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Årsmøde 2016 og Nordic Civil konference 2016 den 7. 9. november i Vejle Endnu et år er gået, og derfor er det også tid til at sparke Årsmøde 2016 og Nordic Civil konferencen 2016 i gang. Programmet i år er sammensat efter tæt dialog mellem de enkelte SIGformænd og de enkelte fagansvarlige hos Bentley. Alle har lagt sig i selen for at kunne give jer den bedste service og updates på de Bentley produkter, der bruges i vores SIG-fælleskaber. En masse brugere står også klar til at dele ud af deres viden og erfaringer. Tag godt imod dem. Det er ikke nemt at skulle stå foran mange mennesker og fortælle indlevende og vedrørende om egne projekter. Bruger-indlæggende er en vigtig del af Årsmødet - her møder vi de gode og mindre gode erfaringer, frustrationer og glæder, alt sammen vigtige elementer der binder os sammen, men som også er med til, at vi kan ændre og påvirke vores programpakke. Med over 70 indlæg og præsentationer byder dette års konference bl.a. på en række indlæg, der vil introducere Connect Edition produkterne, men også nye spændende ting som Cloud og mobilitet. BIM er ikke kun Revit. Dette årsmøde har flere indlæg omkring håndtering af BIM i en verden, hvor mange aktører skal kunne samarbejde. Nordic Civil har med vanlig intensitet en række indlæg med det formål at hjælpe dig til en bedre og mere effektiv anvendelse af produkterne. Det er håbet, at du vil gå fra Nordic Civil konferencen med et par forbedringer, hvad enten der er tale om at kunne koble 3D til dit vejprojekt eller til anvendelse af nye teknikker - som f.eks. indlægget om New Super Elevation Standards. Udover sessioner og brugerindlæg har vi også workshops og keynotes. Vi har i år et par yderst interessante indlæg. Santanu Das, Senior Vice President, Design & Modeling, Bentley, vil rette blikket lidt fremad og give os Bentleys syn på den nærmeste fremtid, når vi taler Reality Modeling. Han vil sætte ord på det Internet of Things, der er det nye sort indenfor information og data håndtering.

Endelig har vi også fint besøg af Philip Jackson fra Intra TeamIT Consultants (UK), der i mange år har arbejdet med infrastruktur projekter og i dag er dybt involveret i anvendelsen af BIM og disciplinen information management. Årsmødet er også stedet, hvor du kan medbringe dine daglige udfordringer og tage en snak med både SIG-formænd og Bentley ansatte. Specielt vil vi opfordre til at deltage i Bentley Café møderne. Her har vi tradition for at løse en del problemer, både store og små. Samtidig giver det Bentley et unikt indblik i den måde, som vi arbejder på. Et indblik de kan bruge til også at tale vores sag internt i Bentley. Foreningens Generalforsamling afholdes i forbindelse med Årsmødet mandag eftermiddag. Formandens beretning præsenteres som tidligere år i forbindelse med konferencens start mandag morgen. Dagsorden og bilag udsendes 3 uger før Generalforsamlingen til medlemsvirksomheders kontaktperson og til foreningens personlige medlemmer. Vi vil gerne opfordre til, at alle deltager i Generalforsamlingen, da det giver et godt indblik i foreningens administrative arbejde. Ifald det kommer til afstemning, er der én stemme pr. medlemsvirksomhed/personligt medlem. Husk også at holde øje med foreningens hjemmeside, hvor der i forbindelse med Årsmødet vil blive uploadet nyheder og evt. ændringer til programmet. Vi glæder os til at se så mange som muligt til 2016-udgaven af og Nordic Civil konferencen. Mange Hilsner Bestyrelsen og SIG-formænd i

Skovsal A Skovsal B Skovsal C Munkebjergsalen 09:00 Registrering og morgenbrød / Registration and breakfast (Munkebjergsalens foyer) 09:30 Velkomst og formandens beretning ved formand Carsten Ahm, Cowi (Munkebjergsalen) MANDAG 09:50 Bentley keynote - Corporate update - CONNECTed Projects 7. NOVEMBER Alan Lamont, Vice President, EMEA Project Delivery & Construction 10:30 A1 - Geospatial Keynote - Interoperability B1 - AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition Keynote C1 - ProjectWise Product Portofolio and Road Map D1 - MicroStation visualization - LumenRT Reviewing the Geospatial Products roadmap, focusing on interoperability. Learn the new AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition updates and take advantage of the new functionalities for your projects. ProjectWise V8i and CONNECT Edition has many capabilites and services. In this session, you will here about significant ProjectWise advancements. The presenter will also provide an overview over our complete product portfolio and what you can expect in future releases. For Administrators and Users (Novice - Technical) 11:20 Johannes Klick, Bentley Brenden Roche, Bentley Stefan Sigvardsson, Bentley Ronald Zeike, Bentley Quickly create images, videos and real-time presentations of architecture, landscape, urban and infrastructure designs. With LumenRT, you will 'Tell a Better Story'. Win business through more engaging user experiences while still working in Your Design System. Quickly bring your scenes to life using tools you know. Enjoy high quality graphics with real-time natural lighting. 