Rathleff MS, Rathleff CR, Simonsen O. Behandling af patienter med Patellofemoralt Smertesyndrom. Ugeskrift for Laeger. 2014;176(6):552-555.

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Skou ST, Graven-Nielsen T, Rasmussen S, Simonsen OH, Laursen MB, Arendt-Nielsen L. Facilitation of pain sensitization in knee osteoarthritis and persistent post-operative pain: A cross-sectional study. European Journal of Pain. 2014;18(7):1024-1031. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2013.00447.x Ejaz A, Laursen AC, Kappel A, Laursen MB, Jakobsen T, Rasmussen S et al. Faster recovery without the use of a tourniquet in total knee arthroplasty. Acta Orthopaedica (Print Edition). 2014 aug;85(4):422-426. Tilgængelig fra: 10.3109/17453674.2014.931197 Nielsen RO, Buist I, Parner ET, Nohr EA, Sørensen H, Lind M et al. Foot pronation is not associated with increased injury risk in novice runners wearing a neutral shoe: a 1-year prospective cohort study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014 mar;48(6):440-7. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092202 Siebuhr AS, Petersen KK, Arendt-Nielsen L, Egsgaard LL, Eskehave T, Christiansen C et al. Identification and characterisation of osteoarthritis patients with inflammation derived tissue turnover. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014;22(1):44 50. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1016/j.joca.2013.10.020 Reinholdt Sørensen R, Jørgensen M, Rasmussen S, Skou ST. Impaired postural balance in the morning in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture. 2014;39(4):1040-1044. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2014.01.002 Rathleff MS, Richter C, Brushøj C, Bencke J, Bandholm T, Hölmich P et al. Increased medial foot loading during drop jump in subjects with patellofemoral pain. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2014 mar 22;22(10):2301-2307. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1007/s00167-014-2943-3 McGirr KA, Kennedy T, Mølgaard C, Rathleff MS. Intra-Tester Reliability of Hand-Held Dynamometry and Strap-Mounted Dynamometry for Assessment of Ankle Strength. International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training. 2014;19(2):14-19. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1123/ijatt.2013-0089 Rathleff MS, Rathleff CR, Crossley KM, Barton CJ. Is hip strength a risk factor for patellofemoral pain?: A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014 mar 31;48(14):1088. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093305 Riis A, Rathleff MS, Jensen MB, Simonsen O. Low grading of the severity of knee osteoarthritis preoperatively is associated with a lower functional level after total knee replacement: A prospective cohort study with 12 months' follow-up. The Bone & Joint Journal. 2014;96-B(11):1498-1502. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1302/0301-620X.96B11.33726 Ulrich M, Overgaard S, Penny J. Metal-metal-hofteproteser. Ugeskrift for Laeger. 2014 aug 18;176(17):1572-1576. V04130235. Jørgensen DR, Pedersen MB, Kastrup K, Lønbro S, Jacobsen JS, Thorborg K et al. Normative values of eccentric hip abduction strength in novice runners: an equation adjusting for age and gender. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2014 feb;9(1):68-75. 2

Rathleff MS, Bandholm T, Ahrendt P, Olesen JL, Thorborg K. Novel stretch-sensor technology allows quantification of adherence and quality of home-exercises: a validation study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014;48(8):724-728. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091859 Mølgaard CM, Graven-Nielsen T, Simonsen O, Kersting UG. Potential interaction of experimental knee pain and laterally wedged insoles for knee off-loading during walking. Clinical Biomechanics. 2014 aug 14;29(8):848-854. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2014.08.002 Skou ST, Simonsen ME, Odgaard A, Roos EM. Predictors of long-term effect from education and exercise in patients with knee and hip pain. Danish Medical Bulletin (Online). 2014;61(7). A4867. Skou ST, Simonsen ME, Odgaard A, Roos EM. Predictors of long-term effect from education and exercise in patients with knee and hip pain. Ugeskrift for Laeger. 2014;176(15):1372. Madeleine P, Høj BP, Fernandez-de-las-Penas C, Rathleff MS, Kaalund S. Pressure pain sensitivity changes after use of shock-absorbing insoles among young soccer players training on artificial turf: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2014;44(8):587-594. Tilgængelig fra: 10.2519/jospt.2014.5117 Christensen BH, Andersen KS, Pedersen KS, Bengtsen BS, Simonsen O, Kappel S et al. Reliability and concurrent validity of a novel method allowing for in-shoe measurement of navicular drop. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2014;7(12):1-7. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1186/1757-1146-7-12 Larsen P, Lund H, Laessoe U, Graven-Nielsen T, Rasmussen S. Restrictions in Quality of Life after Intramedullary Nailing of Tibial Shaft Fracture. A retrospective follow-up study of 223 cases. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2014;28(9):507-512. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000000031 Nielsen RO, Bertelsen ML, Parner ET, Sørensen H, Lind M, Rasmussen S. Running more than three kilometers during the first week of a running regimen may be associated with increased risk of injury in obese novice runners. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2014;9(3):338-45. Rasmussen M, Sunde L, Weigert KPD, Bogaard PWS, Lildballe DL. Segmental overgrowth syndrome due to an activating PIK3CA mutation identified in affected muscle tissue by exome sequencing. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 2014 maj;164a(5):1318-21. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1002/ajmg.a.36454 Jakobsen T, Kappel A, Hansen F, Krarup N. The dislocating hip replacement - revision with a dual mobility cup in 56 consecutive patients. The Open Orthopaedics Journal. 2014;8:268-71. Tilgængelig fra: 10.2174/1874325001408010268 Rankin KS, Sprowson AP, McNamara I, Akiyama T, Buchbinder R, Costa ML et al. The orthopaedic research scene and strategies to improve it. The Bone & Joint Journal. 2014 dec;96-b(12):1578-1585. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1302/0301-620X.96B12.33990 3

