Publications Lene Holm Pedersen. Peer-reviewed articles (accepted for publication)

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1 Publications Lene Holm Pedersen Peer-reviewed articles (accepted for publication) 1) Houlberg, Kurt and Lene Holm Pedersen (2014) Political Consensus and Fiscal Outcomes. Local Government Studies 2) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Eskil Heinesen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2014): How does Public Service Motivation affect performance in schools? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART). Article first published online: January 29, 2014; doi: /jopart/mut082 3) Houlberg, Kurt; Lene Holm Pedersen and Sune Welling Hansen (2014): Do Municipal Mergers Improve Fiscal Outcomes? Scandinavian Political Studies. Article first published online: 2 JAN 2014 DOI: / ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh og Lene Holm Pedersen (2013): Does ownership matter for employee motivation when occupation is controlled for? International Journal of Public Administration, 36 (12): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2013): Committed to the Public Interest? Motivation and behavioural outcomes among local councillors. Public Administration, DOI: /j x 6) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2013): Models of public service provision - When will Knights and Knaves be responsive to Pawns and Queens. International Journal of Public Administration, 36(2): ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh, Torben Beck Jørgensen, Anne-Mette Kjeldsen, Lene Holm Pedersen and Karsten Vrangbæk (2013): Public Service Motivation and Public Values: Conceptual and Empirical Relationships, American Review of Public Administration, 43 (3): ) Kim, Sangmook, Wouter Vandenabeele, Bradley E. Wright, Lotte B. Andersen, Francesco Paolo Cerase, Robert K. Christensen, Maria Koumenta, Peter Leisink, Bangcheng Liu, Jolanta Palidauskaite, Lene H. Pedersen, James L. Perry, Jeannette Taylor, Paola De Vivo (2012) The Development of an International Instrument to Measure Public Service Motivation: A Research Note. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 23 (1): ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2012): Public Service Efficacy. International Journal of Public Administration, 35(14): ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Tor Eriksson, Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2012): Attracting Public Service Motivated Employees How to design compensation packages in diverse societies, International Review of Administrative Sciences Vol. 78: , doi: / ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh, Torben Beck Jørgensen, Anne-Mette Kjeldsen, Lene Holm Pedersen and Karsten Vrangbæk (2012): Public Value Dimensions Developing and Testing a Multidimensional Classification. International Journal of Public Administration 35 (11),

2 12) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh and Lene Holm Pedersen (2012): Public service motivation and professionalism. International Journal of Public Administration. 35 (1): ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2012): Motivation og Handlingskapacitet Relationen mellem brugere og producenter af offentlige ydelser. Politica 44 (1): (Motivation and User Capacity the relation between users and producers of public service) 14) Askim, Jostein; Anne Lise Fimreite, Alice Moseley and Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): One stop shops for Social Welfare - The Adaptation of an Organizational Form in Three Countries. Public Administration. 34 (6): ) Bhatti, Yosef; Asmus Leth Olsen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Administrative professionals and the diffusion of innovations - The case of citizen service centres. Public Administration. 89 (2): ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh, Thomas Pallesen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Does ownership matter for professionals public service motivation? Review of Public Personnel Administration 31 (1): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2011): Indførelsen af One-stop-shopping koordination gennem ændringer af den formelle organisering? Samfundsøkonomen nr. 6, december ) Hjelmar, Ulf, Martin Markussen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Koordinationens koordinater, Samfundsøkonomen nr. 6, december ) Bhatti, Yosef; Asmus Leth Olsen og Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Djøferne gør en forskel - men hvorfor? Samfundsøkonomen, 2011(3): ) Bhatti, Yosef; Asmus Leth Olsen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Keeping the lights on - Citizen service centres in municipal amalgamations. Administration in Social Work, 35 (1): ) Hjelmar, Ulf; Asmus Olsen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? - Voluntary Retirement from Danish Local Governments. Scandinavian Political Studies, 33 (4) ) Dahlgaard, Jens Olav and Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Kommunesammenlægningernes betydning for kommunalpolitikernes motivation, Tidsskriftet Politik, 13 (3): 17-27) (Do amalgamations have consequences for the motivation of the local councillors?) 23) Bhatti, Yosef; Kasper Lindskow and Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Burden sharing and global climate negotiations the case of the Kyoto Protocol. Climate Policy. 10 (2): ) Bhatti, Yosef; Asmus Leth Olsen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2009): The effect of Administrative Professionalization on contracting out, Governance, 22(1): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Olaf Rieper (2008): Is Realist Evaluation a Realistic Approach for Complex Reforms, Evaluation 14 (3): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2007): Ideer, interesser og institutioner i CO2-reguleringen, Økonomi og Politik, 80 (3): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2007): Ideas are Transformed as They Transfer a comparative study of ecotaxation in Scandinavia. Journal of European Public Policy, 14 (1): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm, Yosef Bhatti and Kasper Lindskow (2006): Europæiseringen af CO2-reguleringen en komparativ analyse af årsager og effekter. Tidsskriftet Politik.

