Online kursus: Programming with MongoDB

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1 Online kursus 365 dage DKK Nr P ekskl. moms MongoDB er et gratis, open-source documentations database program, der er nemt at skalere og udvikle. Det kan installeres på forskelige operativsystemer. Med denne kursuspakke, som spænder fra basale koncepter til mere komplicerede emner, bliver du grundigt indført i koncepterne i MongoDB. Kurserne er på engelsk og foregår online, når det passer dig. Du har adgang til online kurserne i 365 dage. Introduktion MongoDB er en NoSQL database, der kan benytte Spark til udføre real-time analyse på data og med kursuspakken vil du

2 blandt andet lære om, hvordan du skaber indexes og udføre query optimization samt at konfigurere replication og sikkerhed. Du lærer blandt andet at bruge MongoDB og spark sammen ved hjælp af Java og Python. Du lærer at anvende MapReduce og Atomic Counters samt at håndtere brugere, databaser, samlinger og GUI management værktøjer. Du vil blive indført i Cloud deployments med Cloud Manager, og hvordan MongoDB kan integreres med Hadoop. Endeligt introduceres du til at monitorere med MongoDB samt til væsentlige backup løsninger. Deltagerprofil Kurset henvender sig til alle der overvejer at anvende MongoDB backend. Indhold MongoDB: Concepts, Installation, and Querying Describe what MongoDB is Describe the key features of MongoDB Describe the data model design Describe the installation options for MongoDB Describe the packages and considerations for installing MongoDB on Linux install MongoDB on Linux Run MongoDB on Linux Describe how to install MongoDB on Windows Run MongoDB on Windows Connect to a MongoDB database Use the mongo shell Describe CRUD Describe how MongoDB stores data Create and insert documents in MongoDB Update documents in a MongoDB database Remove documents from a MongoDB database Describe how read operations retrieve data Describe how cursors are used Use the find() method to query documents Describe aggregation Use aggregation pipeline operations to transform documents Use map-reduce operations Use single-purpose aggregation operations Install MongoDB and create, manage, and query documents in the database MongoDB: Indexing, Replication, and Security Describe indexes Describe the different types of indexes Describe the index properties that can be set Describe how query optimization works Create single and compound indexes Create compound indexes

3 Create query plans Describe how replication is used in MongoDB Describe the replica set deployment architectures Describe replica set high availability Describe the read and write semantics for replica sets Deploy a replica set Describe and use the replica set oplog Describe how data synchronization is used to replicate data between members Identify how security is implemented in a MongoDB database Identify the authentication mechanisms Enable authentication and specify an authentication mechanism for security Create user administrators and database users Configure role-based access control Configure system events auditing Configure MongoDB and clients to support SSL Create indexes and configure replication and security MongoDB: Installation Overview Describe what MongoDB is Describe the key features MongoDB provides Describe data model design Describe the installation options for MongoDB Describe the packages and considerations for installing MongoDB on Linux Install MongoDB on Linux Run MongoDB on Linux Install MongoDB on Windows Run MongoDB on Windows Connect to a MongoDB database Use the mongo shell MongoDB: Write, Read, and Aggregate Data Describe CRUD Describe how MongoDB stores data Create and insert documents in MongoDB Update documents in a MongoDB database Remove documents from a MongoDB database Describe how read operations retrieve data Describe how cursors are used Use the find() method to query documents Describe aggregation Use aggregation pipeline to transform documents Use MapReduce operations Use single purpose aggregation operations Install MongoDB and read and aggregate data MongoDB: Indexes and Query Optimization Describe indexes

4 Describe the different types of indexes Describe the index properties that can be set Describe how query optimization works Create single indexes Crate compound indexes Create indexes with additional properties MongoDB: Replication and Security Describe how replication is used in MongoDB Describe the replica set deployment architectures Describe replica set high availability Describe the read and write semantics for replica sets Deploy a replica set Describe and use the replica set oplog Describe how data synchronization is used to replicate data between members Identify how security is implemented in a MongoDB database Identify the authentication mechanisms Enable authentication and create an administrator user that can connect to the deployment Create users with read and write privileges Create a user-defined role that can be granted to users Configure system events auditing Configure MongoDB and clients to support SSL Create indexes and configure replication and security MongoDB: Map Reduce, Atomic Counters, and Binary Data Use and troubleshoot a Map function to emit key-value pairs Use and troubleshoot a Reduce function to reduce a set of key-value pairs Use the MapReduce function to aggregate operations over a collection Use the MapReduce function over a constantly growing data set Define when atomic operations are needed Use atomic counters to maintain multiple fields that must be in sync Define and identify the BSON types and when they should be used Use the BSON binary data type to store binary data Retrieve binary data stored in a BSON binary data field Use MongoDB Extended JSON to preserve type information MongoDB: Java REST and GridFS Hibernate OGM to support Java Persistence Describe and install the RestHeart Web API Use the REST API to do CRUD operations Perform queries using the GET operation Connect to GridFS via the GridFSBucket factory class Upload a large file into GridFS Find and retrieve files from GridFS Rename and delete files from GridFS Use and store data in GridFS and store binary data in MongoDB MongoDB: User Management

