Statsministeriet 2 4 NOV. 2803. - USA's og UK's afrapportering til Sikkerhedsrådet, jf. res. 1483, para 24:

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Fra: Sendt: Til: Emne: Hahn, Henrik Bramsen [] 22. november 2003 0052 Udenrigsministeriet FN-Mis. New York MIS1725 - Irak - USA og UK aflægger rapport i Sikkerhedsrådet. ukimq.pdf 1207.pdf USUN PR 237.doc Til: Udenrigsministeriet;;;FMN - Comcen;Official Mailbox, Ankara Embassy;Official Mailbox, Athens Embassy;Official Mailbox, Beijing Embassy;Official Mailbox, Berlin Ambassade;Official Mailbox, Bryssel DANAT0;Official Mailbox, Cairo Embassy;Official Mailbox, Damascus Embassy;Official Mailbox, Dublin Embassy;Official Mailbox, EU Repræsentationen;Officlal Mailbox, Geneva FN Mission;Official Mailbox, Haag Embassy;Official Mailbox, Islamabad Embassy;Official Mailbox, London Embassy;Official Mailbox, Madrid Embassy;Official Mailbox, Mexico Embassy;Official Mailbox, Moscow Embassy;Official Mailbox, New Delhi Embassy;Official Mailbox, Oslo Embassy;Official Mailbox, Ottawa Embassy;Official Mailbox, Paris Embassy;Official Mailbox. Paris OECD De1egation;Official Mailbox, Riyadh Embassy;Official Mailbox, Santiago Embassy;Official Mailbox, Singapore Embassy;Official Mailbox, Sofia Ernbassy;Official Mailbox, Stockholm Embassy;Official Mailbox, Tehran Embassy;Official Mailbox, Tel Aviv Embassy;Official Mailbox, Vienna Embassy;Official Mailbox, Warsaw Ernbassy;Official Mailbox, Washington Embassy;;'';Andersen Louise;Braad, Michael;Bruckner. Peter;Christensen, Jan Top;Christensen, Tomas Anker;Christiansen, Lars;Christiansen, Thure;Europæisk korrespondent;faaborg-andersen. Lars;FNV;Geelan, Kirsten;Hækkerup, Susanne Rumohr;Hahn, Henrik Bramsen;Hansen, Peter Lysholt;Holboll, Lars Bjorn;Holm, Klavs A.;HUM;Jensen, Michael Bremerskov;Jensen, Peter Bogh;Jeppesen, Jacob Bang;Jeppesen, Michael Lund;Jepsen, Christel;JTF;Kardel, Pernille Dahler;Lassen, Christina Markus;Lauridsen, Morten Lykke:Laursen, Charlotte (FNV);Ledelsessekretariatet DL UKL;'';Lidegaard, Bo;Loj, Ellen Margrethe;Lorenzen. Erik Vilstrup;Lose, Lars Gert;Lund-Sorensen, Thomas;MELA;Michelsen, JetteiMoesby, Ole;'';Neustrup, Ole;Nielsen, Helle;Nielsen, Lars Steen;Nordam, Jette;NYCMISU, Archive;Ove~ad, Marie-Louise;Piras, Stig Paolo;Röpke, Signe;Rosendahl, Jens;Skydsgaard, Soren Munk;Sondergaard, Carsten;SP;Staur, Carsten;Stender, Flemming;Svendstorp, Morten;Szczepanski, Pia Starbæk;Taksoe-Jensen, Peter;UP;Vagthavende;Vahr, Jesper;Wæver, Svend;Warburg, Jacob;Woggsborg, Niels Henrik;Zilmer-Johns, Michael (STM) FN-Missionen New York E-post MIS1725 af 21. november 2003 18:51:36 Deck By: 24.1 1.03, kl. 08.30 5.E.lrak Irak - USA og UK aflægger rapport i Sikkerhedsrådet. Mismail 1713 af 20.1 1.03 Statsministeriet 2 4 NOV. 2803 Sammenfatning: USA's og UK's briefing bragte som ventet ikke væsentlig nyi om situationen i Irak, herunder om den fremtidige politiske proces. Sikkerhedssituationen fortsat meget alvorlig, men væsentlige fremskridt vedrorende genopbygningen. Aftalen mellem regeringsrådet og CPA blev generelt hilst velkommen, men flere informationer om aflalens konkrete implementering efterspurgtes. Også FN's rolle i implementeringen af aflalen efterspurgtes. FrankrigITyskland hilste velkommenlnoterede sig, at der var sket et "strategiskift". Frankrig, Tyskland og Rusland gentog forslag om international konference i FN-regi om Irak (a la Bonn-konferencen om Afghanistan) for at skabe en bred national deltagelse, herunder med inddragelse af alle irakiske grupper og nabolandene. Kun Rusland stillede helt konkrete sporgsmål til aftalen. Få konkrete svar fra USA og UK. Resolution om ophor af Irak-sanktionskomiteen og oprettelsen af en ny sanktionskomite udskudt til vedtagelse mandag i næste uge. - USA's og UK's afrapportering til Sikkerhedsrådet, jf. res. 1483, para 24: USA's ambassader afholdt vedhæftede indlæg om udviklingen i Irak siden vedtagelsen af res. 1483 i maj måned. Han understregede, at irakerne dag for dag fortsætter med at overtage ansvaret for administrationen af Irak og sorge for "basic services" til landets 25 millioner indbyggere. Tilsvarende var gældende på genopbygningsområdet, hvor irakere i