3 29) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2006): Transfer and Transformation in Processes of Europeanization, European Journal of Political Research, 45 (6): ) Larsen, Anders; Lene Holm Pedersen, E.M. Sørensen and O.J. Olsen (2006): Independent Regulatory Authorities in European Electricity Markets, Energy Policy, 34 (17): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2005): The Europeanization of the CO2-regulation of industry, Scandinavia, Policy and Society, 24 (2): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2005): The Political Impact of Environmental Economic Ideas, Scandinavian Political Studies, 28 (1): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Eva Moll Sørensen (2005): Les Dynamiques de Changement Comparaison des autorités de régulation independantes des pays baltes avec celles des anciens États members, Revue francaise d administration publique, no. 114: ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2000): The Dynamics of Green Consumption - a Matter of Visibility? Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 2 (3): Peer-reviewed articles (in review) 1) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen: Do documentation requirements reduce intrinsic motivation and increase worker absence? (status: RR) 2) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Eskil Heinesen and Lene Holm Pedersen: Different measures, different results? on the use of subjective and objective performance indicators. (status: Submitted) 3) Yosef Bhatti; Mette Gørtz and Lene Holm Pedersen: Organisational change and health outcomes (status: Submitted) 4) Askim, Jostein and Lene Holm Pedersen: Policy innovation at the interface between central steering and local autonomy: Experimental, embedded and mixed models (status: Submitted) Books and chapters in antologies 1) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh and Lene Holm Pedersen (2014): Motivation og Styring i den offentlige sektor. DJØFs forlag 2) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, Anne Mette Kjeldsen, Nicolai Kristensen og Lene Holm Pedersen (2013): Offentligt ansatte arbejder også for samfundets skyld. Politiologisk Årbog 2013: ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh and Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Motivation i den offentlige sektor. Lærebog i offentlig forvaltning. I Hanne Foss Hansen, Anders Berg-Sørensen og Caroline Grøn (red.) Organisation i den offentlige sektor (Motivation in the public sector) 4) Hansen, H. Foss and L. H. Pedersen (2006): The Dynamics of Regulatory Reform, in T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) Autonomy and Regulation: Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. London: Edward Elgar

4 Dissertation Reports 5) Pedersen, L. H. and A. Larsen (2004): Evaluering inden for energisektoren, I Håndbog i Evaluering, AKF forlaget 2004 (Evaluation in the energy sector, chapter in Handbook of Evaluation) 6) Pedersen, L. H. (2000): The Dynamics of Green Consumption: A Matter of Visibility? I: P. Gundelach og S. Kuehn (red.) Energi og Livsstil. Sociologisk Institut, København. 7) Pedersen, L. H. (2003): Miljø-økonomiske ideer i en politisk virkelighed (Environmental economic ideas in a political context). Ph.d. afhandling 2003/3. ISBN Institut for Statskundskab. Københavns Universitet 1) Pedersen Lene Holm, K Houlberg, SW Hansen, AL Olsen, MJ Bordacconi (2013) Lokalpolitikeres rolle og råderum KORA. Det Nationale Institut for Kommuners og Regioners Analyse og Forskning 2) Pedersen, Lene Holm; Ulf Hjelmar og Mats Joe Bordacconi (2013): Det unødige bureaukrati. Sammenhængen med motivation, innovation og organisatoriske forhold. København: KORA. 3) Dahlgaard, Jens Olav, Ulf Hjelmar, Asmus Olsen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2009): Kommunalpolitikeres rolle og råderum. København, AKF. (The role and behavior of local councillors) 4) Ladenburg, Jacob and Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Samfundsøkonomiske omkostninger ved detailregulering. København, AKF. (Socio-economic costs of proces-regulation) 5) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2009): Med borgeren i centrum - Politisk forankring, forvaltningsmæssige hensyn og fordelingsmæssige konsekvenser af borgerservicecentrene i Danmark. København, AKF. (Putting the citizen at the center) 6) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Katja Sander Johannsen and Eva Moll Sørensen (2004):Independent Regulatory Authorities a Comparative Study of European Energy Regulators, Copenhagen: København, AKF. 7) Pedersen, Lene Holm; Olaf Rieper and Peter Hansen (1998): Organisering af styringsinstrumenter - nærbilleder af energiaftaler og miljøgodkendelser. København, AKF. (Organizational aspects of regulatory instruments) 8) Pedersen, Lene Holm (1997): Kan nyinstitutionel teori bidrage til forståelsen af aktørernes adfærd i forbindelse med energibesparelser? - en teoretisk diskussion. København, AKF. (Can institutional theory increase our understanding of Energy Savings?) 9) Broegaard, Eva; Lene Holm Pedersen, Kai Schuster and Klaus Wortmann (1997): Households and Electricity Conservation - Comparisons of two Lifestyle Studies in Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein. København, AKF. 10) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Eva Broegaard (1997): Husholdningernes elforbrug - en analyse af attituder og adfærd på energi- og miljøområdet. København, AKF. (Households and Electricity Consumption)