11:30 A2 - Bentley Map SS4 capabilities CityGML and 3D B2 - As-built or not to As-built C2 - Application Association Best Practices B2 - Introducing Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition An introduction to working with CityGML and 3D objects. Københavns Lufthavne har gjort sig nogle tanker omkring processen fra projekteret til asbuilt, og udført nogle forsøg med Context Capture som en metode til at kontrollere Asbuilt afleveringen. Join Graham as he provides an overview of ProjectWise adminstration and best practices for application association for any user. For Administrators and Users (Novice - Technical) Do you need a design review and model collaboration that supports office - site - field workflows? In this session you will learn about the next generation of our popular Navigator application and mobile app. 12:20 Johannes Klick, Bentley Michael Ørsted, Københavns Lufthavne Graham Hirst, Bentley Ronald Zeike, Bentley 12:30 Frokost / Lunch 13:30 14:20 KEYNOTE: Impact of Reality Modeling and Internet of Things (IoT) to the A/E/C Industry Reality Modeling, the combination of reality and conceptual design environments, has permeated through several industries including entertainment, gaming, manufacturing and defense. However, the design and construction industries are yet to embrace this omnipresent technology including photogrammetry and drones, augmented reality and cloud services to process big data for the purposes of delivering a richer Information Model. Learn how Bentley help organizations in the A/E/C industry quickly adopt these new technologies. Santanu Das, Senior Vice President, Design & Modeling, Bentley 14:30 A3 - Ajourføring af 3D database med Bentley Map B3 - What's AECOsim Building Designer? C3 - Digital workflows with Bluebeam Revu D3 - MicroStation Documentation Center Københavns Kommune anvender Bentley Map til at ajourføre deres egen lokale FOTdatabase. Data editeres i 3D og gemmes i Oracle Spatial. Bentley Map har specielt vist sig at være suverænt til håndtering af 3D bygningspolygoner. AECOsim Building Designer is a multidisciplinary Building Design tool; come learn how to manage projects of all sizes and scopes. Hør hvordan man kan lave byggeplads indretning og cloud-baseret samarbejde online, for at opdatere PDF tegningerne i realtid via Bluebeam Studio. Bluebeam Revu s markering og redigerings værktøjer giver mulighed for at optimere Udfordringen med bygningspolygoner er, at koterne typisk ikke er i samme plan, da de er registreret ud fra tagfladen. Der vises eksempler på data samt opsætning af Geospatial Administrator og Oracle Spatial med triggers og views. byggearbejdspladsen og bruge færre ressourcer, hvilket resulterer i en bedre og mere sikker arbejdsplads. Organisering og sortering af PDF filer der indeholder søgbar tekst. Få vist hvilke PDF tegninger der er linket sammen med andre PDF filer i et større samlet PDF dokument. Arbejd med 3D PDF filer. Se mulighederne med 3D PDF for at nemmere få et samlet overblik af en 3D PDF model. 15:20 Rune Tvilum, Geopartner Brenden Roche, Bentley Niklas Thillgren, Bluebeam Danmark Alicia Rodriguez, Bentley 15:30 Pause / Break MicroStation CONNECT Edition has new capabilities for aggregating information and creating multi-discipline deliverables that significantly improve the integrity and quality of those deliverables. These capabilities are built on the Bentley Common Deliverables Environment and collectively known as the Documentation Center. In this course, you will learn how to make the most of these capabilities. 15:45 A4 - Application Owned Properties og User Defined Symbology? B4 - Fill Your Project with Life C4 - Cloud Hosting D4 - TAP - TrafikAfviklingsProgram Med Bentley Map SS4 er der i APIet kommet to nye interessante muligheder. Dels er det muligt at programmere nogle ad hoc beregnede / dannede properties, som feks. 2D arealer/længder i et 3D miljø. Dels at programmere en hook-funktion der ændrer Bentley Maps GSA-styrede symbologi. Eksempelvis at lade en property bestemme størrelsen på en celle. Quickly bring your models to life using LumenRT, a really easy-to-use software. Cloud Technology is the way of the future in technology. Is my data secure? How does all this work? Please join this session, for an overview of Bentley's Cloud Infrastructure supporting your digital project needs. For Administrators and Users (Novice - Technical) Vejdirektoratet har fået udviklet en applikation til projektering af trafikafvikling i MicroStation. Applikationen hedder TAP og Vejdirektoratet vil gerne vise hvordan de udarbejder trafikafviklingsmodeller og -planer, og hvordan alle disse data struktureres. Der vises nogle forskellige anvendelser og nogle enkelte code-snippets, men det er ikke en programmeringsworkshop. 16:35 Erik Wirring, LE34 Brenden Roche, Bentley Al Gray, Bentley Jens Thomas Buskov, Cowi 16:45 - Generalforsamling 2016 (Skovsal A) 17:45 Bentley Café (Salon 4) - et uformelt Café-arrangement, hvor du får mulighed for at møde og stille spørgsmål direkte til Bentleys udviklere, og tale med foreningens SIGformænd og ligesindede. - bring your questions to Bentley developers, meet the SIG chairmen and join the informal discussions. 19:00 Drinks (Munkebjergsalens foyer) 19:30 Middag / Dinner (Munkebjergsalen)

