Fra programmering til informatik

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Computational Thinking (CT) Computational Fluency Computationelle færdigheder Informatik Programmering Kodning

Danmarks Vækstråd "Her & nu"-anbefaling: "Computational Thinking" gøres til en integreret og obligatorisk del af uddannelse - i folkeskolen - på ungdomsuddannelser - på de videregående uddannelser - på voksen- og videreuddannelsesforløb Det er afgørende at det rette digitale og analytiske videnniveau også sikres blandt undervisere i uddannelsessystemet.

It som vidensområde It som understøttende teknologi

Understøttelse Teknologisk, praktisk, pædagogisk og fagligt Vidensområde Som fag I fag Digital dannelse 3.0 Computational Thinking (Computational Literacy) Specialist Kun relevant for GYM ( for karriere, fordybelse) Generalist ( for livet, almendannelse) Som fag Informatik It som definerende teknologi og arbejdsform til innovation af fag I fag Som fagligt værktøj/medie i fag Instructional technology : CAS i matematik, it-værktøjer i kommunikation, Khan Academy,... E-læring og samarbejdsværktøjer Digital produktion og deling heraf, samarbejdsværktøjer, feedback, digital eksamen,... It-literacy ( It-kørekort, digital literacy ) Søge og filtrere information, vurdere sikkerhed og troværdighed, bearbejde, agere og kommunikere,... Teknologi og infrastruktur Computere (herunder tablets), netværk, robotter, 3D-printere,...

Informatik det 21. århundredes matematik


Aritmetik 4 + 7 23 + 49 7 4 53 17 3 9 28 61 15 : 3 84 : 6 Matematik a + b a (b c) (a + b) (a b) (a + b) 2 2x 2 2x 12 = 0

Læse Skrive Forstå Formulere Strukturere Kommunikere Kalkulere (konkret) Fortolke Formalisere Reducere Kalkulere (abstrakt) Abstrahere Analysere Relatere Vurdere Processere (kan selv udføre) Syntetisere [ Reproducere ]

Læse Skrive Forstå Formulere Strukturere Kommunikere Kalkulere (konkret) Fortolke Formalisere Reducere Kalkulere (abstrakt) Abstrahere Analysere Relatere Vurdere Syntetisere [ Skabe ] Programmere (Computational Thinking) (beskrive så "agent" kan udføre)

Processere kan selv udføre manuelle og kognitive processer Programmere (Computational Thinking) kan forstå og udarbejde ikke blot repræsentationelle, men generative beskrivelser (skaber handling når de fortolkes/udføres)

Udbredelse Tre største virksomheder Detroit 1990 Ikke 10% eller 20% så gode forretninger, men 100 gange så gode forretninger! Næsten 10.000% Silicon Valley 2014 Omsætning 1.710 mia. 1.695 mia. Ansatte 1,2 mio. 137.000 Markedsværdi 655 mia. 7.465 mia. Transformering af brancher og professioner Delvis eller total automatisering hurtigere end de fleste forestiller sig advokater ejendomsmæglere finansanalytikere læger revisorer forsikringsmæglere bibliotekarer journalister markedsanalytikere Implikationer for uddannelse!

Digital automation og innovation i fag Kilde:

It er ikke bare endnu en teknologi Andre teknologier strækker vores fysiske formåen It strækker vores mentale formåen og giver radikalt nye muligheder

Computational Literacy for All The fourth r reading riting rithmetic rithms Computational Thinking and Practice ~ Computational Literacy It i gymnasiet.23

2013 Udbredelse 2014 2015 2016 In the new economy, CS is not an optional skill, it is a basic skill, right along with the three R's


Informatik og CT Nyt dannelsesområde Nye basiskompetencer for alle Computational Tysk... Musik Teknologi Design Innovation Datalogi Samfundsfag Programmering Engelsk Naturgeografi Afsætning Virksomhedsøkonomi Historie Fysik Oldtidskundskab Kemi Bioteknologi Thinking Spansk Biologi Kinesisk Læsning Skrivning Informatik Matematik Matematik er naturvidenskabens sprog Informatik er (snart) alle fags sprog


Grundtese for et informatikfag i skolen Med it kan mennesker skabe, dele, håndtere tanker, produkter, processer, services skabe nye, effektive grænseoverskridende muligheder utænkelige uden digital teknologi