s. stigende grad stod for indsatsen. Der blev redegjort for hovedelementerne i aftalen af 15. november 2003 mellem regeringsrådet (GC) og CPA. Det nævntes bl.a., at aftalen var et dramatisk skridt fremad, som burde hilses velkommen og få stotte fra det internationale samfund. Det fremhævedes, at den kommende nationale overgangsadministration pr. 30. juni 2004 ville overtage det fulde ansvar for administrationen af Irak og at CPA og regeringsrådet samtidigt oplostes. Resultatet af donorkonferencen i Madrid blev nævnt og at yderligere bidrag til genopbygningsindsatsen var velkomne. USA tilskyndede FN til at vende tilbage til Irak for at spille en vital rolle, som fastlagt af sikkerhedsrådet i res. 1483 og 1511 og bekræftede, at man var rede til at drnfle stotte til FN på sikkerhedsområdet. som forudset i res. 151 l. Det erkendtes, at sikkerhedssituationen var alvorlig og bekymrende og at en forbedring heraf var en af CPA's hovedprioriteter. Der redegjordes i hovedtal for bestræbelserne på at få skabt en irakisk hær, politi og grænseværn. Afslutningsvis redegjorde ambassadaren for bestræbelserne på at skabe lokale demokratiske institutioner, herunder blev det oplyst, at flere end 800 lokale råd i dag er etableret i Irak samt for "the Iraqi Survey Group's" arbejde med at finde bl.a. masseodelæggelsesvåben. Der fremkom dog intet nyt i den forbindelse. UK's indlæg koncentreredes om koalitionens bestræbelser på at skabe "basic services", okonomisk udvikling samt forbedring af menneskerettighederne og retstilstanden. Det blev nævnt, at vandforsyning, el og olieproduktion steg dag for dag, at Bagdad Luflhavn samt havnen i UMM Qasr nu fungerede, at der i januar forventes tre mobiltelefonnet og 45.000 internetforbindelser, at 240 hospitaler var operative, at 30 millioner vaccinationer var gennemfort med hjælp fra UNICEF, at de fleste skoler i dag var åbnet, herunder var 1800 blevet renoveret og at 22 universiteter og 43 tekniske skoler var åbnet. Den irakiske nationalbank var blev uafhængig og nye pengesedler var blevet indfort. Der var endvidere blevet etableret en krediifacilitet for små- og mellemstore virksomheder, etableret regler for direkte udenlandske investeringer og etableret et "handelsvenligt" toldregime. På menneskerettighedsområdet var der blevet etableret et Menneskerettighedsministerium, og regeringsrådet var i gang med at etablere en særlig domstol til at håndtering af menneskerettighedskrænkelser under det tidligere styre. CPA var aktivt involveret i at styrke kvinders deltagelse i genopbygningen af Irak, men bestræbelserne skulle styrkes med henblik på at sikre, at kvinder ville få indflydelse i den nationale overgangsforsamling og -administration. På retsområdet var en central kriminaldomstol nu operationel og irakiske dommere sad i dag i mere end 500 domstole landet over. Disse rådgives af et dommerråd, som var blevet oplost under det tidligere regime. Straffelovgivningen var i dag blevet ændret og retten til advokatbistand var blevet fastslået. Tilsvarende var det fastslået, at beviser opnået ved brug af tortur ikke var gyldige. Der vedhæfles et britisk anneks, som nærmere opregner de opnåede resultater i Irak. - Reaktionerne fra Rådet ovrige medlemmer: Franske ambassador fremhævede, at betydningsfulde fremskridt var blevet opnået i Irak. "Basic services" var i dag retableret, en humanitær krise undgået og Madrid-konferencen havde vist, at mange lande onskede at bidrage til genopbygningen af Irak. Frankrig stottede aktivt FN's organisationers og NGO'ers arbejde l Irak. Desværre kunne processen fortsat gå hel galt som folge af et stigende antal angreb på koalitionen, FN og humanitære organisationer. Den fortsatte besættelse af Irak ansporede disse angreb, hvilket blev udnyttet af ekstremister. Af disse årsager havde Frankrig vedvarende talt for en hurtig overdragelse af suverænitet til irakerne samt en afslutning på besættelsen. Frankrig hilste derfor aflalen mellem GC og CPA velkommen og så det som en bekræftelsen på, at den hidtidige franske tilgang havde været rigtig. Frankrig fremhævede, at implementeringen af aflalen var væsentlig og at en national konference i FN-regi kunne sikre at alle grupper i det irakiske samfund blev bragt samme. En sådan konferencen burde naje overvejes i konsultation med irakerne. Det var for Frankrig essentielt, at FN gav legitimitet og stotte til den politiske proces. Frankrig forstod FN's bekymring for sikkerheden og havde derfor foreslået, at Generalsekretærens kommende særlige repræsentant for Irak indledningsvis kunne residere uden for Irak. Tyske ambassador tog aftalen mellem GC og CPA til eflerretning, men fandt, at en række elementer krævede yderligere forklaring. Der var tale om et strategiskift, hvilket bl.a. Tyskland hele tiden havde talt for. Aftalen burde dog klargores og evalueres for at fremskynde og styrke den politiske proces med henblik på, at denne kunne bidrage til en forbedring af sikkerhedssituationen. Aflalen burde sættes i et bredere international perspektiv. En stærk rolle for FN ville bidrage til at give processen legitimitet indtil demokratiske valg havde fundet sted. Den politiske proces skulle udvides til at omfatte alle samarbejdsvillige elementer i det irakiske samfund. Desuden skulle Irak reintegreres i regionen. Afholdelsen af en international konference kunne bidrage til processen. Dette var blevet gjort med succes i Afghanistan. Kinesiske ambassad~r tog ligeledes aftalen mellem GC og CPA til eflerretning og udtrykte håb om, at denne ville bidrag til en snarlig overdragelse af suverænitet til irakerne. Fra kinesisk side fo~entede man desuden, at FN ville komme til at spille en substantiel rolle i den politiske proces. Der udtryktes bekymring over sikkerhedssituationen og håb om, at CPA ville tage yderligere skridt til at forbedre denne. Russiske ambassador tog bestræbelserne på at genoprette normale tilstande i Irak til eflerretning. Man fandt at USAog UK havde spillet en stor rolle for at sikre en ordentlig afslutning på Olie-for-Mad-programmet og Iose udestående problemer. Fra russisk side fandt man, at sikkerhedssituationen var under forværring, men man forventede, at der i forbindelse med bekæmpelse af terrorisme blev anvendt proportional magt og hensyn til civilbefolkningen. Rusland forstod ikke, hvorfor CPA's (Iraqi Survey Groups) rapporter ikke kunne gives til UNMOVIC og IAEA for verificering. Rusland tog aftalen mellem GC og CPA til efterretning og hilste bestræbelserne på at skabe en ny dynamik i processen 2

