Nanosangbog for Ninjaer. Forkert vej. for Ninjaer. Akkordhæfte

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Nanosangbog for Ninjaer Forkert vej for Ninjaer 2006 Akkordhæfte 84

Credits: Becifringer: Div. internet sider, Det Danske Spejderkorps Sangbog, fysikernes sangbøger, Andreas Kousholt Aagaard, Alexey Boubnov, Piezomanden, Hr. X og Mads Topp. Særlig tak til: TB, Skærbæk Turistforening, Beredskabstyrelsen, Minelæggeren Møen, Naturcenter Sølyst, vores kunder, de gamle damer, Jysk sengetøjslager, Frimodt-Heineke Fonden, Det Obelske Familiefond, Foreningen til bevarelse af det gode gamle danske håndtryk, Foreningen mod plydsænder, Foreningen til Afskaffelse af Ligegyldige Foreninger, Horeby bingoklub, Lem Rideskole, Tobias onkel, Fiskars Pastaske og diverse kebabsnedkerier i gåafstand fra HCØ. Særlig nej tak til: Bromerede Flammehæmmere, dørmænd, light øl, fluer i tandpasta og at lugte af gris. 83

Indholdsfortegnelse: 74-75... 5 A hard day s night... 6 All my loving... 6 Always Look on the Bright Side of Life... 7 A whiter shade of pale... 8 Blowin in the Wind... 9 Brown eyed Girl...10 Bundemanden...10 California Dreaming...11 Can t buy me love...12 Country Roads...13 Costa del Sol...13 Danse i måneskin...14 Darwins sang...15 Der er et Yndigt Land...15 Der er et øl-rigt land...16 Det Bedste til Mig og Mine Venner...16 Don t look back in anger...17 Drik dig ned...18 Eight Days a Week...19 E-lec-tri-city...20 Elefantens Vuggevise...20 Faggruppernes Sang...21 Fredagssangen...22 Friction...22 Fuck Her Gently...23 Fuld I går...24 Fødselsdagssang...24 Go down, Moses...24 Gætteleg...25 Help...26 Hestevisen...26 Hey Jude...27 Himmelhunden...28 Hit the Road Jack...29 Hotel California...30 Hos DK-benzin...31 House of the Rising Sun...31 Hvalen Hvalborg...32 Hvem sidder foran skærmen?..32 Hættemåge...32 I en lille båd der gynger...33 I like the flowers...33 I m a Believer...34 Indianer...34 Jeg hader Susanne...35 Jutlandia...36 Kald det Kærlighed...36 Kapitalismen...37 Karma Police...38 Kender du det?...39 Kender du spam?...41 Kringsatt av Fiender...42 Kvanter I Måneskin...43 Kvinde min...43 Lampshade...44 Laugh n 1/2...45 Leaving on a Jetplane...46 Let it be...47 Losing my religion...48 Lumberjack Song...49 Midsommervisen...49 Min Store Kærlighed...50 Mrs. Robinson...51 Nanoland...52 82 3

Nana... 53 Og de bar stadig øl ind... 54 Om Lidt... 55 One of Us... 55 Organisk Syntese-Sang... 56 Otherside... 57 Papirsklip... 57 Puff... 58 Regnvejrssangen... 59 Roll me over... 59 Se Venedig og Dø... 60 Side by side... 60 Stand by Me... 61 Superliga... 61 Susan Himmelblå... 62 Sådan nogen som os... 63 Så længe jeg Lever... 63 Tears in Heaven... 64 The Day After Tomorrow... 65 The Day the Music Died... 65 This is my life... 67 Ticket to ride... 68 Tine Pingvin... 68 Transparent and Glasslike... 69 Under the Bridge... 69 Vi har lejrbål her... 70 Vimmersvej... 70 Vuffeli-Vov... 70 Våbenfysik... 71 What is Chemical Energy?... 72 What shall we do with a drunken sailor... 72 When I m Sixty-four... 73 Whiskey in the Jar... 74 Winds of Change... 75 Wish You Were Here... 75 With a little help from my friends... 76 Wonderfull Tonight... 76 Wonderwall... 77 Yellow Submarine... 78 Yesterday... 78 Ziggy Stardust... 79 4 81

Jag känner en båt, hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt Hon röjer upp i våran kanal Jag vill berätta för dig, att jag känner en båt Jag känner en båt, hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt Hon röjer upp i våran kanal Jag vill berätta för dig, att jag känner en båt Som alltid vaktar alla som är här Och som ser till att vi blir utan besvär Det finns ingenting av det som lyckas (?) Kom ihåg att det är jag som känner en båt En båt som ingen, ingen annan slår Och hon kan kicka utan att du får Hon gör sig av med alla som spammar Ja, inget kan slå våran båt Jag känner en båt, hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt Hon röjer upp i våran kanal Jag vill berätta för dig att jag känner en båt Då kom den dagen, jag inte trodde fanns, det satte verkligen kanalen ur balans Jag trodde aldrig att jag hade så fel Men när Anna skrev och sa: "Jag är ingen båt Jag är en väldigt, väldigt vacker tjej" Som ut för världen väldigt främmande för mig Men det finns inget som det hade förklaras För i mina ögon är hon alltid en båt Hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt Hon röjer upp i våran kanal Jag vill berätta för dig att jag känner en båt Som alltid vaktar alla som är här Och som ser till att vi blir utan besvär Det finns ingenting av det som lyckas Kom ihåg att det är jag som känner en båt En båt som ingen, ingen annan slår Och hon kan kicka utan att du får Hon gör sig av med alla som spammar Ja, inget kan slå våran båt 74-75 The Connells Got no reason for coming to me and the rain running down there's no reason and the same voice coming to me like it's all slowing down and believe me I was the one who let you know, I was just sorry ever after seventy-four, seventy-five It's not easy, nothing to say 'cause it's already said It's never easy When I look on your eyes then I find that I'll do fine When I look on your eyes then I do better Omkvæd efterfulgt af: Givin me more and I'll defy, cause you're really only after seventy-four, seventy-five Repeat Intro Got no reason for coming to me and the rain running down there's no reason When I look on your eyes then I find that I'll do fine When I look on your eyes then I do better Langt omkvæd 2x Intro C G Am ----------0--3------0-0-0- ----------1--0------1-0-1- ----------0--0------2-2-2- --2-0-----2--0--2-2-2-2-2- -0----3-0-3--2--0-0-0-0-0- -------------3------------ 80 5