5 Work with the authentication database to manage users Add, delete, and manage user accounts Manage roles and add a custom role Enable and enforce access control Assign or modify user access, privileges, and passwords Authenticate a user via the command line or instance Run the MongoDB process with a dedicated user account MongoDB: System Management Create, list, drop, and retrieve databases Create, list, and drop collections Create an index on a collection List and manipulate indexes for a collection Create, use, and manage text indexes Use database commands to validate the integrity of the database Identify common add-ons and tools and where to get them Install and use RoboMongo Install and use the MongoAdmin desktop tool Install and use the MongoAdmin web tool Use GUI tools to manage users and database operations MongoDB: Cloud and Hadoop Deployments Install and explore the MongoDB Cloud Manager service Identify the system requirements and installation options for MongoDB deployments Provision and deploy MongoDB processes to Cloud Manager Manage a deployment Configure and manage alerts, logs, and integration with monitoring service providers Manage groups, users, and roles for Cloud Manager and MongoDB deployments Describe the API and create a simple interface to Cloud Manager Plan and analyze system sizing and configure tuning options for cloud deployments Configure and plan for disaster recovery Create and deploy a high availability cluster Deploy a highly available instance using Cloud Manager Deploy a highly available instance using OpsManager Install and configure the MongoDB connector in Hadoop Install and configure the MongoDB and MongoDB driver to a Hadoop cluster node Integrate MongoDB with Hadoop using Cloud Manager MongoDB: Backups, Monitoring, and Stats Identify and use DB and collection statistics Use object and size statistics Work with statistics for extents and indexes Configure and use logging Monitor command and use CommandListener Configure and use SNMP to collect metrics for data and aggregation on Linux Manually back up a database by copying the data files Manually restore a backup created with the cp or sync method

6 Perform a filesystem snapshot backup using the MongoDB Cloud Manager Restore a filesystem snapshot using MongoDB Cloud Manager Java ASYNC Interface Install and use the Java Async Driver for asynchronous connections Make a connection to MongoDB using an asynchronous connection Handle query operations over an asynchronous connection Perform CRUD operations over an asynchronous connection Create a dump file using mongodump Restore a backup dump file using mongorestore Configure and use SNMP on Windows Process aggregation queries over an asynchronous connection Perform backups and use stats and monitoring functions to administer MongoDB MongoDB: Integration with Python Install, set up, and connect to MongoDB using PyMongo Make a database connection and get a database or collection Insert, query, update, and delete data Query by ObjectId and use find and find_one Create and manage indexes Use insert_many, count, and range queries Install and use the Python GridFS package in PyMongo to connect to a GridFS database Create, delete, and manipulate files in GridFS Query data and find files in GridFS Use streaming to upload and download files Install the Eve Python REST API framework Configure and use Eve to connect to a database Perform queries via Eve Perform the create, read, update, and delete operations with the API Use sort, pretty printing, and pagination Use Python to connect and interact with MongoDB MongoDB: Integration with Spark Download and install the MongoDB Spark Connector Describe the configuration options and configure the MongoDB Spark connector Read and use ReadConfig to read data from MongoDB Use datasets and schemas to retrieve data Use SQL queries to return data Write RDD data from Spark into MongoDB Use an aggregation pipeline to filter and perform aggregation in MongoDB Use the MongoDB Connector for Spark with Java and Python MongoDB: Integration with Spark Download and install the MongoDB Spark Connector Describe the configuration options and configure the MongoDB Spark connector Read and use ReadConfig to read data from MongoDB

7 Use datasets and schemas to retrieve data Use SQL queries to return data Write RDD data from Spark into MongoDB Use an aggregation pipeline to filter and perform aggregation in MongoDB Use the MongoDB Connector for Spark with Java and Python Tidsforbrug Hele kursuskollektionen kan gennemføres på ca. 14 timer. Form Denne online kursuspakke består af flere forskellige kurser, som du ved tilmelding har adgang til i 365 dage. Hvert enkelt kursus er opdelt i flere kursusmoduler, som du via en oversigtsmenu kan tage i den rækkefølge, du ønsker. Modulerne indeholder lyd, billeder og tekst, der gennemgår kursusindholdet. Nogle moduler indeholder små videofilm med scenarier og cases. Ved hvert kursus har du mulighed for at teste din forståelse af indholdet med tests, som du kan tage både før, under og efter kurset. Du gennemfører kursusmodulerne via din computer eller tablet med lyd og adgang til Internettet. Du kan selv styre, hvornår du vil tage modulerne og de kan sættes på pause undervejs. Der bliver indsat bogmærker, der hvor du er nået til, så du altid har mulighed for at fortsætte, hvor du sidst kom til. Læs mere om vores online kurser og se svar på dine spørgsmål (FAQ) Søgte du et andet online kursus? Vi tilbyder over forskellige online kurser inden for mange forskellige områder. Kontakt os på tlf eller, så vi kan hjælpe med at imødekomme dit behov. Se desuden listen over vores udvalgte online kurser. Køb online kursus til flere Er I en afdeling, en hel virksomhed eller blot flere personer, der ønsker adgang til online kurser, så kontakt os og få et tilbud på tlf eller Har du faglige spørgsmål så kontakt Charlotte Heimann

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