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CONFÉRENCE DES RÉGIONS PÉRIPHÉRIQUES MARITIMES D EUROPE Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe e.mail: web: The regional GDP of the years 2012 and 2013 at NUTS2 level were published by Eurostat on 21 march 2015. Below is a comparison between average GDP of the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 used to determine the structural funds eligibility in the three categories of regions (Less Developped Regions LDR, Transition and More Developed Regions MDR) and a eligibility simulation redefining in which category the regions could be if the more recent data published are used. 1- Regions which would change eligibility if the more recent three years average GDP was used CPMR members 2007, 2008 and 2009 Structural Funds eligibility 2014-2020 Czech Republic Jihovýchod 73 LDR 3 Transition 76 Ireland Border, Midland and Western 96 MDR -10 Transition 86 Greece Dytiki Makedonia 85 Transition -21 LDR 64 Ionia Nisia 84 Transition -16 LDR 69 Sterea Ellada 86 Transition -21 LDR 64 Peloponnisos 75 Transition -15 LDR 60 Voreio Aigaio 76 Transition -18 LDR 58 Notio Aigaio 112 MDR -35 Transition 77 Kriti 83 Transition -20 LDR 63 Spain Galicia 91 MDR -8 Transition 83 Principado de Asturias 97 MDR -11 Transition 85 Cantabria 102 MDR -15 Transition 87 Castilla y León 99 MDR -10 Transition 89 Comunidad Valenciana 93 MDR -11 Transition 82 Andalucía 80 Transition -9 LDR 71 Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta (ES) 94 MDR -16 Transition 78 Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla (ES) 89 Transition -17 LDR 72 France Centre (FR) 91 MDR -1 Transition 90 Bourgogne 92 MDR -2 Transition 90 Bretagne 90 MDR -1 Transition 89 Italy Molise 83 Transition -9 LDR 74 Sardegna 79 Transition -7 LDR 72 Portugal Região Autónoma da Madeira (PT) 103 MDR -29 LDR 74 United Kingdom Tees Valley and Durham 78 Transition -6 LDR 72 Northumberland and Tyne and Wear 90 MDR -6 Transition 84 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire 95 MDR -8 Transition 88 West Midlands 97 MDR -8 Transition 89 Essex 93 MDR -6 Transition 87 Outer London 99 MDR -10 Transition 90 Kent 92 MDR -7 Transition 86 Dorset and Somerset 94 MDR -6 Transition 88 South Western Scotland 101 MDR -13 Transition 89 GDP difference Eligibility simulation based on GDP average of 2011, 2012 and 2013* 2011, 2012 and 2013 1/7

CPMR members 2- Full table comparison Belgium 2007, 2008 and 2009 Structural Funds eligibility 2014-2020 Eligibility simulation based on GDP average of 2011, 2012 and 2013* 2011, 2012 and 2013 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 220 MDR -9 MDR 211 Prov. Antwerpen 135 MDR 5 MDR 141 Prov. Limburg (BE) 96 MDR 3 MDR 100 Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen 105 MDR 3 MDR 109 Prov. Vlaams-Brabant 123 MDR 3 MDR 126 Prov. West-Vlaanderen 110 MDR 3 MDR 114 Prov. Brabant Wallon 116 MDR 14 MDR 130 Prov. Hainaut 76 Transition 2 Transition 78 Prov. Liège 86 Transition 3 Transition 89 Prov. Luxembourg (BE) 79 Transition 0 Transition 78 Prov. Namur 82 Transition 3 Transition 85 Bulgaria Severozapaden 27 LDR 1 LDR 29 Severen tsentralen 29 