Study Abroad and Exchange program and have attached the following compulsory materials; Official UTAS application form Current certified copies of my academic transcripts, including a grading description both with an English translation Proof of English proficiency ie. TOEFL, IELTS, DAAD, (if English is not your first language). REFUND POLICY Please see our website for our current refund policy Students signature Date / / Home Institutes Approval Date / / Home Institution seal CRICOS Provider Code 00586B Last Updated January 2014

Exchange and Study Abroad Application Form Thank you for choosing the University of Tasmania for your exchange or study abroad experience. Eligibility for exchange or study abroad Be currently enrolled as a student Completed one full year of study at your home institution Achieved a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 (on a scale of 4.0) Met any prerequisite criteria including English language Nominated and approved by your home university if you are applying as an exchange student Application procedure Ensure your application is complete and signed by yourself and your home advisor or International Office This form should be returned by email or post to: Email: Post: Study Abroad and Exchange Cordinator Private Bag 45, Sandy Bay Tasmania 7001 Documentation to include with your application: One official academic transcript (with certified English translation) Evidence of English language proficiency in the case of non-native speakers Explanation of home grading system Closing dates For exchange and study abroad students the closing dates are: For UTAS semester 1 (February June) 31 October For UTAS semester 2 (July November) 30 April Accommodation A number of options are available for exchange and study abroad students. Accommodation is booked directly with the accommodation provider on either the Hobart or Launceston campus. Arrival The Exchange office provides free airport pick-up and transport to your accommodation. An arrival form will be sent to you and you must provide a minimum of 48 hours notice of arrival. The pick-up service is for you only and does not include friends or family members arriving with you. Visas Students will need to apply for a student visa. For information on the process: Health Insurance EXCHANGE Students you must send your application through the International Office at your university STUDY ABROAD students you may send your application directly to UTAS, through your home university or through an agent in your home country All Study Abroad and Exchange students planning to hold a student visa are required to have Overseas Health Cover for the full length of their visa. This is not the same length as the UTAS Exchange program. Health Insurance is provided through UTAS. Important Information UTASAccess English program students - please note that you will be required to sit a test prior to admission to indicate your appropriate UTASAccess level. You are entitled to 15 weeks within the program. Each module is 5 weeks in duration. Students who intend to study two semesters at UTAS and who complete level 7 will be granted direct entry into UTAS undergraduate units and requested to choose units. Student who are unable to complete level 7 will be required to organise an external English proficiency test (app$300) or continue with another 15 weeks. Application assessment can take up to 6 weeks. A list of pre-approved units will be sent to you in your offer letter. Please choose 3-4 units on your acceptance page you wish to be pre-enrolled into before your. If you wish to select new units these will have to be assessed on arrival at UTAS, you will need to provide your academic transcripts or other documentation. Orientation is compulsory for all Study Abroad and Exchange students. For further information: Study Abroad and Exchange Phone: +61 3 6226 7125 Email: U N I V E R S I T Y O F T A S M A N I A CRICOS Provider Code 00586B Last Updated January 2014

LEARNING AGREEMENT Academic year - Field of study: Bachelor of Nursing Name of student: Sending institution: Country: Details of the proposed study programme abroad/learning agreement RECEIVING INSTITUTION: School of Health Sciences University of Tasmania Locked bag 7250 Launceston Tasmania, Australia Course unit code (if any) and page no. of the information package Please look at attachment 1. Compulsory for clinical studies. Course unit title (as indicated in the information package) CNA 320 Acute Care Nursing Practice CAN 322 Professional Nursing Practice Sending institution We confirm that the proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved Receiving institution We confirm that this proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved. Head of Department s signature Date and stamp Coordinator s signature International coordinator s signature Date and stamp Student s signature Date and stamp Date and stamp Attachment: Please describe or attach the following items: Personal objective for the exchange Objective for the clinical studies - Overall objectives for semester - Specified objectives for the clinical placement Previous experience

LEARNING AGREEMENT CHANGES TO ORIGINAL PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME/ LEARNING AGREEMENT (to be filled in ONLY if appropriate) Please describe any other changes to the learning agreement: RECEIVING INSTITUTION: School of Health Sciences University of Tasmania Locked bag 7250 Launceston Tasmania, Australia Sending institution We confirm that the proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved. Receiving institution We confirm that this proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved. Head of Department s signature Date and stamp Coordinator s signature International coordinator s signature Date and stamp Student s signature Date Date and stamp

TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS NAME OF SENDING INSTITUTION: Faculty/Department of: Head of Department: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: NAME OF STUDENT: Last name: First name: Date and place of birth: Sex: Matriculation date: Matriculation number: RECEIVING INSTITUTION: School of Health Sciences University of Tasmania Locked bag 7250 Launceston Tasmania, Australia Course Unit code (if available) Title of the course unit Duration of course unit Course unit title (as indicated in the information package) CAN 320 - Acute Care Nursing Practice CAN 322 Professional Nursing Practice 12 weeks Total: 15 ECTS This document is not valid without the signature of the registrar/dean/administration officer and the official stamp of the institution in Tasmania. Diploma/degree awarded in Tasmania: Date Signature of registrar/dean/administration officer Stamp Attachment: Evaluation of Clinical Studies in Tasmania

EVALUATION OF CLINICAL PLACEMENT SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY, UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA The schools of nursing in Denmark. Name of student: Dates of clinical placement: Name of Hospital: Areas of Clinical placement: Name of clinical practice facilitator: The evaluation is completed at the end of the clinical placement and is based on the student s learning objectives as identified in the learning agreement. Definition of grading: EXCELLENT - outstanding performance demonstrates ability to be independent VERY GOOD - above the average performance, requiring occasional prompting GOOD - generally sound work - requires moderate level of supervision SATISFACTORY - able to practice safely but requires constant prompting and close supervision FAIL - performance does not meet the required standards, deemed to be unsafe 1. CLINICAL PRACTICE FACILITATOR COMMENTS 1.1 Overall clinical performance 1.2 Interaction with patients and visitors

EVALUATION OF CLINICAL STUDIES IN TASMANIA 1.3 Time Management 1.4 Level of Motivation 1.5 Communication Skills 1.6 Adjustment to cultural environment

EVALUATION OF CLINICAL STUDIES IN TASMANIA 2. Student comments 2.1 How would you rate the quality of the clinical experience 2.2 How would you rate the quality of your supervision 2.3 Do you have any suggestions for the future Danish students SIGNATURES: Facilitator, name and signature Program manager, name and signature Student, name and signature Date 6264 - Peha - 01.15