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2 dages seminar : Feeding and Pre- Speech Programs for Children with Motor Challenges Underviser: Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D. Speech- language pathologist hos New Visions, Virginia (USA). Indledning Dette seminar handler om arbejdet med børn, som er forsinket i deres sproglige udvikling samt om børn, der har spisevanskeligheder som konsekvens af kompromitteret motorisk funktionsniveau. Det kan fx være børn med cerebral parese, børn med hjerneskade eller genfejl. Hos børn med grovmotoriske vanskeligheder ses ofte problemer med nedsat mundmotorik, dårlig finmotorik, sansesarthed, problemer med at tygge, synke etc. Hos disse børn ses endvidere, at de ligeledes er forsinkede i udforskningen af den tidlige evne til sproglig kommunikation og selvstændige spisefærdigheder: interaktionen med andre under måltidssituationen, den gradvise udvikling af evnen til at kunne spise selvstændigt, legen med åndedrættet, undersøgelsen af stemmen, eksperimenteringen med mundmotorikken etc. Seminaret vil styrke deltagerne i at Forstå hvordan barnets måltidssituationer influerer på udviklingen af den tidlige kommunikation samt evne til at spise. Identificere hvordan den før- sproglige udvikling, den motoriske udvikling samt udvikling af spise- tekniske færdigheder interagerer og gensidigt påvirker hinanden. Identificere de motoriske delkomponenter, som har indflydelse på vores evne til at sutte, synke, bide og tygge. Identificere de motoriske delkomponenter, som influerer på respiration og frembringelsen af lyde. Identificere hvordan kompromitteret tonus og motorisk udvikling kan påvirke mundmotorikken, mundens evne til at koordinere i forbindelse med spisning og udvikling af sprog (lyde). Evaluere hvilke fysiske, sanselige, kommunikative og mundmotoriske færdigheder, som henholdsvis støtter eller hæmmer barnets udvikling af spiseteknikker og før- sproglige færdigheder Beskrive hvilke delkomponenter, som skal indgå i et trænings- og behandlingsprogram målrettet den før- sproglige udvikling.

Format Semiaret indhold præsenteres som en multimedie - lektions ramme. Om underviseren Suzanne E. Morris er en kendt og populær underviser og konsulent. Hun internationalt kendt og anerkendt for sit arbejde med før- sproglig udvikling og spisevanskeligheder hos børn. Suzanne E. Morris har en Ph.D i Speech- language Pathology. Hun er efteruddannet indenfor neurovidenskabelige behandlings- metoder i USA, England, Schweitz. Dr. Morris har blandt andet udviklet The Pre- Speech Assessment Scale som er en rating scale, der anvendes i vurderingen af den førsproglige udvikling hos små børn og hun er medforfatter til Pre- Feeding Skills: A Comprehensive Resource for Mealtime Development, 2 nd Edition, the Mealtime Participation Guide and the Homemade Blended Formula Handbook. Program Det fulde 2- dages program forefindes nederst i dette dokument. Hvor Seminaret afholdes I Arbejderbevægelsens egen historiske forsamlingsbygning som I 1982 blev til Arbejdermuseet. Arbejdermuseet ligger på addressen Rømersgade 22, DK 1362 Københvn K. - et stenkast fra Nørreport og Torvehallerne Hvornår Den 24. 25. april 2014. Begge dage Kl. 8.00 16:30. Deltagere Fortrinsvis: forældre til, samt fagpersoner der arbejder professionelt med børn, som har forsinket sproglig udvikling og/eller spisevanskeligheder (herunder synke, tygge- problemer og børn med g- tube). Seminaret er skræddersyet til: forældre (til børn med tale/spisevanskeligheder), talepædagoger, specialpædagoger, fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter, psykologer ansat i PPR, neuropædiatrisk interesserede læger og sygeplejesker. Seminaret er særligt rettet mod: dem der arbejder med børn, hvor den forsinkede udvikling kan ses som en konsekvens af motorisk funktionsnedsættelse (CP, genfejl, hjerneskade, generel forsinket udvikling). Dokumentation for deltagelse Kursusbevis udstedes til alle deltagere Pris Kr. 2300 inkl. kaffe/the og eftermiddagskage,