Nyt informatik-fag for alle GYM Et alment fag kreativt revolutionerende grænseoverskridende meningsfuldt udbud for alle inspiration til videregående uddannelse Mål: syv målpunkter som definerer it-faget it-systemer & menneskelig aktivitet interaktionsdesign af it-systemer sikkerhed, netværk & arkitektur repr. & manipulation af data formålsrettet konstruktion programmering innovation Tilhørende didaktiske principper Et elastisk fag

Andres vurdering af Informatik i DK Professor Michael Kölling King's College, UK Vice-Dean of Education Central aktør i CAS Professor Mark Guzdial Georgia Tech, USA Advisor på K-12 CS Framework The new Danish high school curriculum has the potential to influence the future of the country, both intellectually and economically, and is widely recognised as world-leading in an area that is now recognised as a problem in many other countries. The teaching of computer science at school level is currently being reformed in various countries, including the UK, the USA, Israel, New Zealand, South Korea, Germany, etc. The initiative in Denmark was not only several years ahead of its equivalents elsewhere; it is also considered one of the best designed approaches in existence. Many countries have recently established or are in the process of establishing nationwide computing curricula. The effort in Denmark is notable for having a set of articulated principles for what belongs in the curriculum. The paper by Caspersen and Nowack describing these principles is referenced as model in discussions of computer science curricula for schools.

C Center for omputational T hinking Aarhus University Som fag Professor Kurt Jensen Udd.-manager Søren Poulsen Institut for Datalogi Lektor Ole Caprani I fag Lektor Clemens N. Klokmose Ph.d.-stud. (postdoc) Winnie Soon Ph.d.-stud. Thomas Hvid Spangsberg Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur... Professor Ole Sejer Iversen Andre relevante fagmiljøer

Computational Thinking (CT) Seymour Papert Introduced CT in 1980 Jeannette Wing Re-coined CT in 2006 CT is the use of programming as an extension of our mind to experience and understand the world, to manipulate the world, and to create things that matter to us. CT is the thought processes involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution(s) in a way that a computer (human or machine) can carry it out.

Jeannette Wing om CT (2006-...) Computational thinking is the thought processes involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution(s) in such a way that a computer human or machine can effectively carry it out. CT embraces the ability to think about computing in context in terms of interactions algorithmically in terms of decomposition in generalisations, identifying and making use of patterns in abstractions, choosing good representations, and in terms of evaluation Associated techniques Reflecting: Making judgement Coding: Express design as code Designing: Working out structure Analysing: Decomposing, abstracting, seeking commonalities (patterns) Applying: Adopting pre-existing solutions to meet requirements of another context

Computational Thinking á la CAS, UK

Andre ressourcer om CT

Nogle (få) artikler om CT (2006-2016)

Curriculum Framework, USA Cross-Cutting Concepts Abstraction System Relationships Human Computer Interaction Privacy and Security Communication and Coordination C O R E 297 sider

Core Concepts Computing Systems (3) Devices Hardware and Software Troubleshooting Impacts of Computing (3) Culture Social Interactions Safety, Law, and Ethics Networks and the Internet (2) Network Communication and Organization Cybersecurity Data Analysis (4) Collection Storage Visualization and Transformation Inference and Models Algorithms and Programming (5) Algorithms Variables Control Modularity Program Development

Data Analysis Inference and Models Overview Data som grundlag for forudsigelser, slutninger, beslutninger og teoridannelse. I tidlige klasser lærer eleverne at bruge data til at lave simple forudsigelser. Senere lærer eleverne hvordan modeller og simuleringer kan bruges til at undersøge teorier og forstå systemer. Siden lærer de hvordan forudsigelser og slutninger påvirkes af mere komplekse og større datasæt og digitale modeller. 2. klasse 5. klasse 8. klasse 12. klasse Data Analysis (4) Collection Storage Visualization and Transformation Inference and Models

Core Concepts: Learning Goals Computing Systems (3) Devices Hardware and Software Troubleshooting 2. 5. 8. 12. Networks and the Internet (2) Network Communication and Organization Cybersecurity 17 delemner Data Analysis (4) Collection Storage Visualization and Transformation Inference and Models Algorithms and Programming (5) Algorithms Variables Control Modularity Program Development Impacts of Computing (3) Culture Social Interactions Safety, Law, and Ethics 68 læringsmål

