BringingQuality&ResilienceTo DigitalMobileRadioInfrastructure

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1 WHITEPAPER BringingQuality&ResilienceTo DigitalMobileRadioInfrastructure (ETSIDMRTierI&Tier I) EnduranceTechnology RoadphoneNRB-1/7/2018

2 Abstract Professionalorganizationsrelyon resilientbusiness/mission criticalictsystemsforsafetyandeficiency,moreovertomaintain business continuity, maximize operational performance and profitability. BusyICTmanagersandprocurementteamsareoftenchalengedto obtainthebestpossiblevalueforthesystemstheydeployandare subsequentlyresponsibleforthedecisionstheymake.anynew investmentintechnologymustprovidereturnsthroughreducing operational cost, add value through increased eficiency, productivityorservicelevelsandenhanceemployeeorcustomer safety. AnyICToutageexposesvulnerabilitiesofbusinessesthatcanhave asignificantandhighlydisruptiveimpactonoperations,andthe experiencebegsthequestionofhow thesesocaledcriticalsystem arefoundnottoberesilient. However,whenthesubjectisResilientBusiness/MissionCritical Communications,baseduponETSIStandardsforDigitalMobile Radio(DMR),thereisaconsiderableamountofdetailtobeaware of,where specialist,expertknowledge is required.additional complicationsincludenew regulatorystandardssuchasthenew RadioEquipmentDirective2014/53/EU,theuserexperiencecan provesomewhatdisappointingifthewrongtechnologydecisions aremadeorthewrongvendorisselected. Itcanbeadauntingtaskwhenselectingasupplierforcomplex DMR communication systems, particularly with the added chalenges ofresilience which is required to ensure business continuityandlifesafety.yourbusinessreliesonyourresilientdmr radiocommunicationsystem,afteralitneedstooperateduringthe mostdificultoftimes. Indeed,yoursystem wilbeundergreaterdemand,thestresses imposeduponthedmrsystem mustneverbealowedtoexceed the designed ability and capacity,you stilneed to maintain productivity,departmentaleficiencyand employeesafetyuntil normalservicesareresumed.itmustperform inthemomentsthat mater,addingvaluetoyourbusinesseveryday,alwhilstatending tothetraumaticeventsencountered.yoursystem providermustbe abletoguideyouthroughtheoptionsandhelpyoumakeinformed decisionsthatultimatelywilalow youtofunctionsafelythroughout albutthemostsevereinteruptions. Thiswhitepaperexploresthediferencesbetweennon-resilient DMRsystems,theircommercialwirelessnetworkequivalentand highlightkeydesigncriteriaoftrulyresilientbusiness/mission(life Safety)CriticalDMRradiocommunicationssolutions,andexplore the significantbenefits they oferovercommercialwireless networks.

3 WhatDoesResilienceMeanForBusiness/MissionCriticalRadio Communications? Wehavealhadthisexperience,we'vepickedupthephonetocalabusinessclientorlovedone-wejustexpectit towork,butifthepersonattheotherenddoesnotpickupwejustassumetheyweren'ttheretodoso-wedon't questionifthecommerciallandlineorwirelesstelephonesystem wasatfaultoriftherewasinsuficientcoverage orcalcapacity,wejustacceptitandmaytryagainlater. Freshrunningwaterandlightingattheflickofaswitchareexamplesofthingswetakeforgrantedeveryday.But whentheseservicesaresuddenlynotavailablebecauseapumpstationhasfailedduetoexternalfactors,oran electricitysubstationhasfailedandthereisnobackuptoswitchoverto,thesituationrapidlyescalatesoutof control.itimmediatelyhighlightsthevulnerabilitiesofthese"bestefort"serviceswetakeforgrantedandexpect tobethereconsistently. Appliedtobusinessoperations,ithighlightsalackofreadinessintheeventofsuchsituations-itcanhavea disastrousefectonbusinesscontinuityandthesafetyofworkersandpersonnelwhodependoncommercial communicationsystemsthatwithoutamoment'snoticearenolongeraccessible. Youmayaskyourselfthequestion,how wouldyoucoordinatecommunicationresponsestomaintainbusiness continuity,whichcouldgrindtoahaltatimmensecost,orhow wouldyoumanagesecurityalertsorfirealarmsin theeventofanemergencyevacuation? Thisfocusesthemindandhighlightswhatiscriticaltobusinessandworkersafety,moreovertheneedforresilient systemsthatremainfulyfunctionalandunafectedaftersuchoutages. ResilientbusinessandlifesafetycriticalDMRradiocommunicationsshouldcontinuetooperate.Theyenable crisismanagementteamstoefectivelycoordinateintheeventofasituationsuchasmainspoweroutages,direct lightningstrikes,fires,cyber-atacksorworseandwhenalothermeansofcommercialcommunicationsfail-you stilhaveyourtrustedcriticaldmrsystem.asystem youhaveavestedinterestin,asystem youcontroland manage.