LDR 2 LDR 31 Severoiztochen 36 LDR 0 LDR 36 Yugoiztochen 35 LDR 2 LDR 37 Yugozapaden 71 LDR 2 LDR 73 Yuzhen tsentralen 30 LDR 2 LDR 32 Czech Republic Praha 174 MDR 0 MDR 173 Strední Cechy 74 LDR 0 LDR 74 Jihozápad 70 LDR 2 LDR 72 Severozápad 64 LDR -1 LDR 63 Severovýchod 66 LDR 2 LDR 68 Jihovýchod 73 LDR 3 Transition 76 Strední Morava 64 LDR 3 LDR 67 Moravskoslezsko 68 LDR 2 LDR 70 Denmark Hovedstaden 148 MDR 8 MDR 155 Sjælland 89 Transition -3 Transition 86 Syddanmark 111 MDR 1 MDR 111 Midtjylland 114 MDR 0 MDR 113 Nordjylland 109 MDR -2 MDR 107 Germany (part 1 of 2) Stuttgart 137 MDR 16 MDR 153 Karlsruhe 132 MDR 3 MDR 135 Freiburg 113 MDR 5 MDR 118 Tübingen 122 MDR 8 MDR 131 Oberbayern 162 MDR 8 MDR 170 Niederbayern 115 MDR 5 MDR 120 Oberpfalz 123 MDR 4 MDR 127 Oberfranken 112 MDR 2 MDR 114 Mittelfranken 132 MDR 0 MDR 132 Unterfranken 116 MDR 8 MDR 123 Schwaben 120 MDR 3 MDR 122 Berlin 102 MDR 12 MDR 114 Brandenburg 76 Transition 10 Transition 87 Bremen 159 MDR 0 MDR 158 Hamburg 187 MDR 9 MDR 196 Darmstadt 156 MDR 3 MDR 159 Gießen 108 MDR -1 MDR 106 Kassel 114 MDR -1 MDR 113 2/7

Germany (part 2 of 2) Braunschweig 110 MDR 15 MDR 124 Hannover 113 MDR 6 MDR 119 Lüneburg 84 Transition 1 Transition 85 Weser-Ems 101 MDR 7 MDR 108 Düsseldorf 133 MDR 1 MDR 134 Köln 117 MDR 11 MDR 128 Münster 98 MDR 10 MDR 108 Detmold 110 MDR 9 MDR 119 Arnsberg 107 MDR 3 MDR 110 Koblenz 96 MDR 9 MDR 105 Trier 94 MDR 5 MDR 99 Rheinhessen-Pfalz 106 MDR 10 MDR 116 Saarland 112 MDR 4 MDR 116 Dresden 88 Transition 0 Transition 89 Chemnitz 83 Transition 2 Transition 85 Leipzig 90 MDR 4 MDR 94 Sachsen-Anhalt 84 Transition 1 Transition 85 Schleswig-Holstein 101 MDR 0 MDR 100 Thüringen 84 Transition 1 Transition 85 Estonia Eesti 68 LDR 3 LDR 71 Ireland Border, Midland and Western 96 MDR -10 Transition 86 Southern and Eastern 151 MDR -5 MDR 146 Greece Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki 68 LDR -15 LDR 53 Kentriki Makedonia 75 LDR -16 LDR 59 Dytiki Makedonia 85 Transition -21 LDR 64 Thessalia 71 LDR -15 LDR 55 Ipeiros 64 LDR -10 LDR 54 Ionia Nisia 84 Transition -16 LDR 69 Dytiki Ellada 66 LDR -9 LDR 58 Sterea Ellada 86 Transition -21 LDR 64 Peloponnisos 75 Transition -15 LDR 60 Attiki 120 MDR -18 MDR 102 Voreio Aigaio 76 Transition -18 LDR 58 Notio Aigaio 112 MDR -35 Transition 77 Kriti 83 Transition -20 LDR 63 Spain Galicia 91 MDR -8 Transition 83 Principado de Asturias 97 MDR -11 Transition 85 Cantabria 102 MDR -15 Transition 87 País Vasco 135 MDR -13 MDR 123 Comunidad Foral de Navarra 131 MDR -14 MDR 117 La Rioja 113 MDR -12 MDR 102 Aragón 114 MDR -10 MDR 104 Comunidad de Madrid 135 MDR -7 MDR 128 Castilla y León 99 MDR -10 Transition 89 Castilla-la Mancha 83 Transition -7 Transition 76 Extremadura 72 LDR -7 LDR 65 Cataluña 121 MDR -11 MDR 110 Comunidad Valenciana 93 MDR -11 Transition 82 Illes Balears 111 MDR -12 MDR 99 Andalucía 80 Transition -9 LDR 71 Región de Murcia 87 Transition -10 Transition 77 Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta (ES) 94 MDR -16 Transition 78 Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla (ES) 89 Transition -17 LDR 72 3/7

