=. Stil temperaturknappen på

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2 Kære kunde, Vores mål er at tilbyde dig produkter, der er bedre, end du forventer og tilbyde produkter, der er producerede i moderne faciliteter og nøje testede med hensyn til kvalitet. Din manual er lavet til at hjælpe dig med at bruge dette apparat, der er produceret med den nyeste teknologi for at opnå den højeste effektivitet. Før du bruger apparatet, skal du nøje gennemlæse denne manual, der indeholder informationer om korrekt og sikker opsætning, vedligeholdelse og brug og kontakte den nærmeste autoriserede tekniker for opsætning af dit produkt.

3 Før komfuret anvendes første gang Brænd ovnen ren W Hold børn under opsyn! Komfuret bliver meget varmt. Husk at fjerne emballagen inde i ovnen Inden du anvender ovnen første gang, skal du brænde den ren. Sørg for en god ventilation ved at starte emhætten eller ved at åbne et vindue. Gør som følger: 1 Åbn ovnlågen og fjern alt tilbehør fra ovnen. 2 Luk ovnlågen. Sæt ovnen til over-/undervarme =. Stil temperaturknappen på 200 C. 3 Lad ovnen stå på denne indstilling i ca.1 time. 4 Skift til grillfunktion. Indstil funktionsknappen til maks. grill. 5 Lad ovnen stå på denne indstilling i ca. 30 minutter. 6 Sluk for komfuret. 7 Lad derefter ovnlågen stå åben i ca. 2 timer, og luft ud i køkkenet. 8 Rengør ovnen, lågen og ovnens ribber med varmt vand og opvaskemiddel. Tør ovnen af. Ovnen kan fortsat lugte lidt i den første tid, den anvendes. Det påvirker ikke madens smag, og det er ikke sundhedsskadeligt. Rengør tilbehøret Vask plade, bradepande mm. i varmt vand med opvaskemiddel. Skyl, og tør tingene af.


5 DEL 1: PRÆSENTATION AF PRODUKT OG DIMENSIONER 1. BESKRIVELSE AF KOMFURET Komponentoversigt: 1 Kogeplade 2 Betjeningspanel 3 Børnesikring 4 Håndtag, ovnlåge 5 Skuffefront 6 Støtteben 7 Ovnlåge 8 Bradepande 9 Trådrist 10 Varmeelement 11 Ventilatorhus 12 Ovnlampe 13 Kogeplader Model Dimensioner (cm) FC69 BL 60 x 60 x 90 FC 6090 K 60 x 60 x 90 ALFA 2

6 DEL 2: ADVARSLER SØRG FOR AT EFTERLEVE ALLE SIKKERHEDSANVISNINGER OG LÆSE MANUALEN, FØR DU BRUGER APPARATET * Dette apparat er kun designet til uprofessionel, hjemmebrug. * Efterse apparatet nøje for skader, når du har pakket det ud. Hvis der er defekter på apparatet, skal du ikke bruge det og i stedet med det samme kontakte autoriserede reparatører. Da materialerne, der bruges i indpakningen ( nylon, clips, flamingopap,. osv. ) kan være skadelige for børn, bør de samles sammen og fjernes med det samme. * Apparatet skal sættes op af en autoriseret tekniker, før det bruges. Producenten/importøren er ikke ansvarlig for skader, der kan opstå af forkert placering/installation. * Før du tilslutter apparatet til strømmen, skal du nøje kontrollere, om den stemmer overens med de egenskaber, der er defineret på pakken og/eller typeskiltet på apparatet. * Sammenlign standarderne fra din el-leverandør med de tekniske informationer på typeskiltet, før du sætter strøm til apparatet. * Hvis du ikke skal bruge apparatet i lang tid, skal strømmen tages fra. Hold hovedafbryderen på Fra. * Tilførselsledningen må aldrig skiftes af kunden. Hvis den på nogen måde beskadiges, skal du venligst kontakte en autoriseret reparatør. * Før du skifter ovnlampen, skal du slå strømmen fra. * Sluk for apparatet, før du renser eller vedligeholder det. Du kan gøre det, når hovedafbryderen er slukket eller stikket er taget ud af stikkontakten. * Visse dele af apparatet kan være varme i lang tid, derfor skal du vente, før du rører ved dele, der bliver udsat for varme. 3

7 Hold ikke brændbare materialer tæt på apparatet, når det er tændt. * Hold øje med ledninger fra andre elektriske apparater tæt på komfuret, så de ikke rører varme punkter. * Sørg for at knapperne står på "0, når apparatet ikke bruges. * Denne manual er lavet, så den passer til mere end en model. Dit apparat kan mangle nogle af de funktioner, der forklares i manualen. Hold øje med de udtryk, der er nummererede, når du læser manualen. * Hold børn væk fra komfuret. * Hvis der er synlige sprækker i de keramiske overflader på komfuret, skal det straks slukkes for at undgå elektrisk stød. * Under brug bliver apparatet varmt. Sørg for, at du ikke rører varmeelementerne inden i ovnen. * Under grilning skal ovndøren være lukket. * Brug ikke damprensning til at rense kogepladerne og selve ovnen. * Hvis komfuret placeres på en sokkel, skal der sørges for, at det ikke kan falde ned. FOR AT SØRGE FOR SIKKERHEDEN OG EFFEKTIVITETEN ANBEFALER VI, AT DU ALTID BRUGER ORIGINALE RESERVEDELE OG KUN BRUGER AUTORISEREDE TEKNIKERE TIL REPARATIONER. 4