A hard day s night The Beatles It's been a hard day's night and I've been working like a dog It's been a hard day's night I should be sleeping like a log But when I get home to you I find the things that you do Will make me feel alright You know I work all day to get you money to buy things And It's worth it just to hear you say you're gonna give me everything So why on earth should I moan 'cause when I get you alone You know I'll feel O. K. When I m home everything seems to be right When I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeah 1. Vers igen Solo over starten af vers: G C G F G --> So why on earth should I moan 'cause when I get you alone You know I'll feel O. K. Omkvæd 1. Vers igen All my loving The Beatles Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tomorrow I'll miss you Remember I'll always be true And then while I'm away I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to you I'll pretend that I'm kissing The lips I am missing And hope that my dreams will come true And then while I'm away I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to you All my loving, I will send to you All my loving, darling I'll be true All my loving, I will send to you All my loving, darling I'll be true All my loving, All my loving Woo, all my loving, I will send to You Ziggy Stardust David Bowie Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weldon Gilley, And the Spiders From Mars, He played it left-hand, but made it too far, Became the special man, then we were Ziggy's band. Ziggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdoo, Like some cat from Japan, He could lick'em by smiling, he could lead them to hang, Became one so loaded man, well-hung, snow white tan. So where were the Spiders While the fly tried to braid her bows? Just a beer light to guide us, So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands. Ziggy played the time jiving us that we were voodoo, The kids were just crass, He was the nast' with God given ass, He took it all too far, but, boy could he play guitar. Making love with his ego, Ziggy sucked up into his mind, Like a lepar messiah, When the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band. Ziggy played guitar. 6 79

Yellow Submarine The Beatles In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed the sea. And he told us of his life In the land of submarines. So we sailed up to the sun 'Till we found the sea of green, And we lived beneath the waves In our yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine, Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine, Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. And our friends are all aboard, Many more of them live next door, And the band begins to play. As we live a life of ease, Everyone of us has all we need. Sky of blue and sea of green In our yellow submarine. Yesterday The beatles Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they are here to stay, oh I belive in yesterday Suddenly i'm not half the man I used to be, there's a shadow hanging over me, oh yesterday came suddenly Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say I said some thing wrong now I long for yesterday Yesterday love was such an easy game to play now I need a place to hide away oh I belive in yesterday Yesterday love was such an easy game to play now I need a place to hide away oh I belive in yesterday mm mm mm mm mm mm Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Monthy Python Some things in life are bad they can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse When you've chewing an life's gristle Don't grumble give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best. And always look on the bright side of life Always look on the light side of life If life seems jolly rotten there's something you've forgotten and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you've feeling in the dumps don't be silly chumps Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing And always look on the bright side of life Come on always look on the bright side of life So always look on the bright side of death just before you draw your terminal breath Life's a pice if shit when you look at it Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true You'll see it's all a show keep'em laughing as you go just remember that the last laugh is on you And always look on the bright side of life Always look on the right side of life (Come on guys, cheer up) Always look on the right side of life Always look on the right side of life For life is quite absurd and death's the final word you must always face the curtain with a bow Forget about your sin give the audience a grin Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow. 78 7

A whiter shade of pale Procul Harum Intro: C Am F Dm ---------------------------------- -----------------------01--------- -------------------2-------------- 2----20-----02---3------323--0-3----3--323---3--3-------------- 3---------------------------------- G Em G7 C F G F G7 ------------------------------------ 0--13------------------------------ 0-----0-0------------------------- 0------3---323320--023--023230 --------------------33---23-------- ------------------------------------ G13: 323000 We skipped the light fandango And turned cartwheels across the floor She said "There is no reason, And the truth is plain to see, But I wandered through my playing cards And would not let her be One of sixteen vestal virgins Who were leaving for the coast And although my eyes were o- pen They might just as well have been closed Omkvæd And i say Yes, I feel wonderful tonight. I feel wonderful, because i see the love-light in your eyes, and the wonder of it all is that you just don t realize how much I love you. It s time to go home now And I ve got and aching head So i give her the car keys, She helps me to bed. And then I tell her As I turn off the light, I say, My darling, you were wonderful tonight. Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight. Wonderwall Oasis [Bro:] And all the roads we have to walk are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me? And after all You're my wonderwall Today was gonna be the day but they'll never throw it back to you By now you should've somehow realized what you're not to do I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now I was feeling kind of seasick But the crowd called out for more The room was humming harder As the ceiling flew a- way When we called out for a-nother drink The waiter brought a tray And so it was that later As the miller told his tale That her face at first just ghostly Turned a whiter shade of pale Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you, By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do, I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, About you now Backbeat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out, I'm sure you've heard it all before but you never really had a doubt, I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, about you now [Bro] 8 77