4 WhatMakesBusiness/MissionCriticalRadioCommunicationsDiferent andresilient? Firstletustacklewhatmakesthem diferentfrom commercialoftheshelfcotsornon-resilientsystems. Primarily,theirpurposeisadedicatedresourceforaspecificfunctionthatisinherentlyreliable,alwaysavailable withadefinedlevelofredundancyandmustbesecure.thecomponentsusedaredesignedtoperform acrossa widerangeofenvironmentalcharacteristicsandconditions. Atitscore,itsverydesignistoprovidesafeeficientoperations.Thisdedicatedresourceenablesimmediate communication,sostaffeelsafe,worksmarterandmoreeficientlyinday-to-dayactivitiesorincrisissituations. Theyhelpkeeptheworkforceandpublicsafe,andwhilethereistheinitialinvestment,therecanbeimmediateand significantreturnwhenfirstusedduringarealincident.they'reinherentlyuniquebyprovidinginstantonetomany "groupcommunication",initiatedbyasinglepressofabuton.moreover,professionalydesignedresilientdmr system talkpathsaremodeledto haveappropriatecalcapacitywithprioritised accessso thatcritical communicationscanbeassuredduringemergencies. Justasimportantistheabilitytoinitiateandreceivecalswhereandwhenneeded-coverageiscarefulydefined sotherearenounwantedsurprisesorblackspots,moreover,therearebackupsystemsinplaceforpossible pointsoffailure,socriticalradiosystemsremainperformingandaccessible.thiscannotbesaidforcommercial wirelesscommunicationsystemswhichdonothavethesebackupsystemsandtheircoverageiscommercialy driven-low densitypopulationareasmayhavelitletonocoverage-noservice. Beforewereview theelementsthatmakesystemsresilient,letusfirstdeterminewhatismeantbyresilience? Quitesimplyputresilienceistheabilityofthesystem tofunctionregardlessofexternalfactorsbetheynaturalor manmade.theukgovernmentdefinesaresilientcommunicationssystem withinitsstatementonemergencies: preparations,responseandrecoveryas Resilientcommunicationsareabletoabsorbormitigatetheefectsofa disruptivechalenge. Thereisanelementoftruthhere,buttherearefurtherpointstoconsiderinthedefinitionofresilientradio communicationsystems.indeedeveryuserhasitsownparticularcircumstancesandoperatingconditions makingitimpossibletopigeonholeanyoneoperatorwithinasingledefinition. Security Threats Continuity ofoperations Resilience Operational Stability Safe Eficient Operations Employee Saftey Protection Operational Eficiency Cost Savings