8 DEL 3: OPSÆTNING OG FORBEREDELSE TIL BRUG Dette moderne, funktionelle og praktiske komfur, der er produceret med de bedste dele og materialer, vil på alle måder leve op til dine krav. For at sikre effektiv brug, og at du undgår problemer i fremtiden skal du læse denne manual. De følgende informationer er de krævede retningsliner for korrekt installation og vedligeholdelse. Det skal læses af teknikeren, der skal installere apparatet. Kontakt en autoriseret tekniker for opsætning af dit komfur INSTALLATION AF KOMFURET * Der er visse faktorer, der skal holdes øje med, når du installerer dit komfur. Sørg for, at der holdes øje med nedenstående forslag for at undgå problemer og/eller farlige situationer, der kan opstå deraf. * Sørg for, at komfuret ikke placeres ved siden af et køle- eller fryseskab. Det er nødvendigt med mindst 2 cm fri plads mellem komfuret og væggen for luftcirkulation. * Bordplader og skabe tæt på komfuret skal være i stand til at tåle temperaturer højere end 50 C over stuetemperatur. * Hvis køkkenskabe er højere end overkanten af komfuret, skal de stå mindst 11 cm fra siden af komfuret. * Minimumsafstanden mellem kogepladerne og hylder og emhætter skal være mindste 660mm fra kogepladen. Er der ingen emhætte, skal afstanden være mindst 700 mm til overskabe. 5

9 3. 2 JUSTERING AF FØDDERNE Dit komfur står på 4 justerbare fødder. Da fødderne justeres lavt, er det nødvendigt at kontrollere, om de er jævne, inden komfuret installeres. De kan justeres ved at dreje fødderne med uret, hvis det er nødvendigt. Apparatet kan løftes 15 mm med fødderne. Hvis fødderne justeres korrekt, må apparatet ikke flyttes ved at trække i det, kun ved at løfte komfuret. Det er nødvendigt at trække ovnskuffen ud for at justere fødderne. Fødderne kan justeres fra indersiden. 3.3 STRØMFORBINDELSE OG SIKKERHED Når strømmen tilsluttes, skal nedenstående instruktioner følges. * Komfuret skal installeres af en autoriseret installatør. Garantien bortfalder, hvis komfuret er blevet installeret forkert. Komfuret skal ekstrabeskyttes (jordforbindes) jf. stærkstrømsreglementet. Producenten/importøren kan ikke gøres ansvarlig for skader opstået pga. manglende eller beskadiget jordforbindelse. * Tilførselsledningen må ikke røre overfladen af apparatet. Brug aldrig en forlængerledning. Fare for overophedning * Hvis tilførselsledningen bliver beskadiget, skal du kontakte en autoriseret tekniker. Kablet skal udskiftes af en autoriseret tekniker. * Tilsluttes strømmen forkert, kan det beskadige apparatet. Garantien bortfalder, hvis komfuret er fejlmonteret. * Apparatet tilsluttes 400V 3N i spænding. Hvis strømnettet afviger fra de angivne værdier, skal du øjeblikkeligt kontakte vores autoriserede teknikere. Elektriske kabler må ikke røre varme dele af apparatet. Elektriske kabler må ikke røre bagsiden af apparatet. Ellers kan de elektriske kabler beskadiges. Dette kan føre til kortslutninger. * Der skal installeres en sikring i HFI-relæet med en kontaktflade på mindst 3,0 mm på 16 A. 6

10 * Dette apparat er leveret med en fast forbindelse til elforsyningen. Tilkoblingen skal udføres af en autoriseret installatør GENERELLE ADVARSLER OG SIKKERHEDSANVISNINGER * Dette apparat er produceret i overensstemmelse med de relaterede sikkerhedsanvisninger, der er forbundne med elektriske apparater. Reparation og vedligeholdelse skal udføres af autoriserede teknikere. Installation og reparation, der ikke følger reglerne, kan sætte dig selv i fare. * Overflader på ovnen varmes op under brug. Indersiden af ovnen, varmeelementer og damp, der kommer ud af den, er meget varmt. Selv hvis apparatet er slukket, vil disse dele være varme i lang tid. Rør ikke disse varme overflader. Hold børn fra apparatet. * Forlad ikke apparatet, når der bruges faste eller flydende fedtstoffer. De kan bryde i brand under ekstrem varme. Hæld aldrig vand på flammer fra brændende olie. Dæk panden med et låg for at kvæle de flammerne. *Temperaturknapperne skal drejes, før apparatet tænder. Ellers fungerer apparatet ikke. * Læg ikke tunge eller brændbare genstande (nylon, plastikposer, papir, stof... osv) i skuffen. * Sluk for strømmen, når apparatet ikke bruges. * Apparatet må kun opbevares og benyttes i et opvarmet lokale x 4 mm ² 220V~ 3 x 4 mm ² 230V~ 3 x 4 mm ² 240V~ 5 x 1.5 mm ² 380V~,3N~ 5 x 1.5 mm ² 400V~,3N~ 5 x 1.5 mm ² 415V~,3N~ 4 x 2.5 mm ² 380V~,3N~ 4 x 2.5 mm ² 400V~,3N~ 4 x 2.5 mm ² 415V~,3N~ 7

11 DEL 4: BRUG AF DIT KOMFUR 4. 1 DIT KOMFURS GENERELLE FREMTONING OG TEKNISKE EGENSKABER HKK66 NEDERSTE VARMEELEMENT ØVERSTE VARMEELEMENT GRILL TURBOELEMENT 1100 WATT 1200 WATT 2000 WATT 2000 WATT 4. 2PRÆSENTATION AF KONTROLPANELET OG DETS FUNKTIONER TE66 Ovnfunktion Afbryder Ovntermostat Afbryder Venstre frontelement Højre bagelement Max Venstre bagelement Højre frontelement 4. 3 BRUG AF KOGEPLADER De elektriske kogeplader styres med 7 gradmærkede knapper. 0 står for slukket. Funktionerne for de sidste 6 grader er vist nedenunder Simre 2-3..Lav varme Tilberedning stegning og kogning 4 3 Keramisk kogeplade 8