Tilmelding Tilmelding sker til Johannes Skovgaard, Venlig hilsen Scandinavian Center of Neuromovment, CVR 28007795 Helsingørsvej 20, Dk- 3480 Tlf: +4528140211 - Mail: - Web: 2 day seminar : Feeding and Pre- Speech Programs for Children with Motor Challenges Instructor Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D. Speech- language pathologist with New Visions, Virginia (USA). Introduction Children are born with the inner ability to eat and to grow appropriately. During infancy they learn to interact with adults as they expand their eating skills and enjoy both the food and the mealtime environment. They make sounds and begin to use their breath, voice and oral movements to explore sounds for early communication. These feeding and pre- speech skills are based on the child s ability to develop and control movement throughout the whole body. Some children experience a disruption of the steps and progressions that support feeding and speech because of motor challenges. These difficulties with movement interfere with the development of body and oral movement. They are often influenced by additional difficulties with physical, sensory, gastrointestinal, and environmental skills and opportunities. The workshop will explore some of the challenges that limit children s development of mealtime, feeding and pre- speech skills. A therapy approach designed to increase oral- motor skills for feeding within a mealtime environment and improve breathing, voicing and sound play skills will be presented. Although many therapeutic techniques will be discussed and illustrated, this workshop focuses on the overall approach to therapy rather than emphasizing the specific techniques used. The program will address the feeding, mealtime and pre- speech issues of children who eat and drink by mouth as well as those who receive their nutrition through a feeding tube. Target audience The workshop will be of special interest to speech- language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, special educators, parents, and others working with children whose feeding and pre- speech development are influenced by motor challenges. This would include children who have cerebral palsy, genetic disorders that included movement difficulties and those with delayed movement development.

About the Instructor Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D. is a speech- language pathologist with New Visions near Charlottesville, Virginia (United States of America). She is nationally and internationally known for her work in identifying and treating young children with feeding and pre- speech disorders. Dr. Morris is the director of New Visions, which sponsors innovative workshops for the teaching of feeding- related skills, and provides family- oriented clinical services. Her work includes direct clinical services, continuing education workshops, development of clinical materials and clinical research. Dr. Morris has studied Neurodevelopmental Treatment approaches extensively in England, Switzerland and the United States. She is the author of the Pre- Speech Assessment Scale, a rating scale for the measurement of pre- speech behaviors in children from birth through two years, and co- author of Pre- Feeding Skills: A Comprehensive Resource for Mealtime Development, 2 nd Edition, the Mealtime Participation Guide and the Homemade Blended Formula Handbook. Course objectives This workshop will enable the participant to: Describe how the child s mealtime influences the development of feeding and early communication skills Identify the interrelationship between the development of movement, feeding and pre- speech skills Identify the component- skills for efficient sucking, swallowing, biting, and chewing. Identify the component- skills for efficient respiration, phonation, and sound production Identify difficulties with postural tone and movement that influence coordination of the mouth during feeding and early sound production. Evaluate the physical, sensory, communication, learning, and oral- motor skills that support or limit a child's development of feeding and pre- speech skills. Describe the components of a pre- speech treatment program. Provide an appropriate feeding and pre- speech therapy program for children who have different abilities, skills and needs. Format Course content will be presented in a multi- media, lecture format. Course duration 2 days April 24-25th. 8 am 4:30 pm The learning environment

The course is taught at the labour movements ceremonial hall. The Ceremonial Hal provides a historical setting with a comfortable lecture- style room, comfortable seating, the ability to dim the lights, and easy view of audio- visual materials from all portions of the room. Price Kr. 2300. Coffe/the and cake is served in the afternoon Registration For registration contact Johannes Skovgaard, Mail: Kind Regards, Scandinavian Center of Neuromovment Helsingørsvej 20 - Dk- 3480 Tlf: +4528140211 - Mail: - Web: Schedule Day 1 8:00 Registration Morning 8:30-12:00 Foundations: understanding the therapeutic management of children with feeding and pre- speech disorders related to motor challenges The role of beliefs in assessment and treatment A developmental model key issues Gross motor development a foundation for specific feeding skills 12:00-1:00 Afternoon 1:00-4:30 Lunch Development of feeding skills in the typically developing infant: birth to three years Gross motor development a foundation for specific respiration and phonation skills Development of pre- speech skills in the typically developing infant: birth to fifteen months Components of an assessment

Supporting and limiting patterns Day 2 Morning 8:00-12:00 Assessment observing feeding and pre- speech behaviors Categories of feeding problems Characteristics of children with motor- based feeding and pre- speech difficulties related to poor motor coordination Assessment organizing information Moving from assessment to treatmen 12:00-1:00 Afternoon 1:00-4:30 Lunch Treatment components Mealtimes Learning and Communication Nutrition and Hydration Physical Sensorimotor Processing Oral- Motor Control Respiration and Phonation Sound Play Putting it all together specific children in therapy