With a little help from my friends The Beatles What would you do if I sang out of tune would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song and I'll try not to sing out of key. Oh.. I get by with a little help from my friends. Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends. Mm, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends. What do I do when my love is away, does it worry you to be alone? How do I feel by the end of the day, are you sad because you're on your own? No.. Do you need anybody? I need somebody to love. Could it be anybody? I want somebody to love. Would you belive in a love at first sight? Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time. What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know it's mine. Oh.. Yes, I get by with a little help from my friends With a little help from my friends Wonderfull Tonight Eric Clapton It s late in the evening, She s wondering what clothes to wear She puts on her make-up And brushes her long blonde hair. And then she asks me, Do I look alright? And i say, Yes, you look wonderful tonight. We go to a party And everyone turns to see This beautiful lady That s walking around with me And then she asks me, Do you feel alright? Bakke Snagvendt Kaj og Andrea Prøv å bakke snagvendt altså snakke bagvendt Når man bakker snagvendt lyder det så skægt Hvis man siger sodavand Bliver det til vodasand Hvis man siger flødeskum Bliver det til skødeflum Hvis man siger stikkelsbær bliver det til bikkelstær Hvis man siger biksemad bliver det til miksebad Hvis man siger vaskelud bliver det til klaskevud Hvis man siger missetand bliver det til tissemaaand Blowin in the Wind Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man? Yes n how many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand Yes n how many times must the cannon balls fly before they're forever banned The answer my friend is blowing in the wind the answer is blowing in the wind How many times must a man look up, before he can see the sky Yes n how many ears must one man have, before he can hear people cry Yes n how many deaths will it take till he knows, that too many people have died How many years can a mountain exist, before its washed to the sea Yes n how many years can some people exist before they're allowed to be free? Yes n how many times can a man turn his head, pretending he just didnt see? The answer is blowing in the wind 76 9

Brown eyed Girl Van Morrison Sha la la la la la la la te da la te da Winds of Change Scorpions What my guitar wants to say Hey, where did we go - days when the rain came Down in the hollow - playing a new game Laughing, and a running, hey, hey - Skipping and a jumping in the misty morning fog with - our hearts a thumpin' and you - my brown eyed girl You, my brown eyed girl Whatever happened to Tuesday and so slow Going down to the old mine With a transistor radio Standing in the sunlight laughing Hiding behind a rainbow's wall Slipping and a sliding All aling the waterfall With you, my brown eyed girl You, my brown eyed girl Do you remember when we used to sing Sha la la la la la la la te da Just like that Now that I'm all on my own I saw you just the other day My, how you have grown Cast my memory back there Lord Sometimes I'm overcome thinkin' 'bout it Laughing and a running hey, hey Behind the stadium With you, my brown eyed girl You, my brown eyed girl Bundemanden Melodi: Bondemanden Bundemanden han har altid travlt Med at bunde øl Hver gang han har bundet en GT Ta r han sig en byge til Øllerne skal bundes så vi kan få mere sne Sneerne skal bundes så vi kan få mer GT Bundemanden han har altid travlt med at bunde øl I follow the Moskva Down to Gorky Park Listening to the wind of change An August summer night Soldiers passing by Listening to the wind of change The world is closing in Did you ever think That we could be so close, like brothers The future's in the air I can feel it everywhere Blowing with the wind of change Take me to the magic of the moment On a glory night Where the children of tomorrow dream away In the wind of change Walking down the street Distant memories Are buried in the past forever I follow the Moskva Down to Gorky Park Listening to the wind of change Wish You Were Here Pink Floyd So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell Blue Skies from pain Can you tell a green field From a cold steel rail A smile from a veil So you think you can tell Did they get you to trade Your heroes for ghosts Hot Ashes for trees Hot air for a cool breeze Cold comfort for change Did you exchange? A walk on part in the war For a lead role in a cage How I wish, how I wish you were here We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl Year after year. Running over the same old ground. What have we found the same old fears Wish you were here... The wind of change blows straight Into the face of time Like a stormwind that will ring The freedom bell for peace of mind Let your balalaika sing 10 75

Whiskey in the Jar As I was going over the Kilmagenny mountain I saw with captain Farrell and his money he was counting. I first produced my pistol, and then produced my rapier. I Said stand and deliver, for I am a bold deceiver, Musha ring dumma do dammada whack for my daddy 'o whack for my daddy 'o there's whiskey in the jar I counted out his money, and it made a pretty penny. I put it in my pocket and I brought it home to Jenny. She said and she swore, that she never would leave me, but the devil take the women, for they never can be easy I went into my chamber, for to take a slumber, I dreamt of gold and jewels and for sure it was no wonder. But Jenny took my charges and she filled them up with water, and send for captain Farrel to be ready for the slaughter. It was early in the morning, before I rose to travel, the guards were all around me and likewise captain Farrel. I first produced my pistol, for she stole away my rapier, but I couldn't shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken. If anyone can aid me, it's my brother in the army, if I can find his station in Cork or in Killarney. And if he'll come and save me, we'll go roving near Kilkenny, and I swear he'll treat me better than me darling sportling Jenny Now some men take delight in the drinking and the roving, but others take delight in the gambling and the smoking. But I take delight in the juice of the barley, and courting pretty Jenny in the morning bright and early California Dreaming The Mammas and the Pappas All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown) And the sky is grey (and the sky is grey) I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk) On a winter's day (on a winter's day) I'd be safe and warm (I'd be safe and warm) If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.) California dreamin' (California dreamin') On such a winter's day Stopped in to a church I passed along the way Well I got down on my knees (got down on my knees) And I pretend to pray (I pretend to pray) You know the preacher likes the cold (preacher likes the cold) He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay) All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown) And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray) I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk) On a winter's day (on a winter's day) If I didn't tell her (if I didn't tell her) I could leave today (I could leave today) 74 11

