Eksamensnummer: BA 2011 Et iperspektiv på Corporate branding. Bilag 2, side 5-7: De 17 livsfaser af Louise Byg Kongsholm

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11. Bilag Bilag 1, side 2-4: Trends i analysen af Susanne Louw Bilag 2, side 5-7: De 17 livsfaser af Louise Byg Kongsholm Bilag 3, side 8-9: Tribal aspects of postmodern consumers af Bernard og Véronique Cova Bilag 4, side 10: Isbjerget af Edgar Schein Bilag 5, side 11-12: What is an iconic brand, af Douglas Holt Bilag 6, side 13-14: Consumer and their brands (relationship form), af Susan Fournier Bilag 7, side 15-16: Ferociously Interactive Multimedia, af Bija Gutoff Bilag 8, side 17-18: Apple, Euromonitor Bilag 9, side 19-20: Top Vision Statements, af Adam Bilag 10, side 21: Apple design illustrationer Bilag 11, side 22: Less of a job, more of a calling., Apple Side 1 af 22

Bilag 1 (http://www.markedsforing.dk/artikler/vis/artikel/trends-ianalysen/) TRENDS I ANALYSEN Gennemgående tema for Markedsanalysedagen 1997 var, hvordan man anvender trendsforskning i analyse- og reklame øjemed. Af: Susanne Louw Trækplasteret på årets Markedsanalysedag var Carl Rohde fra Holland, leder af Signs of the Time, Research Centre for International Mass Communication. Rohdes indlæg skulle bære dagens gennemgående tema: Anvendelsen af trendforskning i analyse- og reklame-øjemed. Vel forsynet med dagens første kande kaffe, lagde Rohde an til sit første indlæg: The mental habitus of a new generation. Indlægget handlede om de 12-24 åriges syn på livet (og specielt på os voksne), baseret på materiale fra en europæisk undersøgelse 1995-1997. Generation Next skiller sig, ifølge Rohde, stærkt ud fra resten af aldersgrupperne i de europæiske samfund. De kan mest af alt ikke længere chokeres over hverken nationers krige og depressioner, forældrenes fravær i hverdagen - eller for den sags skyld chokeres over reklamen i alle dens forskellige afskygninger. Generation Next har derfor valgt at sætte sin helt egen iscenesættelse i gang og konstruere sit helt eget individuelle særpræg: De taler ikke ret meget, virker mutte og synes i øvrigt, at livet som sådan er ret kedeligt. At der så også er en masse humor og nydelse blandet ind i denne åbenbart triste hverdag, skader åbenbart ikke dette særpræg af distance. Der er altså en stærk tendens til polarisering i denne gruppe. De unge har i dag en stor grad af frihed. Men friheden er ikke selvvalgt. Den skyldes i høj grad mangel på normer og værdier fra de altid fraværende forældre og andre voksen-forbilleder. Det medfører, ifølge Rohde, en stor grad af disorientering hos de unge, som skaber en distance til verden og får dem til at virke ganske uinteresserede i samme. På den anden side er der megen glæde og nydelse i Generation Next, som samtidig opfatter de unge år som de bedste i livet. Rohde's bud på at fange de unges interesse går i hovedtræk ud på følgende: Skab autentiske budskaber i de unges helt egen stil og miljøer. Gå ikke på kompromis. Tal ikke til dem som en målgruppe. De definerer - og omdefinerer hele tiden sig selv og sætter derved selv dagsordenen for kommunikationen til dem. Eksempler på dette er f.eks. den nye street-style og tatoveringer, bodypainting og piercing, hvormed de unge klart signalerer til os voksne, at de ejer sig selv, deres krop, meninger m.m. Man kan, ifølge Rohde, kalde de unges attitude for en no image - only the product - holdning. Et lyshav af dias illustrerede anvendelsen af disse hovedtræk i reklamen - bl.a. med eksempler på annoncer fra Diesel Jeans, Levis, Gauloises Blond, Pepsi Maxi m.m. Annoncer, som på hvert sit område signalerede anti-målgruppe og anti-image-holdning. Konklusionen på Rohde's første indlæg på dagen var, at reklamefolk altså ikke Side 2 af 22