5 Whataretheelementsofresilientsystems? RoadphoneNRBwouldencourageclients,ICTmanagersandprocurementteamstoaccesstheFCSdocument entitled"resiliencelevelsinbusinessradiosystems-thefcs5-levelresilienceassessmentscheme".this documentwouldenabletheusertotakecontrolofitspurchasingandworkwithitssupplier,itwouldassistthe purchasingdepartments abilitytodefineitsparticularcircumstancesandoperatingconditions. Thedocumentalowsthereadertounderstandandassigncriteriato14definedconsiderationswhenspecifying aresilientsystem,inefectariskanalysis: Infrastructurelocation-Isthedesignatedlocationsuitableormerelyavailable?Couldadverseexternal influencescometobearonthesystem? PhysicalSecurity-Isthesystem suitablysegregatedfrom 3 rd parties? PowerContinuity-Whatistheefecttoproductivity,safety,businesscontinuityofapoweroutage?Whatisthe acceptableinteruptiontothebusiness? SurgesILightning-Wilthesystem surviveahighvoltagesurgethroughtheantennaorwiring. SiteInstalationWiring-Hasthesystem beeninstaledtoaprofessionalstandard,alcablesdressedwith atentionpaidtocorectcablespecificbendradiandremovingalstrainonloomsandconnectors. EquipmentReliability-MeanTimeBetweenFailureofthecriticalcomponents?Maintenancearangements? OverTheAirModulationIProtocol-Isitarecognizedprotocol?Isitcompliant? PointsOfFailure-Arethereanysinglepointsoffailurethatwouldincursignificantnotablelossofservice?Can thispointbeeliminatedandatwhatcost? ControlOverSystem -Whohasoveralcontrolofthesystem anditsperformance? CyberSecurity-ArealITsystemssecure?Isthesystem aclosedcircuitorisitnetworkedviaanexternal infrastructurevulnerabletoexternalaccess/hacking? Radio Interference Hazard -Isthesystem licenced?hasthespectrum been chosen to minimizerf interference? MaintenanceIRepairSchedule-Haveregularpreventativeandreactivemaintenancecontractsbeenputin placewithslas thatmeetthebusinessobjectives? CalculatedAvailability(withinstatedhours)-Hasthesystem availabilitybeencalculated/explained?how was thecapacityevaluated? Overloading-Whathappenswhenthesystem isputunderstress?whatistheoutcomewhenundercritical conditionsdemandexceedssupply? Eachofthe14pointshasadefinedcharacteristicandanumericalvalue,1beingleastresilientand5having maximum resiliencefortheauditcategory.thesevaluescanbeatachedtothematrixandevaluated,justlikeany welrunprojectariskanalysishasefectivelybeenperformed.theprocurementteam now haveavaluabletoolto taketothesolutionprovider,whointurnwilreview theresultsandshouldbeabletoadviseonalaspectsand either,buildinoptionstoabsorbormitigatetherisksoroferadvicetoachievethelevelofresilienceexpected. Theseauditpointsareveryimportantintermsofresilience,howeverthereismoretoconsider,infacttherearefive (5)fundamentaldesignconsiderationsofcriticalradiocommunicationssystemsthattranslatefrom quality engineeringandindustryleadingsystem designsuchastherequiredcoveragearea,completeandtotalcontrol ofthesystem,appropriatecalcapacity,thesystemscapabilitythatisfulyfeaturedandpredictablecontrolover Cost.

6 FundamentalDesignOfCriticalRadio Communications Thebig5considerations Coverage Criticalradiocommunicationsystemsarediferentfrom commercialwireless networksbecausetheyneedtoandmustworkinthemostchalengingoftimes. Theirprofessionaldesign wilprovide bespoke coverage where and when required.coverageisachievedbycarefulsurveyingoftherequiredoperational area,antennasystem designiscriticaltoprovidecoverageoutside/insideof buildings and even below ground,to deliverexacting signalstrength with suficientmargintoaccommodatetheunexpected.carefulconsiderationtoa balancedrfbudgetisrequiredforcorectsystem operation.thisiscriticaltothe performanceoftheradiocommunicationsystem andisoftenoverlookedandnot fulyappreciated,asituationthatcouldprovecostlytorectifyatalaterstage. Yoursystem providerwilneedtolookatmanyfactors,includingthoughnot restrictedto,terain,obstacles,buildingfabric,distance,frequencyband,height andpower,theywilneedtoadheretothelicensearangements.alinkbudgetwil needtobeestablishedforboththeuplinkanddownlinkwithsuficientmarginto accommodatetheunexpectedaswelasfuturedevelopments. ExampleofasimplelinkbudgetutilizingradiatingcablefortheRFpropagation. Theexampleaboveisaverysimpleonebutitadequatelydemonstratestothe clientthatthesystem designerhasthoughtabout 1.Thebalancebetweenthesystem repeatersandtheendusershandportables 2.HehasaccountedforthelosseswithintheRFpropagatinginfrastructure 3.Thesystem hasaminimum operatingmarginof15dbatthecoverageedges whichundermosttestingcircumstancesismorethanadequate. Thepurchaserwouldbewisetoaskthesystem providertodemonstratealthese factors,itmaybethatthecustomerhastoprovidecoverageforanareathat undergoeslargefluctuationsinnumbersofvisitorsinwhichcasethesupplier wouldneedtoaccountforthisinthemarginstoovercometheriseinbodymass attheworstcase,exampleswouldbebuildinginvacuations,emergencyexits, masstransitsystemsandstadiaetc.