Coda : California dreamin' (California dreamin') On such a winter's day (California dreamin') On such a winter's day (California dreamin') On such a winter's day Can t buy me love The Beatles Can't buy me love, love, Can't buy me love. I'll buy you a diamond ring my friend, if it makes you feel alright. I'll get you anything my friend, if it makes you feel alright. Cause I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love. I'll give you all I've got to give, if you say you love me too. 12 I may not have a lot to give but what I got I'll give to you. I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love. Can't buy me love, everybody tells me so. Can't buy me love, no, no, no, no. Say you don't need no diamond rings and I'll be satisfied. Tell me that you want the kind of things that money just can't buy. I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love. Solo 1. Sling him in the long boat till he's sober, 2. Keep him there and make 'im bale 'er. 3. Pull out the plug and wet him over, 4. Trice him up in a runnin' bowline. 5. Give 'im a taste of the bosun's rope-end. 6. Give 'im a dose of salt and water. 7. Stick on 'is back a mustard plaster. 8. Shave his belly with a rusty razor. 9. Put him in the guard room till he's sober. 10. Put him in a bed with the captain's daughter. 11. Turn him over and drive him windward. 12. Heave him by the leg and with a rung console him. 13. That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor. When I m Sixty-four The Beatles When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now, will you still be sending me a Valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine? If I'd been out 'till quarter to three, would you lock the door? Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four? Hmm------mmm------mmmh. You'll be older, too. Aaah, and if you say the word, I could stay with you. I could be handy, mending a fuse, when your lights have gone. You can knit a sweater by the fireside, sunday mornings, go for a ride. Doing the garden, digging the weeds, who could ask for more? Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty four? Every summer we can rent a cottage in the Isle of Wight if it's not to dear. We shall scrimp and save. Ah, grandchildren on your knee, Vera, Chuck, and Dave. Send me a postcard, drop me a line stating point of view. Indicate precisely what you mean to say, yours sincerely wasting away. Give me your answer, fill in a form, mine forever more. Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty four? 73

What is Chemical Energy? Tom Glazer & Dottie Evans Mama mia! What is this chemical energy? Mama mia! What do they mean by that? Hey bambino! Why do you make it tough for me? Hey okay I ll try to answer that. [Omkvæd 1:] When wood is being burned, and it s combined with oxygen, Then in the form of heat, it s giving off energy. The energy released when particles of matter change. The energy released is chemical energy. Mama mia! What is this chemical energy? Hey bambino! What do you mean by that? Mama mia! Why do you make it tough for me? Hey okay I ll try to answer that. [Omkvæd 2:] Each time you light a match, or spark a motor s gasoline, the energy released, is chemical energy. The energy released when particles of matter change. The energy released is chemical energy. Hey bambino! What is this chemical energy? Mama mia! What do you mean by that? Hey bambino! Try to explain it now to me? Hey okay I ll try to do just that. [Omkvæd 1] What shall we do with a drunken sailor What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What shall we do with a drunken sailor, Earl-aye in the morning? Way hay and up she rises Way hay and up she rises Way hay and up she rises Earl-aye in the morning Omkvæd 3. Vers igen Omkvæd Country Roads John Denver Almost heaven, West Virgina, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, rolling like a breeze. Country roads take me home to the place I belong, West Virginia mountain mama, take me home country roads. All my memories gather round her, miners lady, stranger to blue water, dark and dusty painted on the sky, misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye. Country roads... I hear her voice in the morning hour she calles me, the radio reminds me of my home far away. And driving down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday. Omkvæd igen Costa del Sol C.V. Jørgensen Når solen den forsvinder fra de hjemlige himmelstrøg ja så forsvinder jeg også sydpå til Spanien og mit luksuseksil for at te mig som en tosse på Costa del Sol hvor solen den danser en inciterende flamenco i min swimming-pool har keep cool altid været mit motto mit navn er Günther men folk hernede kalder mig Otto Så snart jeg så det hele gå ad helvede til var jeg pssst-væk over samtlige bjerge Og danderer den nu flittigt i dansker-koloni med pension hjemmefra i reserve [B-stykke] For øjeblikket har vi det herligt her på Costa del Sol i vort ny-nazistiske & asociale sammenhold men den dag røderusserne kommer Og det gør de jo nok igen har jeg solgt min hacienda & købt en ny i Californien 72 13

En sidste kommentar herfra sku' lige være den at der Führer var en visionær af klasse der såfremt han var til stede den dag i dag ville la' fattigrøve & skvadderhoveder gasse [B-stykke] Danse i måneskin Souvenirs Capo i 1. bånd En flamme, der aldrig blev tændt en rose, der aldrig blev sendt et pigehjerte banker, banker hvad hjælper det mig dine tanker De drømme, der tændte dig før skal ud før de visner og dør Så sig, hvis du vil ha mig, ta mig så vil jeg danse med dig Danse i måneskin lige så tæt kind mod kind Vi lukker natten ind Danse i måneskin Jeg husker så kejtet du var men under dit pjat var du klar Vi glemte hele tiden, tiden men jeg har husket den siden De blomster din mund kunne sige kunne fylde et helt gartneri Jeg vidste, du kunne li mig, sig mig om du vil danse med mig gentag som lyster og løfte venstre ben så går vi ned og vander lygtepælen, og når man så har niflet skal vi ha' en lille én og vi ved at øl er meget sundt for sjælen En hund kan gå i skole og lære en masse sprog det troede jeg egentlig ikke at de kunne, men de går rundt og snuser til mangt en lærebog og sådan vil det altid være med hunde Våbenfysik Fysik Revy Mel.: Jutlandia Det var i nittenfemogfyrre og nu ville man ha fred, for der var krig i Japan. Der blev samlet uran ind og det blev kastet ned, for der var krig i Japan. De fik at se hvad fysikken formår, og sjove børn de næste mange år. Bomber her, bomber der, bomber for fred, hvad skal vi med diplomaaaaaaater? Vi flyver gennem natten og gi r din fjende smæk, han ser os ikke komme. Vi stiller ingen spørgsmål, og snart har vi din check, så er krigen omme. Men hvis du gi r fyrer vi den sku af, det jo det de onde vil ha. Vores salgskontor har åbent hele døgnet bare ring, du skal ikke tøve. Vacuum, brint og EMP og andre sjove ting, dem vil vi gerne prøve. Her er ugens tilbudskatalog, start tre krige og betal kun for to! Hey-Ho for våbenfysik, vi blæser på alle traktaaaater. 14 71