hos Generation Next skal forvente at opnå loyalitet ( brand loyalty ) for et mærke - men snarere må stille sig tilfreds med en præference ( brand preference ) for mærket. RISK SOCIETY OG STRESS SOCIETY Rohdes andet hovedemne på dagen handlede om nogle mere generelle samfundstendenser, risk society og stress society. Risk society handler om de nye typer af trusler, vi står over for i dag. De er mere diffuse, end de risici, samfund til alle tider har måtte leve med. Forureningen som et eksempel. Det er den nye type af trusler, der, i følge Rohde, har skabt de kritiske forbrugere. Forbrugere, som i stigende grad har mistillid til producenter og forhandlere og dermed også til deres kommunikation og reklame. Forbrugerne i et risk society kræver f.eks. mere og mere socialt ansvar af erhvervslivet. Dette har bl.a. The Body Shop, Canon, McDonald's og Coca Cola taget konsekvensen af. Coca Cola har f.eks. på nogle af deres dåser et billede af en kinesisk fange, som mere signalerer Amnesty International end Coca Cola. Firmaers kommunikation må gerne signalere holdninger og meninger. Det styrker kun omdømmet og tiltrækker nutidens forbrugere. Den anden samfundstendens, stress society, handler om nogle af de tendenser, vi kan genkende fra debatten i Danmark. F. eks. et 24-timers samfund med åbne butikker hele døgnet og free-lance- og telarbejde som nye arbejdsmuligheder. Rohdes bud på, hvordan vi mentalt oplever et stress society, er følgende: - en diffus ængstelse kombineret med et strejf af skyldfølelse - en diffus oplevelse af usikkerhed og utryghed - bl.a. truslerne fra risk society - en meget konkret oplevelse af hastighed - alt skal gå stærkere - kynisme udtrykt som en what s in it for me -holdning lever i en ny discount-kultur, hvor vi kun evner at skimme markedet og ikke går i dybden. Skaber også en overfladisk adfærd blandt mennesker generelt i samfundet Virksomheder kan bruge denne viden til at skabe modvægt til disse tendenser ved at - tilføje reklamen spirituelle og filosofiske aspekter - tilbyde service, service, service - tilbyde de små momenter af afslapning - medtage humor mere end nogensinde - skabe flugtmuligheden i handling eller tanker - lave feel good -designs - æstetik og nydelse - ting skal virke - der er ikke tid til fejltagelser I et stress society søger vi lykken. Og hvor psykiateren var 80'ernes redningsmand, er lykkepillen det i 90'erne. Reklamen skal derfor, i følge Rohde, primært støtte lykkefølelsen i forbrugernes bevidsthed, så de oplever det øjebliks pusterum, de så hårdt har brug for. DANMARK FøLGER DE INTERNATIONALE TENDENSER I dagens program var der lagt op til, at Rohdes indlæg skulle relateres til det danske marked. Rohdes to indlæg blev vurderet af Claus Buhl fra Buhl UnLtd og Henrik Dahl fra ACNielsen, AIM. De erklærede samstemmende, at de ikke ubetinget delte Rohdes opfattelse af tidens tendenser i relation til forbrugerne og reklamen. Claus Buhl havde svært ved at dele Rohdes opfattelse af, at Generation Next generelt distancerede sig reklamen. Tværtom mente han, at de unge gerne vil lege med og ikke modsætter sig en vis iscenesættelse i reklamen. Buhl's synspunkt var, at nutidens reklamefolk - med tendenserne i baghovedet - mere skal tænke i retning af, hvordan reklamen skal være for at forbrugerne gør det rigtige ved den. Han henviste til den amerikanske trend inden for reklame, hvor der arbejdes meget med begrebet I-ing (jeg-oplevelsen). Tanken bag I-ing er tanken om, at jeg er en reklame. Hvor individualismen og den enkeltes personlige situation søges vist gennem reklamen - og gerne involveres i den. Buhl var enig med Rohde i, at de unge meget bruger det kropslige i deres Side 3 af 22