7 Control Thebenefitsofowningyourcommunicationssystem arehardtoignore,aboveal else,private,criticaldmrcommunicationsdelivercontroloverwhocanaccess thesystem andwhocan't.denyingaccesstoradiosthathavebeenlostorstolen, knowingwhatsystem changesneedtobemadeandwhen,plusthestatusofal usersarekeyelementsofcontrol.beingabletodefinecalprioritizationand pre-programmed interoperability or options to manage and mitigate security-relatedrisksareessential.commercialnetworksdon'toferthesame security guarantees. Having proactive network management provides streamlinednetworkhealthmonitoringservice&supportwhichidentifiesand resolvesnetworkissuesbeforetheyhaveanyimpacttothesystem,enhancing networkavailabilityandusersafety. Theabilitytoretrievesystem logs,voicerecordingsanddatalogsatwil,are elementsofcontrolthatarenotavailableviaanyothermeansandfeaturesthat areoftenoverlookedfortheimportanceorrelevance. Theabilitytoeavesdroporremotelymonitorahandportablearecontrol measuresthatcomeintotheirownintimesofadversityandwhenthephysical welbeingofstafandorvisitorsisapriorityandiscertainlynotavailablethrough othercommunicationmeans. Owningyourownsystem meansitcannotbetakenoutofserviceintheeventof anationalemergency,youcontrolyourownsystem,youcontrolsecurity,your safetyandyourbusinesscontinuity.thisisespecialyrelevanttodaywiththe futureesn(emergencyservicesnetwork)utilizingthepublicltenetwork,in timesofchalengeandadversitythosepublicmobilenetworkswilbeputunder significantstrainandpotentialembargo.

8 Capacity Criticalinfrastructurenetworksmustbeinherentlyreliableandresilient,radio systemshaveback-upstopre-emptfailuresofcriticalcomponents.theyare capableofwithstanding multiplefailuresin itscorebeforefunctionalityis noticeablyafected.levelsofredundancycan be builtinto hardware and softwarecomponentsdesignedtomaintaincontinuityofvoiceanddataservices, acapabilitynotevenpossiblewithstandardnon-resilientdmr systemsor commercialwirelessnetworks. DMR communication systems have scalability which provides bespoke expansionofvoiceanddatapathcapacityalowingtheinfrastructuretogrow with your expanding requirements without restricting your ability to communicate.intheunlikelyeventofsitefailures,trunkedsystemsfalbackto localsitetrunking,eventhenintheveryunlikelyeventofacompletesite communicationscanfalbackevenfurtherwithradiosin"talkaroundmode" (directmodeoperation)so limited levelsoflocalcommunicationsarestil possible. Aswelasthevoiceanddatacapacity,theresilientproviderwouldneedto considerthepowerbackupsystems.agoodproviderwildiscussthelevelof backuprequiredwithyoursystem,thecurentstateofthemainssuppliedtoyou, thefrequencyand duration ofanytests/outages,itisbecoming common practiceforbusinessestotesttheirsystemswithinarealisticscenarioto establishthelevelofresiliencefortheircorebusiness.theradiosystem should takethisresilienceastagefurtherandhaveenoughcapacitytoseethroughthe trialsandbeyond,oferingenoughbaterybackuptoseethem throughtotheend andaccommodateanyunexpecteddelaysinmainspowerrestoration,thus maintainingcommunicationstofacilitatethesecurity,safetyandcontinuityof theworkplace,what smorethisshouldappearseamlesstotheenduser. Yourprovidershouldbeabletoadviseontheequipmentandbaterychoice,the quantityandtypeofbateriestoprovideaguaranteeddurationofsystem operation at100% dutyand themostsuitablelocation fortheequipment factoringinthedegradationofbateriesduetoheat,climaticconditionsandtime. Thedesignerwilneedtoknow andbeabletodemonstratetheirunderstanding ofpeukartsequation,theyshouldbeabletodefinealevelofbateryruntimewith

9 Cost ResilientDMRcommunicationscorectlyimplemented,candeliverunparaleled return on investment through one secure, rugged and very reliable communicationssolutionforbothvoiceanddataapplications.withpredictable daytodayoperatingandlow maintenancecoststhatareunderyourcontroland alow costannuallicencefeeforspectrum usage,therearenounexpected surprises. Assetmanagementsoftware toolsaid in the controlofradio assetsand pre-emption ofreplacementbateriesbeforetheyfail,thesecostscan be identifiedandbudgetedforinadvance,enhancingsafetyaswelasreducing down time.eficiencygains,enhanced productivityand service levels are achievedthroughefectivecommunications,theyhelpdelivercostreductionand aretangiblebenefitsthatdelivergreaterreturns. Thecostsofinvestmentisnegligibleincomparisontothebusinessefectsifa catastrophiceventweretooccurorprevented,asingleeventcouldeasily accountfortheinitialinvestmentrequired,coupledwiththepotentialharm from adamagedreputation,acommercialcommunicationsystem cannotoferthis becausetheydonotprioritiseyouruniqueneeds.yoursystem providershouldbe abletowalkyouthroughyourrequirementsandmanageyourexpectationsand adviseonperformance/limitationsassociatedtothebudgetrestrictions,above altheyshouldbeabletodeliverasystem onbudgetthathasthepotentialto developandgrow withthebusiness.