Under the bridge downtown Forgot about my love Under the bridge downtown I gave my life away Vi har lejrbål her Traditionel lejrbålssang Vi har lejrbål her Mellem stammer og træer På den lille ø I den blanke sø Det er Mexicos land Og en modig mand Han kan klare sig her Med et godt gevær Men på Danger Hill Venter Sorte Bill Ved et røveri Han har myrdet ti Vor sheriff er død Det var Bill der skød Og hvor blodet flød Der blev jorden rød Vi har fanget Bill Ham fra Danger Hill Og hans usle krop Den skal klynges op Så nu kan vi bo Her i fred og ro På den lille ø I den blanke sø Vimmersvej Bamses Venner Helt deroppe på Vimmersvej Der bor en dejlig steg Hun går rundt der helt uden bukser Lige no et for mig : Huuun går rundt med numsen bar, hurra : Kor: Vimmersvej, Vimmersvej, Vimmersvej Hver gang jeg kommer hjem fra skole Går jeg der forbi For at se om hun stadig er der Det er kun fordi Vuffeli-Vov Shubidua Jeg har en hund med fire poter en på hvert sit ben bagpå sidder halen fast og vipper Forrest sidder snuden og når man rører ve'en kan man mærke om den sku' ha' feber Du kan få kvinder og kager og jordbær for sjov men der er intet så skønt som en vuffeli - vov Darwins sang Roben og Knud Hvad er det sjoveste dyr i verden, svaret er en hare Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haren Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haren Haren den er pænt sjov Hvad er det smidigste dyr i verden, svaret er en vandmand En vandmand kan komme igennem alt En vandmand kan komme igennem alt Især hvis man hjælper den Hvad er det slappeste dyr i verden, svaret er en stær Stæren den er meget slap Stæren den er meget slap For der er ikk' noget k i stær Hvad er det farligste dyr i verden, svaret er en vandrende pind En vandrene pind kan sætte ild til alt En vandrene pind kan sætte ild til alt Især hvis den har et hoved af svovl For så' det jo faktisk en tændstik For så' det jo faktisk en tændstik For så' det jo faktisk en tændstik Tændstikker de er pænt farlige Tændstikker de er pænt farlige Der er et Yndigt Land Adam Oehlenschläger Der er et yndigt land, det står med brede bøge nær salten østerstrand nær salten ø-sterstrand. Det bugter sig i bakke, dal, det hedder gamle Danmark, og det er Frejas sal, og det er Frejas sal. Der sad i fordums tid de harniskklædte kæmper, udhvilede fra strid udhvilede fra strid. Så drog de frem til fjenders mén, nu hvile deres bene bag højens bautasten, bag højens bautasten. Det land endnu er skønt, thi blå sig søen bælter, og løvet står så grønt og løvet står så grønt. Og ædle kvinder, skønne mø'r og mænd og raske svende bebo de danskes øer, bebo de danskes øer. Hil drot og fædreland! Hil hver en danneborger, som virker, hvad han kan som virker, hvad han kan! Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå, så længe bøgen spejler sin top i bølgen blå, sin top i bølgen blå. Og når min hund skal ud om natten 70 15

Der er et øl-rigt land Ukendt, men meget dansk. Der er et øl-rigt land det står med nød og næppe blandt alt det pokkers vand blandt alt det pokkers vand Det bugter sig blandt bar og kro det hedder gamle Danmark og her er øllen go og her er øllen go Her drak i fordums tid hver tillakkede kæmpe sin mjød af fad med flid sin mjød af fad med flid. Så prøved han (ej uden mén) at finde sine bene men faldt ved hver en sten Ja, hver en bautasten. Den øl er endnu skøn og gid den aldrig vælter lad baj ren stå så grøn lad baj ren stå så grøn. De ædle sorters skønne øer med sutter, fulde svende og svimle danske møer ja, svimle danske mø r Hil druk og Fædreland hil hver en kølig bajer vi drikker dem vi kan vi drikker dem vi kan. Vort gamle Danmark - SKÅL - bestå SÅ LÆNGE ØLLET SKUMMER og næsen den bli r blå med røde prikker på. Det Bedste til Mig og Mine Venner Gasolin Solen den går ned over gaden stemmerne får tusmørkelyd vi spiller bold mod facaden og så med et der ryger min dyd. Og Floridor ja og Celestin de siger hva ska du ha min dreng jeg sir det bedste til mig og mine ven-ner ja ja ja (break) Billy var på speed i Herstedvester ja ja ja cirka sytten dage på pip pip Ja der var discofil-musik og skrigende gæster Ja ja ja og gamle venner på trip Sjakalerne de begyndte og grine ja ja ja da de første ruder de røg Wow wow wow og drengene de gik på line Ja ja ja i crepe-de-chine og tøsetøj. Nerverne som glas på resteniler Ja ja ja skøjteløb på Bagsværd sø Wow wow wow kærlighed i kolde biler Transparent and Glasslike Carpark North Stop the clock, stop the cars tell your dad, at the plant to come home. Do not smile, do not sing Close your eyes and go to bed. I forgive I pretend Not to smile Cause I am stronger than you You're transparent and glasslike Stop Your Mind, Stop your heart Tell your girl, not to come home I forgive I pretend Not to smile Cause I am stronger than you You're transparent and glasslike Under the Bridge Red Hot Chili Peppers Sometimes I feel like I don't have a part ner. Sometimes I feel like my only friend, Is the city I live in, the city of angels Lonely as I am together we cry I drive on her streets cause she s my companion I walk through her hills cause she knows who I am She sees my good deeds And she kisses me windy I never worry Now that is a lie I don't ever want to feel like I did that day. Take me to the place I love, take me all the way. It s hard to believe That there s nobody out there It s hard to believe That I m all alone At least I have her love The city she loves me Lonely as I am Together we cry Oh no no no, yeah, yeah. Under the bridge down-town is where I drew some blood. Under the bridge downtown I could not get enough 16 69