09:00 09:30 09:50 Tree-Top 1 Tree-Top 4 Fjordsalen Mødelokale 4+6 Mødelokale 3+5 BENTLEYUSER NORDIC CIVIL MANDAG 7. NOVEMBER 10:30 P1 - Plant Keynote W1 - MSTN WORKSHOP Quickstart for MicroStation Connect E1 - Civil Product Keynote X1 - WORKSHOP Creating Centerline Geometry Get a latest status on current and coming releases of OpenPlant and AutoPLANT. Where is Bentley Plant heading and future? 11:20 Jaroslaw Sitek, Bentley 11:30 P2 - Field inspection See and learn about workflow how the Bentley tools and services cover the various disciplines typically involved in brown field projects. Starting from an overview of the field inspection - equipped with intelligent 3D model, you will see how easy it is to review feedback from the field. This session will discuss the MicroStation CONNECT Edition feature updates including the introduction of a ribbon-style graphical user interface (GUI), a relocation of the workspace settings, a new Backstage, updated tools and dialogs, Property Driven Annotation, a new Explorer replacing Project Explorer, Named Boundaries, Sheet Index, Item Types, Tables and more. Learn to master these new and exciting features found in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. Join this session for a product review and a preview of the future developments. As always, this session will bring you up to date as well as give you a glimpse into the future. If you want to know what's going on with Bentley Civil, this is the session for you! Ian Rosam, Bentley E2 Erfaringer med anvendelse af SUE/SUDA på Sundmole Vest Rambøll har i forbindelse med Sundmole Vest projektet anvendt SUE/SUDA til at projektere ledninger samt køre kollisionskontrol. I denne præsentation vises hvilke udfordringer og fordele anvendelsen af SUE/SUDA har vist. F2 - Understanding Design Intent and How it Impacts OpenRoads Design intent describes the geometry rules OpenRoads creates defining how geometry elements relate to other geometry/graphic elements. You determine how rules are defined based on your actions and sequence when creating and editing geometry. We will discuss when rules are created, best practices, and how and when it is appropriate to drop rules. This workshop teaches how to import, create, edit, and view horizontal and vertical centerline geometry. After completing this course you will have a solid understanding of not only the OpenRoads centerline geometry tools but more importantly the design intent captured by the OpenRoads Technology. (Fundamental) 12:20 Magnus Cullberg, Bentley Alicia Rodriguez, Bentley Zahid Syed, Rambøll Ian Rosam, Bentley Ernst Van Baar, Rob Nice & Dan Ahern, 12:30 13:30 Frokost / Lunch KEYNOTE: Impact of Reality Modeling and Internet of Things (IoT) to the A/E/C Industry (Munkebjergsalen) 14:20 Santanu Das, Senior Vice President, Design & Modeling, Bentley 14:30 P3 - Integrated Process, Piping and Equipment Modelling W3 - MSTN WORKSHOP Working with CONNECTED Projects and Users E3 - Features i SUDA og PowerCivil? Hvorfor? Hvordan? F3 - OpenRail SELECTseries 4 Managing Geometry and Corridor Modeling X3 - WORKSHOP Mastering the Corridor Reuse the information from P&IDs in 2D/3D workflow see the benefit in the 3D design session. How easy it is to use site models created using ContextCapture for the design process. The new OpenPlant Modeler structural tools help you to add new structural steel for new pipe supports. How to share the new structural information with structural detailers and analysis engineers? In this course, you will learn how to sign into the CONNECTION Client, create a workset and associate it to the CONNECTED project, publish the i-model to a personal portal, and see how other team members receive the PDF of the i-model. Kom og hør hvordan man opretter sine egne Features til at supplere standarderne fra bentleyuser, og hvordan man tilføjer dem til sit workspace. MOE er i færd med at oprette nye Feature Definitions og Element Templates til brug for lednings- og brønddimensionering med danske materialer i SUDA. VEX vil tilpasse dem til de nye afvandingsdimensioneringslag fra Det Digitale Anlæg. Sami og Marianne vil fortælle om arbejdet med at oprette disse nye DGNLib er, som vil blive tilføjet til den danske country kit. 15:20 Magnus Cullberg, Bentley. Sami Zaabi, MOE, Marianne Rask, VEX 15:30 Pause / Break Let's take a look at the new Bentley Rail Track SELECTseries 4 which now includes the OpenRoads technology. This version of software allows rail designer to enjoys the benefits of the rich 3D modeling environment, design intent, and dynamic updating. We will discuss migrating rail projects to the new workflow and best practices for managing rail geometry including spirals and cant. Rob Nice, Bentley This course teaches the core skills necessary to work with corridors. The course begins with how 2D and 3D elements are created and how the 2D and 3D models interact with one another. Next you will learn how to work with multiple templates in a single corridor and transition between them. You will learn how to override template geometry with Point Controls and End Condition Exceptions, how to target something other than the existing terrain, and how to assign Superelevation to a corridor. (Fundamental) 15:45 P4 - Integrated Piping and Structural analysis E4 - Fra 3D model til 2D tegninger F4 - Using OpenRoads Navigator for Review and Inspection