velkommen. Det var dog uforståeligt, at aftalen endnu ikke var blevet oversendt formelt til Sikkerhedsrådet. Hvorfor. ventede man på, at GC skulle sende aftalen? CPA kunne vel ligeså godt gore det. Desuden var det skuffende, at FN ikke " nævntes i aftalen. FN måtte være en del af lixningen og kunne f.eks. udarbejde konkrete forslag til de forskellige skridt i den politiske proces. Fra russisk side afventede man med stor spænding generalsekretær Annans udmeldinger om FN's fremtidige indsats i Irak. Rusland stottede afholdelsen af en international konference, som eventuelt kunne finde sted uden for Irak, hvis sikkerhedssituationen ikke tillod afholdelse i Irak. Om end tidsplanen for den politiske proces for så vidt var realistisk stod man fra russisk side uforstående over for, hvorfor valget til en grundlovsgivende forsamling forst skulle finde sted i marts 2005. Det burde være op til den nationale overgangsforsamling og - administration at beslutte, hvornår dette kunne ske. Aftalen indeholdt også nogle modsætninger. I para 3, stk. 2 stod der f.eks., at GC ikke ville få en formel rolle i udvælgelsen af medlemmer til den nationale overgangsforsamling, men to linier længere nede stod der, at GCmedlemmer alligevel ville kunne få sæde i overgangsforsamlingen. Desuden var der aftalerne mellem GC og CPA om sikkerhedsarrangementer i para 2. Hvorfor skulle disse ikke indgås mellem den nationale overgangsadministration og de amerikansklbritiske styrker? Og ændrede disse aftaler status for besættelsesstyrkernes forpligtelser i henhold til res. 1483 og 151 l? Rusland onskede flere oplysninger om planerne for koalitionsstyrkernes fremtidige tilstedeværelse i Irak. Efter de enkelte landes indlæg besvarede USA og UK nogle få af de sp~rgsmål, som var blevet stillet af især Rusland. USA's ambassad~r gjorde det dog klart, at det ikke var muligt at besvare samtlige sp~rgsmål ved dette msde, men at han ville gore dette ved en senere lejlighed. USA's ambassa <<ukiraq.pdf>> d c<1207.pdf>> 0 <<USUN PR 237.doc>> r nævnte vedrorende sikkerhedssituationen, at han ville fremlægge en liste over de tiltag, som p.t. tages med henblik på at forbedre situationen. Der var også en række tiltag, som det internationale samfund kunne tage, f.eks. at Iraks naboer styrkede grænsekontrollen. Ambassadoren understregede, at datoerne angivet i aftalen mellem GC og CPA skulle betragtes som deadlines for hvornår et givent mål senest skulle være opfyldt. Der var intet i vejen for, at elementerne kunne opfyldes på et tidligere tidspunkt end angivet. For så vidt angik FN's rolle blev det på ny blot oplyst, at FN skulle spille en "vital role". Britiske ambassader fremhævede, at en fremtidig international sikkerhedsstyrke i Irak ville operere på invitation af en irakisk regering, og at håbet var, at Sikkerhedsrådet kunne anerkende styrkens tilstedeværelsen i en eller anden form. Desuden oplystes det, at besættelsen af Irak ville oph~re ved CPA's ophnr.. Resolutionsudkast vedr~rende Irak-sanktionskomiteens ophar og etableringen af en ny sanktionskomite: Det i ovennævnte mismail 1713 omtalte resolutionsudkast er på russisk foranledning ændret, så den nye komites mandat holdes åbent med henblik på at overveje muligheden for, at komiteen overvåger, at medlemsstaterne overholder våbenembargoen. mod Irak. Vedtagelse af udkastet forventes nu mandag den 24. november 2003. Det seneste udkast vedhæftes. pmvleb Henrik B. Hahn ccukiraq.pdf>> <<1207.pdf>> CCUSUN PR 237.doc>> FN-Missionen New York MIS1725