12 Den øverste del af kogepladerne er dækket af et beskyttende materiale, der er varmeresistent. Sæt den elektriske kogeplade på "3" og lad så pladen være tændt i 5 minutter for at brænde, og på den måde hærde det beskyttende lag ved førstegangsbrug. Når der bruges elektriske kogeplader, er det nødvendigt, at holde øje med at brugte pander har en glat bund. Hvis der bruges pander med passende størrelse og glatte bunde, kan du få mest ud af din kogeplade. Det anbefales ikke, at bruge små pander på den store zone, da dette vil forårsage varmetab og medføre, at der spildes energi. RIGTIGT FORKERT rund pandebund FORKERT lille diameter på pandebunden FORKERT panden står ikke lige Sørg for, at kogepladen står på "0", når du ikke bruger den. Rør aldrig kogepladen efter brug, da den vil være varm i et stykke tid. Børn bør ikke være i nærheden af den. Rens den elektriske kogplade med en våd klud efter brug. Hvis pladen er ekstremt snavset, kan den renses med vand og rengøringsmiddel. Opvarm pladen i et par minutter for at tørre den efter rengøring. 9

13 4.4 BRUG AF OVNDELEN Brug af funktionsknapper Denne knap lader dig vælge blandt ovnens funktioner. Funktionerne og deres indstillinger vises i følgende tabel. Der er også detaljerede beskrivelser af deres funktioner i de næste sider. Din ovnlampe vil lyse. Din ovnlampe, den røde advarselslampe og blæseren starter. Bruges til at optø frossen mad. Din ovns termostat, advarselslamperne og varmeelementerne starter. Din ovns termostat, advarselslamperne og varmeelementerne starter. Din ovns termostat, advarselslamperne, blæser, og grillelementet starter. Din ovns termostat, lamper og laveste elementer starter. Din ovns termostat, advarselslamper og laveste varmeelement starter. 10

14 Optøning Du kan starte optøningsprocessen ved at sætte den frosne mad i ovnen og dreje knappen til dette tegn. Dette program koger ikke maden, det optør den bare på meget kort tid. Placer maden, der skal optøs, på den tredje ovnribbe fra bunden på en ovnrist. Placer en bakke nederst i ovnen for at opsamle det vand, der kommer fra optøningen. Nederste Øverste elementer Denne opvarmning, der er den traditionelle metode, spreder varmen ligeligt i den øverste og nederste del af ovnen og sørger for, at toppen og bunden af din ret får lige meget varme. Det anbefales, at der forvarmes i 10 minutter. Lad maden, der skal lægges i et ildfast fad, stege i den anbefalede periode. Nederste-øverste element anbefales til at bage kager, lasagne, pizza og tærter. Når tilberedningen er færdig, skal du slukke på ovnknappen, temperaturvælgeren og afbryde tidsprogrammet. Tag den tilberedte mad ud af ovnen, stil den et sikkert sted og åbn ovndøren og sørg for, at ovnen køles helt ned. Da ovnen på det tidspunkt er varm, skal du undgå at røre ved den og holde børn væk fra den. Blæser og Nederste Øverste element (varmluft) Den varme luft fra nederste og øverste element spredes i ovnen med blæseren. Temperaturvælgeren skal justeres til det antal grader, der anbefales til retten. Drej ovnknappen til denne funktions symbol og indstil tilberedningstiden til den, der anbefales til retten, og forvarm ovnen i ti minutter. Maden, der skal ligge i et ildfast fad, stilles ind i ovnen og tilberedes. Generelt er dette den bedste måde at bage kager på. Hver del af retten vil blive kogt lige meget i denne funktion. Det er en god måde at tilberede mad i et enkelt fad. Når tilberedningen er færdig, skal der slukkes for ovnknappen og temperaturvælgeren. Afbryd ovnens timer og tag den tilberedte mad ud af ovnen og stil den et sikkert sted. Åbn ovnens dør og lad den køle af. Kom ikke for tæt på, før den er kølet af og hold børn væk. 11

15 Grill Forvarm ovnen i 5 minutter. Placer maden på risten og anbring risten på en af de øverste ribber. Placer bradepanden under risten. På den måde opsamles alt fedt og saft i bradepaden. Ovnen bliver meget varm under grillning - derfor bør børn holdes på sikker afstand. Under grillning skal ovndøren være lukket. Advarsel: Under grillning må temperaturvægleren maks. sættes på 190ºC. Nederste element Med denne funktion spredes varmen fra nederste element. Denne funktion er god til at opvarme maden i stedet for at tilberede den. Nederste element og blæser Med denne funktion spredes varmen fra nederste element og blæseren. Denne funktion kan bruges til at opvarme maden på kort tid Tilbehør brugt i ovnen Du kan bruge glasfade, kageforme, specielle ovnfade der passer til at blive brugt i ovnen, hvilket du kan forsikre dig om hos forhandleren, ud over de bradepander, grillriste. Der blev leveret med din ovn. Læg mærke til de informationer, der blev givet fra producentens side. Hvis der bruges små skåle, skal de placeres på risten så de står på midten. De følgende informationer skal følges for emaljerede skåle. Hvis maden ikke dækker ovnfadet helt, hvis den tages fra en dybfryser eller hvis fadet bruges til at opsamle madsafter der flyder fra grillmad, kan der ses ændringer i formen på skålen på grund af de høje temperaturer under tilberedningen. Fadet vil vende tilbage til sin gamle form, når det er kølet ned igen..dette er en normal fysisk reaktion, der opstår under varmeoverførsler. Lad ikke fade eller skåle af glas stå i kulden, efter de er brugt i ovnen. De må ikke stilles på kolde eller våde underlag. Stil dem enten på et viskestykke eller en bordskåner, så de køles langsomt ned. Ellers kan glasset gå itu. Hvis du vil bruge den store grillrist, skal du stille en pande på en af de lavere fade for at opsamle olien. Hæld en smule vand i for at gøre panden nem at gøre rent. Brug 4. og 5. ribbe, når du griller, og olier 15grillristen så dine ingredienser ikke sidder fast på grillristen. 12