Integrated structural (Staad.Pro) and piping (AutoPipe) analysis allow big savings on project schedule and minimizes risk of errors. Design supports in OpenPlant Support Engineering, using spring data from piping analysis. Hvordan kan 3D modeller benyttes til generering af 2D tegninger? Traditionelt genereres tegninger uden et link til 3D modeller. I denne session vises hvorledes der kan skabes intelligens i eksempelvis normaltværsnittet. Dvs. oprette et link mellem 3D modellen og 2D tegningen, således at en ændring i modellen resulterer i en ændring på tegningen. Discover the potential of OpenRoads Navigator for quick mobile access to civil data in the field at any time for planning, design, construction, and maintenance activities. Learn how you can interactively view, analyze, and augment a wide variety of project information, including geometry, 3D models, and 2D topographies. See the unique civil features including station-offset and GPS location. 16:35 Jaroslaw Sitek, Bentley Ronald Zeike, Bentley Thomas Bogø Nissen, Sweco Ernst Van Baar, Bentley Dan Ahern & Ian Rosam, Bentley 16:45 17:45 Civil Café - Bring your questions to this session and receive answers. (Fjordsalen) 19:00 Drinks (Munkebjergsalens foyer) 19:30 Middag / Dinner (Munkebjergsalen)

09:00 Skovsal A Skovsal B Skovsal C Munkebjergsalen KEYNOTE: Fulfilling the Asset Information Lifecycle The presentation will follow an assets information requirements from Concept through Design Construction and Operation. Drawn from experience with major projects including London Crossrail, UK High Speed 2 and working with BuildingSmart Asset Managers BIM Information Requirements, Philip M Jackson will present his view of the Information Lifecycle. Philip M Jackson, Intra TeamIT Consultants TIRSDAG 8. NOVEMBER 10:20 Pause / Break 10:30 A5 - Spatiale data i Bentley Map samt demonstration af ny DHM 11:20 Hvordan genereres data fra designfiler til spatiale data inkl. attributter, samt udfordringer og løsninger for dette. Demonstrationen tager udgangspunkt i vejdata i en designfil som ligger til grund for indlægningen af data i en spatial SQL database. Demonstration af Danmarks nye højdemodel (DHM) anvendt til flere mulige anvendelsesformål ved brug af Bentleys XMLtemplates til visualisering. Jan Thinglev Olsen, Rune Halkjær Christensen, LIFA 11:30 A6 - Bentley Map SS4 capabilities Spatial Databases Exploring the use of Bentley Map with Spatial databases. B5 - BIM Status for anlægsbranchen De store anlægsbygherre stiller i stigende grad krav om 3D-modeller, men hvor meget har Danmark egentligt rykket sig gennem de sidste 5 år? Er bygherrekravet om 3D modeller udelukkende baseret på entreprenørers ønske om dette, og hvordan går det i Norge og Sverige på området? Få en "brush-up" på hvilke standarder der findes indenfor branchen og bliv opdateret på BuildingSMART's arbejde med det nye IFC-5 format, der er tiltænkt som det nye åbne udvekslingsformat indenfor branchen. Mikkel Guldhammer, MOE og Lasse Langhoff Wilms, MTH B6 - Implementering af BIM i livscyklus i Banedanmark Med udgangspunkt i projektet The new line Copenhagen-Ringsted har Banedanmark besluttet at implementere arbejdsmetoderne i hele organisationen. Der er defineret det strategiske projekt Fremtidens Digitale Jernbane (DIGI), som løber frem til udgangen af 2017. Flere projekter følger allerede de samme retningslinjer og forskellige arbejdsgrupper i DIGI arbejder på at finde metoder for at bruge de modtagne intelligente data i hele livscyklus fra projekt til drift. C5 - Information Mobility with ProjectWise Go Digital and Go Mobile! Join us for this session as we provide an overview of Bentley mobile applications and new ProjectWise Edge app. This session will highlight the breadth of our role-based applications for optimal use, demonstrate new capabilities and discuss best practices for implementation. For Administrators and Users (Novice - Technical) Hans Koorneef, Bentley C6 - ProjectWise for Newbies Hvad er ProjectWise? Hvad kan det bruges til? Hvordan kommer jeg i gang? Har du aldrig hørt om ProjectWise før, så kom og bliv lidt klogere. For Users (Novice) D5 - What's new in MicroStation Connect Edition A review of the main additions to the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. We will discuss CONNECTED Users and Projects, the new User Interface, new Annotation additions, including the Documentation Center, exciting new Display Rules, Item Types, Reporting, Tables, Sheet Indexing, understand the value of Reality Models, review Constraints and Functional Modeling and wrap it up with changes in 3D Visualization. Alicia Rodriguez, Bentley D6 - Reality Modeling 12:20 Johannes Klick, Bentley Gita Mohshizadeh, Banedanmark Tanja Brusen, Cowi Ronald Zeike, Bentley What is and why should you use Reality Models? Reality modeling is the alignment of existing conditions, represented as reality mesh models combined with your design and construction modeling. Have you ever dealt with inaccurate existing conditions data? Your existing raster and point clouds are snapshots in time and creating 3D models from them can require some guesswork. While a point cloud has discrete points, reality models contain mesh and imagery. See how we work with these reality models directly or as reference files in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. 