Skou ST, Thomsen H, Simonsen O. The value of routine radiography in patients with knee osteoarthritis consulting primary health care: a study of agreement. European Journal of General Practice. 2014;20(1):10-16. Tilgængelig fra: 10.3109/13814788.2013.818132 Rathleff MS. Treating adolescent patellofemoral pain. SportEX Medicine. 2014;(61):21-25. He Y, Siebuhr AS, Brandt-Hansen NU, Wang J, Su D, Zheng Q et al. Type X collagen levels are elevated in serum from human osteoarthritis patients and associated with biomarkers of cartilage degradation and inflammation. B M C Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2014;15:309. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1186/1471-2474-15-309 Konferenceabstrakt i tidsskrift Skou ST, Roos EM, Simonsen ME. Good life with arthritis in Denmark (GLA:D): implementation of evidence-based care for knee and hip osteoarthritis in clinical practice. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014;22(Suppl.):S457-S458. Abstract No. 835. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1016/j.joca.2014.02.870 Skou ST, Rasmussen S, Roos EM. Knee confidence is associated with self-rated health and fear of moving but not with self-efficacy and radiographic severity: a cross-sectional study in knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014;22(Suppl.):S434. Abstract No. 784. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1016/j.joca.2014.02.819 Klose-Jensen R, Hartlev LB, Boel LWT, Laursen MB, K Keller K, Hauge E-M. Subchondral bone remodeling, but not bone mass, is increased in early stage osteoarthritic lesions of the human hip joint as studied by stereological histology. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014;22(Supplement S):S346-7. 606. Petersen KK, Arendt-Nielsen L, Eskehave T, Karsdal MA, Simonsen O, Siebuhr A et al. Synovitis, pain and serological biomarkers. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014;22(Suppl. S):S411-S412, No. 740. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1016/j.joca.2014.02.775 Bay-Jensen A-C, Siebuhr A, Egsgaard LL, Simonsen O, Eskehave TN, Arendt-Nielsen L et al. Towards personalized health care in OA?: identification of osteoarthritis (OA) patients into four phenotypic classes depending on their level of cartilage degradation and connective tissue inflammation. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2014;22(Suppl. S):S73, No. 114. Tilgængelig fra: 10.1016/j.joca.2014.02.148 Rapport Skou ST, Roos EM, Laursen MB, Rathleff MS, Arendt-Nielsen L, Simonsen O et al. Statistical analysis plan (SAP) for MEDIC: Total knee replacement plus physical and medical therapy or treatment with physical and medical therapy alone: a randomised controlled trial in patients with knee osteoarthritis (the MEDIC-study). 2014. 4