Core Practices: Learning Goals 1. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture (3) Include the unique perspective of others Address the needs of diverse users Employ self- and peer-advocacy 2. Collaborating around Computing (4) Cultivate working relationships Create team norms, expectations, and equitable workloads Solicit and incorporate feedback Evaluate and select technological tools 7. Communicate About Computing(3) Select, organize, and interpret Describe, justify, and document Articulate ideas responsibly C O R E Computational Thinking Practices 3. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems (3) Identify complex, interdisciplinary, real-world problems Decompose complex real-world problems Evaluate appropriateness and feasibility 4. Developing and Using Abstractions (4) Extract common features Evaluate existing technological functionalities... Create modules and develop points of interaction Model phenomena and processes and simulate systems 23 læringsmål (12. klassetrin) 13 af disse er CT-praksisser 5. Creating Computational Artifacts (3) Plan the development Modify an existing artifact Create a computational artifact 6. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts (3) Systematically test Identify and fix errors Evaluate and refine



OECD: 2030 Education Framework

Disciplines 2025 Education Framework Applications, Implications and Grand Challenges Climate Transportation Sustainability Health Food... Interdisciplinary and Applied Skills (21 st century skills) Science Technology Health Foreign Languages Humanities Arts Business Social Sciences Disciplinary Skills Reading Writing Informatics Mathematics Foundational Disciplines and Skills

Disciplines 2025 Education Framework Applications, Implications and Grand Challenges Climate Transportation Sustainability Health Food... Interdisciplinary and Applied Skills (21 st century skills) Science Technology Health Tinkering & maker mindset Design thinking Foreign Languages Humanities Arts Business Social Sciences Disciplinary Skills Reading Writing Informatics Mathematics Foundational Disciplines and Skills

Form og rammer (skiftende) Applied Skills (21 st century skills) Kontekst implikationer, anvendelser og (store) udfordringer Fundamentale discipliner viden, færdigheder og kompetencer Indhold (stabilt) Andre discipliner viden, færdigheder og kompetencer

Hvordan kommer vi dertil? 10 år 5 år 3 år 1 år

Vi har behov for... En national strategi for informatik i uddannelse Det 21. århundredes "matematik Planer for realisering Ambitiøs og agil udvikling af curriculum, faglighed og lærerkompetencer Tostrenget strategi (informatik/'computational thinking' som fag og i fag) Højkvalitets digitalt uv-materiale (elever, lærere, forældre) Produktlinje-strategi (f.eks. planer på 1, 3, 5 og 10 års sigt) Ekstraordinær indsats højt i fødekæden Ressourcer Teknologipagt Alle må bidrage: stat, regioner, kommuner, udd.-institutioner og erhvervsliv Ekstraordinært samarbejde Universiteter, professionshøjskoler, skoler,...

Bonus Slides

Informatik Programmering Kodning

X X' CT i X Computational Thinking (CT) Computational Fluency Computationelle færdigheder Informatik Programmering Kodning

Den største fare er ikke kloge robotter men dumme mennesker... Camilla Mehlsen, Teknologiens testpiloter (2016)

Den mørke Middelalder

Kontrolpanel til civilisationen

In a digital age whoever holds the keys to programming ends up building the reality in which the rest of us live. - Douglas Rushkoff Videoklip på YouTube

4. industrielle revolution + Radikalt nye muligheder + Almendannelse i stedet for dark age Informatik og CT en ny basiskompetence for alle

Everyone should learn a computer language because it teaches you how to think. - Steve Jobs

Edsger W. Dijkstra Turing Award Lecture (1972) Automatic computers have now been with us for a quarter of a century [nu næsten 70 år]. They have had a great impact on our society in their capacity of tools, but in that capacity their influence will be but a ripple on the surface of our culture, compared with the much more profound influence they will have in their capacity of intellectual challenge without precedent in the cultural history of Mankind. [...] This challenge, viz. the confrontation with the programming task, is so unique that this novel experience can teach us a lot about ourselves. It should deepen our understanding of the process of design and creation, it should give us better control over the task of organizing our thoughts. If it did not do so, to my taste we should not deserve the computer at all!

De videnskabelige domæner Teknik-, natur og sundhedsvidenskab Naturen kan forstås måles og vejes Studie af og manipulation med naturen Humaniora Studie af menneskets kulturprodukter og sprog Samfundsvidenskab Studie af samfund og organisationer Informatik/Computing Verden (den reelle og den imaginære) er 'computable' Studie og konstruktion (prototyper) af computationelle strukturer, processer, artefakter og systemer Rige relationer til og implikationer for de tre klassiske videnskabelige domæner

Data, data, data... Maskiner Sensordata komplekse data Personer Job, privat, internet Virksomheder Databaser OLTP Hastighed Variation Volume Variation Volume Volume 10 1 X 10 2 X 10 4 X