USUN PRESS RELEASE #237 (03) CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY November 21,2003 Statement by Ambassador John D. Negroponte, United States Representative to the United Nations, on UNSCR 1483 Implementation, in the Secunty Council, November 21, 2003 Mr. President, when we came together on August 21 to discuss the implementation of Resolution 1483, it was in the wake of the tragic attack of August 19 against United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad. Three short months later, even more innocent people have sacnficed their lives in support of a vision of an Iraq that is a democratic, pluralistic country at peace with its neighbors and a full member of the international community. The same forces that for so long plagued the Iiaqi people continue to resort to murder and intimidation to prevent the realization of this vision. We saw these forces strike again in the heinous November 12 attack against the Italian contingent courageously serving in Nasiriyah. However, they have not and will not succeed in preventing the emergence of a new Iraq. The people of Iraq are achieving successes on a daily basis, some of which we will be discussing today. Yes, there are difficulties, and the pnce paid is high. Violence is directed against the Iraqi people and all those who are trying to assist them in creating a new Iraq. The intemational community owes it to the future peace and secunty of the region, as well as to the memory of the victims of August 19, November 12 and other attacks, to build upon the unanimous passage of Resolution 15 1 1 and help the Iraqi people defend themselves against those who do not want the new Iraq to succeed. Iraqis are well aware of the role they must play in their own defense and they are taking on increasing responsibility for their secunty every day. The Iraqi people are working to rebuild a strong Iraqi police and to stand up a new Iraqi army. Mr. President, Iraqis also continue to take over administrative responsibilities and to provide for the delivery of basic services to their country's 25 million people. Today, Iraq's ministries are run by Iraqi ministers, appointed by and reportiiig to the Iraqi Goveming Council. Iraqis are increasingly at the forefront of the reconsmiction effort, from electricity to oil to schools. And today, the Oil-for-Food Programme comes to an end. This is one more important step in the establishment of a free Iraq, where the resources and wealth of the nation are used by and for the Iraqi people as they take charge of their future. Regarding Iraq's political transition, we have always advocated the most rapid transfer practicable of governing authonty to the Iraqi people. The November 15 announcement by the Goveming Council of a political process to establish a representative transitional national assembly to assume full sovereign powers in 2004 was a dramatic step forward, and one that should be welcomed and supported by the international community. This timetable, as called for by Resolution 15 11, ensures that Iraqis quickly take controi of their own affairs, while basic freedoms and nghts for all Iraqis are protected under the law. And, in accordance with the wishes of the Iraqi people, a permanent constitution will be drafted by a constitutional convention directly elected by the Iraqi people. The Governing Council's announcement is an

important step toward realizing the vision of Iraq as a democratic, pluralistic country at peace with its neighbors. Under the process announced on November 15, a Transitional National Assembly will be formed to elect an executive branch, select ministers and serve as a legislative body. By June 30, 2004, this new transitional administration will assume ful1 responsibility for goveming Iraq. The CPA will then dissolve, as will the iraqi Goveming Council. The Transitional National Assembly will be formed through caucuses at the provincial level. The selection, structure and powers of the assembly will be established by a "fundamental law" with basic principles of openness and transparency established as part of the November 15 Agreement. The delegates to the transitional assembly will be selected no later than May 31, 2004. The fundamental law will protect freedom of speech and religion and include a statement of equal rights for all Iraqis. The law will define the relationship between the central government and provincial authonties. Importantly, the law will have an expiration date; by which time a permanent constitution for Iraq is to be drafted and a new Govemment of Iraq elected. The process announced on November 15 establishes a timeline for the direct election of a constitutional convention, no later than March 15,2005, to draft a permanent constitution for Iraq. The constitution will be ratified through a popular referendum, and a new Iraqi Govemment will be elected under terms of the ratified constitution, no later than December 3 1, 2005. As Iraqis assume increased responsibility for their own secunty and govemance, those who seek to undermine a free and democratic Iraq will be further isolated. These basic steps -- increased assumption by Iraqis for security, the creation of the Goveming Council, appointment of effective ministers to run Iraqi minishies, and the continuing transfer of political authority to Iraqis -- are part of our planning for post-saddam Iraq. We are on the offensive in Iraq. While those who traffic in evil work to murder innocents, Coalition and Iraqi forces are adapting to defeat the enemy and will prevail. Yesterday, in London, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair reaffirmed our long-term commitment to Iraq. I quote from theirjoint statement: "The United States and the United Kingdom stand ready to support the Transitional Administration in its task of building a new Iraq and its democratic institutions. Our military participation in the multinational force in Iraq will serve the Iraqi people until the Iraqis themselves are able to discharge ful1 responsibility for their own secunty. At the same time, we hope that intemational partners will increasingly participate in the multinational force." Mr. President, the continued support of the intemational community in reconsmiction efforts is also cntical. Last month, the intemational community came together when the Secunty Council adopted Resolution 151 1 and pledged over $33 billion in support to Iraq at the Madrid

Donors' Conference. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Spanish Government for their leadership in hosting the Donors' Conference, which included representatives from 73 countries and 20 international organizations. Much more, of course, remains to be done and additional contributions by all assembled here are very much encouraged. As President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have stressed many times, the United Nations has a vital role to play in Iraq. We would welcome the return of United Nations international personnel to Iraq to carry out the mandate called for in Resolutions 1483 and 15 11. We stand ready to discuss with U.N. officials appropriate security support, as envisioned under Resolution 15 1 1. Security and Stability Security and stability underpin all other efforts on the ground, and creating these conditions constitutes one of the main prionties for the Coalition Provisional Authonty in its work with the Iraqi people. Despite the killings, bombings, and other attacks we witness in the media, much of Iraq is calm, and our strategy of enabling Iraqis to assume responsibility speedily for their own security is achieving success. The reality that cannot be captured by a television camera is that Iraqis are coming together to expand conditions of security and stability, adding more than 130,000 personnel to the security effort. They join 33 nations that have contributed approximately 25,000 troops on the ground, alongside the United States and the United Kingdom, as part of the multinational force. The numher of Iraqis contnbuting to the secunty effort is rising steadily. These Iraqis are actively engaged in operations to stabilize Iraq and thwart the terrorists who are killing Iraqi civilians, aid workers, and Coalition personnel alike. Iraqi security personnel also are being targeted; their courage, commitment to their country, and hope for the future is demonstrated by their perseverance in the face of the casualties they have suffered. The Iraqi Civil Defense Corps is developing capacity to foil saboteurs who target electrical infrastructure, the oil industry, and other sectors cntical to Iraq's renewal. The Civil Defense Corps has approximately 8,000 personnel on duty and that number will increase to more than 40,000 over the next several months. In addition, there is a Facilities Protection Service to protect Iraq's strategic infrastructure, government buildings, and cultural and educational assets. The Protection Service currently has more than 48,000 guards hired and trained, with a desired strength of roughly 50,000.