Skou ST, Roos EM, Laursen MB, Rathleff MS, Arendt-Nielsen L, Simonsen O et al. Statistical analysis plan (SAP) for MEDIC2: The combined efficacy of a 12-week treatment program of neuromuscular exercise, patient education, diet, insoles and medicine as treatment of knee osteoarthritis for patients not eligible for a total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial. 2014. Ph.d.-afhandling Nielsen RØ. The DANO-RUN study: Risk Factors for Running-Related Injuries in Novice Runners - With Emphasis on Weekly Running Distance and Foot Posture : PhD dissertation. Aarhus: Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Aarhus, 2014. 72 s. Konferenceartikel i proceeding Brund RBK, Rasmussen S, Nielsen RØ, Kersting UG, Voigt M. The influence of eccentric hip abductor strength on contralateral pelvic drop and mediolateral knee movement. I International Calgary Running Symposium, ICRS, 14-17 August 2014. University of Calgary. 2014. s. 103-104. Konferenceabstrakt i proceeding Bye EK, Magnussen B, Skou ST, Mølgaard C. Clinical experience is important when assessing varus thrust in knee osteoarthritis. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 24, No. 20. Finocchietti S, Arendt-Nielsen L, Petersen KK, Simonsen O, Graven-Nielsen T. Cuff algometry to assess sensitization in elderly patients with severe knee osteoarthritis compared with controls. I 15th World Congress on Pain, 6-11 October 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina. International Association for the Study of Pain/IASP Press. 2014. s. No. PT232. Skou ST, Simonsen ME, Roos EM. Good life with arthritis in Denmark (GLA:D): long-term effectiveness and predictors of outcome at 1 year. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 27, No. 30. Rathleff MS, Mølgaard C, Fredberg U, Kaalund S, Andersen KB, Olesen JL. High-load strength training improves outcome in patients with plantar fasciitis: A prospective randomised study with 12 months followup. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark : Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 26. No. 25. McGirr KA, Kennedy T, Mølgaard C, Rathleff MS. Intratester reliability of hand-held versus strap-mounted dynamometry to assess ankle inversion and eversion strength. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 24. No. 21. 5

Petersen KK, Siebuhr A, Graven-Nielsen T, Simonsen O, Arendt-Nielsen L. Knee osteoarthritis patients with different degrees of synovitis have different sensitization and serological biomarkers paradigms. I 15th World Congress on Pain, 6-11 October 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina. International Association for the Study of Pain/IASP Press. 2014. s. No. PT281. S. A, Rathleff MS, Kaalund S. Pain intensity and pain duration is not associated to area of allodynia in patients with plantar fasciitis. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 28. No. 32. Skou ST, Roos EM, Simonsen O, Laursen MB, Rathleff MS, Arendt-Nielsen L et al. Pain intensity and pain sensitization are similar in patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis eligible or not eligible for total knee replacement. I 15th World Congress on Pain, 6-11 October 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina. International Association for the Study of Pain/IASP Press. 2014. s. No. PW297. Rathleff MS, Roos EM, Olesen JL, Rasmussen S. Patient education with or without exercise therapy for adolescent patellofemoral pain: A randomised study among 121 adolescents with 2-year follow-up. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 26. No. 26. Rathleff MS, Rathleff CR, Olesen JL, Rasmussen S, Roos EM. Poorer 2-year prognosis of patellofemoral pain versus other types of knee pain: A prospective cohort study among 504 adolescents. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 26. No. 27. Mølgaard C, Graven-Nielsen T, Simonsen O, Kersting UG. Potential interaction of experimental knee pain and laterally wedged insoles for knee offloading during walking. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 24-25, No. 22. Brund RBK, Rasmussen S, Nielsen RØ, Voigt M, Kersting UG. The RunTech study protocol: the influence of running technique on overuse injuries in runners. I International Calgary Running Symposium, ICRS, 14-17 August 2014. University of Calgary. 2014. s. 101-102. Christensen SW, Skjoldager M, Mølbak S, Jørgensen H, Olesen J, Skou ST. Ultrasonographic measurement of the healthy patellar tendon: a study of intra- and intertester reliability. I Sports Medicine Congress, 30 January-1 February 2014, Kolding, Denmark: Treatment and Prevention of Sports Injuries. Danish Association of Sports Medicine and Danish Association of Sports Physiotherapy. 2014. s. 28-29, No. 34. Izumi M, Petersen KK, Laursen MB, Arendt-Nielsen L, Graven-Nielsen T. Widespread sensitization in patients with painful hip osteoarthritis. I 15th World Congress on Pain, 6-11 October 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina. International Association for the Study of Pain/IASP Press. 2014. s. No. PF367. 6