udtryk og gennem dette tilstræber fornyelse. Først var det ring i øret, så tatoveringer og piercing, i øjeblikket er det at brænde sig selv med gløder på kroppen og implantere ringe under huden. Buhls meget forsigtige gæt var så i øvrigt, at næste kropstrend blandt de unge vil blive at få fjernet f.eks. det yderste led af en lillefinger (!) Denne body-trend er meget svær analytisk at vurdere værdien af, så intuitionen spiller her en væsentlig rolle. Derfor ser Buhl også gerne, at analyse- og reklamefolk arbejder meget tættere sammen, end det ofte er tilfældet i dag. Buhl lagde også vægt på vigtigheden af at skelne mellem de store, generelle trends og de mere kortvarige overgange i tiden. Ikke alt skal udnævnes til trends, og alt skal derfor ikke bruges i udformningen af reklame. Henrik Dahl var enig med Rohde i de store generelle skift i tiden, men manede ligesom Buhl til forsigtighed med at udnævne alle skift i tiden til at være trends. Trends er, ifølge Henrik Dahl, mere en leg med intuition og muligheder end videnskabeligt baserede facts. Og alle gode lege har deres egne regler. Anvendelsen af tendenserne skal også følge bestemte regelsæt - f.eks. kan det være vigtigt at skele til de historiske perspektiver - filosofierne, de internationale udviklingstendenser gennem tiderne m.m. DE KVALITATIVE TESTS Resten af dagens program bød på flere indlæg om kvalitative tests. Tele Danmark havde måtte sande, at testresultater ikke er tilfældigheder. De havde ladet en række tv-spots teste, hvoraf nogle ikke fik publikums accept. Alligevel havde Tele Danmark valgt at vise dem og foretaget en opfølgende test. Testen før og efter viste helt klart samme resultat. De gode spots var stadig gode - og de dårlige skulle måske alligevel ikke have været vist. ALFA margarine havde baseret sin relancering på en kvalitativ markedsundersøgelse, Implicit Personality Analysis. Her var tendenserne inden for fødevare-området og danskernes kostvaner blevet brugt i kombination med en associationsteknik, som havde hjulpet til at tegne Alfa's fremtidige personlighedsprofil. Testen var baseret på indikationer mere end statiske forhold, hvilket giver begrebet kvalitativ analyse en ny og spændende dimension. Dagens program sluttede med en vurdering af kravene til fremtidens mærkevare-branche. Jesper Kunde fra Kunde & Co. behandlede - med udgangspunkt i sin nye bog Corporate Religion - emnet branding. Formålet er, ifølge Jesper Kunde, at få virksomhederne til at blive bedre til at matche forbrugernes krav. Det handler om troværdige og ansvarlige virksomheder mere end flere produkter og traditionel markedstænkning. Produkterne skal tilføres andre værdier over for forbrugerne, så de involverer sig i dem. Branding i fremtiden handler også om at styrke sit omdømme. Kun ved at værdisætte sit mærke - bl.a. ved at skele til nutidens stemninger - kan engagementet skabes hos den kritiske forbruger i dag. Side 4 af 22

Bilag 2 Uddrag Kongsholm2007 pp. 72-76 Side 5 af 22

Side 6 af 22

Side 7 af 22

Bilag 3 (Cova&Cova2001;69-70) Tribal aspects of postmodern consumption research several groups simultaneously, and that tribal membership does not involve set personality traits or the same values, but expresses a shared experience of maybe only some aspects of a person's personal history. Where the concept of tribe achieves a break with modern consumer research is in the comparison with the notion of segmentation, thought until recently to provide reliable consumer pro les to the marketer. A tribe is de ned as a network of heterogeneous persons Ð in terms of age, sex, income, etc Ð who are interlinked by a shared passion or emotion. On the contrary, to the tribe, a segment is de ned as a group of homogeneous persons Ð they share the same characteristics Ð who are not connected to each other. Tribal membership arises from a shared experience of reality Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982) and is not derived from an ordained consumer identikit based on quantitative analysis or otherwise. Tribal analysis may defer to a kind of behavioural segmentation where all tribe members display similar behaviour or attitudes with respect to a given product or service, but in general multiple tribal membership virtually precludes consumer segmentation, since membership of one tribe is hardly meaningfully discriminating. The tribe is more than an all pervasive vogue or trend engul ng society Morace, 1996). Vogues and trends tend to ignore the shared emotions and interactions among individuals, but tribes in contrast set great store by them. Tribes are also close to the clans and other traditionally avoured groupings in the sense that they participate in the reenchantment of the world and they do not limit themselves to teenage groupings, as shown by the number of adult tribes where people gather around shared `ordinary passions'; a quick look at the way do-it-yourselfers or genealogists gather together shows strong evidence of this latest point Bromberger, 1998a and 1998b). Thus, postmodern tribes are visible in mainstream markets and the relevance of their analysis is not limited to youth culture and fashions. Hundreds of car enthusiasts Bloch and Bruce, 1984) who gather every weekend around a cult object such as the ugly 2 CV CitroeÈn, the Mini Cooper or the legendary Ford Mustang are good examples of mainstream tribes. Indeed, CitroeÈn which is considered by its devotees to be `the most forward thinking and innovative mainstream motor manufacturer' can rely on the myriad of citrotribes to develop positive word-ofmouth; members of these citrotribes range from aged fans of old models such as the DS to young owners of the latest Saxo VTS. In the same vein, certain tribes are spontaneously constituted around plush toys and little electronic furry creatures such as the Beanie Babies produced by Ty Inc.) or the Furbys produced by Tiger Electronics). Chatboards on the Net are used by their members to discuss their shared passion Rauch and Thunqvist, 2000). Who are these people going online and chatting about plush toys? Are they outcasts of society or computer whizzkids? No, they are housewives, students, retired people, white-collar workers and so on. Their age is everything between 18 and 61 years. In fact, the consumer of today has more chance of nding tribes to belong to based on a free emotional choice rather than homogeneous demographics. The key concern of postmodern consumer research is to know which tribe s) to support in marketing terms. This approach places less emphasis on the product or service for a `speci c', `average' consumer, or indeed a segment of consumers. Instead it supports products and services that hold people together as a community of enthusiasts or devotees. This includes anything that strengthens community feeling or fosters a sense of tribal belonging and membership. The key concept here is the `linking value' of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour Vol. 1, 1, 67±76 #Henry Stewart Publications 1472-0817 69 Side 8 af 22