France Île de France 176 MDR 1 MDR 176 Champagne-Ardenne 95 MDR 0 MDR 95 Picardie 83 Transition -1 Transition 82 Haute-Normandie 94 MDR 0 MDR 94 Centre (FR) 91 MDR -1 Transition 90 Basse-Normandie 84 Transition 3 Transition 88 Bourgogne 92 MDR -2 Transition 90 Nord - Pas-de-Calais 87 Transition 0 Transition 87 Lorraine 85 Transition -3 Transition 81 Alsace 101 MDR -1 MDR 100 Franche-Comté 86 Transition -3 Transition 83 Pays de la Loire 96 MDR 0 MDR 96 Bretagne 90 MDR -1 Transition 89 Poitou-Charentes 86 Transition 1 Transition 87 Aquitaine 94 MDR 1 MDR 95 Midi-Pyrénées 95 MDR 0 MDR 96 Limousin 83 Transition -3 Transition 80 Rhône-Alpes 109 MDR -1 MDR 108 Auvergne 87 Transition 0 Transition 87 Languedoc-Roussillon 85 Transition -2 Transition 83 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'azur 100 MDR 2 MDR 102 Corse 87 Transition 2 Transition 89 Guadeloupe (FR) 66 LDR 7 LDR 72 Martinique (FR) 72 LDR 2 LDR 74 Guyane (FR) 51 LDR 2 LDR 53 Réunion (FR) 66 LDR 0 LDR 66 Mayotte (FR) - LDR LDR 28 Croatia Jadranska Hrvatska 60 LDR -3 LDR 58 Kontinentalna Hrvatska 63 LDR -1 LDR 62 Italy Piemonte 113 MDR -5 MDR 108 Valle d'aosta/vallée d'aoste 132 MDR 2 MDR 134 Liguria 111 MDR 2 MDR 113 Lombardia 134 MDR 2 MDR 136 Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen 145 MDR 4 MDR 149 Provincia Autonoma di Trento 124 MDR 4 MDR 128 Veneto 121 MDR -8 MDR 114 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 119 MDR -10 MDR 109 Emilia-Romagna 129 MDR -7 MDR 122 Toscana 113 MDR -5 MDR 108 Umbria 98 MDR -6 MDR 92 Marche 106 MDR -10 MDR 96 Lazio 121 MDR 2 MDR 123 Abruzzo 86 Transition 1 Transition 88 Molise 83 Transition -9 LDR 74 Campania 66 LDR -3 LDR 63 Puglia 69 LDR -5 LDR 63 Basilicata 74 LDR -4 LDR 70 Calabria 67 LDR -8 LDR 59 Sicilia 68 LDR -5 LDR 63 Sardegna 79 Transition -7 LDR 72 Cyprus Kypros 97 MDR -4 MDR 93 Latvia Latvija 54 LDR 6 LDR 60 4/7

Lithuania Lietuva 58 LDR 11 LDR 69 Luxembourg Luxembourg 273 MDR -11 MDR 262 Hungary Közép-Magyarország 105 MDR 1 MDR 106 Közép-Dunántúl 56 LDR 2 LDR 58 Nyugat-Dunántúl 61 LDR 6 LDR 67 Dél-Dunántúl 44 LDR 1 LDR 44 Észak-Magyarország 40 LDR 0 LDR 39 Észak-Alföld 40 LDR 1 LDR 42 Dél-Alföld 42 LDR 2 LDR 44 Malta Malta 79 Transition 6 Transition 85 Netherlands Groningen 175 MDR 7 MDR 182 Friesland (NL) 107 MDR -10 MDR 97 Drenthe 102 MDR -9 MDR 93 Overijssel 114 MDR -5 MDR 109 Gelderland 112 MDR 0 MDR 112 Flevoland 99 MDR 2 MDR 101 Utrecht 156 MDR 2 MDR 157 Noord-Holland 150 MDR 11 MDR 161 Zuid-Holland 134 MDR -2 MDR 133 Zeeland 123 MDR -18 MDR 104 Noord-Brabant 132 MDR 3 MDR 135 Limburg (NL) 117 MDR -8 MDR 108 Austria Burgenland (AT) 83 Transition 4 Transition 87 Niederösterreich 102 MDR 3 MDR 105 Wien 161 MDR 1 MDR 161 Kärnten 105 MDR 3 MDR 108 Steiermark 108 MDR 6 MDR 115 Oberösterreich 123 MDR 6 MDR 130 Salzburg 142 MDR 8 MDR 151 Tirol 130 MDR 4 MDR 134 Vorarlberg 131 MDR 2 MDR 133 Poland Lódzkie 52 LDR 9 LDR 61 Mazowieckie 91 MDR 13 MDR 104 Malopolskie 49 LDR 9 LDR 58 Slaskie 61 LDR 8 LDR 70 Lubelskie 39 LDR 7 LDR 46 Podkarpackie 39 LDR 7 LDR 46 Swietokrzyskie 45 LDR 4 LDR 49 Podlaskie 42 LDR 6 LDR 48 Wielkopolskie 60 LDR 10 LDR 70 Zachodniopomorskie 51 LDR 4 LDR 55 Lubuskie 49 LDR 5 LDR 55 Dolnoslaskie 62 LDR 12 LDR 74 Opolskie 48 LDR 5 LDR 53 Kujawsko-Pomorskie 49 LDR 5 LDR 54 Warminsko-Mazurskie 42 LDR 5 LDR 47 Pomorskie 55 LDR 8 LDR 63 5/7