5 Conference material 1) Yosef Bhatti; Mette Gørtz; Lene Holm Pedersen / Organisational Change, Health and the Labour Market. Paper presented at The 25th Annual EALE Conference. 2013, Torino, Italien ) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Nicolai Kristensen (2013): Participatory latitude a conceptualization and exploration of civic participation and engagement. Paper presented at the International research conference: One step beyond refining public service motivation theory and research methods in Utrecht, November ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Eskil Heinesen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2013): Different measures, different results? on the use of subjective and objective performance indicators. Paper presented at the PMRA conference in Madison, WI, USA, June ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Eskil Heinesen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2012): How does Public Service Motivation affect performance in schools? The APPAM conference 2012, Baltimore, USA, 6-8 November 5) Askim Jostein and Lene Holm Pedersen (2012): The Laboratory of local governments: Policy innovation at the interface between central steering and local autonomy. Paper to be presented at the IRSPM conference in Rome, April 6) Houlberg, Kurt and Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Political Consensus Facilitating Financial Management in Times of Austerity?" Nordiske Kommunalforskerkonference, Gøteborg November ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen og Lene Holm Pedersen (2011):Public Service Efficacy.The 33rd EGPA Conference 2011, Bucharest, Romania, september ) Houlberg, Kurt; Lene Holm Pedersen and Sune Welling Hansen (2011): The Economic Costs of Political Consensus - Evidence from Danish local governments. NOPSA 2011, XVI Nordiska statsvetarkongressen, Vasa, Finland, august ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Do documentation requirements reduce intrinsic motivation and increase worker absence? 11th Public Management Research Association Conference, The Maxwell School Of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, USA, juni (To be submittet for JPART) 10) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen(2011):Models of public service provision - When will Knights and Knaves be responsive to Pawns and Queens. IRSPM conference, Public service motivation Panel, Dublin, april ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2011): Motivation and behavioural outcomes among local councillors. IRSPM conference, Public service motivation Panel, Dublin, april ) Houlberg, Kurt and Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Why don't you cut your coat according to your cloth? Factors influencing budget overruns in Danish Municipalities after

6 amalgamation. XIX. Nordiske Kommunalforskerkonference, Odense, november, ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2010): Political Diversity and PSM - Bringing Politics Back in! 32nd EGPA Annual Conference. Permanent study group 3: Public Personnel Policies, Toulouse, Frankrig, September ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Tor Eriksson, Nicolai Kristensen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2010):Attracting Public Service Motivated Employees How to design compensation packages in diverse societies.32nd EGPA Annual Conference. Permanent study group 3: Public Personnel Policies, Toulouse, Frankrig, September ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; T. Bech Jørgensen, A. M. Kjeldsen, Lene Holm Pedersen and Karsten Vrangbæk(2010):Public service motivation and Public Values Conceptual and Empirical Relationships. Public Values Conference 2010, Leiden, juni ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh and Lene Holm Pedersen(2010):Public service motivation and professionalism.14. IRSPM Conference, Bern, april ) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Lotte Bøgh Andersen(2010):Does private provision jeopardize the future of public service?14. IRSPM Conference, Bern, april ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh and Lene Holm Pedersen(2009):Public service motivation What is it, what dimensions does it have, and why does it differ? Paper presented at the 2009 PSM pre-conference on Malta, September 1st ) Askim, J.; A. L. Fimreite, A. Moseley and Lene Holm Pedersen(2009):One stop shops An emerging instrument for joining up the 21 century welfare state?paper presented at the 2009 ECPR-conference, Berlin, September ) Olsen, A.; Ulf Hjelmar and Lene Holm Pedersen(2009):Should I stay or should I go? Voluntary retirement from Danish Local Governments. Paper presented at the 2009 EGPA-conference on Malta, September ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; T. Pallesen and Lene Holm Pedersen(2009):Does employment sector matter for professionals' public service motivation. Paper presented at the 2009 conference on IPSM-international public service motivation, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 7-9 June ) Pedersen, Lene Holm; A. Olsen and Yosef Bhatti(2008):Does Administrative Professionals Influence Innovation and Diffusion? Scancor 20th Anniversary Conference, Sessions VII, Panel: Analyzing organizational change in the public sector, Stanford University, California, November. 23) Pedersen, Lene Holm(2008):Med borgeren i Centrum. NOPSA-conference, Tromsø, Norge, August. 24) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2008):The Politics of Climate Change What can we learn about political obstacles from the comparative study of ideas? Workshop 6 "The Politics of Climate Change" at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Rennes, France, april, ) Pedersen, Lene Holm; A. L. Olsen and Yosef Bhatti (2007):Municipal Citizen Service Centres and the Danish Structural reform. XVI Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen, Göteborg, November 23-25, ) Pedersen, Lene Holm; A. L. Olsen and Yosef Bhatti(2007): Public employees and administrative professionalization Contracting out in The Danish municipalities. Paper