Bernard Cova and Ve ronique Cova product/service Cova, 1997). This refers to the product's, or service's, contribution to establishing and/or reinforcing bonds between individuals. Such linking value is rarely intentionally embedded in the use value of the product/service concept, yet it is a quality that merits our careful attention. The greater the contribution of a product or service to the development and strengthening of the tribal bond, the greater its linking value will be. IDENTIFYING THE TRIBE Compared with consumer segments, tribes are not easy to identify using modern consumption variables. Perhaps a metaphor from quantum physics can be helpful in illustrating this dif culty. Tribes are like elementary particles: hard to measure because they exist but don't exist. Tribes are fuzzy; more societal sparkle than socio-economic certainty. They are shifting aggregations of emotionally bonded people, open systems to which a person belongs and yet doesn't quite belong. It takes a small revolution in consumer research know-how to understand tribes. Modern, rational analysis likes to de ne the scope of a thing, to describe its speci c characteristics. But tribes will not brook this approach; their logic is too frail. Take the Buddhists as a tribe constituted on shared religious consumption patterns. What is the population of Buddhists in France? According to the INSEE, the French national statistical of ce, there are 600,000 Buddhists there. But what is the signi cance of the response in a country where 45 million declare that they are Catholic but less than 10 per cent are regular churchgoers? `It is the difference between the number of individuals that form the hard core of the community, actively contributing to its organisation and life, and the total number of individuals who express sympathy and broadly identify with it on special occasions' Le QueÂau, 1998: 174). How many people identify or sympathise with Buddhism, for example, when the Dalai Lama visits France? The INSEE survey allows, of course, only one response, although Buddhism does not exclude being Catholic and sharing a Buddhist philosophy. So what are the characteristics of the Buddhist tribe? Dr Wilson's attempt to describe Buddhists in the UK shows the fallacy of the modern statistical/ quantitative/descriptive/normative approach. The eminent Oxford professor surveyed a representative sample of Buddhists throughout the country only to nd that the average Buddhist had the same pro le as a resident of London! Le QueÂau, 1998). The analysis is meaningless. The only point is that Buddhists are more to be found in big cities. Maybe not such a coincidence after all since cities are rather large spaces of human loneliness! In fact the bond of the tribe, its underlying logic Ð its shared experience, interpretation, representations, discourse and action Ð goes unnoticed. Everything unquanti able and qualitative slips through the lter. Buddhists adhere by cooptation. The shared experience of suffering in a soulless city is a more powerful selector than any sociodemographic category. Tribes convey signs that members identify with. Such signs or traces of identity cannot express the totality of belonging but provide helpful hints and put people on to the path of understanding. There are at least two types of tribal traces: temporal traces and spatial traces. In temporal terms tribes emerge, grow, reach their zenith, languish then dissolve. Their underlying logic is timeless and fragmented. For example, in the funky music scene Cathus, 1998: 92), `the tribe exists when it springs to life with the crowd. The coteries, rock groups and posses with their own identities dissolve in the crowd for the brief moment of its existence. All differences vanish for an 70 Journal of Consumer Behaviour Vol. 1, 1, 67±76 #Henry Stewart Publications 1472-0817 Side 9 af 22

