Interview 1: Rundvisning

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Interview 1: Rundvisning Ebru: Sådan der, så begynder vi Majken: Når Dem der er 18 til 22 de går i skole 4 gange om ugen i sprogskole Ebru: Okay ja Majken: Og, dem over 22 de har 2 gange om ugen også har de praktik 2 gange om ugen, men her i påsken har skolen lukket. Så der har vi her i lejren besluttet at alle de unge får praktik i hele ugen så vi er lidt spændt på at det ryger Jonas: Hvordan praktik? Majken: Det er simpelthen rengøring og alt muligt, alt hvad der er i lejren også samle, ja skrald op udenfor og rundt om lejren også for at holde os gode venner med naboer, ja også toiletter og bad og alt muligt ikk. Jonas: Og skolen er det en folkeskole eller sprogskole Majken: det er sprogskole, nede på kaserne ja så har vi også en tøjshop hvor det også kan være en del af praktikken. For eksempel at snakke med studerende kan også være en del af praktikken når man taler godt engelsk ik. Så nu må vi se i næste uge hvordan det kommer til at gå, og det er derfor der er nogen af dem i skulle tale med som lige så at nu havde de en uges fri det har de jo aldrig, så derfor er det bare om at komme afsted hvis man har familie eller noget i Jylland ik. Gruppen: nååår ja Majken: så. Hun sagde det lige til mig i går der Im going 9 days to Århus, jaaai så ville jeg ikke ødelægge det for hende. Så øhm så det ja faktisk ja rigtig fint og jeg tænker måske at vi, i kan, nu hvor Ahmad kan vise jer, den første Ahmad, han kan jo lige vise jer indenfor. Øh fordi der bor han også kan store Muhammad, som vi kalder ham, øh han bor nemlig lige i A3 så kan han vise jer teltlejren. Så kan de jo, ja, snakke lidt om hvordan det har været for dem. Ebru: Og hvor mange beboer er der cirka? Majken: Lige nu er vi omkring 300, der er plads til 600 Ebru: Hold da op Majken: Så vi er. Der er lige lukket et center nede i Rødby, helt nede på Lolland så det er derfor vi skal have 100 derfra, vi har så fået lov at dele det op så vi fik 30 i går, så vi ikke får 100 på én gang Ebru: lidt løbende Majken: ja præcis. Så nu henter jeg lige nogle kort til jer 1

Ebru: skal jeg så bare slukke imens Gruppe: ja LYDFIL 160110_0022 Gruppen: latter og støj Maiken: Vi har cirka 20 forskellige nationaliteter Gruppen: okay Maiken: Det er rigtig mange og ja vi kan jo ikke engang altid huske dem selv ik så vi er også opmærksomme på det når vi snakker med dem at for os er det ikke vigtigt hvor de kommer fra, hvis nogen gange man kommer ind i et telt hvor der bor en fra et land som han ikke kan lide eller en by i det land eller et eller andet, så siger vi tit prøv at hør det er det i alle sammen er flygtet fra, det skal i ikke tage med her og det kan være svært rigtig svært. Jonas: hvor kommer de fleste fra? Maiken: øh ja syrer og rigtig mange Iran og Irak har vi også rigtig mange ik. Og der er jo morgenmad, frokost og aftensmad i det telt i var inde der og øh ja det jo både godt og skidt nu Ahmad som i skal tale med ham ved jeg er rigtig glad for morgenmaden og der er mange som der er meget utilfreds med maden Ebru: ja, for det er ikke det de lige er vant til måske? Maiken: nej og det er svært med så mange forskellige nationaliteter fordi der er jo nogle der spiser meget krydret mad og nu har jeg lært efter at iranerne er ikke så glad for krydret mad, så det kan godt være rigtig svært og som jeg plejer at sige at hvis man har en lejre med 300 både svensker og nordmænd og danskere så vil der også være ballade ik. Det er sku lidt svært at gøre alle tilfredse. Ahmad: Welcome Gruppen: Thank you Maiken: We talked about Ahmad if you show them around inside and this area Ahmad: This area Maiken: yeah Ahmad: okay Maiken: And then Ahmad(Ahmad) show them the other section, okay so Ahmad: okay yeah. Lets go guys come come. Hej my name is Ahmad 2