16 DEL 5 : RENSNING OG VEDLIGEHOLDELSE AF DIT KOMFUR 5. 1 RENSNING Sørg for, at alle knapper er slukkede og at dit apparat er kølet af, før du renser dit komfur. Tag strømmen fra apparatet. Kontroller om dine rengøringsmidler er passende og anbefalede af producenten, før du bruger dem på komfuret. Brug ikke kaustisk rensemidler, slibemiddel, ståluld eller hårde genstande, da de kan beskadige overflader. Hvis der er væsker på din ovn under opvarmning, kan emaljen blive beskadiget. Overflydende væsker skal derfor straks fjernes. Rensning af indersiden af ovnen Sørg for, at ovnen er frakoblet strømnettet, før den renses. Indersiden af den emaljerede ovn renses bedst, når den er varm. Tør ovnen af med en blød klud, der er dyppet i sæbevand efter hver brug. Bagefter skal du tørre den af med en fugtig klud en gang til og derefter tørre den. Det kan være nødvendigt med et flydende rensemiddel en gang imellem for at sørge for en komplet rengøring. Brug ikke pulver eller tørre rengøringsmidler. Rengøring af ovndøren For at rense ovndøren på din ovn, skal du bruge vinduesrens. Bagefter skal det vaskes af og tørres med en tør klud. Glasset kan trækkes ud, når det skal gøres rent som beskrevet i følgende instruktion. * Åbn døren. * Træk metalstangen gennem hullerne som vist på billedet * Udfør denne proces for begge hængsler. * Løft let op i døren, og træk blidt udad. Døren vil nu kunne tages ud. * Placer det nu igen i hængslerne og sæt stængerne i for at fastgøre det. Rens ikke ovndøren, mens glaspanelerne er varme. Hvis du gør det, kan glaspanelerne gå itu. Hvis der opstår problemer, skal du kontakte en autoriseret tekniker. Rensning af en keramisk kogeplade Før du starter rengøringen, skal den keramiske kogeplade køle ned. Sørg for, at rensematerialet ikke indeholder partikler, der kan ridse glasset. Brug creme og flydende rensemidler. Keramiske overflader skal renses med koldt vand og tørres af med en blød klud, så der ikke er nogen rengøringsmidler tilbage. Brug paletten, der kom med produktet, til at fjerne madrester. Sukkerindeholdende madvarer skal fjernes lige efter, de er spildt, og før glasset køler af. Rengøringsredskaber af stål kan skade keramisk glas. Er der støv på overfladen, skal det fjernes med en våd klud. Skifter den keramiske overflade farve, har det ikke betydning for den keramiske overflades holdbarhed og funktionalitet. Farveændringer er resultat af, at rester ikke fjernes, erosion på grund af gryder og pander og at der ikke bruges korrekte rengøringsmidler og ikke på grund af ændringer i materialet. Rensepaletten skal altid bruges, før der påføres kemikalier. Med denne kan du fjerne selv det mindste skidt fra overfladen. 13

17 Materialer der er svære at rense, sådan som flydende plastik, olie og sukkerrester kan let fjernes med kniven. Paletten er farlig, da den er udstyret med en knivsæg og skal derfor holdes utilgængelig for børn. Pas på at du ikke skraber silikonekittet på siderne af glasset væk med paletten. 5.2VEDLIGEHOLDELSE Sådan skiftes ovnlampen Pæren skal være 230 V, 25 Watt, Type E14. Ovnen skal være afkølet, før pæren skiftes. Rengøring af ovndør For at fjerne ovndøren: Åbn døren helt (1) 1 Latch blokering 2 Support forsænket Flyt tappen ved dør hængslet som vist på billedet (2) Luk døren næsten helt i (3) og fjern døren ved at trække den mod dig selv. NB! For at montere døren igen, følg denne vejledning i modsat rækkefølge! Kontroller, at døren efter påmontering sidder korrekt og helt fast. 3 14

18 DEL 6: REPARATION OG TRANSPORT 6,1 Krav før du kontakter en reparatør Hvis ovnen ikke fungerer; Ovnen kan være sluttet fra, eller en sikring kan være sprunget. Hvis ovnen ikke opvarmes; Temperaturen er muligvis ikke justeret på ovnens temperaturknap. Hvis der ikke er lys i den indvendige lampe; Kontroller, om der er sat strøm til. Du skal kontrollere, om lamperne er defekte. Hvis de er defekte, kan du skifte dem ved at følge guiden. Tilberedning (Hvis den øverste og nederste del ikke varmer lige meget) ; Kontroller placeringen af pander, kogeperioder og temperaturværdier ud fra manualen. Har du problemer ud over disse, skal du ringe til en autoriseret tekniker. 15

19 Dette symbol på apparatet eller dets emballage viser, at det ikke må behandles som husholdningsaffald. Det skal i stedet afleveres på den lokale genbrugsplads for elapparater og elektronik. Ved at sørge for korrekt bortskaffelse af dette apparat kan man hjælpe til at undgå potentielle negative følgevirkninger for miljø og mennesker, som ellers kunne udløses, hvis affaldshåndteringen af dette apparat var mangelfuld. Nærmere oplysninger om recirkulering af dette apparat fås ved kontakt til kommunens afdeling for teknik og miljø, renovationsselskabet eller den butik, hvor apparatet blev købt.


21 Dear Customer, We take offering quality products more than your expectation as a goal, offers you the products produced in modern facilities carefully and particularly tested for quality. This manual is prepared in order to help you to use your appliance that is manufactured by the most recent technology, with confidence and maximum efficiency. Before using your appliance, carefully read this guide that includes the basic information for right and safe installation, maintenance and use and contact to the nearest Authorized Service for mounting of your product.


