PH.D.-KURSER. på Institut for Statskundskab Aarhus Universitet. Kurserne udbydes i samarbejde med Institut for Statskundskab Syddansk Universitet

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PH.D.-KURSER på Institut for Statskundskab Aarhus Universitet Kurserne udbydes i samarbejde med Institut for Statskundskab Syddansk Universitet FORÅRET 2008

Indhold KURSUS 1: (10 ECTS) KVANTITATIVE METODER: DATAKILDER OG ANALYSE Ved Peter Bjerre Mortensen og Lise Togeby, Aarhus Universitet 5 KURSUS 2: (10 ECTS) SOCIAL RESEARCH AS A CRAFT: Ways and Means of Making a Good Research Design and Strategy by Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard, University of Southern Denmark Odense, and Thomas Pallesen, University of Aarhus 8 TILMELDING 13

KURSUS 1: (10 ECTS) KVANTITATIVE METODER: DATAKILDER OG ANALYSE Ved Peter Bjerre Mortensen og Lise Togeby, Aarhus Universitet KURSUSBESKRIVELSE De fleste af os beskæftiger os med Statskundskab, fordi vi ønsker at få større kendskab til samfundsmæssige fænomener. Vi vil også gerne finde årsagerne til, at tingene ser ud, som de gør. I den forbindelse er kvantitativ metode et nyttigt redskab. Det giver os mulighed for at få overblik over store datamængder og finde sammenhænge mellem variable. Men god kvantitativ dataanalyse kræver en lang række færdigheder, og disse færdigheder bliver mere og mere centrale kompetencer både inden for forskningsverdenen og i forhold til omverdenens krav til statskundskabskandidater. Derfor har dette kursus til formål at gøre deltagerne bedre til at bruge kvantitative metoder som redskaber. Kurset genopfrisker og udvider således deltagernes evne til at indsamle, behandle og analysere kvantitative data, og alle teknikkerne bliver afprøvet i praksis. Efter kurset skal deltagerne selv kunne vurdere kausalitetsmodeller, konstruere indeks, lave spørgeskemaer og være i stand til at analysere disse data på kvalificeret vis. Kurset består af tre hoveddele. For det første skal vi diskutere, hvordan vi med kvantitative metoder kobler teori og empiri. Vi skal f.eks. arbejde med at udvikle kvantitative indikatorer for komplekse begreber. For det andet skal vi selv indsamle data, hvilket sker i form af at konstruere og udsende et elektronisk spørgeskema. Endelig skal vi for det tredje blive bedre til at udnytte de kvantitative data fuldt ud. Vi skal med andre ord beskæftige os med analysen af datamaterialerne. I den forbindelse fokuserer vi på at blive gode til at anvende centrale teknikker inden for statskundskaben, nemlig regressionsanalyse og faktoranalyse. Kurset vil strække sig over syv undervisningsgange med fire timers undervisning om ugen. Kurset fokuserer på at forbedre deltagernes praktiske færdigheder. Derfor skal deltagerne løbende bruge de gennemgåede metoder på konkrete politologiske problemstillinger. Hver uge får deltagerne en konkret opgave (f.eks. konstruktion af en række spørgsmål til et spørgeskema). Disse opgaver løses skriftligt, afleveres til underviserne og udgør eksamen i seminaret. Under- 5

viserne giver en faglig tilbagemelding på hver opgave, herunder om den kan godkendes, men der gives ikke karakterer. Tilmelding foretages direkte til Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet, på et særligt skema, som findes på sidste side i denne pjece. Ansøgningsfristen er mandag den 7. januar 2008. Videre oplysninger kan fås hos Anne-Grethe Gammelgaard, tlf. 8942 1329. LITTERATUR Seminaret vil bl.a. bruge følgende litteratur: Agresti & B. Finlay, Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, third edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997 kap. 1-14 (dog eksklusiv afsnit 7.5 (p. 232)) samt afsnit 16.2 (pp. 624-629) (579 sider, genopfriskning) Kempf-Leonard, Kimberly, Editor-in-Chief (2005) Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Elsevier (vi bruger forskellige artikler fra denne encyklopædi. Der er online adgang fra universitets maskiner på Esaiasson, Peter (2003) Metodpraktikan. Konsten att studera samhälle, individ och marknad. Stockholm og Göteborg: Norsteds Juridik (uddrag). Tabachnich, Barbara & Linda S. Fidell (2001) Using Multivariat Statistics. Boston, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo og Singapore: Allyn and Bacon (uddrag) Manheim, Jarol; Rich, Richard; Willnat, Lars; Brians, Craig Leonard (2006) Empirical Political Science. 6. udgave. New York: Pearson (uddrag). FORELØBIG KURSUSPLAN Modul 1: Begreber 26. marts 2008 Introduktion, generelt om validitet og reliabilitet, den kvantitative forskningsproces, indekskonstruktion 1 6