12:30 Frokost / Lunch 13:30 A7 - Bentley Map Mobile in the field B7 - Move from traditional CAD to BIM C7 - ProjectWise for the Civil User D7 - Bentley Connect (Opsætning, administration og tilpasning) An introduction to field workflows with Bentley Map Mobile. In this session, you will learn how to improve your modeling workflow by taking advantage of the BIM workflow. Are you a civil user in a ProjectWise world? Are you doing civil work which require collaborative workflows? Then this is the session you don't want to miss. Learn how to best take advantage of ProjectWise Design Integration when working with design specific applications. For Users (Novice) Kom og hør omkring opsætning, administration og tilpasning af MicroStation Connect. Hvad skal man være særligt opmærksom på og faldgrupper. 14:20 Johannes Klick, Bentley Brenden Roche, Bentley Ernst van Baar & Hans Koorneef, Bentley Anders Kloch Wandall, LIFA 14:30 Pause / Break 14:45 A8 - Map Manager Applied B8 - Use Reality Models in Your Project C8 - ProjectWise og Microsoft Office integration D8 - MicroStation 'Tips & Tricks' A demonstration of how to work properly with GIS data in a CAD-environment. Learn how to incorporate reality context data into your Design Workflow. Der er mulighed for at få de metadata, der er i ProjectWise, til at blive vist i f.eks. MS Word. Derved kan man automatisere en hel del ved dokumentoprettelse/-opdatering. Få et lille indblik i hvad man kan benytte metadata til. F.eks. sammenkædning af ProjectWise attributter med fields, der så kan benyttes i dokumenter. For Users (Novice) Come to this lecture and discover how to increase individual and team productivity within your design projects without a long learning curve. MicroStation's new drawing production innovations speed design tasks and simplify workflows. Create 2D and 3D designs with ease with the comprehensive wide range of new and enhanced production drafting tools found in the latest versions of MicroStation. 15:35 Johannes Klick, Bentley Brenden Roche, Bentley Finn Mejding, Atkins Alicia Rodriguez, Bentley 15:45 Afslutning af Årsmøde (lodtrækning) - Nordic Civil will continue after the break 16:10 A9 - GeoSpatial SIG meeting An unformal meeting where we talk about new and old issues, how-to and tips & tricks 17:00 17:10 18:00 Anders Sorgenfri Jensen, LE34 Johannes Klick, Bentley 19:30 Middag (Fjordsalen)

09:00 Tree-Top 1 Tree-Top 4 Fjordsalen Mødelokale 4+6 Mødelokale 3+5 BENTLEYUSER NORDIC CIVIL TIRSDAG KEYNOTE: Fulfilling the Asset Information Lifecycle (Munkebjergsalen) Philip M Jackson, Intra TeamIT Consultants 8. NOVEMBER 10:20 10:30 P5 - Project Review - on desktop and on mobile This session focuses on learning how the new Navigator CONNECT visualizations can be used for design reviews. W5 - BIM WORKSHOP Explore the possibilities with the AECOsim Building Designer on a simple project During this workshop learn how simple it is to create a new project, produce documentation, and manage your project files. E5 - Anvendelse af Power Civil til projektering af genbrugsplads I denne præsentation vises, hvordan man ved hjælp af værktøjer i SS4, kan danne en informationsrig 3D model. Power Civil anvendes på anden vis end blot til simpel vejkorridor, til generering af overflademodeller. I præsentationen vises modellering af jordvold, støttemur og vej- og pladsanlæg F5 - Ditch Modeling Learn multiple techniques to model ditches. Examples include using independent ditch profiles, independent horizontal geometry and profiles, concrete paving, and more. X5 - WORKSHOP Working in BentleyRail SELECTseries 4 Learn and explore the new Bentley Rail Track SELECTseries 4. Examine how to use the geometrics contained in the ALG file in the new OpenRail modeling environment. This will include managing horizontal, vertical, and cant geometries with the new Corridor Modeling tools. 11:20 Magnus Cullberg, Bentley. Edgaras Gudauskas, Orbicon 11:30 P6 - Reality Modelling for Plant Design See how effectively Bentley Descartes supports the hybrid scenario for using Pointools and Context Capture models in project requiring partial replacement or modification. E6 - Erfaringer med workflow med OpenRoads i et motorvejsprojekt Vejdirektoratet er ved, at overgå til Bentley Openroads teknologi. Hør om erfaringer med OpenRoads i forbindelse med motorvejsprojektet Syd om Regstrup. Det er et udviklingsprojekt, hvor der er skabt erfaringer med templates, civil cells, 3D modellering, visualisering, mængde udtræk, modeludtræk samt workflow, som skal danne præcedens for fremtidige projektering. Ernst Van Baar, Bentley F6 - Pond Modeling Learn techniques to model both simple and complex ponds with deep areas and calculate the storage volume of the ponds. You will also get an introduction to the new OpenRail ConceptStation where preliminary design concepts can quickly be explored and modeled before moving into BentleyRail for detailed design. (Intermediate) 12:20 Jaroslaw Sitek, Bentley Brenden Roche, Bentley Søren Hauge Krabbe, Vejdirektoratet Dan Ahern, Bentley Rob Nice & Ian Rosam, Bentley 12:30 Frokost / Lunch 13:30 P7 - Generating and Managing Isometric Drawings This session focuses on isometric drawing production: how piping isometrics are created from the models; how to configure Bill of Materials and adjust graphical output; how to add user labels and detail sketches. You will also see how to augment the isometric drawing. 