Jonas: Hej. Im Jonas nice to meet you Ahmad: Nice to meet you to. So this our entertaintment, we play ping pong and billiard, everytime we are here we find happines Ebru: Most of them is men? Ahmad: Yes, the actuelly the womens is going to the internet cafe sometimes Ebru: okay yeah Ahmad: and men of course have more entertainment than the women Ebru: but do the womens come here Ahmad: øh not to much, I didnt see any girls here, but maybe couple of people is coming here men and women together Jonas: This is the best place? Ahmad: actually this is the best place around Næstved. This is the smoking area. This building is for womens they are seperated of mens living here. This is office job when we have work or something is possible for us. We see the monitor and come here. Gruppe: okay Ahmad: And we can go inside and see Jonas: so were are you from Ahmad: Im from Iran Jonas: And how long have you been in Denmark Ahmad: 1 month, I came 18 of february Jonas: okay. All the way from Iran Ahmad: Yes, I pass 9 or 10 country to reach here over 7 months. 7 months I away. This section is for we can go and see Ebru: This is the bathroom Ahmad: this is the toilet and bathroom for women and men. The last container is for women and these to is for men and sometimes we have cold water only its not a good generator or temperature. This is our second entertainment its a Internet cafe. Jonas: do you use it to talk to you family or Ahmad: no no im not talking to my family i only come here to listen to music some movie, like Revenant have you see it? Jonas: No no I havent seen it yet, but is it good? Ahmad: its really good of course man its leonardo de caprio Ahmad: but you can use it for skype or facebook or 3

Ahmad: yeah yeah we have to many cellphones (?) to use and its free for us and the connection is good Jonas: Nice nice *støj* Ahmad: All the people sleeping here we have number for the rooms Jonas: its a bit small I can see Ahmad: Its really small thats why Im always outside. Jonas: How many people are living here do you know that Ahmad: you know to many people is come in transfer every day every week, I think almost 300 people Jonas: Yeah in the whole place, but in here maybe 50-60 people or Ahmad: I think so yeah, maybe 150-100 Serwin: yeah, which country do you come from Ahmad: Iran Serwin: Yeah okay Ebru: how old are you Ahmad: Im 26 Ebry: okay yeah Ahmad: this room is for satelite or see some movie or television Jonas: oh yeah nice Ahmad: Its good its massive Jonas: will you be part of the interview afterward also Ahmad: not yet actually I have to fill some paper about my interview, maybe its next week I dont know exactly Jonas: but we are doing a interview after the tour Ahmad: You are Jonas: All of us is doing a interview with some of the residence Ahmad: yeah yeah you can Jonas: but will you be one of them Ahmad: øøøøøh Serwin: what was your name Ahmad: Ahmad Serwin: Yeah I think we are going to interview you *forvirring* 4

Ahmad: Its a simpel name AHMAD *latter* Jonas: but I think Maiken told us that you will be part of the interview as well if you want to Ahmad: yeah its not a problem its okay Jonas: okay because then we will yeah wait on some of questions for later Ahmad: Okay okay thats not a problem. Do you study sociology Jonas: Yeah humanistisk studies øh but yeah sociology, antropology or psychology. Ahmad: This monitor is for post for work post and for school for everything Jonas: Information Ahmad: when your number is on the monitor you have to go to the office and check whats your number Bjørn: do you have a number to Ahmad: No, im not here, i do my best here always *latter* Ebru: Is there any childrens here Ahmad: No no actually this camp is for single people Gruppe: okay *overrasket* Ahmad: the girl is here and the boys is in the other section Ebru: there is not any married couple here Ahmad: there is 6 couple here and they are seperated, maybe sometimes they are walking together and talking together or something like this. So you can see there if you want to (dame afdelingen). They are not allowed (drengene) to go there. *snakker imellem os* LYDFIL 160110_0023 *banke lyd* Ebru: Hej vi forstyrrer lidt her, vi har nemlig fået lov til at gå rundt og kigge lidt Serwin: Vi kommer fra et universitet Ebru: vi skal interviewe nogen også får vi lige en rundvisning inden Asylcentrets medarbejder: det er bare i orden Ebru: I kontrollere bare eller hvordan *2 af centrets medarbejdere tjekker værelserne* 5

Asylcentrets medarbejder: nej, vi skal bare se om det hele er som det skal være og om de har noget de ikke må have. Ebru: okay, på den måde *støj* *vi hilser på folk* Jonas: so do you have any idea about how long you are going to stay here at this place Ahmad. I dont know exactly because we are under the police, they check us they see us we are going to praktik we are goin to red school i think they say to red cross that we can go under cover the red cross and then we continue there. Jonas: okay Ahmad: you come here Jonas: yeah in the beginning Ahmad: yeah you saw here so if you want you can fill some coffee, tea, water Gruppe: Thank you Ahmad: its free for all *latter* Ahmad: any coffee Jonas: jo jeg vil gerne have en Bjørn: jeg vil også gerne Ebru: skal jeg holde den der (diktafonen) *vi tager billeder med vores telefoner* LYDFIL 160110_0024 Jonas: dont drik coffee that late because then you cant sleep Lille Ahmad: yeah yeah its not good really because more coffein, when I drink to many coffee at night I giving a heart attack, it mix with your blood Gruppe: *latter* yeah Jonas: hvad skal der ske nu ved i det LYDFIL 160110_0025 Jonas: something called fasi Ahmad: yeah actually long time ago we called it parsi after the øh to many years mix with little bit of arabic language and we speak now farsi and parsi and most of my country speak to many language because we have to many traditiona in my country kurd. Turkish we have some kind of people living in north Iran Ebru: okay, you can talk turkish Serwin: no 6