9. april 2008 Brugen af og udviklingen af kvantitative indikatorer for mere komplekse fænomener (eksempelvis demokrati eller governance ) Modul 2: Operationalsering og indsamling af kvantitative data 16. april 2008 Spørgeskemakonstruktion 1 (fokus på målingen, problemer med målingen mv.) 23. april 2008 Spørgeskemakonstruktion 2 (opposition på udkast til spørgeskemaer) Modul 3: Dataanalyse 7. maj 2008 Grundlæggende statistiske begreber og bivariat regressionsanalyse (brush up) 14. maj 2008 Faktoranalyse og indekskonstruktion 2 21. maj 2008 Multivariat regressionsanalyse og kovariansanalyse (brush up) 7

KURSUS 2: (10 ECTS) SOCIAL RESEARCH AS A CRAFT: Ways and Means of Making a Good Research Design and Strategy by Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, and Thomas Pallesen, University of Aarhus COURSE DESCRIPTION All researchers, young or old, who are in the process of making a large scholarly analysis, are faced with a set of common challenges that relates to the art and craft of making a good study. Social science in general and political science in particular, is not an easily defined type of work or process. Even a superficial inspection of the articles appearing in scholarly journals will reveal an almost infinite number of themes covered, an abundant use of research methods signifying a plurality of ideals of best practice, and a true myriad of seemingly relevant sources and data. Notwithstanding the absence of agreed upon shared standards of good science, most scholars agree that doing good social science is also a craft a craft that can be learned. This course is an invitation to PhD-candidates who want to learn more about how to systematically tackle some of the issues pertaining to the craft of making good social science. We will only pay scant attention to the different techniques of data collection and analysis (interviewing techniques, statistical methods, etc.), and there will be no thematic umbrella for the course, although themes related to political science will be in focus. The teachers, Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard and Thomas Pallesen, are political scientists with a broad interest in comparative politics, public administration and public policy and methodology. Our methodological point of departure is the scholarly conventions that guide mainstream empirical social science. This implies that we as scholars develop theoretically informed hypotheses about the social world and hold open the possibility that these hypotheses can be proven wrong depending upon the results of ones empirical analysis. Unless we can be proven wrong, we can never be proven right either. 8

The focus of the seminar will be on the interplay between the Why, What and How of the research design and process. The correspondence between the motivation and normative concern of a research project (the why) and a particular research question is never one to one. There are always more ways to pose a research question. A concern for the practice of local government may lead to an interest in the cause and effect of governance networks. But it could also focus on the role of professionals, central government regulation and incentives, the role of unions, etc. A concern for governance networks is compatible with numerous research questions and numerous perspectives, e.g. in relation to policy processes and impacts, democratic participation, accountability, party politics, etc. However, in particular the relation between what and how is open-ended and debatable from a craft perspective. Continuing the example of governance networks, should the study be a few cases in-depth analysis of the policymaking process in one or two localities, and if so, should it mainly be based on interviews, observation, or written records; should it be a broad comparative study based on surveys and other large data bases, etc. The trust of the course is that any research project can be improved by paying more attention to the additional ways and means to probe ones themes of interest. Even if you yourself are neither posing these additional questions nor making these additional analyses, awareness of the fact that they are relevant will make your own study better and more focused. Themes: In particular, we will focus on the following themes: Social science as a craft vis-à-vis history and the humanities: Thinking in units and variables Thinking in sources and data Description, interpretation and explanation Causality and causal modelling Improving research questions: the double relevance demand Drawing inference: analytical and statistical inference/generalization Correlational evidence versus sequence and process Case-studies, comparative enquiry, statistics, (quasi-)experiments 9