Poster Rasmussen S, Rasmussen J. A Computational Investigation Of Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery. 2014. Poster session presented at 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Rasmussen S, Borrisholt D, Konggaard K. Measuring Pain and Conditioned Pain Modulation after Ankle Sprain with a Spring Clamp. 2014. Poster session presented at 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Rasmussen S. Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery is Cost Effective Compared to Traditional Open Spine Surgery in Lumbar Fusion. 2014. Poster session presented at 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Storgaard FH, Pedersen CG, Jensen ML, Jensen SL. Physiotherapy improves patient reported shoulder function and health status in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. 2014. Poster session presented at DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Aleksyniene R, Frost M, Bertelsen HC, Iyer VV, Kubik M, Khalid V et al. Preoperative imaging with 18F- FDG-PET/CT, combined 111IN/99Tc-Nanocoll-SPECT/CT, and 99Tc-HDP in painful hip and knee prostheses: preliminary results from prospective study.. 2014. Poster session presented at 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Bone & Joint Infection Society, Utrecht, Holland. Rasmussen S, Vistrup S, Soegaard S, Poulsen SS, Ratnasingam G. Qualitative Assessment of Postoperative Pain and Sensitization Following Primary and Repeated Lumbar Spondylodesis.. 2014. Poster session presented at 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Rasmussen S. Reduced Surgical Invasiveness to the Paraspinal Muscle in Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery.. 2014. Poster session presented at 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Abrahamsen ER, Ribergaard E, Christensen T, Højlund C, Eriksen HH, Lindorff Larsen K. Simulation based team training of endoscopy staff may improve patients perception of colonoscopy. 2014. Poster session presented at AMEE 2014, Milan, Italien. Kristensen SW, Larsen MB, Christensen KW, Korsbæk L, Grønkjær M. Sygeplejerskers videreuddannelse: et projekt om anvendelse af nyerhvervet viden. 2014. Poster session presented at 8. Sygeplejesymposium 2014, Aalborg, Danmark. Larsen P, Kølner-Augustson L, Elsøe R, Petruskevicius J, Rasmussen S. The long-term outcome after treatment of patients with tibial fracture treated with intramedullary nailing is not influenced by time of day of surgery and surgeon experience. 2014. Poster session presented at Nordic Orthopaedic Federation Congress, Helsinki, Finland. Jørgensen DR, Sørensen H, Parner E, Nielsen R, Lind M, Rasmussen S. The run clever study protocol: The design of a randomized controlled trial. 2014. Poster session presented at IOC World Conference, Monaco, Monaco. 7

Ejaz A, Jakobsen T, Laursen MB, Kappel A, Rasmussen S, Nielsen PT. The Value Of Tourniquet Application In Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Study Involving 70 Patients. 2014. Poster session presented at 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Ejaz A, Laursen AC, Kappel A, Jakobsen T, Nielsen PT, Rasmussen S. Tourniquet Induced Ischemia And Changes In Metabolism During TKA: A Randomised Study Using Microdialysis Involving 70 Patients. 2014. Poster session presented at 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Ekelund A, Peredistijs A, Grohs J, Verity N, Rasmussen S. Treatment of postoperative pain in shoulder surgery with SABER -bupivacaine. 2014. Poster session presented at 39th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting, Chicago, USA. Konferenceabstrakt til konference Kold S, Lind M, Jølck S, Christensen K. Bone autograft versus recombinant human BMP- 2 (rhbmp-2) at bone docking-site in tibial bone transport: A randomized clinical trial (RCT). 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Rasmussen S, Laursen AC, Khalid V. Can A Spring Clamp Be Used In Measurement Of Conditioned Pain Modulation In Healthy Volunteers?. 2014. Abstract from 15th EFORT Congress 2014, London, Storbritannien. Larsen P, Elsøe R, Graven-Nielsen T, Læssøe U, Rasmussen S. Decreased muscle strength is associated with impaired longterm functional outcome after intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fracture. 2014. Abstract from Forsknings og udviklingssymposium i Region Nordjylland 2014, Aalborg, Danmark. Wagner LR, Thillemann T, Lind M, Pedersen A. Do ACL patients suffer from comorbidity and is there any association between comorbidity and the risk of ACL revision surgery?: A nationwide population-based case-cohort study of 13,443 ACL reconstructed patients. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Rathleff MS, Roos EM, Olesen JL, Rasmussen S. Effekten af træning som behandling til unge mellem 15-19 år med patellofemorale smerter et klynge-randomiseret studie med 2-års opfølgning. 2014. Abstract from Forsknings og udviklingssymposium i Region Nordjylland 2014, Aalborg, Danmark. Christiansen JD, Laursen MB, Blunn G, Nielsen PT. Hip arthroplasty with the Primoris stem Bone remodelling around a short femoral neck stem. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Christensen M. Indførelse af nyt behandlingsforløb ved akillesseneruptur: Fysioterapeuten som koordinator med ansvar for diagnostik, behandling og kvalitetsudvikling. 2014. Abstract from Forsknings og udviklingssymposium i Region Nordjylland 2014, Aalborg, Danmark. 8