She made me cry I don't know why. I don't want to bring you down I declare it's good to be here this is my life and I don't care! Ticket to ride The Beatles I think I m gonna be sad, I think it s today, yeah. The girl that s driving me mad is going away. She s got a ticket to ride she s got a ticket to ri-hi-hide. She s got a ticket to ride, but she don t care. She said that living with me was bringing her down, yeah. For she would never be free when I was around. She s got a ticket. I don t know why she s riding so high, She ought to think twice, she ought to do right by me. Before she gets to saying goodbye. She ought to think twice, she ought to do right by me. I think I m gonna be sad... (Gentag 1. vers) + omkvæd + C-stykke She said that living with me... (Gentag 2. vers) + omkvæd + C-stykke Tine Pingvin Roben og Knud Tine pingvin du er min, er jeg din pingvin Tine pingvin du er min Jeg går og hedder Ambrosius Og jeg er li'som dig Og du hedder Tine Og du er li'som mig Fra første gang jeg så dig Ku' jeg se at det var os Der skulle gå den samme vej Der sku' gå samme vej Hvorfor kan du ikke se det At vi er samme slags Ku' jeg holde et spejl op for dig Så ku' du se det straks Men jeg har bare luffer Så du får aldrig set At vi begge to er konger Konge, konge pingviner Break: "Vi er begge konger. Konge konge pingviner (½ tone op hvis du magter det!) Ja ja ja og så er man sgu bange for at dø. Slut på F Don t look back in anger Oasis Slip inside the eye of your mind Don't you know you might find A better place to play You said that you'd never been But all the things that you've seen Slowly fade away [Omkvæd 1:] So I start a revolution from my bed Cos you said the brains I had went to my head Step outside the summertime's in bloom Stand up beside the fireplace Take that look from off your face Cos you ain't ever gonna burn my heart ouuuuuuuuuut [Omkvæd 2, akk. som vers:] So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late, as we're walking on by Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say Take me to the place where you go Where nobody knows If it's night or day Please don't put your life in the hands Of a Rock and Roll band Who'll throw it all away [Omkvæd 1] [Omkvæd 2] [Omkvæd 2] So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late, as we're walking on by My soul slides away (pause) But don't look back in anger Don t look back in anger I heard you say least not today 68 17

Drik dig ned Fysik Revy Mel.: Jubii-Jæh Ta en bajer knap den op og drik dig ned! Ta en bajer knap den op og drik dig ned! Når du kigger på en ligning og den ikke giver mening, Ta en bajer knap den op og drik dig ned! Hvis din lærer hedder Peter drink dig ned! Hvis du ikk forstår en meter drik dig ned! Mekanikken deprimere, når hans fortegn alternere, Skynd dig hellere på Cafe n? og drik dig ned! Når B. Lautrup imponere, drik dig ned! Når du ikk kan ta det mere, drik dig ned! Hvis du ikk kan integrere, uden hjælp fra Schaums og lærer, Ta det roligt, det kan ingen, drik dig ned! Er det svært at regne el, så drik dig ned! Hvis det lykkes med lidt held, så drik dig ned! Hvis Per Hede er den lede, Men du ikk vi ha hans fede, Ta din taske og en flaske, drik dig ned! Har du kvant men samler pant, så drik dig ned! Vil du hel re ha en Fant, så drik dig ned! Hvis du ikke kender Andrew, og er ved at være halvstiv, er der ingen vej tilbage, drik dig ned! a generation lost in space, with no time left to start again So come on Jack be nimble Jack be quick, Jack Flash sat on a candle stick, 'cuz fire is the devil's only friend And as I watched him on the stage, my hands were clenched in fists of rage No angel born in Hell could bread that Satan's spell And as the flames climbed high into the night to light the sacrificial rite I saw Satan laughing with delight the day the music died, he was singin' I met a girl who sang the blues And I asked her for some happy news, but she just smiled and turned away I went down to the sacred store Where I'd heard the music years before, but the man there said the musicwouldn't play But in the streets the children screamed, the lovers cried and the poets dreamed But not a word was spoken, the church bells all were broken And the three men I admire most, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost They caught the last train for the coast the day the music died, And they were singin' This is my life Gasolin This is my life this is my time just show me the light and I go there. Give me the wine bitter and sweet and a little bit of bread that's all I need. No, I don't want the gold from Xanadu I think I leave it all to you this is my life and I don't care. This is my street, are you restless feet carry me on to anywhere. Take the fear take it away and give me some hope for one more day. I saw a ghost behind the door when the kids were coming home from the war with broken dreams and nothing more. I heard a woman singing her song and it was good and warm and strong 18 67

So bye, bye Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin' this will be the day that I die, this will be the day that I die Did you write the book of love And do you have faith in god above if the bible tells you so? in a voice that came from you and me And while the king was looking down, the jester stole his thorny crown The courtroom was adjourned, no verdict was returned And while Lenin read a book on Marx, the quartet practiced in the park And we sang dirges in the dark the day the music died we were singin' Eight Days a Week The Beatles Ooo I need your love, babe guess you know it's true Hope you need my love babe just like I need you [Omkvæd 1:] Hold me, love me, hold me, love me I ain't got nothing but love, babe Eight days a week Ooo I need your love, babe guess you know it's true Hope you need my love babe just like I need you [Omkvæd 1] [Omkvæd 2] Love you every day, girl always on my mind One think I can say girl love you all the time Do you believe in rock and roll? And can music save your mortal soul? And can you teach me how to dance real slow? Well I know that you're in love with him, 'cuz I saw you dancin' in the gym You both kicked off your shoes. Man I dig those rhythm and blues I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck with a pink carnation and a pickup truck But I knew I was out of luck, the day the music died, I started singin' Now for ten years we've been on our own, and moss grows fat on a rolling stone but that's not how it used to be When the jester sang for the king and queen in a coat he borrowed from James Dean Helter skelter in a summer swelter the birds flew off with a fallout shelter, eight miles high and fallin' fast It landed foul on the grass the players tried for a forward pass with the jester on the sidelines in a cast Now at halftime there was sweet perfume, while sergeants played a marching tune We all got up to dance, but we never got the chance 'Cuz the players tried to take the field the marching band refused to yield Do you recall what was the feel the day the music died, we started singin' And there we were all in one place, Love you every day, girl always on my mind One think I can say, girl love you all the time [Omkvæd 1] [Omkvæd 2:] Eight days a week I love you Eight days a week is not enough to show I care [Omkvæd 1] Eight days a week Eight days a week 66 19