10 Capability DigitalMobileRadiocommunicationsystem utiliseipbasedservicesprotected withlayered cybersecurityprotection,who scapabilitiesareextensiveand necessarytoprovideenhancedperformanceandsafetywithsecuredvoice& dataservices. Areputableprovidershouldbeabletoguideyouthroughalthefeaturesavailable withmoderndigitalsystems,theywiladviseontheirfunctionalityagainstcost andshouldalsobeabletooferalternativeswhenthesystem featuresdon tquite matchuptoyourrequirements. FeaturessuchasGPSlocationservices,TextMessaging,OnetoOnecals,Group cals,dynamicsystem Widegroupcals,RemoteradioMonitoring,Emergency cals,authentication,stun and/orkiling ofradios,remote OverThe Air ProgrammingandBateryAssetManagement-alenhanceusereficiencyand safety. Applications,suchascontrolroom servicesarevitaltomanageandsupervise radiousersandenablethem tocoordinatetheircalsandpatchthem togetherfor bespokeoperationsastheneedarises.vitalinformationincludingvoiceanddata logging,geo-fencing,loneworkingandmandownaswelas3rdpartyalarm interfacingarealavailablebuthaveadrainonthesystem thattheuserneedsto beawareofincludinganypotentialsecurityvulnerabilities. DigitalIPbasedsystemscanbehardenedagainstthethreatsofcyber-atackand lockeddowntopreventintrusiveconnectionsthatmayunderminedtheintegrity ofthesystem.alvoice,dataandcontroltraficwithintheipnetworkcanbe encrypted,andalradiosaresecurelyauthenticatedbeforetheyaccesstheradio network preventingunwantedintrusion.