14:30 Pause / Break 14:45 P8 - Day-in-Review Plant 15:35 Missed a few topics you wanted to see yesterday or today? We've got you covered. The last hour of the conference is time for a Day-in- Review session providing a look back at key points from today's topics. The Day-in-Review sessions include segments such as Q&A, roundtable discussions, tips and tricks, and audience participation. Jaroslaw Sitek, Bentley Kenn Boemann Hansen, Niras W7 - MSTN WORKSHOP MicroStation Visualization - LumenRT Learn hands on how to create images, videos and real-time presentations of architecture, landscape, urban and infrastructure designs with LumenRT. E7 - How SS4 and Civil Cells benefit our projects In this session we will explain how OpenRoads technology and especially civil cells have benefitted our design process at Sweco. Further, we will demonstrate some of the possibilities, that make civil cells reusable on multiple projects. The session will be partly in Danish and partly in English. LumenRT is the application to quickly bringing your scenes to life using 14:20 Magnus Cullberg, Bentley. tools you know. Dmitrijs Ožima, Daniel K Carlsen, Sweco E8 - Putting the Pieces Together: Creating Composite Models in OpenRoads You have completed a complex model that contains multiple corridors, linear templates, surface templates, 3D geometry, pavement layers and sub surfaces, but what do you do next? Join us for a discussion of how to use this model and how to create a terrain model that includes all of the parts of the model. F7 - Modeling Existing and Proposed Underground Utilities Learn how to create models of existing underground utilities from a variety of sources with an emphasis on 3D modeling. We will also explore geometric modeling of proposed underground utilities for relocation and extension and learn to manage conflicts using the Utility Conflict Detection and other tools. Ernst Van Baar, Bentley F8 - Introduction to Subsurface Utility Engineering and StormCAD for OpenRoads Discover the capabilities of the Subsurface Utility Engineering and StormCAD. You will learn what you can do with each application as well as the differences. Finally we will discuss which products you need and the advantages of OpenAccess in regards to the utilities tools in OpenRoads. X7 - WORKSHOP Overlay, Milling, and Widening This workshop teaches how to create templates for overlay, stripping, and widening projects and to use those templates to model the projects. You will also learn how to create vertical alignments to ensure full width milling, how to limit the depth of milling for more economical or better engineering solutions, and how to control the depth of overlay material. (Intermediate) Ronald Zeike, Bentley Ian Rosam, Bentley Ernst Van Baar, Bentley Rob Nice & Dan Ahern, Bentley 15:45 Afslutning af Årsmøde (lodtrækning) - Nordic Civil will continue after the break 16:10 E9 - Working Effectively with OpenRoads Modeling 17:00 Ian Rosam, Bentley 17:10 Understanding how to work in multiple models, when to use a 2D model and a 3D model, and how to manage references between models is necessary when working in OpenRoads. F9 - Adding Street Furniture to an OpenRoads Model Do you want to enhance your OpenRoads models with 3D street furniture such as signs, poles, benches and traffic lights? Learn the basic skills you need to start drawing these types of 3D objects. Dan Ahern, Bentley E10 - An introduction to OpenRoads ConceptStation Learn about Bentley's new OpenRoads ConceptStation solution for rapidly creating, and optimizing multiple conceptual corridor design alternatives. These conceptual design alternatives can help identify high-cost items allowing alternatives to be evaluated early in a project. X9 - WORKSHOP QuickStart: Evaluating and Creating Subsurface Utilities In this workshop you will learn to evaluate drainage structures multiple ways including Element Information and Properties tools, analytic views like labels and color-coding, FlexTables, and queries to filter specific criteria. You will also learn to detect hard and soft utility conflicts and finally you will place inlets and pipes. (Fundamental) 18:00 Dan Ahern, Bentley Ernst Van Baar & Rob Nice, Bentley 19:30 Middag (Salon 2+3)