Bilag 4 - Edgar Scheins Isbjerg Side 10 af 22

Bilag 5 (uddrag Holt2004;pp.1, pp.4) Side 11 af 22

Side 12 af 22

Bilag 6 (Fournier1998;pp.362,pp.367) Relationship form Definition Arranged marriages Casual friends/buddies Marriages of convenience Committed partnerships Best friendships Compartmentalized friendships Kinships Rebounds/avoidance-driven relationships Childhool friendships Courtships Dependencies Flings Emmities Secret affairs Nonvoluntary union imposed by preferences of third party. Intended for long-term, exclusive commitment, although at low levels of affective attachment. Friendship low in affect and intimacy, characterized by infrequent or sporadic engagement, and few expectations for reciprocity or reward. Long-term, committed relationship precipitated by environmental influence versus deliberate choice, and governed by satisfying rules Long-term, voluntarily imposed, socially supported union high in love, intimacy, trust, and a commitment to stay together despite adverse circumstances. Adherence to exclusivity rules expected. Voluntary union based on reciprocity principle, the endurance of which is ensured through continued provision of positive rewards. Characterized by revelation of true self, honesty, and intimacy. Congruity in partner images and personal interests common. Highly specialized, situationally confined, enduring friendships characterized by lower intimacy than other friendship forms but higher socioemotional rewards and interdependence. Easy entry and exit attained. Nonvoluntary union with lineage ties. Union precipitated by desire to move away from prior or available partner, as opposed to attraction to chose partner per se. Infrequently engaged, affectively laden relation reminiscent of earlier times. Yields comfort and security of past self. Interim relationship state on the road to committed partnership contact. Obsessive, highly emotional, selfish attractions cemented by feeling that the other is irreplaceable. Separation from other yields anxiety. High tolerance of other s transgressions results. Short-term, time-bounded engagements of high emotional reward, but devoid of commitment and reciprocity demands. Intensely involving relationship characterized by negative affect and desire to avoid or inflict pain on the other Highly emotive, privately held relationship considered risky if exposed to others. Enslavements Nonvoluntary union governed entirely by desires of the relationship partner. Involves negative feelings but persists because of circumstances. Tabel 2.2 Typologi over forbruger-brand relationsformer (kilde: Fournier 1998: 361) (Fournier1998;362) Side 13 af 22

Fournier1998;367 Side 14 af 22

Bilag 7 (Uddrag af Gutoff) http://www.apple.com/pro/profiles/schedel/ Margaret Anne Schedel: Ferociously Interactive Multimedia By Bija Gutoff Margaret Anne Schedel packs the brio of an entire orchestra into a life built around music and computers. Even as she applies the final polish to A King Listens, the multimedia opera she created for her doctoral thesis in interactive music composition, Schedel keeps spinning a dozen other plates: serving on music association boards, playing cello in ensembles, teaching MIDI and computer music, consulting as an audio engineer, organizing concerts and festivals, writing for music journals and planning an artist-in-residence sojourn to China. I felt like a drug dealer, going around Cincinnati and stopping people on the street, saying, Hey, ya wanna make some art? Still, it s easy to get her to stop and talk about her passion for music. I call the music I create and perform ferociously interactive, she says. It s interactive between the performer and the composer, the computer, the audience. I m fascinated by collaboration with other creative people and connecting with listeners. To create A King Listens, which premiers in June at Cincinnati s stunning new Contemporary Arts Center, Schedel interacted ferociously with her team of six colleagues (director, videographer, stage manager and designers of set, lighting and costumes) and her suite of Apple technologies, including PowerBooks and Power Macs running Logic, Final Cut Pro, imovie, idisk, ichat and itunes. The Mac has been the dominant platform for musicians for a long time, says Schedel, and now, with Mac OS X, the number of Macs you see at international computer music conferences has skyrocketed. Musical Soundscapes Schedel calls her project, which was inspired by a short story of Italian author Italo Calvino, an existential examination of success and succession. She s quick to point out that while it s not what most people think of as opera, it s closer to opera than to any other form. We bring together multiple arts. Sounds weave shapes, which are illustrated through live and electronic performances and influence each other in real time through technology. The opera features a Cubist-style set in shades of gray, black and white. Eight chorus members are dressed in white, while the king (played by Schedel s real-life boyfriend, Berkeley-trained tenor John Paul Young), all in black, perches on a Side 15 af 22

