Kasia Banas. paintings malerier malarstwo

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Kasia Banas paintings malerier malarstwo

Przy okazji wystawy Kasi Banaś Malarstwa się nie wymyśla, do malarstwa się dochodzi Ma oczy szeroko otwarte i myśli. Kiedyś pracowita studentka, myślące malowanie dziś dowód na możliwość rozwoju wrażliwości plus odwaga realizacji. Czy to kobiece malarstwo? (oparte przede wszystkim na wrażliwości) ale jeśli męskie nie ma tej cechy jest niedobre. Malarstwo Kasi to po prostu dobre, piękne malarstwo. Józef Hałas A landscape in the language of the abstract Kasia Banas is an abstract artist whose paintings draw on the landscape as an identifiable source of inspiration. I m trying to generate my own artistic code to convey a landscape in the language of the abstract. Generally speaking when we refer to abstract art, (the language of the abstract) we are referring to art which has taken from, or separated out, an identifiable source of reality and abstracted its elements. It could be that an artist starts out with an object or a figure and abstracts its elements so that the resulting art work becomes a visual interpretation of reality a simplified or stylised version of a recognisable subject matter. In this sense Kasia s work often uses direct representational elements such as a ship or a river bank objects which are instantly recognisable to us as being real or having been taken directly from reality to help us read her work. My art stems from the very real visual experience such as my journeys which then find reflection on canvas as my personal landscape portrait. Kasia Banas has already found her own unique sense of sound and harmony. Using both representational elements, and pure abstract mark and form her boats, fields and river banks, set amongst an arrangement of pure abstract colour and line expressionistic mark, texture and fine layered glazes of oil paint seem to pound out there own sense of rhythm drawing you in and then pulling you back out again, pulling you in and drawing you out. At times, Kasia s work seems to seek to purely represent the sensation which nature elicits, her journeys, experiences and memories, rather than to represent nature itself. Then, a key representational element catches our eye and instantly transforms the composition, pulling us ephemerally back into the reality of a landscape. Jenny Brookman Farvens fylde Om Kasia Banas fortolkning af Henrik Nordbrandts digte Hvad kan man tilføje et digt, hvor man finder følgende strofer ( Lysår )?: Om dagen kaster solen din skygge/ind i mit liv./om natten er det efterårsmånen./den første smerter mest./den anden sårer til gengæld dybere./men det er de udslukte stjerners lys/som kaster den skygge/jeg elsker:/den som med lysår bag sig/er kommet dig nærmest/din mindste bevægelses væsen. En litteraturanmelder kan tale om Henrik Nordbrandts uudslukkelige melankoli, hans sublime evne til billeddannelse og hans enestående fornemmelse for sprogets rytme og klang. En maler derimod må efter bedste evne forsøge at tolke det samme i et helt andet, ordløst medie.heldigvis har man siden romantikken forsøgt netop dette: at finde en fælles poetisk fællesnævner i litteraturen, musikken og billedkunsten, og malere som Delacroix, Signac, Kandinsky og Klee har i teori og praksis demonstreret, hvordan farver og former kan illudere klange, toner og harmonier. Henrik Nordbrandts digte foregår altid i en spinkel hinde mellem drøm og virkelighed. På samme måde finder man i Kasia Banas malerier en dobbelthed af motiv og abstraktion. Vi ser en inddeling af lærredet i de tre grundelementer: jord, vand og himmel med en anløbsbro og sejlbåde liggende for anker i den stille sø. I det fjerne anes bjerge, og ovenover kaster solen eller månen et lysfyldt skær over sceneriet. Dette traditionelle landskabsbillede forrykkes imidlertid af nonfigurative penselstrøg i form at cirkler, halvtransparente farvelag og ekspressive kalligrafiske udladninger. Noget, som er med til at lægge et drømmende slør over motivet og gøre rumvirkningen irrationel og paradoksal, kort sagt, gøre malerierne selv til poesi. Medvirkende hertil er Kasia Banas indfølende fornemmelse for farven: dybe blå toner, varme gule, orange og røde og en violet, som driver melankolske molstemninger ind over helheden. En farvesans, som virkelig rammer ned i de følelsesmæssige dybder, hvor der ikke er langt fra ekstase til fortvivlelse. Hvis man skal sammenligne med noget på dansk grund, må det være Oluf Høst og hans nærmest panteistiske fornemmelse for lyset, ellers skal vi til en Pierre Bonnard for at genfinde en så intens fornemmelse for farvens fylde. Det siger sig selv, at Kasia Banas tolkning af Henrik Nordbrandts digte ikke skal tages for mere end de er: en subjektiv indlevelse i et på samme tid fantastisk smukt og hjerteskærende melankolsk univers. Men hun givet sig i kast med opgaven på den eneste måde, man kan overfor så stor en digter: give sig selv fuldt ud, sprænge sine grænser, søge ind i sin sjæls bundløse dyb og lade nuet strømme igennem en. Det er lykkedes for Kasia Banas. Rigtigt godt, endda. Tom Jørgensen, redaktør af Kunstavisen

In the daytime..., oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

One day in June, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

At night..., oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

The blue pond, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

The bay, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

A cloudy sky, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

The dusk and no memories, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

August at the Mediterranean Sea, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