Major progress is also being made with respect to the Iraqi police force. Over 60,000 police are back on the streets. Looking ahead, 35,000 new Iraqi police recmits will be trained over the next two years in Jordan. We are currently improving the physical facilities at that training site to accommodate up to 3,000 students and 1,000 international trainers and support staff. The first class will begin next week with 500 students. The U% Canada, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Finland are planning to contribute police trainers for the Jordan facility. Other countries, including our Council colleague Germany, for example, have indicated an interest in participating in the training process. Following graduation from the 8-week basic course, Iraqi police recruits will participate in a 10-montb field training program at home, led by as many as 1500 international police advisors. The U.S. plans to provide up to 1,000 of these advisors, with the first 150 to be deployed in January. Establishing horder security, with Iraqi border posts capable of interdicting the flow of proliferation-sensitive materials, radioactive sources that could be used to create "dirty bombs," contraband, terrorists and foreign fighters, is an ohvious security pnonty. Over 12,000 Iraqi border personnel are now on duty, and Iraq's border police and customs service will steadily grow to more than 25,000. As it resumes ful1 control of its affairs, Iraq, like all nations, will need a military for selfdefense. On October 4, nearly 700 Iraqi troops graduated from basic training to form the first battalion of the new Iraqi Army. By the fa11 of 2004, the Iraqi Army will expand to about 35,000 troops. But force and recruit numbers, although they are headed in the right direction, are only part of the story. The international community has the opportunity and, indeed, the obligation to help the Iraqi people build highly competent organizations which are dedicated to public service and which maintain both high standards of professionalism and respect for human nghts. Only through the creation of such an environment can the Iraqi people have public confidence and develop and enjoy a sound economy. Mr. President, notwithstanding the considerable efforts I have just descnbed, we must acknowledge that secunty conditions in Iraq remain a major preoccupation for us, for the international community, and for the Iraqi people, and that there remains a need to deliver a sustainable, improved security situation, particularly in the center of the country. None of us want a repeat of the terrible events we witnessed through late summer into the fall, and which we recognize have impacted on the international community's civilian presence in Iraq. The aim of the persisting efforts to improve security as I have descnbed, as well as of our efforts to improve basic services and empower the Iraqi people, is to yield the increased stability and security that we all want. We are determined that those efforts should succeed.

Advancing Iraqi efforts to restore and establish national and local institutions for representative governance Since I already discussed in detail the national political developments currently taking place in Iraq, I would now like to focus for a moment on political developments at the local level. Iraq's democratic transition is dependant on the vitality and effectiveness of Iraqi institutions at the local level, where most of the decisions affecting individuals are made. Local government provides the foundation for democracy and promotes social stability by allowing citizens a say in how their govemment operates. Day-to-day operation of the Iraqi government is now in the hands of Iraqis. Across the country, neighborhood, district, and provincial councils represent the needs and opinions of their constituents to the Iraqi Goveming Council. These institutions are taking responsibility for the delivery of essential services, and fostenng citizen participation in decision-making. There are municipal councils in all major cities and most towns, and provisional govemorate councils have been formed across the country. Two hundred neighborhood advisory councils help provide services such as water, education, public sanitation, health, and electricity. More and more councils are budgeting and managing their own resources. For example, in each of Baghdad's 88 neighborhoods, citizens have freely selected representatives for local goveming councils. They, in tum, choose members of nine District Councils and a 37-member City Council. Overall, more than 800 democratically selected Council Members are now hard at work serving their fellow citizens. They include Sunnis, Shias, Christians, Arabs and Kurds -- and more than 75 women. Over the coming months, the Coalition will continue to work with the Goveming Council to promote diverse and representative citizen participation within and among communities throughout Iraq. Our focus will be on increasing financial transparency and accountability, and strengthening the capacity of local administrations to provide essential municipal services. Phase-out of the Oil-for-Food Program The head of the Office of the Iraq Program, Benon Sevan, gave a Iengthy briefing eariier this week on the phase-out of the Program, and yesterday, Secretary-General Annan also addressed this issue. I would like to commend Mr. Sevan, the Office of the Iraq Program, and the UN agencies that have worked in Iraq under difficult circumstances, for their role in providing for the humanitarian needs af the Iraqi people.

Disarmament Before I conclude and tum the discussion over to Ambassador Jones Parry, I wanted to address the disarmament of Iraq. On June 16, the Iraqi Survey Group assumed responsibility for the mission af searching for and eliminating Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, prohibited missile delivery systems, and related infrastnicture. Led by former IAEA inspector Dr. David Kay and U.S. Army Major General Keith Dayton, the Survey Group is comprised af military and civilian personnel. The Group includes Coalition personnel from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, as well as former UN Special Commission ar UNSCOM Iraq experts with direct experience an the ground in Iraq. The Survey Group is compnsed of two task forces -- ane for exploitation, led by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, and another for disablement and elimination, led by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The Survey Group has consolidated the WMD-related efforts of the vanous intelligence collection operations currently in Iraq under one national-level headquarters in order to better exploit developing intelligence. Using quick reaction teams, the Survey Group has been investigating suspect sites based on leads denved from debriefings, interrogations and tips by Iraqi civilians. The Survey Group is systematically reviewing existing sites already identified by intelligence. An interim report in October an the activities of the Iraq Survey Group to date detailed numerous violations bv Iraa of its UNSCR-mandated obligations. These include deliberate efforts to conceal equ$meni and WMD-related program activities from the UN during the inspections beginning late 2002, clandestine lahoratones and safehouses within the secunty service apparatus that contained equipment subject to UN monitonng and suitable for continuing CBW research, and plans and advanced design work for new long-range missiles with ranges up to at least 1000 km -- well beyond the 150 km range limit imposed by the UN. A large body af information has been developed through debriefings, site visits, and exploitation af captured Iraqi documents that confirms that Iraq deliberately concealed equipment and matenals from UN inspectors when they retumed in 2002. This is a large undertaking, which will continue to require significant time and resources. A final word: Iraqis have a long and proud history. We look forward to continued progress on all fronts as the people af Iraq work to build a new, stable and secure country. Thank you.