Jakobsen T, Kold S, Shiguetomi Medina J, Baas J, Søballe K, Rahbek O. Inhibition of Micromotion induced Osteolysis in a Sheep Hip Arthroplasty Model. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Wagner LR, Thillemann T, Menhert F, Pedersen A, Lind M. Is the use of oral contraceptives associated with operatively treated anterior cruciate ligament injury?: A case-control study from the Danish Registry of Knee Ligament Reconstruction. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Jakobsen T, Kold S, Baas J, Søballe K, Rahbek O. Micromotion Induced Osteolysis in a Sheep Hip Arthroplasty Model. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. PRIS Study Group. New diagnostic algorithm in evaluation of patients with prosthesis related problems in the hip or knee.. 2014. Abstract from 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Bone & Joint Infection Society, Utrecht, Holland. Horodyskyy M, Kold S, Bønneland P, Pedersen AM, Petruskevicius J. Open showering of external ring fixators in combination with occlusive pin care: A prospective study of infection rate. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Rathleff MS, Roos EM, Olesen JL, Rasmussen S. Patient education with or without the addition of multimodal physiotherapy for adolescent patellofemoral pain: A cluster randomized study among 121 adolescents with 12-month follow-up. 2014. Abstract from PhD day 2014, Aarhus, Danmark. Storgaard FH, Pedersen CG, Jensen ML, Jensen SL. Physiotherapy improves patient reported shoulder function and health status in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Esteve E, Rathleff MS, Bagur-Calafat C, Urrútia G, Thorborg K. Prevention of groin injuries in sports: A systematic review with meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. 2014. Abstract from The first World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes, Doha, Qatar. Laursen MB, Christiansen JD, Blunn G, Nielsen PT. Promising migration Pattern at 1 year follow-up of the short Primoris Femoral Stem. 2014. Abstract from DOS Kongressen, København, Danmark. Moodie J, Radke OC, Ellis DJ, Verity N, Yang A, Rasmussen S. SABER -Bupivacaine Reduces Postoperative Pain and Opiod Use for 72 Hours in Soft-Tissue and Bony Surgeries. 2014. Abstract from ASA Annual Meeting 2014, New Orleans, LA, USA. Kristensen SW, Larsen MB, Christensen KW, Korsbæk L, Grønkjær M. Sygeplejerskers videreuddannelse: et projekt om anvendelse af nyerhvervet viden. 2014. Abstract from 8. Sygeplejesymposium 2014, Aalborg, Danmark. 9

Brund RBK, Rasmussen S, Nielsen RØ, Voigt M, Kersting UG. The influence of eccentric hip abductor strength on contralateral pelvic drop and mediolateral knee movement. 2014. Abstract from International Calgary Running Symposium, Calgary, Canada. Ekelund A, Peredistijs A, Grohs J, Verity N, Rasmussen S. Treatment of postoperative pain in shoulder surgery with SABER -bupivacaine. 2014. Abstract from 39th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting, Chicago, USA. Rathleff MS, Rathleff CR, Olesen JL, Rasmussen S, Roos EM. Unge med patellofemorale smerter har højere risiko for længerevarende knæsmerter sammenlignet med unge med andre typer af knæsmerter: et prospektivt kohortestudie med 2-års opfølgning. 2014. Abstract from Forsknings og udviklingssymposium i Region Nordjylland 2014, Aalborg, Danmark. Villumsen M, Jørgensen M, Andreasen J, Rathleff MS, Mølgaard C. Very low levels of physical activity in older patients during hospitalization at an acute geriatric ward A prospective cohort study. 2014. Abstract from Forsknings og udviklingssymposium i Region Nordjylland 2014, Aalborg, Danmark. Formidling Rapport Mindegaard P, Skou ST. Bedre liv med artrose : en folkesygdom med slagside: patientuddannelse og træning til borgere i Hvidovre Kommune med artrose i knæ og hofter og kort eller ingen uddannelse. Syddansk Universitet, Forskningsenheden for Muskuloskeletal Funktion og Fysioterapi, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, 2014. 60 s. (Movements, Vol. 14). Skou ST, Roos EM. GLA:D årsrapport 2013. Syddansk Universitet, Forskningsenheden for Muskuloskeletal Funktion og Fysioterapi, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, 2014. 39 s. 10