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(Reflective Practitioner)

(INDEX) (Course Introduction) (Course Objectives) (Work Education - Meaning - Importance) (Work Education - Meaning - Aim) (Work Education - Meaning ) (Historical Perspective) (Purpose and Objectives) (Essential Curricular area) (Work Education - Importance ) (Work Education - Scope) (Work Education - Ideas of Mahathma Gandhi) 1

Vs. (Childwork Vs. Child Labour) (Child Labour) (Sense of insolodation in work Eduction its implecations) (Need of Integration in work and Education) 2

(Work and Education) 3

(Work and Education - Meaning - Importance) (Sub Topics of the Unit) (Child Worker) (Childlabour) 4




(Meaning) (work or job) (work or job) A job, something one a earn money 8

(activity) (programme) / (trail) (effort) 9

(SUPW) NCF-2005, RTE- 2009, SCF-2011 (earn while yearn learn) (policy) Intensive) (Objectives of work Education) (Congnetive Domain ) 10

(Psychotomotor Domain) (Affective Domain) (Work Education - An Essential Curricuar Area) (graded) 11

Translate into Telugu (Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi on work Education) (Chainsd of slavery) 12

(Basic education) (Gandhiji s view of life) (Historical background of Basic Education) (Meaning and Philosophy of Basic Education) (Pragmetation) 13

(Handcraft) (Main features of Basic Education) (Free and Compulsory Education): (Education through Craft): Self Supporting 14

(Ideal of citizenship) (Metrics of Basic Education) 15

Vs (Main features of Basic Education) (chid work) (child labour) 16

(ST), (SC) (Child Abuse) 17


(Sense of Isoloation in Work and Education its Implications) 19


IV D.El.Ed. Arts Group SSC (Need of integration in Work and Education) 21


nd Chapter 2 WORK & Education: nd Year D.Ed. 2 WORK & Education (Value added and Co-cirricular Paper) Diffirent Aspects of Integration in Work and Education (Introduction) (Self -Reliance (economic)) (sence of Responsibility) (Respect for work) (correction between work and education) - Y.GIRI BABU YADAV Lecturer, DIET Rayachoty,Kadapa Dist cell:9848147904 WORK & Education 23

(Self -Reliance (economic)) 24

a) (Preparation) b) (Effort) 25

c) (Incubation / broading) d) (Insight) e) (Evaluation) (Self -Reliance (economic)) 26

(Sense of Responsibility) 27

(School Curriculum and Work) 28


(Work as Part of School Curriculum) (Core Curriculum) 30



Inter disciplinary (Role of work in school curriculum) 33


(SUPW) Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) SUPW 35



(Syllabus and Academic Standards) (Syllabus) (Curriculum) (Subject) 38


(Syllabus and Academic Standards) (Syllabus) (Activity) (Academic Standards) 40








(House Management) (Financial Management) (Emotional Management) (Financial Management) (Emotional Management) (House Management) 48

(M.R.P.), (Consumer Forum) 49

(M.R.P.) 50


(Academic Standards of Work Education) (Ex: Health Checkup, 52

A+ A B+ B C SA - I 1 2 3 4 5 M G 7 8 7 7 9 38 A SA - II SA-III 1 2 3 4 5 M G 1 2 3 4 5 M G 1 2 3 4 5 M G 53


A+ A B C D SA-I, SA-2, SA-3 55

56 (Work & Education - some Experiments and Activities) Activities with regard to health and hygiene, food, environment, culture, consumer rights, household management, documentation, preparation of models and goods; population activities etc. Conduct of whole activities : Nature and purpose - list of activities. (Objectives of the unit)

57 (Health Camps) (Health Camps)




61 (discussion).

62 documentation / Record

63 (Door Mats) (Documentation) (Ex : DIET day, T.L. Mela, Sports day etc.) (Preparation of models and tools)

64 (Badges) (Population Education activities)

65 (present) Conduct of whole class activities : - Nature and purpose. - List of activities (Whole school activities)

66 S.M.C.

67 (Nature and purpose of whole school Work Education Activities) (Nature) v v v v v v v v v v v v v (Primary, Upper Primary & High School)

68 v v v v (Purpose) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v (Dignity of labour)

69 v v v v v (List of whole school activities) (Health camp)


71 (Changing scenario of Work and Education) (Sub topics of the unit) (Objectives of the unit)

72 (Introduction) (change) (implications) (integration)

73 (Relation between Work and Education in changing scenario)

74 (Why is the relation between work and Education changed)

75 (Problems and limitations in implementation of Work Education)

76 (syllabus) (Core areas or essential areas) (Elective areas) (Core areas)

77 (Elective Areas) (Problems in implementation of Work Education) (Shortage of training in the schools) (Non-availability of trained Work Education teachers) (Organisational problems due to large number of students in classes)

78 (Poor parantal co-operation) (Less number of periods allotted) (Small space in Work Experience room / workshop) (Lack of tools and equipment) (Lack of facilities like water, land, menure etc.)

79 (Difficulty in organising on-the-job trainings) campus selection (Lack of funds for implementing Work Education) low cost, no cost (Strategies for improving the W.E programme)

80 (counselling) LIC (Management of Work Education in schools)

81 (Essential areas) (Elective areas)

82 (Suggestions for effective implementation of Work Education) (Frequent inservice trainings for teachers) (Practical) (More practical training in different activites teachers) (practical) (Appointment of trained Work Education teachers)

83 (More teachers be trained in each W.E. activity) (Number of periods for week be increased) (Uniform syllabus for each Work Education activity) (Income generated Work Education projects be started)

84 (Some incentives to effective teachers) (Co-operation of parents) (Conduct exams for Work Education programme as per other subjects)

85 VII Paper D.El.Ed - II year Field based Projects (Sports meet)

86 (Bibliography) Work Education in Schools - C.B.S.E., Delhi NCERT Position Paper - 2005 Buniyadi Shiksha Ek Nai koshish (2007-2008) - Udaipur Basic Education - M.K. Gandhi Work Education - G.S. Shahagal