UNSCR 1483 - SECOND QUARTERLY REPORT: ANNEX Humanitarian Activities and tbe Provision of Basic Senices Iraq has for some years been highly dependent on the centrally organised distribution of essentid suppiia, in particular food rations. Following the fa11 of thc Saddam regime. the CPA has worked to ensure the rapid restoration of distribution networks and basic services. When it becarne clear that food provision was not going to be a major problem - by August, food distribution systens were Nly restored - the CPA's efforts fwused on increasing water supply, electricity generation and oil production. Work has been carried out in partnership with many talented iraqis as well as with the UN and humanitarian organisations. What follows is only an account of some of the major achievements - work is continuing every &y. Water and sanitation Projects across the country are providing more and cleaner water to over 14.5 miiiion iraqis. In Baghdad, over 1,700 cntical breaks in the water network have been repaired, inwing the water flow by 200,000 cubic metra a day. Seventy out of ninety waste pumping stations have been rehabilitated and ongoing work expandiig the Saba Nissan water plant will add 225.000 cubic meters a &y to the water supply by May. City wide rubbish collection has also begun - no such universal sysiem existed under Saddam. Outside of Baghdad, work is dso underway rehabilitating 15 water treatment facilities and portions of the Sweet Water Canai to Basra, which will inaease waier supply to a ftuiher 6 million people; refurbishing sewage treatment plans in Qadisiyah, Najaf, Hillah and Karabda governerates; and refurbishing a main water treatment plant in Najaf. 15000 irrigation canals have already bcen cleared and, on average, a further 500 are being cleared a week. Fuel and Power On elecbicity, work to improve power generation has lead to a peak in supply of over 4,400 MW, above the preconflict level in early October. Power generation is m t l y averaging 3,800 MW daily as work is undmay, during the autumn months of lower demand, to repair some existing power generation facilitics. The goal is to reach 6000 MW output by summer 2004 and 9,000 MW - 2,000 MW in excess of estimated demanded - during the spring of 2005. On &e fuel side, there has been a steady upturn in the guantities of oil produced and exported &om iraq, rising most recently to some 2.2 miiiion barrels per &y of which 1.3 million were exported. Forecasts for 2004 suggest that oil reveniks will be in the order of %12bn, rising to $19bn by 2005. Demand for Kerosene, which is the main hiel in Iraq for winter heating is currently beiig met. Baghdad International Airport is being repaired and refurbished as part of a $17.5M contract. It is open to NGO and military flights. Refurbishment has also taken place at

Basrah akport. Both are being reviewed for potential re-opening to scheduied wmmerciai traffic, subject to security. Umm Qasr port is functioning at a much higher capacity than for several pars. Dredging operations have been succcssfully completed, with aii 21 berths now open to deep-drafi ships. The grain-receiving facility at the port has been completely renovated. Passenger vessels are docking, and customs and immigration services are working well. Work has also taken place on mitical road and rail i~ttucture: the cousiruction of a 1.5 b four lane bypass for the damaged Al-Mai Bridge ailows 3000 vehicles daily to travel between Jordan and iraq - a key route for humanitarian efforts. Reconshuction work has aiso begun on othcr key bridges while 72 kms of railway track &om Umm Qasr to Shuiaba Junction are &mg rehabilitated at a cost of S16.8m. Only a third of Baghdad's telephone lines are operational, and mund a Wer thitd of switches are damaged. $45 million in emergency work is undenvay to restore them. Iraq's fibre optic backbone is being rebuilt which will permit inter-city cailing and the operation of ~~mrnunications networks for major utilities. It will also allow subscribers to m&e international calls through the satellite gateway system now installcd at A1 Arnouu. Three mobile phone networks are expected to be functioning by January. And Internet use set to burgeon. The aim is to increase the number of wnnections fiom 4500 under Saddam to 50,000 by January. Health care Nearly au 240 hospitals in iraq are now hctioning and no longer is access to health care being used as a political tool. Doctors salaries have been increased 8 times. With the help of UNiCEF, a national immunisation pmgramme has been launched. Over 30 million vaccines have been procured and distributed by the Ministry of Heaith since July. An estimated 3 million iraqi children under the age of 5 have been vaccinated while over 100,000 pregnant, nursing women and malnourished children have received supplementary high protein food ration. Training has begun of more ihau 8000 heaith workm to suppoit screening and management of acutely malnourished children. The drug supply at the Govemorate level is generally sufficient, but there are still some distribution problems lower dom the chaia Schools Most schools had opened by the end of June, with nearly 5.5 million children taking exams in June and July. The Coalition and NGOs have rehabilitated 1,595 schools, with work on a further 200 ongoing - a programme employing more than 35,000 iraqis. Meanwhile schools in Al Basrah province that have not yet been rehabiiitated have each bcen given an emergency p ut of $500 by the UK military to help with immediate repairs. 1.5 million school kits are being distributed to secondary school children and 70 million revised textbooks will be printed by the end of December. Iraq's higher education institutes have received 97,000 applications for the 2003-4 academic year, an increase of 50% from last year. All 22 universities have reopened, as have 43 tecimical schwls.