throne. The costumes are amorphous, explains Schedel; sometimes they open up and become part of the set and we project images on them. A King Listens doesn t use dialog or libretto to tell its story. Instead, what Schedel calls musical soundscapes and sonified gestures reveal the inner life of the monarch. I asked eight composers to write 50-minute soundtracks, says Schedel, and to manipulate the sounds so that, as the king goes mad, the whole reality becomes distorted. Teaching Audiences to Listen To create her soundscapes, says Schedel, I took the first sentence of each paragraph in the Calvino story, in Italian and English, and randomized them. I enjoy the human voice, but when audiences try to understand words, it gets in the way of the music. So I created a kind of nonsense language that transmits emotion. The meaning is not lost, she says. When I read four of my nonsense librettos to the chorus, they could easily identify which was the song about sedition, which was the love song, and so on even without words. So it ends up, for the audience, being more about feeling than cognition. While the opera does contain some traditional beautiful songs, Schedel concedes that a lot of the rest is noise but it s organized noise. For this composer, that s not a self-critique, but an exploration. The audience sees that the king is actively listening, she continues, and they re swept along with him. That, ultimately, is Schedel s goal as a musician. I find it so rewarding, she says, to help people learn to listen in a new way. Wanna Make Some Art? Schedel laughs as she remembers recruiting her team. When I picked the Calvino story to be my thesis project, she recalls, I went around campus trying to convince people to help me mount it. I felt like a drug dealer, going around Cincinnati and stopping people on the street, saying, Hey, ya wanna make some art? The composer soon found her dream team. I ended up working with a bunch of Mac heads! she says. And not one of these people is getting paid. From the outset, the Mac platform was central to Schedel s ambitious undertaking. When I found out my whole production team uses Macs, she says, it became a first level of bonding between us. I thought, Oh, we will get along. This brands us. Schedel relied on her new PowerBook for almost everything. It blows my mind that we can do this show on laptops, she says, because our applications are so processor-intensive. A year ago we would have needed a desktop machine. Now it s so convenient, especially for rehearsals, to not have to lug some huge thing around. On performance day, they ll run the show on two PowerBooks: one for audio and one for video. Side 16 af 22

Bilag 8 (uddrag Euromonitor;2011, pp.32)!""#$%&$'()*+%,)&'#-%.$//$/%01%)0+%+)*2#$%3&(*/%1"$&(0)1* The cult of Apple Advertising, product fanboys Apple has always operated a single brand for its hardware products. All ipods, Macs, iphones and other Apple products are marked with the Apple logo, and strong brand identity has been carefully created and controlled by the company. 2010, was a controversial attempt by Apple to claim that Macs were better than PCs (running Windows). In these series of advertisements, the PC was depicted as a fairly plain business man whilst the Mac was depicted as 20-something target audience and had limited success in increasing the sales of Macs. ilike to Queue Apple consumers are very brand loyal and most will continue to purchase other Apple products. This is mainly because Apple has been successful in securing repeat purchases from Apple consumers. Apple conferences and launch events generate so much hype that Apple customers have been known to queue up for miles. Sub-brands isomething Although Apple is the name of the company and the single brand in use, several sub-brands have been i value Apple has around 15 akin to city landmarks. Of these 15 flagship stores, seven are located within the US and the other eight across the world. The Regent Street flagship store is the most profitable retail outlet in London, with approximately 2,000 per sq ft in 2009. The Covent Garden flagship store, also located in London, is now the largest Apple store in the world, at almost 25,000 sq ft (2,320 sq m). There are unconfirmed rumours that the next flagship stores will open in Brazil and Ireland. 32 Side 17 af 22

