Fysiske data Fladevægt: 1900 g/m² < FV < 2300 g/m² (ved ca. 2 mm tykkelse) Opsvulmningsfaktor: > 25 (ved 350 C i 20 minutter)

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1 Teknisk datablad Dr. Wolman GmbH $ D Sinzheim $ Tel. +49 (0) $ Telefax +49 (0) Interdens Type 36 Type beskyttelsesmiddel Isolerende brandpasta i form af striber til indbygning i fuger, falser og fordybninger. Under påvirkning af ild eller varme dannes et mikroporøst isoleringslag, som forsinker udsivningen af ild og røg. Anvendelse Interdens Type 36 anvendes til tætning af kanter på bygningsdele og til forbedring af de brandbeskyttende bygningsdeles modstandsevne mod ild. Fysiske data Fladevægt: 1900 g/m² < FV < 2300 g/m² (ved ca. 2 mm tykkelse) Lugt: neutral Farve: hvid, rød eller brun Modstandsevne mod vand: ikke modstandsdygtig mod permanent kontakt med vand. Installation under tag, beskyttet mod vand. Mål Standard: længde 1000 mm, bredde ,5 mm, tykkelse 2 mm + 0,2 mm Andre mål på forespørgsel. Opsvulmning: Opsvulmningsfaktor: > 25 (ved 350 C i 20 minutter) Anvendelse Interdens Type 36-striberne kan enten klæbes ind i de passende bygningsdele eller fæstnes mekanisk. Hvis striberne skal klæbes, har PVAC-lim vist sig at være velegnet. Ved anvendelse af andre klæbestoffer bør foreneligheden afprøves. Bagsiden af Interdens Type 36, som skal limes på, er hvid. Ved brug af den selvklæbende version fjernes beskyttelsesfolien, og materialet presses fast på den forberedte overflade. = registreret varemærke hos Dr. Wolman GmbH PM 01/2007 DK

2 - 2 - Maleevne og indfarvning: På den ene side er Interdens Type 36 behandlet med en vandbaseret maling (rød, hvid eller brun). Hvis striberne skal males med et andet materiale, bør foreneligheden afprøves. Dette materiale må ikke have negativ indflydelse på opsvulmningen. Opbevaring Interdens Type 36 skal opbevares køligt og tørt. Overflade Overfladen skal være fri for både snavs og produkttyper med fedt eller voks. Dårligt klæbende lag af maling fjernes, glatte overflader slibes grove. Jern- og stålkonstruktioner forbehandles med rustbeskyttelsesmaling. Ovenstående informationer er sammensat efter den nyeste stand indenfor udviklings- og anvendelsesteknik. Da anvendelsen og forarbejdningen ligger udenfor vores indflydelse, kan vi kun påtage os ansvaret for den uforanderlige kvalitet af vores produkter. Ved tvivltilfælde står vores tekniske serviceafdeling til rådighed.

3 Technical Leaflet Dr. Wolman GmbH Sinzheim/Germany - Tel / Telefax / info@wolman.de - Internet Interdens Type 36 Semi-rigid phosphate-based intumescent to improve the fire resistance of components. 1. Usage Field of Application Mode of Action Interdens Type 36 is used for sealing the edges of components, joints and gaps in the case of fire. Interdens Type 36 can also be used for 2-dimensional protection of components or component sections against the impact of fire and heat. Under the influence of fire and heat Interdens Type 36 forms a voluminous heat-insulating foam layer which retards the passage of flame and smoke. In 2- dimensional applications the foam controls ignition and protects the substrate from fire and heat. 2. Product Specification Type of protective agent Form of Supply Semi-rigid fire-retarding material made from a phosphate-based intumescent blend and fibre glass carrier material which are embedded in a duroplastic matrix. Interdens Type 36 is supplied in form of strips and sheets. Standard sizes: Thickness: 2.0 mm; tolerance: ± 0.2 mm Strips: Width: 5 mm, 10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 35 mm, 40 mm; tolerance: ± 0.5 mm Length: 1000 mm Sheets: Width/ Length: 1000 mm x 2000 mm 500 mm x 1000 mm Other sizes are available on request. Interdens Type 36 can also be provided in form of customer-specific stampings. Please contact our technical service. Colour Grammage Activation temperature white, red, brown, black 1900 g/m² to 2300 g/m² (at a thickness of approx. 2.0 mm) approx. 150 C (phase 1) approx. 300 C (phase 2) = Registered trademark of Dr. Wolman GmbH EN Page 1 of 2