Economic and Reconstruction Efforts Economic manaeement and transoarency In addition to improving the provision of basic services, eshblishing a sound economic hmework and a transparent public expenditure system has been a key focus for the CPA. Working with the Governllig Council and the Iraqi ministries there have been a number of significant achievements. Fi, on 13 October, Minister of Finance Karnil al-gailani announced details of Iraq's 2004 Budget. For the hrst time in many decades iraq's resources are Wing used to pay for the needs of the Iraqi people, rather than to finance war mongering, oppression and decadence. That Budget and the status of the Development Fund for Iraq are available on the CPA web site (m.coa-iraq.orp3 - a marked conbast from the days of printing money to h c e an opaque, secret and regularly ignored budget under Saddam. In addition, we look forward to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) rapidly approving an independent public accountant to audit the Development Fund and export oil sales. IAMB members have already been wnsulted on procurement guidelines for the Development Fund, which are now being applied. Second, the Central Bank of Jraq is now independent, d i e under Saddam when political interference was common in credit and monetary policy, to the detriment of sound economic management. A new govemor, Dr Sinan Al-Shabibi, previously a senior economist at UNCTAD, was appointed in September, and a new central bank faw should be passed soon. Third, based on the pre-1990 designs, a new set of bank notes is replacing the two Iraqi currencies in circulation. The exchange, which involves handling over 2000 tonna of new notes, began on 15 October and is proceeding well. The new bank notes will provide a more effective means of cash payment and, perhaps more importantly, offer Iraqis confidence in and ownership of their currency. Reports suggest that the notes and desip are Wred. At the same time, non-cash means of payment are also being encouraged, through a restoration of the cheque-clearing system and the building of an electronic communications system for the banking sector. This system was used in October to enable timely payment of public sector salaries. Stimulatinp. economic activitv and emulovment These actions, carried out in close consultation with the International Financial Institutions, should help give both the Iraqi people and the international community new confidence in the public finances and economic management of Iraq. In addition, a key focus of our efforts has been the need to stimulate economic activity and tackle the major challenge of unemployment. New public works have given jobs to hundreds of thousands of people - over the summer more than three times the number of people employed in the Iraqi oil industry were employed in the restoration of the water supply canai networks in Iraq. The "Towards a Cleaner and Bnghter Iraq" programme m by the Migistry of Municipalities and Public Work has been employing tens of thousands of Iraqis to clean their neighbourhoods.

Nonetheless, high unemployment will only be sustainably reduced with the successfui transition flom a centralised state dominated economy to a liberalised market based economy. A credit facility for smau and medium sized enterprises has been estabiished to foster the growth of indigenous industry, des on foreign direct investment have been introduced to bring new capital to the country, and a new pro-trade tarsregime has been passed by the Governing Council. The private sector must be encouraged to create employment and the Coalition and the Lraqi ministries have begun to create the wnditions in which this can happen. The international wntribution to Irao's recoostmction The international community has also been wming together to assist in iraq's reconstruction as was clearly demonstrated at Madrid last month when 73 countries attended the Iraq Donor's Conference. This event, most excellently hosted by Prime Minister Aznar, brought the needs assessments of the World Bank, IMF and UN Development Group - in addition to assessments &om the Iraqi adminsimtion and the 2004 Budget - to the attention of the international wmmunity. In response donors pledged more than $33bn with additional support in the form of technical and other assistance. This achievement will significantly assist the creation of a prosperous &e and democratic Iraq. To help them in rebuilding their wuntry, the people of iraq are also entitled to the overseas assets of Saddam's regime. It is crucial that Member States rapidly fuifil the obligation under 1483 to transfer such funds to the Development Fund for Iraq. The UK and its Overseas Territories had transferred $325m by 11 November. The US, has transferred the majonty of Iraqi assets frozen since 1990, totallig $1.7 billion, and the balance will be transferred shortly. Many other Member States are holding considerable assets fiozen since 1990. By fkeezing these assets, states have already detemiined that they were cootrolled by the former regime. Those funds should not remain idle but instead be put to work to help the Iraqi people rebuild their country. The international wmmunity will ned to agree a fair and sustainable solution to Iraq's extemal debt problems. The sooner this is done, the sooner Iraq can restore its creditworthiness and regain access to international capital markets to help finance reconstniction and development. The Pds Club has confimed its readiness to play a constructive role. It published an assessment of its members clairns on Iraq on 10 July 2003. The IMF has requested data flom other official creditors in order to make a fuil assessment of iraq's debt burden. All official creditors should cooperate with this process in order to speed a fair and sustainable solution to Iraq's debt problems. Human Riehts and Leeal and Judicial Reform A vital part of guaranteeing that the future political, legal and social structures of Iraq work for the benefit of all Iraqis is to ensure that human nghts and the nile of law are central. As part of creating a human right5 culture, the CPA has enacted legislation prohibiting torture and cruel degrading or inhumane treatment; outlawing discrimination by hose holding public office; and ensuring secure and humane prison wnditions. The CPA and USIUK govemments are also facilitating efforts to strengthen civil society and human