E-lec-tri-city Tom Glazer & Dottie Evans The Day After Tomorrow Saybia E-lec-tri-city, AC E-lec-tri-city, DC A wonderful kind of energy That s e-lec-tri-city. Si! Si! Please tell me why do birds, sing when you're near me, sing when you're close to me They say that I'm a fool, for loving you deeply, loving you secretly It s the kind of energy, You can change so easily! You can change it into heat in a heater, Change it into light in a lamp. Change it into motion in a motor. Change it into sound in a phone. It s the kind of energy We produce so easily You can make it with a steam or water turbine, Make it when the generator turns, Make it with a simple storage battery, Make it with a photoelectric cell! How would modern living be, without electricity? It s essential in today s transportation, Vital if you want light and heat. Necessary in communication, Indispensable mechanically. Elefantens Vuggevise Diverse Nu tændes der stjerner på himlens blå Halvmånen løfter sin sabel Jeg håber at ikke de slemme mus skal liste sig op i din snabel Sov sødt lille Jumbo, og visselul nu bliver skoven så dunkel Nu sover tante, den gamle struds og næsehornet din onkel. Nu kalder i søvne den vilde gnu i krattet af store lianer, og aber synger sig selv i søvn i vuggen af grønne bananer. Sov sødt lille Jumbo, dit lille pus Slet intet min ven skal du mangle. I morgen får du en negerdreng But I crash in my mind, whenever you are near Getting deaf, dumb and blind Just drowning in despair I am lost in you're flame It's burning like the sun And I Call out your name The moment you are gone Please tell me why can't I, breathe when you're near me, breathe when your close to me I know you know I'm lost in loving you deeply, loving you secretly [omkvæd] Tomorrow, I'll say it all tomorrow Or the day after tomorrow I'm sure I'll tell you then [Solo på omkvæd] [omkvæd] The Day the Music Died Don McLean A long, long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me smile And I knew if I had my chance, That I could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while But February made me shiver, with every paper I'd deliver Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn't take one more step I can't remember if I cried when I read about his widowed bride But something touched me deep inside The day the music died 20 65

Du si r du har en anden ven Hvad jeg frygted mest er hændt mig nu igen, Du fortæller li som sidst, At det er den store kærlighed, Okay min blomst, behold ham blot i fred. Tears in Heaven Eric Clapton Would you know my name if I saw you in Heaven Would it be the same if I saw you in Heaven og ham skal du bruge som rangle. En Zebra tager sin natdragt på med sorte og hvide striber Et flyveegern med lådne ben det sidder i mørket og piber. At tiden læger alle sår Si r de vise mænd, jeg håber de forstår Hvad de taler om, jeg tror det næppe, Simpelthen fordi De har aldrig prøved dette helt forbi. I must be strong and carry on Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven Would you hold my hand, if I saw you in heaven Would you help me stand, if I saw you in heaven I'll find my way, through night and day `Cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven. [Bro:] Time can bring you down Time can bend your knees Time can break your heart Have you beggin please, beggin please Beyond the door, there's peace for sure and I know there'll be no more tears in heaven. Gentag 1. vers Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven Sov sødt lille Jumbo, nu er du vel mæt? Du kender ej husmodersorgen. En lille plantage på tusinde rør dem skal vi ha syltet i morgen. Hør, tigeren brøler sin aftensang og spejder mod alle kanter. Ved vadestedet med slebet klo, der lister den sorte panter. Sov tyst lille Jumbo, dit lille myr, din nuttede lille rødbede. Du bad mig fortælle et eventyr nu sover du sødt allerede. Faggruppernes Sang -Nano special edition Fra: FysikRevy anno 1998 Melodi: Andreas Sang Hvis du hører om en, som er sælsom og klam Og har hinkestensbriller og boller med lam Så det daaaaata log er Og møder du no n, som er kikset og dum Som knæver konstant og har hjerne af skum Så det biiiiiiiologer Og kender du en, som du ikke forstår Går rundt med hvid kittel og sniffer for hårdt Så det keeeeemikerne 64 21

Og møder du en, som kan fremstille alt Som ikke forstår selv det simpleste kvant Så det iiiiiiiiingeniører Oh møder du no n, som er stenet og stiv Har blodsprængt øjne, og slet intet liv Så det fyyyyyyysikerne Men møder du en, som har penge som skidt Og ved lidt om alt og hygger sig tit Så det os fra naaaaaano Fredagssangen Tæskeholdet Nu det weekend og så skal vi rigtig ud og drikke os fulde og så danser vi til muzak Vi er ligeglad om vi er nøgne eller om vi har tøj på for i studiet er her så varmt.. Friction Tom Glazer & Dottie Evans Friction, what is friction? Friction is the rub-a-dub-dub, rub-a-dub of objects that are moving and the rub-a-dub-dub contact is friction at work! Your shoes are made of friction materials, it s immaterial, what kind you wear. Walking or running, friction material Helps you in getting from here to there. (Snak:) Oh come now, you dont mean all parts of my shoes! No, only the parts that touch the ground. And by the way, did you Lige nu sig ja eller nej [omkvæd] [omkvæd] Sådan nogen som os Poul Krebs Kom lige og sæt dig, kom lige og læg dig Kom, lad mig mærke dig igen Kom lige og hold mig, hold lige lidt om mig Ka' vi sige vi starter herfra nu min ven? Vi har været ude i universet som to satellitter hver sin vej men heldigvis så er vi landet og du, lige i nærheden af mig Sådan nogen som os, har jo brug for en kæreste og den kæreste havde jeg tænkt sku' være dig så sæt dig lidt, vi er jo lige ved at lære det som en stifinder på rette vej. Vi har jo hinanden, der er ingen anden Det er det vi drømte om, var alt hvad der sku' til Der er ingen der diskuterer, der er ingen der udleverer hinanden, allerhøjest lidt sig selv Vi er erfaringerne rigere og gælden er saneret for en stund men ligegyldigt hvad jeg siger er det kun ord der kommer ud, ud af min mund Omkvæd Vi er erfaringerne rigere og gælden er saneret for en stund men ligegyldigt hvad jeg siger er det kun ord der kommer ud, ud af min mund Omkvæd Så længe jeg Lever John Mogensen Så længe jeg lever, så længe mit hjerte slår Så længe vil jeg elske dig, Men du er en rullesten, du har ikke nok i en Derfor må du gå din egen vej. 22 63