7 presented at XVI Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen, Göteborg, November, ) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Hanne Nexø Jensen (2007): Knowledge Production on Public Sector Reform in the Interface between Practice and Research. Paper presented at the EGPA 2007 conference, Madrid, Spain, September ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2005): Transfer and transformation in processes of Europeanization, paper presented at the ECPR-conference in Budapest, September ) Pedersen, Lene Holm and Olaf Rieper (2005): Is Realist Evaluation a realistic approach for the study of large scale public sector reform?, paper presented at the NOPSAconference in Reykjavik, august ) Hansen, Hanne Foss and Lene Holm Pedersen (2005): The Dynamics of Regulatory Reform, paper presented at the Scancor conference: Autonomization of the state: From integrated administrative models to single purpose organizations, April 1-2, 2005 Stanford University 31) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2005): Did the Policies of the National Environmental Pioneers Converge in the End?, Paper presented at the ECPR conference in Granada, Spain 32) Lene Holm Pedersen and Eva Moll Sørensen (2004): Ideas Transform as they transfer, Paper presented at the EGPA-conference in Ljubliana, Slovenia 1-4 September, ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2003): Environmental Economic Ideas from ideational form to institutional change. Paper presented at the ECPR-conference in Marburg Germany September ) Johannsen, Katja Sander, Anders Larsen, Lene Holm Pedersen and Eva Moll Sørensen (2003): Dimensions of Regulatory Independence A Comparative Study of the Nordic Electricity Regulators. Paper presented at the Elforsk conference on Methods to Regulate Unbundled Transmission and Distribution Business on Electricity Markets, juni, 2003, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm. 35) Pedersen, Lene Holm (1999): Ideas, Interests and Institutions in Regulatory Change - an analytical framework. Paper presented at the XII Nordic Political Science Association Conference in Uppsala, Sweden, august Workshop 11: Governance Strategies in Environmental Policy: Design, Implementation and Effects. 36) Pedersen, Lene Holm (1999): The Dynamics of Green Consumption - is energy the limit of reflexivity? Paper presented at the conference Livstilsrelateret forskning in Skodsborg the October ) Pedersen; Lene Holm (1999): The Dynamics of Green Consumption. Paper presented at the ECE3 Summer Study, May 31-June 4. in Mandelieu, France. 38) Pedersen, Lene Holm (1997): Lifestyle and Electricity Consumption, paper presented at The20th Annual International Conference - International Association for Energy Economics in New Delhi, januar ) Broegaard, Eva and Lene Holm Pedersen (1996): The influence of Life style on Energy Consumption. Paper presented at the inaugural conference of the European branch of the International Society for Ecological Economics in Paris May, 1996.