nghts education: disseminathg information and training and supporting the work of local NGOs through weekly meetings, conferences, and funding. The newly formed h4inistry of Human Rights, headed by Abdel Basset Turki, now employs 43 people. It is a clear signal that there is no place for oppression in the new Iraq. Mass Graves -a Brutal Legacy The extent to which human rights were disregarded by the previous regime is illustrated by reports received so far of more than 260 mass graves. Military and international forensic tearns have conducted initial assessments of around 35% of these sites. Based on these, the estimated number of people bwied in mass graves throughout Iraq is as much as 300,000. Putting this in perspective, the Bosnian and Kosovan mass graves contained about 30,000 and 7000 bodies respe-ctively. In addition, 18 out of 36 iraqi graves exatnined by the US Army CD contained evidence of airocities. It is clear therefore that investigation of these graves represents an extraordiiarily difficult chdenge and wiu take many years. The UK has sponsored two forensic tearns to work within the CPA Office for Human Rights and Transitional Justice. The first dved in May and conducted a scoping assessment. The second &ved in August and developed a Mass Graves Action Plan and a centralised Mass Graves Database. Because of the scale of the problem, a cmcial part of our assistance is focussed on building Iraqi capacity. Transitional Justice The number of mass graves drives home the importance of transitional justice. For those atrocities committed in the past against Iraqis, we believe that those respornible should be brought before an Iraqi-led process. Supported by the CPA, a Governing Council cominittee is drafling the Statute and Rules of Procedure for a Special Iraqi Tribunal. The CPA have developed an investigation strategy and a target iist of hose who should be prosecuted. A training programme in December will train Iraqi judges in relevant international hurnanitazian and human rights law. The CPA has also been CO-ordhating with the Governing Council Acwuntability and Rmnciliation Committee, which is looking into tmth and reconciliation processes. There are hundreds of thousands of documents to analyse and hundreds of potential witnesses to be identified. In the interim a procedure has been established whereby Iraqis are able to have a formal record made of their suffering. In addition, with the fate of thowands of missing persons is still unknown, the CPA has been working with the ICRC to develop the concept of a National Irad Bureau of Missing Persons. Local NGOs are being fimded to participate in these efforts. Role of Women On the issue of women, we are actively encouraging the broadest participation of women in the reconstruction of Iraq, in line with Resolution 1325. We hope Iraqi leaders will view tbis as an important part of introducing democracy.

Tbe presence of the late Akila Al-Hashimi, Songui Omar and Raja Habib Khurzai on the Goveming Council, and Nesreen Mustafa Sidiq Berwari as Minister for Public Works, has given women a base kom which to work. Further participation will increasingiy depend on female representation at the mid-ranking as well as top-raking political levels. There has been some succes on city councils and committees, for example, in Baghdad. However, much more needs to be done to give women a sustained and powerful voice, especially in the Transitional National Assembly and Interim National Govemment. That proces5 is underway. For example, a proposal to establish a Higher Council for Women, an umbrella organisation to which all women's organisations can affiliate, has been submitted to the Goveming Council. This proposal had been discussed at the Iraqi Women and Political Participation conference in Sulaymaniyah on 22-23 October- the second in a series organised by Iraqi women. The final conference is due to be held m Basrah in December to include so far under-represented women in the south. Judicial Reform The restoration of law and order rests, in part, on the development of a fuiiy functioning and effective justice system. A Central Criminal Court of Iraq (CCCI) is now up and running with juisdiction over crimes wmmitted since 19 March 2003. The Court tries cases of particular seiiousness as deiined in CPA order 13. The judges and prosecutors of the CCCI are aii Iraqi and operate independently and impartially. The Court operates within the Wework of the Iraqi court system, including a two-stage appeal process. Separately from the Central Criminai Cowt, over 600 iraqi judges preside over some 500 Iraqi courts. Smce the end of the conflict 300 cases have been tried and the pace of judicial operations is increasing. Supervision of iraq's judicial and prosecutorial system is canied out by the re-established Council of Judges. The Council operates independently and invatigates degations of professional misconduct and incompetence, takes necessary disciplinary or administrative actions, and nominates lawyen to fil1 judicial and prosecutorial vacancies. The Council of Judges was first estabtished in 1964, but had been abolished by the previous regime in 1979. In addition, the Judicial Review Committee (JRC) is reviewing every judge and prosecutor in Iraq for membership of the Ba'ath Party, complicity in human rights violations, or conuption, to ensure that the Iraqi justice system is run by people of integrity. The penal code has been amended to include new rigbts: right to counsel; right against selfincrimination; right to be informed of these nghts; and the absolute exclusion of evidence obtauied through torhue. The iraqi Bar Association has established a system of public defenders and $5 million has been provided by the CPA for legal aid.

United Nations Security Council Provisional 2 1 November 2003 Original: English Sao0311101 -- United Kingdorn of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: draft resolution The Securiiy Council. Recalling all of its previous relevant resolutions. Recdlingfur~her its earlier decision in resolution 1483 (2003) of 22 May 2003 to tcrminate ihe Sccurity Council Committee established punuant to resolution 661 (1990). Stmsing the importance of all Member States fulfilling their obligations under paragraph 10 of resolution 1483 (2003). Deiermining tbat the situation in Iraq, although improved, continues to constihite a thnat to international peace and seaurity, Acting under Cbapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, l. Decides to establisb. with immediate effect, in accordance with nile 28 of its provisional les of procedure, a Comminee of the Security Council, consisting of all the memben of thc Council, to continue to identify pursuant to parapph 19 of resolution 1483 (2003) individuals and entities referred to in paragraph 19 of that resolulion, including by updating the list of individuals and entities that have already been identified by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 661 (1990), and to report on its work to the Council; 2. Decides to adop1 the guidelines (reference SCl7791 IW365 of I2 June 2003) and definitions (reference SC17831 1W372 of 29 July 2003) previously a ped by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 661 (1990). to implcment the provisions of paragraphs 19 and 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), and further decides that the guidelines and definitions can be amended by the Comminee in light of furtier considerations; 3. Decides that the mandate of the Comminee referred to in paragraph I above will be kepi under review and to consider ihe possible authorisation of the additional lask of observing Member States' fulfilment of their obligations under paragraph 10 of resolution 1483 (2003); 4. Decides to remain seized of tbe maner.