Two footbridges, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

Late evening in April, oil on canvas 140 x 200 cm, 2010

Yellow afternoon, oil on canvas 140 x 200 cm, 2010

The grey island, oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

The light of dawn, oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

Dusk, oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

May afternoon, oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

The full moon, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

Quiet place, oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010

Just after the rain, oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

The green island, oil on canvas 120 x 150 cm, 2010

A bright day, oil on canvas 140 x 200 cm, 2010

Kasia Banas Website: www.banas.art.pl www.banas-art.pl Email: kasia@banas-art.pl Born in Poland. Studied painting, graphic art and sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. In 1997 graduated from Prof. Józef Hałas studio in painting. A member of the Union of Polish Artists and Designers. Works in painting and graphic design. AWARDS: 2002: Award of the Polish Pastellists Association The First International Biannual Pastel Exhibition, Poland 2000: 10th Art Exhibition Egeria, Poland 1998: 3rd Autumn Salon of Art, Poland 1998: 5th Polish Exhibition Music in Painting, Poland 1998: The M.Ritter Award, 2nd National Biannual Pastel Exhibition, Poland 1998: The 3rd Prize, 2nd National Biannual Pastel Exhibition, Poland INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS: 2010: Danish Cultural Institute, Warsaw, Poland: Light years, exhibition of a series of paintings inspired by the poems of Henrik Nordbrandt (accompanied by an album collection of paintings and selected work by Nordbrandt) Royal Danish Embassy, Warsaw, Poland Galeria Miejska, Wrocław, Poland Nordalia (Festival of Nordic Culture in Silesia), City History Museum, Katowice, Poland Zamkowa Gallery, Lubin, Poland Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark 2009: Gallery M Odwach, Wrocław, Poland Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark 2008: Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark Zamkowa Gallery, Wrocław, Poland Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark Cafe Druen & Bønnen (with Galerie Bram), Odense, Denmark, exhibition connected with release of the art book Perfekte Brudstykker (poems by Claus Juel, paintings by Kasia Banas) 2006: Gallery M Odwach, Wrocław, Poland Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark Gallery M Odwach, Wrocław, Poland 2005: Betweenthesenses Gallery, Oleśnica, Poland 2003: C. Gallery, Poland 2001: Abakus Gallery, Poland 2000: Galeria Miejska, Oleśnica, Poland 1999: En Bloc, Ludwig Maximilian Universitat, Munich, Germany 1998: Zamkowa Gallery, Poland Frączkiewicz Gallery, Poland 1997: Na Odwachu Gallery, Wrocław, Poland Abakus Gallery, Wrocław, Poland 1996: Abakus Gallery, Wrocław, Poland GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2011: Art Herning (with Galerie Bram), Herning, Denmark 2010: Galería Krabbe, Málaga, Spain Museum of City Trogir and Palace Milesi, Split, Croatia Art Herning (with Galerie Bram), Herning, Denmark Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark 2009: Galerie Bram, Hobro, Denmark Weibull s Kunstgalleri, Vedbæk, Denmark Hillerød Kunstmesse, Denmark Art Herning (with Galerie Bram), Herning, Denmark 2008: Museum of City Trogir, Croatia Palace Milesi, Split, Croatia The Brick Lane Gallery, London, England Hillerød Kunstmesse (with Galerie Bram), Hillerød, Denmark Art Herning (with Galerie Bram), Herning, Denmark 2007: Hillerød Kunstmesse, Hillerød, Denmark 2006: Gardens, Gallery BWA, Ksiaz Castle, Poland 3rd International Biannual Pastel Exhibition, Poland and Rotterdam, Holland 2005: The Art of Love, Oxo Gallery and Bargehouse, London, England 2004: BWA Gallery, Wrocław Galeria Miejska, Czestochowa, Poland Egeria, Modern Art Gallery, Poland 12th Art Exhibition Egeria, Gallery of Modern Art, Poland 2nd International Biannual Pastel Exhibition, BWA Gallery, Poland 2003: International Biannual Pastel Exhibition, Galerie Kralingen, Rotterdam, Holland 2002: 2nd International Biannual of Miniature, OPK Gallery, Poland The First International Biannual Pastel, BWA Gallery, Poland 2001: 4th Exhibition of Young Painting and E. Geppert Competition, BWA Gallery, Wrocław, Poland 2000: The International Biannual of Miniature, OPK Gallery, Częstochowa, Poland 10th Art Exhibition Egeria, Gallery of Modern Art, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland 3rd National Biannual Pastel Exhibition, BWA Gallery, Nowy Sącz, Poland 1999: Aqua Fons Vitae, BWA Gallery, Bydgoszcz, Poland 1998: Arsenał Gallery, Wrocław, Poland 2nd National Biannual Pastel Exhibition, BWA Gallery, Nowy Sącz, Poland 17th Festival of Polish Modern Painting, ZPAP Kierat Gallery, Szczecin, Poland The National Exhibition of Young Painters, Galeria Miejska, Legnica, Poland 3rd Autumn Salon of Art, BWA Gallery, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Poland 9th Art Exhibition Egeria, Gallery of Modern Art, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland 5th Polish Exhibition Music in Painting, Obok Gallery, Tychy, Poland 1997: 2nd Autumn Salon of Art, BWA Gallery, Poland International Art Exhibiotion Bielska Jesień, BWA Gallery, Poland Artists from Wrocław, Pod Plafonem Gallery, Wrocław, Poland 1996: Hałas and his students, W Pasażu Gallery, Wrocław, Poland Open air painting exhibition, Museum, Bystrzyca Kłodzka Painting, Graphic and Sculpture, Braunschweig, Germany The Academy of Fine Arts, Wrocław, Poland Exhibition in studio 5, Polish TV, Wrocław, Poland ART SYMPOSIUMS: 2005: International Painting Symposium, Nowy Sącz, Poland 2008: International Art Symposium, Trogir, Croatia 2010: International Art Symposium, Šolta, Croatia Copyright Katarzyna Banaś, 2010 All rights reserved