11 StandardsBasedRadioCommunications Standardsbasedradiocommunicationsareessentialforinteroperabilityfrom diferentvendorstoprovidechoice, preventbeinglockedintoonemanufacturerandtodrivehealthycompetitionandinnovation. TheEuropeanTelecommunicationsStandardsInstitute(ETSI)setsharmonizedstandardsforDigitalMobileRadio (DMR),defininghow radiocommunications"overtheair"protocolsshouldfunction,perform andmakeiteasier andsafertouse.dmrstandardsincludetieriforconventionalsystemsandtierilfortruetrunkedradio communications,thelatermaximizestheuseofresources(channels/talkgroups). DMR TierIlstandardsoferkeyadvantagesoverTier I.DMR Tier Imostnotablyprovideadedicated managementchanneltocontroltheaccessofradiosrequestingconnectiontothesystem,initiatingcals, alocatingvirtualpathstosenddataorvoicecommunications,prioritisingcalsandalocatingresourcein emergencysituations essentialforinstantandeficientcriticalcommunications. Resilience&Quality ThemissingLink Essentialtoresilienceisquality,costofpoorqualitycanbetranslatedintofailureofresilience. Thechoiceofqualitysystem componentssuchasbasestation/repeaters,powersupplies,routers,rf combining,cablingandcubicleisanimportantelementofanydmrsystem.thesecomponentsform key diferentiatorsofresilientornon-resilientsystem design. Sadly,theseareareasthatsomesupplierswilexploittoshavecostsoneofthemostoverlookedcomponentsand oftendownscaledisthecubicle,theenclosurewhichhousesthesystem.qualitysystem rackswilgreatly increasethemechanicalresiliencetoanyinstalation,itshouldalsobeabletooferenvironmentalprotectionfrom airborneparticulates,oferspacetoalow forairtoflow,itshouldbeasecurehousingpreventingunwanted atentionandmanipulation.itshouldalsoincreasethesystemsimmunitytorfinterference,emcprotectionas welasprotect3rdpartiesfrom electrocution(especialywhenbateryback-upsystemsareinuse).thecostof cabinetscanvarygreatlyfrom severalhundredtoseveralthousandpoundssoit seasytoseewhypeoples lack ofknowledgecansteerthem toasimple,cheapcubicleoferingbasicprotection. AnothertargetforthebudgetistheRFcabling,withoutaclearlinkbudgetitisalmostimpossibletoaccurately calculatethesystem coverage.qualitycablesandqualityconnectorscomeatapremium,theantennasystem is ultimatelytheweakestlinkandoftenasinglepointoffailureyetstilitcomesunderpressuretobede-specified. OftenthesecablesandconnectorsarechosenwithlitlethoughttotheRFpropagationandlinkbudget,quiteoften substandardconnectorswithpoorweatherresistance,orpoorpassiveintermodulation(pim)characteristicsare chosenwhichcanbeasourceofinterference. ItItisessentialthatthesystem designer,hasalinkbudgetthatdemonstratesbothupanddownlinkswitha reasonablemargintoaccountforthoseunexpectedoccurencesi.e.largeinfluxesofpeopleduringinvacuation scenariosetc.thesecomponentsshouldbeofthehighestquality,theyshouldbeinstaledbyqualifiedpersonnel whounderstandtheimportanceofcablemanagementespecialyinrelationtobendradiandseparation. Aweldesignedandlaidoutcabinetisacostlyandtime-consumingafair.Considerationtoqualitycontrolofcable managementisveryimportant,especialyinrelationtotheseparationofdata,rfandpowercables,theirroutes areplannedtoavoidparalelrunsandexcessivebendraditherebyeliminatinginducedvoltages,crosstalkand stress,alcablesshouldbelabledwithsource,destinationanduniqueidentifiers,enhancingqualityandeliminate pointsoffailure. ProperRFtransmitcombiningintheform ofisolators,hybridcouplers,appropriatechoiceofduplexersandforthe receivesidereceiverspliteramplifiersrequireresilience,ifthesefailitmayresultinatotalsystem failure,so specialredundancyconsiderationsmaybeemployedtoaleviatethis.thesystem providershouldbeableto discussthepossibilityofdiversityforthersaanddemonstratethroughthelinkbudgetexactlywhatadverse efectstheincorectoptionscouldintroducetoasystem. RoadphoneNRB BringingQuality&ResiliencetoDigitalMobileRadioInfrastructure

12 Welthoughtoutpowersystems,shouldincludediverseincomingpowersuppliesandduplicationofpower suppliestocriticalsystem elements.forbateryback-upandupssystemsconsiderationshouldbegiventothe availablechargingcurent,baterymaintenancefunctionsandthedesignlifeandotherspecificationsofthe requiredtelecommunicationgradelonglifedeepdischargebateries.thedesignofthesepowersystemsshould takeintoaccountthesystem curentdrawnat100%dutycycleandsupportthedmrsystem foradefined periodoftimetakingintoaccountbateryageingandtheanticipatedmaximum andminimum ambient temperature.thesepowersystemscantakeupaconsiderableamountofspaceandcostanythingfrom hundredstotensofthousandsofpounds.thesuppliershouldhavethecapabilitytodesignandcalculatethe capacityofthesystem anddemonstrateexactlyhow longthesystem canbewithoutmainspowerbefore system functionalitybeginstodegrade. Summary Thiswhitepaperhasbeenproducedasaguideandaimedatprocurementteams,consultantsandthosewith inputintothespecificationofsecureresilientdmrsystemsforbusinesspurposestoreducecost,increase eficiencyandsafety. Resiliencedoescomeatacostbutwithriskanalysisandagoodworkingrelationshipwithyourchosensupplier youshouldbeabletogainareturnonyourinvestmentonadaytodaybasisthroughproductivitygainsand ultimatelyaresilientsystem wilcomeintoitsownatthosetimesofdistresswhereitwilproveinvaluable.cost canbemeasuredinmanyways,lostproduction,ordersnotfulfiled,flightscanceled,saleslost,negativepublic perceptiononbrandequity,lossofshareprice,lossofplantequipmentincludingvaluableassets,critical facilitiesorevenlossoflife. InInvestinginsecureandresilientDMRcommunicationsystemssuchasEnduranceTechnology from RoadphoneNRBwilenhanceyourorganisations abilitytorespondtoanycrisisandpreventlossesoccuring. ROADPHONENRBALLRIGHTSRESERVED RoadphoneNRB BringingQuality&ResiliencetoDigitalMobileRadioCommunicationInfrastructureSolutions

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