LITERATURE: Gary King et al. (1994 or later editions), Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research, Princeton UP. Henry E. Brady and Davis Collier, eds. Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. 2004. Ron King The Strategy of Research: Thirteen Lessons on the Elements of Social Science, San Diego, CA. 2004 (The book is available in Xerox format. It will be sent to you as an attach file). Plus a few additional articles. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: All participants produce a three to five pages description of their project. All project descriptions will be distributed to the participants. Each project description includes: A brief declaration of intent The research question/problem to be studied, and preferably propositions/hypotheses A comment on relevance of the project and the literature which the project is debating A brief account of the research design A brief discussion of the data and sources of the project And if relevant, preliminary findings A revised two pages project description is produced during the course. Course plan: The course is organised as six meetings, each time five to six hours. Half of the time we will have lectures and discussions of one or more themes. In the other half, we will discuss the participants project descriptions. Half of the meetings will take place in Odense and half in Aarhus. 10

Friday 18 January 2008 Lesson one: On Science and Social Science The triangle subject-theory-method What is science? What is social science? Tension between cultural embeddedness, individual choice, and patterns of behaviour The role of rationality Friday 25 January 2008 Lesson two: On Modeling and Proposing to the World Theory, conceptualization and variable specification From research problem to propositions From general relationships to specified hypotheses Causation and causal hypotheses Complex causation and the theory of controls Cross-sectional v. cross-time modeling: problems of time Friday 1 February 2008 Lesson three: On Data and Its Dangers The selection of observations (max plausible variation on independent variables) Operationalization (indicators, scales, counting or not) Data sources (problems of obtrusiveness, bias and incomplete perspectives) Friday 8 February 2008 Lesson four: On Testing and Drawing Inference Description and pattern-finding (central tendencies and variance) Inference and generalization ( significance, the null hypothesis) Statistical v. analytical generalization Different tests: experiments, quasi-experiments, matched comparison, case studies Matched comparison: maximize leverage over data, rigor of inference 11

Monday 25 February 2008 Lesson five: Work Shop Revised project descriptions: Subject, Theory, Method Choices and justification Theory, propositions, data and operationalization, testing and logic of inference Presentation, comments and discussion Friday 29 February 2008 Lesson six: What is the Good of Social Science? Heuristics and knowledge production in the social science perspective Practice: Does anyone actually do it? Normative concerns? Alternative research strategies and perspectives The teachers (or a guest teacher) present one of their own research projects and the choices and challenges they have addressed. Language: The course will be held in English unless all participants are fluent in one of the Scandinavian languages. In that case we will speak Danish. Grading: All participants are graded passed or not passed. The evaluation is based on active participation in the course and the presentation of their project. Further information: Thomas Pallesen tel. 8942 1314. Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard tel. 6550 4305 For registration apply directly to Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus. Deadline for application is Monday 7 January 2008. For further information please contact Anne-Grethe Gammelgaard, tlf. 8942 1329. 12

TILMELDING Jeg ønsker at tilmelde mig KURSUS 1: Kvantitative metoder: Datakilder og analyse v. Peter Bjerre Mortensen og Lise Togeby Kursustidspunkter: 7 onsdage fra kl. 10.00 til 15.00 26.3. 9.4. 16.4. 23.4. 7.5. 14.5. 21.5 Sted: Aarhus Universitet, Bygning 1332, lokale SII Navn: Ansættelsessted: E-mail: Jeg ønsker at tilmelde mig KURSUS 2: Social Research as a Craft v. Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard and Thomas Pallesen Kursustidspunkter: (fem fredage fra kl. 10.00 til 15.00 og en mandag) Undervisningen finder sted på hhv. Aarhus og Syddansk Universitet 18.1. 1.2. 25.2 (obs. mandag) Sted: Aarhus Universitet, Bygning 1323, lokale 130 25.1. 8.2 29.2. Sted: Syddansk Universitet, Mødelokalet på Statskundskab Navn: Ansættelsessted: E-mail: Indsendes senest 7. januar 2008 til: Anne-Grethe Gammelgaard Institut for Statskundskab Aarhus Universitet Bartholins Allé Bygning 1331 8000 Århus C 13