4 Technical Leaflet Interdens Type Page 2 of 2 Intumescence factor Expanding pressure 25 (20 minutes at 350 C) Pressureless foaming 3. Application Application Substrate Colouring and Coating Interior/ Exterior Use Interdens Type 36 is either glued into the appropriate components or fastened mechanically. Adhesives suitable for PVAC should be used for glueing purposes. Interdens Type 36 strips can be supplied with a factory-applied self-adhesive backing. If the self-adhesive (SA) version is used, simply remove the protective foil and press the material firmly onto the previously prepared substrate surface. Observe the additional advice from the Wolman information sheet Additional information on the use of self-adhesive Interdens and Exterdens fire protection strips, which is attached to this Technical Leaflet. The substrate surface must be free of dirt, grease and wax-type materials. Poorly adhering coats of paint must be removed and smooth surfaces should be roughened. Iron and steel constructions should be pre-treated with a suitable rustproof coating. Interdens Type 36 is white, red, brown resp. black in its bulk. Interdens Type 36 strips can be provided with a factory-applied water-based finish (white, red, brown, black). If required, they can also be covered with other coatings. While water and solvent based coatings both are basically suitable, the compatibility of the intumescent with the layers of paint or other coatings must be tested beforehand. The coating must not influence the intumescence negatively. Interdens Type 36 is not resistant against permanent water contact and must therefore only be used in applications where it is protected from water, preferably in dry interior applications. Interdens Type 36 should not be used in high humidity and exterior applications. 4. Storage Storage Shelf life Store in a cool and dry place. The SA version should be processed within 6 months after goods receipt. 5. General Instructions Safety Precautions Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for more information. Miscellaneous To provide evidence on its fire resistance, the component in which Interdens Type 36 is applied must be tested according to the relevant fire standard. If subsequent machining of the component is necessary it must be ensured that the required amount of intumescent is maintained. This information and all further technical advice reflects our present knowledge and experience and is only valid in connection with the disclaimer for advertising material on our homepage

5 WOLMAN INFORMATION Dr. Wolman GmbH Sinzheim/Germany - Tel / Telefax / info@wolman.de - Internet Additional information on the use of self-adhesive Interdens and Exterdens fire protection strips. In order to successfully apply self-adhesive Interdens and Exterdens fire protection strips, the following factors must be taken into consideration: 1. Surface - The surface on which they are to be applied must be free from dirt, dust, loose surface particles, etc, as well as from other substances such as silicones, paraffin, greasy and wax-like products, etc, which reduce the strips adhesive strength. - The subsurface must be dry. - The subsurface must not contain any anti-adhesive coatings or lacquers with additives that could make the surface non-sticking. - The subsurface must be even and uninterrupted. - Smooth surfaces must be roughened if necessary. - Iron and steel structures must be coated with an appropriate rust proof coating beforehand. - Examples of unsuitable subsurfaces include anti-adhesive materials such as Teflon, materials containing silicon, unpolar plastics (PE, PP). Each of these substances requires the subsurface to be treated beforehand using a method tailored to that particular substance. 2. Temperature - Application of the strips should be carried out at room temperature if possible (ca C). Doing so at temperatures below 10 C is not recommended. 3. Application - Make sure contact pressure is sufficient and evenly applied. - All applications tools (including hands) must be free from release agents. - Make sure the strips are not under any tensions when they have been bonded into place. If the points above are observed, application should be trouble-free and best possible adhesive results achieved. Should any problems nevertheless occur, the strips should be kept in place using a mechanical fixing method (nails, rivets, staples, clips etc.). We recommend testing the self-adhesive fire protection strips beforehand to be sure they will adhere to the surface in question. Especially if the components to which the fire protection strips are to be applied are intended for long-term or heavy-duty usage, we recommend using an additional mechanical fixing method for the strips to support their self-adhesive function. If you have any questions, please consult our technical service for advice.


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