Ahmadi: yeah yeah I can Serwin: oh you can Ahmad: yeah yeah a little bit *latter* *vi leder efter Muhammad* (*navnet er anonymiseret) Jonas: Thats the one Gruppe: Hej Muhammad Muhammad: Hej jeg hedder Muhammad Jonas: jeg hedder Jonas Muhammad: Hyggeligt at møde dig Gruppe: i lige måde *latter* *Ahmad og Muhammas snakker sammen på fremmed sprog* Ahmad: see you again Jonas: see you later Gruppe: bye *støj* *Gruppen snakker internt med hinanden* *Vi er i teltet som Muhammad sover i* Muhammad : And this øh living 8 person som people have a family in here some places: Odense, Fredericia, Vejle they have family and they can go they are allowed to go and live with the family so on the monday and tuesday we have 8 people in here on the sleep and they are sleeping in here we have problem about with the sleep and the tense, this is not good for the refugees thats to bad. You know we dont have any windows here, there is bad smell, talking to much and everything is problem in here. So this is the first time we also came from Afghanistan and direct living in here in this tent, because this is the first time I saw this tent and in Afghanistan we have everything, we never live in this tent we have everything in Afghanistan just not safe on there so we coming herre, so now we are lucky and in here we are fine at peace in Denmark. Denmark is a democratic country and the people of here are very kind and they can help with us, we are happy now. Just from Afghanistan to Denmark are a long way one month I go on the way so know 2 months I was been in this camp. I just look in some difference in here, difference culture, difference religion difference people. Ebru: do you have any family here 7

Muhammad : no, I dont have any family in here. I came with my wife from Afghanistan, I lost also my wife on the way Gruppe: Im so sorry Muhammad: She left from Iran and after that I dont know where she is. But i saw near at the ocean from Turkey to Athena and thats to dangerous there I saw and I looked I came by boat and lots of children and lots of babies with me, they all the time crying. Thats to dangerous to me. And also I looked I didnt find my wife and I lost she and so know I came here and within to accept a long time I maybe 1 years after 1 years finishing our interview after that I dont know we will accept in this country. But I dont know what is in the future. So just within for that if we will accept we can find I can find my wife and something like that. I came in here distance is no good for the refugees not only me all of the refugees are looking in distance and something reminde them in Afghanistan like me, before in Afghanistan I was work with the taskforce international company I was in there translater I have responebility for the security I have more clients from America from UK so everything in Afghanistan we have, nice salery, nice car, nice house everything we have just not safe on there. I get the plan and after that I get directly here, so now Im safe in here im feeling because Denmark is good country I like and I love, I hope in the future will be accept and I want to live in this country I like. Because I saw the people in here is very difference very kind I saw 2 months I was go in here I saw difference everything difference. In Afghanistan if you looked something, everything is difference the culture, the people if you are talking to the people, everything is difference. What I saw in here is very good the people in here are very good, if we need something we can talk with them they can help us very good I like. I know this camp long time long øh hm 1 years we will be accept but some difference people in here from difference country so just sometimes maybe you will see on the tv that we have fighting in here because difference people live in here. They dont like to life in peace, so I hope that person will be moved from this camp to other place, so now I just feeling well not inside the tent, so tentes is not good for the refugees because all like me before we have Inside our company similar like this tent we just put something tools (?) something in this tent, we never lived in it and sleep inside, so this is the first time we sleeping in here, that new for me. The weather in here is very bad we dont have any windows as you see, this is not good for the refugees Ebru: Yeah, there is closed and there is no air Ahmad: yeah to closed. But the smell in here, to many people talking 8 person thats not good. Some people wants to sleep early, some people wants to speak with the family on the phone, we can stop that people, so this is our problem. I know this camp is really good, the staff in 8