8 Communication (last 5 years) 1) Kristensen, N, Andersen, L B, L Holm Pedersen (2014) For meget kontrol risikerer at gøre offentligt ansatte syge og umotiverede. Berlingske Politico 2) Pedersen, L Holm, U Hjelmar, K Houlberg (2013): Stemmer du på Forvaltningspartiet? Berlingske, Politico, 16. november. 3) Pedersen, Lene Holm; Ulf Hjelmar og Kurt Houlberg (2013): Flere vil genopstille til kommunalvalget. Kommunen, 56 (30):13. 4) Hjelmar, Ulf; Kurt Houlberg og Lene Holm Pedersen (2013): Byrådet - en motor for politisk aktivitet. Jyllands-Posten, 1. sektion:27, 24. oktober. 5) Houlberg, Kurt; Ulf Hjelmar og Lene Holm Pedersen (2013): Lokalpolitik - børn og ældre har førsteprioritet. Politiken, Debat:10, 24. oktober. 6) U Hjelmar, L Holm Pedersen (2013)Afbureaukratisering handler om god ledelse, Nyhedsmagasinet Danske Kommuner 44 (14), ) Kristensen, N, LB Andersen, L Holm Pedersen (2013) Aktiv brugerinddragelse: Hvor langt kan vi gå? Nyhedsmagasinet Danske Kommuner 44 (25), ) Houlberg, K, U Hjelmar, L Holm Pedersen (2013) Lokalpolitik: Børn og ældre har førsteprioritet, Politiken 9) U Hjelmar, K Houlberg, L Holm Pedersen (2013) Byrådet-en motor for politisk aktivitet, Jyllands-Posten 10) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh;Nicolai Kristensen og Lene Holm Pedersen(2012):Blandt riddere og knægte.weekendavisen, Ideer, 6. juli 2012:12 11) Houlberg, K og L Holm Pedersen Lokalpolitiker i en krisetid hvor er magten? Berlingske Tidende 12) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2012): Mange gode forsøg, men hvad virker? AKF Nyt, 2012 (2) 13) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2012): Frihedstrangen bobler i det kommunale laboratorium. AKF Nyt, 2012 (2) 14) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh; Nicolai Kristensen og Lene Holm (2012):Analyse: Frikommuner vil af med bøvlet men hvad vil de sætte i stedet?nyhedsmagasinet Danske Kommuner, nr. 09 / ) Hjelmar, Ulf, Martin Marcussen and Lene Holm Pedersen (2012): Joined up government- et nyt styringsparadigme. AKF Nyt 16) Hjelmar, Ulf; Martin Marcussen og Lene Holm Pedersen(2011):Når det hele spiller sammen.akf Nyt, 2011(4): ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh;Nicolai Kristensenog Lene Holm Pedersen(2011):Kontrol kan få motivationen til at visne.akf Nyt, 2011(4): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2011):Analyse: Kontrol skal bruges med omtanke. Danske Kommuner, 2011(34): ) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh og Lene Holm Pedersen (2011): Public service motivation Et skjult potentiale i den offentlige sektor? Administrativ Debat, 2011(1):25-27.

9 20) Andersen, Lotte Bøgh og Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Samfundssind eller brugerservice. AKF Nyt, København, 2010(2): ) Houlberg, Kurt og Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Sparekniven risikerer at skære skævt. AKF Nyt, 2010 (3): ) Ladenburg, Jacob og Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Gebyrer koster tid og penge. AKF Nyt, 2010 (3): ) Wier, Mette og Lene Holm Pedersen (2010): Analyse: Afskaf bureaukratiet med færre regler. Politiken, 22. oktober ) Hjelmar, Ulf og Lene Holm Pedersen (2009): Lokalpolitikere er idealister og det koster. AKF Nyt, 2009(3): ) Hjelmar, Ulf og Lene Holm Pedersen (2009): Lokalpolitikerne i krise? AKF Nyt, 2009(1): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm og Ulf Hjelmar (2009): Lokalpolitik à la Christiansborg. AKF Nyt, 2009(3): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm; Ulf Hjelmar og Jens Olav Dahlgaard (2009): Store kommuner meget arbejde. AKF Nyt, 2009(3): ) Pedersen, Lene Holm (2009): Hvilken borger kom i centrum? AKF Nyt, 2009(1): ) Hjelmar, Ulf og Lene Holm Pedersen (2009): Analyse: Politisk tæft og udvalgsposter giver indflydelse. Danske Kommuner, 28/ ) Bhatti, Yosef; Kasper Lindskow og Lene Holm Pedersen (2009): Klimabyrder: Hvem skal nu betale regningen? Politiken, København, 3. december 2009:2. sektion, side 8. 31) Hjelmar, Ulf og Lene Holm Pedersen (2009): Analyse: Lokalpolitikeren er på tilbagetog. Politiken, København, 2. oktober 2009.

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: 1 rahnama٢٠٠٢ 2 yahoo com 3 : ( ) -. ( ). T-TEST : 1.٢.٣

: 1 rahnama٢٠٠٢ 2 yahoo com 3 : ( ) -. ( ). T-TEST : 1.٢.٣ : 1 rahnama٢٠٠٢ 2 yahoo com 3 : ( ) -. ( 25 384). T-TEST.. -... - - - : 1.٢.٣ :.1.2.1 :.5.4.3. (1:1387 ). -2. -1 :.. ( ). ( ) :. ( ) :.2 ). ( ) (2427316 ) 1385. 25 384 (2 :1388 ) ) 3

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