Eksamensnummer: 286654 BA - 2011 Fortsat uddrag Euromonitor2011;31!"#$%&&'#$()*+,$ -+#$-.$/"#$0-1/$)#2-3+41*5'#$4+$/"#$6-)', 1976-1976 1977-1998 1998 - To date Re-branding of Apple is key to its success The first Apple logo depicted Isaac Newton sitting under an Apple tree contemplating scientific theory. Despite the fact that it was an interesting logo, it was not very recognisable and lasted less than a year before a new, more bold Technicolor icon appeared. given that the company was struggling in the mid-1990s a new look was required. The 1998 change of the Apple logo indicated the return of Steve Jobs to the company and marked his crowning as CEO of the organisation. The decision to change the Apple logo from rainbow to monochrome is a highly debated one and whilst some analysts have argued that it was cheaper to print the new logo on letter-headed paper, the reality is that the chrome 31 Side 18 af 22

Eksamensnummer: 286654 BA - 2011 Bilag 9 http://www.mba-tutorials.com/strategy/307-top-vision-statements.html Top Vision Statements December 8th, 2009 Adam Posted in Strategy 39,983 views No Comment Vision Statement is the statement of purpose or it can be also define as the long term road towards the future. Coca Cola Vision Statement To achieve sustainable growth, we have established a vision with clear goals. Profit Maximizing return to share owners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. People Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples; desires and needs. Partners Nurturing a winning network of partners and building mutual loyalty. Planet Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference. Dell Vision Statement Its the way we do business. It s the way we interact with the community. It s the way we interpret the world around us our customers needs, the future of technology, and the global business climate. Whatever changes the future may bring our vision Dell Vision will be our guiding force. So Dell needs full customer satisfaction. In order to become the most successful computer company, they need the newest technology and loyal customers. Microsoft Vision Statement Create experiences that combine the magic of software with the power of Internet services across a world of devices. Nestle Vision Statement Nestlé Norden s aim is to meet the various needs of the consumer every day by marketing and selling food of a consistently high quality. The confidence that consumers have in our brands is a result of our company s many years of knowledge in marketing, research and development, as well as continuity consumers relate to this and feel they can trust our products. High quality and collaboration Our objectives are to deliver the very best quality in everything we do, from primary produce, choice of suppliers and transport, to recipes and Side 19 af 22

Eksamensnummer: 286654 BA - 2011 packaging materials. Our operations and collaboration in the Nordic countries gives us greater opportunities to be efficient and strategic and to function well as an organisation, both when it comes to the distribution chain and to concentrating on joint product launches and campaigns. Focus on e-business and Web Sites Increased investments in the sphere of e-business give us swifter business and direct contact with trade. Our web site is a forum for consumers, students, future employees and the media. We hope that through a sincere approach and by conducting dialogues, we will be able to improve, change and satisfy the demands and wishes of the people of today. Pepsi Co Vision Statement PepsiCo s responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate environment, social, economic creating a better tomorrow than today. Our vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company. Google Vision Statement To develop a perfect search engine. Toyota Vision Statement To sustain profitable growth by providing the best customer experience and dealer support. Proctor & Gamble (P&G) Vision Statement To provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world s consumers Apple Vision Statement Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings. FedEx Vision Statement At FedEX the vision statement is Leading the way BMW (Bremen Motoren Werken) Vision Statement To become most successful premium manufacturer in the car industry. Nokia Vision Statement Connecting people and Very Human Technology Side 20 af 22

Eksamensnummer: 286654 BA - 2011 Bilag 10 www.apple.dk Side 21 af 22

Eksamensnummer: 286654 BA - 2011 Bilag 11 http://www.apple.com/jobs/us/welcome.html Working at Apple is a whole different thing. Because whatever you do here, you play a part in creating some of the best-loved technology on the planet. And in helping people discover all the amazing things they can do with it. You could call it work, or you could call it a mission. We call it a blast. We make things that make an impact. Like when someone creates their first video with imovie. Surfs the Internet the real Internet on an iphone. Or uses the built-in isight camera to video chat with their grandchildren. Making it all happen can be hard work. And you could probably find an easier job someplace else. But that s not the point, is it? Whether you want to be an ipod engineer, a Concierge at an Apple Retail Store, or a sushi chef on an Apple campus (yes, we have sushi chefs), we re looking for the best. People who are smart, creative, up for any challenge, and incredibly excited about what they do. In other words, Apple people. You know, the kind of people you d want to hang around with anyway. You ve got talents. We ve got some great ways for you to use them, including some you probably never thought of before. There are two great places to search for your dream job. Side 22 af 22