here are very active they can make (?) we have good food in here good person the staff we have (?) everything active everything is good, yes the tent is problem. I hope in the future the government of Denmark should be move all of this tent I hope maybe bring should be bring some cantine or something make like a building or something, thats very good for the refugees. Serwin: Thank you Muhammad :: You are welcome LYDFIL 160110_0026 Muhammad: I think this is very expensive for the government of Denmark you see, we have like this aircondition its very expensive, they should making and bring us some cantine that really cheap for the government of Denmark, see thats a lot of tents we have a lots of people are living in here, in each tent living 8 person its not good Muhammad: But what did you do in Afghanistan Muhammad : In Afghanistan I have responsebility I have sometimes I do translater for the clients Jonas: like for soldiers or Muhammad : yeah for the military. I have responsebility with the security and I do the training AK, PK and something like that. Se because I know about the security about that company I was work before thats belongs to thats name is taskforce for business and (?) opreations thats belongs to the department of defense Jonas: In Afghanistan Muhammad : Yes, in Afghanistan. In the world the situation all the green we have is also explosion and sometimes I drive the D6 the armer car with the clients, thats just to dangerouse to me. Then I get the plan I should come here. This is all of our tents, here is our toilets our toilets are from here to there, when w eget shower then we go inside the tent we go say, because some days of course in the morning it feels get the shower that the wheater is to cold then we go inside the tent we sick. So there should be, we should have a toilet everything closed you know, not like this tents. We need cantine we should have everything the toilets everything we should have. Se here we have 2 cantines one is belongs to praktik, some refugees in here we have praktik we clean this camp and we clean outside and something like that. After praktic we get, somebody never do the praktik they can get they money so w eget the money every 2 weeks 106 krones, so I know thats a little Ebru: for a week work? 9

Muhammad : yes, after cleaning and everything, finish. So we get 124 krones. So thats not enough for the refugees, I know some refugees here using to much in (?) thats not enough for them, so thats also a problem with that and also we have here praktik on the other side, we have clothes shop. If the refugees coming new, they get it from here some clothes, shoes, jacket everything. So we have everything now in here. Just some problems with the money and the tents something like that. Lets walk on the other side. Are you living in Næstved? Gruppe: No, Copenhagen *Vi går lidt rundt* Jonas: But we are from a university called Roskilde university Muhammad: Roskilde, yeah I have heard that. In Afghanistan I have more information about Roskilde, Copenhagen, Næstved some places Vejle, Fredericia. Nice place in here, well I like Copenhagen *latter* Ebru: He is going to wash his clothes? Muhammad : ah yes, we have a machine, washing machine here and everything. We need to wash and put it there. See the refugees is cleaning Gruppe: yeah Muhammad : we have also in this area 2 cantines like this on the police smooking, they are not allowed to smok inside and thats really good. Did you see inside the house? Gruppe: yeah Muhammad : there are also a lot of refugees here, they have also a problem with the sleep. They cant sleep and they are talking to much. Some people want to hear music, wants to dance and like, thats also a problem. I think thats it *intern snak* LYDFIL 160110_0027 Adnan: University.. college. Ebru og Serwin: College? Okay ja, gymnasie. Adnan: Also, they making project about how they are living (asylum seekers), yeah and can also intend/intense(??) They asking so much questions before. Ebru: Yeah, okay. Our project, it s about democracy. Adnan: About democracy here? Okay. Just ask the question and we will all try to answer. Ebru: Yeah hehe. Ahmad: Im Ahmad* Adnan: I m Adnan * 10

Admad: Adnan. Adnan: Adnan Ahmad: Where are you from? Adnan: Iraq Ebru: Iraq? Ahmad: :Nice to meet you. Adnan Nice to meet you. Adnan: And you? Ahmad: I m Ahmad. I m from Iran. Iran? Ahmad: Yes. Ebru: How old are you? Adnan: I m syv og tyve. Ebru: Syv og tyve år! Adnan: Ja. Pause, da vi finder ud af, hvem vi ellers skal interviewe da Khuloud (som var hende vi skulle interviewe) skulle til Århus for at besøge familie. Vi fik i stedet en kvinde ved navn Natasha, som ikke kunne engelsk, som Adnan oversatte for. Nu går interviewet i gang: Ebru: You re from Iraq? Adnan: Yeah, I m from Iraq. Ebru: Iraq, Iran. Ahman: We re neighbors together but they re different languages. Ebru: What s your name? Adnan og Natasha: Nastasha. Ebru: And how old are you? Nastasha: Syv og tyve år. Ebru: Also syv og tyve. Ebru: And you re from? Adnan, også Nastasha: Syria. Ebru: Syria? Yeah okay. Pause, da vi venter på at de andre ankommer. Jonas: Would it be okay with all of you if we filmed it? Ebru: But we don t show it to anyone. Serwin: We won t say any names. 11

Ahmad:: If you show it to someone we will get so popular. Ebru: Yeah *griner*. But we don t show it. It s just for us so we can... But if you don t want to, it s okay. Bjørn: We don t need to make a film or take photos. Adnan: She won t say but I know she (Natasha) wouldn t do it (the interview). Ebru: That s fine. Så kommer Muhammad derhen. Ebru: Muhammad:, can you come and sit closer? 12