Wesley Snipes er fis Jimmy Floyd er sort OJ Simpson er spurgt :Du' superliga med et world cup smile: Du superliga Du superliga ahh ahh ah ahh ahh ah Katja Kean er stram Don Ø er klam Bjarne Riis er stum Brian Steen er dum Amdi P er rig Pia K er krig Johnny Cash er sej Simon Kvamm er mig [b-stykke:] Du mere smuk du mere cool du et true love hug som er mere yndefuld du' superliga Du' supersmuk du' supercool du' superfræk Jeg' supervæk... Susan Himmelblå Kim larsen Kære Susan med de himmelblå til lykke måske jeg blir en smule sentimental nå men tillykke englene de kyssede dig den dag da du kom hertil det er jeg ganske sikker på så ka du tro hva du vil Åh Susan Himmelblå ved du hva jeg tænker på hvis jeg ku så loved jeg dig et langt og lykkeligt liv men jeg kan ikke spå Hvis nogen siger det hele går ad helvede til så tro dem ikke det har altid været sådan og det blir det nok ved med tror du ikke? Men lov mig at du aldrig blir træt af livet en skønne dag for du er Susan Himmelblå og det er dit fra nu af [omkvæd] Jeg ved da godt, du synes, at jeg er en gamel nar Og hvad så Jeg har prøvet mit, nu ska du prøve dit Kom så Himmelen og stjernerne, Og fanden det store kvaj Det står på hver sin side om dig know that cars couldn t move without friction? The tires couldnt grip the ground! Friction is greater on rougher surfaces On smoother surfaces, friction is less. Oil is quite useful, for many purposes, Speaking of fraction, what is your guess? (Snak:) Oil smoothes the surfaces, and reduces the friction. Our little planet, whirls into outer space Out there in outer space, friction is nil. That s why our planet, maintains a whirling pace Whirling and twirling, it won t stand still. Fuck Her Gently Tenacious D You don't always have to fuck her hard In fact sometimes that's not right to do Sometimes you've got to make some love And fuckin give her some smoochies too Sometimes ya got to squeeze Sometimes you've got to say please Sometime you've got to say hey I'm gonna fuck you softly I'm gonna screw you gently I'm gonna hump you sweetly I'm gonna ball you discreetly And then you say hey I bought you flowers And then you say wait a minute sally I think I got something in my teeth Could you get it out for me That's fuckin teamwork Whats your favorite posish? That's cool with me Its not my favorite But I'll do it for you Whats your favorite dish? I m not gonna cook it But ill order it from Zanzibar And then I'm gonna love you completely And then I'll fuckin fuck you discreetly And then I'll fucking bone you 62 23

completely But then I'm gonna fuck you haaaaaaaaaaard Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard Fuld I går Melodi: Yesterday Fuld I går? Gu var jeg da skidefuld igår! Man sig dilledulle får Når øl og drammers rulle går Øl er øl! Skyld dit rustne nedløbsrør i øl men aldrig øl fingebøl Spul rent i store, stille skyl Og når lym-fen glider afsted som Gudenå På n i-gen med dram, førend tuden toner blå Sild og dram! Sild i dildogså en stille dram En lille stille sildedram En dølledulledilledram Salt- og ølbalancen skal man sgu passe på Smørre pumpeværket, få frisk grimasse på Fuld igen? Gu ska jeg da være fuld igen! Ohåh pige visselul igen Og dølledilledul igen (Nynnes) Fødselsdagssang Kan også spilles selvom ingen har fødselsdag Idag er det Per Vers fødselsdag, hurra, hurra, hurra Han sikkert sig en gave får, som han har ønsket sig i år med dejlig chokolade og kager til Go down, Moses When Israel was in Egypt s Land Let my people go. Oppress d so hard they could not stand, Let my people go. Go down Moses way down in Egypt s land Tell ol Pharaoh to let my people go Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said, Let my people go. If not I ll smite your firstborn dead, Let my people go. The Lord told Moses what to do, Let my people go. To lead the children of Isreal through, Let my people go. Through all kinds of weather... Drought, flood, rain and snow, We will be together... So it just don't matter at all... Oh we ain't got a barrel of money... We may look ragged and funny... But we're travelin' on... Singing our song... Side by side. Don't know what's comin' tomorrow... maybe it's trouble and sorrow... but we'll travel the road... sharin' our load... side by side. Oh we ain't got a barrel of money... We may look ragged and funny... But we're travelin' on... Singing our song... Side by side. When they've all had their quarrels and parted... we'll be the same as we started... just travlin' along singin' a song... side by side. Stand by Me Ben E. King When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see No, I won't be afraid, No, I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand, stand by me. So, darling, darling, stand by me, Oh, stand by me. Oh, stand, stand by me, stand by me If the sea that we look upon Should tumble and fall Or the mountain should crumble in the sea, I won't cry, I won't cry, No, I won't shed a tear Just as long as you stand, stand by me. Superliga Nephew ahh ahh ah ahh ahh ah Jason Watt er glad Rasmus Trads er flad Britney Spears er sød Kurt Cobain er død Michael Stipe er vis 24 61