23 PART 1 : PRESENTATION AND SIZES OF PRODUCT Part of List : 1- Cooktop 2- Control Panel 3- Child Lock 4- Oven Door Handle 5- Drawer Cover 6- Supply Leg 7- Oven Door 8- Oven Tray 9- Wire Grid 10- Front Resistance 11- Fan Store 12- Oven Lamp 13- Highlite element MODEL FVC 66 D2C BL FVC 66 D2C VF M.LILLE DISPLAY SIZE(cm) 60*60*90 60*60*90

24 PART 2 : WARNINGS TAKE ALL IMPORTANT SECURITY MEASURES AND READ THE MANUAL COMPLETELY BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE This appliance has been designed for non-professionel, domestic use only. Surely control whether there is any damage after you unpacked the appliance. If there is any defect; do not use the appliance and immediately contact to the authorized maintenance service. As the materials used for package ( nylon, stapler, strafoam. etc. ) may cause harmful effects to children, they should be collected and removed immediately. The appliance must be set up by an authorized technician and put into use. The producer is not responsible for any damage that might be caused by defective placement. Before connecting your appliance to the electric, carefully control whether it is appropriate for the features determined on the package and/or data plate on the appliance. Compare the features of the electricity organization with the technical information on the presentation label before plugging the appliance in. The feeding cable must never be changed by the customer. When it is damaged by any reason, please contact to your authorized service. Before changing the oven s lamp, plug it off. Turn the appliance off before the operations such as cleaning or maintenance. You can do it after plugging it off or turning the main switches off Some parts of appliance may hold its heat for a long time, it is required to wait for it to cool before touching onto the points that are exposed to the heat directly. This appliance is not intended for use by persons(including children) with reduced physical, sensory and mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. 3

25 Do not keep flammable materials close while the appliance is operating. Pay attention to the cables of the other electrical devices operating near the appliance, so as not to touch to hot points. Pay attention the switches to be 0, when the appliance does not operate. The glass covers that some models have may crack when they are exposed to extreme heat. Do not cover the glass cover without being sure that the cooker is off and cooled completely. This manual is prepared for more than one model in common. Your appliance may not have some of the features that is explained in manual. Pay attention to the expressions that have figures, while you are reading the operating manual. Keep children away from the oven. In case that cracks are visible and ceramic surfaces of the oven is to switch off immediately to prevent electrical shocks. During the use the appliance gets hot. Take special care to prevent touching of heating elements inside oven cavity. During grilling mode the oven door should be closed. Do not use steam cleaners for cleaning the cooking hobs and oven cavity. Before opening the lid covering the hotplates, take care that no liquids are on the top of the lid. The lid is to closed not earlier than hobs have been cooled down. Take care that the lid is in correct position under operation. In case that highlight-halogen heaters are installed as hob elements do not stare into the light. In case that the oven will be placed on a socket steps must be resorted to prevent falling down of the oven from the socket. FOR EFFICIENCY AND SECURITY OF APPLIANCE, WE RECOMMEND YOU ALWAYS TO USE THE ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS AND TO CALL ONLY OUR AUTHORIZED SERVICES WHEN IN CASE OF A NEED. 4

26 PART3 : INSTALLATION AND PREPARATION FOR USE This modern, functional and practical oven, that was manufactured with the most quality parts and materials, will meet your needs in every respect. You must surely read this manual in order not to have any problem in future and to be able to have successfull results. The following information are the required rules for right installation and service processes. It must be read especially by the technician who will install the appliance. Contact to Authorized Service for mounting of your oven INSTALLATION OF OVEN There are some factors that must be paid attention to while installing your oven. Surely pay attention to our below suggestions in order to be able to prevent any problems and/or dangerous situations that may occur later. It can be placed close to other furniture on condition that in the area where the oven is set up, the furniture s height must not exceed the height of the cooker panel. Pay attention not to place it near the refrigerator, there must be no flammable or in flammable materials such as curtain, waterproof cloth etc. that will begin to burn quickly, while selecting place for oven. It is required there must be at least 2 cm blank space between the back cover of oven and wall for air circulation. The furniture close to oven must be manufactured resistant to heat more than 50 C of the room temperature. If the kitchen furniture are higher than the pan which the oven s cookers are on, it must be at least 11 cm away from the oven s side. The minimum heights from the oven s pan and wall cupboards and paddle boxes with fan over the oven, are shown as below. Thus, the paddle box must be at minimum 650 mm height from the cooker pan. If there is no paddle box, this height must not be less than 700 mm. 5

27 3. 2 ADJUSTMENT OF FEET Your oven stands on 4 adjustable feet. As the feet are adjusted in low location, it is required to control whether it is balanced before installing the oven. You can make this adjustment as turning the feet clockwise if required. It is possible to raise the appliance maximum 15 mm via the feet. If the feet are adjusted appropriately, it is required not to move the appliance by dragging, otherwise it is required to place it by lifting it up. It is required to bring the oven s drawer out to adjust the appliance s feet. The feet can be adjusted from inside via the small change. 3.3 ELECTRIC CONNECTION AND SECURITY During the electric connection, surely follow the instructions below. The earthing cable must be connected to the terminal. You have to ensure the cable with insulation to be connected to the power source during the connection of cable. If there is not any appropriate earthed electric outlet in accordance with regulations in the place where the appliance will be installed, immediately contact to our authorized service. The earthed electric outlet must be close to the appliance. Surely do not use the extension cord. The feeding cable must not touch to the hot surface of the product. In case the feeding cable is damaged, surely contact to Qualified Service. The cable must be changed by the authorized service. The wrong electric connection may damage your appliance. Such damage is not in guarantee extent. The appliance is adjusted as appropriate for Volts and 400V 3N Volts of electricity. If the network electricity is different than this informed value, immediately contact to our authorized service. The electric cable must not touch to the hot parts of appliance. The electric cable must not touch the back part of the appliance. Otherwise the electric cable of appliance may be damaged. And this situation may cause short circuit. The producer firm declares that it has no responsibility against any kind of damages and losses that emanate from the following security norms. There is to install an all pole disconnector inside the supply circuit with a contact opening of at least 3.0mm rated 32A and delay functioning type. 6