Portugal Norte 63 LDR 0 LDR 63 Algarve 86 Transition -9 Transition 77 Centro (PT) 65 LDR 1 LDR 66 Lisboa 110 MDR -3 MDR 108 Alentejo 72 LDR -1 LDR 71 Região Autónoma dos Açores (PT) 73 LDR -3 LDR 70 Região Autónoma da Madeira (PT) 103 MDR -29 LDR 74 Romania Nord-Vest 42 LDR 4 LDR 46 Centru 44 LDR 5 LDR 49 Nord-Est 28 LDR 4 LDR 32 Sud-Est 36 LDR 7 LDR 43 Sud - Muntenia 38 LDR 3 LDR 41 Bucuresti - Ilfov 107 MDR 23 MDR 130 Sud-Vest Oltenia 35 LDR 5 LDR 40 Vest 50 LDR 8 LDR 58 Slovenia Vzhodna Slovenija 73 LDR -5 LDR 68 Zahodna Slovenija 107 MDR -10 MDR 97 Slovakia Bratislavský kraj 169 MDR 12 MDR 181 Západné Slovensko 68 LDR 2 LDR 70 Stredné Slovensko 57 LDR 1 LDR 58 Východné Slovensko 49 LDR 2 LDR 51 Finland Länsi-Suomi 105 MDR -1 MDR 105 Helsinki-Uusimaa 157 MDR -6 MDR 151 Etelä-Suomi 104 MDR -2 MDR 102 Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi 94 MDR 0 MDR 94 Åland 140 MDR -1 MDR 139 Sweden Stockholm 171 MDR 7 MDR 178 Östra Mellansverige 105 MDR 5 MDR 110 Småland med öarna 109 MDR -1 MDR 108 Sydsverige 108 MDR -1 MDR 107 Västsverige 117 MDR 3 MDR 120 Norra Mellansverige 105 MDR -2 MDR 103 Mellersta Norrland 112 MDR 1 MDR 112 Övre Norrland 113 MDR 9 MDR 122 6/7

United Kingdom Tees Valley and Durham 78 Transition -6 LDR 72 Northumberland and Tyne and Wear 90 MDR -6 Transition 84 Cumbria 89 Transition -2 Transition 87 Greater Manchester 98 MDR -6 MDR 92 Lancashire 85 Transition -6 Transition 78 Cheshire 117 MDR -2 MDR 115 Merseyside 80 Transition 2 Transition 82 East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire 86 Transition -6 Transition 80 North Yorkshire 96 MDR -4 MDR 92 South Yorkshire 85 Transition -10 Transition 75 West Yorkshire 98 MDR -5 MDR 93 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire 95 MDR -8 Transition 88 Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire 108 MDR -15 MDR 93 Lincolnshire 80 Transition -4 Transition 76 Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire 95 MDR -2 MDR 93 Shropshire and Staffordshire 84 Transition -5 Transition 79 West Midlands 97 MDR -8 Transition 89 East Anglia 102 MDR -3 MDR 99 Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire 120 MDR -9 MDR 111 Essex 93 MDR -6 Transition 87 Inner London 327 MDR -6 MDR 321 Outer London 99 MDR -10 Transition 90 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire 147 MDR 4 MDR 151 Surrey, East and West Sussex 116 MDR -4 MDR 112 Hampshire and Isle of Wight 111 MDR -2 MDR 109 Kent 92 MDR -7 Transition 86 Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area 117 MDR -4 MDR 113 Dorset and Somerset 94 MDR -6 Transition 88 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 73 LDR -4 LDR 69 Devon 88 Transition -6 Transition 82 West Wales and The Valleys 70 LDR -4 LDR 66 East Wales 103 MDR -10 MDR 93 Eastern Scotland 112 MDR -12 MDR 99 South Western Scotland 101 MDR -13 Transition 89 North Eastern Scotland 154 MDR 10 MDR 164 Highlands and Islands 84 Transition -1 Transition 83 Northern Ireland (UK) 86 Transition -4 Transition 82 *Eligibility changes 7/7