Tree-Top 1 Tree-Top 4 Mødelokale 4+6 Mødelokale 3+5 BENTLEYUSER PLUS-DAG WORKSHOP DAY NORDIC CIVIL ONSDAG 9. NOVEMBER 09:00 P11 - WORKSHOP Bentley Map Mobile W11 - WORKSHOP ProjectWise Administrative and Powershell F11 - Keynote revisited? / Keynote on a closeup X11 - WORKSHOP Intersection Modeling: Adding Elevation (3D) to 2D Geometry 09:50 10:00 Hands-on with Bentley Map Mobile. This Hands-on Workshop will provide best practices and examples in how to leverage Powershell to automate administrative tasks in ProjectWise. For Administrators (Technical) This presentation will look back at the Civil Keynote and provide open discussion on what CONNECT means for Bentley Civil. Ian Rosam, Bentley F12 - Preparing for the New Super Elevation Standards in the CONNECT Edition During this workshop you will learn to use vertical geometry tools to add 3D elevation to existing 2D geometry elements that define edges of pavement, islands, and medians in an intersection. The resulting 3D geometry elements define the skeleton of the intersection model which is completed in the next workshop. (Intermediate) The existing SEP and SRL superelevation standards file formats are being consolidated into a new XML based format for future software versions. The new superelevation standard not only consolidates to a single format but brings several enhancements to superelevation calculations. Join a discussion and preview of this new standards file format so you can get started planning how to migrate to this new standard. 10:50 Johannes Klick, Bentley Graham Hirst & Hans Koorneef, Bentley Dan Ahern, Bentley Rob Nice & Ernst Van Baar, Bentley 11:00 Pause / Break Pause / Break 11:10 P13 - WORKSHOP Spatial Databases W13 - WORKSHOP Introduction to Spatial functions in ProjectWise Design Integration F13 - Making Custom Line Styles Part of the Modeling Workflow X13 - WORKSHOP Intersection Modeling: Creating the Model 12:00 12:10 Using Bentley Map as a client for editing data stored in a spatial database. What is the spatial function and what can I use it for? This hands-on workshop will explore best practices for leveraging spatial capabilities with ProjectWise including how to create spatial maps and the best techniques for search and symbology. For Administrators and users, (Novice) Custom lines styles are not just for 2D drafting. Moving beyond dash-dot patterns custom lines styles can be a quick and powerful tool in your 3D modeling workflow. During this session you will learn how to create your own custom 3D line styles and use them in an OpenRoads model. Dan Ahern, Bentley F14 - Modeling Tips and Tricks During this workshop you will learn to create an intersection model complete with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, medians, islands, and pavement layers. You will learn to use linear templates, surface templates, and terrain models to create a complete model. (Intermediate) Join Bentley experts as they share tips and tricks for modeling elements and complex areas to create a complete model. 13:00 Johannes Klick, Bentley Graham Hirst & Hans Koorneef, Bentley Ian Rosam, Bentley Rob Nice & Ernst Van Baar, Bentley 13:00 Frokost / Lunch Frokost / Lunch 14:00 14:50 15:00 P15 - WORKSHOP Map Manager Learn how Map Manager can be used to create maps from various data sources - CAD, GIS and Spatial Databases. W15 - WORKSHOP Deliverables Management Join us for an introductory session on Deliverables Management. This session will provide step-by-step instructions in the management of Transmittals, Submittals and RFIs. For Administrators and Users (Novice - Technical) F15 - Creating Civil Cells This presentation/workshop teaches you how to create civil cells. It will offer examples of civil cell creation while focusing on the tools and methods to impart rules and relationships to the civil cell elements. X15 - WORKSHOP Accelerating Roadway Conceptual Designs and Alternatives with OpenRoads ConceptStation In this workshop you will use OpenRoads ConceptStation to create a new project, import data from multiple sources, create and edit roads and bridges, place city furniture, and visualize the project. OpenRoads ConceptStation is all about speed and ease of use. It allows to easily prototype design alternatives, allowing to conceptualize an idea in the morning and present to your stakeholders in the afternoon. It helps creating initial feasibility studies for multiple scenarios in less time. 15:50 Johannes Klick, Bentley Hans Koorneef & Graham Hirst, Bentley Ian Rosam, Bentley (Fundamental) Dan Ahern, Ernst Van Baar & Rob Nice, Bentley

UDSTILLING I FOYEROMRÅDET UD FOR MUNKEBJERGSALEN: Bentleyleverer omfattende softwareløsninger til hele infrastrukturens livscyklus, skræddersynet til behovene for ingeniører, arkitekter, planlæggere, entreprenører, operatører og driftsorganisationer for bygninger til broer, transport til forsyning, ren energi til rent vand - Bentley opretholder infrastrukturen. Bluebeam Softwarelaver smarte, enkle løsninger til papirløse arbejdsgange, der udnytter PDF formatet. Vores prisvindende PDF-skabelse, markerings- og redigeringsløsninger anvendes af verdens førende arkitektvirksomheder, ingeniørvirksomheder, og konstruktionsfirmaer sammen med offentlige instanser. COWIanvender de nyeste teknologier og leverer digital dokumentation og opmåling af alt fra byggeri og anlægsarbejder, til tekniske anlæg og installationer. Som del af en global rådgivervirksomhed tilfører vi virtuelle miljøer til design og drift workflows og sikrer derved en problemfri udførelse af en bred vifte af projekter world wide. Geopartnerer Channel Partner for Bentley og tilbyder konsulentydelser og har et omfattende kursuskatalog i Bentley programmer primært i MicroStation, BentleyMap, Powercivil for Denmark og Inroads med undervisningssteder i København, Aarhus og Esbjerg. Geopartner udvikler ligeledes produkter til mange forskellige platforme. LIFA A/S Landinspektører sarbejdsområder ligger inden for indsamling, bearbejdning og præsentation af geografiske informationer, herunder fysisk planlægning, opmåling ved bygge- og anlægsarbejder mv., ejendomsdannelse og ændringer af ejendomsgrænser samt rådgivning i forbindelse med omsætning og drift af fast ejendom. OVERSIGTSPLAN OVER MUNKEBJERG:

INDLÆGSHOLDERE OG DELTAGERE FRA BENTLEY: Al Gray Vice President ProjectWise Product Success Ian Rosam Director, Product Manager Civil Alan Lamont Vice President EMEA Project Delivery & Construction Jaroslaw Sitek Manager Application Engineering Plant Alexandria Phillips User Group Program Manager Johannes Klick Senior Manager Product Success GeoSpatial Alicia Rodriguez Consultant MicroStation Magnus Cullberg Senior Application Engineer Plant Brenden Roche Senior Application Engineer BIM Ricardas Seliatyckis Infrastructure Support Engineer IT Support Dan Ahern Content Development Manager Civil Robert Nice Senior Application Engineer Civil Ernst Vanbaar Senior Application Engineer Civil Ronald Zeike Consultant MicroStation Graham Hirst Senior System Architect ProjectWise Santanu Das Senior Vice President Design & Modeling Hans Koorneef Technical Manager ProjectWise Stefan Sigvardsson Business Solution Director Project Delivery Europe er en uafhængig brugerforening, hvis medlemmer benytter Bentleys programmer i deres professionelle virke. Foreningens formål er at formidle viden, kontakt og informationer til og mellem medlemmerne. Det gøres dels gennem dannelse af interesse- grupper - SIG'er - inden for forskellige emner, dels ved at understøtte medlemmernes ønsker og krav til Bentleys produkter. En bestyrelse på 5 medlemmer varetager den daglige ledelse af foreningens virke og økonomi, mens SIG-formændene varetager den faglige udveksling bl.a. gennem SIG-møder, web- formidling og arrangementer som dette Årsmøde. Formand: Carsten Ahm, COWI Tegner foreningen, har kontakt til leverandører og relevante foreninger, sikrer afholdelse af generalforsamlinger og står for foreningens rejsearrangementer. Næstformand: Michael Jepsen, Sweco Formandens stedfortræder, står for Årsmødekoordinering, koordinering af SIG'arbejdet, samt af øvrige foreningsmøder. BIM SIG Formand Mikkel Bennedbæk, Atkins Formål: At skabe et forum for brugen af intelligente designmodeller, samt at styrke forståelsen af arbejdsgange forbundet med BIM, særligt i forhold til arbejdsgangen: fra model til virkelighed og visa versa. Ligeledes at styrke det digitale samarbejde imellem aktørerne i byggeri og anlæg, for projekterende, udførende, myndigheder, offentligheden og bygningsog anlægsejere. Civil SIG Formand Lene Westh, Rambøll Formål: At skabe et forum for de medlemmer, som til daglig arbejder med Bentleys anlægsrelaterede applikationer. At formidle information og udveksle viden inden for Bentleys anlægsrelaterede applikationer. At videregive medlemmernes ønsker til leverandøren og herved være med til at præge produktudviklingen efter brugernes ønsker. Data Management SIG Formand Finn Mejding, Atkins Formål: Muligheden for at diskutere data håndtering i et bredt forum. Erfaringer vedr. dokumenthåndtering og vedligeholdelsessystemer med udgangspunkt i ProjectWise og AssetWise. Desuden diskuterer SIG en de udfordringer applikationer der er understøttet i dokument- og vedligeholdelsessystemerne giver. GeoSpatial SIG Formand Anders Sorgenfri Jensen, LE34 Sekretær: Anette Persson, Københavns Universitet Referent på foreningsmøder, udsender mødeindkaldelser til bestyrelses- og formandsmøder, vedligeholder medlemsregister og dokumentarkiv, står for det praktiske arrangement ved Årsmødet. Kasserer: Claus Johannesen, PLH Arkitekter Formål: At skabe et forum for GEO SIGens medlemmer for at udveksle erfaringer og viden inden for Bentley Geospatial produkter, samt GEO-relaterede arbejds- områder med udgangspunkt i Dataudveksling med andre systemer, Databaser, ideer og erfaringer med fremstilling af konkrete produkter, Dataadministration af GEO-data mv. MicroStation SIG Formand Morten Sørensen, Vejdirektoratet Formål: At udveksle brugererfaringer om Microstation At skabe et brugernetværk om Microstation. Løbende regnskab, årsregnskab og budget, kontingentopkrævning og betalinger. Web/Marketing: Michael Friis Ørsted, Københavns Lufthavne Plant SIG Formand Kenn Boemann Hansen, NIRAS Formål: At skabe et forum for udveksling af erfaring og viden inden for Bentley Plant produkter så som OpenPlant, AutoPLANT, PlantSpace og generelle plant-værktøjer. Drift, vedligeholdelse og udbygning af foreningens hjemmeside.

TID: Mandag d. 7. november Tirsdag d. 8. november Onsdag d. 9. november kl. 9.00-19.00 kl. 9.00-18.00 kl. 9.00-16.00 STED: Munkebjerg Hotel, Munkebjergvej 125, 7100 Vejle Telefon +45 76 42 85 00 PRIS: Medlemmer af bentleyuser: Mandag-tirsdag - 1 middag og 1 overnatning: 4.200,- Mandag-onsdag - 2 middage og 2 overnatninger: 5.700,- Hvis du ikke ønsker overnatning, reduceres prisen med 300,- pr. sparet overnatning. Ikke medlemmer: Tillæg for ikke medlemmer 1.000,- TILMELDING: Senest fredag d. 28. oktober 2016 Tilmelding via foreningens webside: Tilmelding er bindende. Hotelværelser tildeles efter først-til-mølle-princippet. Når alle værelser på Munkebjerg er besat, vil senere tilmeldte blive tildelt værelse på et andet hotel i nærheden. Der bliver arrangeret gratis bustransport mellem hotellerne.