28 The appliance is provided for fixed connection to the power supply. The connection of the appliance to an electrical source must be done by authorized technician GENERAL WARNINGS AND MEASURES Your appliance is produced in accordance with the related security instructions connected with electrical appliance. The maintenance and repair works must be made just by the authorized service technician who is trained by the producer firm. The installation and repair works whitout following rules may endanger you. Its outside surfaces heat while your appliance operates. The interior surfaces of oven, components that ensures the heat and steam that goes out are quite hot. Even if the appliance is turned off, these parts hold its heat for a specific time. Do not touch onto the hot surfaces. Keep children away. Do not leave the cooker while cooking with solid or liquid oils. There may be flaming up on condition of extreme heating. Never pour water to the flames occuring from oil. Cover the saucepan or frypan with its cover in order to choke the flame that was occured in this case and turn the cooker off. The oven and heat adjustment switches must be adjusted and oven s clock must be programmed for cooking in your oven. Otherwise the oven does not operate. Do not leave anything on it when the door or drawer of oven is open. You may unbalance your appliance or break the cover. Do not put heavy things or flammable, burnable goods (nylon, plastic bag, paper, cloth etc.) into the lower drawer. Plug it off when you do not use the appliance and keep the gas valve off. Protect your appliance against atmospheric effects. Do not leave it to effects such as sun, rain, snow, powder etc x 4 mm ² 220V~ 3 x 4 mm ² 230V~ 3 x 4 mm ² 240V~ 5 x 1.5 mm ² 380V~,3N~ 5 x 1.5 mm ² 400V~,3N~ 5 x 1.5 mm ² 415V~,3N~ 4 x 2.5 mm ² 380V~,3N~ 4 x 2.5 mm ² 400V~,3N~ 4 x 2.5 mm ² 415V~,3N~ * This appliance must be earthed. * For this connection a power lead of wire type H05V V -F should be used. 7

29 PART 4 : USE OF YOUR OVEN 4. 1 GENERAL APPEARENCE AND TECHNICAL FEATURES OF YOUR OVEN TE 66 LOWER HEATER UPPER HEATER GRILL TURBO HEATER 1100 WATT 1200 WATT 2000 WATT 2000 WATT 4. 2 PRESENTATION AND FEATURES OF THE CONTROL PANELS TE 56/66 Timer Oven Function Switch Oven Thermostat Switch Left Front Heater Right Back Heater Max 100 Mode Left Back Heater Right Front Heater 4. 3 USE OF HOTPLATES AND VITROCERAN COOKERS The electrical cooker is commanded by 7 graded switches. 0 of the grades is off location. The use fields in response to other 6 grades are below Keeping hot location Heating locations at low heat Cooking - roasting and boiling locations Hotplates 4 3 Vitroceramic Cooker 8

30 The upper part of hotplates is covered by a protective material resistant to heat. Turn the switch of the electrical cooker to 3 and then operate the cooker for 5 minutes in order to burn and so to toughen the protective layer at first use. During use of electrical cookers, it is required to pay attention to the used saucepans to have smooth bases. If appropriate sized and smooth based saucepans are used, you can get the most efficiency from your cooker. It is not suggested to use the little size saucepans on the big size cooker, because this will cause heat loss and so energy will be wasted. RIGHT WRONG circular saucepan base WRONG small saucepan diameter WRONG saucepan s base had not settled Surely control that your cooker is off, the control switch is at 0 location after cooking. Also never touch it as the cooker will be hot for a speific time after it was turned off. Do not let children to come close to it. Clean the electrical cooker with a wet cloth after using the electrical cooker. If there is excessively getting dirty situation, you can clean it with water with detergent rather well. Heat for a few minutes for the upper part to dry after cleaning. If you will not use its upper part for a while, ensure to occur a thin oil layer as oiling with machine oil. 9

31 4.4 USE OF OVEN PART Use of Electronical Programming Clock Adjustment of Day Hour A symbol will start to flash after it is connected to the electrical resource. Press (+) and (-) keys at the same time. It is also possible to adjust (to increase or to reduce ) the time by pressing to these keys. A - MODE + Alarm / Time Setup This function can be used as time set up and alarm when wished. Mode key must be pressed until led indicator lamp will start to light. The wished period interval is adjusted via + and - keys. The wished time remains on screen after it was adjusted and sign that flashed in the past remains fixed. It is possiple to make time set up between hours. At the end of cooking period an alarm is heard and symbol flashes. You can press any key to stop the alarm. Programming as Determining the Cooking Period This function is used to adjust to cook at wished period interval. To adjust the cooking period, Mode key is pressed until Dur indicator lamp will start to flash. The wished cooking period is adjusted by using + and - keys. Once the time is adjusted, it is registered automatically in 5 seconds following the adjustment and A and symbols start to light continuously. The screen returns to the current time. An alarm (sound) is heard when the cooking period ended and A and symbols start to flash. Press onto any switch stops the signal and the lamp to flash. It is possible to adjust cooking period between 0-10 hours. A du r - MODE + 10

32 Programming as determining the Finish Time This function is used to adjust finishtime of the cooking period. To adjust the finish time of cooking Mode key is pressed until End indicator lamp will start to flash. The wished finish time is adjusted by using + and - keys. When the finish time is reached an alarm is heard and you can press any kay to stop the alarm. Programming as determining the Cooking Period and Finish Time This function is used to adjust the cooking period by using of automatically cooking function. Both cooking period and ending time have to be adjusted to adjust the ending of cooking period. The cooking period is adjusted as determined above. Mode key was pressed until End indicator lamp will flash in order to adjust the ending time. + and - keys must be used at the end of wished cooking period. Once the time is adjusted, it is registered automatically in 5 seconds following the adjustment and A and symbols starts to light continuously. The screen returns to the current time. An alarm sound is heard at the end of the time and A symbol starts to flash. Pressing any switch stops the signal and lamp to flash. A En d - MODE Use of Mechanical Timer M Manual Operation When you set the timer knob to M position as seen in the illustration on left side, the oven can be operated continuously. The oven can never be operated, when the timer knob is in 0 position. Operation with time set Turn the timer knob in clockwise direction in order to set time between minutes as seen in figure on right side. When the adjusted time ends, oven is turned off and a single warning sound is heard M

33 Use of Oven Function Switches This switch allows you to select the oven functions. The functions and their grades are shown at the following table. Also, the detailed instructions and their uses will also be explained in details in the next pages. Your oven s lamp starts to operating. Your oven s lamp, red warning lamp and fan start to operating. It performs the function of defrosting your frozen food. Your oven s thermostat and warning lamps and lower and upper heaters start operating. Your oven s thermostat and warning lamps and turbo heater, fan are put into use. Your oven s thermostat and warning lamps and fan, upper and lower heaters start operating. Your oven s thermostat and warning lamps and grill heater and chicken turning function start operating. Your oven s thermostat and warning lamps and upper heater, grill heater and chicken turning functions start operating. Your oven s thermostat and warning lamps and upper heater, grill heater and chicken turning and fan functions start operating. Your oven s thermostat and lamps, lower heater operate Your oven s thermostat and warning lamps, turbo heater, lower heater and fan start operating. Your oven sthermostat and warning lamps,lower heater and start operating. 12

34 Ice Melter Function ( Defrost ) You can start the defrosting process by placing the frozen food into your oven and turning the switch onto the determined sign. This is a program that does not cook the food, just helps to defrost them in a very short time. Place the food that will be defrosted on the third shelf support from the bottom, on a wire shelf. Place a tray into the bottom of the oven in order to collect the water that occurs because of defrosting. Lower - Upper Heater Function ( Static Cooking ) At this cooking that is defined as the traditional method, the heat that is spreaded from the lower and upper heating elements into your oven equally, ensures the food s buttom and top to be cooked equally. It is recommended to make pre heating for 10 minutes. Leave the food that was put into the available cooking dish to be cooked in recommended period case. The Lower-Upper Heater location is the function that is preferred to cook cake, sponge cake, flan, spaghetti in oven, lasagna, pizza. At the end of cooking process, turn the oven s switch and heat set up switch off and cancel the time program. Take the cooked food from the oven, put onto a safe place and open the oven s door and ensure the oven is cool completely. As the oven will be hot at that moment, stay away from the oven and keep your children away from the oven. Fan and Lower - Upper Heater Function ( Static Cooking with Fan) The location where the air comes from lower and upper heating elements is distributed into the oven via the fan motor and fanner. The heat adjsutment switch is adjusted to the degree that is recommended at the cooking table. Turn the oven s switch as it will show the symbol of this function and the oven s time is adjusted to the recommended time for cooking, the oven is pre heated for 10 minutes. The food that had been put into the available cooking dish is placed into the oven and then cooked. In general, this location is a location where a very nice results are taken for cooking of pastries. Every part of the food will be cooked equally at this location. It is appropriate for cooking of single tray. At the end of cooking, turn off the oven s switch and heat adjustment switch. Cancel the oven s time program and take the cooked food from oven and leave it on a safe place. Open your oven s lid and leave it to cool. Do not come close to it until it cools and keep children away. 13

35 Turbo Fan Function Turbo fan function spreads the oven s heat equally. The food on all shelves will be cooked equally during the use of this function. Top of the oven will not be hotter than the bottom of it. Adjust the heat adjustment switch of your oven to the wished degree, also turn the function switch as it will show Turbo function symbol. Place your food that had been put into the available cooking dishes into the oven after pre heating of 10 minutes. This function is appropriate for cooking more than one dish. If you have two trays of food that you will cook in your oven; you must use that heat for your oven, heat of which of the heats that are appropriate for your food while adjusting the cooking heat. Cooking two trays of food requires additional cooking period according to the single tray cooking. In general, food in two trays are not cooked at the same time. So, take the tray that you observed that is cooked, from the oven, go on cooking for the other tray of food. As there will be heat transfer between two trays during the cooking of two trays of food, the cooking quality will be lower than the single tray. While cooking double trays, you can get a better cooking result by changing theplaces and ways of trays if needed. The processes that will be applied at the end of cooking, are same for all the functions.open your oven s cover and leave it to cool after you put your trays in oven onto a safe place. Turbo Fan and Lower heater Function Turbo fan and lower heater function is an ideal function to cook pizza. The lower heater ensures the pizza paste to be cooked while Turbo fan spreads the heat of oven equally. Adjust the heat adjustment switch of your oven to the wished degree, also turn the function switch as it will show this function s sign and adjust the oven s time to the offered time for cooking and pre heat the oven for 10 minutes. This function is appropriate for cooking of one dish. At the end of cooking process, turn off the oven s switch and heat set up switch. Cancel the oven s time program and take the cooked food from oven and leave onto a safe place. Open your oven s door and leave it to cool. Do not come close to the oven until it cools and keep children away. Warning: Max. set of thermostat C Grill and chicken Turning Function This function is used to grill and to turn chicken, cooked food on a skewer. To make turning, use the turning skewer. To grill, place the food onto the grill, also the grill onto the shelf at toppest level. You can start to grill after placing the oven tray onto the 3rd Shelf. The tray that is placed onto the 3rd Shelf will ensure the collection of oils that drop from food. 14

36 Turn your oven s heat set up switch as it will show the sign of this function. Place your food into the oven after pre heating of 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, as in all other cooking processes; turn off the oven s switch and heat set up switch. Cancel the oven s time program and take the cooked food from oven and leave onto a safe place. Do not come close to the oven until it will cool and keep children away. Warning: Max. set of thermostat C Upper heater, Grill and Roast Chicken Function This function is used to grill rapidly and to roast chicken, cooked food on a skewer. To make roasting, use the roasting skewer. To grill, place the food onto the grill, also the grill onto the shelf at toppest level. You can start to grill after placing the oven tray onto the 3rd Shelf. The tray that is placed onto the 3rd Shelf will ensure collection of oils that drop from food. Turn your oven s heat set up switch as it will show the sign of this function. Place your food into the oven after pre heating of 5 minutes. At the end of cooking process, as in all other cooking processes; turn off the oven s switch and heat set up switch. Cancel the oven s time program and take the cooked food from oven and leave onto a safe place. Do not come close to the oven until it cools and keep children away. Warning: Max. set of thermostat C Grill, Chicken Roasting and Fan Function In this function, grill and upper heater and the fan that ensures to roast perfectly, operate together and cook. It is also used to grill, to roast chicken and cooked food on a skewer. To make roasting; use the roasting skewer. To grill, place the food onto the grill, also the grill onto the shelf at the toppest level. You can start to grill after placing the oven tray onto the 3rd Shelf. The tray that is placed onto the 3rd Shelf will ensure collection of oils that drop from food. Turn your oven s heat set up switch as it will show the sign of this function. Place your food into the oven after pre heating of 5 minutes. At the end of cooking process, as in all other cooking processes; turn off the oven s switch and heat set up switch. Cancel the oven s time program and take the cooked food from oven and leave onto a safe place. Do not come close to the oven until it cools and keep children away. Warning: Max. set of thermostat C 15

37 Lower Heater Function At this cooking the best is spreaded from the lower heating element. Lower heating function is appropriate for heating the food instead of cooking. Lower Heater and Fan Function At this cooking, the heat is spreaded from the lower heating element and fan motor. This function can be used to heat the food equally in a short time Accessories Used in Oven You can use glass dishes, cake molds, special oven trays that are appropriate for use in oven, that you are able to assure in market, apart from the oven trays and grill wire chicken roasting skewer that are given together with your oven. Pay attention to the information related to the subject that were given by the manufacturer firm. In case small size dishes are used, place the dish onto the grill wire, as it will completely be on the middle part of the wire. The following information must also be followed for the enameled dishes. If the food that will be cooked does not cover the oven tray completely, if the food is taken from the deep freezer or the tray is being used for collection of food s juices that flow during grilling, the form changes can be observed in tray because of the high heat that occur during cooking or roasting. The tray will return to its old form only when the tray cooled after cooking. This is a normal physical event that occurs during heat transfer. Do not leave this tray or dish in cold environment right away after cooking in glass tray or dish. Do not put onto the cold and wet grounds. Place on a dry kitchen cloth or dish cross, ensure it to cools slowly. Otherwise the glass tray or dish may be broken. If you will grill in your oven; we recommend you to use the grill that was given in tray together with product. ( If your product includes this material ) So, the oils that spatter and flow, will not dirty the inside of oven. If you will use the big wire grill; put a tray onto one of the lower shelves for oils not to be collected. Also put some water into it for cleaning easiness. Use 4th and 5th shelves while grilling and oil the grill for the ingredients that you will grill not to stick to the grill. 16

38 PART 5 : CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR OVEN 5. 1 CLEANING Be sure that all control switches are off and your appliance cooled before cleaning your oven. Plug off the appliance. Control whether they are appropriate and recommended by the manufacturer before using the cleaning materials on your oven. As they may damage the surfaces, do not use caustic creams, abrasive cleaning powders, thick wire wool or hard tools. In case the liquids that overflows around your oven burn, the enameled place may be damaged. Immediately clean the overflew liquids. Cleaning of Inside of Your Oven Surely plug off the oven before starting cleaning. The inside of enameled oven is cleaned in the best way when the oven is warm. Wipe the oven with a soft cloth that had been hemmed in soapy water after each use. Later wipe it with a wet cloth once more and then dry it. It may be required to use a liquid cleaning material from time to time and make a complete cleaning. Do not clean with dry and powder cleansers. 17

39 Removal of oven door To remove the oven door; Open the oven door(1). 1 Saddle bracket 2 Recessed form Open the saddle bracket up to end position(2). Close the door till it almost reaches to the full rd closed position as shown in 3 figure and remove the door by pulling it towards yourself. NOTE: To re-assemble the door follow the opposite rules of removal.! Please pay attention that the recessed forms should be positioned properly on the hinge nd counterparts as shown on 2 figure. 3 18

40 Cleaning of Your Oven s Cover In order to be able to clean the cover of your oven from inside and outside, use a glass cleaner. Then rinse, dry it with a dry cloth. The cover can be pulled out for cleaning as shown in the following figure. * Open the cover completely. * Pass the metal pin through the holes as shown on picture * Do this process for both hinges. * Lift up the cover slightly, pull towards the outside smoothly. The cover will completely come out. * Again place it into hinge holes while pinning the cover to its place. Do not clean the oven s cover while the glass panels are hot. In case this measurement is not taken, the glass panel may brake down. Contact to Authorized Service when any problem occured. Cleaning Vitroceramic Cooker Before starting cleaning wait for Vitroceramic cooker completely cool down. Be sure that cleaning material does not contain any particles which may cause to scratch glass.use cream or liquid detergent. Vitroceramic surface must be cleaned with cold water and dried with soft cloth in a way that no cleaning material may be left. Use pallet provided with your product for cleaning food or residues. Sweet type food must be cleaned right after they are spilled before glass cools down. Steel cleaning material may damage Vitroceramic glass. Dust on the surface must be cleaned with wet cloth. Color change on ceramic surfaces does not effect functional structure and durability of Vitroceramic. Color change is caused by not cleaning the residues, erosion due to casseroles and using not appropriate cleaning materials and is not due to material change. Cleaning pallet must always be used before applying chemicals. With this pallet you can clean even the smallest dirt on the surface. Materials that are hard to clean like liquified plastic, oil and sweety materials can be cleaned with pallet easily. Your pallet is dangerous because it is equipped with razor therefore it must be kept away from chidren. Be careful not to scratch silicon adhesive placed on the edges of the glass while using pallet. 5.2 MAINTENENCE Change of Oven Lamp The change of oven lamp must be done by authorized technician. The rating the ampoule should be 230V, 25Watt, Type E14 before changing the lamp,the oven should be plugged off and it should be cool.

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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS STILLEN FRONT BRAKE COOLING DUCTS NISSAN 370Z P/N /308960! Materials supplied: 1. (10) Zip Ties 2. (4) Hose Clamps 3. (2) Brake Duct Hose 4. (2) Brake Shields 5. (2) Front Brake Ducts ( Stock Fascia Only ) 6. (2) Washers 1 OD ( Stock Fascia Only ) 7. (8) Shims

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Instructions for use www.nilfisk-advance.com 1 2 3 PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES If the opening that sucks in the air, thesuction pipe orthe telescopic wand on pipe are blocked, you should switch off the vacuum

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Brugsanvisning. Installation Manual

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- The knowledge to make a difference

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Operation Manual SMS Air Conditioner Remote Controller Model No.: SR-001

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R9H R9H R9H R9H R9H R9H R9H13303

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how to save excel as pdf

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